Log for #openttd on 6th March 2006:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:07  <Bjarni> well, some of the time I have to spend on getting test subjects
00:00:11  <Vornicus> I can remember ten-digit numbers for years on end.
00:00:40  <Vornicus> and for a very long time I never took notes.
00:00:41  * Bjarni will go to the lab tomorrow
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00:01:00  <Bjarni> right now it got a very simple mind as a test subject
00:01:09  <Bjarni> it can only handle one thing at a time
00:01:30  <Bjarni> we call it "PIC16"
00:01:42  <Eddi|zuHause> i meant more like: you have a table with x things on it, and can take only a short look
00:02:04  <Bjarni> bah, those tests
00:02:34  <Bjarni> it's more important to be able to read a text and then remember it
00:02:49  <Eddi|zuHause> it also works with dropdownmenus with x entrys ;)
00:02:58  <Bjarni> ahh
00:03:08  * Bjarni remembers the drop down menus well
00:03:37  <Bjarni> actually memory is not an issue
00:03:45  <Bjarni> just ask ln- ;)
00:04:38  <Eddi|zuHause> lol :)
00:04:56  <Eddi|zuHause> (i actually remember that statement ;))
00:05:40  <Bjarni> from where?
00:05:51  <Eddi|zuHause> from a week ago or something...
00:06:03  <Bjarni> according to Bill Gates, you should not need more than 640k
00:06:05  <Eddi|zuHause> in this channel
00:06:24  <Bjarni> I said that memory is not an issue a whole lot of times
00:06:30  <Bjarni> it's cheap
00:06:35  <Eddi|zuHause> right, and according to that IBM manager there's a worldmarket of about 5 computers ;)
00:06:41  <Bjarni> sacrifice RAM for lower CPU usage
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00:09:14  <Eddi|zuHause> and someone also said that computers might be under 5 tonnes at some time ;)
00:09:51  <Bjarni> don't spread those lies
00:10:25  <Eddi|zuHause> it's in the internet, it must be true!#
00:10:26  <Bjarni> it's against the laws of physics
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00:10:50  <Bjarni> just like heavier than air aircrafts
00:10:56  <Bjarni> it will never happen
00:11:10  <Bjarni> physically impossible
00:11:15  <SpComb> hmm?
00:11:34  <SpComb> a-ha
00:11:55  <Eddi|zuHause> and now you want to tell me about warp speed?
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00:14:36  <Bjarni> well, that will be possible not too far into the future
00:14:42  <Bjarni> didn't you see Star Trek?
00:15:52  <Bjarni> only question is: how do you build a spaceship in orbit when you can't launch from Earth with anything that is heavier than air
00:15:54  <Bjarni> hmm
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00:16:21  <SpComb> hot air baloons with propulsion rockets
00:16:53  <Bjarni> ...
00:16:55  <Bjarni> not good
00:17:03  <Bjarni> the hydrogen will simply burn
00:17:13  <SpComb> not if you do it cleverly
00:17:22  <Eddi|zuHause> SpComb: you got a problem there.... anything lighter than air leaves earth immediately ;)
00:17:34  <Eddi|zuHause> so you cannot use it for lifting anything
00:17:40  * SpComb doesn't know the background here, though
00:18:04  <Eddi|zuHause> what background?
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00:18:39  <Vornicus> why would the hydrogen just burn?
00:18:59  <Vornicus> Also, if your only lifting ability is bouyancy, you won't make it to orbit.
00:19:13  <Bjarni> hydrogen balloons with rockets attached to the sides of them
00:19:18  <Bjarni> accidents will happen
00:19:36  <Bjarni> ahh
00:19:38  <Bjarni> new idea
00:19:46  <Bjarni> you will need a really large spring
00:19:51  <SpComb> aha!
00:19:57  <Bjarni> that can push you into orbit
00:19:59  <SpComb> why not a lot of gunpoweder and some strong material?
00:20:07  <Bjarni> then you can build your spaceship in orbit
00:20:16  <Vornicus> And you know perfectly well that combustion chambers and fuel can be isolated from one another.
00:20:18  <Bjarni> and go to warp speed
00:20:25  <Eddi|zuHause> you can just build a tower that is high enough to touch the sky
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00:20:37  <Bjarni> Eddi|zuHause: NASA got a plan to do that
00:20:40  <Bjarni> for real
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00:20:45  <SpComb> and then?
00:21:02  <Bjarni> then they got an elevator to reach orbit
00:21:09  <Bjarni> much cheaper than rockets
00:21:18  <SpComb> load the elevator onto a space ship and then take off?
00:21:24  <SpComb> or is that cheating
00:21:31  <Bjarni> did anybody say cheap satellite services?
00:21:44  <Bjarni> no, a spy elevator for real
00:21:56  <Eddi|zuHause> i fail to see the "cheap" in there...
00:22:05  <Bjarni> one end is on the ground and the other end is a satellite
00:22:06  <SpComb> why make those silly things go around the outside of the earth.. it would be a lot more efficient to make them gon on the other side of the earths surface
00:22:10  <Bjarni> electric powered
00:22:11  <Eddi|zuHause> the maintenance of such a building must be insane
00:22:14  <SpComb> why, they could cover far larger areas
00:22:20  * SpComb draws diagrams
00:22:59  <Bjarni> <Eddi|zuHause>	the maintenance of such a building must be insane <-- they are not stupid... they just want a really strong cable that some sort of wagon can travel on
00:23:26  <Bjarni> powered by solar panels that gets the energy from a laser beam on the ground
00:23:27  <Eddi|zuHause> that doesn't change much, really
00:23:34  <SpComb> and the emergency stairs?
00:23:45  <SpComb> doesn't the law require emergency stairs in case of fire?
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00:24:13  <Bjarni> it's a .gov
00:24:17  <Bjarni> they don't care about laws
00:24:20  <Vornicus> no, see.
00:24:29  <Vornicus> The space elevator isn't a building.
00:24:39  <SpComb> it's still a elevator
00:25:37  <ln-> it is *very* likely not to be categorized as an elevator
00:25:46  <Vornicus> and it's not exactly an elevator, either.
00:26:03  <ln-> although it goes up and down, it's a lot different from all other elevators.
00:27:00  <ln-> e.g. the fact that it goes beyond the earth atmosphere is quite a distinctive feature from the elevators i've seen.
00:27:47  <Eddi|zuHause> since when was "within earth's atmosphere" part of the definition of elevator?
00:28:59  <SpComb>
00:29:00  <SpComb> hah
00:29:02  <SpComb> heh
00:29:20  <SpComb> that's funny
00:30:38  <ln-> Eddi|zuHause: until you provide a reference to something that defines an elevator, we will have to assume it is defined to be within the atmosphere.
00:31:23  <ln-> Eddi|zuHause: and indeed, something that defines an elevator in the context where regulations on emergency stairs & stuff apply to it.
00:34:07  <ln-> i bet the regulations are about elevators in buildings, not elevators as separate constructions.
00:37:59  <Vornicus> Indeed.
00:44:34  <Bjarni> goodnight
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00:55:02  <_gass_> hello there
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02:26:26  <_gass_> hello
02:26:54  <_gass_> does the nightly builds come with some new grafics (such as buildings, etc)?
02:27:11  <glx> no
02:27:45  <glx> nightly builds only give you executable, languages, and openttd grf
02:27:57  <_gass_> where can i see instructions to test them?
02:28:16  <_gass_> glx: that's waht i want, openttd grf
02:28:32  <_gass_> glx: openttd are replacing original grafics, right?
02:28:50  <glx> still not done
02:29:02  <glx> you need original grf for now
02:29:36  <_gass_> i saw that there were some of them already made
02:29:56  <glx> oh I just understand, you mean the graphics from graphics forum
02:30:24  <_gass_> some were in the wiki
02:31:04  <glx> link?
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02:31:46  <_gass_>
02:31:53  <_gass_> here is the index
02:32:19  <_gass_> here are some
02:32:19  <_gass_>
02:32:47  <glx> ok this page is just a place to know what is done and what is not
02:33:08  <glx> but it's still WIP
02:33:37  <_gass_> WIP?
02:33:48  <glx> work in progress
02:34:40  <_gass_> oh
02:34:52  <_gass_> i thought some of them were available right now
02:38:01  <glx> <-- those should work in openttd
02:38:22  <glx> but I didn't tried myself
02:38:27  <_gass_> glx: here is some nice stuff ... ehehe
02:39:57  <_gass_> ok, ok ... thanks
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09:26:20  <Tobin> Avast!
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10:24:56  <e1ko> yo Volny
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13:11:12  <CIA-5> tron * r3773 /trunk/ (6 files): Shove some semantics down ottd's throat by replacing ints and magic numbers by enums and some related changes
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13:18:04  <peter1138> morning tron :)
13:18:43  <Tron> Mahlzeit (:
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13:29:28  <CIA-5> tron * r3774 /trunk/road_gui.c: Remove some more magic numbers and types
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14:16:08  <Uatec> hello there
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14:16:47  <Uatec> i'm trying to compile on a linux, but for some reason, when i type make, i get "You need to have SDL installed in order to run OpenTTD on UNIX. Use DEDICATED if you want to compile a CLI based server. Stop."
14:16:55  <Uatec> this makes no sense, because I do have SDL installed
14:17:08  <glx> do you have sdl-devel?
14:17:23  <Uatec> yes, i do, these machines are uni development machines
14:17:36  <Uatec> however it is not installed properly
14:17:54  <Uatec> i.e. sdl-config is not in the path, so i have modified the line that refers to sdl-config in the make file
14:18:05  <Uatec> to what i know to be correct, but it still does nto work
14:18:42  <glx> in Makefile.config, do you have set WITH_SDL?
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14:19:21  <Uatec> err, there is no Makefile.config
14:19:39  <glx> it is created when you run make
14:19:45  <Uatec> hrm...
14:19:51  <Uatec> well, make doesn't get that far
14:23:00  <Tron> make SDL-CONFIG=$path_to_your_sdl_config
14:23:43  <Uatec> WTF?
14:23:46  <Uatec> that persuaded it
14:23:47  <Uatec> thanks
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14:25:10  <Tron> np
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14:52:15  <Uatec> NOOO
14:52:24  <Uatec> cannot build, station too spread out
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14:56:29  <Naksu> you know
14:56:32  <Naksu> slashdot is awesome
14:56:48  <Naksu>
14:57:42  <Naksu> i seem to remember that the US release was scheduled for Q4 2006
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15:09:50  <Uatec> DAMMIT!
15:10:00  <Uatec> will the PS3 play PS2 and PSone games?
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18:17:24  <MiHaMiX> Darkvater: ping
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19:09:02  <Brianetta> Is there any reason why my server is listening on 65535 despite being told to listen on 3979?
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19:10:36  <Tron> could be an undocumented feature
19:10:50  <Brianetta> It's an undocumented annoyance which has bene plaguing my server for a week
19:11:04  <Brianetta> dbg: [NET] Listening on
19:11:40  <peter1138> could be dv's changes...
19:11:40  <Tron> is the port really 65535 or is the display just wrong?
19:11:47  <Brianetta> It's real
19:11:51  <Brianetta> It's real annoying
19:12:00  *** glx is now known as glx|away
19:12:02  <Tron> BE or LE?
19:12:07  <peter1138> dbg: [NET][UDP] Listening on port
19:12:10  <peter1138> same here...
19:12:21  <Brianetta> Tron: huh?
19:12:24  <peter1138> server_port = 65535
19:12:25  <peter1138> hmmz
19:12:31  <Tron> endianess
19:12:34  <Brianetta> IUntel
19:12:49  <peter1138> changing it in the config doesn't affect it -- it resets to 65535 on save
19:12:53  *** Qrrbrbirlbel [] has quit [""]
19:13:01  <Tron> settings.c:      SDTG_VAR("server_port",         SLE_UINT16, S, 0, _network_server_port,          NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT, 0, -1,STR_NULL, NULL),
19:13:01  * peter1138 points again at Darkvater  :)
19:13:01  <Brianetta> peter1138: This isn't new
19:13:04  <Tron> network.h:VARDEF uint _network_server_port;
19:13:07  <Tron> any questions?
19:13:14  <Brianetta> bobingabout alerted me to it
19:13:28  <peter1138> Brianetta: no, it's a few days old...
19:14:56  <peter1138> i should update my server more often... i'd notice it them
19:15:11  <peter1138> ...
19:15:17  <peter1138> "i'd've noticed it then"
19:17:08  <Tron> peter1138: would you test if fixing the obvious bug helps?
19:18:04  <Brianetta> Might want to check restart_date too
19:18:08  <peter1138> -VARDEF uint _network_server_port;
19:18:08  <peter1138> +VARDEF uint16 _network_server_port;
19:18:09  <peter1138> that?
19:18:20  <Brianetta> A player yesterday was telling me my servert restarted the game every year
19:18:21  <Tron> that's possible, too
19:18:44  <Brianetta> Some magic numbers are Good Things
19:18:50  <ln-> does someone have an opinion about this patch?
19:19:08  <Brianetta> ln-: Yes
19:19:33  <hylje> :)
19:19:58  *** Plnt [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
19:19:58  <peter1138> -        SDTG_VAR("server_port",         SLE_UINT16, S, 0, _network_server_port,          NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT, 0, -1,STR_NULL, NULL),
19:20:02  <peter1138> +        SDTG_VAR("server_port",         SLE_UINT16, S, 0, _network_server_port,          NETWORK_DEFAULT_PORT, 0, 65535,STR_NULL, NULL),
19:20:05  <peter1138> that works
19:20:11  <ln-> its function is to keep the windows and bars on the left when the screen is wide enough.
19:20:13  <peter1138> uint -> uint16 also a good idea
19:20:45  <peter1138> fuck
19:20:48  <peter1138> 19:23!?
19:20:57  <Tron> 19:23?
19:21:26  <ln-> peter1138, adjust your clock.
19:23:12  <peter1138> Tron: still at work o_O
19:23:20  <peter1138> gonna be killed
19:23:32  <CIA-5> peter1138 * r3775 /trunk/ (network.h settings.c): Fix loading of server_port from config file, introduced in Darkvater's unified configuration changes (r3719+)
19:23:36  <Tron> 1. look for a door
19:23:37  <hylje> "work"
19:23:40  <Tron> 2. go through it
19:23:41  <hylje> rly
19:23:45  <Tron> 3. if not outside, go to 1
19:23:46  <hylje> Tron: id open the door at 2.5
19:24:08  <Tron> nah, real men don't open doors
19:24:14  <hylje> :]
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19:37:12  <Tron> err...
19:37:26  <Tron> there are 3 or so functions to get the other tunnel entrance tile
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19:43:29  <SpComb> now what was the point of that global notice?
19:43:37  <orudge> They like sending out notices
19:43:38  <SpComb> to tell people how to knock others off?
19:43:49  <SpComb> they don't really bother em, but that one was a bit pointless
19:43:50  <Mukke> heh
19:44:04  <orudge> See what I mean? ;)
19:44:13  <SpComb> aha
19:44:16  <SpComb> it was in two parts
19:44:26  <SpComb> the first part alone was a bit stupid
19:44:35  * SpComb doesn't have anything against lilo
19:44:39  <Mukke> at least it's better than the terrible german quakenet messages about tutorial sessions..
19:44:51  <SpComb> those are automated
19:45:01  <Mukke> doesn't make them any better
19:45:09  <Mukke> it still calls my attention from whatever I'm doing :)
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19:53:17  <AlexFili> hi everyone
19:53:27  <AlexFili> im hosting a toyland game in 1950s if anyone is interested
19:53:28  <peter1138> fucking lilo
19:53:35  <Diablo-D3> no shut
19:53:39  <Diablo-D3> no shit
19:53:45  <Diablo-D3> herbert keeps disconnecting me
19:53:47  <peter1138> heh
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20:00:00  <AlexFili> this channel needs an auto kick feature for 5 mins afk
20:00:03  <AlexFili> theres too many ghosts here
20:00:16  <Diablo-D3> you're an idiot, alex
20:00:25  <AlexFili> why?
20:00:32  <Diablo-D3> ghosts are clients that are no longer connected
20:00:38  <AlexFili> um
20:00:40  <AlexFili> afkers? :S
20:00:46  <Diablo-D3> idlers.
20:00:49  <Diablo-D3> and idling is good
20:00:52  <hylje> idlekick is the sux
20:00:52  <AlexFili> lol
20:01:00  <AlexFili> but
20:01:07  <AlexFili> how are u meant to tell how full this room is? :S
20:01:10  <Diablo-D3> there wouldnt be a channel if people didnt idle here.
20:01:23  <Diablo-D3> the more people who idle in a channel, the more popular that project is
20:01:24  <AlexFili> id rather there be 5 people
20:01:26  <hylje> rarely i have anything worthwhile to say but watching other people talk is sometimes interesting
20:01:26  <AlexFili> then 50 idlers
20:01:51  <hylje> you should set up your client to hide people idle for 5 min
20:01:58  <hylje> should be possible with some scripting
20:02:03  <AlexFili> lol no thanks
20:02:05  <AlexFili> that takes effort
20:02:14  <hylje> then dont ask others to do that :]
20:02:19  <AlexFili> lol
20:02:26  <AlexFili> im hosting a toyland game in 1950s if anyone is interested
20:02:35  <hylje> unless the place to ask is a request board/list
20:04:29  <AlexFili> hylje, Diablo-D3, WANT TO PLAY?
20:04:40  <hylje> not at this time
20:04:43  <AlexFili> k
20:04:48  <hylje> and besides i dont fancy online ottd
20:04:50  <Diablo-D3> NO I DONT WANT TO PLAY
20:04:50  <Diablo-D3> AND YOU SHOULDNT USE CAPS
20:04:51  <Diablo-D3> IT MEANS YOU'RE YELLING
20:04:59  <hylje> ! means yelling
20:05:00  <Diablo-D3> SO STOP YELLING
20:05:01  <AlexFili> why not hylje?
20:05:22  <hylje> singleplayer is funnier with less people torpedoing my plans
20:05:29  <AlexFili> im a nice person
20:05:33  <AlexFili> i wouldnt torpedo you
20:05:49  <hylje> i could believe that
20:05:56  <AlexFili> really! im a nice person :D
20:06:01  <hylje> yes really
20:06:02  <AlexFili> i'd even give money if you were in trouble
20:08:33  *** AlexFili2 [] has joined #openttd
20:08:48  <AlexFili2> Anyone want to play openTTD on toyland at 1951?
20:10:02  <Prof_Frink> ewwwwwww, toyland :\
20:10:19  <AlexFili2> whats wrong? :o
20:10:23  <AlexFili2> u dont like it?
20:10:42  <Prof_Frink> Who does?
20:10:51  <AlexFili2> i like the look of the trains and roads :p
20:11:00  *** |Jeroen| [] has quit ["I seem to be off"]
20:11:03  <AlexFili2> i could change to temperate if you want?
20:12:16  <AlexFili2> interested?
20:12:26  <hylje> temperate k
20:12:31  <AlexFili2> alright then
20:12:34  <Prof_Frink> nope
20:12:53  <AlexFili2> its called AlexFili's Random Server
20:13:37  <hylje> cant see it .x
20:13:45  <AlexFili2> it should be there
20:15:06  <AlexFili2> "AlexFili's Random Server"
20:15:09  <AlexFili2> thats what i called it
20:16:13  <hylje> still not showing up on the list
20:16:15  <AlexFili2> hmm
20:16:17  <AlexFili2> i'll try rehosting
20:16:37  <AlexFili2> ok im hosting it again
20:17:49  <hylje> it seems to not show up even if i add your ips
20:18:00  <AlexFili2> :s
20:18:13  <AlexFili2> am i meant to host it on lan/internet, or internet (advertise)?
20:18:16  *** AlexFili2 [] has quit []
20:18:38  <hylje> i believe internet, perhaps with advertise to make it show on the list
20:20:00  *** AciD [n=gni@unaffiliated/acid] has quit ["Connection not reset by peer."]
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20:20:40  <AlexFili2> hi again
20:20:46  <hylje> hi hi
20:20:55  <AlexFili2> so hylje, what options do i have to choose?
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20:21:44  <hylje> lan/internet is for priv servers which need to be added
20:21:53  *** mgla [n=mgla@wikipedia/mgla] has quit [""Sometimes it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness." - Terry Pratchett"]
20:21:57  <hylje> internet (advertise) is for pub servers which are listed
20:22:19  <AlexFili2> right
20:22:24  <AlexFili2> so i need that 2nd one then?
20:22:32  <hylje> likely
20:22:47  <AlexFili2> ok
20:24:10  <AlexFili2> thats odd
20:24:15  <AlexFili2> i opened another TTD
20:24:18  <AlexFili2> but i cant see my server on it
20:24:58  <hylje> firewall problems
20:25:14  <AlexFili2> i dont think so...
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20:25:27  <AlexFili2> can you try hosting?
20:25:52  <hylje> no
20:25:56  <hylje> im behind nat
20:26:03  <AlexFili2> nat?
20:26:10  <hylje> network address translation
20:26:14  <hylje> look it up at wikipedia
20:26:16  <AlexFili2> k
20:26:33  <hylje> it sure explains it better than i ever could
20:26:42  <AlexFili2> lol
20:26:54  *** AlexFili [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:28:06  <AlexFili2> ok
20:28:08  <AlexFili2> ive hosted it again
20:28:12  <AlexFili2> dunno if it will come up or not
20:28:32  <CIA-5> tron * r3776 /trunk/ (10 files in 3 dirs): Replace many ints and magic numbers by Direction, DiagDirection and friends
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20:31:55  <AlexFili2> what version do you have hylje
20:35:41  <AlexFili2> this is stupid
20:35:45  <AlexFili2> why the **** wont it work
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20:48:56  <AlexFili2> can anyone help me host a multiplayer game?
20:51:48  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: what is the problem?
20:52:05  * Prof_Frink guesses port forwarding
20:52:18  <Prof_Frink> AlexFili2: are you behind a router?
20:52:31  <AlexFili2> TL|Away i cant seem to host a server
20:52:44  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: what goes wrong?
20:52:48  <AlexFili2> it doesnt give me an error when i click start server, but its not showing up in the master list
20:52:51  <TL|Away> okay, wrong question most likely :p
20:53:04  <TL|Away> okay, you are behind some firewall?
20:53:14  <AlexFili2> is there an easy way to find out?
20:53:19  <TL|Away> what is your IP?
20:53:22  <AlexFili2>
20:53:49  <TL|Away> hmmz, let me find a page to test ports
20:53:53  <AlexFili2> k
20:54:01  <AlexFili2> 3979 is the one i need right?
20:54:08  <TL|Away> tcp and udp
20:55:28  <CIA-5> tron * r3777 /trunk/ (11 files): Add some functions to handle tunnels
20:55:29  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: do you have a local LAN, or is your server directly connected to the internet?
20:55:38  <AlexFili2> well, i dont have a LAN
20:55:50  <AlexFili2> I used the Internet (advertise) option
20:55:54  <peter1138> are you using a recent nightly?
20:55:59  <AlexFili2> nope
20:56:05  <peter1138> k
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20:57:12  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: the master-server never saw you under that IP :)
20:57:24  <AlexFili2> um yeah
20:57:24  <TL|Away> so, we go a bit deeper ;) AlexFili2: which OS?
20:57:26  <AlexFili2> thats the problem
20:57:30  <AlexFili2> Windows XP
20:57:34  <TL|Away> start openttd with -d
20:57:41  <TL|Away> then an extra window opens
20:57:42  <TL|Away> euh
20:57:42  <TL|Away> sorry
20:57:46  <TL|Away> openttd.exe -d net=6
20:57:49  <AlexFili2> k
20:57:50  <TL|Away> that opens an extra window
20:58:02  <TL|Away> now start the server again, make sure you use Internet, and enable Advertise
20:58:06  <AlexFili2> ah ok
20:58:08  <AlexFili2> i see it now
20:58:14  <TL|Away> you will see things happen in the debug-window
20:58:23  <TL|Away> showing that it is advertising
20:58:25  <TL|Away> right?
20:58:36  <AlexFili2> ok hosting
20:58:44  <AlexFili2> advertising to master server it says
20:58:51  <TL|Away> do you see anything coming back?
20:59:00  <TL|Away> or does it repeat itself 3 times, and then it silences?
20:59:07  <AlexFili2> ah
20:59:10  <AlexFili2> you hit the nail on the hammer
20:59:20  <TL|Away> If it repeats itself 3 times, and then nothing
20:59:26  <AlexFili2> yes, that is what happened
20:59:27  <TL|Away> it means a firewall is blocking the incoming connection
20:59:33  <AlexFili2> oh :(
20:59:38  <AlexFili2> any easy way to solve it?
21:00:02  <TL|Away> to assure our users that when they see a server on the internet, they are able to join, we check the server, before adding it to the list, if it can be reached from outside
21:00:03  <Prof_Frink> Turn off the firewall?
21:00:07  <TL|Away> to avoid listings of people like you ;)
21:00:19  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: what Prof_Frink says, or configure it to accept 3979 on TCP and UDP, incoming
21:00:29  <AlexFili2> Prof_Frink i didnt even f**king know i had one, so how the hell can i turn it off?
21:00:29  <TL|Away> and maybe, like my ISP, your ISP blocked it totally
21:00:46  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: no need to start talking like that
21:00:54  <AlexFili2> well, its true :S
21:00:55  <TL|Away> you won't get any faster to a solution
21:01:05  <TL|Away> we didn't do it to you, so keep it to yourself :)
21:01:10  <AlexFili2> lol
21:01:14  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: first, check if the WinXP firewall is active
21:01:17  <glx> win xp sp2 have a firewall enabled by default
21:01:24  <TL|Away> I am sure it is, WinXP SP2 assured that
21:01:35  <TL|Away> very nice piece of software, do all kinds of stuff without telling anyone
21:01:38  <glx> it blocks all incoming and allow all outcomming
21:01:44  <TL|Away> and then make commercials that they keep on securing your PC mroe and more
21:01:50  <TL|Away> my ass is also a nice place to secure for them
21:01:51  <AlexFili2> so um
21:02:05  <AlexFili2> where can i see my firewall settings?
21:02:05  <TL|Away> at least they admin that pre WinXP SP2 the security was 0.00
21:02:08  <TL|Away> that makes me happy
21:02:08  <TL|Away> but okay
21:02:17  <TL|Away> just my anti-WinXP campaign ;)
21:02:23  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: you can't, install linux ;)
21:02:25  <TL|Away> okay, kidding
21:02:30  <AlexFili2> :o
21:02:31  *** PAStheLoD [] has quit ["( :: NoNameScript 4.01 :: )"]
21:02:33  <TL|Away> Start -> Control Panel
21:02:33  <AlexFili2> u better be
21:02:38  <AlexFili2> ok im there
21:02:38  <TL|Away> Network
21:02:41  *** Scia [] has quit ["kwiet"]
21:02:50  <TL|Away> Right click LAN connection
21:02:52  <TL|Away> (or what ever)
21:02:54  <TL|Away> Properties
21:02:58  <TL|Away> Last tab
21:03:02  <TL|Away> (Advanced
21:03:07  <TL|Away> Settings
21:03:09  <TL|Away> that was the long way
21:03:24  <TL|Away> Next time just press Firewall on the Control Panel, and don't ask silly questions again ;)
21:03:30  <AlexFili2> what do i do from there?
21:03:37  <TL|Away> It is enabled?
21:03:50  <AlexFili2> what am i meant to be looking at
21:04:07  <AlexFili2> in advanced it just says a little line
21:04:11  <TL|Away> top items shows: Firewall
21:04:18  <AlexFili2> "windows firewall" protect my computer bla bla bla...
21:04:19  <TL|Away> right of it: Settings
21:04:31  <TL|Away> so, we press it
21:04:32  <AlexFili2> Windows bla bla bla connect to firewall service
21:04:43  <TL|Away> then you see a green and a red shield
21:04:46  <TL|Away> which one is selected
21:04:48  <AlexFili2> um
21:04:49  <AlexFili2> no i dont
21:04:57  <AlexFili2> mine comes up with a window
21:05:23  <TL|Away> and what does the window say?
21:05:28  <AlexFili2> "Windows firewall settings cannot be displayed because the associated service is not running.
21:05:33  <TL|Away> hmmz
21:05:37  <TL|Away> that would be the first
21:05:38  <TL|Away> funny
21:05:39  <AlexFili2> Do you want to start the Windows Firewall/Internet Connectiohn Sharing ICS Service?
21:05:43  <TL|Away> a user with a disabled Firewlal
21:05:46  <TL|Away> hehe: NOOOoooooooooooooooo
21:05:47  <AlexFili2> Yes/No
21:05:53  <AlexFili2> ?
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21:06:06  <TL|Away> remove some 'o's and you have your answer ;)
21:06:07  <AlexFili2> what?
21:06:11  <TL|Away> anyway, ZoneAlarm installed?
21:06:14  <TL|Away> any other firewall software?
21:06:18  <hylje> .
21:06:19  <AlexFili2> i dont think so
21:06:20  <TL|Away> McAffee Firewall?
21:06:24  <TL|Away> Norting Security blablabla
21:06:25  <AlexFili2> nothing like that
21:06:31  <TL|Away> A virus scanner?
21:06:41  *** |DorpsIdioot| [] has quit [Client Quit]
21:06:41  <AlexFili2> sophos, but it doesnt run in the backgrounds
21:06:50  <Belugas_Work> Router?
21:06:55  <AlexFili2> whats a router
21:07:00  <TL|Away> lol
21:07:03  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: ADSL?
21:07:04  <AlexFili2> if you mean a wireless connection to the internet, yes
21:07:09  <TL|Away> .............
21:07:09  <TL|Away> oh my
21:07:10  <TL|Away> LOL!
21:07:15  <TL|Away> Okay, sorry, my mistake :)
21:07:17  <AlexFili2> is that important?
21:07:19  <TL|Away> So, you have a local LAN :)
21:07:20  <Belugas_Work> a box that is connected between your internet conenction and your computer
21:07:28  <AlexFili2> oh lol
21:07:30  <glx> port forwarding
21:07:31  <AlexFili2> well i guess you could call it that
21:07:42  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: does your pc itself have that IP you just gave me?
21:07:55  <AlexFili2> well, thats the IP my pc says
21:08:04  <AlexFili2>
21:08:06  <TL|Away> hmmz
21:08:18  <TL|Away> you have a box near your telephone line or what ever?
21:08:23  <AlexFili2> um
21:08:25  <TL|Away> that gave you wireless?
21:08:26  <AlexFili2> wireless router?
21:08:40  <TL|Away> something like that yes?
21:08:44  <AlexFili2> um
21:08:45  <AlexFili2> yeah
21:09:00  <TL|Away> Lol
21:09:04  <AlexFili2> but its not got tons of switches on it or anything
21:09:14  <AlexFili2> it just plugs the telephone line into the wireless connector
21:09:24  <AlexFili2> so, can you help me? :p
21:09:33  <TL|Away> Define: wireless connector?
21:09:37  <AlexFili2> ...
21:09:44  <AlexFili2> the line from my phone goes into the box
21:09:47  <TL|Away> a box, about the size of your hand?
21:09:49  <AlexFili2> and my pc can recieve wireless internet
21:09:52  <AlexFili2> um yeah, about that big
21:09:58  <TL|Away> there is your router
21:10:02  <AlexFili2> oh ok
21:10:11  <TL|Away> so what we have learnt today: that box next to the phone line is called a router :)
21:10:15  <AlexFili2> lol
21:10:21  <TL|Away> Routers are very nice things, but, more annoying then windows they are
21:10:28  <TL|Away> they give you all kind of security and stuff
21:10:29  <AlexFili2> hosting servers on OTTD is a pain in the arse? :p
21:10:35  <TL|Away> and accesing them in bridged mode, which you seem to be
21:10:40  <TL|Away> is different for each route
21:10:44  <TL|Away> so, as I see it, 2 options:
21:10:46  <AlexFili2> any easy way to open up a port?
21:10:48  <TL|Away> or your ISP doesn't allow thing
21:10:50  <Belugas_Work> no, it requires a bit of knowledge, that 's it :)
21:10:56  <TL|Away> or you need to find that book you got with your router
21:10:58  <TL|Away> and access it
21:11:15  <TL|Away> I have no doubt in that lovely book there is a story about Port Forwarding
21:11:24  <TL|Away> or... sometimes called DMZ (bad naming in this case)
21:11:32  <TL|Away> or 'Server Address'
21:11:40  <TL|Away> or something remotely like it :)
21:11:45  <TL|Away> (what type of router is it?)
21:12:06  <AlexFili2> a wireless one lol
21:12:14  <AlexFili2> BT Voyager 1500
21:12:44  <TL|Away>
21:12:47  <TL|Away> wrong type
21:12:50  <TL|Away> but check the page people :)
21:12:53  <TL|Away> first screen shows:
21:12:57  <TL|Away> next shows
21:13:00  <TL|Away> euh
21:13:05  <TL|Away> next shows
21:13:11  <TL|Away> confusing information!!! LoL!
21:13:26  <AlexFili2> um yeah...
21:13:29  <AlexFili2> this whole page is confusing
21:13:35  <AlexFili2> so, what am i meant to be doing again? lol
21:13:46  <TL|Away> voyager 1500 isn't listed :p
21:14:01  <AlexFili2> >_< well that sucks
21:14:13  <TL|Away> oeh, but it does have pretty lights :)
21:14:23  <AlexFili2> yeah, it does >_<
21:14:43  <AlexFili2> i wish OpenTTD would hurry up and change the port
21:14:51  <AlexFili2> 3979 is such a bad number
21:15:00  <TL|Away> it doesn't matter, no number will work
21:15:00  <ln-> why is it bad?
21:15:01  <AlexFili2> why the hell couldnt they have just used 7171 like everyone else?!
21:15:19  <TL|Away> "like everyone else"
21:15:20  <TL|Away> LOL!
21:15:20  <AlexFili2> 3979 = line used for trojans
21:15:26  <TL|Away> most likely BECAUSE everyone else :p
21:15:32  <AlexFili2> meh
21:15:37  <TL|Away> yeah, sorry we didn't checked if any trojan was using the port (??)
21:15:37  <AlexFili2> is there any way i can do something else
21:15:41  <AlexFili2> like host a dedicated server?
21:15:44  *** |Jeroen| [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:15:45  <AlexFili2> or something?
21:15:47  *** |Jeroen| [] has joined #openttd
21:16:04  <TL|Away> to run ANY server for the outside world on your PC you have there
21:16:09  <TL|Away> you need to follow tha tURL I gave you
21:16:12  <TL|Away> or find your book
21:16:13  <TL|Away> or both
21:16:14  <AlexFili2> WHOA
21:16:16  <TL|Away> and hope they are compatible
21:16:19  <AlexFili2> HOLD THE PHONE
21:16:24  <AlexFili2> its started searching again :o
21:16:27  <TL|Away> and yo uneed to follow it till it starts about Battle Field
21:16:34  <AlexFili2> its trying to find the master server
21:16:41  <AlexFili2> :o
21:16:49  <TL|Away> it always does
21:16:50  <TL|Away> 3 times
21:16:54  <TL|Away> every 15 minutes
21:16:54  <AlexFili2> but
21:16:57  <AlexFili2> oh lol
21:17:02  <AlexFili2> but u said it does it 3 times and then stops!
21:17:05  <AlexFili2> you're such a liar!!! lol
21:17:07  <TL|Away> for 15 minutes
21:17:12  <AlexFili2> lol u never said that
21:17:12  <TL|Away> but okay, more we can;t do for you
21:17:19  <AlexFili2> :o
21:17:19  <TL|Away> you never asked
21:17:20  <AlexFili2> um ok lol
21:17:28  <AlexFili2> so, how do i host a dedicated server?
21:17:51  <TL|Away> You? On your PC?
21:18:01  <AlexFili2> um yeah
21:18:03  <TL|Away> a) follow that manual
21:18:04  <TL|Away> b) not
21:18:07  <TL|Away> your only options
21:18:09  <TL|Away> take it or leave it
21:18:18  <AlexFili2> what manual?
21:18:26  <glx> router manual
21:18:32  <TL|Away>
21:18:40  <TL|Away> the ony I home is most comaptible with your router
21:18:40  <AlexFili2> but u said that was the wrong model
21:18:43  <TL|Away> it is
21:18:58  <TL|Away>
21:19:01  <TL|Away> thatone is a bit better
21:19:10  <glx> <-- all models they have
21:19:26  <TL|Away> yeah, and 1500 isn't there ;)
21:19:37  <AlexFili2> ah
21:19:45  <TL|Away> but it should give you enough idea how it should be done
21:19:45  <AlexFili2> but wireless 1250 is
21:19:58  <TL|Away> else, get your handy near-family guy at your house
21:20:00  <TL|Away> and let him do it
21:20:37  * AlexFili2 throws a large rock at the person who made openttd, written on the rock it says "dont use port 3979 you <insert word here"
21:20:54  *** mode/#openttd [+o TL|Away] by ChanServ
21:20:54  <hylje> what port then
21:20:55  <TL|Away> Try that again
21:20:57  *** sw4y [] has quit ["Odletam do paralelniho vesmiru..."]
21:21:12  <TL|Away> And I can assure you you are the one flying like a rock
21:21:18  <AlexFili2> :o
21:21:19  <AlexFili2> oh
21:21:23  <AlexFili2> u didnt tell me u were an admin >_<
21:21:34  <glx> you didn't asked :p
21:21:41  <TL|Away> I made the phreaking network code.. wrong person, wrong person...
21:21:43  <TL|Away> freaking
21:21:44  <TL|Away> hmmz
21:21:45  <TL|Away> what ever
21:21:51  <AlexFili2> :S
21:21:58  <Belugas_Work>'BT%20VOYAGER%201500'
21:22:00  <hylje> phear?
21:22:04  <Belugas_Work> HEre is your manual
21:22:07  <TL|Away> so, be a bit nice, don't bitch about port-numbers, becaues they are _not_ the issue
21:22:11  <AlexFili2> :O
21:22:11  <TL|Away> Belugas_Work: nice work :)
21:22:19  <AlexFili2> wow, that was fast
21:22:31  <Belugas_Work> that is why work@work :)
21:22:33  <AlexFili2> um
21:22:35  <AlexFili2> no offence
21:22:38  <AlexFili2> but why are there only 2 pages
21:22:51  <Belugas_Work> Search yourself
21:22:58  <AlexFili2> :s
21:23:04  <TL|Away> find the book you got with the modem
21:23:05  <TL|Away> router
21:23:06  <TL|Away> what ever
21:23:11  <TL|Away> don't say you didn't got any
21:23:14  <TL|Away> because you sure have :)
21:23:18  <AlexFili2> hmmm
21:23:26  <TL|Away> this is all we can do for you
21:23:26  <AlexFili2> i'll see if the box is lying around somewhere
21:23:32  <TL|Away> your router is blocking all incoming signals
21:23:44  <TL|Away> so all games you try to host give this problem
21:23:49  <AlexFili2> sorry, i was just a bit upset thats all :p
21:23:55  <TL|Away> Yeah, don't take it out on us
21:24:03  <TL|Away> we are here spending 20+ minutes to help you out
21:24:05  <TL|Away> so it aint fair
21:24:12  <TL|Away> 30+ minutes
21:24:25  *** mode/#openttd [-o TL|Away] by TL|Away
21:24:26  <AlexFili2> it will probably be 300 before my problem is solved :p
21:24:30  <AlexFili2> :o
21:24:35  <AlexFili2> you de-oped yourself?
21:24:51  <hylje> camouflage
21:24:51  <TL|Away> "You don't need to be an op to have power" ;)
21:25:21  <AlexFili2> really? lol
21:25:54  <TL|Away> Anyway, I wish you good luck in figuring out your router :)
21:26:03  <TL|Away> We can't access it from here
21:26:07  <TL|Away> so it is all you now :)
21:26:43  <hylje> AlexFili2: yes really
21:27:17  *** XeryusTC [] has joined #openttd
21:29:49  *** MeusH [] has joined #openttd
21:29:54  <MeusH> hi
21:30:56  *** Coder`TuX [n=codertux@] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:31:14  <MeusH> MiHaMiX: have you read my e-mail?
21:31:24  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: yes
21:31:32  <TL|Away> hi MeusH :)
21:31:47  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: there is a problem: I have to upgrade wiki before I can apply those patches
21:31:48  <MeusH> great
21:31:50  <MiHaMiX> TL|Away: hi
21:31:52  <MeusH> so what's the plan?
21:31:57  <MeusH> oh allright
21:32:01  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: but afaik DV made changes on the wiki source
21:32:05  <MeusH> can I help you somehow?
21:32:06  <AlexFili2> oh thats just great
21:32:11  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: and I don't want to screw those changes
21:32:13  <AlexFili2> my dad doesnt know where he put the wireless boxes
21:32:15  <TL|Away> MiHaMiX: diff it :)
21:32:21  <AlexFili2> so now i have no <censored> idea where they are
21:32:40  <MeusH> MiHaMiX: just make a copy of the database
21:32:44  <MiHaMiX> TL|Away: will do someday, but today i had a very busy day
21:32:52  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: will make, of course
21:32:57  <MeusH> read manual on upgrading the wiki
21:33:02  <MeusH> this should help you
21:33:05  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: even more, probably I'll move the db to another box
21:33:06  <TL|Away> MiHaMiX: I never said anything about today or this week ;) :)
21:33:08  *** DjViper- [] has joined #Openttd
21:33:09  <MeusH> I was upgrading my forums taht way
21:33:38  <AlexFili2> omg
21:33:38  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: but that's still doesn't solve the problem that I don't want to lose the changes DV made on the wiki source
21:33:43  *** DiabloD3 [] has joined #openttd
21:33:48  <AlexFili2> what the <censored> is with these crappy 2 page PDFs
21:34:05  <AlexFili2> I want a massive manual, not a some stupid little guide for 2 year olds
21:34:21  *** DjViper [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
21:34:44  *** DjViper- is now known as DjViper
21:34:44  <glx> AlexFili2: do you know how to use google?
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21:37:24  <AlexFili2> glx um yeah
21:37:28  <glx> AlexFili2: <-- I think you can download the manual you want
21:37:29  <AlexFili2> but i cant find diddly squad
21:37:43  <AlexFili2> glx that link doesnt work
21:38:40  <MeusH> MiHaMiX: may you tell me what DV did to the sourcecode?
21:38:50  <MeusH> just curious, you know
21:39:24  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: currently I don't know
21:39:36  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: tomorrow I'll make a diff on the source
21:39:41  <MiHaMiX> MeusH: and i'll know more :)
21:39:57  <AlexFili2> "OTTD uses port 3979. This is a known trojan horse port, so it might be blocked. Because of that, we will change the port in the future. Until then, you can change it yourself"
21:40:20  <TL|Away> !me slaps who ever wrote that :p
21:40:25  <MeusH> great
21:40:27  <AlexFili2> Bjarni
21:40:28  <AlexFili2> OpenTTD Developer
21:40:34  <TL|Away> !me slaps Bjarni :)
21:40:39  <AlexFili2> omg
21:40:40  <AlexFili2> hes right here
21:40:42  * AlexFili2 punches Bjarni
21:40:43  <AlexFili2> lol
21:40:44  <TL|Away> I know :)
21:40:53  <AlexFili2> i guess hes asleep >_<
21:41:03  <TL|Away> I haven't met a computer that couldn't start a server because of this 'problem' :) It rarely is :)
21:41:15  <AlexFili2> :S
21:41:19  <AlexFili2> hmm
21:41:23  <AlexFili2> im gonna try hosting on a different port
21:41:32  <TL|Away> you do that :)
21:41:42  <TL|Away> if it works, you are the first :p So we add that to a list somewhere
21:41:44  <TL|Away> :)
21:41:44  *** ^Cartman^ [] has quit ["Que?"]
21:42:18  <AlexFili2> so
21:42:28  <AlexFili2> how many times is it meant to look for the master list without a firewall?
21:42:51  <TL|Away> 1 time
21:42:54  <TL|Away> then you see a query back
21:42:59  <AlexFili2> >_<
21:43:07  <AlexFili2> i hate <censored> routers and <censored> firewalls
21:43:32  <AlexFili2> sometimes im glad the internet doesnt have voice communication
21:44:36  <TL|Away> it does ;)
21:44:42  <AlexFili2> lol
21:44:53  <hylje> irc doesnt
21:44:53  <AlexFili2> hey
21:44:54  <hylje> yet
21:44:56  <AlexFili2> if i have a firewall
21:44:59  <MeusH> my irc client does
21:45:01  <AlexFili2> how come i can access the mirc ports?
21:45:03  <MeusH> I hear you all
21:45:11  <MeusH> I hear you doing bad things
21:45:22  <hylje> usually established sessions work
21:45:30  <hylje> but listening sessions dont
21:45:34  <AlexFili2> um
21:45:38  <hylje> so you can browse the net
21:45:39  <AlexFili2> in english? lol
21:45:45  <hylje> but not host a website
21:45:46  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: outgoing connections are allowed
21:45:50  <TL|Away> incoming connections are not
21:45:58  <AlexFili2> :S
21:46:08  <AlexFili2> so
21:46:14  <AlexFili2> are routers and modems very different?
21:46:27  <TL|Away> you have a router + modem in one
21:46:35  <AlexFili2> lucky me >_<
21:46:39  <TL|Away> and in between there is a thing called a firewall
21:46:42  <TL|Away> yeah, lucky you
21:46:46  <TL|Away> I have 2 boxes to do the same
21:46:47  <AlexFili2> i should have just got a psp
21:46:47  <TL|Away> even 3
21:46:48  <TL|Away> hmmz
21:46:50  <AlexFili2> then i could play TT on the go
21:46:55  <AlexFili2> instead, i got a DS and wireless router
21:46:59  <TL|Away> I have a modem, a router, and a wireless station ;)
21:47:12  <hylje> ds port could be funny
21:47:18  <TL|Away> the router is 1m x 30cm x 60cm (biggy ;))
21:47:19  <AlexFili2> hylje i pray for that
21:47:35  <AlexFili2> please TL|Away, can you make a DS port? lol
21:47:37  <hylje> TL|Away: thats a box
21:48:09  <glx> AlexFili2 and look th FAQ
21:48:21  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: donate me a DS :)
21:48:35  <TL|Away> hylje: no, it is a 486
21:48:38  <AlexFili2> lol TL|Away, no lol
21:48:44  *** Diablo-D3 [] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:48:50  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: so don't request it, unless you want to donate the hardware :)
21:49:02  <AlexFili2> LOL
21:49:10  <AlexFili2> glx... that doesnt really help
21:49:15  <AlexFili2> it says nothing about ports anywhere
21:49:49  <glx>
21:50:05  <AlexFili2> virtual server? :o
21:50:10  <hylje> its funny how we talk about TCP/IP ports and architechture ports at the same time
21:50:12  <glx> yes
21:50:21  <AlexFili2> if you want to open ports 6000 to 6100 then you would input 6000 in the start field and 6100 in the end. If you wish to open only one port, type the same port number in all boxes :o
21:50:23  *** DjViper- [] has joined #Openttd
21:50:30  <AlexFili2> so, i can use this to open ports?!
21:50:30  *** DjViper [] has quit [Read error: 113 (No route to host)]
21:50:36  <glx> yes
21:50:40  <AlexFili2> omg wow
21:50:44  * AlexFili2 kisses TL|Away
21:50:47  <glx> it's called port forwarding
21:50:50  <TL|Away> IEUW!
21:50:53  *** DjViper- is now known as DjViper
21:50:53  <MiHaMiX> :DDDDDD
21:51:16  <MiHaMiX> /topic PG13: Sex on the channel: AlexFili2 kisses TL|Away
21:51:17  <MiHaMiX> :DD
21:51:27  <TL|Away> LOL!!
21:51:52  <hylje> boy love!
21:52:02  <glx> I do the search and TL|Away is kissed
21:52:12  <TL|Away> glx: you are never loved
21:54:18  *** RoySmeding [] has quit ["Leaving"]
21:55:14  <AlexFili2> hmmm
21:55:20  *** XeryusTC [] has quit [Connection timed out]
21:55:22  <AlexFili2> can anyone help me make sense of this page?
21:55:34  <AlexFili2> i'll put it in a jpg
21:56:21  <AlexFili2> huh
21:56:23  <AlexFili2> it wont let me send it
21:57:01  <AlexFili2> i'll host it somewhere
21:57:14  <hylje>
21:57:29  <AlexFili2> ive got my own site thanks :p
21:57:42  <hylje> good for low bandwidth imgs but sux for high
21:57:56  <AlexFili2> lol
21:58:09  <AlexFili2>
21:58:13  <AlexFili2> im stuck at this page
21:58:51  *** Torrasque_ [] has quit ["Chatzilla [Firefox]"]
21:59:06  <TL|Away> try Apply
21:59:27  <orudge> .
21:59:27  <AlexFili2> internal server ip address is invalid
21:59:36  <TL|Away> very true
21:59:37  <TL|Away> hmmz
21:59:39  <glx> put your machine IP
21:59:45  <AlexFili2> glx wont that change when i d/c
21:59:46  <AlexFili2> ?
22:00:04  <glx> depends on how smart is the router
22:00:04  <TL|Away> glx: it appears he is in bridged mode
22:00:31  <TL|Away> "Virtual Server", that really is a new one
22:00:46  <AlexFili2> well
22:00:49  <AlexFili2> i put it my ip
22:00:50  <Prof_Frink> That's what they're called on the Belkin thing here
22:01:12  <AlexFili2> i'll see if that changed anything
22:01:53  <AlexFili2> oh my god
22:02:02  <AlexFili2> its still doing that 3 searches thing
22:02:07  <AlexFili2> i am really pissed off now
22:02:07  *** Jenkz [] has quit []
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22:02:17  <TL|Away> useless, getting pissed off at a machine
22:02:57  <AlexFili2> i dont get it
22:03:01  <AlexFili2> i entered everything right
22:03:03  *** Spocoo [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
22:03:12  <glx> AlexFili2: look other settings
22:03:15  <MeusH> cya
22:03:28  <glx> maybe one his for blocking port
22:03:28  <MeusH> good luck MiHaMiX
22:03:31  *** MeusH [] has quit ["Cya layer"]
22:03:33  <AlexFili2> :S
22:05:19  <AlexFili2> blocking port...
22:05:52  <TL|Away> check Security
22:06:00  <TL|Away> does it say anything about firewall, allowing ports, what ever
22:06:43  <AlexFili2> hmmm
22:06:47  <AlexFili2> i'll try again
22:07:09  <AlexFili2> argh
22:07:13  <AlexFili2> 3 search thing again
22:07:16  <AlexFili2> this is getting stupid now
22:08:01  <AlexFili2> um
22:08:07  <AlexFili2> whats the difference between TCP and UDP?
22:08:26  <TL|Away> doesn't matter for you, they just differ
22:08:31  <AlexFili2> :s
22:08:42  <TL|Away> it is like apple and peer
22:08:44  <TL|Away> euh
22:08:46  <TL|Away> stupid english
22:08:48  <AlexFili2> why not just use apple? :S
22:09:00  <AlexFili2> is there an important reason?
22:09:03  <TL|Away> yes
22:09:32  <AlexFili2> are you going to tell me? :p
22:09:38  <TL|Away> nope
22:09:43  <TL|Away> you won't understand, I am afraid
22:09:53  <AlexFili2> um ok
22:09:58  <AlexFili2> well
22:10:03  <AlexFili2> i did that port forwarding thing
22:10:05  <TL|Away> you need basic UDP and TCP knowledge for that :)
22:10:10  <AlexFili2> and i changed some ip filter settings
22:10:14  <AlexFili2> but nothing has changed at all
22:10:54  *** dp-- [] has quit ["This quitmessage has been left intentionally blank."]
22:12:05  <AlexFili2> glx any ideas?
22:15:15  <glx> AlexFili2: can you show me the "Local Network" page?
22:15:39  <AlexFili2> ok
22:15:41  <AlexFili2> hang on
22:16:41  <AlexFili2>
22:17:44  <TL|Away> helpful page
22:17:45  <TL|Away> :s
22:17:46  <TL|Away> :p
22:17:47  <TL|Away> hehe
22:17:54  <TL|Away> glx: you requested the wrong page!!! :p
22:18:02  <AlexFili2> :O
22:18:12  *** dp_ [] has joined #openttd
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22:18:46  <AlexFili2> TL|Away, if people with firewalls have problems with incoming stuff, cant you just make everything outgoing? :s
22:19:02  <AlexFili2> oh wait, was it the other way round? im confused ;S
22:19:19  <Prof_Frink> AlexFili2: Then how would people join?
22:19:32  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: you are a boy, right?
22:19:38  <AlexFili2> yeah for sure
22:19:45  <glx> AlexFili2: I can dl the manual with ie, but the file seems broken :(
22:19:52  <AlexFili2> um
22:19:54  <TL|Away> Okay, now if a woman has a big belt in front of her yuo know what
22:19:57  <TL|Away> she can still pie
22:19:57  <AlexFili2> i had a look at a manual i had
22:19:59  <TL|Away> it comes out
22:20:02  <TL|Away> but no way you can go in there
22:20:04  <TL|Away> so what ever you do
22:20:07  <AlexFili2> but it was about as helpful as brick
22:20:10  <TL|Away> she can never be the host of your child
22:20:15  <TL|Away> same goes here
22:20:53  <TL|Away> (worst comparison EVER!)
22:21:34  <TL|Away> pie = pee
22:21:37  <TL|Away> oops ;)
22:21:40  <AlexFili2> hmmm
22:21:51  <AlexFili2>
22:21:59  <glx> oh there's a "DHCP Server" thing on top of the "Local Network" page
22:22:17  <glx> maybe this one could help
22:22:21  *** |Jeroen| [] has quit ["I seem to be off"]
22:22:51  <TL|Away> oh man, I am having a good laugh here :p
22:23:27  *** Mukke [] has quit []
22:23:34  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: while OpenTTD is running as server
22:23:41  <TL|Away> open this page till it shows green:
22:23:43  <TL|Away>
22:23:50  <TL|Away> then you know you succeeded :)
22:23:53  <TL|Away> (just to help you a bit)
22:23:59  <TL|Away> It won't show green if you don't do anything :p
22:24:12  <TL|Away> it just checks if it can make inbound connections (connections from the outworld)
22:24:13  <AlexFili2> its at red >_<
22:24:20  <TL|Away> sure it is
22:24:26  <TL|Away> so now try and fiddle and try again
22:24:27  <glx> yeah I test my firewall settings with this page
22:24:47  <AlexFili2> :S
22:24:48  <AlexFili2> ok
22:24:51  <glx> everything is red for me (and I want that :p )
22:25:04  <TL|Away> it is read here too
22:25:05  * TL|Away shots ISP
22:26:02  <AlexFili2> DHCP server?
22:26:13  <AlexFili2> "Enabling DHCP Server on LAN interface can provide the proper IP address settings to your computer."
22:26:34  <glx> so each computer on your LAN has his own IP
22:26:47  <AlexFili2> :S
22:26:55  <TL|Away> glx: possible he is in bridge mode
22:27:02  <TL|Away> so it is just the firewall keeping things out
22:27:10  <TL|Away> pings btw are also silenced
22:27:18  <glx> but where is the firewall?
22:27:29  <TL|Away> in China
22:27:29  <AlexFili2> glx it might be in the actual router itself
22:27:44  <AlexFili2> hence all this virtual server crap
22:28:02  <AlexFili2> why isnt there just a big button that says open port, and you type in 3979
22:28:06  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: Security, does that tab give you any more info?
22:28:08  <AlexFili2> that would really please me a lot
22:28:16  <AlexFili2> a bit
22:28:21  <AlexFili2> i tried doing stuff, but nothing happened
22:28:26  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: write your router company
22:28:28  <AlexFili2> i'll take some shots
22:28:32  <TL|Away> show us what options there are
22:28:38  <AlexFili2> BT VOYAGER 1500 = router
22:29:57  <AlexFili2>
22:29:59  <AlexFili2>
22:30:22  <AlexFili2> i tried to set something up there, but it had no effect whatsoever
22:30:32  <TL|Away> (btw, AlexFili2, if it works, yo uhav to send us flowers for the trouble :p)
22:30:51  <glx> udp is N/A
22:31:04  <TL|Away> try allowing 3979 on UDP yes ;)
22:31:07  <AlexFili2> glx it wouldnt let me type in any values for some reason
22:31:21  <AlexFili2> wtf?
22:31:25  <AlexFili2> suddenly it let my type in 3979
22:31:35  <TL|Away> it is magic
22:31:36  <TL|Away> magic
22:31:37  <TL|Away> magic!
22:31:39  <TL|Away> A magic bean
22:31:42  <TL|Away> what are you going to do with it
22:31:45  <TL|Away> plant it in the ground
22:31:45  <AlexFili2> its still red though
22:31:48  <TL|Away> or hold it in your hand!
22:31:51  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: just try OpenTTD now
22:31:53  <TL|Away> who knows
22:31:55  * hylje casts Devour Magic
22:31:55  <Qball> glx is fun
22:31:56  <AlexFili2> its red
22:32:13  <hylje> all your magic are belong to us
22:32:23  <TL|Away> AlexFili2: I ment: restart OpenTTD and check the advertise
22:32:36  <AlexFili2> :s
22:32:40  <AlexFili2> but, the site is still red
22:32:47  <TL|Away> fuck the site
22:32:49  <TL|Away> try OpenTTD
22:32:57  <AlexFili2> ok lol
22:33:42  <AlexFili2> well isnt that swell
22:33:48  <AlexFili2> 3 stupid search thing
22:33:49  <AlexFili2> happy now?!
22:33:56  <AlexFili2> lol
22:33:57  <TL|Away> okay, remove the entry from Virtual Server now
22:34:06  <AlexFili2> ;s
22:34:13  <AlexFili2> ok
22:34:28  <TL|Away> make sure the entries in Security are still there
22:34:35  <AlexFili2> yup
22:34:36  <TL|Away> reboot your router (suggested by Belugas_Work)
22:34:37  <AlexFili2> they definately are
22:34:41  <TL|Away> and then try again
22:34:42  <AlexFili2> um ok
22:34:46  <AlexFili2> brb
22:34:49  <TL|Away> :)
22:35:03  <TL|Away> (finally, peace and quiet... can we keep it that way? Shall I block him? :p)
22:35:11  <Qball> TL|Away: jerk
22:35:16  <TL|Away> would be an awful joke, to block him now :p
22:35:22  <TL|Away> Qball: tnx, love you too :)
22:35:29  <Qball> and gay
22:35:51  <TL|Away> My gf shows me differently :s
22:36:00  <TL|Away> so I guess I have to break her the bad news
22:36:00  <Qball> false pretend
22:36:10  <TL|Away> she says I am indeed very happy
22:36:10  <TL|Away> hmmz
22:36:11  <TL|Away> weird
22:36:14  <Qball> you do that, but wait until I'm there with the camera
22:36:16  *** |VillageIdiot| [] has quit ["Leaving"]
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22:37:40  <AlexFili> um im back
22:37:44  <TL|Away> oh-oh
22:37:46  <TL|Away> so, tell us
22:37:56  <TL|Away> you have to know
22:37:59  <TL|Away> I can't take bad news
22:38:01  <TL|Away> :p
22:38:02  <AlexFili> ?
22:38:04  <AlexFili> huh
22:38:36  *** stefan [] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
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22:39:13  <Qball> AlexFili: TL|Away just came out of the closet, he is very fragile atm
22:39:35  <AlexFili> :s?
22:39:45  <TL|Away> Qball: don't confuse him anymor then is needed :p
22:39:48  <AlexFili> um if u expected that to magically fix something
22:39:49  <AlexFili> it didnt
22:39:59  <AlexFili> signal is red and ottd gives me 3 search thing
22:40:05  <TL|Away> Okay, one last try
22:40:12  <TL|Away> switch that switch to Disabled
22:40:14  <TL|Away> in security
22:40:24  <TL|Away> so no more IP filtering
22:40:27  <TL|Away> byebye security
22:40:28  <TL|Away> this is bad btw
22:40:33  <TL|Away> never do this at home boys and girls
22:40:35  <MiHaMiX> hmm
22:40:45  <AlexFili> um
22:40:49  <AlexFili> was that thing supposed to change to green?
22:40:52  <AlexFili> because its still red
22:41:02  <TL|Away> then I am totally out of ideas
22:41:14  <TL|Away> ask a friend of yours that is _really_ good with computers
22:41:17  <glx> you refreshed the page?
22:41:29  <Qball> 1/0 for glx
22:41:42  <glx> and ottd is running?
22:41:43  <AlexFili> EH?
22:41:46  <AlexFili> STEALTH?!
22:41:50  <AlexFili> huh
22:41:54  <AlexFili> the bar is full of little red bars
22:41:57  <TL|Away> bah, why did I give that page :p
22:41:59  <AlexFili> and it says stealth on it
22:42:04  <AlexFili> what does that mean?
22:42:26  <TL|Away> that it doesn't work :p
22:42:31  <TL|Away> but  iam not sure the page works at all
22:42:34  <TL|Away> that is a bit sad
22:42:43  <AlexFili> why does it say stealth?
22:42:50  <TL|Away> meaning: blocked
22:42:54  <TL|Away> meaning: no connection
22:42:55  <AlexFili> eh? :o
22:42:58  <TL|Away> meaning: can't reach this address
22:42:59  <AlexFili> that makes no sense
22:43:01  <TL|Away> meaning: yo uare still fucked
22:43:06  <AlexFili> i disable firewall, and it still blocks it :S
22:43:21  <AlexFili> shove it
22:43:26  <AlexFili> i'll just have to get people to host it for me lol
22:43:28  <TL|Away> I now go get some sleep
22:43:36  <TL|Away> join Official Server #1 :p
22:43:45  <AlexFili> lol
22:43:49  <TL|Away> Or you can rent a server if you like, ask me or orudge :)
22:44:02  <AlexFili> RENT?
22:44:07  <AlexFili> im playing an old dos game
22:44:13  <AlexFili> you think i can afford stuff like that?!
22:44:31  <orudge> Ah well
22:44:33  <orudge> If you can, just ask ;)
22:44:42  <AlexFili> lol
22:44:54  <TL|Away> That woke orudge, hehe ;)
22:44:58  <AlexFili> lol
22:44:58  <TL|Away> We can make a nice deal, I am sure :)
22:45:00  <orudge> ;)
22:45:07  <AlexFili> no matter what language everyone speak
22:45:11  <AlexFili> we all speak the language of money :p
22:45:19  <orudge> ¬_¬
22:45:26  <TL|Away> normally it is 20 euro a month, but for you, we make it 30 :p
22:45:29  <TL|Away> (sorry, bitch mode :))
22:45:34  <TL|Away> I have to go now
22:45:37  <AlexFili> :o
22:45:38  <AlexFili> lol
22:45:40  <TL|Away> AlexFili: good luck, I hope you fix it
22:45:49  <AlexFili> yay
22:45:50  <TL|Away> We can't help you anymore, and we can't change anything that it will work
22:45:50  <AlexFili> stealth
22:45:58  <AlexFili> f**k it, i cant be arsed anymore
22:46:02  <TL|Away> don't forget to put that IP Filter back to enabled
22:46:12  <TL|Away> and change everything back you changed
22:46:12  <AlexFili> to be honest, i'd rather have not wasted these last 3 hours when i could have been PLAYING IT
22:46:16  <AlexFili> TL|Away already done
22:46:24  <TL|Away> he, don't tell us :) I could have been playing all tha ttime too :)
22:46:27  <AlexFili> >_<
22:46:30  <AlexFili> why didnt you?
22:46:34  <AlexFili> you only have to look back every 10 mins
22:46:35  <TL|Away> because we are friendlt
22:46:35  <AlexFili> lol
22:46:38  <AlexFili> awwww
22:46:40  <AlexFili> ur my friend too
22:46:42  * AlexFili hugs TL|Away
22:46:43  <TL|Away> and want to help our players :)
22:46:46  <TL|Away> :$ :$
22:46:49  <TL|Away> Qball: he is gay too ;)
22:46:51  <AlexFili> anyway
22:46:53  <AlexFili> gotta go to sleep
22:46:55  <TL|Away> Night all :)
22:46:57  <TL|Away> night AlexFili
22:46:57  * AlexFili falls asleep
22:46:59  *** AlexFili [] has quit []
22:47:13  <TL|Away> glx and Belugas_Work, tnx for helping out too :)
22:47:26  <glx> we tried
22:48:37  <Qball> that is all you can make of it
22:50:37  *** Osai [] has joined #openttd
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22:56:46  *** BFM [] has joined #openttd
23:01:39  <CIA-5> peter1138 * r3778 /trunk/news_gui.c: - Fix crash when resizing news history window.
23:03:31  <Born_Acorn> peter1138!
23:03:35  <peter1138> no
23:03:37  <Born_Acorn> newstations!
23:03:41  <peter1138> sleep :P
23:03:46  <Born_Acorn> :O
23:04:16  <Belugas_Work> lucky one :)
23:04:59  *** tokai|noir [] has quit ["It's like, wah."]
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23:20:34  <BFM> Bah, who needs sleep!
23:20:47  <BFM> Besides, it's 10:20am :P
23:25:30  *** uatec [] has joined #openttd
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23:25:36  <uatec> hi there
23:28:03  <uatec> why is it that i've built no planes, but whenever i try to build one it says 'maximum number of vehicles reached'?
23:28:56  <glx> how many trains, road vehicles, boats?
23:29:13  <uatec> well, none to begin with
23:29:52  <uatec> so i thought it mighyt be a relative cap, but now i've built... 4 trains, and 3 busses
23:29:58  <uatec> same message
23:30:18  <glx> is there other players?
23:30:30  <BFM> You've got plane limit set to zero?
23:30:34  <uatec> there weren't when i started
23:30:40  <Bjarni> 	<AlexFili2>	"OTTD uses port 3979. This is a known trojan horse port, so it might be blocked. Because of that, we will change the port in the future. Until then, you can change it yourself" <--- should I have said that 3979 is a known trojan horse port???
23:30:41  <uatec> now there are 2 AIs
23:30:58  <glx> Bjarni: he's gone
23:31:02  <uatec> not that i know of, BFM
23:31:07  <Bjarni> I know we moved away from 12345 because of that
23:31:25  <Bjarni> and picked 3979 because nobody could find anything that used that port
23:31:43  <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: * is a known tojan port.
23:31:56  <Bjarni> heh
23:32:23  <Bjarni> but when we picked it, we could not find anything that wanted to use that specific port
23:32:41  <Bjarni> I can remember searching the net for anything that could use it
23:32:55  <Bjarni> verified that Apple didn't use it for anything at all
23:33:35  <Bjarni> I would like to know where he read such a thing
23:34:19  <Prof_Frink> Bjarni: Apparently it's used by a trojan called openTTD
23:34:29  <Bjarni> ahh found the text
23:34:34  <Bjarni> I wrote it a long time ago
23:34:37  <Prof_Frink> It disguises itself as an innocent game, then eats your life.
23:34:40  <Bjarni> and then a lot of people edited it :p
23:34:51  <Bjarni> now it's not possible to say who wrote it
23:35:29  <uatec> lol
23:36:19  <uatec> Prof_Frink: i showed openttd on my psp to my lecturer this morning
23:36:32  <uatec> at the next lecture, when we walked in he was playing on the lecture theatre PC
23:36:42  <Bjarni> actually I think I wrote that it used port 12345 and then it was changed, somebody just changed the port number without looking at the remark about it being a known trojan horse port
23:36:52  <Prof_Frink> uatec: see!
23:36:58  <Prof_Frink> It's dangerous!
23:36:58  <Bjarni> uatec: LOL
23:36:59  <uatec> :)
23:38:25  *** Red^gone is now known as Red
23:38:58  <BFM> This game has destroyed my life in 3 stages over a 10 year period. :(
23:39:19  <uatec> lol
23:39:33  <uatec> it destroyed my GCSEs 5 years ago
23:41:45  <uatec> played the original transport tycoon, over a serial cable with my mate
23:42:03  <coppercore> OLDSK00L
23:42:11  <ShadowJK> uatec, nice :(
23:42:14  <ShadowJK> in a sad way
23:42:34  <ShadowJK> (o)ttd is so addictive!
23:42:51  <BFM> You know the worst part of it all? It can only get better =(
23:43:06  * Vornicus ponders that, eventually, there will be no more ports that aren't used by trojans.
23:45:10  *** Qrrbrbirlbel [] has quit [""]
23:45:30  <Bjarni> ok, I fixed the wrong message
23:48:43  <Bjarni> Vornicus: yeah, but I will not wonder about that issue now
23:48:54  <Bjarni> we got a default port that appears to work now :)
23:49:33  *** SchAmane [] has quit ["Ciao"]
23:50:31  *** Belugas_Work is now known as Belugas_Gone
23:50:35  <Bjarni> <coppercore>	OLDSK00L <--- then what do you call playing stunt car racer over a link cable on Amiga 500?
23:51:02  <BFM> ... Stunt car racer? You mean that game, stunts? Where you design your own track!?
23:51:14  <Bjarni> I can't remember if the link cable was serial or parallel. It had so many connectors that it had to be parallel
23:51:28  <Bjarni> BFM: no, it was called "Stunt car racer"
23:51:31  <BFM> Last week I completed Space Quest III in 45 minutes... :\
23:51:44  <Vornicus> SCSI-3 has 68 pins but is somehow serial.
23:52:07  <Bjarni>
23:52:24  <Bjarni> everything is serial in a way
23:52:26  <Vornicus> zomg
23:52:48  <Bjarni> and everything is also parallel, unless it only use one data pin
23:53:08  <uatec> only 1?
23:53:19  <uatec> only 1?surely that's... just nothing
23:53:23  <uatec> surely it needs atleast 2
23:53:30  <Bjarni> I said one data pin
23:53:39  <uatec> hrm...
23:53:45  <Bjarni> it could contain other pins, like common ground and power supply
23:54:01  <Bjarni> USB got power supply and a data pin
23:54:11  <BFM> Haha! I remember that game too!
23:54:18  <uatec> the USB game?
23:54:20  <Bjarni> it got 4 pins in total and I'm not sure if it even got more than one data pin
23:54:31  <Bjarni> USB is an interface, not a game :p
23:54:46  <Bjarni> look at your keyboard/mouse/joystick/whatever
23:54:59  <Bjarni> oh wait, not your biological joystick :p
23:55:08  <glx> USB is +5V, 0V, D+ and D-
23:55:30  <uatec> that's serial duplex with power
23:55:39  <uatec> i think that still counts as pure serial
23:55:47  <uatec> that's a question i was asked in a lecture today
23:55:56  <uatec> think of a TRUE peer to peer system...
23:56:13  <uatec> like Bonjour, or Bluetooth
23:56:26  <DiabloD3> bonjour isnt "peer to peer"
23:56:27  <Bjarni> like an I2C bus... you don't believe how it works
23:56:36  <DiabloD3> its simply multicasting
23:56:37  <uatec> more specifically a game which uses true peer to peer...
23:56:38  <Bjarni> it got data and bus pin... and that's it
23:56:38  <uatec> it's not?
23:56:40  <DiabloD3> its single peer to many peer.
23:56:49  <uatec> that's still peer to peer
23:56:55  <Bjarni> it depends on the devices to use common ground though
23:56:58  <uatec> peer to peer, doesn't mean one to one
23:57:08  <DiabloD3> uatec: not really, the many peer cant talk to the single peer
23:57:15  <DiabloD3> and the many peer cant talk to each other
23:57:25  <DiabloD3> its one way udp traffic only.
23:57:32  <Vornicus> trackerless BT?
23:57:36  <uatec> hrmm...
23:57:47  <uatec> trackerless BT?
23:57:48  <uatec> how?
23:57:52  <DiabloD3> trackerless BT is easy
23:57:59  <DiabloD3> uatec: uses the magnet network
23:58:15  <DiabloD3> something designed for something different, but azeurus and now other bt clients use it for bt stuff
23:58:31  <uatec> weird
23:58:43  <uatec> but what about systems which ARE peer to peer, not which aren't...
23:59:26  <uatec> what was that secure file share system by nullsoft called?

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