Log for #openttd on 17th June 2010:
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00:02:39  *** Lakie [~Lakie@] has quit [Quit: Sleep.]
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07:02:09  <andythenorth> Yexo: Express, piece goods, refrigerated.....should be 00A4 ?
07:34:58  <andythenorth> nvm, fixed
07:54:27  <planetmaker> peter1138: I think that the tunnel sprites for rail types need two additional sprites
07:54:45  <planetmaker> only an overlay doesn't do it as there'll be always wall which will be behind the train for two of the directions
07:55:08  <planetmaker> thus those directions need two overlays, one before and one behind the train sprite(s)
07:55:19  <planetmaker> like current base set tunnels do as well.
07:55:54  <planetmaker> and as no one yet uses it to my knowledge, it's not a big compatibility issue either
07:56:42  <Terkhen> good morning
07:57:17  <planetmaker> moin Terkhen
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08:02:21  <peter1138> planetmaker, the wall is already provided, no?
08:02:40  <planetmaker> by what?
08:02:50  <peter1138> by the base graphics
08:03:23  <peter1138> wall & tunnel graphics are set by the base graphics set
08:03:32  <peter1138> the rail type just overlays the track
08:04:33  <planetmaker> hm...
08:04:48  <planetmaker> so how would I provide different tunnel entrance sprites? By actionA only?
08:04:49  <__ln__>
08:04:54  <peter1138> you can't
08:05:00  <peter1138> because they're landscape specific
08:05:42  <planetmaker> yes, I know they are. Somewhat. I could provide landscape-unspecific sprites
08:06:43  <planetmaker> but help my understanding a bit more: shows all base sprites
08:06:48  <planetmaker> (mind it's a big site)
08:07:00  <planetmaker> sprites 2365+ define the tunnel sprites
08:07:26  <planetmaker> so the 4 railtype tunnel sprites define exactly what?
08:07:34  <peter1138> the track
08:07:45  <planetmaker> again?
08:08:14  <planetmaker> I mean... the track is defined with overlay and underlay... what kind of track is different in a tunnel?
08:08:30  <peter1138> well
08:08:34  <peter1138> it's different
08:08:38  <peter1138> because it might be shaded
08:08:55  <planetmaker> good point
08:08:56  <peter1138> due to being in shadow
08:09:29  <planetmaker> so that track piece os drawn over the back of the tunnel(s)
08:09:38  <planetmaker> then the train, then the front of the tunnels
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08:12:45  <peter1138> something like that
08:12:47  <peter1138> it may not work
08:14:17  <planetmaker> ok, but we'll see. Now I know how those four sprites are meant to be used
08:14:49  <planetmaker> thanks for clearing that up for me
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08:17:04  <planetmaker> I assumed wrongly their use as tunnel sprites as opposed to tunnel track sprites :-)
08:18:41  <planetmaker> I elaborated a bit (more) in the newgrf wiki
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08:28:32  <planetmaker> is the mulitplayer mode yes/no available for newgrfs?
08:29:01  <peter1138> huh?
08:33:50  <planetmaker> well. There's no base-set independent way to define tunnel sprites
08:34:07  <planetmaker> thus I want to ignore a parameter related to that, if it's a MP game
08:34:25  <planetmaker> But for SP I'd like to provide a switch for TTD or OpenGFX-base set compatible tunnel sprites
08:34:53  <peter1138> ...
08:34:56  <peter1138> well
08:35:09  <peter1138> that's the whole point of only specifying the track
08:35:13  *** einKarl [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
08:35:30  <planetmaker> yes. The track
08:35:48  <planetmaker> But I cannot provide tunnel sprites without considering the base set in use
08:36:12  <planetmaker> I got that now. But it means I cannot define tunnel sprites without knowing the base set in use.
08:36:13  <peter1138> ah
08:36:15  <peter1138> indeed, no
08:36:28  <planetmaker> a pity :-)
08:37:40  <peter1138> backing up 1GB files at 2MB/s is tiresome :(
08:38:22  <__ln__>
08:39:47  <__ln__> "Die vielbefahrene Strecke Braunschweig-Hannover bleibt mindestens bis Montag gesperrt."
08:40:07  <planetmaker> trallalala...
08:40:21  <planetmaker> sounds pretty bad :S
08:40:40  <planetmaker> it's about 30km from here
08:40:47  <peter1138> yeah, unreadable gibberish
08:41:59  <peter1138> "We have been sitting in the room and as it has gerummst. I have quite a few here and rausgeholt through my garden here led to the street"
08:42:04  <peter1138> yes yes
08:42:19  <peter1138> "I have a few minutes trying aufzubekommen the door and I first started"
08:42:25  <peter1138> germans never make sense!
08:42:42  <planetmaker> :-P English fail at foreign languages it seems ;-)
08:43:17  <planetmaker> the translator seems pretty bad. No really uncommon words there
08:43:25  <peter1138> i learnt french, more useful
08:43:30  <peter1138> they have nice wine & stuff
08:43:43  <peter1138> (i'll pretend it still know any of it, hehe)
08:44:08  <SpComb> almost another bridge-trick
08:46:31  <planetmaker> Ce n'est pas trÚs facile, peter1138 :-P
08:46:56  <planetmaker> Encore, changerais la langue d'ici ;-)
08:47:40  <peter1138> it is not very... something :p
08:48:02  <peter1138> easy
08:48:03  <peter1138> hah
08:48:07  <planetmaker> facile? :-)
08:48:19  <planetmaker> hehe
08:49:04  *** peter1138 changed the topic of #openttd to: 1.0.1, 1.0.2-RC1 | Website: * (translator: translator, server list: servers, wiki: wiki, patches & bug-reports: bugs, revision log: vcs, release info: finger) | Speak French Day | Don't ask to ask, just ask
08:49:18  <__ln__> bonsoir merci voilÃ
08:49:18  <SpComb> so, how do you detect a derailed train and warn oncomig trains?
08:49:30  <peter1138> oui oui
08:50:05  <peter1138> je ne sais pas, spcomb
08:50:43  <fjb> Moin
08:50:57  <peter1138> bonjour
08:54:24  <fjb> French day today?
08:55:03  <peter1138> i just declared it
08:55:21  <__ln__> c'est un sensor, ne pas toucher
08:56:35  <planetmaker> peter1138: seems to work quite nicely with the tunnels. But indeed they need their own track sprites, the default track sprites look a bit strange
08:56:58  <peter1138> i'd imagine they draw through the ground
08:57:17  <peter1138> i, uh, didn't really test it might
08:57:20  <peter1138> -might+much
08:57:44  <planetmaker> yes, the tunnel sprites need to supply some kind of underlay, too so that the default track is over-painted
08:58:03  <planetmaker> but they need to provide shadowing, too and their sleepers should not extend over the wall ;-)
08:58:43  <peter1138> *nod*
08:59:02  <planetmaker>
08:59:18  <planetmaker> ^ that's how it looks with my default sprites (combined underlay + tracks)
08:59:43  <planetmaker> I'll have to push Irwe to provide dedicated sprites there
08:59:51  <peter1138> that's not *too* bad
08:59:57  <peter1138> but yeah, needs to go darker
09:00:08  <planetmaker> nope, not too bad. And the snow should go a bit deep in the tunnel
09:00:14  <peter1138> aye
09:00:15  <peter1138> hmm
09:00:22  <peter1138> what's with the bloody mess? heh
09:01:23  <planetmaker> hu?
09:01:31  <planetmaker> oh, you mean the tracks there?
09:01:38  <planetmaker> It's just my track type testing savegame
09:01:47  <planetmaker> having many things visible at one glance
09:01:55  <peter1138> nah, the red blob in the middle
09:02:02  <peter1138> error highlight marker
09:02:40  <planetmaker> yes. I cannot build a rail there with that slope
09:02:48  <planetmaker> mouse cursor with rail building tool enabled
09:03:13  <planetmaker> or rather rail removal tool
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09:51:58  <__ln__> i guess someone at DB is assigned to figuring out how to get from Hannover to Braunschweig on saturday
09:52:44  <planetmaker> probably. If all fails, there'll be replacement busses.
09:53:04  <planetmaker> don't you come from Berlin, though?
09:53:30  <__ln__> nope, I come from Hannover but leave from Berlin
09:53:39  <planetmaker> ah. Just vice versa than Zuu :-P
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09:53:44  <__ln__> yeah :)
09:54:27  <planetmaker> <-- __ln__
09:54:41  <__ln__> got a cheaper return flight from Berlin, and besides haven't been to Berlin yet.
09:55:11  <__ln__> danke
09:55:28  <planetmaker> can you read it?
09:55:56  <__ln__> yes
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09:57:08  <planetmaker> ok, I can also read arabic. The question is whether I'd understand it :-P
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09:59:26  <__ln__> fÃŒnf jahre deutsch in der schule, ich erinnere mich noch etwas.
10:00:01  <Eddi|zuHause> that's better than me with 4 years french...
10:07:51  <Eddi|zuHause> of course i wasn't in france for 10 years...
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10:40:48  <Eddi|zuHause> 10:59:02 <planetmaker> <-- something is wrong with the foundations near the snow line...
10:41:21  <Eddi|zuHause> with the roads, it doesn't show snow at all, and with the rails, it shows snow on the ground tile, but no snow on the rail overlay
10:42:20  <planetmaker> nothing I can do about...
10:42:34  <planetmaker> but indeed
10:43:59  <Ammler> yeah, looks silly, snow in the tunnel, but not on the tracks after it
10:44:21  <planetmaker> well... that's a matter of how the tile height is defined
10:44:51  <planetmaker> <-- I opened this bug report for related discussion :-)
10:44:58  <planetmaker> but I have no good solution(s)
10:45:21  <Ammler> the missing snow on the road foundations might be a openttd bug...
10:45:59  <Ammler> or is that different with original base set?
10:47:47  <Ammler> seems like foundations use the level from bottom instead the "real" level they are thanks to foundations
10:51:14  <peter1138> probably
10:51:46  <peter1138> you could fix it :D
10:52:37  <Ammler> oh, you reported the issue
10:53:16  <Ammler> @commit 12098
10:53:18  <DorpsGek> Ammler: Commit by smatz :: r12098 /trunk/src (rail_cmd.cpp rail_map.h) (2008-02-10 11:35:05 UTC)
10:53:19  <DorpsGek> Ammler: -Fix: make snow appear on rail tiles dependant on track height, not on height of the lowest part of the tile
10:54:01  <Ammler> so you reverted that commit again?
10:55:14  <planetmaker> hm, indeed, it doesn't seem to work
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10:56:41  <planetmaker> well. The rail type uses the lowest corner, not the height it is built upon - unlike the snow - awareness of the ground tile used
10:57:02  <planetmaker> For roads it uses the lowest corner - unlike for rail sprites
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10:57:25  <Ammler> well, on your screen, it works partially for rails
10:57:41  <Ammler> it has snow on side but not between the tracks
10:58:01  <Ammler> like it has on non-foundation tiles
11:03:10  <planetmaker> yes. But ground tiles and tracks are different sprites
11:03:20  <planetmaker> so they obviously determine their height differently
11:03:30  <peter1138> should be easy to fix
11:03:39  <peter1138> apply r12098 to whatever new bits i added
11:03:47  <planetmaker> :-)
11:03:47  <peter1138> get to it, ammler
11:03:59  <planetmaker> @openttd r12098
11:04:04  <planetmaker> @openttd commit 12098
11:04:11  <planetmaker> hm
11:04:12  <DorpsGek> planetmaker: Commit by smatz :: r12098 /trunk/src (rail_cmd.cpp rail_map.h) (2008-02-10 11:35:05 UTC)
11:04:13  <DorpsGek> planetmaker: -Fix: make snow appear on rail tiles dependant on track height, not on height of the lowest part of the tile
11:04:22  <planetmaker> damn. No link :-(
11:09:26  <Ammler> peter1138: imo, not just a bug from you, seems also for example buggy on road foundations..., maybe a generic foundation bug
11:10:04  <SmatZ> r12098 could be buggy
11:10:12  <SmatZ> maybe it doesn't work as expected...
11:10:23  <SmatZ> it worked in the cases I tested
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11:10:53  <Ammler> SmatZ: you might have fixed it for rails only
11:11:19  <Ammler> and on that time, there were no rails overlay, iirc :-)
11:11:44  <SmatZ> yeah, it worked only for rails
11:12:18  <SmatZ> the most visible issue was track on the higher part of a steep slope
11:18:25  <planetmaker> most notably there were no rail types, yes
11:18:41  <planetmaker> and that's the issue we see. It might work with just ground tiles
11:18:53  <planetmaker> that's what it looks like :-)
11:22:34  <peter1138> yeah the "is it snow" code for railtype overlay is in the varaction2 resolver
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13:06:05  <Belugas> helloi
13:06:43  <peter1138> salut
13:16:31  <Belugas> bonne journee peter.  Ca vas bien ce matin? ou cet apres-midi, pour toi
13:20:02  <peter1138> afternoon indeed
13:20:16  <peter1138> j'ai faim
13:20:50  <__ln__> qu'est-ce que
13:24:27  <Belugas> Bois du café! Penses pas a la bouffe!
13:24:28  <planetmaker> hungry
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13:25:03  <__ln__> le hungry
13:26:01  <__ln__> they actualky call quarter-pounder with cheese a royale with cheese in france
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13:26:26  <__ln__> but the argument about metric system doesn't hold with other countries
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13:41:56  <VVG> Hello
13:42:54  <VVG> I have an autoreplace order which i can't undo. It's been done in some past save i don't have anymore, now replace gui shows that vehicles aren't being replcaed, but they are, when visiting depot. I can't find a way to stop it.
13:44:03  <Eddi|zuHause> might be an individual group replacement
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13:45:27  <VVG> hmm
13:45:50  <VVG> that group i actually wanted replaced was replaced long ago and since then i deleted that group
13:47:03  <VVG> found the problem, thx
13:47:17  <VVG> didn't think it's done per group
13:47:32  <VVG> i had ungroped group ordered with autoreplace
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14:14:49  <VVG> Is it possible to turn off "train profit was xxx" messages but still have "train is lost" messages on?
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14:36:38  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, in advanced settings->vehicles->warn when vehicle has negative profit
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15:06:23  <VVG> thanks!
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17:25:57  <Wolf01> hi
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17:45:36  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: translators * r19993 /trunk/src/lang/ (brazilian_portuguese.txt croatian.txt hebrew.txt):
17:45:36  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:36  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: croatian - 6 changes by VoyagerOne
17:45:36  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: hebrew - 47 changes by dnd_man
17:45:36  <CIA-1> OpenTTD: brazilian_portuguese - 11 changes by Tucalipe
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18:12:05  * Alberth speaks no french
18:17:32  * Hirundo ne parle pas Francais aussi
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18:23:30  <andythenorth> evening
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18:33:27  <planetmaker> <-- for those interested in writing newgrfs :-)
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18:41:15  * andythenorth ponders converting FISH to nml
18:41:28  <andythenorth> there isn't much code in FISH, mostly just action 0
18:42:22  <planetmaker> then it's pretty easy to convert, andythenorth
18:43:25  <andythenorth> well maybe a project for later in the year then :)
18:43:44  <planetmaker> :-)
18:43:55  <planetmaker> I guess it mightbe pretty straight forward and could be done in a day
18:44:00  <PeterT> planetmaker: nice job ;)
18:44:11  <planetmaker> PeterT: mostly not my job
18:44:17  <peter1138> so can i still use the feature of newgrf of setting the same property for multiple objects at the same time?
18:44:19  <planetmaker> I'm just the messenger
18:44:28  <PeterT> planetmaker: yes, nice post
18:44:45  <planetmaker> peter1138: I haven't tried... dunno
18:45:09  <planetmaker> ^ Yexo ? :-)
18:45:15  <peter1138> doesn't look like the syntax supports it at all
18:45:24  <Hirundo> While loop should work, I think
18:45:29  <peter1138> but it might be a 'compiler optimization' i guess
18:45:50  <Yexo> peter1138: that's not possible currently
18:46:03  <Yexo> it's indeed a possible "compiler optimization" later on, though not really a high priority
18:46:21  <peter1138> it's required! i need to save 3 bytes from my newgrf!
18:46:35  <peter1138> hehe
18:46:42  <Yexo> in that case I'll gladly refer you back to nfo :p
18:46:45  <peter1138> generic buffers uses it
18:47:59  <planetmaker> I hardly ever needed to define the same thing for a whole range of items only and nothing else which didn't differ
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19:22:46  <andythenorth> FIRS 914
19:22:53  <andythenorth> maybe I can make 1k by Saturday :P
19:24:23  <Alberth> @calc (1000-914) / 3
19:24:23  <DorpsGek> Alberth: 28.6666666667
19:34:00  <andythenorth> FIRS 920
19:42:09  * andythenorth is clustering mines
19:42:17  <andythenorth> not sure if Sand / Gravel Pits should cluster
19:42:31  <andythenorth> they are large, and tend to cluster on the map anyway due to needing flat land
19:43:45  <Terkhen> I agree on that, they cluster already
19:44:21  <planetmaker> they don't need to cluster (more)
19:46:31  <Eddi|zuHause> have i mentioned that i don't like the gravel pits?
19:47:20  <Eddi|zuHause> my understanding of a gravel pit is more what pikka is doing
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20:04:02  <fjb> Cluster them around rivers. :-)
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20:16:13  <Eddi|zuHause> the speak french day doesn't cause them much luck...
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20:31:30  <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: the problem is that I don't want to draw proper quarrries
20:31:40  <andythenorth> the bauxite and iron ore mine have the same issue :P
20:33:49  <andythenorth> hmm
20:34:06  <andythenorth> is it likely there will be a TTDP implementation of nml?
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20:35:05  <planetmaker> andythenorth: NML supports newgrf specs
20:35:15  <planetmaker> you can code newgrfs with it just as with NFO
20:35:16  <andythenorth> so separate project
20:35:19  <andythenorth> ok
20:35:21  <andythenorth> makes sense
20:35:22  <planetmaker> why would you?
20:35:24  <andythenorth> I was thinking wrong
20:35:45  <planetmaker> same as before. Just use if (ttd_platform == TTDPATCH) { blubber } else { blah }
20:36:19  <planetmaker> like in my opening posting :-)
20:36:28  <planetmaker> the code should show that both are supported ;-)
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20:48:15  <Wolf01> 'night
20:48:22  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
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20:58:15  * andythenorth is baffled by advanced varaction 2
21:00:15  * andythenorth unbaffles self
21:01:38  * andythenorth solves clustering for mines
21:01:52  <andythenorth> but it looks about the same as the default placement routine :P
21:03:32  <Eddi|zuHause> maybe you should increase the spread (in numbers to generate) between primary and secondary industries
21:04:10  <Eddi|zuHause> if the average cluster size is 3, and you might want 2 clusters per secondary industry, you should maybe create 6 ore mines for each steel mill
21:05:17  <andythenorth> maybe
21:05:21  <andythenorth> it's plausible
21:05:41  <andythenorth> but the numbers of industries generated aren't under my control to that extent
21:05:50  <andythenorth> the random generation is unfathomable
21:05:57  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, you can set the ratio
21:06:03  <Eddi|zuHause> roughly
21:06:35  <andythenorth> it's very rough, and frosch explained it to me once, it made sense, but has the potential to produce unexpected results
21:07:01  <andythenorth> the scaling by map size is also currently bizarre
21:08:43  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, but it shouldn't change the ratios
21:08:49  <andythenorth> true
21:09:29  <andythenorth> I wouldn't rule out some tweaks to get good ratios of secondary : primary
21:09:45  <andythenorth> there's also distance to consider
21:10:06  <planetmaker> I wouln't bother about distances
21:10:16  <andythenorth> I meant that a surfeit of secondary can be useful to prevent insane distances from primary to seconday
21:10:21  <andythenorth> secondary /s
21:10:48  <andythenorth> fewer secondary on the map = higher chance of insane distance
21:12:33  <planetmaker> there's no insane distance on any map size
21:13:13  <planetmaker> it might happen to be large for a single primary -> secondary type. But not for all
21:13:20  <planetmaker> And when I have money, I prefer the long routes
21:13:32  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, i agree with planetmaker
21:13:39  <planetmaker> Chines manufacturers may be far away, but they're cheap :-P
21:13:42  <planetmaker> +e
21:13:49  <Eddi|zuHause> it makes for more variation on which cargo to start with
21:14:13  <Eddi|zuHause> besides i usually start with passengers anyway ;)
21:14:17  <planetmaker> :-)
21:14:45  <Eddi|zuHause> there's always a large city which can sustain a tram network
21:14:57  <Eddi|zuHause> makes for low but steady income without large investment
21:17:03  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... i have a feeling ntfs-3g corrupts my files...
21:17:59  <andythenorth> FIRS 929 :)
21:18:10  <andythenorth> and everything is a valid commit, no stupidly atomic changes :)
21:19:24  * andythenorth blew up the game
21:21:21  <Eddi|zuHause> as long as you have not lost the game ;)
21:21:49  <andythenorth> I just lost the game
21:22:00  <andythenorth> I believe you just cheated :P
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21:33:17  * andythenorth wonders whether to make clustering optional
21:34:57  <planetmaker> no need IMHO. As long as not everything clusters :-)
21:36:34  <andythenorth> makes minimap look kind of funky :P
21:36:55  <andythenorth> I'm going to use the same code to anti-cluster secondary industries
21:37:08  <andythenorth> players will still be able to cluster them if desired of course
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21:49:24  <Terkhen> good night
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22:53:54  <andythenorth> FIRS 936
22:53:58  <andythenorth> and good night
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