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00:01:03 *** DaleStan [~Dale@] has joined #openttd 00:04:26 *** lws1984 [~lwslade@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 00:06:17 *** DaleStan_ [~Dale@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:07:28 *** [F] [~f@pool-70-110-28-229.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 00:07:47 <[F]> hey guys, I'm on ArchLinux and I'm having trouble running openttd. Whenever I ./openttd I get the following error 00:07:53 <[F]> Your sample.cat file is corrupted or missing! 00:07:53 <[F]> Error: Cannot open file 'data/sample.cat' 00:07:53 <[F]> openttd: openttd.c:76: error: Assertion `0' failed. 00:08:02 <[F]> sample.cat is not in data/ 00:08:08 <[F]> but i don't know where to grab it from. 00:08:11 <glx> you need to put it there 00:08:19 <[F]> where can I find it? 00:08:31 <glx> it's a file from an original TTD 00:08:49 <glx> so it's on your TTD cd 00:08:57 <[F]> I don't have any TTD cds. 00:08:59 <Born_Acorn> You need to get it from the disc or your favourite abandonware thread. 00:09:09 <[F]> Do I need to have this CD to play the game? 00:09:16 <Born_Acorn> Or the TT-Forums thread to download a copy. 00:09:29 <Eddi|zuHause2> no, only the files from the CD 00:09:39 *** DaleStan_ [~Dale@] has joined #openttd 00:09:44 <[F]> because I have never purchased or played TTD before. 00:09:46 <Born_Acorn> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=3407 <-- "Transport Tycoon Deluxe" 00:10:00 *** Guest56 [Gono@N808P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 00:10:11 <Born_Acorn> (Windows is preferable, because the colours don't screw up) 00:10:51 <Eddi|zuHause2> is there a DOS-port of ottd? 00:10:51 <[F]> so download any of the links under "Transport Tycoon Deluxe (Windows):"? 00:11:25 <Eddi|zuHause2> if you are really lucky, you find a "data files only" link 00:11:31 <Eddi|zuHause2> that should suffice 00:11:51 <Eddi|zuHause2> and if anyone asks, you did not get this info from us ;) 00:12:15 <[F]> this is a .zip file, by the way. I'm on linux, all i need to do is unzip ttd-win.zip and grab the sample.cat, put it in data/ and then delete everything else in ttd-win.zip? 00:12:38 <Eddi|zuHause2> no, you need all files from the data directory 00:12:54 <[F]> alright. there are already a few things in my data/ 00:13:02 <[F]> autorail.grf dosdummy.grf openttd.grf trkfoundw.grf 00:13:02 <[F]> canalsw.grf nsignalsw.grf opntitle.dat 00:13:08 <glx> you need tr*r.grf from TTD too 00:13:09 <Eddi|zuHause2> and for music, all .gm files 00:13:27 <Eddi|zuHause2> those are additional files, that were not part of TTD 00:13:30 *** Gonozal_VIII [Gono@M3092P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:13:32 <glx> check the readme :) 00:14:06 <Eddi|zuHause2> but the original TTD graphic files are copyright protected, and thus cannot be distributed with the game (which is under GPL) 00:14:49 <[F]> i see, and all these files just get dumped into data/ right? 00:14:50 <cantares> warum der rechtinhaber die nicht freigibt ist mir raetselhaft.. o.o 00:15:14 <Eddi|zuHause2> cantares: weil keiner so richtig zugibt, daß er die rechte hat 00:15:25 <cantares> Hmm wenn sie keiner hat.. hmm 00:15:37 <cantares> Dann geb ich sie einfach frei *lol* *rofl* 00:15:40 *** DaleStan [~Dale@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:16:51 <[F]> do all the tr*r.grf files get placed into data/ ? 00:16:57 <glx> yes 00:18:10 <[F]> glx: alright i've copied over sample.cat and 6 tr*r.grf files (there are a ton more but they don't fit the tr*r.grf category) 00:18:20 *** Guest56 is now known as Gonozal_VIII 00:18:27 <glx> the count is right 00:18:58 <Eddi|zuHause2> cantares: naja, irgendjemand hat sie... nur war derjenige nicht so interessiert, das eindeutig zu klären (nach ein paar firmenaufkäufen hat das einige male gewechselt) 00:19:14 <cantares> nach wieviel jahren sind die gemeinfrei ? 00:19:19 <Eddi|zuHause2> 70 00:19:22 <Eddi|zuHause2> oder sowas 00:19:23 <cantares> oh riesig 00:19:57 <cantares> weil irgendwie sehen die ganzen manuell nachgemachten irgendwie.. scheisse aus.. o.o 00:20:54 <cantares> es ist dann irgendwie nimmer TTD irgendwie.. 00:21:57 <Eddi|zuHause2> naja, bei dem ganzen newgrf kram gibts ganz verschiedene qualität 00:23:59 <cantares> ich koennte mir so eine darwinia - like grafik vorstellen 00:24:06 <cantares> so bissl futuristisch technologisch 00:24:13 <Born_Acorn> It's all gobbledy gook to me! 00:24:16 * Born_Acorn goes mental 00:24:16 <ln-> THAT'S IT, play.com won't deliver outside UK with the pound prices anymore. 00:24:55 <Born_Acorn> Make them. 00:24:58 <Born_Acorn> Write a letter 00:25:09 <Born_Acorn> an angry letter 00:25:21 <Born_Acorn> That's what I'd do. 00:25:24 <cantares> oder ein ganzes thema mit so grafik.. 00:25:29 <Born_Acorn> I once wrote to the BBC 00:25:32 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6516 /trunk/depot_gui.c: 00:25:32 <CIA-2> -Fix r6513: killed warnings about two variables being used uninitialized 00:25:32 <CIA-2> This is not even correct since it's set in if (a) and later used in another if (a), but GCC didn't detect that 00:25:42 * Born_Acorn eats CIA-2 00:25:42 * CIA-2 tastes crunchy 00:25:49 <cantares> und man liefert dann daten.. in einem rechner :p 00:26:11 <Belugas_Gone> Eddi|zuHause2, cantares, i know you enjoy speaking german, but you should wait when the channel gets deserted please. 00:26:16 <Belugas_Gone> or do that in private 00:26:20 <Born_Acorn> Don't we have any language rules in this channel? 00:26:21 <Belugas_Gone> it will be appreciated 00:26:41 <Born_Acorn> We should. It just gets confusing when everyone speaks their own language. 00:26:42 <cantares> sorry, if i would wirte that in english it would take hours.. 00:27:34 <Bjarni> <Born_Acorn> Don't we have any language rules in this channel? <-- there is rules. Languages that I don't understand is banned 00:27:47 <Bjarni> I didn't see anybody violate that ;) 00:28:00 <Belugas_Gone> i understand that. I do have some conversation in french with anouther dev, but i keep that in a private channel, cantares 00:28:25 <Belugas_Gone> it is more polite for those who do not understand your language 00:29:05 <cantares> i was thinking about a theme for ottd where everything looks like "darwiania"(if someone knows that game) ... or like in the film tron.. and the industries are computerhardware parts... o.o 00:29:19 <Born_Acorn> I lurrrrrrve Darwinia. 00:29:23 <Born_Acorn> Bring on Defcon! 00:29:34 <cantares> defcon is out i think ? 00:29:38 <Born_Acorn> Friday. 00:29:43 <ln-> speaking dutch has been widely accepted. 00:29:55 <Born_Acorn> It comes out then! 00:30:29 <cantares> Born_Acorn: you've preordered it ? 00:30:35 <Eddi|zuHause2> what exactly is this film "Tron" about, that everyone always speaks of? 00:31:00 <ln-> it's a Disney® film that takes place in virtual reality. 00:31:17 <ln-> does everyone always speak of it? 00:31:38 <Eddi|zuHause2> often enough that i always ask me the question: "do i know it?" 00:31:58 <Bjarni> actually we got an "English only" rule 00:32:13 <Bjarni> but I'm not banning people the moment they violate it ;) 00:32:17 <cantares> eddi: Wikipedia is your friend :) 00:32:23 <Bjarni> goodnight 00:32:25 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x53588af9.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:32:53 <ln-> gah, i was about to say something in pseudo-danish and now he's gone. 00:34:32 <Belugas_Gone> tron was a good movie, a precursor in computer animated stuff 00:34:37 <Belugas_Gone> quite ingenious 00:35:05 <Belugas_Gone> a scheme like tron in ottd would be ... puzling to say the least 00:35:12 <Belugas_Gone> grr... +z 00:35:25 <Belugas_Gone> i wonder if tron would play tron ;) 00:35:48 *** DaleStan_ is now known as DaleStan 00:36:07 <cantares> but it is a way to make the game fully GPL, and make the original grf files optional somehow o.o 00:36:18 * kbrooks links ln- to everyone 00:36:39 * lws1984 unlinks himself 00:37:50 <Belugas_Gone> i agree. but unlinking the game from current grfs plus creating a totally new world would require lot, and i mean a LOT of work 00:38:47 <cantares> i don't realy understand what is in the GRF-files... o.o isn't it only the grafics? 00:39:46 <Belugas_Gone> yes 00:39:53 <Belugas_Gone> there are two tpes of grf files 00:40:14 <Belugas_Gone> the original ones and the newgrf ones. 00:40:44 <Belugas_Gone> the original are just a coleection of images, while the newgrf have some type of coding to add extra features 00:41:25 <Belugas_Gone> so, i should have said yes and no ;) 00:42:07 <cantares> if the orig. are only images.. than there are just a big bunch of images that must be replaced with GPL ones.. 00:44:48 <Belugas_Gone> 4792, to be precise 00:45:01 <Belugas_Gone> a BIG bunch, yes 00:45:10 <Eddi|zuHause2> yes, but nobody does the work to replace 5000 images in 8bpp graphics, when we are switching to 32bpp "soon" 00:45:46 <Belugas_Gone> "soon" as in... no idea when ;) 00:45:56 <cantares> 32 bpp with nes graphics wich looks like "no-ttd" ? 00:47:02 <Belugas_Gone> what has been done so far tends to respect the look of originl game. 00:47:12 <Belugas_Gone> look in the graphics forum, 00:47:21 <Belugas_Gone> blender topic, iirc 00:48:06 <Eddi|zuHause2> gna... video cutting is a pain... i need a "auto cut commercials" script... 00:54:36 *** spkka [~squarepus@cp510420-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has joined #openttd 00:54:57 <ln-> it's not so simple to draw 5000 sprites from scratch, i suppose. 00:55:04 <spkka> lol 00:55:08 <spkka> hi 00:55:30 <spkka> do i need ttd patch to import new graphics? 00:55:50 <spkka> if i recode the grf file and load ttd again its not showing the new ones 00:56:46 <lws1984> .....are you using openttd or TTDPatch? 00:57:40 <spkka> im havin the version r6472MiniIn 00:59:41 <Belugas_Gone> spkka, or you're not telling ottd you have new grf files, or your modification is wrong. 00:59:55 <Belugas_Gone> even miniIN can deal with newgrf 01:00:02 <spkka> k 01:00:12 <spkka> so i replaced the grf files right 01:00:19 <Belugas_Gone> with what> 01:00:21 <Belugas_Gone> ? 01:00:27 <spkka> with the wizard thing 01:00:36 <Belugas_Gone> wisard?? 01:00:48 <spkka> grfwizard 01:00:51 <spkka> someone linked me to it 01:01:03 * Belugas_Gone does not know that 01:01:08 <spkka> but anyways 01:01:44 <spkka> im replacing the grf tho 01:02:07 <spkka> so i guess im not telling ottd im using new grf files? 01:03:10 <lws1984> wiataminute.. GRFWizard? 01:03:13 <spkka> ye 01:03:18 <Belugas_Gone> i'm just puzzled as what the grfwizard is doing... 01:03:25 <lws1984> did you make new grpaphics for a GRF? 01:03:30 <lws1984> Belugas_Gone: it's a GRF encoding tool 01:03:38 <spkka> yes 01:03:41 <Belugas_Gone> if you've created new grf files, you have to tell ottd about them 01:03:43 <spkka> i edited the pcx 01:03:46 <Belugas_Gone> ho.. i see 01:03:47 <spkka> en recoded it to grf 01:03:54 <spkka> how do i tell it? 01:03:55 <spkka> :P 01:04:03 <lws1984> well, do the stats change? 01:04:11 <lws1984> and have you read the TTDPatch wiki? 01:04:14 <Belugas_Gone> you changed trg1r.grf? or which other file? 01:04:16 <lws1984> it tells you a lot on GRF-making 01:04:19 <spkka> yes the file gets bigger 01:04:25 <spkka> yes belugas trg1r 01:04:44 <spkka> lws1984, yes i saw it 01:04:47 <Belugas_Gone> and you placed it at the same exact place as it was before? 01:04:52 <spkka> i did what it says 01:04:59 <spkka> yes belugas 01:05:18 <Belugas_Gone> what did you changed? an image of what? 01:05:22 <spkka> yep 01:05:29 <spkka> the passanger bus 01:05:35 <spkka> passenger* 01:05:42 <spkka> first one 01:06:17 <Belugas_Gone> do you have any other grf specified in the [newgrf] section of openttd.cfg? 01:06:33 <Belugas_Gone> or any at all... 01:06:48 <cantares> there are TO many programming languages... 01:07:04 <cantares> which one is good.. o.o 01:07:15 <cantares> with which of them should i work with o.o 01:07:19 <Eddi|zuHause2> never ask this question ;) 01:07:37 <Eddi|zuHause2> everyone will praise you their own favourite language 01:07:44 <Eddi|zuHause2> without any supporting reasons 01:07:44 <spkka> hehe 01:07:58 <spkka> belugas i cant see anything with grf in it 01:08:00 <cantares> i like python o.o 01:08:17 <Eddi|zuHause2> (similar if you ask for linux distributions, or media players, or whatever) 01:08:21 <Belugas_Gone> and in fact, it is the correct answer : the language you like :) 01:08:52 <Eddi|zuHause2> basically, any language between haskell and brainfuck... 01:09:16 <Eddi|zuHause2> depending on what you want to do, there are better or worse languages 01:09:32 <Belugas_Gone> spkka : in that case, i cannot help you. it's supposed to work. Have you closed and restarted ottd? 01:09:55 <spkka> yes 01:10:07 <spkka> i think i need to delete it and reinstall actually 01:10:31 <spkka> i downloaded this ttdpatch 2.0 crashes aswell 01:10:44 <spkka> gamegfx.exe not founf :O 01:11:06 <Eddi|zuHause2> ttdpatch is something entirely different to openttd 01:11:17 <spkka> k 01:11:58 <Eddi|zuHause2> (from the main concept... they are both trying to improve TTD, though) 01:12:20 <spkka> k 01:12:25 <spkka> so whats the difference? 01:12:39 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 01:12:55 <spkka> nevermind tho 01:13:10 <spkka> so how do yu change graphics for openttd? 01:13:21 <spkka> like import the newgrf back? 01:14:01 <Belugas_Gone> the language written, the concept and the objectives, the crew, quite a lot of different features... 01:15:15 <Belugas_Gone> well... trg1r.grf is not a good think to mess with. All newgrf are ready to use by both games. A lot will work with ottd, all will work with ttdpatch 01:15:45 <Belugas_Gone> you can find them looking around the forums, mainly in graphics topic, on ttdpatch 01:16:29 <spkka> ye i saw that 01:17:27 <Belugas_Gone> once yo've found the grf of your dreams, edit openttd.cfg, add a [newgrf] section, write down the filename of it, as well as its location relative to the data folder of openttd, and you're on your own 01:17:39 <Belugas_Gone> after restarting the game, of course 01:17:48 <spkka> k 01:18:00 <spkka> so let think bout this 01:18:07 <spkka> trg1r is my fav huh 01:18:09 <Belugas_Gone> there are plenty HowTos on the forum too 01:18:20 <spkka> ye i know but its freeekin slow belugas 01:18:21 <spkka> :P 01:18:33 <Belugas_Gone> everything has a price :( 01:18:37 <spkka> haha 01:18:38 <spkka> true 01:18:43 <spkka> openttd.cfg yu say 01:21:20 <spkka> how do you add the newgrf section 01:21:34 <spkka> search on forums :( 01:21:42 <Belugas_Gone> with a simple texteditor. just type [newgrf] 01:21:47 <Belugas_Gone> on a new line 01:22:02 <Belugas_Gone> and write down the names below it 01:23:09 <Belugas_Gone> slowliness of the forums is a problem somehow is arealdy trying to fix 01:23:21 <Belugas_Gone> and i'm confident he will succeed 01:23:27 <spkka> hehe nice 01:25:10 <spkka> custom grf has invalid format 01:34:13 <kbrooks> bed 01:39:30 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp85-141-201-19.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 01:39:34 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]] 01:41:56 <Belugas_Gone> what gfr did you tried? 01:42:20 <Belugas_Gone> i find forums to be quite fast, by the way, right now 01:43:20 <spkka> ye 01:43:23 <spkka> im checkin it 01:43:36 <spkka> all forums say ttdpatch is made for grf's :P 01:43:49 <spkka> so i tried starting it but now the patch is not working 01:43:55 <spkka> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=26797&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=20 01:44:04 <spkka> exact same error then he has 01:44:25 <Belugas_Gone> well.. normal, ttdpatch team made the newgrf format ;) 01:44:29 <spkka> i dun hav the gamegfx.exe and the ttdload(W).ovl 01:44:33 <Belugas_Gone> we are implementing it... 01:49:25 <Belugas_Gone> gamegfx and ttdload is for ttdpatch 01:49:36 <Belugas_Gone> totally useless for ottd 01:50:09 <Belugas_Gone> and some grf are not working in ottd, because the features they implement is not coded yet in ottd... 01:50:23 <Belugas_Gone> so, it is possible they don't work 01:52:16 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 01:53:30 <Belugas_Gone> dbsetxl should work quite fine, planeset too 01:53:36 <Belugas_Gone> there are plenty more 01:54:51 <Belugas_Gone> bye, work calls me 01:54:55 *** FrankBA_ [~fbas@thing2thing.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:58:11 <spkka> see ya 01:58:16 <spkka> thnx for the help 02:00:21 <Belugas_Gone> np 02:10:37 *** FrankBA_ [~fbas@echo111.server4you.de] has joined #openttd 02:18:47 *** spkka [~squarepus@cp510420-a.venlo1.lb.home.nl] has quit [] 02:27:33 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2CF25.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 02:34:32 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2CE7E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:37:36 *** Nigel_ [~Nigel@202-154-144-199.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:38:40 *** Tron_ [~tron@p54A3FA0F.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 02:44:42 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3FC4A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:45:46 *** glx [~glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 02:48:39 *** JonA [~jonathan@palmyra.fatbeast.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:54:04 *** JonA [~jonathan@palmyra.fatbeast.co.uk] has joined #openttd 02:57:50 *** Nigel [~Nigel@202-154-144-199.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has joined #openttd 02:58:27 <cantares> party... 02:58:38 <cantares> Great wine... great beer.. great music... 02:58:42 <cantares> Life is great... 02:58:49 <lws1984> beer is good! 02:58:54 * lws1984 is quite drunk 02:58:59 * cantares is too 02:59:00 <cantares> o .o 02:59:07 <cantares> how much you have drunk 02:59:08 <cantares> ß 02:59:11 <cantares> ß 02:59:12 <cantares> ? 02:59:15 <lws1984> eh... about 20 bottles of Heineken 02:59:25 <cantares> 20 bottles? 02:59:30 <lws1984> aye 02:59:32 <cantares> this evening ? 02:59:41 <lws1984> well, starting about noon or so 02:59:56 <cantares> impressive i must say.. 03:00:02 <cantares> to you drink regulary ? 03:00:19 <lws1984> depends on how I feel :p 03:00:27 <lws1984> actually, usually just a beer with dinner 03:00:33 <lws1984> but I'm going to be away from home for a while 03:00:53 <cantares> how much is in a bottle of heineken ? 03:00:54 <cantares> o.o 03:00:55 <lws1984> and the best way to start a buisness trip is to get drunk the night before the first day without nothing to do 03:01:00 <cantares> 0.33 l ? 03:01:19 <lws1984> aye, i do believe so 03:01:50 <cantares> evil... i just get 6 bottles ( 3 litres ) of beer and i am done... o.o 03:02:04 <cantares> how much percent of vol. alc. does your heineken have? 03:02:21 *** fusey [fusion@69-160-51-207.ontrca.adelphia.net] has quit [Quit: Peace and Protection 4.22] 03:02:47 <lws1984> eh.. not sure 03:02:54 <lws1984> you expect me to be able to figure that? 03:03:00 <cantares> just look on the bottle :p 03:03:05 <lws1984> i'm too drunk to remember where my calculator is! 03:03:11 <lws1984> bottle.... 03:03:13 <lws1984> oh yeah, 03:03:16 * lws1984 loooks 03:03:18 <cantares> ;) 03:03:33 <cantares> If iam drunk i always in control of myself... 03:03:46 <cantares> if i wouldn't i wouldn't drink... 03:03:56 <lws1984> well, I'm quite in control of myself 03:04:04 <cantares> i see isee ;) :) 03:04:05 <lws1984> just have trouble remembering things 03:04:18 <cantares> remebering issnt so important 03:04:21 <cantares> just LIFE !! 03:04:32 <cantares> Life is important... 03:04:46 <cantares> not remebering stuff or school stuff... 03:04:51 <cantares> Math... *LOL* 03:04:56 <cantares> grammar.. or such stuff... 03:05:02 <cantares> Just LIFE... o.o 03:05:16 <lws1984> well, it helps to remember which button is the power button and which is the voulme button :p 03:05:20 <lws1984> damn, print is too small 03:05:24 <lws1984> my glasses are broken 03:05:29 <lws1984> so I can't really read that well 03:05:52 <cantares> heineken in germany have around 5% vol. alc. 03:06:08 <lws1984> hmm 03:06:48 <cantares> I drink good wine from macedonia... o.o 03:07:02 <cantares> ok, it is DAMN cheap wine... 03:07:06 <cantares> but it works ;) 03:07:27 *** fusey [fusion@69-160-51-207.ontrca.adelphia.net] has joined #openttd 03:07:40 <cantares> Heyho! fusey! ? :D 03:07:44 <cantares> how are you ? 03:08:02 <fusey> fantastic 03:08:03 <fusey> yourself? 03:08:16 <cantares> too 03:08:24 <cantares> why youre fantastic ? 03:08:40 <fusey> why not be 03:08:47 <fusey> i could have it a lot worse :) 03:08:53 <cantares> shure 03:09:06 <fusey> and you? 03:09:08 <fusey> haha 03:09:13 <cantares> i may dont have the drugs i need. o.o 03:09:15 <cantares> but i have ! 03:09:20 <cantares> so i am great ! :D 03:09:23 <cantares> *dance* 03:09:42 <fusey> haha 03:10:32 <cantares> you like ottd ? 03:10:47 <fusey> most definitely. for.. at leats 4 years now 03:10:56 <fusey> on top of when TTD came out 03:11:12 <cantares> i loved tt from the first game i played... 03:11:19 <cantares> then i loved ttd... 03:11:32 <cantares> then i loved ttd+ttdpatch... 03:11:50 <cantares> after all of that i still love OpenTTD:... 03:12:01 <fusey> thats a whole lotta lovin 03:12:04 <cantares> Great game... :) 03:12:50 *** HeXXler [~openttd@p54B4D1C7.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 03:13:02 <fusey> it is! 03:13:39 <cantares> in the tradional tt.. you've connected a coal mine with a powerplant.. and the coal mine increased its output till infinity.. taht was nice.... 03:14:26 <fusey> yea i miss that ... i thought there was talk of increasing productiont hough 03:16:50 <CIA-2> belugas * r6517 /branches/newhouses/ (10 files): 03:16:50 <CIA-2> [newhouses] -Feature: add more bits to the map array. 03:16:50 <CIA-2> Tile member "extra" is now known as m6 and has 8 fully functionnal bits, compared to 2. 03:16:50 <CIA-2> Tile member m7 (byte) has been added. 03:16:50 <CIA-2> -Codechange: the scheme of house construction and lift movememt has been improved, for less bits wasting 03:16:52 <CIA-2> -TODO: Documentation to reflect those changes 03:17:12 <cantares> in TT you could have 4 rails of MAGLEV with trains between mine and plant without any waiting.. 03:17:27 <cantares> so no signaling... 03:17:43 <cantares> just trains on one rail per train.. 03:17:49 <cantares> no far distance... 03:18:00 <cantares> not very realistic though... but cool! 03:19:51 *** HeXXler_ [~openttd@p54B4DB35.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:20:58 <cantares> Culture Shock! 03:22:12 <cantares> i waering mid priced jeans.. cheap shoes.. cheap shirts.. cheap stuff at all.. but an expesive watch... o.o 03:36:22 *** [F] [~f@pool-70-110-28-229.washdc.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Quit: leaving] 04:09:45 *** lws1984 [~lwslade@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Sleep!] 04:29:39 *** JonA [~jonathan@palmyra.fatbeast.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 04:33:41 *** MaulingMonkey_iBook [~panda@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 04:34:01 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B817C5.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:35:59 *** JonA [~jonathan@palmyra.fatbeast.co.uk] has joined #openttd 04:39:49 *** MaulingMonkey_iBook [~panda@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Quit: MaulingMonkey_iBook] 04:40:02 *** MaulingMonkey_iBook [~panda@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 04:54:12 *** Smoky555 [~Miranda@ns.vdv-s.ru] has joined #openttd 04:56:41 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:00:56 *** Eddi|zuHause3 [~johekr@p54B779E5.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 05:01:48 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 05:06:01 *** eleusis [~eleusis@l2-202-89-172-35.arach.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:07:22 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B77D07.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:16:19 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Server closed connection] 05:16:23 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@82-43-56-32.cable.ubr04.croy.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 05:30:17 *** DJ_Mirage [~martijn@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 05:35:58 *** MaulingMonkey_iBook [~panda@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Quit: MaulingMonkey_iBook] 05:40:32 *** Tron_ is now known as Tron 05:41:14 *** guru3_ [~guru3@81-231-230-95-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 05:43:02 *** guru3 [~guru3@81-231-230-95-no21.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:56:32 *** Gonozal_VIII [Gono@N808P030.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [] 05:59:51 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #openttd 06:44:50 *** Darkvater [~tfarago@tin.liacs.nl] has joined #openttd 06:44:53 *** mode/#openttd [+o Darkvater] by ChanServ 06:45:46 *** mikk36[EST] [mikk36@pc6.host3.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 06:48:28 *** jonty-comp [Jonty@88-107-55-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #openttd 06:48:47 *** jonty-comp [Jonty@88-107-55-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [] 06:52:45 *** mikk36 [mikk36@pc143.host1.starman.ee] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:54:52 *** DJ_Mirage [~martijn@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep] 07:02:15 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-165-241.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 07:02:22 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 07:02:46 *** mikk36[EST] is now known as mikk36 07:04:29 *** Spoco [Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-57.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 07:09:15 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x53588af9.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 07:09:16 *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ 07:10:45 <Sacro> Bjarni! 07:14:07 *** jorgur [Jorgur@216-22-244.521110.adsl.tele2.no] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:14:39 <Bjarni> Sacro! 07:15:00 <peter1138> morning 07:15:12 <peter1138> shall i pull a sicky? 07:16:28 <Sacro> peter1138: yes, and do news hounds 07:18:19 <peter1138> heh, full debug of those grfs loading is 2MB 07:18:51 <peter1138> dbg: [custom/pb_ukrs.grf:25][Notice] GRFDataBlock: block name 'crosschime.wav'... 07:18:58 <peter1138> dbg: [custom/pb_ukrs.grf:25][Notice] LoadGRFSound: channels 1, sample rate 11025, bits per sample 8, length 21620 07:19:06 <peter1138> :D 07:19:47 <Sacro> and do they play? 07:19:55 <peter1138> of course 07:20:41 <Sacro> yay 07:20:43 <Sacro> commit them! 07:21:56 *** Zaviori [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 07:23:41 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6518 /trunk/ (6 files): 07:23:41 <CIA-2> -Codechange: unified the vehicle refit windows 07:23:41 <CIA-2> This was requested by peter1138 07:23:53 <Bjarni> Sacro: ok, I committed it 07:24:12 <Sacro> Bjarni: thats not it :( 07:24:25 <Sacro> or at least... it doesnt look like it 07:24:32 *** GoneWacko [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:26:13 <Sacro> oh well, i best be off into college 07:28:26 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:29:06 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 07:29:23 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-83-100-165-241.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:30:45 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B35E42.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 07:31:04 * peter1138 adds the sounds to all vehicle types 07:31:59 *** GoneWacko [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 07:33:45 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-157.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [] 07:56:04 <Bjarni> <Sacro> oh well, i best be off into college <-- that's the line I never thought I would see 08:00:40 *** eleusis [~eleusis@l2-202-89-172-35.arach.net.au] has joined #openttd 08:00:45 <peter1138> Bjarni 08:00:47 <peter1138> 297 if (DoCommandP(v->tile, v->index, WP(w,refit_d).cargo, NULL, command)) 08:00:50 <peter1138> 298 DeleteWindow(w); 08:00:56 <peter1138> either put it on one line, or use { } 08:01:43 <eleusis> :) 08:02:27 <peter1138> Bjarni: it's no good, when that's the only issue i could find ;) 08:03:48 <Bjarni> heh 08:05:29 *** guru3_ is now known as guru3 08:06:43 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6519 /trunk/vehicle_gui.c: -Code cleanup r6518: changed a line to apply to the coding style 08:07:57 <peter1138> hehe 08:08:45 <Bjarni> peter1138: I looked at the code and figure that it will not be that tricky to modify it to handle any number of cargos (with a scrollbar, if needed) 08:08:59 <peter1138> Bjarni: correct 08:09:08 <peter1138> Bjarni: this paves the way for adding cargo subtypes 08:09:08 <Bjarni> just tell me if you need such a change and I can code it in no time 08:09:14 <peter1138> i.e. doing it once instead of four times 08:09:31 <peter1138> well, yes, we do need it scrollable 08:09:47 <peter1138> and it might as well be resizeable, for that matter 08:10:00 <Bjarni> yeah 08:10:08 <Bjarni> not that tricky to do 08:17:04 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has joined #openttd 08:20:56 <peter1138> the list can become massive :) 08:21:59 <Bjarni> but not bigger than a scrollbar can handle it 08:22:11 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B80B8D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 08:22:15 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 08:22:28 <Bjarni> but we should not just write all of them at once if we got say 200 different types of cargo 08:22:49 <Bjarni> the code can be made to handle it, but it would be a poor user interface 08:23:11 <Bjarni> and we should not add that many cargo types, but with newgrf people might be able to get that many 08:23:41 <peter1138> well, there won't be that many 08:24:03 <peter1138> but with subtypes, you get different choices for a particular cargo 08:24:16 <peter1138> used by dbsetxl to provide different colours 08:24:26 <peter1138> it would be nice to have a preview shown, heh 08:24:34 <Bjarni> oops 08:24:39 <peter1138> hmm? 08:24:45 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 08:24:45 <Bjarni> something went wrong here 08:25:02 <Bjarni> the TV tuner (watching news) stopped working and says no signal 08:25:11 <Bjarni> and signal strength dropped to 0% 08:25:22 <Bjarni> I think the transmitter died :( 08:25:41 <peter1138> or the receiver... 08:26:44 <Bjarni> well, if the receiver died, then I can just get a new one for free. It's just a few months old 08:31:51 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 08:37:34 * peter1138 wonders how to implement sound priority 08:37:45 <peter1138> currently, if there are too many sounds playing, it just won't play a new one 08:38:13 <peter1138> i need to check for a playing sound that's a lower priority 08:38:27 <peter1138> but also, should it check how long is left 08:38:29 <peter1138> alternatively 08:38:38 <peter1138> i could just increase the number of mixer channels, heh 08:39:23 <Bjarni> after a little investigation it turns out that it's the transmitter. All signals from the same transmitter are gone while they are ok from other transmitters 08:40:12 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 08:42:12 <peter1138> hmm 08:42:18 <peter1138> you vandal 08:45:27 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6520 /trunk/depot_gui.c: -Fix r6515: "start all" and "stop all" buttons in depot windows are now disabled if you do not own the depot 08:45:42 <Bjarni> just realised that might be a good idea ;) 08:50:41 *** Spoco [Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-57.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [] 08:51:22 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 08:53:11 <peter1138> lol 08:53:12 <peter1138> yeah 09:03:20 <Zaviori> :D 09:07:10 <Bjarni> actually I don't think clicking the buttons would actually do anything, but now they are disabled. The actual command checks for ownership and this is just a GUI thing 09:08:04 <peter1138> nodnod 09:08:09 <peter1138> at least, it better check ;) 09:08:45 <Darkvater> \o/ /me has fixed his linux 09:08:50 <Darkvater> (morning @all) 09:08:59 <peter1138> hello darkvater 09:15:32 <Darkvater> Bjarni: I think your function IsWholeTrainInDepot() both wrong and superflouos 09:15:43 <Darkvater> Bjarni: see 833:static int CheckTrainInDepot(const Vehicle *v, bool needs_to_be_stopped) 09:16:34 <Darkvater> Bjarni: please also check all user input! mainly p1 and p2 of CmdMassStartStopVehicle 09:16:48 <Darkvater> p2 ^ 09:16:52 *** GoneWacko [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:18:06 *** jorgur [Jorgur@216-22-244.521110.adsl.tele2.no] has joined #openttd 09:18:49 <Darkvater> Bjarni: in the for loop why check for v->vehstatus() when your IsWholeTrainInDepot() also checks for it 09:20:35 <Nigel> redundancy? 09:21:03 <Darkvater> yes, redundant 09:21:06 <Darkvater> thanks Nigel :) 09:21:10 *** GoneWacko [~gonewacko@c18041.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 09:21:21 <Nigel> i like redundancy 09:21:46 <Nigel> but yeah, something like that i guess it's a pain 09:22:23 <Nigel> i'd say remove the v->vehstatus() from the for loop (assuming it's not needed for anything else) because you may want to use IsWholeTrainInDepot() elsewhere 09:23:27 <Darkvater> well obviously 09:23:29 <Nigel> so that way, in the end for saving a line of code (about 20-25 bytes depending on the indentation etc ;) per call) 09:23:40 <Nigel> errr s/for/your/ 09:24:19 <Nigel> oh forgetful me, you said it's checking for it, so your most likely saving more around 30-40 bytes ;) 09:32:28 <peter1138> who cares about bytes in the source ;p 09:33:16 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@p54B35C2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 09:34:21 <Darkvater> Bjarni: r6515: use a SPR_SELL_VEHICLE or something for 0x2A9 in the depot-gui sell button 09:34:21 <peter1138> hmm, i wonder what happened to jez 09:35:10 <Darkvater> the face-gay? 09:35:14 <Darkvater> eh guy 09:36:41 <peter1138> lol 09:36:41 <peter1138> yeah 09:36:52 <Darkvater> hmm why is the depot unification so cumbersome? Isn't it easier to make 4 widget-tables instead of magicking around moving the widgets? 09:37:01 <Darkvater> which nobody will ever figure out how it looks 09:38:45 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B35E42.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 09:39:18 <Bjarni> it's actually not that tricky 09:40:03 <Darkvater> that makes no difference, it's still pretty hard to visualize this way 09:40:49 <Bjarni> you define how it looks for ships (I used that one as a template) and then it resizes to the right and down based on the different sizes of the matrix 09:41:17 <Bjarni> I have no problems using this and it's even easier than editing 4 widget arrays 09:44:50 <Darkvater> I doubt that 09:46:50 <Bjarni> DrawStringCentered(150, 25, STR_DEPOT_SELL_ALL_VEHICLE_CONFIRM, 0); <-- why does that line fail with an invalid string error? 09:47:10 <Bjarni> the string is ok. I just tried displaying it in the widget array 09:47:23 <Darkvater> bad parameters? 09:48:32 <Bjarni> hmm, is it x,y for the screen or the window? 09:49:53 <Darkvater> window of course 09:50:36 <Bjarni> hmm 09:50:42 <Bjarni> then what could be wrong... 09:50:54 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 09:50:57 <Bjarni> x,y is inside the window, the string is in english.txt 09:51:00 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 09:51:03 *** qfh [~qfh@static-ip-62-75-161-163.inaddr.intergenia.de] has quit [Server closed connection] 09:51:04 <Darkvater> debug? 09:51:10 <Bjarni> I do not use the colour as the string starts with {BLACK} 09:51:17 *** qfh [~qfh@static-ip-62-75-161-163.inaddr.intergenia.de] has joined #openttd 09:51:28 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 09:51:33 <Darkvater> are you adding a confirmation window? 09:51:40 <Bjarni> yes 09:52:35 <Bjarni> I'm looking into the "sell all" button request and I don't want people to complain that they clicked it by accident ;) 09:52:36 <Darkvater> would be much better if it were made a general one 09:52:49 <Darkvater> he, imho that's their problem 09:53:01 <Darkvater> if that were the case we could add confirmation windows to about every action 09:53:43 <Bjarni> no. Most stuff is undoable in a moment 09:53:50 <Bjarni> selling all vehicles in a depot is not 09:54:05 <Bjarni> or might not be 09:54:05 <Darkvater> oh really? 09:54:17 <Darkvater> how is 'sending all vehicles to depot' undoable for example? 09:54:30 <Darkvater> how is demolishing houses undoable? 09:54:34 <Bjarni> no and only Born_Acorn complained about that :P 09:58:36 *** blackis [~blackis@bebis.csbnet.se] has joined #openttd 09:59:47 <Brianetta> undo is a feature for those who don't think 10:01:08 <Bjarni> yeah 10:01:49 <Bjarni> we also got a confirm for quitting the game 10:01:57 <Brianetta> That's fair enough 10:02:09 <Brianetta> It's easy to miss that whilst you're trying to save 10:02:38 <Bjarni> I think that's just as fair as confirming a "sell all vehicles in depot" command 10:02:39 <Brianetta> although it's bloody annoying when it confirms a window-manager colose request. 10:03:04 <Bjarni> Brianetta: you do know that enter confirms quit, right? :) 10:03:21 <Brianetta> Bjarni: When I close in this manner, it's rarely the window with focus 10:03:33 <Bjarni> ahh 10:03:44 <Brianetta> When I'm logging out, I Alt-F4 every window 10:03:52 <Brianetta> and tht's usually quick 10:03:56 <Brianetta> not to mention left-handed 10:04:01 <Brianetta> unless openttd is opn 10:04:26 <Brianetta> So yeah, confirm close is a pain in the butt 10:04:59 <peter1138> yeah, but it's also a pita if you happened to click on the close button accidentaly 10:05:19 <Brianetta> peter1138: That goes for every application. It's something I learned not to do a very long time ago. 10:05:20 <peter1138> at least it doesn't confirm when on the intro screen :) 10:05:46 <Brianetta> Browsers and shells all die without confirmation 10:05:52 <Brianetta> as does my email app 10:05:54 <Darkvater> I think it's unneeded to confirm selling all vehicles. This keeps the game consistent with all other actions 10:06:01 <Darkvater> Brianetta: opera asks you if you are sure about quitting 10:06:04 <Brianetta> ew 10:06:08 <Darkvater> (but you can turn that off) 10:06:16 <Brianetta> I'd be back to Firefox in an instant 10:06:18 <Darkvater> it's mainly because it's also a download manager 10:06:22 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:06:27 <Brianetta> shouting "How DARE you presume" at it 10:06:32 <peter1138> i hate games that confirm multiple times, and then show an advertising banner for 15 seconds... 10:06:34 <Brianetta> Like MSN Messenger in Windows 10:06:38 <Darkvater> and my sister likes to close the browser when she's done, fucking up me downloads :s 10:06:58 <Bjarni> actually the main reason for the confirm is that I'm out of room to write "sell all" on a button. It will have to be a small one with an icon 10:07:03 <Brianetta> I do big downloads with curl or wget, depending on filesize 10:07:14 <Bjarni> I haven't really figured out which one yet though 10:07:15 <Brianetta> wget has a 2GB limit, so curl for DVD ISOs 10:07:48 <peter1138> ahhh, the days when wget outputted a . for each kilobyte 10:08:25 <Darkvater> Bjarni: a small-icon for sell-all? 10:08:40 <Darkvater> that's pretty bad design 10:08:45 <Darkvater> I hope it's at least bigger than those 16x16 icons 10:09:31 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has quit [Server closed connection] 10:09:50 *** StarLite [~Star@StarLite.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 10:10:50 <Brianetta> Since when was "Crashing Planes" an OpenTTD problem? 10:10:57 <Brianetta> I thought it was perfectly normal. 10:11:19 <Darkvater> since some people think: 'disasters off' == no planes crashing 10:11:32 <Bjarni> <Darkvater> I hope it's at least bigger than those 16x16 icons <-- then tell me where to place it ;) 10:11:33 *** blackis [~blackis@bebis.csbnet.se] has quit [Quit: blackis] 10:11:37 <Darkvater> disaster == ufo,bomb,zeppelin 10:11:46 <Darkvater> Bjarni: in the depot window 10:11:48 *** blackis [~blackis@bebis.csbnet.se] has joined #openttd 10:11:52 <Bjarni> :P 10:11:56 <Darkvater> you should've thought about that before writing the feature 10:12:05 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:12:05 <Bjarni> WHERE in the depot window 10:12:38 <peter1138> where 'some people' == GEFORCE or whatever his name is 10:13:02 <peter1138> Bjarni: add it to an... advanced tab! 10:13:15 <Darkvater> the depot window has 2 buttons now 'sell (single)', 'sell all', so probably there 10:13:27 <Darkvater> whatever happened to 'sell all' on non-train depot windows? 10:13:43 <Darkvater> I haven't compiled and run the game since a week so I haven't seen 10:13:46 <Darkvater> anyone got a picca/ 10:14:15 <Bjarni> the graphics looks 100% alike after the unification 10:14:29 <Bjarni> but I did add the two new buttons 10:14:37 <Bjarni> yeah, I can make a screenshot 10:14:38 <Darkvater> so there is a 'sell' and 'sell whole' for all vehicles? 10:14:40 <Bjarni> one sec 10:14:54 <Bjarni> <Darkvater> so there is a 'sell' and 'sell whole' for all vehicles? <-- no, they look like they did before 10:15:07 <Bjarni> the dynamite button is hidden for non-trains 10:15:08 <Darkvater> oh good :) 10:16:09 <Darkvater> guys, which camera to buy? Canon Ixus 65 or Fuji F30? 10:16:10 <Darkvater> http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/compare_post.asp?method=sidebyside&cameras=canon_sd630%2Cfuji_finepixf30&show=all 10:16:57 <Bjarni> http://devs.openttd.org/~bjarni/depot.png 10:17:33 <Bjarni> the horizontal scrollbar is also hidden for non-trains (as you can see) 10:18:09 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 10:18:09 <Darkvater> the flag buttons are nice, just make sure you don't put the 'sell all vehicles' anywhere around those buttons 10:18:12 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 10:18:26 <Bjarni> :) 10:19:22 <Bjarni> I can put it below the sell button, but then I will need to make the window at least 3 rows high 10:19:36 <Bjarni> (which certainly is an option) 10:20:54 *** Tron_ [FqtBSN4f@nat-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has joined #openttd 10:21:05 <peter1138> hello tron_ 10:22:05 <Darkvater> hiya Tron_ 10:22:31 <Darkvater> hiya Belugas_Gone 10:24:15 * Darkvater checks if he is on ignore ;p 10:27:51 <Brianetta> How easy would it be to code a Locomotion-style self-drive feature, so you can try to manually drive your train about your own network? 10:28:13 <Brianetta> Does OpenTTD have the necessary slider control? 10:28:56 <Darkvater> < lunch 10:34:33 <peter1138> Brianetta: well, it has scroll bars, but... 10:35:07 <Brianetta> That would be a hack and a half. 10:35:28 <Brianetta> That was the thing I liked most about Locomotion 10:35:36 <Brianetta> Driving your train 10:35:48 <Brianetta> Actually slowing down for signals 10:35:56 <Darkvater> bleh, lunch postponed 10:49:23 *** lws1984 [~lwslade@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 10:51:30 <peter1138> boo 10:51:52 <Brianetta> oob 10:59:20 *** lws1984 [~lwslade@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:00:14 *** lws1984 [~lwslade@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 11:00:24 * Born_Acorn is £180 closer to being a zillionaire! 11:00:43 <lws1984> yay! 11:00:59 <Born_Acorn> argh. Taskbar no worky. 11:01:24 * Born_Acorn ends explorer 11:01:29 * Born_Acorn ends lws1984 11:01:36 <peter1138> Born_Acorn: donate! for newsounds! 11:02:08 <Born_Acorn> that's bribery! 11:02:13 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has left #openttd [] 11:02:14 <peter1138> yes! 11:02:24 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 11:02:28 <peter1138> yes! 11:02:29 <Born_Acorn> argh Ctrl+C'd 11:02:34 <peter1138> har har 11:02:49 <lws1984> can I uneat myself? 11:03:00 <lws1984> err.. unend? 11:03:17 <eleusis> rofl 11:03:19 <eleusis> uneat 11:03:32 <lws1984> well, it looked like he said eat 11:03:47 <peter1138> yes, Born_Acorn's a pervert 11:03:48 <Born_Acorn> Taskbar is still broked. :( 11:04:04 <Born_Acorn> reboot! 11:09:12 <Born_Acorn> This woman on telly had 16 tyres slashed! 11:09:17 *** lws1984 [~lwslade@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Train Vroom Vroom :D] 11:09:17 <Born_Acorn> She must have had a long car. 11:10:44 <Bjarni> http://devs.openttd.org/~bjarni/depot_buttons.diff <-- do anybody care to test this one and tell me if it is good or bad to resize the depot buttons like this? 11:11:16 <Bjarni> I grew tired of the actually pretty small buttons when resizing to a large window ;) 11:12:08 <Born_Acorn> I need a screenshot so I can give my professional opinion! 11:12:22 * Born_Acorn is a professional with the look and feel of the TTD world. 11:12:25 <Born_Acorn> I have a PhD 11:15:00 <Bjarni> http://devs.openttd.org/~bjarni/small_window.png 11:15:01 <Bjarni> http://devs.openttd.org/~bjarni/large_window.png 11:15:11 <Bjarni> notice the change of size of the buttons when resizing 11:16:46 <Bjarni> Born_Acorn: so what does your PhD tell you? :) 11:17:06 * Born_Acorn gives thumbs up 11:18:02 <Born_Acorn> We should steal the larger red/green flags from RollerCoaster Tycoon. :p 11:19:01 * Born_Acorn always puts his tank engines in reverse for the cool effect.. 11:19:51 <Bjarni> http://www.student.dtu.dk/~s991088/BR01_reversed.png <-- then what about this one? 11:19:53 <Bjarni> :D 11:20:07 <Bjarni> it's too buggy to be committed though :( 11:21:20 <peter1138> is that the reversing hack, or real reversing? 11:21:26 <peter1138> the reversing hack was easy to implement, but shit 11:21:33 * peter1138 wonders where his patch went 11:22:18 <Bjarni> I tried to do it for real, but it ended up being more or less like a hack. I could control-click the vehicle though to make it reverse 11:22:46 <Bjarni> but the code ended up getting messy and I will never commit it. It will have to be done in another way 11:23:04 <peter1138> heh 11:23:10 <Bjarni> but the screenshot is real. I didn't use photoshop or anything like that 11:23:20 <peter1138> the hack is the newgrf 'feature' that draws different graphics depending on the train's direction 11:23:32 <peter1138> easy for us to do, but not very... pleasing 11:23:41 <Bjarni> I didn't do that 11:23:50 <Bjarni> I really made code to turn the engine around 11:24:00 <Bjarni> no newgrf stuff 11:24:01 <peter1138> yeah, that will be cool 11:24:05 <peter1138> i know :) 11:24:07 <peter1138> i tried it 11:24:15 <peter1138> but didn't get very far, nor did i plan it 11:24:23 <Bjarni> but the problem is that the tender is then the front engine and needs to get the orders and all the other stuff 11:24:43 <Bjarni> so it's really messy moving all that data back and forth when turning 11:25:39 <peter1138> try a different method 11:25:54 <peter1138> hmm, n 11:25:56 <peter1138> i dunno 11:25:58 <peter1138> it's a pita :) 11:26:01 <Bjarni> you mean switching sprites? 11:26:05 <peter1138> nono 11:26:11 <peter1138> it needs to be done properly 11:26:17 <peter1138> which is why i didn't commit the patch i now can't find 11:27:20 <Bjarni> what we need to do is to make a pool of vehicles (we got that) and a pool of vehicle controllers and then move the controlling stuff into the the control pool. Doing it this way will allow us to just move the pointer into the other vehicle 11:27:25 <Bjarni> but it's a lot of work 11:28:00 <Bjarni> we need to find other benefits from doing that to justify so much work 11:30:25 <CIA-2> miham * r6521 /trunk/lang/ (8 files): (log message trimmed) 11:30:25 <CIA-2> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-09-27 13:29:33 11:30:25 <CIA-2> catalan - 4 fixed by arnaullv (4) 11:30:25 <CIA-2> czech - 4 fixed by Hadez (4) 11:30:25 <CIA-2> dutch - 4 fixed by habell (4) 11:30:25 <peter1138> heh 11:30:26 <CIA-2> french - 4 fixed by glx (4) 11:30:26 <CIA-2> hungarian - 4 fixed by miham (4) 11:34:31 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6522 /trunk/depot_gui.c: 11:34:31 <CIA-2> -Feature: [depot window] the buttons are now "scaled" resized 11:34:31 <CIA-2> This means that "Build vehicle", "Clone vehicle" and "Location" will always fill the space from the left window border to the resize button and they are equal in size 11:34:31 <CIA-2> The sell button will also use all the space between the start/stop buttons and the resize button and for trains, the sell button is split into two buttons in equal sizes 11:34:32 <CIA-2> This will prevent the issue where a small window is resized into a large one and the buttons remains pretty small 11:34:32 <CIA-2> -Codechange: [depot window] The enum with widget names is now changed into automatic numbering so all lines will not have to be changed each time a new widget is added 11:34:48 <Bjarni> it's Born_Acorn approved, so it can't be bad ;) 11:35:08 <Born_Acorn> I have a PhD 11:35:16 <SpComb> I have a pHd 11:35:25 <Born_Acorn> In TTDlookin'goodability 11:35:39 <Born_Acorn> SpComb, nobody cares what you have! 11:39:38 <peter1138> boo, i changed some langs and it's taking ages to compile ;( 11:39:43 <peter1138> (never mind that i'm at work ;p) 11:41:35 <peter1138> 6522 :D 11:41:50 <peter1138> not quite as useful as a 6502, but... 11:45:30 <CIA-2> peter1138 * r6523 /trunk/ (lang/english.txt player_gui.c): - 'Feature'/'Fix': Add tooltips to the new company colour window 11:46:02 <Brianetta> Frank Miller's 300 is being filmed 11:51:20 <Eddi|zuHause3> Bjarni: while you are fiddling with the depot... how about a "upgrade all" button? 11:51:37 <Eddi|zuHause3> (to use with the autoreplace rules) 11:52:53 <Bjarni> good idea 11:53:06 <Bjarni> hmm 11:53:16 <Bjarni> I'm seriously running out of room in those windows :( 11:53:59 <peter1138> manualised autoreplace? :P 11:54:02 <peter1138> how would that work? 11:54:12 <peter1138> as things get autoreplaced when entering a depot... 11:54:18 <peter1138> hmm, i suppose you could just trigger that, i guess 11:55:08 <Eddi|zuHause3> yeah, quite often i wanted to replace a train that was already in the depot, but to trigger the autoreplace it had to leave and reenter... 11:56:06 <Eddi|zuHause3> also with that button, i could gather all trains i want in a depot, press pause, change the replace rules, upgrade, and remove the rules again, so other trains do not get affected 11:57:06 <peter1138> hmm 12:02:49 *** Netsplit charon.oftc.net <-> arion.oftc.net quits: @Rubidium, blathijs 12:04:11 *** Netsplit over, joins: blathijs, @Rubidium 12:07:25 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has quit [Server closed connection] 12:07:26 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 12:07:49 <Born_Acorn> Ooh. What did that? 12:10:24 <peter1138> you did 12:11:04 <peter1138> 13:07 -!- Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has quit [Quit: I smell] 12:11:24 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 12:11:24 <Born_Acorn> !logs 12:11:36 <Born_Acorn> har har. 12:12:08 <Born_Acorn> I thought someone had haxored me bouncer the, just to say I can smell. 12:15:01 <peter1138> :/ 12:16:16 <Born_Acorn> peter1138, ponder committing newsounds more,! 12:17:42 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6524 /trunk/ (train.h train_cmd.c vehicle.c): 12:17:42 <CIA-2> -Code cleanup r6515: cleaned up the command to start/stop all vehicles in a depot. 12:17:42 <CIA-2> IsWholeTrainInDepot() is removed as CheckTrainInDepot() could be used instead 12:17:42 <CIA-2> Cleaned up the check to see if a vehicle is valid for start/stop 12:18:21 <peter1138> ok 12:18:25 * peter1138 ponders 12:19:01 * peter1138 ponders 12:19:14 <Bjarni> stop pondering and do something about it 12:19:20 <TheMask96> lol :)) 12:19:37 <peter1138> Born_Acorn told me to ponder 12:19:47 <Bjarni> either commit it or figure out what's left to do before committing it 12:19:50 <Born_Acorn> But Bjarni > Born_Acorn. 12:19:58 <Born_Acorn> Therefore listen to Bjarni! 12:20:16 <Bjarni> <peter1138> Born_Acorn told me to ponder <-- I outrank Born_Acorn and I tell you to stop wasting time pondering 12:20:28 <peter1138> ok 12:20:33 <peter1138> i'll go back to work 12:22:33 *** Osai^2 [~Osai@p54B35C2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai^2] 12:29:04 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:40:11 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-96.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 12:46:49 <peter1138> or something 12:47:02 *** Smoky555 [~Miranda@ns.vdv-s.ru] has quit [Quit: http://ttdrussia.net - russian OpenTTD] 12:50:32 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 12:52:01 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 12:52:39 <Darkvater> peter1138: good concentration ;) 12:53:31 <peter1138> like apple juice? 12:54:35 *** FrankBA_ [~fbas@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:54:35 <Darkvater> ugh, all of them are gross 12:54:40 <peter1138> hmm? 12:55:06 <Darkvater> did you know that both apple-juice and orange-juice are first harvested, then squeezed out, then frozen? 12:55:20 <peter1138> yeah, so? 12:55:26 <Darkvater> After that they get shipped to Europe/US, wherever where they are defrosted, added with water and sold 12:55:30 <Darkvater> brrr 12:55:47 <pv2b> Darkvater: makes sense 12:56:02 <pv2b> that's probably what's known as orange juice fro mconcentrate. 12:56:15 <pv2b> unlike the more expensive juices you can buy which are actually squeezed locally 12:56:22 *** glx [~glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 12:56:24 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 12:56:24 <Darkvater> yeah right... 12:56:36 <Darkvater> NO juice is squeezed locally 12:56:48 <Darkvater> except the ones you buy yourself of course 12:57:02 *** FrankBA_ [~fbas@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 12:57:07 <peter1138> buying fruit to juice it is bloody expensive :/ 12:57:30 <peter1138> copella is decent stuff 12:57:42 <pv2b> Darkvater: well, in sweden, we have one brand called brämhults. theytake in fresh fruit, and then distribute the juice from brämhult ( i think it's in southern sweden... ) 12:57:44 <peter1138> well, it appears so 12:57:57 <pv2b> Darkvater: it's expensive, though. around 20 kr for 0.5 liter. 12:58:12 <Darkvater> non-euro price, cannot compute 12:58:16 <Darkvater> segmentation fault 12:58:18 <pv2b> just under 2 euro. 12:58:25 <Darkvater> :O 12:58:41 <peter1138> yeah, well, even the crap fizzy stuff is expensive these days :/ 12:59:21 <pv2b> Darkvater: but well, no, it's not pressed locally in Stockholm if that's what you mean, but it's rpressed in the same country. it all depends how you dewfine "local" i guess 13:00:34 <Darkvater> local == less than 10m away :P 13:00:54 <Darkvater> hehe, but that bramhults stuff seems tasty 13:00:57 <peter1138> 10 metres! 13:00:58 <peter1138> heh 13:01:04 <Darkvater> just a tad on the expensive side 13:01:48 <ln-> 30 feet 13:01:59 <Darkvater> feet o_O' 13:02:00 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6525 /trunk/depot_gui.c: -Codechange r6513: altered how to control how to move widgets around in the window. Hopefully it's a bit easier to understand now 13:02:10 <peter1138> i have two of them 13:02:35 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:03:19 <ln-> i was merely converting 10 metres to feet for the non-SI minority 13:03:37 <pv2b> feet smell 13:03:45 * Darkvater concurs 13:04:10 <peter1138> at least do it right 13:05:51 <Darkvater> OMG 13:05:56 * Darkvater needs to buy a PS2 13:05:59 <Darkvater> http://games.kikizo.com/news/200609/071.asp 13:06:32 <Darkvater> the HD version running at 1280x720 is absolutely stunning (ingame) 13:06:39 <Darkvater> .. 13:06:44 * Darkvater also needs to buy a new TV 13:06:48 <peter1138> PS2 does HD? 13:07:08 <Darkvater> PS3 13:07:22 <Darkvater> 3 13:07:29 <Born_Acorn> with a 3? 13:07:41 *** Born_Acorn was kicked from #openttd by Darkvater [333333333333333333333333333333333333333... 3] 13:07:50 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 13:07:54 <Born_Acorn> madness! 13:08:20 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC7802.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 13:08:29 <peter1138> but will it be any better than the '360 13:08:36 <Born_Acorn> How old is the protagonist now? 13:08:38 <Born_Acorn> 92? 13:08:47 *** Belugas_Gone is now known as Belugas 13:08:56 <Born_Acorn> Do you play the game from a wheel chair this time around? :p 13:09:10 <Darkvater> peter1138: the PS3 does 1080p 13:09:40 <Darkvater> today they also dropped the price to only 0 or something 13:09:46 <Darkvater> in Japan 13:10:02 *** SimonRC [sc@bylands.dur.ac.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:10:44 *** SimonRC [sc@bylands.dur.ac.uk] has joined #openttd 13:12:11 <peter1138> does --> will do ;p 13:12:23 <Darkvater> he 13:12:27 <Born_Acorn> They dropped it a few days ago, actually. :p 13:12:27 <Darkvater> sadly 13:12:33 <peter1138> they've dropped the price, but it's not released? huh? 13:12:44 <Darkvater> pre-price :) 13:12:50 <Born_Acorn> peter1138, the just announced a drop in the RRP 13:13:38 <Born_Acorn> I think all this console stuff is madness. But those Wii fans mostly. 13:13:51 <Born_Acorn> "Omg, the 'troller is completely new!" 13:14:07 <Born_Acorn> "It's the only reason I'm getting a wii" 13:16:20 <Darkvater> and of course http://www.bright.nl/ps3-vs-wii 13:16:22 <Belugas> [06:25] <@Darkvater> hiya Tron_ 13:16:22 <Belugas> [06:25] <@Darkvater> hiya Belugas_Gone 13:16:22 <Belugas> [06:27] * @Darkvater checks if he is on ignore ;p 13:16:22 <Belugas> Nice... Darkvater is talking to ghosts! hehehe ;) 13:16:40 <Born_Acorn> not that video again! 13:18:07 <Born_Acorn> Shouldn't both ladies be speaking unintelligible Japanese anyway? 13:18:38 <Born_Acorn> :p 13:22:26 *** Jezral [~projectjj@nat.kollegienet.dk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:32:46 *** Mistified [laptop@] has joined #openttd 13:34:18 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 13:36:19 <Belugas> Darkvater : about the replace icons, reducing the original icons to fit 16x16, unless done by hand, is almost impossible 13:37:05 <Belugas> one of the reasons is that the original replace cursors are not the same size, as i'm sure you've noticed already ;) 13:42:12 <Darkvater> Belugas: that is exactly what I have asked from people 13:42:21 <Darkvater> to do it by hand, since automatically it fails 13:42:28 <hylje> why sprites 13:42:28 <Darkvater> (or make new ones of course) 13:42:35 <hylje> when you could just implement vector gfx 13:42:55 <Darkvater> hylje: do you want DirectX10 with that as well? 13:43:15 <hylje> sure, but i have little direct use of dxx on linux 13:44:05 <hylje> (i prefer ogl) 13:44:16 <Belugas> we tried, Darkvater, both my wife and i . 13:44:42 <Belugas> so, unless an artist can give it a try... 13:44:56 <Darkvater> you're not an artist :O? :) 13:45:05 <hylje> vector graphics! compositing! 13:45:11 <hylje> 3d landscape! 13:45:21 <hylje> ragdoll physics! 13:45:22 <SpComb> svg OpenTTD! 13:45:23 <hylje> AJAX! 13:45:26 <Darkvater> cause I tried as well, but well, you know Belugas how that turned out 13:45:26 <SpComb> Java! 13:45:30 <Darkvater> kick! 13:45:38 <SpComb> there's not ajax in ottd, it sucks :( 13:45:52 <Noldo> ajax? 13:45:54 <Born_Acorn> SpComb thinks ottd sucks! 13:46:03 <Born_Acorn> "ottd, it sucks :(" <-- Proof! 13:46:31 <Belugas> me? artist? far from it... on guitar maybe, in a pool too... but with drawing? naaaaaa 13:48:52 <Darkvater> Belugas: ah. From the email I thought that you were gonna give the pixels to some artists to play around with 13:48:57 <Darkvater> that is what I gathered 13:52:43 <peter1138> i have food :D 13:54:02 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6526 /trunk/depot_gui.c: 13:54:02 <CIA-2> -Codechange: [depot window] the train only widgets are now resized depending on the size of other widgets 13:54:02 <CIA-2> This will ensure that say the horizontal scrollbar is as wide as the matrix even if only the matrix is altered in size 13:54:02 <CIA-2> This is meant to make it easier to add more widgets without coding a lot of vehicle type specific stuff (you should still check all windows though) 13:54:59 * Darkvater whistles innocently about 4 different widget tables 13:55:42 <Belugas> Darkvater, i never said anyting about artist, i said i have resources ;) 13:56:22 <Darkvater> well resources == human resources; human resources == artist << what I assumed with respect to the subject 13:57:00 <Belugas> nope... resources == ways to do stuff, in my mind 13:59:28 <peter1138> hmm, anyone fancy syncing the bridge branch? 13:59:32 <peter1138> no? 14:01:51 <peter1138> ooh, some conflicts 14:02:04 <Darkvater> the magic-bridges branch? 14:02:11 <peter1138> yeah 14:02:18 <peter1138> 27470 123933 1256431 14:02:24 <peter1138> maybe syncing all in one go is a bad idea ;) 14:02:38 <peter1138> only 4 conflicts, though 14:02:46 <Darkvater> that's about nothing 14:03:36 <Brianetta> Won't Tron pull it again? 14:04:12 <Darkvater> thre's nothing wrong with syncing 14:04:16 <Darkvater> although 14:04:31 <hylje> sync bridges plx 14:04:43 <Darkvater> Tron, Tron_: is it safe to sync bridge-branch? Eg got any conflicting local changes? 14:05:19 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6527 /trunk/depot_gui.c: 14:05:19 <CIA-2> -Codechange: [depot window] added asserts to ensure that widget names, widget array and array of resize info stays the same length 14:05:19 <CIA-2> Really bad stuff will happen if one of them contains a different number of widgets ;) 14:05:19 <CIA-2> This is meant as a protection against incorrect additions of code rather than verifying that the current code works 14:06:10 * peter1138 ponders protection against incorrect bjarni 14:06:25 * Darkvater sells protection against bjarni 14:06:36 <Bjarni> sure I can handle this manually now, but say somebody shows up in a year or more and breaks this 14:07:00 <hylje> s/somebody/Bjarni/ 14:07:13 <Bjarni> or if I should alter this in a year or more and I have forgotten how important it is to ensure that they are the same length 14:07:34 <peter1138> :) 14:07:41 <Bjarni> it's not only protection against bugs made by me, but everybody ;) 14:07:43 <peter1138> you'll find out when it crashes ;p 14:07:57 <peter1138> have you added the scrollbar and resizing yet? 14:08:19 <Bjarni> what do you mean? 14:08:23 <peter1138> oh 14:08:26 <peter1138> wrong window :) 14:08:31 <peter1138> the refit window, hehe 14:08:34 <Bjarni> hehe 14:08:43 <Bjarni> ahh, that kind of wrong window XD 14:09:02 <Bjarni> no. Do you think I should do it now? 14:09:24 <peter1138> well 14:09:26 <peter1138> no 14:09:28 <peter1138> whenever you like 14:09:33 <peter1138> but i'd like it :) 14:09:40 <peter1138> how about you code it 14:09:43 <peter1138> and give me the patch 14:09:47 <peter1138> and i can say it's my work? 14:09:53 <Bjarni> ok 14:09:53 <hylje> :o 14:10:01 <Bjarni> err 14:10:02 <Bjarni> wait 14:10:02 <hylje> what about resizing of vehicle replacing 14:10:18 <peter1138> isn't that resizable? 14:10:22 <Bjarni> I meant you can test it together with your patch before any of it is committed 14:10:30 <Bjarni> hylje: it can be resized 14:10:31 <peter1138> hehe 14:10:37 <Bjarni> but only vertically 14:10:50 <Bjarni> it would make little sense to resize it vertically anyway 14:11:00 <hylje> horizontal more like 14:11:10 <hylje> big vehicles and long names 14:11:20 <Darkvater> why not vertically? 14:11:21 <Bjarni> typo :) 14:11:30 <Darkvater> not everyone uses only 2-3 types of vehicles 14:11:42 <Darkvater> but I thought it was already resizable 14:11:51 <Bjarni> it can resize to display more rows of vehicles 14:12:11 <Bjarni> but it can't make each line longer 14:12:15 <Bjarni> I think that is the request here 14:12:21 <Darkvater> longer? 14:12:26 <Bjarni> wider 14:12:26 <Darkvater> horizontal resize? 14:12:29 <Bjarni> yeah 14:12:40 <Darkvater> you explain difficultly ;) 14:13:00 <Bjarni> hylje: I don't think that will happen unless a whole lot of stuff is recoded first, like engine drawing and such 14:13:22 <Bjarni> the code is a mess due to lack of single functions to handle this in a nice way 14:13:50 <hylje> a chance for real cool widgetry 14:13:53 <Darkvater> I wonder who wrote that code... 14:13:55 * Darkvater hides 14:14:20 <Bjarni> actually I used the build window code, and I wonder who wrote it to become that messy... 14:14:23 * Bjarni hides 14:15:01 <Bjarni> I recall something about somebody bitching about using newgrf to recode wagons into engines and that it made the drawing code a whole lot more messy 14:15:44 <Bjarni> that is the first place to start a cleanup. Make a nice function that both build vehicle and the autoreplace window can use 14:16:25 <Bjarni> when we got that to work, we can talk about cleaning the code enough to make it resizeable in both directions 14:16:35 <hylje> and when rewriting that make it easily migratable to 3d 14:16:36 <Bjarni> I'm not doing it before that happens 14:16:48 * Bjarni slaps hylje 14:16:54 <hylje> :o 14:17:01 * hylje eats said trout 14:17:14 <Bjarni> why should we migrate to 3D? 14:17:32 <hylje> for cool effects 14:17:36 <hylje> and realism 14:17:43 <hylje> up to scale stuff = win 14:17:58 <ln-> for 3D models of naked chicks 14:18:02 <hylje> that too 14:19:42 <Bjarni> if that happens, then I would be totally lost in the graphics 14:19:50 <Bjarni> right now at least I understand the sprites 14:20:59 <hylje> people are already making models for trains for instance 14:20:59 <Bjarni> err, I somewhat understands the sprites ;) 14:21:12 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:22:25 <Bjarni> hylje: ahh those. They don't plan to make them 3D in the game. They are made in 3D with a lot of polygons and then the sprites should be made from screenshots. It's easier to make 32 bit graphics that way as somebody got the idea that we should also increase the number of directions when turning vehicles 14:22:57 <Bjarni> making one model and turning it to make say 30 sprites is a whole lot easier than drawing a sprite from 30 angles 14:23:14 <hylje> 3d models can be spritified and offer a good foundation for a 3d engine 14:23:31 <hylje> most commercial sprite-based games did use models to draw the sprites 14:23:34 <hylje> at least the later ones 14:24:48 <Bjarni> well, if you can manage to make an OpenGL graphic engine in OpenTTD that works at the current speed, then I will not try to stop you 14:25:09 <Bjarni> just... it should be able to use the current sprites as well as new ones 14:25:10 <hylje> i believe it could work faster provided a 3d card exist 14:25:19 <hylje> s 14:25:40 <Bjarni> we decided that we want the classic look and feel to the game 14:25:43 <hylje> and yes, i have some plans for this, not just the code 14:25:48 <Bjarni> so it's not about making a full 3D game 14:26:02 <hylje> old sprites will be usable, otherwise the transition would be a pain 14:26:04 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:26:09 <Bjarni> yeah 14:26:35 <hylje> at first there should not be a need to do any advanced stuff like perspective, it breaks sprites too 14:26:48 <Bjarni> don't do a guyver_ 14:27:01 <hylje> naa. ill need to study opengl first 14:27:24 <Bjarni> he made OpenTTD use OGL to display graphics. He hardcoded it to windows, turned the screen upside down and it ran at like 2 fps 14:27:29 <hylje> but i could publish a 3d draft 14:27:40 <hylje> ie. how it could be done 14:27:40 <Bjarni> then he fixed the upside down thing and left 14:28:03 <Bjarni> the speed issue was never solved and it was still hardcoded to windows 14:28:06 <Darkvater> yeah, that was funny 14:28:39 <hylje> also a new map array could be one thing that needs to be finalised before 3d 14:28:50 <Bjarni> why? 14:29:33 <hylje> well 14:29:48 <hylje> there might be some useful features in it to exploit 3d stuff 14:30:05 *** Born_Acorn [~bornacorn@zernebok.com] has joined #openttd 14:30:14 <hylje> say, half-transparent ground to show trains in tunnels below? 14:30:31 *** canta__ [cyrus@p50875915.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 14:30:43 <Bjarni> currently the map array is all about access functions. If you really want to store something, now is the time to tell us ;) 14:30:48 <Darkvater> and that can't be done afterwards? 14:31:01 <Bjarni> ohh, making use of the alpha channel. That sounds cool 14:31:02 <hylje> could be better to know what to expect from map array 14:31:13 <hylje> ie. multiple ground levels? 14:31:36 <hylje> allowing for bendy tunnels and bridges 14:31:40 <Bjarni> we will get multiple tiles on each tile eventually 14:32:45 <Brianetta> Only problem with these high-detail 3D rendered images for sprites is that the steam engines will look odd gliding along without the wheel connectors turning. 14:33:16 <Bjarni> Brianetta: we can fix that and made the models moving 14:33:23 <hylje> and besides 14:33:27 <Bjarni> we already got animated sprites for moving 14:33:31 <Bjarni> based on vehicle speed 14:33:34 <hylje> we're a long way from zoomed in stuff 14:33:46 <peter1138> animation is possible :D 14:33:48 <Bjarni> faster speed -> faster animation so the wheels rotate faster 14:34:01 <Bjarni> well, the patch got it. We will get it eventually ;) 14:34:02 <peter1138> of course, you need tons more sprites :/ 14:34:14 <Brianetta> I have disk space (: 14:34:15 <peter1138> Bjarni: my newsounds stuff adds the bits that the animations use 14:34:27 <Bjarni> nice 14:34:35 <Bjarni> Brianetta: I was about to say the same 14:35:19 <peter1138> hmm, wonder if i should save it 14:35:33 <peter1138> the patch doesn't... 14:36:03 <Bjarni> why should it be saved? 14:36:24 <Bjarni> the savegame would be bigger and what would the benefit be? 14:36:28 <Darkvater> you want to save newshounds? 14:37:11 <peter1138> no, the motion counter 14:37:21 <peter1138> Bjarni: bigger by a whole 32 bits per vehicle. hmm. 14:37:36 <peter1138> it'll elliminate possible desync excuses 14:37:45 <Bjarni> good point 14:37:47 *** cantares [cyrus@p50875733.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:37:47 *** canta__ is now known as cantares 14:38:11 <Darkvater> peter1138: how would it desync? 14:38:26 <Darkvater> peter1138: it uses localrandom if using any random or not? 14:38:29 <Bjarni> also it might look odd when you load if all motion counters are reset and everything runs in perfect sync for a while 14:39:23 <Bjarni> sync as in all say steam locomotive wheels is at the same place of rotating 14:39:24 <Darkvater> look odd? it doesn't change anything visually 14:39:34 <Bjarni> not yet 14:39:42 <Darkvater> it's SOUND 14:39:50 <Bjarni> but it's the same that's used for animated sprites 14:39:54 <Bjarni> once we get that one 14:40:23 <Bjarni> it may SOUND odd if all locomotives makes sounds in sync 14:40:27 <Bjarni> ;) 14:40:46 <peter1138> Darkvater: no, it uses 'system' random, heh 14:41:02 <peter1138> Bjarni: only if you play with multiple clients running ;p 14:41:13 <Darkvater> peter1138: ay...it shouldn't should it? 14:41:33 <peter1138> yeah, it could conceivably affect the game 14:41:45 <hylje> oo, ambient sounds? 14:41:55 <peter1138> i don't think anything using soundeffects uses randomness for it though 14:42:36 <peter1138> Darkvater: with some features we don't support yet, things like maxspeed could be determined based on a random value 14:42:49 <peter1138> unlikely, but possible 14:43:43 <Bjarni> how about somebody decides to use the motion counter to modify the max speed like if the vehicle is really giving all it can handle 14:43:47 <Darkvater> does not compute 14:43:48 <Bjarni> that would need saving 14:44:03 <Darkvater> so you're saying newgrf's newsounds feature influences certain game aspects like speed? 14:44:30 <peter1138> no, newgrf features in general 14:44:50 <Bjarni> yeah, totally. Trains accelerate faster when making sounds :P 14:44:55 * Bjarni hides 14:45:13 <Darkvater> peter1138: yes, of course. So you probably use a random deeply hidden within newgrf-generic code? 14:45:23 <peter1138> yeah 14:45:30 <Darkvater> Bjarni: well i eat slower when i make sounds 14:45:33 <Darkvater> so it's certainly possible 14:45:52 <Bjarni> diesel engines tend to make more sounds when accelerating faster 14:46:19 <Bjarni> higher RPM = more explosions/sec 14:47:27 <Darkvater> peter1138: hmm...well it shouldn't matter because sounds aren't influencable locally, but then it needs saving 14:47:43 <Darkvater> or have some kind of distinction on calling random for certain features. 14:47:46 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-172-99.vodafone-net.de] has joined #openttd 14:48:27 <peter1138> not possible :) 14:48:32 <peter1138> i'll leave it for now 14:48:36 <peter1138> i don't think it'll cause problems 14:48:47 <peter1138> adding 1 save var isn't going to hurt though 14:49:11 <Darkvater> yeah, then definitely save it 14:49:14 *** jonty-comp [~Jonty@88-107-55-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #openttd 14:56:47 *** WolfAngel [~wolfangel@] has joined #openttd 15:02:04 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 15:02:23 *** Nicd` [nicd@a80-186-106-191.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 15:06:54 *** SimonRC_ [sc@bylands.dur.ac.uk] has joined #openttd 15:06:55 *** SimonRC [sc@bylands.dur.ac.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:08:14 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387C756.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 15:09:08 <Nicd`> so, I upgrade the OS X version by just dragging the new one over the old one (overwriting)? 15:09:15 <Bjarni> yes 15:09:35 <Bjarni> that's all you need to do 15:10:18 <Nicd`> I know it is the standard procedure for upgrading but you can never be too sure :) 15:10:37 <Bjarni> if you are unsure you could have read the docs 15:10:46 <Bjarni> I wrote it somewhere 15:10:50 <Bjarni> I think 15:12:28 <Nicd`> I can't find a mention of that 15:12:33 <Bjarni> hmm 15:13:04 <Bjarni> I did write it *somewhere* 15:15:19 <KUDr_wrk> hmm "assert(e >= SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX && e < SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_ship_vehicle_info));" while cloning a train 15:15:59 <Bjarni> KUDr_wrk: I found a memory leak in YAPF today 15:16:14 <Bjarni> the game leaked 4,1k in FollowRail or something like that 15:16:16 <KUDr_wrk> Bjarni: good, give me it.. 15:16:40 <Bjarni> well, I found it with malloc debug. I have no idea how to fix it :( 15:17:05 <KUDr_wrk> aha so you don't know where it was allocated? 15:17:21 <Bjarni> <KUDr_wrk> hmm "assert(e >= SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX && e < SHIP_ENGINES_INDEX + lengthof(_ship_vehicle_info));" while cloning a train <-- how did you clone it. With the depot button or in the train window? 15:17:24 <KUDr_wrk> how many of such blocks was there? 15:17:46 <KUDr_wrk> depot button + holding ctrl 15:18:02 <KUDr_wrk> then pointing to train and bum 15:18:15 <Bjarni> currently we got a leak in NPF and then the YAPF one I noticed today. We are not leaking memory anywhere else 15:18:37 <Bjarni> I think I know what went wrong 15:18:43 <Nicd`> hmph :/ OpenTTD doesn't want to play the music files 15:18:49 <KUDr_wrk> if it is one block per whole game it is not leak 15:21:09 <KUDr_wrk> Bjarni: my cloned train is a ship 15:22:18 <Bjarni> Nicd`: make a gm dir next to the app and place the gm files in it 15:22:23 <Bjarni> it should work 15:22:27 <Bjarni> it works here ;) 15:22:40 <Bjarni> <KUDr_wrk> Bjarni: my cloned train is a ship <-- yeah, I found the offending line 15:22:44 <Bjarni> I think 15:23:01 <KUDr_wrk> where it is? 15:23:08 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 15:23:10 <Bjarni> depot_gui.c 15:23:43 <Bjarni> oops, just noticed something 15:23:45 <Nicd`> Bjarni, I've done that 15:23:58 <hylje> hah 15:24:02 <Nicd`> should the music files have .mid or .gm -extensions? 15:24:05 <Bjarni> my commit with the asserts... I tested it with asserts disabled :( 15:24:09 <Bjarni> .gm 15:24:32 <Nicd`> .mid recognised them but didn't play, with .gm, it doesn't even see the files :o 15:25:30 <Nicd`> maybe I'll just play my own music then 15:25:58 <peter1138> the game wants with .gm 15:27:00 <KUDr_wrk> Bjarni: this one? 15:27:01 <KUDr_wrk> void CcCloneVehicle(bool success, TileIndex tile, uint32 p1, uint32 p2) 15:27:01 <KUDr_wrk> { 15:27:01 <KUDr_wrk> if (!success) return; 15:27:01 <KUDr_wrk> CcCloneShip(true, tile, p1, p2); 15:27:02 <KUDr_wrk> } 15:27:21 <KUDr_wrk> it assumes that all vehs are ships? 15:28:49 <peter1138> what? 15:28:50 <peter1138> lol 15:28:51 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6528 /trunk/depot_gui.c: -Fix r6527: fixed an off by one error in an assert 15:29:16 <Bjarni> NEVER test if asserts are written correctly if you have assert disabled in Makefile.config 15:29:22 <peter1138> i think you're missing a switch ;) 15:29:24 * Bjarni wonders how long it was disabled 15:29:30 <Bjarni> peter1138: yeah 15:29:37 <Bjarni> I don't know why I missed that one 15:29:42 <Bjarni> but it should be easy to solve 15:29:48 <peter1138> yeah 15:29:53 <peter1138> funny though :P 15:40:58 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6529 /trunk/ (aircraft.h depot_gui.c roadveh.h train.h): 15:40:58 <CIA-2> -Fix r6513: [depot window] added missing switch in CcCloneVehicle() 15:40:58 <CIA-2> The result of this missing switch was asserts in some cloning conditions (not all) (spotted by KUDr) 15:43:27 <KUDr_wrk> hmmmm: warning C4013: 'CcCloneRoadVeh' undefined; assuming extern returning int 15:43:27 <KUDr_wrk> 2>depot.c 15:43:33 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 15:43:49 <KUDr_wrk> oops: depot_gui.c 15:44:18 <KUDr_wrk> warning treated as error - no 'object' file generated 15:46:07 <peter1138> bjarni :P 15:46:25 <peter1138> quantity not quality day today ;) 15:46:37 *** Dred_furst [~laurie@user-514f2286.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #openttd 15:46:39 <KUDr_wrk> :) missing #include "roadveh.h" 15:47:04 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6530 /trunk/depot_gui.c: -Fix r6529: added missing header file (oops) 15:56:41 <Born_Acorn> Bjarni, you going for most commits in a day award? :p 16:01:25 <Bjarni> actually I would prefer that I'm not the one with most progress 16:01:30 <Bjarni> specially on a day like this 16:01:45 <Bjarni> because that would indicate that we progress really fast ;) 16:04:11 *** cantares [cyrus@p50875915.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Barbarus hic ego sum, quia non intellegor ulli.] 16:07:10 <CIA-2> miham * r6531 /trunk/lang/ (catalan.txt german.txt unfinished/greek.txt): 16:07:10 <CIA-2> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-09-27 18:06:40 16:07:10 <CIA-2> catalan - 8 fixed by arnaullv (8) 16:07:10 <CIA-2> german - 12 fixed by Neonox (12) 16:07:10 <CIA-2> greek - 716 fixed by thanoulas (439), gonik (277) 16:07:15 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 16:09:59 *** smeding [~roysmedin@c514451cb.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #openttd 16:10:10 *** smeding_ [~roysmedin@c514451cb.cable.wanadoo.nl] has joined #openttd 16:10:17 *** smeding_ [~roysmedin@c514451cb.cable.wanadoo.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:18:41 *** cantares [cyrus@p50875915.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 16:18:46 <cantares> moin 16:23:14 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 16:26:02 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host117-234-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 16:26:15 <Wolf01> hi 16:30:56 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-137-68-253.range86-137.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 16:33:39 *** Tron_ [FqtBSN4f@nat-1.rz.uni-karlsruhe.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 16:41:14 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 16:44:23 <Eddi|zuHause3> ugh... wolves always appear in packs... 16:44:39 * Eddi|zuHause3 gets scared 16:45:39 <Wolf01> where is my best friend sacro? 16:45:59 <Eddi|zuHause3> he said he was moving out, or something 16:46:12 <Eddi|zuHause3> or going to college 16:46:13 <Eddi|zuHause3> or both 16:55:51 <Belugas> or uni? 16:55:58 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 16:56:46 <hylje> YAPF takes station length into account? 16:56:56 <hylje> so i could have a variable-length station 16:57:27 <Eddi|zuHause3> yes 16:57:44 <Eddi|zuHause3> a train will try to choose the platform it best fits in 16:58:03 <Eddi|zuHause3> with large penalties for too short platforms, and smaller penalties for too long platforms 16:58:51 <Eddi|zuHause3> problem is: if all long platforms are already taken, the next long train will inevitably go into the short platform, instead of waiting outside the station 16:59:17 <Eddi|zuHause3> there is no way to tell it to wait. 16:59:30 <hylje> i figured 16:59:49 *** jonty_comp [~Jonty@88-107-55-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has joined #openttd 16:59:56 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 17:00:24 <hylje> ty 17:00:25 <peter1138> hmm 17:00:44 <Eddi|zuHause3> i'd like an order system where i could tell the train to only use platform x through y 17:01:29 <hylje> NewOrders 17:02:31 <Eddi|zuHause3> the problem is, it needs too many options to be useful, and so it gets too complicated 17:03:36 <Eddi|zuHause3> you need high priority (primary) platforms, low priority (alternative) platforms, platforms to completely avoid, take only even/odd platforms 17:04:08 <Eddi|zuHause3> and that's only the options i could imagine 17:04:20 <Eddi|zuHause3> there are certainly more that are wanted 17:05:21 *** jonty-comp [~Jonty@88-107-55-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:08:42 <Bjarni> http://devs.openttd.org/~bjarni/new_depot_window.png <-- do anybody have a good idea on what icon to put on that button? 17:08:45 <Eddi|zuHause3> the worst problem with that is that you need a way to handle new platforms automatically 17:08:52 <Bjarni> clicking it will sell all the vehicles in the depot 17:09:17 <Eddi|zuHause3> two dynamite thingies? 17:09:35 <Eddi|zuHause3> (or better 3) 17:09:51 <Nicd`> mushroom cloud? 17:10:21 <Bjarni> actually I was wondering about one that's already in the game so I can add it quickly 17:10:51 <Bjarni> I would like to commit this patch and then I could post a request for ideas in the graphic forum 17:10:57 <Eddi|zuHause3> repeat the dynamite sprite multiple times? 17:11:05 <Bjarni> not possible 17:11:15 <Bjarni> I can only draw one sprite 17:11:17 <KUDr> yes, double dynamite 17:12:29 <Belugas> what about dynamite and garbage can? 17:12:44 <Belugas> advantage of been consistent... 17:12:44 <peter1138> last time i play simutrans, trains could only use a specific platform in the order, and none of the others. it was a right pain 17:12:56 <eleusis> :) 17:13:05 <Bjarni> peter1138: yeah 17:13:09 <Eddi|zuHause3> yeah, i noticed that, too... i hated it 17:13:31 <peter1138> i presume they fixed that 17:14:20 <eleusis> can openttd use simutrans data files? 17:15:11 <peter1138> no 17:15:27 <peter1138> they are specifically designed to be a pain to reverse engineer, as i understand it 17:15:31 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 17:16:15 <eleusis> wtf 17:16:18 <Eddi|zuHause3> hm... my copy of simutrans is from 3. 2. 2002 ;) 17:16:28 <peter1138> heh 17:16:36 <peter1138> eleusis: for copyright porpoises 17:16:57 <eleusis> what copyright purposes? >_> 17:18:51 <peter1138> ... 17:18:58 <peter1138> artists like to keep copyright on their images 17:19:15 <peter1138> they think that the moment anyone can access their data, someone will steal it 17:19:17 <eleusis> i know what copyright is 17:19:39 <eleusis> hm 17:20:30 <eleusis> i'd check the simutrans site, but my isp is being really crap atm.. >_> 17:20:55 *** bananafly [~NEDM@81-236-246-254-no28.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 17:20:56 <Bjarni> http://devs.openttd.org/~bjarni/depot_idea_coins.png <-- what do you think of this? 17:21:09 <peter1138> no 17:21:20 <Born_Acorn> Sell vehicle? 17:21:23 <peter1138> i don't like coins 17:21:37 <Born_Acorn> Return vehicle for cash deposit refund button? 17:21:47 <eleusis> lol 17:21:54 <Bjarni> sell all vehicles in the depot button 17:22:05 <bananafly> If anyone was looking for a nightly server, I just put one up. Will be up for at least 2 hours. 17:22:12 <Belugas> i dont like it either Bjarni 17:22:14 <Bjarni> and I would like to figure out what to draw on that button, at least until something better shows up 17:22:28 <Bjarni> ok, the coin idea is dead 17:22:34 <peter1138> i think it's a lazy button ;p 17:23:19 <Bjarni> I waited for ages for the clone button. I don't think we should wait ages for this one to be committed, so we should find something now, at least as temp until somebody draws a good one 17:23:32 <peter1138> ask in the forum :) 17:24:13 <eleusis> dynamite with multiple trains 17:24:30 <eleusis> "dynamite the whole lot!" 17:24:46 <Born_Acorn> Ask for anything new and you get fifty crap two-colour MS Paint creations. 17:25:17 <bananafly> Mine will have at least 4 colous 17:25:30 <bananafly> But, yes, it would be crappy and mspain 17:25:32 <Bjarni> yeah, I will ask in the forum, but I would like something useful so I can commit this (and change it when I get the real sprite) 17:25:58 <eleusis> you don't like the dynamite with multiple trains idea? :P 17:26:28 <Bjarni> well 17:26:30 <Born_Acorn> You should lay the dynamite icon over one over the four vehicle sprites using codinations. 17:26:45 <Born_Acorn> Therefore no new sprites needed. :p 17:26:51 <eleusis> what's a codination? 17:26:57 <Bjarni> there is such a button in each depot type, so if we should use multiple trains, we should have one for each vehicle type 17:27:12 <eleusis> ah 17:27:46 <Bjarni> it's not a problem to draw a different sprite for each vehicle type, but... 17:27:48 <Born_Acorn> It's what you get to write when you become a Developifer 17:27:53 <Bjarni> is it worth it? :) 17:27:57 <Bjarni> and it's inconsistent 17:27:58 *** Sacro [~ben@] has joined #openttd 17:28:30 <eleusis> you mean, code -_- 17:28:49 *** e1ko [~L@a02-0432b.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 17:29:19 <Bjarni> it always end up like this. Whenever I need a new sprite for a button... I'm fucked :( 17:29:31 <Sacro> Bjarni: wish i got fucked as easily :( 17:29:33 <Bjarni> 1: I'm not sure what to add 17:29:46 <bananafly> 2: You can't paint? 17:29:56 <Bjarni> 2: I need to edit a grf file to add it and grfcodec is still not ported to OSX 17:30:16 <eleusis> solution: fix grfcodec! 17:30:25 <Bjarni> it's not that simple 17:30:36 <Bjarni> and it will not solve 1 17:30:59 <eleusis> 1 is easy.. put in some text and let someone else fix it later :P 17:31:23 <Born_Acorn> hmmm 17:31:41 * Born_Acorn wonders if he can copy and paste something using existing GUI pieces. 17:32:31 <Bjarni> <eleusis> 1 is easy.. put in some text and let someone else fix it later :P <-- actually a NULL sprite is also an option 17:32:38 <Bjarni> then nothing will be drawn, just the background 17:32:49 <eleusis> heh 17:33:03 <Bjarni> bbl 17:33:06 <eleusis> but then people don't know what the button does 17:33:12 <Bjarni> I guess it will not make it for the nightly build today 17:33:21 <eleusis> until they click the button, or look at the code 17:34:01 *** Er1c [~eric@p5484C592.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 17:42:12 <valhalla1w> !seen truelight 17:42:14 <_42_> valhalla1w, truelight is on #openttd.tgp right now. 17:42:17 <valhalla1w> doh. 17:42:53 *** jonty_comp [~Jonty@88-107-55-64.dynamic.dsl.as9105.com] has quit [Quit: In Soviet Russia, IRC quits you!] 17:45:35 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B35C2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 17:50:13 <Bjarni> back 17:54:16 <Sacro> Bjarni: whats the patch? 17:55:13 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 17:56:46 <Born_Acorn> http://graphics.bornacorn.com/gui.png <-- Bjarni, quick (but slower than usual) cut and paste job 17:57:21 *** glx|away [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 17:58:41 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 17:59:06 <Born_Acorn> Besides, Bjarni, as long as the button is documented well and has a tooltip, people shouldn't have a problem finding out what it does. 18:01:29 *** Nicd` [nicd@a80-186-106-191.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Quit: zoom] 18:01:42 *** glx [~glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by glx|away))] 18:01:44 *** glx|away is now known as glx 18:02:31 * peter1138 has a small, useless, inconsequential patch he might apply 18:02:42 <Born_Acorn> news hounds! 18:03:03 <Eddi|zuHause3> second earring ;) 18:04:43 <Bjarni> <Born_Acorn> Besides, Bjarni, as long as the button is documented well and has a tooltip <-- not only is there a tooltip, it also got a confirm window telling what you are doing and tooltips on the confirm and cancel buttons in that window 18:05:01 <Bjarni> the problem is not if people can figure out what it does, it's what looks right in the window 18:05:26 <hylje> put a goatse button there and everyone instantly knows what it does 18:05:42 <Bjarni> no 18:06:01 <Bjarni> on purpose I don't know what such a button looks like 18:06:12 <Bjarni> judging from bash.org, it's something to avoid 18:06:14 <hylje> you better not know. 18:06:40 <Bjarni> Born_Acorn: actually I don't like your sprites 18:06:52 <Bjarni> dual dynamite would be better 18:07:00 <Bjarni> or dual trashcans 18:07:27 <hylje> a pack of dynamite 18:07:29 *** bananafly [~NEDM@81-236-246-254-no28.tbcn.telia.com] has left #openttd [] 18:07:37 <Bjarni> also an option 18:08:49 <hylje> oh wow 18:08:56 <hylje> an easter egg of win 18:09:11 <hylje> if you have the pack of dynamite selected for too long, it explodes 18:09:15 <Bjarni> did MS start to call bugs for easter eggs? 18:09:42 <hylje> features 18:09:48 <Bjarni> hmm 18:09:50 <Wolf01> there are no bugs, are features... for hackers but are features 18:10:28 <Bjarni> a pack of dynamite it is 18:10:40 <Bjarni> if somebody can draw it, that is ;) 18:11:17 <eleusis> dynamite with multiple vehicles, dammit :P 18:11:28 <hylje> copy&paste current dynamite sprites on each other 18:11:38 <hylje> and position them neatly 18:11:52 <hylje> then have a binding wire around it 18:12:11 <Bjarni> that sounds like a plan 18:12:15 <Bjarni> do it ;) 18:12:18 <hylje> no 18:12:27 <hylje> if i was to do it i wouldnt have told you 18:12:39 <Bjarni> Born_Acorn: I got a task for you 18:12:54 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp85-141-200-147.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #openttd 18:14:17 <peter1138> Born_Acorn: "woo!" 18:14:48 <Prof_Frink> peter1138: News Hounds 18:14:52 * Sacro *coughs* news hounds 18:15:03 <Sacro> Born_Acorn: new sounds needs testing i think 18:15:08 <Born_Acorn> I task? For I? 18:15:11 <Born_Acorn> *A task 18:15:24 <Bjarni> [20:11:28] <hylje> copy&paste current dynamite sprites on each other 18:15:24 <Bjarni> [20:11:37] <hylje> and position them neatly 18:15:24 <Bjarni> [20:11:52] <hylje> then have a binding wire around it 18:15:47 <Born_Acorn> Onto Vehicles? 18:16:12 <Born_Acorn> I tried that before. The Dynamite obscures the whole vehicle. 18:16:31 <Bjarni> no vehicles, just multiple sticks of dynamite 18:16:35 <Born_Acorn> Ahh, mae a Pack of dynamite. 18:16:55 * Born_Acorn food currently 18:17:04 <CIA-2> peter1138 * r6532 /trunk/ (19 files): - Feature: Add support for NewGRF sound effects. Currently sound priority isn't supported. 18:18:39 <Bjarni> priority is not supported... does that mean that it can decide to use the sound of the driver farting instead of using the horn when somebody is on the track? 18:18:44 <Prof_Frink> peter1138: Is that a newsounds I see before me? 18:19:03 <peter1138> Bjarni: it means stuff 18:19:05 <hylje> no, NewGRF sound effects 18:19:13 <peter1138> hylje: indeed! 18:20:11 <Sacro> is that not NEWS HOUNDS :D 18:20:53 <peter1138> who knows 18:21:11 <peter1138> how long should one steam new potatos for? 18:21:21 <SpComb> 20 minutes! 18:21:31 <Bjarni> 10 hours 18:21:35 <Sacro> peter1138: depends on the size of the potatoe 18:21:42 <SpComb> I think 20 minutes is about right 18:21:52 <Bjarni> that depends on the size 18:22:02 <SpComb> closer than 10 hours 18:22:36 <Bjarni> actually you should boil it. Potatoes contains a toxic something that is broken up to non-toxic stuff when boiled 18:22:48 <SpComb> :o 18:22:58 *** DJ_Mirage [~martijn@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 18:22:58 <Noldo> wtf are you talking about 18:23:03 <Bjarni> never eat raw potatoes 18:23:18 <Sacro> i do 18:23:23 <Noldo> peter1138: stop when they are ready :) 18:23:24 <Bjarni> you can cook them and cool them down if you need them cold, but don't eat them raw 18:23:29 <peter1138> Bjarni: only if they go green 18:23:33 <SpComb> raw potatoes are good 18:23:39 <peter1138> but steaming cooks them, so... 18:23:57 <Bjarni> green is the discarding colour 18:24:02 <peter1138> yup 18:24:29 <Bjarni> but it actually also applies to the normal coloured parts. It's not healthy to eat them raw 18:24:39 <peter1138> well, they don't taste nice 18:24:42 <peter1138> and they're a bit hard 18:24:59 <SpComb> "Because of the health risks consuming pyrithryns entails, including stomach discomfort, nausea, erosion of the stomach lining, and intestinal cancer, with prolonged consumption of poorly cooked potatoes, one should not eat potatoes raw." 18:25:14 <Sacro> o_O 18:25:23 <SpComb> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato#General_Methods 18:26:00 <Born_Acorn> crap 18:26:10 <Born_Acorn> I've ran out of things to prompt peter1138 with. :( 18:26:12 <SpComb> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Potato#Toxic_compounds_in_potatoes 18:26:21 <Born_Acorn> He's committed everything! 18:27:14 <SpComb> diagonal road crossings 18:27:20 <Sacro> Born_Acorn! MiniIN syncage! 18:27:21 <Prof_Frink> peter1138! jointhettdpatchdevteam! 18:27:53 <peter1138> so basically we shouldn't eat potatos ;( 18:28:05 <Sacro> /me has just had chips :( 18:28:11 <SpComb> potatoes kill! 18:28:13 <Prof_Frink> Potatoes are evil 18:28:37 <Born_Acorn> The lack of potatoes killed some Irish! 18:28:38 <Prof_Frink> Proof: Google is not a potato. Google is not evil. Therefore, potatoes are evil. 18:28:38 <Sacro> so is hydrogendioxide :( 18:28:41 <Born_Acorn> They are evil! 18:29:03 <Prof_Frink> Sacro: D'ya mean dihydrogen monoxide? 18:29:15 <Prof_Frink> HO2 wouldn't really work 18:30:02 <Born_Acorn> hmmm. Hot Dogs and Chip shop chips. 18:30:13 *** DC-1 [DC-1@scene.hu] has quit [Server closed connection] 18:30:15 <Sacro> Prof_Frink: errrm... yes 18:31:06 <Born_Acorn> H20! 18:31:27 * peter1138 burps loudly and wakes up the neighbourhood 18:31:33 <peter1138> ('cept it's only 7:30) 18:31:50 <Born_Acorn> Past your bedtime peter1138? 18:31:52 * Born_Acorn hides 18:31:57 <peter1138> yeah 18:32:11 <Born_Acorn> Damn you and your agreements! 18:32:15 * Born_Acorn shakes fists 18:32:18 <peter1138> hah 18:32:27 * Born_Acorn releases the Sacros 18:32:37 <Born_Acorn> news acros! 18:34:15 *** publunch [~publunch@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:37:35 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B35C2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 18:40:57 <Prof_Frink> peter1138! NewIndustries! 18:41:12 <Prof_Frink> Born_Acorn: Stick that in yer | and smoke it 18:42:30 <peter1138> NewHouses! 18:42:35 <peter1138> Trams! 18:44:12 <Born_Acorn> peter1138! Trams! 18:44:21 <peter1138> o_O 18:44:27 <SpComb> Trams! 18:44:28 <ln-> Trams mentioned! 18:44:37 <SpComb> ooh yay trams! 18:44:44 <SpComb> I want vertical trams 18:44:47 <Born_Acorn> trams! 18:44:53 *** Born_Acorn is now known as Generic_Crowd 18:44:53 <SpComb> Born_Acorn! BF2! 18:44:55 <Wolf01> magic bridges+custom bridgeheads and oneway roads first 18:44:56 <Generic_Crowd> trams, yay! 18:45:01 *** Generic_Crowd is now known as Born_Acorn 18:45:13 <SpComb> Born_Acorn! BF2! now! With or without you! 18:45:28 <Born_Acorn> no! 18:45:39 <Prof_Frink> peter1138! ttdpatchfeaturecompatibility! 18:45:40 <SpComb> without you then 18:46:32 <Bjarni> anybody working on the dynamite thing? 18:46:32 <peter1138> oh yeah 18:47:03 <CIA-2> peter1138 * r6533 /trunk/newgrf.c: - Fix (r6532): Somebody forgot to add newsounds to the ttdpatch flags... 18:47:17 <peter1138> (not that anything checks it) 18:48:26 <Belugas> yes, Bjarni, i'm ready to push the trigger now... The bank shold blow up anytime soon! 18:48:41 <Belugas> Making a big HOUND! 18:49:16 <peter1138> it'll be in the news 18:50:03 <Bjarni> ... 18:50:05 <Bjarni> see 18:50:34 <Bjarni> I code something and when it gets to somebody making a sprite for it, I can just sit here and wait forever :( 18:51:11 <peter1138> sorry, i can't draw 18:51:20 <Prof_Frink> Born_Acorn can draw 18:51:29 <Belugas> sorry, i can't OTTD right now 18:51:37 <Bjarni> Born_Acorn wimped out it seems 18:51:50 <Belugas> 1001001 18:51:54 <Belugas> ? 18:51:55 <Belugas> oups.. 18:52:07 <Bjarni> hmm 18:52:12 <Bjarni> will that spriteID do? 18:52:43 <peter1138> Born_Acorn already did it 18:52:48 <peter1138> but you rejected his offering 18:52:50 <Bjarni> they suck 18:53:49 <Bjarni> I think I will commit this one without a sprite and then post a request in the graphics forum. Then people can play a bit with it and get ideas and we will see what happens 18:54:12 <Bjarni> we will have to discard 95% of the feedback, but the remaining 5% might be useful and we only need one sprite 18:56:04 <Born_Acorn> They don't suck, they just lack the meaning! 18:56:28 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:56:29 <Bjarni> sorry 18:56:31 <Born_Acorn> I'm not finished yet. 18:56:34 <Bjarni> that's what I meant 18:56:37 <Belugas> Why not a bank of some sort... Like ... immense cash income! 18:56:40 *** publunch [~publunch@] has joined #openttd 18:56:47 <Born_Acorn> This touchpad makes things slooooow. 18:57:25 <Bjarni> Belugas: that's what I thought about the coins. That didn't work as well as I had hoped :/ 18:57:47 <Belugas> coins is not as meaningfull as a bank, imho 18:57:57 <Belugas> nor as.. rich :) 18:58:11 <Bjarni> but if you got enough coins... 18:58:15 <Belugas> i mean... can you buy a house with coins? 18:58:24 <Belugas> would require a train to carry it 18:58:26 <Bjarni> if you got enough coins... 18:58:39 <Bjarni> that depends on what coins you use 18:58:42 <Belugas> ho... no... you're selling them all.. no more trians to carry the coins!! 18:58:49 <Bjarni> if they are solid gold, then no 18:59:08 <Belugas> ouch.. damned heavy.. gold... 18:59:14 <Belugas> diamonds, maybe>? 18:59:45 <Bjarni> do you think it would make sense to put diamonds on that button? :P 19:00:01 <Belugas> naaaa... :) 19:00:06 <Belugas> thus the bank 19:00:15 <Born_Acorn> Bjarni, the dynamite design is flawed. It'd need some sort of completely new graphics. 19:00:36 <Born_Acorn> Making it look like a bundle makes it too wide! 19:01:09 <Belugas> i agree with the man 19:06:28 <Bjarni> I think I should just commit it without any sprite at all and then ask in public for a sprite and see what happens 19:06:43 <Bjarni> not putting in a sprite at all will make people busy 19:07:01 <Born_Acorn> You'll get really poo designs! 19:07:12 <Bjarni> yeah 19:07:16 <Bjarni> and I will reject them 19:07:20 * Born_Acorn has a PhD, and can professionally say it. 19:07:43 <Bjarni> if I only get bad designs, then the result will be the same as now: I lack a sprite 19:08:21 <Bjarni> it's like lotto. Odds are that you should not do it, but some people do it anyway because even though it's against the odds, they might get lucky 19:11:22 <Born_Acorn> http://graphics.tt-terminal.co.uk/dynamite.png 19:11:41 <Born_Acorn> That's what happens when making bundles. 19:12:03 <Born_Acorn> Blergh 19:12:03 <Born_Acorn> http://graphics.bornacorn.com/dynamite.png 19:12:11 * Born_Acorn fixes the subdomains 19:13:30 * Belugas likes middle one 19:15:48 <Born_Acorn> It's Bjarni that matters. Personally, I think they look strange. 19:16:32 * Belugas shuts up and goes debugging 19:16:57 <Born_Acorn> No need to shut up! I didn't mean to snub you. D: 19:18:10 <Maedhros> huh. does anyone have a copy of ttrs2w.grf, or know where i can download it? 19:21:22 <Belugas> i do Maedhros 19:21:27 <Belugas> Born_Acorn, joking ;) 19:21:46 <Bjarni> Born_Acorn: that looks... odd 19:21:46 *** lws1984 [~lwslade@ip68-9-157-1.ri.ri.cox.net] has joined #openttd 19:22:01 <Belugas> Maedhros, sending now... 19:22:09 <Maedhros> Belugas: yay! it seems to have vanished from everywhere in favour of ttrs3 ... 19:22:15 <Bjarni> I was actually more thinking like putting them like \ and then you can see the end of them 19:22:24 <lws1984> Sacro! 19:22:36 <Belugas> i fear ttrs3 a bit... too much new stuff... 19:23:05 *** SpComb [terom@zapotek.paivola.fi] has joined #openttd 19:23:30 <Maedhros> Belugas: got it, merci boucoup :) 19:23:34 <SpComb> :o 19:23:38 *** Mucht|zZz [~Mucht@chello080109200215.3.sc-graz.chello.at] has quit [Quit: I'll be back!] 19:23:44 <Belugas> sa fait plaisir :) 19:25:08 <Noldo> what is plaisir? 19:25:08 <Born_Acorn> Bjarni, any other ideas I could bootstrap together for you to see? 19:26:12 *** Mucht [~Mucht@chello080109200215.3.sc-graz.chello.at] has joined #openttd 19:26:25 <Bjarni> I don't know how easy it is to make, but I was thinking about placing the dynamite like "\", so it's possible to see the fuses coming out of the ends and then stack say 3 of them 19:26:25 *** Mucht is now known as Mucht|zZz 19:27:02 <Bjarni> that way it should be clear that it's 3 round things and not... I'm not sure what to call the other one :p 19:27:25 <Bjarni> looks like a single item, that's somewhat oddly shaped or something 19:27:48 <Bjarni> do you get what I mean? 19:27:55 <Born_Acorn> No. :p 19:28:16 <Born_Acorn> Like "\" makes no sense to me! D: 19:29:59 <Bjarni> you put them like / 19:30:05 <Bjarni> I think about turning them \ 19:30:20 <Bjarni> and then tilt them so you can see the round end of each of them 19:30:35 <Prof_Frink> Born_Acorn: Put them like .|. 19:31:24 <Bjarni> you mean we should add a sprite of two round dots and a long stick between them? :) 19:31:41 <Born_Acorn> Like a giant Pen.. 19:31:42 <Born_Acorn> cil! 19:32:37 <Bjarni> hey, you can draw a one eyed monster eating the vehicles 19:33:53 <Born_Acorn> I don't know. Completely new graphics always don't look cool. :( 19:34:17 <peter1138> pikka's do :D 19:34:19 <Born_Acorn> (in a "fit in with rest of stuff" way) 19:34:25 <Neonox> damn. my new laptop arrives tomorrow. and i am not at home!!! i have to work the whole day!! that is not fair!!! 19:34:27 <Born_Acorn> except Pikka'. 19:35:13 <ln-> pretty expensive: http://www.play.com/Music/CD/CART/3-/1117587/-/Product.html?cur=258 (switch to euro prices) 19:35:45 <ln-> pretty cheap: http://play.com/Electronics/Electronics/RGNNR/3-/1099706/Toshiba_Satellite_Pro_L100_Celeron_M_360_1_4_GHz_Notebook_Laptop/Product.html 19:36:23 <Prof_Frink> ln-: Well, it's celery-powered 19:37:41 <Sacro> whooo News Hounds :D 19:37:55 <CIA-2> maedhros * r6534 /branches/newhouses/ (newgrf.c table/town_land.h town.h town_cmd.c): [NewHouses] -Feature: Add support for newgrf Action 4 and most of Action 0 for newhouses (feature 07) 19:38:09 <Born_Acorn> yay! 19:38:16 <Born_Acorn> newhouses! 19:38:27 <Prof_Frink> Born_Acorn: Branch 19:38:35 *** JonA [~jonathan@palmyra.fatbeast.co.uk] has left #openttd [] 19:38:36 <Born_Acorn> Well no duh! 19:40:23 <Sacro> Born_Acorn: wheres the news hounds thread? 19:43:51 <Born_Acorn> I don't know? 19:43:54 <Born_Acorn> Make one! 19:44:30 *** Frostregen_ [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-188-151.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 19:45:04 *** neglesaks [~Darius@] has joined #openttd 19:45:11 <neglesaks> hey Bjarni 19:45:21 <Belugas> Weee!!! A1 Maedhros :D 19:45:33 <Sacro> Bjarni is not here... please leave a message 19:46:17 <neglesaks> ok.... your doctor told me to say that your genital herpes is in a bad way, so you need to get some meds, soon 19:46:37 *** TinoM [~Tino@i5387C756.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Verlassend] 19:46:53 <Sacro> neglesaks: your message has been recieved... thank you for calling... have a nice day now 19:46:58 <neglesaks> :D 19:48:14 <Belugas> Maedhros: I've almost finished the landscape.html rework. Might commit it tonight 19:48:19 <Belugas> well... my tonight :S 19:49:52 <Maedhros> hehe, my very early morning ;) 19:50:02 *** Frostregen [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-138-096.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:50:04 <Belugas> yup :) 19:50:10 *** Frostregen_ is now known as Frostregen 19:55:55 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has joined #openttd 20:00:22 *** Ammler [~Ammler@] has quit [] 20:01:22 *** Sacro [~ben@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:04:42 <peter1138> i wonder how long this "Crashing planes" thread will go on 20:05:33 <kbrooks> what thread? 20:05:40 <kbrooks> forum thread? 20:05:44 <peter1138> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?t=27555 20:11:07 * Born_Acorn updates his SVN version! 20:11:22 <peter1138> hee 20:11:27 *** DJ_Mirage [~martijn@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: Probably doing something else] 20:11:33 * Born_Acorn makes! 20:11:49 <peter1138> you have a compiler now? o_O 20:12:26 <hylje> its not like gcc is hard to obtain 20:12:34 <Born_Acorn> cigarette win. 20:12:53 <Born_Acorn> (cygwin) 20:13:18 <Born_Acorn> peter1138, I always use a compiler when a feature is intro'd 20:13:35 <kbrooks> heh 20:19:13 <Born_Acorn> eww. UKRS steam trains make noise far too frequently! 20:21:12 *** Nigel [~Nigel@202-154-144-199.ubs-dynamic.connections.net.nz] has quit [Quit: I give up! I quit!!!] 20:21:44 <CIA-2> maedhros * r6535 /branches/newhouses/ (newgrf.c newgrf_spritegroup.h): 20:21:44 <CIA-2> [NewHouses] -Feature: Add support for newgrf Action 2 and 3 for feature 07. 20:21:44 <CIA-2> This should be usuable for feature 09 (NewIndustries) too. 20:21:44 <CIA-2> This may not be complete, or even a sensible way to go about going this, so please feel free to change it. 20:22:55 <Maedhros> gah. s/going/doing/ 20:27:43 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:35:58 *** WolfAngel [~wolfangel@] has quit [Quit: ...] 20:39:31 <CIA-2> miham * r6536 /trunk/lang/ (9 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed) 20:39:31 <CIA-2> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-09-27 22:37:14 20:39:31 <CIA-2> american - 12 fixed by WhiteRabbit (12) 20:39:31 <CIA-2> estonian - 31 fixed by vermon (31) 20:39:31 <CIA-2> german - 1 changed by Neonox (1) 20:39:32 <CIA-2> greek - 70 fixed, 53 changed by thanoulas (123) 20:39:32 <CIA-2> italian - 8 fixed by sidew (8) 20:39:50 <peter1138> more :P 20:44:08 *** Belugas is now known as Belugas_Gone 20:44:17 <Belugas_Gone> bye guys 20:44:48 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 20:44:48 <CIA-2> maedhros * r6537 /branches/newhouses/ (5 files): [NewHouses] -Feature: Add an (incomplete) sprite resolver, and a DrawNewHouseTile() function to use it. 20:46:06 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-96.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [] 20:48:14 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 20:48:19 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 20:51:08 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-240-194.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 20:51:39 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B35C2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:51:49 <Born_Acorn> yay more newhouses! 20:52:11 <Sacro> :o 20:52:13 <Sacro> newstuffs :D 20:55:42 <Darkvater> what's up with this insignificant 6532? 20:55:49 <Darkvater> I thought we were doing serious commits today 20:55:53 <Darkvater> not jokes like r6532 20:57:02 <Sacro> Darkvater: :o newsounds are great 20:57:24 <Darkvater> it smells 20:57:36 <Sacro> oooh, newsmells 20:57:42 <Sacro> i can see that being interesting 20:59:29 *** neglesaks [~Darius@] has quit [Quit: Seeya... I'm gonna go napalm some poodles now....] 20:59:53 * Darkvater wants newsmells 21:00:04 <Sacro> peter1138! newsmells! 21:01:04 <peter1138> :/ 21:03:37 <Darkvater> peter1138: hehe, another string-as-integer-abuse ;) 21:03:37 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-240-194.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:03:49 <Darkvater> switch (tag) { ^__^ 21:04:20 <peter1138> oh, yeah :P 21:04:34 <CIA-2> maedhros * r6538 /branches/newhouses/ (6 files in 2 dirs): 21:04:34 <CIA-2> [NewHouses] -Feature: Add support for colouring buildings, including callback 1E. 21:04:34 <CIA-2> Unfortunately, attempting to use the callback crashes the game, so it's commented out for now. 21:04:38 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-240-194.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 21:04:46 *** Dred_furst [~laurie@user-514f2286.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:06:17 <Darkvater> peter1138: I'd rather see those abuses swapped, but would be a waste of computation powah for internal data only 21:07:02 <peter1138> yeah 21:07:19 <peter1138> i remember the last time one of those was swapped... 21:07:35 <peter1138> ended up reading 4 times too much data ;) 21:07:41 <Darkvater> newgrf.c:834? 21:08:10 <peter1138> near there, yeah, hehe 21:08:27 <peter1138> oh yeah, load it into a var first. hmm. 21:08:45 <Darkvater> yep, macro problems :P 21:08:48 <Darkvater> remember now 21:08:59 *** Serriaromeo [~Serriarom@mptc-69-152.mptelco.com] has joined #openttd 21:09:21 *** Serriaromeo [~Serriarom@mptc-69-152.mptelco.com] has quit [] 21:09:27 *** Dred_furst [~laurie@user-514f2286.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has joined #openttd 21:10:55 <Darkvater> peter1138: how about making GetNumOriginalSounds() inline in sound.h? 21:11:54 <peter1138> could do. it's not used that often 21:12:10 <peter1138> (as in, not hundreds of times a second) 21:13:02 <CIA-2> maedhros * r6539 /branches/newhouses/town.h: [NewHouses] -Fix: Add a function prototype that had been missed. 21:13:56 *** Dred_furst [~laurie@user-514f2286.l2.c3.dsl.pol.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:14:01 <Darkvater> peter1138: well, can't judge from the diff, but it's used in quite a lot of FOR_EACH_OBJECT loops 21:14:20 <Darkvater> but oh well 21:15:38 <peter1138> only on load :) 21:15:44 <peter1138> still 21:15:55 <peter1138> nothing to stop improvements being made 21:16:10 <peter1138> i didn't want it languishing on my dying harddrives for another 6 months... 21:17:06 <Darkvater> Maedhros: r6534 TownHouseChangeInfo(); isn't 'int i' being uninitialized the whole time? 21:17:30 <Darkvater> or is the variable for FOR_EACH_OBJECT? 21:17:40 <peter1138> yes 21:17:48 <peter1138> the hidden var o_O 21:19:57 <Darkvater> :s 21:20:00 <Darkvater> damn I hate that 21:20:45 <peter1138> each to fix ;) 21:20:48 <peter1138> errrr 21:20:50 <peter1138> easy 21:21:32 <Darkvater> well donnu 21:21:47 *** smeding [~roysmedin@c514451cb.cable.wanadoo.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:21:53 <Darkvater> you can of course do FOR_EACH_OBJECT(var x) {} 21:22:03 <Darkvater> would be a lot nicer 21:22:10 <Darkvater> who came up with this macro? 21:22:46 <Darkvater> Maedhros: use typedefs whenever possible. eg r6535 not 'uint32 sprite' but 'SpriteID sprite' 21:22:57 <Darkvater> is he even here now? 21:24:16 <Maedhros> Darkvater: i am here, yes. i'm just splitting up the rest of what i've got so far 21:24:16 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 21:24:59 <peter1138> yup 21:25:13 <Darkvater> peter1138: great newsounds :) Does UKRS do them? 21:25:25 <Darkvater> I'm gonna testdrive tomorrow :) 21:25:33 <Darkvater> Maedhros: have fun with newhouses :) 21:25:51 <Darkvater> Darkvater: Weren't you going to sleep? 21:25:53 <Maedhros> Darkvater: the thing about that uint32 is that it isn't just a sprite - it contains various other things as well :-/ 21:26:07 <cantares> can someone type some "umlaute" i've updated my mirc version o.o 21:26:10 <Darkvater> then it shouldn't be called 'sprite' 21:26:17 <Darkvater> áöéü9öá89úü98ö 21:26:22 <cantares> nice 21:26:23 <cantares> its working 21:26:37 <Darkvater> mirc.... 21:26:51 <Darkvater> not even worth saying a single word about it 21:26:55 <peter1138> PalSpriteID perhaps? heh 21:26:57 <Darkvater> gn people :) 21:27:01 <peter1138> damn, lagged :/ 21:27:08 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has joined #openttd 21:27:12 <peter1138> i had a whole screenful come in in 1 second 21:27:18 <Sacro> w00t, got mysql ssh tunnel working 21:27:33 <glx> cantares: ?????????? :) 21:28:10 <glx> weird my client don't like when I mix charset 21:28:16 <glx> ??????? 21:28:44 <Triffid_Hunter> mine doesn't mind ;) 21:29:01 <peter1138> Maedhros: your definition for the spritegroup is wrong 21:29:16 <glx> indeed it seems I must configure something 21:31:24 <Maedhros> peter1138: is it? :( 21:31:31 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has quit [Quit: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish] 21:32:26 <Born_Acorn> peter1138 is a playa hater. Always got something to say about people's sprite definitions. 21:32:32 <peter1138> heh 21:32:41 <peter1138> no, it's just missing bits 21:34:43 <Maedhros> ah. which bits? :-P 21:35:13 <peter1138> hmm, i'm reading it ;p 21:35:18 <CIA-2> maedhros * r6540 /branches/newhouses/ (newgrf_house.c newgrf_house.h town.h town_cmd.c): 21:35:18 <CIA-2> [NewHouses] -Feature: Add a set of functions for storing the number of each house id. 21:35:18 <CIA-2> This is recalculated on load currently and while it makes loading games and generating maps slightly slower, 21:35:18 <CIA-2> it's much faster than recalculating the values every time, especially when creating a new map. 21:35:21 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC7802.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:37:13 <CIA-2> maedhros * r6541 /branches/newhouses/ (newgrf_callbacks.h town_cmd.c): [NewHouses] -Feature: Add support for callback 17, whether to allow building a house or not. 21:37:34 <Born_Acorn> Damn, man, you work fast! 21:37:50 <Born_Acorn> All these callbacks in one evening! 21:37:53 <Maedhros> hehe, i've been working on this for over a month 21:38:09 <Maedhros> i've just finished committing everything i've done so far :) 21:39:46 *** Trenskow [~outlet@] has quit [Quit: Read error: Connection reset by sortepeer] 21:40:34 <peter1138> Born_Acorn's going to explode 21:40:47 * Born_Acorn explodes 21:40:51 <lws1984> *BOOM* 21:40:59 * lws1984 picks up Born_Acorn's pieces and sells them on the black market 21:41:03 <peter1138> Born_Acorn: do-do! 21:41:26 <Born_Acorn> It's more like chchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchchch 21:41:32 <Sacro> wow, sshfs is brilliant 21:41:39 <peter1138> not with the diesels :D 21:41:55 <peter1138> they seriously rock 21:41:57 <Born_Acorn> Pikka should make the train sounds skip a few ticks 21:42:10 <Sacro> peter1138: lets have a nice big UKRS server for newsounds testing :d 21:42:12 <Sacro> *:D 21:42:22 <peter1138> but the nightly doesn't have newsounds ;( 21:42:41 <Born_Acorn> Run 6533 21:43:04 <Sacro> peter1138: well errm... use the latest trunk, and make a windows binary available 21:43:09 <Sacro> for newsoundage testing 21:47:12 <peter1138> Born_Acorn's got a windows build... 21:47:15 <peter1138> cygwin'd 21:47:30 <Born_Acorn> with the win of the cyg 21:48:13 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-240-194.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:49:16 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-240-194.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 21:55:54 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 21:57:16 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 22:00:28 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 22:00:29 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 22:01:56 *** Ben_123 [~Ben_Robbi@] has joined #openttd 22:02:03 <peter1138> nini 22:02:24 <Ben_123> hiya 22:05:56 *** e1ko [~L@a02-0432b.kn.vutbr.cz] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.5/2006091003]] 22:10:16 <Wolf01> 'night 22:10:20 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host117-234-dynamic.14-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [] 22:16:22 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has quit [] 22:24:37 *** lws1984 is now known as lws|Away 22:25:27 *** Er1c [~eric@p5484C592.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:25:56 *** blathijs [~matthijs@katherina.student.utwente.nl] has quit [Server closed connection] 22:25:56 *** blathijs [~matthijs@katherina.student.utwente.nl] has joined #openttd 22:27:04 *** Rubidium [~rubidium@rubidium.student.utwente.nl] has quit [Server closed connection] 22:27:16 *** Rubidium [~rubidium@rubidium.student.utwente.nl] has joined #openttd 22:29:54 <mikk36> hey :) 22:30:01 <mikk36> can anyone help me with iostream ? 22:30:29 <Sacro> cout >> yes 22:30:48 <mikk36> i need to make cout spit out õüäö letters 22:30:57 <Sacro> hmm 22:31:37 <pv2b> that's not difficult 22:31:39 <pv2b> just do it 22:31:51 <pv2b> the problem is that you need the strings to match the encoding of your terminal 22:33:31 <mikk36> erm... 22:35:49 <Bjarni> did anybody come up with a good sprite yet? 22:36:45 <Bjarni> also I see that I leave for a few hours and all sorts of weird people enter the channel and says weird stuff o_O 22:36:58 <mikk36> for example: Välju -> ä is shown as the SUM symbol 22:38:53 <Bjarni> I guess nobody showed up with a sprite :( 22:44:44 <CIA-2> bjarni * r6542 /trunk/ (6 files in 2 dirs): 22:44:44 <CIA-2> -Feature: [depot window] added a "sell all vehicles in depot" button 22:44:44 <CIA-2> It's right below the sell button (sell whole chain button for trains) 22:44:44 <CIA-2> It's still missing a sprite. That one will be added as soon as anybody draws something we can use 22:44:44 <CIA-2> To make room for this button, all depots except train depots now opens with an additional row and can't be resized shorter than that 22:45:01 <mikk36> hmm.. seems it's Vista-only problem 22:45:10 <mikk36> i can't even type in õ in vista console 22:45:15 <mikk36> while i can in XP's console 22:45:21 <Sacro> :o i actually saw a "Vista premium ready" sticker ona laptop earlier 22:45:52 <ln-> mikk36: õ is not in the charset that the console uses. 22:46:05 <ln-> is it codepage 850 or something.. 22:47:13 <mikk36> err.. how do i check it + 22:47:14 <mikk36> ? 22:47:27 <mikk36> the codepage 22:48:21 <ln-> dunno :/ 22:49:36 *** woodwizzle [~corey@user-0c6scrp.cable.mindspring.com] has joined #openttd 22:50:37 <Ben_123> Bjarni: I found an egladil, yey! 22:51:03 *** lws|Away is now known as lws1983 22:51:06 *** lws1983 is now known as lws1984 22:51:11 *** Progman [~progman@p5091FAD2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:52:07 <woodwizzle> I've played openttd in the past but I just now discovered the work towards a new tileset using blender... flippin' sweet 22:52:53 <Ben_123> can you model and texture? 22:53:32 <woodwizzle> I've done some work in blender before, but I'm not really up to par with the content I've seen on there so far 22:53:45 <woodwizzle> I'm prolly a much better texturer than modeler though 22:54:05 <ln-> Ben_123: where was he hiding? 22:54:10 <Sacro> gah >< why can nobody spell WorNley court right 22:54:14 <Sacro> its NOT WORMLEY 22:54:19 <Ben_123> in sweedon 22:54:21 <mikk36> and another question: how do i compile my lil' proggie so that i can run it on a different system ? 22:54:35 <Sacro> mikk36: compile it on another system? 22:55:08 <Ben_123> woodwizzle: see if anyone wants stuff textured and then give it a bash 22:55:20 <mikk36> i mean when i compile it on my vista, how do i make the same exe run on my xp Ž 22:55:21 <mikk36> ? 22:55:24 <ln-> egladil: have you looked at the cocoa patch? 22:55:32 <Sacro> mikk36: they are probably binary compatible 22:56:36 <mikk36> ? 22:56:51 <mikk36> The system cannot execute the specified program. 22:57:25 <glx> maybe linked against wrong runtime 22:58:20 <glx> msvcrt.dll is available on all windows 22:59:37 <mikk36> so what do i have to do to get it running ? 23:01:33 <glx> check the dependancies with http://www.dependencywalker.com/ 23:02:26 <Bjarni> <Ben_123> Bjarni: I found an egladil, yey! <-- even without setting up an egladil trap???? 23:03:49 <mikk36> glx, it's offline 23:04:05 <Bjarni> http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=497184#497184 <-- now we will see what happens 23:04:33 <glx> mikk36: download depends.exe and run it on your XP :) 23:05:08 <mikk36> from where ? 23:05:22 <glx> the link I gave yoy 23:05:25 <glx> *you 23:05:30 <mikk36> gives timeout 23:05:41 <glx> works for me 23:05:52 <mikk36> well, not for me 23:06:38 <mikk36> http://www.dependancywalker.com/ 23:06:41 <mikk36> !!! 23:06:44 <glx> mikk36: http://glx.dnsalias.net:8080/depends21_x86.zip 23:07:51 <mikk36> and what do i do with it ? 23:08:47 <glx> uncompress it and run "depends your_program.exe" 23:09:55 <mikk36> is not openable in winxp at all 23:10:04 <mikk36> i ran it on vista (where i compiled it) 23:10:21 <mikk36> KERNEL32.DLL 23:10:23 <mikk36> MSVCP80D.DLL 23:10:25 <mikk36> MSVCR80D.DLL 23:10:27 <mikk36> MSVCRT.DLL 23:10:29 <mikk36> NTDLL.DLL 23:10:31 <mikk36> PRAKS3.EXE 23:11:07 <glx> hmm do you have MSVC*80D.DLL on XP too? 23:11:50 <mikk36> hmm, no :P 23:11:58 <mikk36> 71 is last 23:12:26 <glx> try to compile it without those :) 23:12:32 <mikk36> how ? 23:12:49 <glx> project options I guess 23:14:26 <mikk36> and there ? 23:15:02 <Ben_123> bjarni: well i trapped him in a small box filled with letters 23:15:18 <glx> mikk36: I'm not an MSVS specialist 23:15:22 <mikk36> bah 23:15:27 <mikk36> anyway, good night :) 23:15:33 <glx> nigh 23:15:35 <glx> +t 23:16:07 <Ben_123> i poked him, and he said hes gunna aim to get it so that the first graphics can be displayed in a fortnight 23:16:15 <KUDr> mikk36: C/C++ -> Code Generation -> Runtime Library 23:16:37 <KUDr> what value is there? 23:16:54 <glx> the specialist is here :) 23:17:48 <KUDr> looks like debug build and using DLL CRT instead of statically linked 23:19:06 <Bjarni> Ben_123: that is good news 23:20:11 <Ben_123> yeah, i recon ill stick something in the blend post thing, cause maybe some people will start moddeling again 23:20:50 <Ben_123> i recon in a month there could be a complete original set, default building status, and most viecles, if people went nuts 23:24:30 *** Neonox [~Neonox@ip-80-226-172-99.vodafone-net.de] has quit [Quit: muss wech] 23:25:28 <mikk36> KUDr, multi-threaded debug dll (/MDd) 23:25:36 <Bjarni> people on the forum are nuts 23:25:40 <Bjarni> I have seen that several times 23:25:52 <Bjarni> the question is if they are nuts in the right way ;) 23:26:12 <Ben_123> controlled nuts 23:26:43 <Ben_123> is the forum more nuts than here? 23:26:58 <Sacro> sometimes 23:27:14 <KUDr> mikk36: remove the "dll" from it 23:27:25 <Bjarni> all the really obscene ideas originate on the forum 23:27:41 <KUDr> and the same for release -only "Multithreaded" there 23:27:48 * Sacro wants NewSmells still 23:30:01 <Ben_123> not shore what ideas are suggested in here, so i can't really make a comparison, but most ideas arnt too obscene 23:30:32 <mikk36> still the same, KUDr 23:31:00 <Ben_123> the ones where people cant understand why you cant rotate the curent sprites seem kinda strange though 23:31:00 <KUDr> mikk36: can't be 23:31:11 <KUDr> did you recompile ? :) 23:31:48 <mikk36> yes 23:31:49 <KUDr> what compiler? 23:31:51 <mikk36> Error: At least one required implicit or forwarded dependency was not found. 23:31:51 <mikk36> Error: The Side-by-Side configuration information in "c:\documents and settings\administrator\desktop\PRAKS3.EXE" contains errors. This application has failed to start because the application configuration is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem (14001). 23:32:07 <mikk36> from depends 23:32:31 <KUDr> you use vista CRT 23:32:37 <mikk36> and depends shows missing ? 23:32:40 <KUDr> it has many more APIs 23:32:58 <mikk36> ?? 23:33:01 <KUDr> you must use statically linked CRT 23:33:21 <KUDr> do you compile on vista? 23:33:58 <mikk36> yes 23:34:26 <KUDr> can you send me the project files? 23:34:50 <mikk36> the whole big folder ? 23:34:51 <mikk36> ok 23:35:18 <KUDr> reduce it (delete .ncb, debug directory etc.) 23:35:28 <KUDr> cleanup 23:37:17 <KUDr> or try to make release build if you want to run it on another PC 23:37:44 <KUDr> debug build must run on PC with the proper debug environment 23:39:05 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 23:41:46 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 23:41:46 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 23:42:13 <mikk36> err 23:42:19 <KUDr> ? 23:42:24 <mikk36> can't compile non-debug version 23:42:29 <mikk36> gives lots of errors 23:42:34 <KUDr> hmm 23:42:55 <KUDr> so repair it first 23:43:27 <KUDr> is it from compiler or linker? 23:43:53 <mikk36> linker 23:44:31 <KUDr> what symbols? 23:44:50 <mikk36> http://stuff.mikk36wow.dyndns.org/praks3.rar 23:44:50 <KUDr> missing or redundant? 23:45:27 <mikk36> for example: praks3.obj : error LNK2005: "public: class std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> > & __thiscall std::basic_istream<char,struct std::char_traits<char> >::operator>>(double &)" (??5?$basic_istream@DU?$char_traits@D@std@@@std@@QAEAAV01@AAN@Z) already defined in msvcprtd.lib(MSVCP80D.dll) 23:45:59 <KUDr> remove msvcprtd.lib from libraries 23:46:13 <KUDr> it is debug lib 23:46:27 <KUDr> and using dll 23:49:03 <KUDr> hmm praks3.rar is incomplette 23:49:26 <KUDr> "unexpected end of archive" 23:49:49 <KUDr> but there is only debug dir 23:49:59 <KUDr> this you should remove 23:50:03 <mikk36> weird 23:50:07 <KUDr> and send me the rest 23:50:13 <KUDr> .vcproj 23:50:17 <KUDr> .sln 23:53:01 <mikk36> http://stuff.mikk36wow.dyndns.org/praks3.rar 23:54:32 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 23:54:32 <Sacro> !logs 23:54:39 <Sacro> hmm, im still here then 23:55:28 *** Osai [~Osai@p54B35C2C.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 23:56:48 <KUDr> mikk36: can you accept dcc? 23:58:05 <KUDr> mikk36: now it works for me 23:58:50 <KUDr> Sending request 23:58:50 <KUDr> Awaiting reply