Log for #openttdcoop on 8th September 2016:
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00:50:16  *** Mazur has quit IRC
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02:53:44  <BiG_DOOD> yoyo
02:53:46  <BiG_DOOD> @roulette
02:53:49  <BiG_DOOD> @webster
02:53:52  <BiG_DOOD> @8ball
02:53:52  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: Naturally.
02:54:18  <BiG_DOOD> @8ball Roulette coming back soon ?
02:54:18  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: One would be wise to think so.
02:54:18  *** Mazur has quit IRC
02:55:01  <Clockworker> @8ball do I have PROBLEMS
02:55:01  <Webster> Clockworker: Naturally.
02:55:16  <BiG_DOOD> ha
02:55:25  <BiG_DOOD> too much WOT
02:55:25  <Clockworker> PUT ME IN COACH
02:55:31  <Clockworker> I'M READY TO PLAY
02:55:34  <BiG_DOOD> TODAY
02:56:12  <BiG_DOOD> was listing to clapton
02:56:37  <Clockworker> clapton is alright
02:58:10  <BiG_DOOD> CCR just makes me laugh b/c its the same chords over and over :D
02:58:56  <Clockworker> hahaha
02:59:01  <Clockworker> simple musac
02:59:09  <Clockworker> really enjoyable regardless
02:59:10  <BiG_DOOD> for simple minds :D
02:59:16  <BiG_DOOD> listing to out my back door right now xD
02:59:20  <BiG_DOOD> where V's shite goes
02:59:34  <Clockworker> it goes out YOUR back door?
02:59:37  <Clockworker> that's lewd
02:59:43  <BiG_DOOD> sue
02:59:53  <BiG_DOOD> @commands
02:59:53  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: 2tt, 3tt, 8ball, abr02, abr03, abr04, abr05, abr06, abr07, abr08, abr09, abr10, abr11, abr12, add, afternoon, alert, announce, announce add, announce list, announce remove, any, aol, ap+, apply, apropos, archive, ask, at, author, autoreplace, away, azn, backuphelp, ban add, ban list, ban remove, base, beer, beertime, binary, blog, bold, botsnack, brain, bugs, cache, calc, capabilities, (8 more messages)
02:59:56  <BiG_DOOD> @command
03:00:04  <BiG_DOOD> more
03:00:06  <BiG_DOOD> @more
03:00:06  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: capability add, capability list, capability remove, capability set, capability setdefault, capability unset, capitalize, change, changename, channel, channels, channelstats, ci, clcalc, cmd, coin, color, colorize, commands, concat, config, contributors, convert, coopstats, cooptwitter, cpu, crypt, ctime, cut, cyborg, cycle, dance, default, defaultcapability, defaultplugin, dehalfop, delete, (7 more messages)
03:00:08  <BiG_DOOD> @more
03:00:08  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: deop, depots, devactivity, devoice, devzone, dice, dict, dictionaries, disable, dm, dns, do, doctype, donotreadme, down, dropbox, dts, dznews, dzsearch, echo, ecsvectors, eightball, elapsed, enable, errno, evening, export, failsafe, fetch, field, fight, fincher, fingerprints, fish, fit, flush, follow, followers, following, format, fortune, fs, fullhelp, gap, gaps, get, ghost, glossary, gnu, (6 more messages)
03:00:09  <BiG_DOOD> @more
03:00:09  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: google, grf, h2h, halfop, headers, hebrew, hello, help, hexip, hexlify, hey, hi, hostmask, hostmask add, hostmask list, hostmask remove, hugs, icalc, identify, ignore, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, info, insert, invite, irc, ircquote, jeffk, join, kban, kbanme, key, kick, kickme, kill, last, leet, limit, list, lithp, lmgtfy, load, lobotomy add, lobotomy list, lobotomy remove, lock, (5 more messages)
03:00:12  <BiG_DOOD> @more
03:00:12  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: log, logs, lower, lucky, magcl, magclspd, makeop, man, map, maps, markspsgalias, maxrefs, merge, mode, moderate, monocl, monoclspd, monologue, more, morning, morse, msrnw, mute, nars2, net, netcraft, nick, nickometer, nicks, night, noob, notes, nsfw, obs, op, openttd, outfilter, part, password, phonebook, phpbb3search, pid, pilesave, ping, plugin, post, praise, prios, profile, progstats, (4 more messages)
03:00:15  <BiG_DOOD> @more
03:00:15  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: psgsave, pstest, public, pzg13, pzg2013, q, qdb, quickerstart, quickstart, quit, quotes, railcl, rainbow, random, rank, readme, reccargo, recclient, reclogic, records, recpop, rectrains, rectrains2, redo, register, reload, remove, rename, reorder, repeat, replace, replies, repr, restore, retweet, reverse, revision, rot13, roulette, rpn, rr, rss, rules, rvs, say, saymyname, scramble, search, (3 more messages)
03:00:19  <BiG_DOOD> @more
03:00:19  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: seconds, seen, separator, server, servicing, servtest, set, set password, set secure, setpsg, setpz, setpzg, seturl, show, shrink, shuffle, size, slowstart, source, spell, spellit, split, splits, squish, ssh, stage, stationwalk, stats, status, stripcolor, strivia, success, sucks, supa1337, swap, teamspeak, tell, thanks, threads, thx, time, timeline, timezone, title, topic, traincl, (2 more messages)
03:00:28  <BiG_DOOD> @supa1337 Clockworker
03:00:28  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: C1o<|<\/\/o|2|<3|2
03:00:34  <BiG_DOOD> @noob
03:00:34  <Webster> A noob is you BiG_DOOD
03:00:42  <BiG_DOOD> @noob Happpy
03:00:42  <Clockworker> @nsfw
03:00:42  <Webster> NSFW links/chat should go in #OffTheRadar
03:00:54  <Clockworker> lewd
03:01:03  <BiG_DOOD> don't do sucks
03:01:07  <BiG_DOOD> banhamma
03:01:45  <Clockworker> wut
03:02:11  <BiG_DOOD> _______________ @sucks
03:02:14  <BiG_DOOD> ^^
03:03:29  <BiG_DOOD> @2tt
03:03:29  <Webster> ttt: Two/Three Tile Trains, a gamestyle
03:03:34  <BiG_DOOD> @3tt
03:03:34  <Webster> ttt: Two/Three Tile Trains, a gamestyle
03:03:46  <BiG_DOOD> @abr02
03:03:47  <Webster> Advanced Building Revue 02: Splits at #openttdcoop -
03:03:56  <Clockworker> @saymyname
03:03:56  <Webster> Clockworker
03:04:22  <BiG_DOOD> @afternoon
03:04:22  <Webster> Af'noon BiG_DOOD
03:04:24  <Clockworker> @thanks
03:04:24  <Webster> Okay, but I'm a bot
03:04:30  <BiG_DOOD> haha
03:04:33  <BiG_DOOD> @dance
03:04:42  <BiG_DOOD> @alert
03:04:42  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (alert [<channel>] <text>) -- Sends <text> to all the users in <channel> who have the <channel>,op capability.
03:04:58  <BiG_DOOD> @coopstats
03:04:59  <Webster> #openttdcoop @ OFTC stats by Webster -
03:05:10  <Clockworker> @fish
03:05:10  <Webster> I landed a KenjiE20 that was this big |<---------->|
03:05:15  <BiG_DOOD> @depots
03:05:16  <Webster> Train Servicing and Autoreplace at #openttdcoop -
03:05:19  <BiG_DOOD> ha
03:05:20  <BiG_DOOD> @fish
03:05:20  <Webster> I landed a efess that was this big |<---------->|
03:05:27  <BiG_DOOD> gotta love that highlighting
03:05:33  <Clockworker> @fish
03:05:33  <Webster> I landed a Sylf that was this big |<---------->|
03:05:34  <BiG_DOOD> they'll throw a fit :D
03:05:37  <Clockworker> heh
03:05:40  <BiG_DOOD> @fish
03:05:40  <Webster> I landed a Davcom that was this big |<---------->|
03:05:48  <BiG_DOOD> shame the size doesnt change
03:05:52  <Clockworker> yeah
03:06:05  <BiG_DOOD> @success
03:06:05  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: The operation succeeded.
03:06:15  <BiG_DOOD> where are my legs? xD
03:06:16  <Clockworker> @shrink
03:06:16  <Webster> Clockworker: (shrink <text>) -- Returns <text> with each word longer than supybot.plugins.Filter.shrink.minimum being shrunken (i.e., like "internationalization" becomes "i18n").
03:06:41  <Clockworker> @shrink clockworker
03:06:41  <Webster> Clockworker: c9r
03:06:50  <BiG_DOOD> @shrink antidisestablishmentarianism
03:06:50  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: a26m
03:06:55  <Clockworker> sniner
03:07:10  <BiG_DOOD> ah ya
03:07:14  <BiG_DOOD> @timeline
03:07:32  <BiG_DOOD> @lucky
03:07:32  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (lucky <search>) -- Does a google search, but only returns the first result.
03:07:38  <BiG_DOOD> @lucky Donald Trump
03:07:56  <BiG_DOOD> @lucky Hillary Clinton
03:08:07  <BiG_DOOD> @quotes
03:08:14  <Webster> #openttdcoop quotes: latest quotes -
03:08:19  <Clockworker> @lucky nekane
03:08:28  <BiG_DOOD> what's a nekane?
03:08:33  <Clockworker> google it
03:09:04  <BiG_DOOD> I got Nekane Nebraska
03:09:30  <Clockworker> no not quite
03:09:38  <Clockworker> try nekane sweet
03:09:56  <BiG_DOOD> lol :D
03:10:02  <BiG_DOOD> @jeffK
03:10:02  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (jeffk <text>) -- Returns <text> as if JeffK had said it himself.
03:10:12  <BiG_DOOD> @jeffK try nekane sweet
03:10:12  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: TRY NEKANE SWEET
03:10:28  <BiG_DOOD> @fortune
03:10:36  <BiG_DOOD> @fortune BiG_MEECH
03:10:44  <BiG_DOOD> @h2h
03:10:53  <BiG_DOOD> @hebrew
03:10:53  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (hebrew <text>) -- Removes all the vowels from <text>. (If you're curious why this is named 'hebrew' it's because I (jemfinch) thought of it in Hebrew class, and printed Hebrew often elides the vowels.)
03:11:05  <BiG_DOOD> @hebrew Clockworker
03:11:05  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: Clckwrkr
03:11:24  <BiG_DOOD> @monocl
03:11:24  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (monocl <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo CL[math calc floor((-sqrt(231-min(231, /1.5))+13)* (10**3))/(10.0**3)] required for monorail at speed km/h (or TL if it's shorter)".
03:11:25  <Clockworker>
03:11:32  <Clockworker> hello it's me
03:11:45  <Clockworker> i thought about us for a long long time
03:12:54  <BiG_DOOD> @flush
03:13:04  <BiG_DOOD> @cyborg
03:13:36  <BiG_DOOD> @donotreadme
03:13:37  <Webster> User:KenjiE20/Webster - #openttdcoop wiki -
03:13:58  <Clockworker> @donotreadme
03:13:58  <Webster> User:KenjiE20/Webster - #openttdcoop wiki -
03:14:10  <BiG_DOOD> dont read it
03:14:20  <Clockworker> too late
03:14:46  <Clockworker> @coin
03:14:46  <Webster> Clockworker: tails
03:15:09  <Clockworker> !qdb
03:15:11  <Clockworker> ops
03:15:13  <Clockworker> @qdb
03:15:13  <Webster> #openttdcoop quotes: latest quotes -
03:15:38  <Clockworker> 3 years without quotes
03:15:39  <Clockworker> RIP
03:16:19  <Clockworker> @monologue
03:16:19  <Webster> Clockworker: Your current monologue is at least 8 lines long.
03:24:48  <BiG_DOOD> @cin
03:24:52  <BiG_DOOD> @coin
03:24:52  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: tails
03:25:03  <BiG_DOOD> @devactivity
03:25:04  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: World Airliners Set - Revision 3242:311f1dea34dd: Add: Egypt ASir & Oman Air A330-300 <> || World Airliners Set - Revision 3241:8f6dd31af3d2: Add: A330-200 paints <> || 2cc Trams - Revision 132:d0930f944490: Update: (5 more messages)
03:25:21  <BiG_DOOD> @errno
03:25:21  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (errno <error number or code>) -- Returns the number of an errno code, or the errno code of a number.
03:25:36  <BiG_DOOD> @evening
03:25:36  <Webster> Evening BiG_DOOD
03:25:45  <BiG_DOOD> @evening Clockworker
03:25:45  <Webster> Evening BiG_DOOD
03:26:22  <BiG_DOOD> @rank
03:26:28  <BiG_DOOD> @readme
03:26:29  <Webster> User:KenjiE20/Webster - #openttdcoop wiki -
03:26:37  <BiG_DOOD> @reccartgo
03:26:40  <BiG_DOOD> @reccargo
03:26:40  <Webster> 204,614 (PZG#2013)
03:26:52  <BiG_DOOD> @recclient
03:26:52  <Webster> 26
03:26:59  <BiG_DOOD> @records
03:27:00  <Webster> #openttdcoop Records: Clients: 26 | Trains: 2666 (PSG#219) - 3000 (PZG#21) - ( 5000 (PZG#2013) logic net) | Single cargo type output: 204,614 (PZG#2013) | World Pop: 6,150,671 (PSG#201) | PublicServer:Archive - Hall of Fame - #openttdcoop wiki -
03:27:35  <BiG_DOOD> @night
03:27:35  <Webster> g'night BiG_DOOD
03:28:18  <BiG_DOOD> @leet
03:28:18  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (leet <text>) -- Returns the l33tspeak version of <text>
03:28:30  <BiG_DOOD> @leet Clockworker is a jerk
03:28:30  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: C10ckw0rk3r !z 4 j3rk
03:29:52  <Clockworker> @leet mechanical pencil lead down my penis
03:29:52  <Webster> Clockworker: m3ch4n!c41 p3nc!1 134d d0wn my p3n!z
03:31:26  <BiG_DOOD> push the top button
03:31:38  <Clockworker> click click
03:31:49  <BiG_DOOD> more
03:31:54  <BiG_DOOD> pull it out and use a drill bit
03:32:21  <BiG_DOOD> drill bit that is turning on the end of a drill
03:33:38  <Clockworker> brrrrrt
03:34:00  <BiG_DOOD> @beer
03:34:00  <Webster> The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems
03:34:09  <BiG_DOOD> @beertime
03:34:09  <Webster> *Chug*Chug*Chug*
03:34:31  <BiG_DOOD> @cpu
03:34:31  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: I have taken 596.01 seconds of user time and 23.28 seconds of system time, for a total of 619.29 seconds of CPU time. My children have taken 0.00 seconds of user time and 0.00 seconds of system time for a total of 0.00 seconds of CPU time. I'm taking up 52656 kB of memory.
03:34:52  <BiG_DOOD> @spell
03:34:52  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (spell <word>) -- Returns the result of passing <word> to aspell/ispell. The results shown are sorted from best to worst in terms of being a likely match for the spelling of <word>.
03:34:59  <BiG_DOOD> @spell CLOCKWORKER
03:35:13  <BiG_DOOD> oh dockworker
03:36:54  <Clockworker> hahaha
03:37:21  <Clockworker> a shot and a beer, dolores
03:37:32  <BiG_DOOD> @server'
03:37:45  <BiG_DOOD> @server
03:37:45  <Webster> BiG_DOOD:
03:37:54  <BiG_DOOD> @thanks
03:37:54  <Webster> Okay, but I'm a bot
03:38:03  <BiG_DOOD> @scramble
03:38:03  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (scramble <text>) -- Replies with a string where each word is scrambled; i.e., each internal letter (that is, all letters but the first and last) are shuffled.
03:38:11  <BiG_DOOD> @scramble Clockworker
03:38:11  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: Colekcwrokr
03:40:44  <BiG_DOOD> @rot13
03:40:44  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (rot13 <text>) -- Rotates <text> 13 characters to the right in the alphabet. Rot13 is commonly used for text that simply needs to be hidden from inadvertent reading by roaming eyes, since it's easily reversible.
03:41:09  <BiG_DOOD> @rot13 clockworker
03:41:09  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: pybpxjbexre
03:41:24  <BiG_DOOD> @rot13 pybpxjbexre
03:41:24  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: clockworker
03:41:38  <BiG_DOOD> @markspsgalias
03:41:59  <BiG_DOOD> @Q
03:42:00  <Webster> #openttdcoop quotes: latest quotes -
03:42:07  <BiG_DOOD> @nicks
03:50:18  <Clockworker> haha
03:51:41  <BiG_DOOD> ? :)
03:52:02  <Clockworker> you got really excited with the commands
03:52:10  <BiG_DOOD> I lvoe commands :D
03:52:19  <BiG_DOOD> @rvs
03:52:19  <Webster> rv: Road Vehicles
03:53:50  <BiG_DOOD> should spam the room with commands all the time
03:53:57  <BiG_DOOD> @magclspd
03:53:57  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: (magclspd <an alias, 1 argument>) -- Alias for "echo Maglev speed with CL of  is; [math calc (231 - pow((13-), 2))*2]km/h or [math calc ((231 - pow((13-), 2))*2)* 10 / 16]mph".
04:00:02  <Clockworker> @cyborg
04:00:19  <Clockworker> @cyborg
04:00:25  <Clockworker> sucks
04:04:23  <BiG_DOOD> ha
04:04:26  <BiG_DOOD> you forgot the @
04:04:39  <Clockworker> haha no I didn't
04:07:15  <BiG_DOOD> :o
04:08:00  <BiG_DOOD> @T800
04:15:44  <Clockworker>
04:16:10  <BiG_DOOD>
04:16:30  <Clockworker> fun song
04:17:05  <BiG_DOOD> yup
04:17:27  <BiG_DOOD> @leet Now you're messing with a son of a bitch
04:17:27  <Webster> BiG_DOOD: N0w j00'r3 m355!ng w!+h 4 50n 0f 4 b!+ch
04:17:48  <Clockworker> @leet nazareth
04:17:48  <Webster> Clockworker: n4z4r3+h
04:17:55  <BiG_DOOD> heh
04:22:24  <BiG_DOOD> Guess Who - These Eyes
04:26:07  <Clockworker> great song
04:26:16  <Clockworker> I'm a sucker for '70s soft romantic rock and similar
04:37:46  <BiG_DOOD> Nice
04:39:03  <Clockworker> listening to starship's spitfire now
04:39:07  <BiG_DOOD> John Denver - Sunshine On My Shoulder
04:39:08  <Clockworker> bretty gud
04:39:12  <Clockworker> also gud
04:40:18  <BiG_DOOD> Ozark Mountain Daredevils - Jackie Blue
04:40:27  <BiG_DOOD> 10cc I'm not in love
04:40:31  <BiG_DOOD> I could go on for days :D
04:40:43  <BiG_DOOD> Joe Cocker - you are so beautiful
04:46:02  <Clockworker> hahaha
04:46:26  <Clockworker> chicago - if you leave me now
04:48:57  <BiG_DOOD> I am :D
04:49:00  <BiG_DOOD> off to bed :D
04:49:20  <BiG_DOOD> later :D
04:51:08  <Clockworker> haha
04:51:09  <Clockworker> bye
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09:09:20  <V453000> MF
09:16:07  <happpy> yep
09:16:54  <happpy> whonts up the irc   ther lots ov players leve at the same time
09:17:18  <happpy> how things  v
09:18:31  <V453000> gutes
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