Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 29th November 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:37:43  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
01:48:53  *** KenjiE20|LT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
01:49:18  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
02:11:47  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: Redmine - Revision 2947: Adds dynamic columns selection on the issue list (#4272). @ (by jplang)
02:11:47  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: Redmine - Revision 2948: Adds 2 buttons to easily reorder selected columns (#4272). @ (by jplang)
02:11:47  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: Redmine - Revision 2949: Adds an action to SysController to fetch changesets of one or all projec... @ (by jplang)
02:33:41  <Brot6> Backup done! (Usage: 106M)
02:58:47  *** Peter_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
02:59:23  *** PeterT has quit IRC
02:59:27  *** Peter_ is now known as PeterT
03:04:05  *** welshdragon has quit IRC
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03:55:52  *** KenjiE20|LT has quit IRC
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08:42:48  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
09:41:52  *** Mark_ has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
09:42:36  *** Mark_ is now known as Mark
09:43:55  *** LordAzamath has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
10:14:43  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Bug #657 (New): Enable company colours for sweets factory @ (by planetmaker)
10:19:44  *** welshdragon has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
10:53:04  *** LordAzamath has quit IRC
11:05:33  *** LordAzamath has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
11:58:06  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
12:58:19  *** LordAzamath has quit IRC
13:06:45  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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14:35:25  *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
15:14:02  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
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16:55:47  *** LordAzamath has quit IRC
17:18:02  <Brot6> 2cctrainset: nightly compile not needed. (r381)
17:18:02  <Brot6> bros: nightly compile not needed. (r10)
17:18:02  <Brot6> comic_houses: nightly compile not needed. (r62)
17:18:03  <Brot6> firs: nightly compile not needed. (r366)
17:18:03  <Brot6> fish: nightly compile not needed. (r195)
17:18:03  <Brot6> heqs: nightly compile not needed. (r169)
17:18:04  <Brot6> nmts: nightly compile not needed. (r15)
17:18:06  <Brot6> opengfx: nightly compile not needed. (r229)
17:18:08  <Brot6> opensfx: nightly compile not needed. (r49)
17:18:10  <Brot6> worldairlineset: nightly compile not needed. (r584)
19:56:54  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Revision 230: Change [Makefile]: Add the temporary dependency file to the ignored files... @ (by planetmaker)
19:56:55  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Revision 231: Cleanup [Makefile]: Show the path to unix2dos the same way during test as... @ (by planetmaker)
20:09:07  <Ammler> planetmaker: you should wonder about the "M" here not on the forums ;-)
20:10:00  <Ammler> ottdc@dev:~/hg-repos/opengfx> hg st
20:10:02  <Ammler> ?
20:10:26  <planetmaker> .dep ;-)
20:10:33  <Ammler> xes
20:10:49  <planetmaker> yes, I should wonder here. But I wonder no one noticed so far. It's this way since r211, so about a month
20:10:59  <Ammler> :-D
20:11:04  <Ammler> yeah, me too
20:11:15  <Ammler> but it might be more than a month ago I played openttd
20:14:52  <planetmaker> fixed
20:16:36  <Ammler> supi pm
20:16:42  <Ammler> I thought, you don't have time?
20:16:52  <planetmaker> yes :-P
20:16:58  <Ammler> :-D
20:18:34  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Revision 232: Revert (r211) [Makefile]: single and double quotation marks are not synon... @ (by planetmaker)
20:34:25  <Ammler> planetmaker: why do you quote the path on hg st?
20:43:24  <planetmaker> Dunno anymore. But there was a reason.
20:44:04  <planetmaker> at least I *think* so ;-)
20:44:23  <KenjiE20> was it 'why not?' :P
20:44:43  <planetmaker> haha :-) Probably.
20:52:26  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
21:12:28  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: Avignon - Revision 559: -Change: Restructured the scheduler. Periodic functions are now in namesp... @ (by Osai)
21:34:16  *** Mark has quit IRC
21:45:21  <planetmaker> :-O
21:45:44  <planetmaker> There are sprites in trgir which are not black! The newspaper...
22:12:02  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: Avignon - Revision 560: -Change: Commands executed from console or irc are processed through the ... @ (by Osai)
22:46:43  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
23:04:11  <Brot6> opengfx: Backup push to ssh:// initiated.
23:15:20  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
23:19:12  <Brot6> ::DevZone:: OpenGFX - Bug #658 (Confirmed): no company colour for building @ (by planetmaker)
23:32:51  *** PeterT has quit IRC
23:36:39  *** ODM has quit IRC
23:42:34  *** PeterT has joined #openttdcoop.devzone

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