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00:00:04 <Sionide> oh right 00:00:05 <Sionide> heh 00:00:53 <Eddi|zuHause> !calc (1+1/9)^9 00:00:53 <_42_> Eddi|zuHause: 2.5811747914; 00:01:04 <Eddi|zuHause> !calc (1+1/90)^90 00:01:05 <_42_> Eddi|zuHause: 2.7033324583; 00:01:20 <Eddi|zuHause> !calc (1+1/90000)^90000 00:01:38 <Eddi|zuHause> hm, i killed it :( 00:03:54 <Eddi|zuHause> it can't take that long, if you do square-and-multiply... 00:04:06 <Zevensoft> !calc acos(-1) 00:04:07 <_42_> Zevensoft: Runtime error (func=(main), adr=4): Function acos not defined.; 00:04:14 <Zevensoft> !calc arccos(-1) 00:04:15 <_42_> Zevensoft: Runtime error (func=(main), adr=4): Function arccos not defined.; 00:04:22 <Zevensoft> !calc acs(-1) 00:04:23 <_42_> Zevensoft: Runtime error (func=(main), adr=4): Function acs not defined.; 00:04:29 <Eddi|zuHause> that's 1 or 2 multiplications per binary digit of the exponent 00:04:37 *** Progman [~progman@p5091F31A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:04:40 <Eddi|zuHause> !calc (1+1/900)^900 00:04:41 <_42_> Eddi|zuHause: 2.7167731812; 00:04:46 <Eddi|zuHause> !calc (1+1/9000)^9000 00:04:51 <Zevensoft> !calc (2^2^2^2^2) 00:04:52 <_42_> Zevensoft: 200352993040684646497907235156025575044782547556975141926501697371089405955631145308950613088093334810103823434290726318182294938211881266886950636476154702916504187191635158796634721944293092798208430910485599057015931895963952486337236720300291696959215610876494888925409080591145703767520850020667156370236612635974714480711177481588091413574272096719015183628256061809145885269982614142503012339110827360384376787644904320596037912449090570756031403 00:05:03 <Zevensoft> needs more rounding 00:05:14 <Zevensoft> scientific notation for the win 00:05:26 <Eddi|zuHause> why rounding if you can have the exact value? ;) 00:05:31 <eekee> o.o; 00:05:39 <Eddi|zuHause> !calc 2^2^2^2^2. 00:05:40 <_42_> Eddi|zuHause: 200352993040684646497907235156025575044782547556975141926501697371089405955631145308950613088093334810103823434290726318182294938211881266886950636476154702916504187191635158796634721944293092798208430910485599057015931895963952486337236720300291696959215610876494888925409080591145703767520850020667156370236612635974714480711177481588091413574272096719015183628256061809145885269982614142503012339110827360384376787644904320596037912449090570756031 00:05:44 <KUDr> Eddi|zuHause: not so exact 00:05:49 <KUDr> ends with 3 00:05:50 <Sacro> !calc 9^9^9^9^9 00:05:50 <SpComb> woo we all love bots 00:05:51 <_42_> Sacro: Runtime error (func=(main), adr=17): exponent too large in raise; 00:05:59 <glx> please stop playing with the bot :) 00:06:10 <Eddi|zuHause> a power of 2 can never end with 3 00:06:11 <Sacro> awww but glx ... 00:06:14 <SpComb> !calc 64! 00:06:16 <_42_> SpComb: (standard_in) 2: parse error; 00:06:20 <Zevensoft> that might be just a mirc spam limit 00:06:27 <Zevensoft> because it ends with 1 on my screen 00:06:35 <SpComb> mirc? 00:06:53 <eekee> mirc O.o lol 00:06:59 <SpComb> no, not mirc :) 00:07:04 *** HMage [~HMage@] has quit [Quit: HMage] 00:07:06 <SpComb> what is 42, anyways? 00:07:07 <Zevensoft> I meant, irssi or whatever 00:07:10 <Eddi|zuHause> it's probably a general IRC text length limit 00:07:17 <Eddi|zuHause> the answer, SpComb 00:07:36 <SpComb> in terms of what code it uses 00:07:37 <Sacro> !version 00:07:41 <eekee> general irc text limit I think 00:07:50 <SpComb> 512 bytes message length 00:08:21 * Eddi|zuHause imagines SpComb sitting in front of his screen, and counting digits 00:08:24 <Zevensoft> !calc (((2^2^2^2^2+8^2)^0.5)-8)/2^2^2^2) 00:08:25 <_42_> Zevensoft: (standard_in) 2: parse error; 00:08:42 <Zevensoft> !calc ((sqrt(2^2^2^2^2+8^2)-8)/2^2^2^2) 00:08:47 *** Szandor [~2@host86-136-93-226.range86-136.btcentralplus.com] has left #openttd [] 00:08:53 <Zevensoft> that broke it 00:09:23 <SpComb> Eddi|zuHause: I've studied the RFC extensively :) 00:10:19 <Eddi|zuHause> 42 lacks some kind of useful error messages 00:11:20 <Zevensoft> !calc (((9^9)^9)^9)^9 00:11:22 <_42_> Zevensoft: 609683485452741112075235500724516670453115716895320025142055544060992206118345733195670930601391416031419347837381484188382881951433379123359313314933244210601512487020777732791222771893404859051590828696103799967120373592507057411946836370842145917500334762398351641542409564168524317143715760969367337242278252296192257755590138005663105597330353536830297965125372297102681424686850910639047766049279097023890339143848228023392943078063199836424226954 00:11:28 <Zevensoft> wtf 00:11:32 <lws1984> woah 00:11:41 <Zevensoft> it gave sacro an error for that 00:11:52 *** Spoco [Spoco@hoas-fe11dd00-41.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [] 00:11:56 *** Mucht is now known as Mucht|zZz 00:12:02 <Eddi|zuHause> no, ^ is right associative by default 00:12:10 <Zevensoft> heh yeah I know 00:12:21 <Sacro> !calc scale=100 4*a(1) 00:12:22 <_42_> Sacro: (standard_in) 2: parse error; 00:12:23 <Eddi|zuHause> so yours is different from sacro's 00:12:35 <Zevensoft> !calc 9^(9^(9^(9^9))) 00:12:36 <_42_> Zevensoft: Runtime error (func=(main), adr=17): exponent too large in raise; 00:12:42 <Zevensoft> yeah I know 00:13:07 <Sacro> !calc scale=100; 4*a(1) 00:13:08 <_42_> Sacro: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170676; 00:13:19 <Sacro> !calc scale=250; 4*a(1) 00:13:20 <_42_> Sacro: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445923078164062862089986280348253421170679821480865132823066470938446095505822317253594081284811174502841027019385211055596446229489549303819644288109756659334461284756482337867831652712019088; 00:13:23 <Sacro> oooh 00:13:23 <Eddi|zuHause> damn, i should be finishing my presentation instead... 00:14:16 <Sacro> !calc scale=1000; 4*a(1) 00:14:18 <_42_> Sacro: 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716939937510582097494459230781640628620899862803482534211706798214808651328230664709384460955058223172535940812848111745028410270193852110555964462294895493038196442881097566593344612847564823378678316527120190914564856692346034861045432664821339360726024914127372458700660631558817488152092096282925409171536436789259036001133053054882046652138414695194151160943305727036575959195309218611738193261179310511854807446 00:14:19 <Sacro> *runs* 00:15:12 <SpComb> !eval foo 00:15:28 <SpComb> !die 00:15:28 <Zevensoft> !scale=2;4*a(1) 00:15:34 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=2;4*a(1) 00:15:35 <_42_> Zevensoft: 3.12; 00:15:44 <Zevensoft> lol error 00:16:22 <Zevensoft> ~3.14159 rounded to 2 decimals should be 3.14 00:16:40 <Sacro> Zevensoft: its 2sf, not 2dp 00:16:45 *** Spoco [Spoco@hoas-fe12dd00-66.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 00:16:46 <Zevensoft> o 00:16:56 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=4;4*a(1) 00:16:59 <_42_> Zevensoft: 3.1412; 00:17:17 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=4;3.1415926548*1 00:17:18 <_42_> Zevensoft: 3.1415926548; 00:17:20 <Eddi|zuHause> Zevensoft: but you round a(1) to 2 decimals, and then muliply that by 4 00:17:29 <Zevensoft> yeah I realized that 00:17:47 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=4;3.1415926548*2/2 00:17:48 <_42_> Zevensoft: 3.1415; 00:17:59 <Zevensoft> its still wrong though 00:18:11 <Sacro> yes, that should be 6 00:18:12 <Zevensoft> seems more like a truncate 00:18:34 <Eddi|zuHause> where do you get 48 from? 00:18:41 <Zevensoft> whoops 00:18:51 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=4;3.14159265438*2/2 00:18:52 <_42_> Zevensoft: 3.1415; 00:19:15 <Zevensoft> cant remember last 3 digits off the top of my head, but it doesnt matter 00:19:26 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=2;3.155 00:19:26 <_42_> Zevensoft: 3.155; 00:19:28 <Eddi|zuHause> it's 3.1415926535898 00:19:32 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=2;3.155*2/22 00:19:34 <_42_> Zevensoft: .28; 00:19:48 <Zevensoft> !calc scale=2;3.155*2/2 00:19:50 <_42_> Zevensoft: 3.15; 00:20:00 <Zevensoft> rounding errors are fun 00:20:19 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, like on the stock market of milano ;) 00:21:16 <Eddi|zuHause> they truncated instead of natural rounding, and after a few months, they ended up 200 points below the actual value ;) 00:21:28 <eekee> lol! 00:21:35 <Zevensoft> lol 00:22:06 <Zevensoft> !calc (log 16)/(log 2)-4 00:22:06 <Eddi|zuHause> it's one of the most famous software bugs ;) 00:22:06 <_42_> Zevensoft: (standard_in) 2: parse error; 00:22:16 <Zevensoft> !calc (log(16))/(log(2))-4 00:22:16 <_42_> Zevensoft: Runtime error (func=(main), adr=6): Function log not defined.; 00:22:20 <Zevensoft> aww 00:23:19 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 00:26:54 *** Coutal [~Coutal@] has quit [] 00:38:37 *** Tron_ is now known as Tron 00:38:44 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp83-237-97-219.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:44:11 *** Rens2GoW is now known as Rens2Sea 00:45:39 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 00:54:05 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 00:59:32 *** michi_cc [c4e4969941@dude.icosahedron.de] has quit [Server closed connection] 01:00:38 *** michi_cc [04402b6c11@dude.icosahedron.de] has joined #openttd 01:00:39 *** mode/#openttd [+v michi_cc] by ChanServ 01:01:19 *** Wolfenstiejn [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:03:06 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 01:05:53 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Quit: ( www.nnscript.de :: NoNameScript 4.02 :: www.XLhost.de )] 01:09:44 *** pxl [~PigCell@dslb-088-073-253-177.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 01:16:37 *** PigCell [~PigCell@dslb-088-073-216-025.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:16:37 *** pxl is now known as PigCell 01:18:58 *** Rexxie [~rexxars@ti131310a080-12098.bb.online.no] has quit [Quit: edgepro: Why are you staring at my shoes? They're perfectly normal.] 01:29:37 <Sacro> !calc 500*0.5*0.5 01:29:38 <_42_> Sacro: 125.00; 01:39:55 <CIA-1> glx * r7213 /trunk/lang/unfinished/ (afrikaans.txt bulgarian.txt lithuanian.txt ukrainian.txt): -Cleanup r7195: removed STR_CHEAT_ALLOW_CONVRAIL from unfinished lang files 01:49:34 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:50:56 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has quit [] 02:02:00 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 02:02:32 *** Spoco [Spoco@hoas-fe12dd00-66.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [] 02:29:42 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:31:10 *** Eddi|zuHause2 [~johekr@p54B75A4A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 02:37:59 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B775C9.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:42:27 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 02:58:13 *** toresbe [~tsb@user.skolelinux.no] has left #openttd [] 03:02:28 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-186-205.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:06:15 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 03:06:17 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 03:06:17 <tormentum> !logs 04:10:43 *** Nigel [~Nigel@125-238-62-131.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:10:43 *** Nigel_ [~Nigel@125-236-161-153.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has joined #openttd 04:11:59 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 04:12:35 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:15:18 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 04:22:01 *** DJFire [~djfire@adsl-072-148-006-021.sip.sav.bellsouth.net] has joined #openttd 04:26:49 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:27:13 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 04:28:47 <Nigel_> hmmm, is it me are has Industry Generation in 7201? 04:28:52 <Nigel_> errr 04:29:00 <Nigel_> hmmm, is it me are has Industry Generation in r7201 got pretty slow? 04:29:47 <glx> should be faster 04:34:14 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has quit [Quit: bye] 04:34:18 <Smoovious> stupid-question time... once I have OTTD installed, is it safe for me to uninstall TTD? 04:34:42 *** roboman [~Leo@c211-30-116-5.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 04:34:55 *** roboboy [~Leo@c211-30-116-5.carlnfd2.nsw.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Roger the Sloth is leaving the building. Roger the Sloth is still leaving the building. Yep, still leaving. Um.....] 04:37:15 <Eddi|zuHause2> Smoovious: it should be 04:38:00 <Eddi|zuHause2> damn, i need a slave that can program LaTeX for me ;) 04:39:29 <Smoovious> okee thanky 04:42:04 *** Ben_123 [~Ben@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 04:43:36 *** DJFire [~djfire@adsl-072-148-006-021.sip.sav.bellsouth.net] has quit [] 04:50:24 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:51:50 <orudge`> zernebok radio! 04:52:00 <roboman> yeah 04:57:05 <Nigel_> looking at bug 363 (flyspray), wouldn't it be an idea to make it that you can never borrrow over say 200% of the max loan? (i.e. if your loan is maxed out, and you buy a company which also has a maxed out loan, it works, but you try to buy a company right after that, with say a 20k loan, it doesn't work... thoughts? 04:57:49 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 04:58:11 <orudge`> http://radio.zernebok.com:8080/ woo 04:58:48 <Eddi|zuHause2> at 6AM? 04:59:00 <Eddi|zuHause2> on a sunday? 05:07:08 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 481 seconds] 05:10:24 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 05:12:49 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 05:18:07 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 05:24:43 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 05:44:24 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:43:36 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:50:29 *** lws1984 is now known as lws|Away 07:01:39 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 07:08:25 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2FB7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 07:15:22 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2F3AD.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:15:37 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 07:15:44 <tormentum> afternoon all 07:15:50 <tormentum> any germans in here? 07:16:06 <tormentum> or fluent german speakers? 07:28:19 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.74 [Firefox]] 07:44:02 *** DisassembledDude [~ddude@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 07:50:00 *** Gorre [dik@ip-89-102-198-103.karneval.cz] has joined #openttd 07:50:02 <Gorre> morning 07:57:59 <Nigel_> Gorre, hmm, thank god it isn't here 07:58:43 <Gorre> New Zealand, sure.. 08:01:20 <Nigel_> Morning would make it monday 08:02:38 *** LordOfThePigs [~WinNT@] has joined #openttd 08:02:59 <LordOfThePigs> Hello! 08:04:53 <Gorre> Nigel_: :) 08:04:56 <LordOfThePigs> Is there anything wrong with strgen and unicode characters? 08:07:55 *** Nigel_ is now known as Nigel 08:28:51 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 08:30:40 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 08:31:05 <Wolf01> ello 08:37:05 <Gorre> There's definitely something wrong with official lighting setup ... :/ http://www.gorre.info/blender/hq/002_pre_pre_alpha_textured.png 08:37:46 <tormentum> wow, which building is that going to end up being? HQ? lol 08:38:09 <Gorre> yep, chairman stage 08:38:49 <tormentum> shit man, nice 08:38:58 <tormentum> i wanna live there... 08:39:04 <tormentum> or at least work there 08:39:20 <Gorre> i would rather like to own it .. 08:39:39 <tormentum> lol, well there is that i guess 08:40:02 <tormentum> rotate the building 90degrees anti clockwise 08:45:31 <Nigel> wow, that is... amazing! 08:45:56 <Gorre> im curently rerendering it using old alltaken's light setup 08:46:03 <Gorre> and i expect much better result 08:47:21 <Zevensoft> is there a light setup for 3dsmax? 08:48:31 <Gorre> I dont think so, just because Alltaken wanted to everything be made in Blender 08:50:16 <LordOfThePigs> Does anyone know how to specify a new line in the language files? 08:50:28 <Gorre> haha, i love these unrealistic reflections, i really do - http://www.gorre.info/blender/hq/003_pre_pre_alpha_textured_brighter.png 08:52:15 <peter1138> LordOfThePigs: just add it 08:52:18 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CE6A.cable.casema.nl] has joined #openttd 08:52:24 <peter1138> (in english.txt) 08:52:44 <LordOfThePigs> what do I Add? 08:52:45 <LordOfThePigs> \n? 08:52:49 <LordOfThePigs> \n\r? 08:52:51 <LordOfThePigs> \r? 08:52:55 <LordOfThePigs> something else? 08:53:02 <peter1138> oh 08:53:10 <peter1138> you mean a new line in a string 08:53:18 <peter1138> {} i think 08:54:01 <peter1138> yea 08:54:03 <LordOfThePigs> ok, I'll try that 08:54:03 <LordOfThePigs> thanks 08:54:07 <tormentum> ew Gorre, i like it darker... 08:54:11 <tormentum> that sounds wrong 08:54:12 <tormentum> lol 08:54:37 <Gorre> racist 08:55:12 <tormentum> haha 08:56:19 <LordOfThePigs> peter1138: and how do I show a fixed amount of money on a button 08:56:24 <LordOfThePigs> like 10'000 08:56:53 <LordOfThePigs> so that the text relfects the actual currency used 08:58:17 <peter1138> you need a {CURRENCY} and a SetDParam() 08:59:38 <tormentum> where is the entry point for ottd? is it unix.c, win32.c etc? depending on which OS? 09:00:02 <tormentum> ie: which main() function is run? :) 09:00:24 <tormentum> nm... found it 09:01:48 <peter1138> as you said ... 09:02:40 <LordOfThePigs> well, how do I use SetDParam to set up a button tooltip. 09:02:50 <LordOfThePigs> I'm pretty much screwed, am I not ? 09:03:15 <LordOfThePigs> I know how to use it just before I paint strings, but for tooltips... 09:03:28 <jnmbk> http://wiki.openttd.org/index.php/Roadmap_0.5 this needs some update... 09:03:34 <peter1138> yes 09:03:51 <peter1138> the measure tool does something with tooltips & setdparam 09:05:07 <LordOfThePigs> oh, well 09:05:15 <LordOfThePigs> It's not really an important tooltip 09:05:23 <LordOfThePigs> I'll just say it's 10k £ 09:15:25 *** HMage [~HMage@] has joined #openttd 09:17:35 <Nigel> i hope this fixes this bug 09:18:37 <peter1138> hope? that's pretty vague :) 09:18:42 <Nigel> peter1138, haha 09:18:45 <Nigel> it does 09:19:14 <Nigel> peter1138, i've just spent don't know how long trying to work out the correct fix 09:19:41 *** Spoco [Spoco@hoas-fe13dd00-131.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 09:21:51 <tormentum> any bash guru's here? 09:22:00 <tormentum> having a lill issue 09:23:10 <Nigel> i'm assuming you want unified diffs? 09:23:12 *** silent [~pwr@] has joined #openttd 09:24:01 <peter1138> "svn diff" does the job 09:24:06 <Nigel> yeah 09:24:21 <Nigel> don't worry, unix line breaks in notepad == evil 09:25:08 <Nigel> the fix is so trivial i could nearly paste it here 09:26:28 <Nigel> maybe not 09:29:10 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 09:42:50 <Zevensoft> unix linebreaks should never occur in windows :/ 09:44:34 <Nigel> bingo.. bug gone 09:46:40 <LordOfThePigs> How can I make a window sticky 09:46:46 <LordOfThePigs> I found out how to add the button 09:46:55 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 09:46:55 <LordOfThePigs> but It doesn't seem to be enough 09:48:49 *** Wolf01 is now known as Wolf01|AWAY 09:50:17 *** qb [~qball@ipd50a4125.speed.planet.nl] has joined #openttd 09:53:37 <LordOfThePigs> anyone familiar with the window system 09:53:39 <LordOfThePigs> ? 09:53:54 <Nigel> http://bugs.openttd.org/task/412 09:57:36 *** Rens2Sea [~Rens2Sea@] has joined #openttd 09:59:11 <Nigel> errr, and i should've submitted as patch 10:00:52 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has joined #openttd 10:01:20 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 10:03:53 <Zevensoft> are there any 32bpp grfs? 10:04:34 <Tron> Nigel: read the tooltip for "all" 10:05:05 <Tron> though there is a bug: "none" should be depressed, too, when openening the station list window 10:05:19 <Nigel> ahhh DOH 10:05:24 <Nigel> Tron, yeah 10:05:31 <Nigel> i got it around the wrong way 10:06:32 <Nigel> so that means case 27's "for (i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {" should be changed to "for (i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO + 1; i++) {" 10:06:48 <Nigel> and thats the fix 10:06:54 *** Gorre [dik@ip-89-102-198-103.karneval.cz] has left #openttd [] 10:07:02 *** Gorre [dik@ip-89-102-198-103.karneval.cz] has joined #openttd 10:07:06 <Tron> file? line? 10:07:22 <Nigel> station_gui.c:376 10:08:29 <Nigel> so, i found the bug, understood it, the wrong way around 10:10:00 <Nigel> Tron, and there is another place it needs changing, just finding it now 10:12:51 <Nigel> station_gui.c:436 needs the same treatment too, and thats it 10:17:17 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E1B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 10:17:38 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC6545.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 10:18:05 *** mikl [~mikl@tbv.faderhuset.org] has joined #openttd 10:27:59 <Rubidium> Nigel: about the NUM_CARGO + 1: the indices are 0 based, so if there is one cargo that would be at index 0, NUM_CARGO is 1, so the original would work correctly, your suggestion will make it check one cargo too many. 10:28:22 <Nigel> Rubidium, this is for the buttons 10:28:42 <Nigel> (when ALL is pressed) 10:28:46 <LordOfThePigs> Tron: do you have an idea what I should do to make a window pinnable besides adding the pin button? 10:29:00 *** Jhs [~jhsdunada@ti231210a080-8116.bb.online.no] has joined #openttd 10:29:23 <Nigel> the cargo buttons are 12->23, none is 24, the and it uses i+12 effectively 10:29:24 <Zevensoft> there should be a flag 10:29:40 <Nigel> so NUM_CARGO + 1 is correct for this use 10:30:21 <Rubidium> the NONE should be handled independently (in my opinion) as it isn't a cargo 10:30:42 <Nigel> Rubidium, in context we aren't talking about cargo 10:31:31 <Nigel> we are talking about the number of buttons that need to be toggled down, which happens to be, the number of cargo, plus 1 10:32:51 <Rubidium> yes, but that button doesn't link to a cargo, it's linked to 'NO_CARGO', right? 10:33:33 <LordOfThePigs> Nevermind, I found out how to do it :) 10:34:26 <Zevensoft> ? 10:34:30 <Zevensoft> was it WF_STICKY? 10:35:13 <LordOfThePigs> WDF_STICKY_BUTTON 10:35:21 <Zevensoft> ah 10:35:40 <Nigel> basically, you are lowering button id's 12->(12+NUM_CARGO+1) 10:36:55 <Rubidium> but NONE was the one that should not be lowered, right? 10:37:34 <Nigel> they are all meant to be lowered, the for statement does an effective job of it, except it misses out NONE 10:38:50 <Rubidium> may be true, but if the CARGO buttons are lowered, the NONE button must be raised (which apparently does not happen), but you won't solve that by lowering the NONE button again 10:39:05 <peter1138> heh 10:39:09 <peter1138> Rubidium: it's not exclusive 10:39:17 <Born_Acorn> peter1138! 10:39:25 <Nigel> Rubidium, as tron said, before, when ALL is lowered, all the cargo and NONE should be lowered 10:39:35 <peter1138> you can list stations with passengers, coal and no cargo 10:39:41 <peter1138> Born_Acorn! 10:39:49 <Born_Acorn> woo 10:40:10 <Nigel> Rubidium, the flag for NONE is set, but the button isn't toggled 10:40:21 <Rubidium> so Tron is saying if you have ALL lowered, you have to lower NONE to? 10:40:40 <Nigel> yes, because ALL includes NONE 10:40:54 <Nigel> by understanding when i found the bug, was that it wasn't meant to be 10:41:11 <eekee> Damn, it's too early for philosophy 10:41:39 <Nigel> "Select all cargo types (including no waiting cargo)" is the tooltip for 'ALL' 10:42:19 <Nigel> which is done by adding " + 1" to those two for statements 10:42:45 <Nigel> (well, the most effective way is doing that) 10:43:21 <Rubidium> so NONE does not mean deselect ALL? 10:43:36 <roboman> gnight 10:43:37 <peter1138> it's not none 10:43:40 <peter1138> it's "no cargo" 10:44:10 <Tron> "no cargo waiting" 10:44:11 <peter1138> if you build a station 10:44:16 <peter1138> it will have no cargo waiting 10:44:24 <Nigel> peter1138, well it is none... 10:44:26 <peter1138> it should still appear when ALL is selected 10:44:41 <Nigel> technically 10:44:49 <Rubidium> but why is everything deselected when you click NONE? 10:45:13 <Rubidium> or 'NO' 10:45:16 <Nigel> Rubidium, because selecting NONE/NO shows stations which have no waiting cargo 10:45:17 *** nairan [~Maui_key@p5498F5A6.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:45:31 <Nigel> just like if you click CO 10:45:45 <peter1138> Rubidium: same reason that everything is deselected when you click on the other cargo buttons 10:45:45 <Nigel> it shows stations which have Coal waiting to be picked up 10:46:08 <Rubidium> why is the string then called STR_ABBREV_NONE and not STR_ABBREV_NO_CARGO? 10:46:22 <peter1138> cargo waiting: none, p'raps 10:46:55 <Tron> "coal waiting" 10:46:57 <peter1138> it doesn't mean you want to show no stations 10:46:59 <Tron> "passengers waiting" 10:47:01 <Tron> "mail waiting" 10:47:01 <Tron> ... 10:47:03 <Nigel> which is why IMH, changing "for (i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO; i++) {" to "for (i = 0; i < NUM_CARGO + 1; i++) {" on station_gui.c:376,436 is the simplist fix 10:47:03 <peter1138> cos that's silly 10:47:04 <Tron> "none waiting" 10:47:21 <Nigel> errr IMO 10:48:57 <Rubidium> hmm, ok I start to get the point... 10:50:55 <Rubidium> then the + 1 is OK, but please add a comment that it includes the 'no cargo waiting at this station' button 10:54:36 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 10:54:38 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 10:57:37 <Nigel> there, updated the patch 10:58:47 <tormentum> bugs.openttd.org down? 10:59:07 <Nigel> no, just slow 10:59:07 <tormentum> nm... just came up 10:59:09 <tormentum> that took ages 10:59:24 <tormentum> mm yeah i noticed 10:59:32 <tormentum> heavy server load at the moment? 11:02:20 <Nigel> sorry for the original confusion with my first patch though, i admit i totally stuffed up ;) 11:03:01 *** Osai [~Osai@p57AAFDA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 11:04:06 *** Zevensoft` [~Zevensoft@220-253-14-238.VIC.netspace.net.au] has joined #openttd 11:04:40 *** Zevensoft [~Zevensoft@220-253-14-238.VIC.netspace.net.au] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:04:41 *** Zevensoft` is now known as Zevensoft 11:07:35 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 11:09:06 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 11:09:56 *** Belugas_Gone [~Jfranc@] has joined #openttd 11:09:59 *** mode/#openttd [+o Belugas_Gone] by ChanServ 11:20:02 *** DJ_Mirage [~sexybigge@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 11:23:22 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:26:01 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 11:29:22 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176125161.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #openttd 11:31:16 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 11:32:41 *** LordOfThePigs [~WinNT@] has quit [Quit: -=SysReset 2.53=-] 11:37:34 <Nigel> hmmm, something's up with the 'sort by' button too 11:37:46 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:41:39 <peter1138> heh,yeah 11:41:42 <peter1138> resets everything 11:48:19 <Nigel> funny thing is, i can't work out what the heck is causing it 11:49:40 * Gorre has returned, [gone/1h 42m 43s] 11:52:09 <Nigel> peter1138, any ideas? 11:52:59 <Nigel> i know it's going to 'case 28:' (station_gui.c:388), and removing everything there still causes it to happen 11:53:53 <izhirahider> I'm getting an awfull lot of window.c warnings since r>720* 11:54:15 <Nigel> izhirahider, not here 11:54:19 <izhirahider> "initialization from incompatible pointer type" and "comparison of distinct pointer types lacks a cast" 11:54:20 <Nigel> izhirahider, os? 11:54:29 <Nigel> os & compiler? 11:54:42 <izhirahider> gcc version 4.1.1 20060525 Fedora Core 5 11:55:07 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N765P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 11:55:24 <izhirahider> also viewport.c 11:55:29 <Nigel> hmmm, i don't have a gcc enviroment to check with 11:55:36 <Tron> known 11:55:45 <Tron> Darkvater will fix his commit 11:55:55 <izhirahider> I assume it was from Darkvater's 7202 commit 11:56:11 <Tron> the warning in graph_gui.c is a bug in gcc 4, btw 11:56:11 <Nigel> anyway, i'm gonna start pulling my hair out soon 11:57:01 <izhirahider> oh, player_gui.c and engine_ui.c too :) 12:01:45 *** Jhs [~jhsdunada@ti231210a080-8116.bb.online.no] has quit [Quit: g2g] 12:03:59 *** mikl [~mikl@tbv.faderhuset.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:09:16 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 12:14:21 *** Rens2Sea is now known as Rens2GoW 12:20:42 *** Stormcape [~storm@d206-116-189-59.bchsia.telus.net] has joined #openttd 12:25:17 *** silent [~pwr@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:26:38 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 12:31:34 *** eekee [~ethan@cpc2-lanc1-0-0-cust468.brig.cable.ntl.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:32:20 *** Wolf01|AWAY is now known as Wolf01 12:32:54 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has left #openttd [] 12:35:01 *** Stormcape [~storm@d206-116-189-59.bchsia.telus.net] has quit [Quit: Press Stop to Start - http://press-stop.uni.cc] 12:46:27 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:46:42 *** FR^2 [~frquadrat@] has joined #openttd 12:46:45 <FR^2> Hiho 12:47:31 <FR^2> I'm trying to install Version 0.4.8 (Windows)... It asks for the TTD location. Is it really necessary to install TTD? 12:47:48 <hylje> no, its for the data files 12:48:02 <hylje> you can skip it and put the data files manually in 12:49:12 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 12:49:33 <FR^2> Hmm. 12:50:12 <FR^2> "Setup cannot continue without the TTD location" 12:50:40 <FR^2> Ah, there was an option on step before... 12:50:42 <FR^2> Silly me ;) 12:50:46 <FR^2> Thanks a lot. 12:51:13 <hylje> np 13:05:39 *** Rens2GoW is now known as Rens2Sea 13:07:22 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 13:11:35 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp83-237-96-248.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has joined #openttd 13:13:28 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has left #openttd [] 13:20:06 *** HMage [~HMage@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 13:22:24 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 13:22:53 <Brianetta> Athorium++ 13:22:54 <Brianetta> (Athorium's command of English)-- 13:23:55 <tormentum> night peeps :) 13:24:01 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has left #openttd [Ex-Chat] 13:25:52 <Rubidium> Tron: do you have a good understanding of the different coordinate systems in OTTD? 13:25:54 <smeding_> hi 13:26:05 <Tron> well, try to ask (: 13:27:43 <Rubidium> ok, I'm busy with upgrading/rewriting the smallmap zoom. The problem is with zooming; I want that when you zoom in it keeps the center of the smallmap at the center of the smallmap, for which I cannot find the correct algorithm. 13:28:22 <Rubidium> http://rubidium.student.utwente.nl/openttd/smallmap_zoom.diff <- basically the TODO in this diff has to be filled in (and SmallMapCenterOnCurrentPos must be removed) 13:28:53 <Rubidium> as SmallMap...CurrentPos centers on the current position of the main viewport and not the smallmap 13:29:32 <Tron> lunch, 20min 13:29:58 <Rubidium> I meant that the line with SmallMapCenterOnCurrentPos just after the todo has to be removed 13:30:53 *** Gorre [dik@ip-89-102-198-103.karneval.cz] has left #openttd [] 13:31:06 *** Gorre [dik@ip-89-102-198-103.karneval.cz] has joined #openttd 13:34:54 *** FR^2 [~frquadrat@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 13:39:15 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0E74B.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 13:43:13 *** Mucht_ is now known as Mucht 13:44:55 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-36-86-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 13:44:59 *** Mucht|zZz [~Mucht@p57A0FD74.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:46:30 *** helb [~helb@] has quit [Quit: Prcat Trojhlavy Delfin] 13:46:53 *** Mucht is now known as Mucht_ 13:47:39 *** Mucht_ is now known as Mucht 13:51:16 *** Rens2Sea is now known as Rens2EveOnline 13:52:14 <Tron> re 13:52:35 <Tron> Rubidium: what exactly is the problem? i don't think i understood it 13:53:35 <Rubidium> what I want is that when you zoom the center of the smallmap stays at the center. 13:54:13 <Tron> coordinate transformation 13:54:26 <Tron> look in the minimap scrolling code 13:54:29 <Rubidium> with the current code (in the diff) it centers the smallmap at the center of the main viewport (due SmallMapCenterOnCurrentPos) 13:54:43 *** Spoco [Spoco@hoas-fe13dd00-131.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [] 13:54:44 <Tron> i rewrote that somewhen 13:55:04 <Tron> it does the coordinate transformation you need 13:55:57 <Tron> basically you have to translate the canonical x/y of the screen (x to the right, y to the bottom) to map coordinates (x to the lower left, y to the lower right) 13:56:21 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has quit [Quit: Tschüß] 13:56:22 *** Sacro [~ben@adsl-213-249-186-205.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd 13:58:02 <Rubidium> true 13:58:36 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 14:00:35 <Tron> Rubidium: r1080 14:01:11 <Tron> now at smallmap_gui.c about line 940 14:01:25 <Rubidium> yup, I'm looking at it 14:05:23 *** glx [glx@bny93-6-82-245-156-124.fbx.proxad.net] has joined #openttd 14:05:23 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 14:12:14 <Born_Acorn> peter1138, is that more codable now? http://graphics.bornacorn.com 14:12:22 * Born_Acorn shall represnt it to Lakie if it is 14:16:12 <peter1138> lol 14:16:22 <peter1138> was going to say it looks a bit corrupted 14:16:26 <peter1138> but IE had zoomed it out... 14:16:44 *** helb [~helb@] has joined #openttd 14:24:39 *** Cyorxamp [Cyorxamp@] has joined #openttd 14:25:04 <Cyorxamp> Hey is there a windows util I can use to magnify the OpenTTD window? (not resize, and not change resolution) ? 14:25:23 <Zevensoft> ctrl+d 14:25:34 <Cyorxamp> o_O fun 14:25:44 <Cyorxamp> thanx! 14:26:01 <Zevensoft> theres a patch somewhere that adds filtering options 14:26:12 <Cyorxamp> filtering as in? 14:26:17 <Zevensoft> bilinear and stuff 14:26:23 <Cyorxamp> ah right, cool 14:26:34 <Eddi|zuHause2> there's also a "magnify.exe" builtin in windows, that magnifys part of the screen 14:26:49 <Cyorxamp> my 1280x1024 just became classic TTDLX 640x480 with cntrl+D 14:26:57 <Cyorxamp> Eddi|zuHause2, yeah but thats kinda shitty 14:27:26 <Cyorxamp> surely ctrl+d is useless to anyone not on 1280x1024 or higher? 14:27:27 <Eddi|zuHause2> btw, that is 640x512 ;) 14:27:52 <Cyorxamp> since they wouldn't have all the ttdlx toolbar at the top 14:30:40 *** mikl [~mikl@tbv.faderhuset.org] has joined #openttd 14:30:57 *** mikl [~mikl@tbv.faderhuset.org] has quit [] 14:31:45 *** Wolfenstiejn [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 14:34:50 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-140-197-179.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has joined #openttd 14:35:22 <Rubidium> Tron: what do hv[xy] exactly mean? as I think h[xy] are the center of the viewport? 14:35:42 <Cyorxamp> u mean X-size of map: 9 ? 14:35:51 <Tron> they're the projected coordinates 14:35:51 <Cyorxamp> cuz I was wondering that 14:35:59 <hylje> http://maraz.be/nallepipari.jpg christmas time! 14:36:48 <Tron> you're baking a pedobear cookie for christmas? 14:36:59 <hylje> its not mine :( 14:37:03 <hylje> besides it was already baked 14:38:02 <Tron> Rubidium: r1063 has mostly the same calculation with a few comments for the normal viewport scrolling 14:38:57 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 14:40:07 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 14:42:24 <Cyorxamp> Can I re-enable the old TTDLX - one type of industry per one town only? 14:43:26 <hylje> its on by default 14:43:27 <hylje> afaik 14:43:32 <Cyorxamp> nupe 14:44:14 <Maedhros> you can set it in the Economy tab of the patches dialogue 14:44:49 <Cyorxamp> aha 14:48:27 *** e1ko [~L@161.157.broadband2.iol.cz] has joined #openttd 15:02:25 *** tokai [~tokai@p54B84ABA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 15:02:28 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 15:08:59 <Rubidium> Tron: can you please try whether you can write the right transformation, as I'm not seeing the solution :( 15:10:03 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-156.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 15:12:36 <Eddi|zuHause2> am i right that this is supposed to be an affine transformation? 15:13:18 <Eddi|zuHause2> (i.e. a composition of rotation, stretching, movement) 15:13:43 *** dp-_ [~dp@p54B2CB17.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 15:13:43 <Zevensoft> I'd start with basic steps, then simplify 15:13:55 <Tron> yes 15:14:03 <Tron> it's just 15:14:11 <Tron> (-1 1) 15:14:15 <Tron> ( 1 1) 15:14:19 <Tron> and its inverse 15:14:22 <Zevensoft> what exactly is he trying to do 15:14:43 <Rubidium> fixing and improving FS#54 15:15:24 <Rubidium> which is zooming of the smallmap 15:15:30 <Zevensoft> ah 15:15:42 *** dp- [~dp@p54B2FB7A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:16:07 <Zevensoft> and keeping the crosshair centered? 15:16:23 *** nairan [~Maui_key@p5498F212.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 15:16:28 <Rubidium> no keeping the center of the smallmap at the center when zooming 15:16:39 <Zevensoft> ah 15:17:05 <Zevensoft> just add half of the size of the window 15:17:31 <Zevensoft> er 15:17:48 <Zevensoft> no wait 15:17:59 <Zevensoft> a quarter 15:18:10 <Zevensoft> x' = x+w/4 15:18:18 <Zevensoft> y' = y+h/4 15:18:56 <Rubidium> nice try... but... the 'start' coordinate is in a derivative of tile coordinates 15:19:17 <Zevensoft> what file 15:19:26 <Rubidium> http://rubidium.student.utwente.nl/openttd/smallmap_zoom.diff 15:19:44 <Rubidium> and then search for the TODO in smallmap_gui.c 15:20:02 <Eddi|zuHause2> i'd help you, but i urgently have to finish my presentation... 15:21:14 <Tron> inverse is 15:21:21 <Tron> (-.5 .5) 15:21:24 <Tron> ( .5 .5) 15:21:25 <Tron> btw 15:23:34 <Zevensoft> so inside of "SmallMapCenterOnCurrentPos"? 15:23:55 <Rubidium> no, SmallMapCenterOnCurrentPos is perfectly alright, but shouldn't be called there 15:25:19 <Rubidium> it's only there to show that zooming works 15:29:06 <Zevensoft> why does it get slower as it zooms in? 15:29:17 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:30:22 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Quit: Tobin] 15:30:22 <Rubidium> it zooms with a ratio related to one fifth of the difference with the target and the current zoomlevel 15:30:52 <Zevensoft> I meant, the rendering, but I think its just debug mode being slow as usual 15:31:40 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has left #openttd [] 15:32:39 <Rubidium> I've got no idea, did not experience that myself 15:32:59 <Zevensoft> nothin to worry about anyway 15:35:34 *** jnmbk_ [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 15:42:17 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:42:32 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 15:43:44 *** Tobin [~Tobin@c58-107-61-130.eburwd7.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [] 15:45:37 *** jnmbk_ [~jnmbk@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 15:48:46 <Zevensoft> ah I think I see 15:52:22 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-062-197-163-156.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [] 15:52:35 <nairan> wee new version o svn 15:55:09 *** Jhs [~jhsdunada@ti231210a080-8116.bb.online.no] has joined #openttd 15:56:25 *** e1ko [~L@161.157.broadband2.iol.cz] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.6/2006103003]] 16:11:44 *** mikk36 [~mikk35@pc144.host4.starman.ee] has quit [Quit: The pedestrian had no idea which way to run as I ran over him.] 16:24:46 <Eddi|zuHause2> is that english? 16:25:12 <Zevensoft> seems like an irish dialect 16:39:52 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F4840.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 16:54:41 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-087-94-051-88.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 16:57:46 <nairan> nope jst a quite broke keyboard 16:58:06 <nairan> my normal one had coffee in it 16:58:27 <nairan> so i cleaned it but i think it has to drie some morw 16:59:49 <glx> *dry :) 17:01:36 <nairan> well this ke dont work reall 17:08:47 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 17:08:47 <nairan> mm 17:08:58 <nairan> # 17:09:24 <nairan> on this keybord are the contactpad or the key not really at its place 17:12:38 *** Osai [~Osai@p57AAFDA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Osai] 17:18:35 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 17:21:45 *** lws|Away is now known as lws1984 17:22:34 *** Rexxie [~rexxars@ti131310a080-12098.bb.online.no] has joined #openttd 17:25:47 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 17:31:08 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 17:31:43 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has joined #openttd 17:32:56 *** Coutal [~Coutal@] has joined #openttd 17:34:15 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has joined #openttd 17:37:37 *** Osai [~Osai@p57AAFDA1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 17:38:22 *** Wolfenstiejn [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:38:24 *** CoutAlt [Coutal@] has joined #openttd 17:41:54 *** Coutal [~Coutal@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:42:47 <CoutAlt> hey, i'm having networking problems with openttd. i've gone as far as removing every possible firewall on the way and doing network captures, to no avail. 17:43:39 <scia> what problems? 17:44:10 <CoutAlt> scia: i can't even properly connect to a game. at times it won't refresh the server, at other it will not get to the state of asking the password, and otherwise it will get stuck at loading the map 17:44:34 <CoutAlt> and that's with ~100ms latency and 0% packet loss to the server 17:44:56 * scia wonders if it is a network problem then 17:45:19 <CoutAlt> maybe it's not... but it "feels" like a network problem 17:45:39 <CoutAlt> got any ideas? 17:45:54 <CoutAlt> i can't even get to opening a sane bug out of this 17:46:10 <scia> did it used to work? 17:46:19 *** jnmbk [~jnmbk@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 17:46:23 <CoutAlt> it works from another network 17:46:40 <CoutAlt> one which has more bandwidth 17:46:47 <CoutAlt> but this net's bandwidth should be more than enough 17:46:59 <CoutAlt> it's 750kbps d/l on 96kbps u/l 17:47:03 <scia> indeed, ottd does not eat much 17:47:11 <scia> same computer though? 17:47:14 <CoutAlt> same computer 17:47:20 *** jez [magneto@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 17:47:29 <scia> Have no clue then 17:47:47 <jez> My attempt at drawing the software life cycle in Visio (I cleaned up another diagram I particularly liked), if anyone's interested: www.game-point.net/misc/slc.png 17:47:47 <scia> I'm not smart enough 17:48:09 <CoutAlt> is there any way to run the builds in 'extra verbose debug' mode or something? 17:48:14 <CoutAlt> or are there any debug builds available? 17:48:30 <CoutAlt> maybe we'll be smarter when we know what the client is expecting to happen and isn't happening. 17:48:37 *** CoutAlt is now known as Coutal 17:48:47 <scia> hmm 17:48:54 <scia> you could try the wiki 17:50:03 <Coutal> found it 17:50:06 *** mikk36 [~mikk35@pc161.host5.starman.ee] has joined #openttd 17:51:40 <glx> Coutal: maybe openttd -d net9 to have full network debug messages 17:53:08 <Coutal> okay, we have something! 17:53:16 <Coutal> [NET][UDP] send error 10049 17:53:49 <Coutal> wtf\ 17:53:54 <Coutal> that error really shouldn't happen. 17:55:08 <Coutal> okay, now looking at a problematic tcp session 17:55:22 <Coutal> not enough debug information with just net9. nothing seems to happen 17:56:08 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 17:56:19 <Coutal> but we got closer to a genuine bug report 17:56:32 <scia> your router has all necessary ports open? 17:57:13 <glx> WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL 10049 : The requested address is not valid in its context. 17:57:17 <Coutal> right now i'm bypassing my router 17:57:30 <Coutal> and connecting directly via an mpls'd connection 17:57:36 <Coutal> it's as good as it gets :) 17:59:32 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has joined #openttd 17:59:48 <Coutal> okay, now the connection is stuck. ethereal says so. 17:59:55 <Coutal> but there shouldn't be any logical reason why it would be stuck 18:01:04 <Coutal> the last packet sent was from the server to my client 18:01:22 <Coutal> it makes sense to think that the server would be expecting more data from my client now 18:02:18 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 18:02:51 <scia> bbl 18:02:54 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:04:38 <Coutal> dbg: [NET] [UDP] listening on 18:04:53 <glx> that's ok 18:05:00 <Coutal> shouldn't it specify a port? 18:05:44 <Coutal> moreover, it does that immediately after trying a tcp connection to port 3980 18:05:46 <glx> hmm wait it should listen on 18:06:07 <Coutal> nothing listens on 3979 18:07:01 <Coutal> and now the tcp connection was fin'd, and openttd just happily ignores that 18:07:29 <Coutal> something looks mighty wrong here. 18:07:48 <Coutal> what bothers me even more, is that it works under another network 18:08:13 * Coutal sighs 18:08:20 <Coutal> no openttd for me until i resolve this 18:10:13 <Coutal> is there any developer that specializes in the networking code? 18:10:57 <glx> listening on port is ok for client 18:11:39 <Coutal> yes, there are also no 'useless' packets sent from the server back 18:12:57 *** Cyorxamp [Cyorxamp@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:13:13 <Darkvater> gaaaah I broke something :( 18:13:26 <Darkvater> my pc won't boot... 18:15:11 <Coutal> Darkvater: what bootloader are you using? 18:15:35 <Coutal> or is it even prior to that... 18:15:38 <Darkvater> I mean it doesn't boot after checking some PCI stuff during bootup 18:15:47 <Coutal> ah, i see 18:15:54 <Darkvater> right now it hangs completely after NVRM: loading NVIDIA Linux module 18:16:18 <Coutal> are you sure that it's hanging and not switching to some unknown framebuffer? 18:16:42 <Darkvater> if you know of any framebuffer that loads for 15 minutes tell me :) 18:16:54 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-36-86-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 18:16:59 <Coutal> i mean, it could be displaying nothing, but still working in the background 18:17:14 <Coutal> maybe you could try pinging it from another computer, or using a serial connection 18:17:24 <Darkvater> I'm in the main console, it's supposed to continue loading ethernet, services etc 18:17:43 <Coutal> Darkvater: it could be that it is loading them, but just not showing anything 18:17:55 <Coutal> that's what i'm trying to discern - whether it's a display problem, or a definite hang. 18:17:58 <Darkvater> no cause it worked before I swapped videocards :) 18:18:06 <Darkvater> hmm it works now 18:18:32 <Darkvater> seems it doesn't like AGP 1x? 18:19:04 <Coutal> newer nvidia drivers really don't like older cards and/or older transfer interfaces/rates 18:19:33 <Coutal> trying to find a driver old enough to run my riva tnt2 was quite an experience 18:19:35 <Darkvater> hmm no, another crash 18:19:36 <Darkvater> dammit 18:19:59 <Coutal> btw, could you perhaps try and help me with the networking problem? looking at the debug log, i get socket error 10049, something that really shouldn't happen 18:20:03 <Darkvater> does this mean I get to buy a new pc :D 18:20:17 <Coutal> just go back to your other video card? 18:20:19 <Darkvater> does it work with client/server locally? 18:20:22 <Darkvater> I went back 18:20:35 <Coutal> it plays locally just fine, and it even plays nice from another network. 18:20:52 <Coutal> but... ethereal captures show nothing that would suggest there is a problem 18:20:54 <Darkvater> no I mean the server and client on the same pc 18:21:21 <Coutal> Darkvater: considering that it can play on the same server from another network location, i think it's fine. 18:21:35 <Darkvater> so what doesn't work? 18:21:56 <Coutal> right now i'm at home (at work i can play). nothing works. i can't properly log on to a server. 18:22:10 <Coutal> i've removed my router and i don't have a firewall installed 18:22:19 <Darkvater> does it work at home if you have the server and the client on the same pc? 18:22:44 <Coutal> i'll give it a shot now. but we're talking about the same laptop - i'm taking it from work and back 18:23:53 <Darkvater> so the same laptop works at work but not at home? 18:24:31 <Coutal> yes 18:24:35 <Coutal> and local gameplay works here 18:24:52 <Coutal> i mean, local client-server 18:24:59 <Darkvater> well it's really your laptop then 18:25:14 <Coutal> how can it be my laptop, if the same laptop works nicely from work and not from home? 18:25:17 <Darkvater> vpn, work-firewall, special networkdriver, etc. etc. 18:25:37 <Coutal> no firewall, no router, no special network driver that i'm aware of. 18:25:49 <Coutal> but some debug oddities have appeared 18:25:59 <Coutal> like error 10049 when trying to refresh a server in the debug logs 18:26:21 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N765P011.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:26:24 <Darkvater> requested address not valid in context? 18:26:41 * Coutal nods 18:26:47 <Coutal> i have no idea why it would do that... 18:26:52 * Darkvater has no idea either 18:27:19 <Coutal> is there any debug level that would cause it to barf explicitly what it's trying to do? 18:27:21 <Rubidium> Coutal: can you ping master.openttd.org? 18:27:37 <Coutal> sure. 100ms latency, no packet loss 18:28:11 <Darkvater> well if lvl 9 doesn't show it then it's not there 18:28:19 <Darkvater> all you can do is look at the source and try following it 18:29:49 *** Guest52835 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 18:29:49 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Guest52835))] 18:29:58 *** Guest52835 is now known as Wolf01 18:30:07 <Coutal> here's the weird thing. right now it's supposed to be downloading the map. but there's no activity whatsoever. ethereal shows *nothing* 18:30:15 <Coutal> not even failed transmissions. nothing. 18:30:33 <glx> maybe the server doesn't work well 18:30:42 <glx> did you try another server? 18:31:00 <Coutal> glx: i tried several servers, with similar results. but let me try it again, this time with more debug info. 18:31:25 <Coutal> it's just weird that no activity happens. 18:32:23 <Coutal> and now i get another sign that it's a logic error - upon closing openttd, it sent a fin, and *immediately* got the fin-ack back. 18:32:43 <Coutal> so there was nothing wrong with the network, the transfer wasn't stalled - it wasn't happening. 18:34:19 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N839P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 18:35:39 <Coutal> you know, it feels like some protocol deadlock 18:35:50 <Coutal> like both sides are waiting for an 'ack' like packet 18:36:22 <Coutal> and looking at the earlier ethereal output, there don't seem to be any such timers 18:36:32 <Coutal> is there any documentation of the client-server networking protocol? 18:37:04 <Coutal> here, it seems deadlocked again, this time on another server 18:37:23 <Coutal> i think the slightly worse networking conditions here expose this bug 18:37:29 <Coutal> i'll start digging in the source... 18:37:41 <Darkvater> http://wiki.openttd.org/index.php/Network_Protocol 18:37:42 <Coutal> though i'd appreciate help, because i've only done java and never c/c++ 18:38:07 <Darkvater> there is the requests and commands which are sent listed somewhat 18:38:20 <Darkvater> interested to hear about any possible deadlock though 18:39:59 <Tron> "TCP is a packet-protocol." 18:40:01 <Tron> uh WHAT? 18:42:55 <Coutal> now i can finally decode the captures 18:43:29 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 18:44:14 <Tron> "creating our own endian" 18:44:15 <Tron> uh WHAT? 18:45:24 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:45:57 *** Gonozal_VIII [~Gono@N839P023.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [] 18:46:21 <peter1138> huh? 18:46:30 <peter1138> lets flip all the bits :D 18:47:09 <Tron> trinary! 18:47:23 <Tron> because two states aren't enough! 18:48:38 <Darkvater> god my pc is totally fucked 18:48:45 <Darkvater> every second boot works 18:48:50 <Darkvater> sort-of 18:50:39 <Coutal> Darkvater: can you run a server with -d net9 or packet capture and have a look at your connection side? 18:50:55 <Darkvater> Coutal: I am really not in a position to do anything ottd related 18:51:06 <Coutal> i see 18:51:16 <Coutal> maybe i can help you with your computer 18:51:26 <Darkvater> wanna come over? :) 18:51:32 <Coutal> you're a bit far i presume 18:52:59 <Darkvater> I only have a packet sniffer on linux anyway 18:53:00 <Darkvater> s 18:53:02 <peter1138> hee 18:53:11 <Coutal> ethereal works nicely on windows 18:53:14 <Coutal> thank god for open source 18:53:24 <Coutal> Darkvater: you can try the rain dance on your computer - http://www.catb.org/~esr/jargon/html/R/rain-dance.html 18:53:32 <peter1138> http://www.tt-forums.net/files/scr990_143.png 18:53:59 <Coutal> although i've found out that it does actually work sometimes, because you can occasionally unseat a card/memory stick while putting another card in 18:54:27 <peter1138> Designed: 1907 18:55:09 <Coutal> that's... wrong 18:55:13 <Darkvater> :O 18:55:21 <Darkvater> peter1138: I thought ttdpatch didn't support <1920 18:55:55 *** PandaMojo_ [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 18:56:07 <peter1138> it doesn't (yet, anyway) 18:56:14 <peter1138> it does support displaying them though 18:56:29 <Darkvater> Coutal: ok, got it to boot into X 18:56:35 <Darkvater> Coutal: what should I test? 18:56:55 <Coutal> are you talking about your hardware or my openttd? 18:57:05 <Darkvater> ottd 18:57:29 <Born_Acorn> I was talking about onions! 18:57:32 <Born_Acorn> D: 18:57:46 <Coutal> okay, start a tcpdump, filter host 18:58:01 <Coutal> then start a server. i'll try to connect, and see if we can recreate the bug 18:58:15 <Nigel> *yawn* 18:58:31 <Darkvater> no tcpdump here 18:58:39 <Coutal> apt-get install tcpdump? 18:59:04 <Coutal> or yum... whatever poison your distro hoisted on ya 18:59:08 <Darkvater> mv Windows98 /pu 18:59:09 <Darkvater> eh 18:59:37 <Darkvater> how about ethereal? 18:59:44 <Coutal> emerge --erase-all-loops -zOMG -O999? 18:59:47 <Coutal> ethereal would work fine 18:59:58 <Darkvater> nvm, don't have that either ;p 19:00:09 <Darkvater> I'll get tcpdupm 19:00:17 <Coutal> what distro are you using? 19:00:31 <Darkvater> suse 19:00:44 <Coutal> suse, that has yast as package manager, doesn't it? 19:00:57 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:00:59 <Darkvater> yes but taht doesn't work because they fucked up with zen :) 19:01:01 <Nigel> SuSE uses yum 19:01:07 *** PandaMojo_ is now known as PandaMojo 19:01:14 <hylje> great 19:01:19 <hylje> i got gnome to lock up 100% 19:01:42 <smeding_> fun times 19:01:46 <Darkvater> Coutal: what revision do you have? 19:01:59 <Coutal> i have both 0.4.8 and r7130, both showing the same situation 19:02:14 <Coutal> so pick whatever you find more convinient, or i can download latest 19:02:18 <Darkvater> HEAD 19:02:56 <Coutal> can you get that prebuilt from somewhere? or does it correspond to the latest nightly? 19:03:24 <Darkvater> no head is easiest, donnu what rev it is 19:03:32 <Darkvater> but my pc is so damn slow you need to wait a bit 19:03:41 <Coutal> but then i'd need to compile it 19:03:55 <Darkvater> I can do 7130 19:04:01 <Coutal> okay, great 19:04:22 <Darkvater> why do you have 7130? 19:04:26 <Darkvater> head is at least 7200+ 19:04:59 <Coutal> that's what openttdcoop plays 19:05:05 <Coutal> say 19:05:12 <Coutal> there's something interesting here 19:05:17 <Darkvater> really? 19:05:22 <Darkvater> what's in there that's not in head/ 19:05:30 <Coutal> no no, i just noticed something weird 19:05:38 <Coutal> i left a "stuck" map downloader, and it made some progress *eventually* 19:05:52 <Coutal> in particular, i see that the delta between the two packets is 480 seconds 19:06:06 <Darkvater> you'll get there eventually :P 19:06:44 <Coutal> and then drop connection\ 19:06:45 <Coutal> heh 19:07:26 <Coutal> why would the server wait 480 seconds before it sends me another packet? 19:07:38 <Coutal> and it's not even a tcp retransmission! 19:07:43 <Darkvater> ok how do I use tcpdump? 19:08:04 <Coutal> tcpdump -i interfacename . but you better filter it to my host only 19:08:08 <Coutal> sec i'll find the right switch 19:09:30 <Coutal> tcpdump -w game.pcap -i eth0 (eth1, whatever) host 19:09:44 <Coutal> it means it will save all of our communications to that file 19:10:15 <Darkvater> ok 19:10:18 <Darkvater> still compiling... 19:10:33 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 19:10:52 *** Cyorxamp [Cyorxamp@] has joined #openttd 19:11:16 <Coutal> okay 19:11:17 <Darkvater> 8:08pm up 0:18, 6 users, load average: 3.81, 3.69, 2.24 19:11:27 <Darkvater> lol.. this is just sad 19:11:58 <Coutal> it is... what computer do you have? 19:12:05 <Darkvater> 1.3GHz 19:12:20 <Nigel> Darkvater, i've seen it in the 300+'s quite a few times, so don't worry 19:12:24 <Coutal> that's plenty fast for that... how much memory? 19:12:29 <Darkvater> Coutal: ok, done 19:12:46 <Coutal> great 19:12:51 <Coutal> so now start the server, and i'll connect 19:12:54 <Darkvater> ok 19:13:03 <Darkvater> come 19:13:08 <Darkvater> darkvater.homeip.net 19:13:10 <Darkvater> hmm 19:13:13 <Darkvater> my router... 19:13:16 <peter1138> hneh 19:13:31 <Darkvater> or perhaps it alreayd works 19:13:32 <Darkvater> just check 19:13:37 <Coutal> what port? 19:13:43 <Darkvater> default 19:13:46 <Darkvater> just type hostname 19:14:03 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 19:14:42 <Coutal> server offline... send error 10049. but that sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. sec 19:15:28 <Darkvater> [net][udp] queried from 19:15:33 <Darkvater> 5 times 19:15:44 <Coutal> well, udp. maybe the response was eaten by a grue. 19:15:50 <Nigel> popcorn anyone? 19:15:57 <smeding_> me! 19:16:14 * lws1984 sends grues after Nigel 19:16:20 * lws1984 qiuckly grabs the popcorn 19:18:48 <Nigel> heh 19:19:13 <Darkvater> peter1138: can you connect to me with r7130? 19:19:39 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 19:19:59 <Nigel> svn co -r 7130? 19:20:06 <Darkvater> depends 19:20:21 *** Frostregen_ [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-160-041.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 19:20:21 *** Frostregen [SADDAM@dslb-084-058-151-187.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:20:31 *** Frostregen_ is now known as Frostregen 19:21:27 <Darkvater> Nigel: if you alreayd have a wc you just svn up -r 7130 19:21:57 <Nigel> yeah just saying 19:23:18 <Nigel> oh well, have fun 19:27:58 *** Jhs [~jhsdunada@ti231210a080-8116.bb.online.no] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:31:53 <Coutal> i think i have the mystery solved 19:32:30 *** scia [~scia@AveloN.xs4all.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:32:44 <peter1138> ooh 19:33:32 <Coutal> well, the server side shows severe packetloss when that happens. 19:34:36 <Coutal> something eats the return packets. since the outgoing packets are small, and ping packets are small, i don't get to see the packetloss 19:34:48 *** Nigel [~Nigel@125-236-161-153.broadband-telecom.global-gateway.net.nz] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:46:07 *** Spoco [~Spoco@dsl-087-94-051-88.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:47:09 *** Coutal [Coutal@] has quit [] 19:52:41 *** Spoco [Spoco@dsl-087-94-051-88.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has joined #openttd 19:56:54 <Eddi|zuHause2> peter1138: what kind of set was that screenshot taken from? 19:57:08 <Eddi|zuHause2> looks like an improved DBSet 19:57:57 <peter1138> yeah 19:58:13 <Eddi|zuHause2> is that available? 19:58:16 <peter1138> no 19:58:21 <peter1138> that's his screenshot, not mine 19:58:31 <Eddi|zuHause2> his = MB? 19:59:01 <peter1138> yeah 19:59:50 *** Zr40 [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 20:01:51 *** Brianetta [~brian@82-39-52-234.cable.ubr03.benw.blueyonder.co.uk] has joined #openttd 20:10:53 *** jez [magneto@cpc3-stkn4-0-0-cust630.midd.cable.ntl.com] has quit [] 20:11:00 *** Tron_ [~tron@p54A3D8CF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:13:42 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:16:06 *** DJ_Mirage [~sexybigge@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: www.sexybiggetje.nl] 20:16:06 *** DisassembledDude [~ddude@tor-irc.dnsbl.oftc.net] has left #openttd [] 20:16:32 *** DJ_Mirage [~sexybigge@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 20:17:14 *** Tron [~tron@p54A3F2F2.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:17:33 *** PandaMojo_ [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has joined #openttd 20:20:02 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 20:22:57 *** PandaMojo [~chatzilla@ip72-197-231-130.sd.sd.cox.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:23:07 *** PandaMojo_ is now known as PandaMojo 20:25:56 *** Dr_Jekyll [Dr_Jekyll@pD9E94FDF.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 20:27:03 *** Tron_ is now known as Tron 20:29:16 *** Wolfenstiejn [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 20:29:42 <Dr_Jekyll> hello...i stumbled over openttd...and tons of information (i won't read all) do i need the original version of TT for the open game? (i have the original version anywhere i know, but i don't know exactly where) 20:30:25 <nairan> TTD is now freeware so look or abandond ware or so there ya might ind it 20:30:52 <Tron> it's NOT freeware 20:30:56 <Tron> stop bullshitting 20:31:35 <Tron> Dr_Jekyll: there's a "readme.txt", guess why it is named this way 20:31:37 <hylje> Dr_Jekyll: if you have the original bought, it should be perfectly legal to download it. depends on how much your legislation sucks 20:31:39 <Dr_Jekyll> i won't make any bullshit 20:32:01 <peter1138> ok 20:32:06 <peter1138> i have a packet of minced beef 20:32:07 <Dr_Jekyll> and i don't have already downloaded anything 20:32:11 <peter1138> what shall i do with it? 20:32:25 <hylje> spice it up 20:32:28 <hylje> and feed to dogs 20:32:30 <Tron> peter1138: minced beef? 20:32:32 <hylje> mwahahah 20:32:47 <Tron> this is so ... perverted 20:32:53 <peter1138> o_O 20:32:54 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:33:10 *** Coutal [~Coutal@] has joined #openttd 20:33:24 <hylje> come on, we aren't even trying to be pervy 20:33:25 <CIA-1> miham * r7214 /trunk/lang/ (18 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed) 20:33:25 <CIA-1> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-11-19 21:32:01 20:33:25 <CIA-1> american - 5 fixed by WhiteRabbit (5) 20:33:25 <CIA-1> brazilian_portuguese - 6 fixed by tucalipe (6) 20:33:25 <CIA-1> catalan - 5 fixed by arnaullv (5) 20:33:27 <CIA-1> czech - 5 fixed by Hadez (5) 20:33:27 <CIA-1> danish - 3 fixed, 2 changed by ThomasA (5) 20:35:13 <Dr_Jekyll> ok the i've found the (real-life) manual - but where's the cd...keep on searching 20:36:29 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:38:42 <MiHaMiX> hmm 20:40:53 <Dr_Jekyll> ok found the cd too...and now i'm going to read the tons of information 20:43:15 <CIA-1> miham * r7215 /trunk/lang/ (18 files in 2 dirs): revoked last commit, have to modify the language config prior to the commit 20:47:45 <Dr_Jekyll> sorry for spam but the readme.txt linked on http://www.openttd.org/downloads.php was 'not found on this server' 20:49:33 <peter1138> cba, i should prepare for cooking better ;p 20:49:43 <peter1138> got no onions or anything interesting 20:49:48 <peter1138> plain minced beef is pretty... boring 20:51:02 <glx> Dr_Jekyll: yes trac is disabled for now 20:56:44 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:01:19 *** Cyorxamp [Cyorxamp@] has quit [Quit: Disconnected from IRC - http://www.cyorxamp.info] 21:05:54 *** BFM [~chatzilla@CPE-60-228-44-63.nsw.bigpond.net.au] has joined #openttd 21:10:56 *** DJ_Mirage [~sexybigge@biggetje.xs4all.nl] has quit [Quit: www.sexybiggetje.nl] 21:15:12 *** odd-sock [~chatzilla@ARennes-351-1-71-225.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #openttd 21:17:27 *** odd-sock [~chatzilla@ARennes-351-1-71-225.w86-199.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [] 21:18:43 *** Maedhros [~jc@host86-140-197-179.range86-140.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Quit: leaving] 21:19:09 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 21:23:07 *** Mucht is now known as Mucht|zZz 21:25:34 *** Coutal [~Coutal@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:32:41 *** Purno [~Purno@5351CE6A.cable.casema.nl] has quit [Quit: Purno has spoken] 21:32:45 <CIA-1> miham * r7216 /trunk/lang/ (17 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed) 21:32:45 <CIA-1> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-11-19 22:30:04 21:32:45 <CIA-1> american - 5 fixed by WhiteRabbit (5) 21:32:45 <CIA-1> brazilian_portuguese - 10 fixed by tucalipe (10) 21:32:45 <CIA-1> catalan - 9 fixed by arnaullv (9) 21:32:46 <CIA-1> czech - 5 fixed by Hadez (5) 21:32:46 <CIA-1> danish - 3 fixed, 2 changed by ThomasA (5) 21:36:12 *** |Jeroen| [~jeroen@dD5E03E97.access.telenet.be] has quit [Quit: Whoopsy] 21:40:02 <CIA-1> glx * r7217 /branches/MiniIN/ (87 files in 6 dirs): [MiniIN] -Sync with trunk r7191:r7216 21:42:38 *** e1ko [~L@a02-0432b.kn.vutbr.cz] has joined #openttd 21:51:27 *** Hagbarddenstore [~hagbard@90-224-32-143-no95.tbcn.telia.com] has joined #openttd 21:53:38 *** Zahl22 [~SENFGURKE@p549F4840.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 21:53:42 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F4840.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Zahl22))] 21:53:42 *** Zahl22 is now known as Zahl 21:59:26 *** Gorre [dik@ip-89-102-198-103.karneval.cz] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 22:06:08 *** BJH2 [~chatzilla@e176125161.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.61 [Mozilla rv:1.7.12/20050915]] 22:08:15 *** Mucht_ [~Mucht@p57A0CD6D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 22:10:14 *** Zr40 [~Zirconium@zr40.xs4all.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:11:11 <CIA-1> miham * r7218 /trunk/lang/unfinished/croatian.txt: 22:11:11 <CIA-1> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-11-19 23:09:22 22:11:11 <CIA-1> croatian - 582 fixed, 1 changed by knovak (154), blozo (429) 22:12:10 <MiHaMiX> Total I18N Status after adding new language to the list: 90% 22:12:18 <MiHaMiX> 7888 bad strings out of 87544 strings (2824 strings / language) 22:13:54 *** Mucht|zZz [~Mucht@p57A0E74B.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:16:43 *** XeryusTC [~irc@cc480157-b.sneek1.fr.home.nl] has quit [Quit: So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish] 22:17:06 *** ufoun [~ha@b07-305a.kn.vutbr.cz] has left #openttd [] 22:24:22 <CIA-1> Darkvater * r7219 /trunk/ (7 files): -Fix: Several warnings by gcc introduced in r7206 which MSVC found not of a problem. Thanks Tron 22:26:35 <peter1138> oh thank you :) 22:26:47 <peter1138> i was trying to work out which warnings were mine :) 22:27:28 <Darkvater> :) 22:27:46 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:27:55 <Rubidium> Darkvater: I've been busy with the smallmap zoom patch, however... it's not completely finished and I most likely won't have time to finish it. 22:28:08 <Darkvater> do I dare swap videocards again? 22:28:34 <Darkvater> Rubidium: well, whenever you are ready. Target was 1st of December for RC1 22:28:36 <Darkvater> which reminds me 22:28:38 <Darkvater> peter1138: newgrf save! 22:28:43 *** Turski [~tarmo@dsl-kpogw1-fe21df00-2.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Quit: Lost terminal] 22:29:20 <Rubidium> well, I'm not sure whether it's correct and I've been looking/trying at the last hurdles for the whole day and haven't found out yet how to fix it :( 22:30:04 <Darkvater> you know you don't have to stick to the current implementation if the results are the same :) 22:30:12 <Rubidium> so it might be better if someone else can take a look at it, who may be have another view on the subject and can solve it fairly simple. 22:30:54 <Darkvater> I can have a look at it tomorrow probably 22:30:56 <Darkvater> at work anhyways 22:31:02 <peter1138> yeah, i need to come up with a "force load" type thingy 22:31:08 <Darkvater> eeek 22:31:09 <Darkvater> not good! 22:31:24 <peter1138> a section where you can set grfs that will always load, no matter what the server has 22:31:27 <Darkvater> ALSA sound/pci/emu10k1/irq.c:1612...spamming during boot 22:31:33 <peter1138> nice 22:31:36 <peter1138> i mean, not nice 22:31:40 <Rubidium> http://rubidium.student.utwente.nl/openttd/smallmap_zoom.diff <- that's the diff and you should look at the TODO in smallmap_gui.c as that's the 'hurdle' 22:33:38 <Darkvater> it's only one line ;p 22:33:40 <Darkvater> delete it 22:33:41 <Darkvater> hehe 22:34:18 <Rubidium> that solution is even worse 22:35:35 <Darkvater> OMG it boots! 22:35:41 <Darkvater> do I dare shut down the pc ever? 22:36:09 <Darkvater> I do have to put it back in its place... 22:36:43 <peter1138> heh 22:37:09 <Darkvater> I didn't even know that the video card I have in there doesn't do 1680x1020 with DVI 22:37:16 <Darkvater> something about insufficient pixel clock 22:41:19 <peter1138> lower the "refresh" rate 22:41:36 <Darkvater> can't, it's fixed at 60Hz 22:42:08 *** Bjarni [~Bjarni@0x50a46ac4.virnxx14.adsl-dhcp.tele.dk] has joined #openttd 22:42:08 *** mode/#openttd [+o Bjarni] by ChanServ 22:42:10 *** Coutal [Coutal@] has joined #openttd 22:42:16 <peter1138> so what you're saying is you have got a 1600x1200 DVI display? 22:42:34 <Bjarni> now that sounds like a nice monitor 22:42:50 <SpComb> Logs: http://zapotek.paivola.fi/~terom/logs/openttd 22:42:50 <Bjarni> !logs 22:43:08 <Darkvater> peter1138: almost. My father has a 1680x1050 DVI display but I wanted to eh.. "borrow" it 22:43:17 <peter1138> ahh 22:43:27 <Darkvater> which didn't turn out too well.. 22:43:39 <Darkvater> so I think I'm gonna borrow his video card as well :D 22:44:03 <Bjarni> that's the spirit 22:44:08 <peter1138> D 22:44:14 <Darkvater> although only temporarily 22:44:20 <Darkvater> on his pc the screen "flickers" 22:44:25 <peter1138> i'm going to borrow some sleep 22:44:30 <Darkvater> eg goes black, then back on, then black, on, etc. 22:44:44 <Darkvater> so I want to test it if it's the screen, the pc, windows or something else 22:44:46 * Bjarni knows of a temporal solution, that have been the solution for the past 5 years 22:44:52 <peter1138> hammer? 22:44:57 <Darkvater> *has* 22:44:58 <Bjarni> it was supposed to be less than a month XD 22:45:50 <Darkvater> ALSA lib confmisc.c:670:(snd_func_card_driver) cannot find card '0' 22:45:50 <Darkvater> ALSA lib conf.c:3500:(_snd_config_evaluate) function snd_func_card_driver returned error: No such device 22:45:59 <Darkvater> hmm does this mean my sound-card is dead? 22:46:25 *** Spoco [Spoco@dsl-087-94-051-88.lohjanpuhelin.fi] has quit [] 22:49:00 <Bjarni> I don't know, but I would not start to dig a hole for the burial yet. It can be software issues as well 22:49:29 <Naksu> i for one would suspect software first, especially on a linux :) 22:49:32 <Bjarni> also electronics are actually toxic waste, so you should dispose of it correctly 22:49:50 *** ChrisM87 [~ChrisM@p54AC6545.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:50:00 <Darkvater> it worked before reboot 22:50:27 <Bjarni> now that sounds like a software issue :P 22:50:51 <Bjarni> you should not reboot linux. It's not healthy 22:52:10 *** Smoovious [~smoovious@c-71-205-140-67.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] has joined #openttd 22:54:17 <peter1138> nini 23:01:17 <Darkvater> gn peter1138 23:01:19 <Darkvater> Bjarni: eheh 23:02:16 <Darkvater> but I need to reboot to figure out my soundcard 23:04:02 *** e1ko [~L@a02-0432b.kn.vutbr.cz] has quit [Quit: Chatzilla 0.9.67+ [SeaMonkey 1.0.6/2006103003]] 23:06:25 *** Progman [~progman@p5091E1B8.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:15:59 <BFM> ANyone know of any PDF print converters that don't leave a FREE TRIAL VERSION water mark? 23:16:41 <blathijs> BFM: Windows? 23:16:51 <BFM> yup 23:17:27 <BFM> I've got this old drawing software that has no PDF output. New software does, which is fine... but yeah, looks pretty bad. FREE TRIAL VERSION! 23:18:38 *** Sionide [~sphinx@cpc4-norw5-0-0-cust184.pete.cable.ntl.com] has joined #openttd 23:23:18 *** Vikthor [~Vikthor@snat2.arachne.cz] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:26:54 <blathijs> BFM: sorry, don't know any for windows 23:27:46 <BFM> cheers for checking ^_^ 23:27:50 <glx> pdfcreator on sf.net 23:28:36 *** Wolfy [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 23:29:56 <Coutal> Darkvater: try lspci first 23:30:20 <Coutal> and then some manual modprobes 23:30:25 <Coutal> until it works 23:30:28 *** Coutal is now known as CoutSleep 23:31:18 *** aloneinthedark [~aloneinth@] has joined #openttd 23:31:36 <aloneinthedark> ttd < transport tycoon dexlue? 23:32:04 <aloneinthedark> chris sawyer game?? 23:32:41 <Rexxie> ..yes 23:33:15 *** KritiK [~Maxim@ppp83-237-96-248.pppoe.mtu-net.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:33:37 <Wolf01> 'night 23:33:43 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host44-239-dynamic.8-87-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [] 23:34:08 <aloneinthedark> :O :O 23:34:10 <aloneinthedark> coool 23:35:47 *** Wolfenstiejn [~wolf@h33083.upc-h.chello.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:39:47 *** aloneinthedark [~aloneinth@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:40:05 *** aloneinthedark [~aloneinth@] has joined #openttd 23:40:11 *** aloneinthedark [~aloneinth@] has left #openttd [] 23:42:32 <BFM> Pdfcreater is awesome! 23:44:27 <BFM> Thanks heaps for that! 23:47:35 *** Zaviori [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has joined #openttd 23:48:01 <Sionide> BFM, openoffice exports to pdf by default... so does the gnome editor. why use third party software for everything.. tsk tsk 23:48:26 *** tormentum [~adam@dsl-202-72-142-139.wa.westnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 23:48:50 <Sionide> gnome text editor.. gedit 23:48:52 <BFM> Openoffice won't draw the products I design :P 23:49:43 <BFM> It's a drawing file that I needed to export to PDF. An old format called Minicad, but the PDFcreater printer emulator seems to export just fine, with out the water mark ^_^ 23:53:12 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F4840.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:54:17 *** Zavior [~Zavior@d195-237-7-155.elisa-laajakaista.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:54:32 <tormentum> are we comparing text editors? 23:54:54 *** Zahl [~SENFGURKE@p549F4840.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd