Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 20th June 2010:
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03:45:50  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3796: Fix nil method error when no issue params are submitted. #5123 (edavis10) @
03:45:50  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3797: Added two hooks to the issues report. #5233 (edavis10) @
03:49:19  *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
05:14:58  *** Seberoth has quit IRC
05:15:05  *** Seberoth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
06:58:32  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #1027 (New): Primary industry closing is conceptually flawed (andythenorth) @
07:42:47  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
08:31:51  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 1010:e130e8269645: Change: primary industry closure was ... (andythenorth) @
10:18:12  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
12:44:43  *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
13:11:30  <Alberth> wooo, what a lot of changes in nml
13:12:04  <PeterT> yeah, good job guys :)
13:19:10  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 417:d37291feb10d: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:19:10  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 418:94aeebdb7c98: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:22:51  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 419:1e3c868d8b82: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:51:24  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Feature #983: changes to handling expressions (yexo) @
13:58:00  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 420:0ad620ffb7d9: Codechange: glpyhs -> glyphs (yexo) @
13:58:00  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 421:3e2136664419: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:58:00  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 422:14a86c444a72: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:58:01  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 423:2306395e44d2: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:58:05  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 424:fe92e7b531f4: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:58:11  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 425:55ef9682de19: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:58:15  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 426:36cf58edfe3f: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
13:58:19  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 427:0ab5a17d3948: Change: add position parameter to check_range (yexo) @
13:58:23  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 428:47839d432501: Change: add position information to ScriptError... (yexo) @
14:04:40  <Rubidium> why do I get the feeling there is truncating in those messages?
14:06:10  <planetmaker> :-)
14:15:09  <Yexo> I just like to repeat the same commit message 10 times ;p
14:57:18  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Feature #968 (Closed): Add a way to check some global variables, like ttdp... (yexo) @
15:13:28  <DJNekkid> hi from greece :)
15:15:06  <planetmaker> hi from Germany
15:19:43  <DJNekkid> hehe...
15:19:52  <DJNekkid> vnc via java is nice >D
15:20:14  <DJNekkid> :)
15:33:37  <DJNekkid> anyway, back to the sun and cheap beer now :)
16:07:01  <SmatZ> beer <3
16:08:52  <planetmaker> beer!
16:12:20  <SmatZ> beer! :)
16:12:33  <SmatZ> I had some beer in the fridge :)
16:12:41  <SmatZ> netherlander beer
16:12:48  <SmatZ> I wonder whose it was
16:13:29  <Alberth> yexo afaik
16:13:55  <Yexo> was it hertogjan? then yes
16:14:08  <SmatZ> thanks, Yexo :)
16:14:15  <SmatZ> I hope you had some of mine :-/
16:14:27  <SmatZ> good you had fine travel
16:14:30  <SmatZ> at night...
16:14:44  <Yexo> I was half-asleep most of the time in the car
16:14:49  <planetmaker> :-)
16:14:53  <Yexo> it's not that bad if you don't have to drive yourself
16:14:59  <SmatZ> well, you weren't driving, so you could be full-asleep ;)
16:15:03  <SmatZ> :)
16:15:05  <planetmaker> ^
16:15:07  <planetmaker> :-)
16:15:12  <SmatZ> I am really happy to meet you all!
16:15:48  * Alberth is also happy about meeting the real people behind all those names
16:16:04  <Yexo> ^^ that indeed, and it was fun yesterday
16:16:18  <SmatZ> yeah :)
16:16:32  <planetmaker> oh yes, it was :-)
16:16:42  <SmatZ> 1 night was quite short :)
16:16:53  <planetmaker> :-D
16:17:08  <planetmaker> 4->8 or so?
16:17:37  <SmatZ> maybe 2 or 3 nights would be fine :)
16:17:47  <planetmaker> let's make an OpenTTD extended weekend next time
16:17:53  <SmatZ> but well, I am not very talkative person
16:17:57  <planetmaker> rent a small holiday village
16:17:59  <SmatZ> I don't know what to talk about :-p
16:18:00  <planetmaker> *house
16:18:01  <SmatZ> :D
16:18:02  <planetmaker> not village
16:18:07  <SmatZ> :)
16:18:25  <Alberth> planetmaker: unless you expect a lot of people :p
16:18:32  <planetmaker> :-P
16:18:48  <Brot6> firs: update from r1009 to r1010 done -
16:19:28  <Brot6> nml: update from r416 to r428 done -
16:19:35  <Brot6> Following repos didn't need a nightlies update: 2cctrainset (r557), 32bpp-extra (r36), airportsplus (r50), bros (r12), comic-houses (r70), fish (r375), heqs (r320), newgrf-makefile (ERROR r100), newgrf_makefile (ERROR r100), nmts (r16), nutracks (r69), ogfxplus (r29), opengfx (r460), openmsx (r57), opensfx (r94), snowlinemod (r12), swedishrails (r57), worldairlinersset (r643)
16:21:54  <Alberth> SmatZ: good point, the question is a bit what to do about it.
16:22:01  <Alberth> I would not know at this time.
16:22:36  <Alberth> (I think it holds more generally than just you)
16:26:29  <SmatZ> maybe it's generally a problem of people "touched with computers"
16:41:08  <Alberth> Yexo: original lz77 code is equally unreadable with all those single letter variables?
16:41:49  <Yexo> yes, sorry
16:43:12  <Alberth> no need to be sorry, I was not blaming you in any way
16:43:38  <Alberth> (or at least not intentionally)
16:44:24  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3798: Fix for Ruby 1.9 strings. (edavis10) @
16:44:24  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3799: Add some assertions on the default data loading test to debug a Ruby 1.9... (edavis10) @
16:44:24  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3800: Support listing directories in svn which include square brackets. #5548 (edavis10) @
16:44:25  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3801: Truncate incoming email subject lines to 255 characters. #5698 (edavis10) @
16:44:29  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3802: Add a link to the cross project time entries page to /projects. #4935 (edavis10) @
16:55:56  <Alberth> wikipedia has a nice description of the algorithm about needles and haystacks, that sounds like more useful names :)
17:07:10  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 429:cbdea1c95df2: Fix: Constants describing state of level crossi... (planetmaker) @
17:41:20  *** Seberoth has quit IRC
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17:47:30  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Bug #1027: Primary industry closing is conceptually flawed (andythenorth) @
17:59:09  <Yexo> planetmaker: date(param[0], 1, 1) works now, month and day must be exactly 1 if the year is not constant
17:59:29  <planetmaker> :-O
18:00:21  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 430:995f59436155: Feature: non-constant year in date() is now all... (yexo) @
18:00:35  <Yexo> other constant month/day values are not hard to add, but non-const month values are hard
18:01:12  <planetmaker> ok, I guess mostly the year is interesting
18:01:15  <Yexo> only way I can think of is by doing something like (month == 1 ? 31 : (month == 2 ? 59 : (month == 3 ? 90 : ....
18:01:23  <planetmaker> though I'm sure it'll come up again :-)
18:01:47  <planetmaker> ups... sounds like a rather lengthy way :-)
18:02:14  <planetmaker> but shouldn't numbers be shifted by one month?
18:02:30  <Yexo> january = 1
18:02:33  <planetmaker> (month == 1 ? 0 : (month == 2? 31 : ...)
18:02:41  <Yexo> oh, yes :)
18:02:42  <planetmaker> as the days are then added, too
18:06:28  <planetmaker> hm... no need to align sprites which will be replaced in a few days anyway, I guess...
18:18:02  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #298 (Closed): parameters (old) (andythenorth) @
18:19:28  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #1028 (New): Parameters (new) (andythenorth) @
18:23:57  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #1028 (New): Parameters (new) (andythenorth) @
18:35:15  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Feature #1028 (New): Parameters (new) (andythenorth) @
18:40:02  *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
18:44:51  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3803: Optimize the N+1 query in watcher_recipients. #5415 (edavis10) @
18:46:07  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 431:31e995ff5f71: Fix: plural of aircraft is aircraft (yexo) @
18:52:44  <Brot6> OpenGFX+ - Revision 30:1d7b069d1d7a: Change: Plural of aircraft is aircraft. NML knows that, too (planetmaker) @
18:56:06  <planetmaker> he, I think I did that typo as an honest mistake :-) Now OpenGFX+ sounds like I'm totally innocent :-P
18:57:42  <Alberth> you still get balmed for that line :p
18:57:46  <Alberth> *blamed
18:58:38  <planetmaker> I know :-)
19:02:05  <Alberth> to make the confusion complete, I should rollback that change, then re-apply, pointing to openGFX+   :)
19:02:21  <planetmaker> :-D
19:23:34  <planetmaker> Yexo: have you added var 0x43 already to NML?
19:23:44  <Yexo> not yet
19:23:50  <planetmaker> then don't bother ;-)
19:23:55  <Yexo> ok :)
19:31:19  <Alberth> what's a nice lz77 test nml file?
19:31:28  <Alberth> or project
19:32:38  <planetmaker> Alberth: you're looking for much to encode?
19:32:42  <planetmaker> Take swedishrails
19:32:52  <planetmaker> It takes 2 minutes on my 2GHz core2duo to encode
19:32:59  <planetmaker> with -j4
19:33:22  <Alberth> loooong :)
19:33:24  <Alberth> thanks
19:33:30  <planetmaker> you're welcome
19:35:07  <planetmaker> but then: the number of NML newgrfs is... limited.
19:36:49  <Alberth> no it is the encoding speed I want to test, so this should be fine
19:37:02  <planetmaker> :-)
19:44:18  <planetmaker> when using on swedishrails
19:44:20  <planetmaker> any ideas?
19:44:57  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3804: Exclude fields_for in the TabularFormBuilder, it has a different method (edavis10) @
19:44:57  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3805: Handle unsuccessful destroys in TimelogController. #5700 (edavis10) @
19:45:38  <Yexo> planetmaker: I'll take a look (lines starting with "#
19:45:38  <Yexo> NML: An internal error has occurred:" are _always_ bad, whatever you throw at it)
19:46:53  <planetmaker> they're like unhandled assertions?
19:48:23  <Yexo> not just "like", they are unhandled exceptions (assertions are part of it)
19:48:44  <Alberth> planetmaker: -j4 does not do much, does it?
19:49:07  <Yexo> <planetmaker> then don't bother ;-) <- does that mean you've already added it or are planning to add it?
19:49:26  <planetmaker> it means I just pushed it
19:49:34  <planetmaker> Alberth: nope, no real effect
19:50:10  <Yexo> planetmaker: can you do another commit to fix 'size'? it should be 32
19:50:18  <Yexo> it's the size (in bits) of the variable
19:50:29  <planetmaker> I just wanted to test it before... and then "toyed" with the assertion. Sure. Will do
19:50:35  <Yexo> and "build_date" would be a better name I think
19:50:50  <planetmaker> days_since_0 is consistent with feat. 0-3
19:50:59  <planetmaker> but I do agree
19:51:22  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 432:1ef327be782d: Add: Railtypes var43 (depot build date, since O... (planetmaker) @
19:51:24  <planetmaker> can we actually have synonymous strings for these things?
19:51:38  <Yexo> features 0-3 don't have "days_since_0"
19:52:01  <Yexo> days_since_0 is a global action2 variable so it conflicts anyway
19:52:13  <planetmaker> yes, my bad :-(
19:52:59  <Yexo> but yes, a vehicle variable can have the same name as a railtype variable
19:53:25  <Yexo> see terrain_type for railtypes/airporttiles for example
19:54:23  <planetmaker> yeah... I somehow had obviously a strange look... I thought to have found days_since_0 in vehicles.
19:55:24  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 433:031b4a6f1f83: Fix (r432): Better name and proper size for dep... (planetmaker) @
19:59:38  <planetmaker> Yexo: it's related to the use of param
19:59:48  <planetmaker> without the param there it's fine
19:59:58  <Yexo> yes, I already found the bug
20:00:02  <Yexo> or rather, part of it
20:00:07  <planetmaker> :-)
20:06:25  <Alberth> can I commit 2 fixes now?
20:06:57  <Yexo> yes
20:10:05  <Alberth> donew
20:10:08  <Alberth> -w
20:11:02  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 434:97df54a46005: Fix: Instance variable name was wrong. (Alberth) @
20:11:02  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 435:6af05f35716a: Fix: Remove old function run() when creating a ... (Alberth) @
20:29:19  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 436:eef69e510730: Fix: usage of a similar (but different) variable (yexo) @
20:36:22  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 437:42927bd977d4: Codechange: Remove unused variable. (Alberth) @
20:37:05  <Alberth> that's about 1% gain :)
20:37:50  <Alberth> good night
20:38:27  <Yexo> gn Alberth
20:39:12  <Alberth> it looks like there is bigger fish there, but it got away on the first try :)
20:39:17  *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.devzone
20:42:28  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 438:74da298c543e: Fix: usage of a similar (but different) variabl... (yexo) @
20:44:34  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3806: Typecast issue ids when searched for. (edavis10) @
21:21:37  *** frosch123 has quit IRC
21:31:40  *** ODM has quit IRC
21:44:23  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3807: Change User#login to be case-insensitive. #2473 (edavis10) @
21:44:23  <Brot6> Redmine - Revision 3808: Refactor and documentation for User#find_by_login. (edavis10) @

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