Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 17th May 2019:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:24:59  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has left the game (Leaving)
00:25:00  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
02:53:55  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
02:54:02  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined
02:54:03  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
02:54:32  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has left the game (Leaving)
03:56:57  *** Happpy has quit IRC
06:49:37  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
06:49:46  <coopserver> *** xgcvr has joined
06:49:47  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
06:49:48  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:24:53  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
07:25:00  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined
07:25:01  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
07:29:41  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #2
07:29:48  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #3
07:29:58  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #4
07:30:08  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #5
07:30:22  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #6
07:30:31  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #9
07:43:26  <V453000> shit on fire?
07:43:32  <coopserver> <Hazzard> nope
07:43:49  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
07:43:52  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
07:43:53  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
07:44:08  <coopserver> <Hazzard> Set up a bridge
07:44:16  <coopserver> <V453000> I guess I said it earlier, but I'd like to make a clear timetable that every Friday there is a new game
07:44:17  <coopserver> <Hazzard> need admin on discord though
07:44:28  <coopserver> <V453000> maybe we don't even need a new game during the week
07:44:54  <coopserver> <Hazzard> (I don't mind)
07:45:13  <coopserver> <V453000> well the point is to be predictable so people know they can come every friday and have fun
07:45:19  <coopserver> <Hazzard> Yea
07:45:49  <coopserver> <V453000> what I plan to do is for now do it manually, but I will probably write a script with some game presets (newgrfs mostly) and if nobody has a game on friday, we let it randomize
07:46:29  <coopserver> <V453000> with enough flexibility and maintainability I can make it future-proof enough
07:46:54  <coopserver> <V453000> it's less creative than humans, but in cases when nobody has a map it's great enough, when I'm itme presed I make no special map anyway
07:48:04  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined spectators
07:48:17  <coopserver> <V453000> u waiting for monorail fast to replace?
07:49:13  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
07:53:29  *** Zennon86 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
07:55:38  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
07:55:45  <coopserver> *** Zennon86 has joined
07:55:46  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
07:56:46  <coopserver> *** xgcvr has left the game (Leaving)
08:02:41  <Hazzard> I just upgrade whenever there is a new
08:02:56  <Hazzard> Maglev 3 stage load is pretty op for feeders
08:03:24  <Hazzard> Anyway would make sense to reset every Friday evening Europe time
08:05:09  <V453000> yar
08:07:26  <Hazzard> Original industries are too boring
08:07:36  <Hazzard> Yeti or firs more fun
08:07:58  <Hazzard> Can sink a lot of time into yeti networks
08:15:49  <V453000> well that's one of the concepts it's built on, that you build up the production, not the industries on their own
08:16:19  <V453000> the station rating - vehicle speed plays a very interesting role in it, but generally you can get madfuck high production if you just connect everything and be reasonably efficient
08:51:36  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #9
08:59:34  <coopserver> <Hazzard> Ok War on Error does not work as a feeder, noted
09:01:36  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined spectators
09:07:22  <V453000> that's a pax train right
09:09:48  <Hazzard> yea
09:10:43  <V453000> I was considering adding MEOW maglev but I'm not sure if I can see an actual use case
09:28:08  *** coopdiscord has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:28:28  <Hazzard> and finally
09:28:34  <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by Hazzard:
09:28:35  <coopdiscord> !date
09:28:35  <coopserver> Feb 01 2003
09:29:08  <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by Hazzard:
09:29:09  <coopdiscord> !players
09:29:09  <coopserver> coopdiscord: There are currently 1 players and 1 spectators, making a total of 2 clients connected
09:38:17  <coopserver> <Hazzard> D:
09:38:46  <coopserver> <Hazzard> Unlucky
09:39:47  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #9
09:41:18  <coopdiscord> <Hazzard> neat seeing all the chats daisy chained together
10:52:09  <coopserver> *** Zennon86 has left the game (Leaving)
11:40:06  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has left the game (Leaving)
11:40:07  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:41:37  *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable
12:41:37  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v virtualrandomnumber
14:13:36  *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:13:36  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite
14:49:25  *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC
15:47:03  *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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15:55:21  <V453000> !contentupdate
15:55:21  <coopserver> V453000: Performing content update
15:55:23  <coopserver> Content server connection established
15:55:26  <V453000> !content
15:55:42  <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes)
15:56:53  <coopserver> Content server connection closed
15:58:02  <V453000> !rcon ls
15:58:03  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
15:58:04  <coopserver> 1) autosave/ (Directory)
15:58:05  <coopserver> 2) uploads/ (Directory)
15:58:06  <coopserver> 3) WS-2019-05-17-a.sav
15:58:07  <coopserver> 4) WS-2019-05-14-a.sav
15:58:08  <coopserver> V453000: You have 12 more messages. Type !less to view them
15:58:08  <V453000> !rcon load 3
15:58:09  <coopserver> Starting new game
15:58:20  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server ( (Version 1.9.1)
15:58:21  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
15:58:23  <V453000> !setdef
15:58:23  <coopserver> V453000: Setting default settings: set ai_in_multiplayer 0, set extra_dynamite 1, set forbid_90_deg 1, set inflation 0, set mod_road_rebuild 1, set order.no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns 1, set path_backoff_interval 1, set train_acceleration_model 1, set vehicle_breakdowns 0, set wait_for_pbs_path 255, set wait_oneway_signal 255, set wait_twoway_signal 255, and set yapf.rail_firstred_twoway_eol 1
15:58:25  <V453000> !auto
15:58:26  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:58:38  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:58:45  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
15:58:46  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:59:02  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
15:59:06  <V453000> go nuts :)
16:03:21  <virtualrandomnumber> !date
16:03:21  <coopserver> Jan 01 1900
16:06:56  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:07:13  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:07:26  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:07:40  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has joined
16:07:41  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:08:06  <V453000> new game on PS too tonight? :)
16:08:48  <virtualrandomnumber> Yeah, I guess it would be time for a new one
16:09:01  <V453000> yeti 256*256 or?
16:09:51  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:10:01  <coopserver> *** Zennon86 has joined
16:10:02  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:10:22  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has joined company #1
16:10:23  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:11:26  <coopserver> *** Zennon86 has left the game (Leaving)
16:11:49  <Zennon86> cant start new company
16:12:23  *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:12:23  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Happpy
16:12:38  <V453000> wot
16:12:50  <V453000> !rcon set max_companies
16:12:51  <coopserver> Current value for 'max_companies' is: '1' (min: 1, max: 15)
16:12:53  <V453000> !rcon set max_companies 15
16:12:56  <V453000> there
16:13:00  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:13:00  <V453000> sorry :)
16:13:02  <Happpy> !date
16:13:02  <coopserver> Mar 13 1900
16:13:10  <coopserver> *** Zennon86 has joined
16:13:11  <Happpy> Hi
16:13:12  <coopserver> *** Zennon86 has started a new company #2
16:13:13  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:13:18  <Happpy> @logs
16:13:18  <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer -
16:13:32  <V453000> yo Happpy
16:13:58  <Happpy> How things going Good
16:14:03  <Happpy> Woo New game
16:14:14  <Happpy> I be on soon
16:14:25  <Happpy> Just got 2 jobs ro do
16:17:01  <Happpy> So what map we got
16:17:58  <coopdiscord> Command sent from Discord by Hazzard:
16:17:59  <coopdiscord> !players
16:17:59  <coopserver> coopdiscord: There are currently 2 players and 0 spectators, making a total of 2 clients connected
16:22:54  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:23:02  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined
16:23:03  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:27:20  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:27:31  <coopserver> *** bibis has joined
16:27:32  <coopserver> *** bibis has started a new company #3
16:27:33  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:27:37  <coopserver> <bibis> hi
16:27:42  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has started a new company #4
16:28:43  <V453000> hello :)
16:31:54  <coopserver> *** bibis has left the game (Leaving)
16:47:21  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:47:28  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
16:47:29  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:53:24  <V453000> !rcon set station_spread 16
16:54:28  <Happpy> !
16:55:09  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined spectators
16:55:11  <Happpy> !rcon reset_company 4
16:55:12  <coopserver> Company deleted.
16:56:20  <Happpy> Have fun
16:57:04  <V453000> ?
16:57:25  <Happpy> Not gong to play
16:58:50  <V453000> anything wrong?
16:58:57  <Happpy> Nop
16:59:13  <V453000> ok :)
16:59:20  <Happpy> I don't have time to do a network
16:59:45  <Happpy> Whive all the cargo  yeti need
17:01:37  <Happpy> To meney cargo for me on the yet I yard
17:01:51  <Happpy> But nice map
17:02:47  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> Zennon86:   you need 2 station at your  food factory
17:05:09  <Happpy> I will wate  in nexs Friday v for nexs map
17:05:22  <Happpy> So i pars on this time
17:05:33  <coopserver> <V453000> up to you
17:08:06  <Happpy> I can see a good yeti sport
17:08:09  <Happpy> Hmm
17:09:12  <Happpy> I give it 1 More go
17:09:22  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has started a new company #3
17:15:27  <coopserver> <V453000> :D
17:15:29  <coopserver> <V453000> have fun.
17:19:31  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has joined spectators
17:22:14  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has joined company #1
17:27:38  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> ok lest how  thats gets on
17:29:22  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> rip v road   trucks dont do yeti
17:30:08  <coopserver> <V453000> well damn :) whenever I get to a new YETI version I'll improve that
17:32:09  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has left the game (Leaving)
17:32:13  *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC
17:34:57  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> hop i dun this roight
17:37:11  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> fuck me
17:42:05  <Happpy> Man i never dun this befo  can not get the fucking orders right
17:45:10  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> v i need help  i can not get the oder  right
17:52:19  <Happpy> Hazard ar you  ther
17:56:16  <Happpy> Hazard or v can you just chek if i dun my train orders right
17:58:36  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:58:38  <coopserver> *** Player has joined
17:58:39  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
17:58:40  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #4
17:58:41  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
17:58:42  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
17:58:43  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
18:00:42  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #5
18:00:43  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
18:00:44  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
18:00:51  <coopserver> <Player> !name A
18:00:52  <coopserver> *** Player has changed his/her name to A
18:00:59  <coopserver> *** A has started a new company #6
18:05:30  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> hi a and welome
18:05:34  *** virtualrandomnumber has joined #openttdcoop.stable
18:05:34  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v virtualrandomnumber
18:07:29  <coopserver> *** A has left the game (Leaving)
18:07:31  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
18:07:48  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
18:08:04  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
18:08:17  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has joined
18:08:18  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
18:08:39  <Happpy> Wb virtualrandomnumber How can you chek my train's orders if i dun it right
18:08:47  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has left the game (Leaving)
18:17:55  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has joined company #1
18:26:45  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
18:26:48  <coopserver> *** legalnycyklista has joined
18:26:49  <coopserver> *** legalnycyklista has started a new company #4
18:26:50  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
18:28:57  *** Happpy has quit IRC
18:47:56  <coopserver> <virtualrandomnumber> oh, looks like there are actually trucks that refit to yetis, they just took time to be introduced
18:49:32  <coopserver> <V453000> yeah
18:49:50  <coopserver> <V453000> I vaguely remembered that I did use trucks last time, but inded  that was because we started in 1930
18:50:11  <coopserver> <V453000> hmm the early steamers are having a tough time tiwh express wagons uphill :D
18:50:25  <coopserver> <V453000> oh they do have weight actually
18:50:26  <coopserver> <V453000> yeah ok
18:50:33  <coopserver> <V453000> (weight of the cargo when full)
18:50:39  <coopserver> <V453000> passengers don't hve that so was not sure
18:50:51  <coopserver> <V453000> virtualrandomnumber: do you want to write the PSG archive entry? :)
19:11:06  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
19:27:19  <coopserver> *** legalnycyklista has left the game (Leaving)
19:31:19  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
19:31:35  <coopserver> *** Nomotakat has joined
19:31:36  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
19:31:52  *** Taede_ has quit IRC
19:31:54  <coopserver> <Nomotakat> good morning everyone
19:34:19  <coopserver> *** Nomotakat has started a new company #5
19:34:42  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
19:34:51  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined
19:34:52  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
19:35:44  *** Happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:35:44  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Happpy
19:36:15  <Happpy> @logs
19:36:15  <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer -
19:38:02  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined company #3
19:38:18  *** Zennon86 has quit IRC
19:38:34  *** Taede has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:38:34  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Taede
19:45:18  <Happpy> Hi
19:45:31  <coopserver> <Nomotakat> hello
19:46:56  *** coopserver is now known as Guest2906
19:46:58  *** coopserver has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:46:58  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o coopserver
19:47:12  <coopserver> Connected to #openttdcoop - Welcome Server ( (Version 1.9.1)
19:47:20  <Happpy> Inot shor if it's me  or the trains  but Some times ther don't change the cargo i set
19:47:49  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
19:47:56  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
19:47:57  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
19:48:45  <coopserver> <V453000> you are missing a depot before Lenfingford Woods
19:48:50  <coopserver> <V453000> second platfrom from the bottom
19:49:11  <coopserver> <V453000> so probably trains arrived close to one another and some went there
19:50:40  <Happpy> Ar thanks
19:53:58  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> ok  thats sord work now
19:58:26  <coopserver> <V453000> when trains can't find any depot they skip the order
19:58:36  <coopserver> <V453000> his can be abused bute generally it's just a mistake :)
20:01:30  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
20:05:24  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
20:05:39  <coopserver> *** nirasa1957 has joined
20:05:40  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
20:05:48  <coopserver> <nirasa1957> hi
20:05:56  <coopserver> <Nomotakat> hello
20:07:48  <coopserver> <nirasa1957> nice :-)
20:10:17  <V453000> hello :)
20:10:26  <coopserver> <nirasa1957> hello
20:16:32  <coopserver> *** Nomotakat has left the game (general timeout)
20:24:58  *** StarLite has quit IRC
20:35:27  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
20:35:36  <coopserver> *** Nomotakat has joined
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20:36:02  <coopserver> *** Nomotakat has joined company #5
20:42:28  <coopserver> *** virtualrandomnumber has left the game (Leaving)
20:45:00  <coopserver> *** nirasa1957 has left the game (Leaving)
20:46:53  <Happpy> @logs
20:46:53  <Webster> #openttdcoop IRC webstuff - IRC Log Viewer -
20:49:34  <Happpy> !rcon set station_spread 18
20:49:59  <Happpy> !rcon set station_spread 20
20:50:07  <Happpy> !rcon set station_spread 16
20:51:33  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> do you need  money Zennon86
21:02:45  <coopdiscord> <Hazzard> Got it working Happpy?
21:03:00  <Happpy> Yes
21:03:23  <Happpy> Tork me Longe time
21:09:06  <Happpy> !rcon set station_spread 20
21:09:35  <Happpy> !rcon set station_spread 16
21:10:14  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
21:10:23  <coopserver> *** Player has joined
21:10:24  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
21:10:25  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #6
21:10:26  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
21:10:27  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
21:10:28  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
21:10:45  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #7
21:10:46  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
21:10:47  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
21:10:52  <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving)
21:25:01  <Happpy> Ok
21:25:12  <Happpy> That's me dun for tonight
21:28:25  <coopserver> *** Nomotakat has left the game (Leaving)
21:28:51  <Happpy> Got a nice  yet i going now
21:40:45  *** virtualrandomnumber has quit IRC
21:46:46  <Happpy> Gn
21:47:41  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has left the game (Leaving)
22:06:03  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
22:06:16  <coopserver> *** Pasha0425 has joined
22:06:18  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
22:08:07  <coopserver> *** Pasha0425 has left the game (Leaving)
22:46:16  <coopserver> *** Zennon86 has left the game (Leaving)
22:46:17  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
22:57:44  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
22:57:53  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined
22:57:54  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
23:03:50  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has started a new company #6
23:03:51  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
23:32:59  <Hazzard> !rcon move 96 5
23:33:01  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #5
23:35:26  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #6
23:48:44  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined spectators
23:48:45  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
23:53:23  <coopserver> *** Hazzard has joined company #6
23:53:24  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)

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