Log for #openttdcoop.devzone on 17th April 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:09:54  *** LordAro has quit IRC
01:37:45  *** supermop has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
04:34:30  <Brot6> Bundles Update: g4de9a5a4 2011-04-17 cargodist   (
05:45:26  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
05:52:37  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
06:15:55  *** ODM has quit IRC
06:22:05  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
06:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
06:22:55  *** supermop has quit IRC
06:36:27  <Brot6> CHIPS Station Set - Feature Request #2445 (Closed): Define separate station class for tiles (andythenorth) @
06:38:25  <Brot6> HEQS "Heavy Equipment" Set - Bug #2470 (Closed): DevZone compile failed (andythenorth) @
06:42:57  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
06:48:36  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
06:57:24  *** ODM has quit IRC
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07:08:43  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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07:11:41  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
07:18:56  *** ODM has quit IRC
07:22:04  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
07:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
07:34:21  <andythenorth> planetmaker: nothing wrong with foundations under wind turbines
07:34:23  <andythenorth> completely reasonable
07:37:15  <planetmaker> really? Well, it's, as said, easily done. I found it very weired.
07:37:44  <planetmaker> I never saw a wind turbine on foundations that big
07:38:10  <planetmaker> but then... why should I care indeed.... if I don't want it, I should not build on slopes ;-)
07:44:08  <planetmaker> so... let's see
07:48:11  <andythenorth> you could do custom foundations...
07:48:31  <planetmaker> hm... I got foundations from IRWE...
07:48:38  <planetmaker> *Irwe
07:48:51  <andythenorth> ;)
07:49:11  <andythenorth> incidentally both me and DanMacK seem to have got into a spriting rut :o
07:49:19  <andythenorth> we're neither of us very inspired right now
07:49:50  <andythenorth> this is not ideal as we have committed to a lot of projects :P
07:50:36  <planetmaker> he
07:50:45  <andythenorth> not sure what to do about it
07:50:55  <andythenorth> going to the aquarium to see fishes ;)
07:51:07  <planetmaker> I didn't yet notice that you were tired of drawing sprites :-)
07:51:12  <planetmaker> So you hid it well so far
07:51:49  <andythenorth> in Dan's case he probably just needs a break
07:52:04  <andythenorth> in my case...I'm running into limitations of nfo spec and a few other things
07:54:29  <planetmaker> a good time to draw the replacement for a few default industries or more snow-awareness
07:54:54  <planetmaker> or the different eras of industries ;-)
07:57:25  <andythenorth> indeed
07:58:04  <planetmaker> different eras of industries could - at least for now - easily depend upon build date
07:58:07  <andythenorth> I realised yesterday that snow particularly is going to impose a lot of savegame breakage
07:58:16  <planetmaker> why?
07:58:31  <andythenorth> the way sprites have been sliced is often not suitable for adding snow to ground
07:58:42  <andythenorth> and also same for providing gardens etc on tiles
07:58:44  <planetmaker> hm... opengfx+Landscape fails with unknown property 18 of feature 08 :-(
07:59:07  <planetmaker> he. Seems like a good idea to change that prior to 0.7 then
07:59:26  <andythenorth> it's a big task, I'd guess maybe 50% of industries affected...
07:59:47  <planetmaker> oh :S
07:59:47  <andythenorth> and then if extended sprite layout becomes available, I'm worried it all changes again :o
08:00:08  <andythenorth> so what I need to do is do the drawing and not really worry about shipping it yet
08:00:19  <planetmaker> he
08:00:31  <andythenorth> not really my preferred method :P
08:00:33  <planetmaker> that's a frustrating state
08:00:36  <andythenorth> 'ship now' is better
08:00:37  <planetmaker> yeah, agreed
08:00:49  <andythenorth> I was hoping extended tile format would become available soon
08:00:55  <planetmaker> especially new graphics want to be shown and roam "the wild"
08:01:16  <planetmaker> hm, so was I: You see, the wind turbine ;-)
08:01:33  <andythenorth> I have other plans for the rest of today, but I wonder about playing a coop game to re-inspire interest
08:01:59  <planetmaker> you playing or we setting up one with your newgrfs?
08:02:03  <andythenorth> can newgrfs be reloaded on a server game?
08:02:10  <planetmaker> no
08:02:15  <andythenorth> oh
08:02:20  <planetmaker> well, you can modify locally
08:02:25  <andythenorth> I was thinking of doing a collaborative sprint on CHIPS
08:02:25  <planetmaker> and then upload the save
08:02:45  <planetmaker> but updating grfs on a server while running doesn't work
08:02:58  <andythenorth> oh well
08:03:10  <planetmaker> buy you can load savegames, players would automatically re-connect
08:03:17  <andythenorth> ah ok
08:03:27  <andythenorth> the idea is to play with CHIPS, suggest changes, make changes, test
08:03:31  <andythenorth> collaboratively
08:04:20  <planetmaker> difficult. All participants always need the exact same grf.
08:04:33  <andythenorth> they could check out, build?
08:04:43  <planetmaker> yes
08:05:00  <planetmaker> and then upload an updated save and reload the server. Would work
08:05:18  <planetmaker> but sounds like a lot of hassle
08:05:27  <planetmaker> but depends upon update frequency
08:07:31  <andythenorth> probably a lot of hassle :)
08:07:56  <andythenorth> maybe I work on some boats instead
08:08:13  <andythenorth> anyway, fishes time
08:08:19  <andythenorth> bye
08:08:31  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
08:12:09  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Bug #2538 (New): NML writing illegal feat. 0x08, prop. 0x18 (planetmaker) @
08:22:04  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
08:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
09:17:58  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Bug #2538: NML writing illegal feat. 0x08, prop. 0x18 (planetmaker) @
09:22:05  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
09:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
09:30:50  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 1966:531fd9bded23: Change: Update Spanish translation. (Terkhen) @
09:31:18  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Revision 1310:7882cf7a2019: Fix #2638 (r1301): action6 offset for snowline... (yexo) @
09:34:21  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Bug #2538 (Closed): NML writing illegal feat. 0x08, prop. 0x18 (planetmaker) @
09:34:21  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Bug #2538 (Closed): NML writing illegal feat. 0x08, prop. 0x18 (yexo) @
09:37:13  *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
09:46:23  *** LordAro has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
09:48:15  <Brot6> OpenGFX+ Landscape - Revision 59:a08cda343777: Change: Allow foundations under wind turbines thus... (planetmaker) @
09:50:49  <planetmaker> thanks for the quick fix, Yexo
09:54:10  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
10:22:05  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
10:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
11:22:01  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
11:22:05  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
11:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
11:40:21  <Brot6> CHIPS Station Set - Revision 133:3a41eb272372: Feature: add waves to dock (andythenorth) @
12:18:26  <Ammler> planetmaker: did you get answer fro Valace or do you make something own?
12:18:38  <planetmaker> I'm making my own
12:18:53  <planetmaker> I want to employ a slightly different concept.
12:19:18  <planetmaker> currently I've trees doing the breakdance due to WAY too rapid animation :-P
12:19:47  <Ammler> just checked the pm I wrote him is still unread
12:19:56  <planetmaker> hm :S
12:22:05  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
12:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
13:22:06  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
13:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
13:25:21  <planetmaker> Ammler: ^ shouldn't those messages not be repeated anymore?
14:16:40  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 1967:3945adc7b5a4: Change: improve appearance of Fishing... (andythenorth) @
14:22:06  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
14:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
14:23:52  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 1968:80fe7ec381b5: Change: forgot to add waves to part o... (andythenorth) @
14:41:16  <Ammler> planetmaker: shouldn't but not done by my yet
14:41:23  <Ammler> it also should only tell that if it effectively has something to build
14:42:00  <planetmaker> he :-) Then I mis-remembered. I thought you changed it to that effect already
14:43:25  <Ammler> but it is still valid, that every ticket created by compiler should be valid now
14:43:59  <Ammler> which is IMO more important than protecting this channel from spam :-)
14:44:17  *** andythenorth has left #openttdcoop.devzone
14:46:35  *** LordAro has quit IRC
14:56:09  <Ammler> what does it mean, when DanMacK is remaking aircraft for opengfx based on av8
14:56:17  <Ammler> does he simply copy them over?
14:56:36  <planetmaker> not exactly
14:56:58  <Ammler> because that is not what I would like :-)
14:57:42  <planetmaker> I didn't check the exact pixels. He told me that he'd re-touch them, but base them on pikka's sprites. Adjusting CC parts etc
14:58:28  <Ammler> so you it is worth to replace them?
14:58:44  <Ammler> maybe just for another clima?
14:59:42  <planetmaker> that's an idea to handle that differently
15:01:02  <Ammler> ogfx+aircraft?
15:01:24  <Brot6> NewGRF Meta Language - Bug #2532: version reported as 'unknown' for windows builds (Ammler) @
15:04:36  <planetmaker> opengfx+ aircraft could do things like cargo refits. I meant OpenGFX itself could indeed distinguish climates
15:05:49  <Ammler> yes, that is possible
15:06:02  <Ammler> we do that already with some vehicels
15:06:20  <Ammler> or with river shores
15:17:45  *** welshdragon_ is now known as welshdragon
15:22:06  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
15:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
16:22:06  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
16:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
16:51:04  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
16:52:05  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
17:17:29  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
17:22:07  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
17:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
18:22:07  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
18:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
18:36:53  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
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19:22:07  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
19:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
19:35:55  <Ammler> well, at least thanks to api troubles, this channel isn't just silent :-P
19:41:54  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 1969:a45fb9fa253e: Change: add some crates greeble to Fi... (andythenorth) @
19:57:42  <Brot6> FIRS Industry Replacement Set - Revision 1970:310b753ae4db: Change: use better ground tile at Ara... (andythenorth) @
20:22:08  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
20:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
20:35:17  <planetmaker> andythenorth: re fishing harbour: thought about using random varaction2 in order to decide the presence of the boxes or not?
20:35:32  <andythenorth> planetmaker: I have
20:35:36  <planetmaker> like chance 1:3 for boxes vs. no boxes
20:35:41  <andythenorth> if you read the code you will see why I don't :)
20:35:55  <andythenorth> it draws slope-aware custom foundations
20:36:06  <planetmaker> o_O
20:36:07  <andythenorth> so already something like 12 action 2s per tile
20:36:12  <planetmaker> yes, I understand :-)
20:36:24  <andythenorth> needs extended action 2 sprite for tiles...
20:47:40  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
20:58:01  *** supermop has joined #openttdcoop.devzone
21:12:43  *** ODM has quit IRC
21:22:08  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
21:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
21:38:30  *** frosch123 has quit IRC
22:22:08  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
22:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
23:22:08  <Brot6> [nightlies] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...
23:22:09  <Brot6> [releases] openSUSE API not reachable, sleep an hour and try again...

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