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00:01:16 <Zuu> Wasn't there a website which had a graph over how much of the checked in source code that is written in different languages? 00:03:25 *** KritiK [~Maxim@95-26-80-85.broadband.corbina.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:09:26 <Eddi|zuHause> http://www.ohloh.net/p/openttd/analyses/latest 00:09:48 *** Zuu [~Zuu@h-114-141.a98.priv.bahnhof.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:09:50 <Eddi|zuHause> not sure where they get "XML" from 00:10:18 *** hanf [~Klaus@host-2-96-16-126.as13285.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 00:10:50 <planetmaker> I miss the objective C 00:11:15 <planetmaker> but maybe that's "Other" ;-) 00:12:32 <planetmaker> and I should scroll 00:13:02 <glx> VB is wrong, it's VBS :) 00:13:09 <michi_cc> Eddi|zuHause: From the MSVC project files. 00:13:17 <glx> ha right 00:14:23 <michi_cc> And for the C entry I guess they count .h as C and not C++. 00:26:14 * peter1138 smirks at people discovering 4 year old features 00:27:20 <Eddi|zuHause> well... it IS a "hidden feature" :p 00:31:29 <peter1138> YAEZ is now 31KB 00:31:51 *** APTX [APTX@89-78-217-144.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:32:05 <peter1138> 24KB smaller than the last one 00:32:23 *** Adambean [~AdamR@82.hosts.reece-eu.net] has quit [Quit: Gone fishing] 00:34:22 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~Flex@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:36:24 *** Zephyris [~Zephyris_@host86-164-167-123.range86-164.btcentralplus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 00:40:55 *** APTX [APTX@89-78-217-144.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #openttd 01:18:10 *** Jabol [~Jabol@213-238-112-150.adsl.inetia.pl] has quit [] 01:21:56 *** pugi [~pugi@dyndsl-091-096-039-089.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has quit [Quit: I reject your reality and substitute my own] 01:22:41 <Eddi|zuHause> the third time you can get it in 7kB! 01:34:58 *** Brianetta [~brian@188-220-91-30.zone11.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Quit: TschÃŒÃ] 02:09:04 *** Elukka [Elukka@78-27-80-61.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #openttd 02:10:20 *** glx [glx@2a01:e35:2f59:c7c0:5959:3f74:7b71:d726] has quit [Quit: bye] 03:09:02 *** pjpe [ade6a119@ircip4.mibbit.com] has joined #openttd 03:23:51 *** rhaeder1 [~quix0r@dslb-094-221-135-224.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 03:28:47 *** rhaeder [~quix0r@dslb-188-109-243-239.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:52:22 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B73A0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 03:52:38 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B73A0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 05:30:00 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-71-92.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #openttd 05:54:05 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B73A0E.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:54:26 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p54B73AB1.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 06:10:06 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-71-92.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:41:58 *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@ip-86-49-59-25.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 06:42:39 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@5e0a9627.bb.sky.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:43:38 *** ptr [~peter@c213-89-142-179.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #openttd 07:07:41 *** Cybertinus [~Cybertinu@tunnel3304.ipv6.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 07:35:37 *** sla_ro|master [~slaco@] has joined #openttd 07:35:53 <peter1138> :) 07:38:41 *** MrSieb [~01Mr@chello062178128065.5.13.vie.surfer.at] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 07:39:16 *** ptr [~peter@c213-89-142-179.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Quit: Zzzzzz] 07:51:14 <planetmaker> moin 07:52:36 *** Zuu [~Zuu@h-114-141.a98.priv.bahnhof.se] has joined #openttd 07:57:41 *** pjpe [ade6a119@ircip4.mibbit.com] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 08:21:27 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1B5F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 08:22:16 *** Zuu [~Zuu@h-114-141.a98.priv.bahnhof.se] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:23:59 *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@ip-86-49-59-25.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 08:35:47 *** Neon [~Neon@dslb-094-219-009-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 09:08:19 <lugo> in opengfx 0.3.4, when you set the bank chain to gold and diamonds, both have the same in color in the cargo payment rates diagram 09:08:36 <lugo> tested for tropic climate only yet; is that known? 09:09:37 *** Celestar [~dax@] has joined #openttd 09:11:58 *** Brianetta [~brian@188-220-91-30.zone11.bethere.co.uk] has joined #openttd 09:12:01 <peter1138> when you what? 09:12:26 <planetmaker> http://dev.openttdcoop.org/issues/2612 <-- In opengfx+ Industries: yes 09:12:51 <planetmaker> assuming that minimap and cargo payment colour is the same 09:12:56 <peter1138> oh, opengfx+ industries 09:12:58 <peter1138> not opengfx 09:13:12 <planetmaker> yes. It's quite a bit of a difference :-) 09:15:45 <lugo> oops i accidently.. 09:16:05 <Celestar> \o 09:23:07 <peter1138> o/ 09:23:18 <peter1138> hmm, right, i ought to fix that smallmap 09:23:49 <peter1138> lol 09:23:56 <peter1138> river generation has created a 9x9 square lake :p 09:25:04 <Celestar> rofl 09:28:13 <peter1138> tgp really sucks for artic/tropic :( 09:28:51 * Celestar wonders whether vim triggers a BufRead event if it reads from stdin 09:28:57 <peter1138> oh wait, the snow line was set to 13. no wonder nothing much was above it 09:29:06 <peter1138> even so, it's still not great :S 09:29:41 <peter1138> and as i say that i get the best map ever 09:40:30 *** TWerkhoven [~twerkhove@cpc12-linl7-2-0-cust144.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 09:43:21 <planetmaker> :-) 09:47:36 *** B-17 [~B-17@213-238-112-150.adsl.inetia.pl] has joined #openttd 09:55:24 *** DDR [~chatzilla@] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.87 [Firefox 7.0.1/20110928224508]] 09:55:37 *** B-17 [~B-17@213-238-112-150.adsl.inetia.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 10:02:31 <dihedral> killed an old nameserver yesterday at work 10:03:02 <dihedral> today we noticed that enough domains were still running over it due to someone simply having added iptables rules to forward port 53 to the current nameservers in use 10:03:03 <dihedral> ... 10:03:05 <dihedral> \o/ 10:08:51 <peter1138> how does refitting alter the number of articulated parts? 10:08:58 <peter1138> or is it a magic trick? 10:09:02 <planetmaker> magic trick 10:09:19 <planetmaker> use CB36 for length and don't draw all parts 10:11:23 <peter1138> cunning 10:12:01 <peter1138> 2x zoom is nice 10:12:07 <planetmaker> very much so, yes 10:12:08 <peter1138> 4x is... erm... silly but never mind 10:12:19 <planetmaker> doesn't hurt ;-) 10:13:02 <planetmaker> maybe the max_zoomlevel should be a config file only option to allow continued use on low-memory devices? 10:20:17 <peter1138> possibly 10:22:25 <peter1138> hmm, where's that vehicle following code... 10:22:35 <peter1138> it only works on ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL for no reason :) 10:36:50 <peter1138> planetmaker, you're using the 32bpp blitter, right? 10:37:21 <planetmaker> that's right 10:37:26 <planetmaker> at least currently 10:37:28 <planetmaker> that varies 10:37:32 <planetmaker> why? 10:37:34 <peter1138> me too :) 10:38:06 <peter1138> that alone requires 5x the spritecache size 10:38:14 <peter1138> so... 10:38:31 <peter1138> old 8bpp -> ez 32bpp needs 105x spritecache o_O 10:38:33 <planetmaker> but setting it to 80 instead of 4 worked fine 10:38:38 <peter1138> yes 10:38:41 <peter1138> except the max is 64 :) 10:38:47 <planetmaker> :-D 10:38:51 <peter1138> i changed that too 10:38:59 <peter1138> 64 isn't enough if you have a load of newgrfs loaded 10:39:10 <peter1138> should be plenty in 8bpp though 10:39:11 <peter1138> hmm 10:41:32 *** andythenorth [~Andy@78-86-194-127.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has joined #openttd 10:41:36 <peter1138> quick hide 10:41:54 * andythenorth hides 10:42:05 <peter1138> :D 10:42:14 <andythenorth> why are we hiding? :o 10:43:01 <peter1138> i'm playing with FIRS 10:43:02 <planetmaker> http://imagebin.org/185290 <-- because dikes broke 10:43:10 <peter1138> but i only linked two industries :p 10:43:28 * andythenorth will definitely hide in that case 10:43:28 <peter1138> planetmaker, uh? 10:43:31 *** raidghost [raidghost@levende.rose.no] has joined #openttd 10:43:45 <planetmaker> not your doing, peter1138 ;-) 10:43:48 <peter1138> ohh 10:43:54 <planetmaker> I broke them 10:43:57 <peter1138> looks similar :p 10:44:06 <planetmaker> I still have your patch, though ;-) 10:44:12 <peter1138> really? :D 10:44:14 <b_jonas> oopsie 10:44:28 <peter1138> i think yaez works a bit better than the last variant 10:44:37 <peter1138> it's also... smaller 10:44:37 <andythenorth> oh noes 10:44:44 <andythenorth> you'll be able to see all the errors in FIRS :P 10:45:12 <peter1138> i should've grabbed newstations :S 10:45:36 <andythenorth> just add it to your game 10:46:17 <peter1138> could do 10:46:23 <peter1138> but i'd have to ignore the big red warning 10:46:32 <peter1138> :D 10:47:22 <peter1138> hmm 10:47:26 <peter1138> i could really break things 10:47:32 <peter1138> by changing TILE_SIZE to 64 :p 10:47:38 <planetmaker> :-D 10:48:54 <peter1138> you'd get smoother movement, mind you 10:49:02 <peter1138> but all those tile layouts would be wrong 10:49:04 <planetmaker> :-) 10:49:25 <peter1138> could be multiplied i guess 10:49:37 <andythenorth> peter1138: you *have* developer newgrf tools turned on right? 10:49:38 <andythenorth> :P 10:49:57 <peter1138> so you'd only notice a difference for slow moving vehicles... probably not worth it :D 10:50:09 <peter1138> andythenorth, yes, though i don't develop them these days 10:50:21 <peter1138> i don't have newstats installed :p 10:51:57 <andythenorth> we should change that message to 'with great power etc...' 10:54:49 <peter1138> balls 10:54:57 <peter1138> i forgot to set up a bus route in one of the towns 10:55:00 <peter1138> now it hates me :( 10:55:12 <planetmaker> plant trees 10:56:45 <peter1138> weird 10:56:57 <peter1138> the tree planter in arctic... has 12 slots but only 8 are usable 10:57:01 <peter1138> last 4 are empty 10:57:05 <peter1138> can they just be hidden? 10:57:48 *** sla_ro|master [~slaco@] has quit [] 10:58:50 <Xaroth> hm 10:58:56 <Xaroth> mega screenshots are indeed, mega... 10:59:06 <Xaroth> imagemagick is not giving me the love I need... 10:59:26 <Xaroth> takes half an hour to even begin doing something 11:00:13 <peter1138> heh, cool, a 200+ tile long river :) 11:01:05 <peter1138> oh, FISH introduction dates were never done :S 11:02:50 <peter1138> Tick 15214: GRF config changed 11:02:52 <peter1138> NoooooooooooooOO! 11:02:54 <peter1138> hehe 11:07:23 <peter1138> kik 11:07:26 <peter1138> erm, i mean 11:07:27 <peter1138> lol 11:07:35 <peter1138> planetmaker, have you tried to build a ship? 11:07:41 <andythenorth> peter1138: FISH introduction dates definitely were done :) 11:07:44 <andythenorth> they were done wrong 11:07:44 <planetmaker> no, should I? 11:07:46 <andythenorth> deliberately 11:07:50 <peter1138> andythenorth, 1870? :( 11:08:03 <planetmaker> looool 11:08:14 <andythenorth> I decided that for ships, moar > accuracy 11:08:25 <andythenorth> at least until I find a drawing slave 11:10:11 <peter1138> ok, what's good for 2 fishing grounds of 45t? 11:10:37 <andythenorth> a boat 11:10:42 <planetmaker> peter1138: I guess the window could become _slightly_ smaller ;-) 11:11:08 <andythenorth> peter1138: depends on how far you need to go, and if you want to arse about with feeders 11:11:19 <planetmaker> I never thought that FISH would look tiny... http://imagebin.org/185292 11:11:30 <andythenorth> ha 11:13:20 <b_jonas> lol 11:13:31 <peter1138> everything needs "testing" 11:15:54 <TrueBrain> right, time to write OpenDoom3, who wants to help? *me whistles 10 seconds* there, done! EPIC! 11:16:07 <planetmaker> ;-) 11:16:20 <TrueBrain> (Doom 3 source code is released, FYI :P) 11:16:30 <planetmaker> I know ;-) 11:16:36 <TrueBrain> just telling the others :P 11:21:50 <peter1138> heh 11:22:09 <peter1138> now you just need 5+ years for someone to make some 32bpp artwork ;p 11:30:06 *** andythenorth is now known as Guest17997 11:30:06 *** Guest17997 [~Andy@78-86-194-127.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 11:30:06 *** andythenorth [~Andy@78-86-194-127.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has joined #openttd 11:48:36 *** TinoDidriksen [~TinoDidri@alpha.visl.sdu.dk] has quit [Quit: http://tinodidriksen.com/] 12:24:27 <peter1138> planetmaker, fixed that... http://fuzzle.org/~petern/ottd/yaez2.diff 12:25:22 <planetmaker> sweet :-) I'll give it a shot once gimp is finished building :-O 12:25:29 <peter1138> heh 12:25:42 <peter1138> gimp: the reason gnome is 12:27:31 <peter1138> hmm, snappy name, really... GNU's Not Unix Image Manipulation Program Tool Kit 12:27:59 <planetmaker> yes... currently gtk builds... 12:28:38 <peter1138> hmm, the sprite aligner is wrong :) 12:30:48 <peter1138> heh 12:30:52 <peter1138> fixedish 12:33:47 <planetmaker> peter1138: maybe you should make a repo of it like tb did with nogo which could be compiled. It'd please the few remaining EZ people :-) 12:34:10 <peter1138> but it's tiny 12:41:43 <MNIM> ...Whoops. 12:41:57 <MNIM> I was *this* far from accidentally posting my password here 12:58:48 <Eddi|zuHause> don't worry, if you post your password here, it'll be replaced with ****** 13:00:21 <MNIM> riiiiiight. 13:00:24 <MNIM> fuckshits. 13:00:26 <MNIM> ...hey 13:00:30 <MNIM> it doesn't work! 13:10:39 <Eddi|zuHause> it'll be displayed for you, because it's your password 13:10:39 *** andythenorth [~Andy@78-86-194-127.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 13:10:46 <Eddi|zuHause> but for us it's ****** 13:11:03 <MNIM> riiiight 13:11:25 <planetmaker> :-) you two read too much bash.org 13:11:40 <MNIM> Haven't, lately 13:12:11 <Eddi|zuHause> haven't read that in ages 13:16:26 <peter1138> it is a bit of a classic that one 13:16:50 <MNIM> true 13:17:48 *** Adambean [~AdamR@82.hosts.reece-eu.net] has joined #openttd 13:30:13 *** MNIM [~mBuntu@ip5452ffad.adsl-surfen.hetnet.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:30:30 *** glx [glx@2a01:e35:2f59:c7c0:8135:c92e:4b8c:3176] has joined #openttd 13:30:33 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 13:33:39 <Eddi|zuHause> Yexo: (NameError) "global name 'expression' is not defined". "nml/actions/action0properties.py", line 221, in ctt_list 13:34:01 <Yexo> remove "expression." from there 13:36:03 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23293 /trunk/src/ (4 files in 2 dirs): -Codechange: make LoadScript/LoadFile non-static 13:36:39 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23294 /trunk/src/script/squirrel_helper.hpp: -Codechange: sq_pop in native callback is just a waste of CPU cycles, as the top is reset in all cases 13:37:40 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23295 /trunk/src/ (13 files in 3 dirs): -Codechange: put ImportLibrary in AIController (and document the parameters for NoAI docs) 13:40:26 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23296 /trunk/src/town.h: -Codechange: I found a fund building, but do I fund found buildings? 13:41:11 <Eddi|zuHause> how are you funding buildings if you haven't found them yet? 13:41:43 <TrueBrain> a valid question ;) 13:41:52 <TrueBrain> I just dislike to have to pay to found buildings :P 13:42:26 <Noldo> is founding buildings the process of making foundations for the buildings? 13:42:34 <Eddi|zuHause> (of course there's a huge difference between "found" and "founded") 13:42:41 <TrueBrain> I think it is a spotter who locates the buildings in a town 13:42:43 <TrueBrain> and says: FOUND ONE 13:43:04 *** TomyLobo2 [~foo@p4FC23A71.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #openttd 13:43:29 <Eddi|zuHause> in german we have a saying that translates to "you can't see the forest, because all the trees are in the way" 13:43:34 <planetmaker> it's easy to find a building in town, it's moderately difficult to fund one and somewhat near impossible to found one ;-) 13:43:45 <Xaroth> Eddi|zuHause: the dutch have that one too 13:48:50 *** Kurimus [~stabbity@dsl-tkubrasgw3-fe93dd00-34.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 13:48:51 *** TomyLobo [~foo@p4FC2370A.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:48:52 *** TomyLobo2 is now known as TomyLobo 13:50:08 *** TinoDidriksen [~TinoDidri@alpha.visl.sdu.dk] has joined #openttd 13:52:05 <Eddi|zuHause> that reminds me of the first time i realized that "forest" and "trees" are something different in Transport Tycoon 13:52:25 <TrueBrain> a lot of trees doesnt make a forest :D 13:52:43 <Eddi|zuHause> these forests _really_ were hidden between all the trees :) 13:53:18 <Eddi|zuHause> i think i noticed because i couldn't remove some trees, while i could remove others 13:53:31 <TrueBrain> broz :D 13:53:38 <Sacro> Eddi|zuHause: can't see the wood for the trees? 13:53:53 <Eddi|zuHause> Sacro: yes, if that's what you people say 13:53:54 <planetmaker> hey bro, be careful with the trees ;-) 13:55:49 <__ln__> finns have that too, both in finnish and swedish 13:56:18 <Eddi|zuHause> must be a _really old_ saying 14:01:39 <peter1138> hm 14:01:50 <peter1138> who wants EZ? 14:02:06 <Eddi|zuHause> ' 14:02:33 <planetmaker> '' 14:05:22 <Rubidium> enduring zabernism? 14:07:31 <peter1138> exactly 14:10:40 *** andythenorth [~Andy@78-86-194-127.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has joined #openttd 14:11:47 *** Neon [~Neon@dslb-094-219-009-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: Python is way too complicated... I prefer doing it quickly in C.] 14:12:15 <peter1138> andythenorth doesn't though 14:12:29 <andythenorth> I do though 14:12:32 <andythenorth> whatever it was 14:12:40 <Terkhen> hello 14:12:59 <Rubidium> oh, andy wants enduring zabernism... poor andy 14:15:05 <andythenorth> sounds terrible 14:15:15 <andythenorth> I want EZ and a pixel editor in the game 14:15:17 <andythenorth> thanks 14:15:33 <andythenorth> just hook it to a png library and grfcodec, we're all done 14:23:05 <peter1138> hmm, i wonder if i can use this 200+ tile long river :D 14:24:31 <peter1138> hmm, oil 14:24:39 <peter1138> but the refinery is inland :( 14:24:45 <planetmaker> yes, rivers liketo have oil added to them ;-) 14:25:32 <planetmaker> especially the shell river which comes from lake aral and goes into the exxon sea 14:35:19 <peter1138> hmm, tooltip position is wrong 14:36:03 <peter1138> ah, cursor size. hmm. 14:41:52 <Belugas> hello 14:42:18 <peter1138> fixed ;D 14:42:24 <Belugas> we have our first snow fall! 5cm during the night, and we are expecting 2-4 more today 14:42:45 <Eddi|zuHause> man you're glad! 14:42:56 <Eddi|zuHause> :p 14:43:15 <Eddi|zuHause> and you're 44 minutes late :p 14:45:53 <peter1138> hmm, still some broken bits :p 14:49:43 <andythenorth> rivers are never where you want them :P 14:49:59 <andythenorth> how about we try building towns and industries and crap near rivers? 14:55:30 <Belugas> Eddi|zuHause, not really glad, as you would guess ;) My son was delirious on his way to school. And the drivers on the road were so cautious (or stupid, which is quite the same sometimes) that it took me longer to get in, thus the late arrival 14:55:48 <peter1138> http://fuzzle.org/~petern/ottd/yaez3.diff < bug free⢠14:57:45 <Belugas> haaa... zoom out more levels :) 14:57:57 <TrueBrain> what? peter1138 made OpenTTD bug free? EPIC! :D 14:57:59 <TrueBrain> *troll* 14:58:02 <Belugas> i though it was a zoom in 14:58:16 <Belugas> not disappointed, note :) 14:58:33 <peter1138> no, it is 14:58:38 <Belugas> TrueBrain, he's practicing for work :D 14:58:43 <Belugas> it is? 14:58:48 * Belugas reads more closely 15:02:17 <peter1138> ah, 4x 8bpp-debug :p 15:17:15 <peter1138> http://fuzzle.org/~petern/ottd/yaez2.png < funny mishap i had earlier :D 15:20:33 <Eddi|zuHause> looks like a bobby car on lego-roads :p 15:22:05 <andythenorth> peter1138: that's not a mishap, you clearly are using HEQS 15:22:31 <peter1138> heh 15:23:08 <Eddi|zuHause> for the extra heavy passengers? :p 15:23:18 <Eddi|zuHause> must be in america :p 15:23:58 *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@ip-86-49-59-25.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 15:24:24 <peter1138> that mask looks a bit shoddy around the edges :p 15:33:30 * peter1138 ponders 15:35:17 * andythenorth does that occasionally 15:35:51 <andythenorth> so....grfv8 should remove prop 1D trains (and equiv. other vehicle types)? Or not? 15:36:18 <peter1138> no 15:37:05 <peter1138> it would just add more code for no reason 15:37:24 * Belugas cannot understand the zoom in part... 15:37:32 * Belugas decides to go back to payment processing instead 15:37:46 * andythenorth goes back to making the internets 15:37:50 <peter1138> Belugas, it's sneaky. i changed the base tile size 15:38:10 <peter1138> (but not via TILE_SIZE, cos that would just mess everything up) 15:38:38 <peter1138> andythenorth, removing a property is a different kettle of fish from "removing" a callback, which is really just a case of not calling it 15:39:26 <andythenorth> ok 15:39:39 <andythenorth> mmm 15:39:43 <andythenorth> kettles provide tea 15:40:08 * andythenorth -> tea 15:40:43 <peter1138> same here 15:41:07 * Belugas hums 15:41:08 <Belugas> mhhhh 15:41:45 <peter1138> hm 15:42:19 <peter1138> everyone's busy reviewing nogo, maybe i should just sneak this in now ;p 15:44:17 <Noldo> what's this? 15:44:22 <peter1138> nothing 15:46:56 <planetmaker> maybe it needs some zooming in onto the patch to find its effect 15:48:59 <peter1138> i left a little teaser on the screenshots forum ;) 15:49:07 <peter1138> (it's the dodgy image) 15:49:33 <Rubidium> peter1138: "zoomed in screenshot" does actually zoom out when zoomed in 15:50:17 <peter1138> probably :) 15:51:48 <peter1138> ah it uses ZOOM_LVL_WORLD_SCREENSHOT for zoomed in... ok... 15:52:16 <Rubidium> the question is which zoom level the screenshot should be made in 15:53:29 <peter1138> i'm going for ZOOM_LVL_NORMAL 15:53:39 <peter1138> it does says zoomed in, after all 15:53:44 *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@ip-86-49-59-25.net.upcbroadband.cz] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 15:54:06 <peter1138> good call though, i've not tested any screenshots other than ^S 15:54:15 <peter1138> i didn't know zoomed in even existed, actually 15:55:47 <peter1138> hmm, giant screenshot is the right size 15:55:50 <peter1138> but it's in the wrong place 15:58:52 <peter1138> building docks on rivers is awkward 16:01:31 <peter1138> silly boat, you're going the wrong way 16:02:11 <Rubidium> hmm, one "big" problem with 4x zoom: glitches become so much more noticable 16:02:31 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23297 /trunk/src/ (strings.cpp table/control_codes.h table/strgen_tables.h): -Add: {CARGO_TINY} (Rubidium) 16:03:05 <peter1138> which glitches? 16:03:06 <Rubidium> e.g. fence vs bridge pylon and signal vs bridge pylon 16:03:23 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23298 /trunk/ (19 files in 4 dirs): -Add: track statistics of all incoming and outgoing goods. Incoming based on TownEffect, outgoing based on CargoType (based on patch by Terkhen) 16:04:02 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23299 /trunk/src/ai/api/ (ai_company.hpp ai_industry.hpp ai_town.hpp): -Codechange: remove silly comments from AI documentation 16:04:31 <Xaroth> he's on fireh :o 16:04:57 <Rubidium> and ship on aqueduct bridge head with a bridge over it 16:05:17 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23300 /trunk/src/ (6 files in 3 dirs): -Add: show on the GUI when a town grows and make a general framework to store goals of a town 16:06:27 *** Celestar [~dax@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:06:38 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23301 /trunk/src/lang/ (49 files in 2 dirs): -Fix: remove changed strings from all languages and alter those we can 16:07:34 <peter1138> lol 16:07:36 <Rubidium> must say signal states are much easier to distinguish though 16:07:38 <peter1138> that looks illy, yes 16:07:41 <peter1138> +s 16:07:50 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23302 /trunk/src/ai/ (8 files in 2 dirs): -Add: [NoAI] AITown::GetCargoGoal and AITown::GetGrowthRate to query statistics about a town regarding its growing 16:08:10 <peter1138> never used aqueducts. that issue is in trunk too, yes? 16:08:22 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23303 /trunk/src/ (4 files in 3 dirs): -Add: economy.fund_buildings, to disallow funding buildings 16:08:43 <Rubidium> peter1138: I guess it is; you didn't change the sprite sorting, did you? 16:09:04 <peter1138> nope 16:09:18 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23304 /trunk/src/saveload/saveload.cpp: -Add: bump the savegame to start storing the new bits and pieces 16:11:43 <peter1138> i wonder if ships could be fixed a bit by drawing them as subsprites 16:12:25 <peter1138> such a huge bounding box :) 16:14:38 <planetmaker> I gave "you" another two screenshots, peter1138 ;-) 16:14:41 <planetmaker> randomly 16:15:21 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: rubidium * r23305 /trunk/src/ai/api/ai_cargo.cpp: -Fix (r23298): warning about comparing different enums 16:16:45 <peter1138> :) 16:20:18 <Rubidium> peter1138: enduring zabernism seems to work (I at least couldn't find a place that misbehaves) 16:20:39 <Rubidium> besides the "zoomed in" screenshot that might need renaming to "normal zoom" screenshot or so 16:21:28 <peter1138> i changed it so that it is zoomed in now 16:21:46 <peter1138> makes sense for if larger sprites are used. or something. hmm. 16:23:43 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23306 /trunk/src/ai/api/ (ai_cargo.cpp ai_changelog.hpp): -Fix (r23302): forgot to mention AITownEffectList in the Changelog 16:27:37 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23307 /trunk/src/ai/api/ai_cargo.cpp: -Revert (r23306): committed one file too many :s 16:28:50 *** Prof_Frink [~proffrink@5e0a9627.bb.sky.com] has joined #openttd 16:30:43 *** ottd [~opera@p5495867E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 16:33:35 *** ottd [~opera@p5495867E.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [] 16:33:36 <planetmaker> can I conditionally skip the parameter of a string in a translation? 16:33:53 <planetmaker> i.e. not ouput the value "1"? 16:34:28 <TrueBrain> user example? 16:34:32 <TrueBrain> user = use 16:34:49 <planetmaker> your strings ;-) 16:34:57 <planetmaker> {BLACK}Town grows every {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK} day{P "" s} (funded) 16:35:10 <planetmaker> The town grows continuously 16:35:14 <planetmaker> The town grows daily 16:35:22 <planetmaker> The town grows every {COMMA} days 16:35:37 <TrueBrain> hahaha 16:35:45 <TrueBrain> never considered those options :D 16:35:47 <TrueBrain> I kinda like them :) 16:35:59 <TrueBrain> but that would be a bad translation ;) 16:36:08 <planetmaker> :-P 16:36:26 <planetmaker> into AE ;-) 16:36:31 <TrueBrain> so change english.txt or translate 1 on 1 16:36:58 <Yexo> {BLACK}Town grows {0:P "daily" "every {ORANGE}{COMMA}{BLACK} days"} (funded) <- you can try that 16:37:07 <Yexo> but it's unsupported, and probably doesn't work 16:37:26 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: AE? 16:37:33 <planetmaker> american english 16:37:37 <TrueBrain> ah :) 16:37:50 <TrueBrain> I guess it should be done from the source 16:37:57 <TrueBrain> in case of 1 (or < 1), make it another string 16:38:13 <TrueBrain> The town grows every day 16:38:16 <TrueBrain> that would be nice too :) 16:38:26 <TrueBrain> The town grows every 1 day looks silly .. 16:38:28 <TrueBrain> meh :D 16:38:59 *** ee [~Guest@81-178-167-247.dsl.pipex.com] has joined #openttd 16:39:06 <Xaroth> eeeeeeeeeeeeeee :o 16:39:06 <TrueBrain> I see your point planetmaker :) 16:39:25 *** ee [~Guest@81-178-167-247.dsl.pipex.com] has left #openttd [] 16:41:13 <Rubidium> Yexo: it definitely doesn't work, and if it did would only be a solution for a few languages 16:42:23 <TrueBrain> don't more places have the same issue? 16:43:03 <planetmaker> Not that I know 16:45:13 <TrueBrain> funny :D 16:45:51 <Yexo> <Eddi|zuHause> Yexo: (NameError) "global name 'expression' is not defined". "nml/actions/action0properties.py", line 221, in ctt_list <- was that fixed by removing the ".expression" from that line? 16:47:13 <planetmaker> TrueBrain: I can't translate {CARGO_TINY} 16:47:16 <planetmaker> Invalid command {CARGO_TINY} 16:47:16 <planetmaker> Missing a {UNKNOWN0} command 16:47:35 <Yexo> planetmaker: bananas checks valid commands via strgen output 16:47:41 <Yexo> so you'll have to wait for the next strgen update 16:47:50 <planetmaker> meh 16:48:18 <Yexo> hmm, how is strgen actually compiled? 16:48:24 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: gimme a sec to fix that 16:49:58 <TrueBrain> planetmaker: does it work now? 16:50:18 <TrueBrain> I forgot to update strgen during my commits, so I am unsure if I have to revalidate everything or not :) 16:50:56 <planetmaker> nope, doesn't work yet 16:51:35 <Yexo> the changes to table/control_codes.h and table/strgen_tables.h should be enough for strgen 16:51:58 <TrueBrain> bah; means i need to revalidate the whole set .. I dont want to ... 16:52:05 <TrueBrain> I just want to redo those two strings 16:52:06 <TrueBrain> hmm 16:52:10 <TrueBrain> think .. think ... 16:54:06 <TrueBrain> owh well 16:54:16 <TrueBrain> takes about 20 to 40 minutes to do this, so sit tight :) 16:54:54 <TrueBrain> Yexo: strgen is compiled by a checkout, I think from extra/strgen or something? 16:55:03 <TrueBrain> that is compiled, and then WT3 calls it with -export-commands 16:55:18 <TrueBrain> but it is not automated (for which-ever reason) 16:55:22 <Yexo> strgen is part of /trunk 16:55:31 <TrueBrain> the /extra/strgen picks the right pieces and bits 16:55:40 <TrueBrain> a special makefile, and in /trunk it takes the latest trunk checkout 16:55:43 <TrueBrain> our regular magic :) 16:56:37 <TrueBrain> http://vcs.openttd.org/svn/browser/extra/strgen 16:56:52 <TrueBrain> (note the svn:external) 16:57:02 <TrueBrain> that is used by both the WT3 as the CF :) 16:57:38 *** perk11 [~perk11@] has joined #openttd 17:01:36 *** Brianetta [~brian@188-220-91-30.zone11.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Quit: TschÃŒÃ] 17:13:03 <z-MaTRiX> hello 17:13:15 <z-MaTRiX> i brought something new for your entertainment 17:14:24 <z-MaTRiX> (grep -Po '<a +.* +href="*[^" >]+' | grep -Po '(?=<a ).*' | grep -Po '(?<= href=)["]*[^" >]+' | sed 's;^";;') <<< '<a gfasg href=asdf><a fgfgg="hi> " href="link" >' 17:20:04 <Sacro> wtf? 17:21:39 *** Zuu [~Zuu@h-114-141.a98.priv.bahnhof.se] has joined #openttd 17:25:15 *** Neon [~Neon@dslb-094-219-009-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 17:31:21 *** valhallasw [~valhallas@] has joined #openttd 17:33:47 <z-MaTRiX> perl regexp parsing html links 17:34:11 <z-MaTRiX> its this ougly because its not smart enough 17:35:48 * valhallasw calls jwz 17:37:34 * Belugas congrats peter1138 for been so tricky :) 17:37:39 <Belugas> being 17:37:44 <Belugas> pfff.. 17:39:52 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-590f55e8.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 17:45:07 <Terkhen> http://paste.openttdcoop.org/show/797/ <-- I can't compile to know for sure... what does (funded) means in this context? that someone funded the creation of new buildings? 17:45:10 <Terkhen> hi frosch123 17:45:19 <frosch123> moin 17:45:53 <frosch123> Terkhen: that someone bought the "fund buildings" thingie in the town gui 17:47:36 *** sla_ro|master [~slaco@] has joined #openttd 17:48:15 <Xaroth> yes, frosch123 17:48:25 <Xaroth> er, Terkhen even 17:48:27 <Xaroth> silly me 17:49:00 <Terkhen> ok, thanks :) 17:49:15 <Xaroth> one of the last dozen changes introduced it 17:55:33 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~Flex@] has joined #openttd 17:59:11 <Eddi|zuHause> <Yexo> <Eddi|zuHause> Yexo: (NameError) "global name 'expression' is not defined". "nml/actions/action0properties.py", line 221, in ctt_list <- was that fixed by removing the ".expression" from that line? <-- yes, looks like it 18:00:45 <Eddi|zuHause> <andythenorth> so....grfv8 should remove prop 1D trains (and equiv. other vehicle types)? Or not? <-- no, just add a note in the specs that the new props are "better" 18:04:38 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: fine by me 18:05:08 <andythenorth> I would like to have 'YACS' as a spec. It's a spec about how to use the features that are available... 18:05:14 <andythenorth> it's not the spec for ottd code 18:05:35 <andythenorth> just a convention 18:06:01 <Eddi|zuHause> hm... i should probably update openttd first before testing the refit properties :p 18:06:58 * andythenorth proposes YACS needs a benevolent dictator 18:07:02 * andythenorth proposes Eddi|zuHause 18:07:44 *** Cybertinus [~Cybertinu@tunnel3304.ipv6.xs4all.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:08:29 <Eddi|zuHause> bÀh... conflict... in train_cmd.cpp... 18:08:30 <peter1138> andythenorth, aww, that's sweet 18:09:16 <andythenorth> better him than me 18:09:40 <andythenorth> we don't actually know if he's benevolent 18:10:27 *** Cybertinus [~Cybertinu@tunnel3304.ipv6.xs4all.nl] has joined #openttd 18:10:44 <Zuu> Am I right that currently there is no interface to set town goals in OpenTTD trunk? 18:13:12 *** LordAro [56841a38@ircip3.mibbit.com] has joined #openttd 18:14:11 <TrueBrain> you are right 18:14:30 <TrueBrain> there is nothing in trunk which is qualified to perform such actions :) 18:14:35 *** andythenorth [~Andy@78-86-194-127.zone2.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 18:14:36 <Zuu> I'm surprised though that you already have commited that part. 18:14:49 <TrueBrain> I was annoyed AIs couldn't query the town needs 18:14:52 <TrueBrain> bit silly 18:16:00 <peter1138> Town Requires: 5 regularly serviced stations and a large bribe 18:16:13 <TrueBrain> and while at that, I could as well update the GUI to represent more internal values :) 18:16:24 <TrueBrain> peter1138: not for arctic towns above the snowline :) 18:19:53 <Zuu> It does makes sense though to get this in already if it is relevant already to reduce the size of your patch-queue. 18:20:57 <TrueBrain> that was a nice extra ;) 18:21:57 <Xaroth> you still have the killer patch :P 18:22:53 <TrueBrain> 1? 18:23:15 <Xaroth> well, the biggest one is quite.. big :P 18:23:49 <TrueBrain> there is another one added 18:24:03 *** hanf [~Klaus@host-89-240-246-118.as13285.net] has joined #openttd 18:24:07 <Xaroth> 44? 18:24:40 *** SirSquidness [~sirsquidn@zomg.dongues.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 18:24:47 *** SirSquidness [~sirsquidn@zomg.dongues.com] has joined #openttd 18:25:28 <Eddi|zuHause> towns should have a "government": industry-friendly, population-friendly or ecology-friendly 18:25:47 <Eddi|zuHause> each with slightly different benefits and penalties 18:26:20 <Xaroth> define benefits and penalties :P 18:26:50 <Eddi|zuHause> type of offered subsidies, opinion penalties for property destruction 18:27:17 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-71-92.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #openttd 18:30:07 <Terkhen> NoGo should allow that in a distant future :P 18:30:27 * Terkhen is planning to retake subsidies one of these days 18:30:52 <Xaroth> goodeh :) 18:32:20 <Xaroth> ok.. 3 years ago (game time) i destroyed 12 statues/fountains from my town ... now.. i destroyed another 16 18:32:32 <Xaroth> what's this town's obsession with fountains and statues... 18:33:26 *** Phoenix_the_II [~ralph@home.deboom.biz] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 18:33:30 <LordAro> TrueBrain: (if you haven't seen it already) http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?p=981408#p981408 18:33:32 <Terkhen> politicians like to inaugurate stuff 18:33:34 <LordAro> lol 18:34:08 <TrueBrain> LordAro: fanmail, I love fanmail 18:34:19 <Terkhen> I don't know how it goes in other countries, but here we have public libraries inaugurated without books for example :) 18:34:32 <Terkhen> I suppose they'll inaugurate it again once it is usable 18:35:01 <Terkhen> heh, NoGo fanboys already :P 18:35:24 <Eddi|zuHause> town may also have a say in what industries are placed there 18:36:04 <Terkhen> this time you are keeping the old behavior intact, that way you won't get people complaining because the old, broken stuff was removed :) 18:38:12 <Eddi|zuHause> remove the old broken subsidies! :p 18:38:27 <Terkhen> oh, I didn't think of that 18:38:36 <Terkhen> maybe someone will complain after my queue is committed :O 18:38:52 <Terkhen> "I liked my subsidy window empty of mail subsidies" 18:39:21 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe a goal script should be able to set a flag to disable subsidies (and make up its own ones) 18:40:16 <Xaroth> that'd be cool 18:40:29 <Xaroth> better, company-dependant subsidy offers. 18:41:07 <Terkhen> yes 18:41:18 <Terkhen> my queue will just improve the default behavior :) 18:41:22 <__ln__> *dependent 18:41:25 <Eddi|zuHause> something completely different: NewGRF action 14: "developer" settings that only appear in the GUI when the flag is set in config 18:43:45 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: translators * r23308 /trunk/src/lang/ (6 files): (log message trimmed) 18:43:45 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0: 18:43:45 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: english_US - 8 changes by Rubidium 18:43:45 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: german - 34 changes by NG, planetmaker 18:43:45 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: italian - 16 changes by Snail_ 18:43:45 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: russian - 5 changes by Lone_Wolf 18:43:45 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: spanish - 7 changes by Terkhen 18:52:54 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23309 /trunk/src/saveload/afterload.cpp: -Fix: loading old games didn't have goals set for towns (tnx to frosch for spotting) 18:53:16 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23310 /trunk/src/town_gui.cpp: -Fix: Town GUI was not representing the true conditions of arctic / tropical goals 18:59:49 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc1-aztw25-2-0-cust298.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 19:03:36 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~Flex@] has joined #openttd 19:09:37 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~Flex@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:10:32 *** pugi [~pugi@dyndsl-091-096-039-089.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #openttd 19:19:25 *** KritiK [~Maxim@89-178-127-18.broadband.corbina.ru] has joined #openttd 19:34:13 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23311 /trunk/ (7 files in 3 dirs): -Remove: removed the silly blitter called 8bpp-debug. You can find him at the same place as you can find CTRL+D. Sorry for those who liked to trip while playing OpenTTD; I truly am sorry :D 19:37:28 <frosch123> the world became sad suddenly 19:38:00 * TrueBrain gives frosch123 a cookie 19:38:36 <frosch123> new we need a new easter egg :p 19:38:39 <frosch123> *now 19:38:51 <TrueBrain> you still havent found the other two? 19:39:03 <frosch123> :p 19:39:28 <Eddi|zuHause> the most important easter egg seems to be "change newgrfs ingame" 19:39:33 <TrueBrain> (I am sure many people in here now are: other 2? There are easter eggs? And go look :D) 19:40:52 <frosch123> luckily only few found the easter egg in 0.6 19:41:19 <frosch123> so we could remove it silently in 0.7.5 when it turned out it was completely septic 19:42:37 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: easter egg != surprise egg 19:43:04 *** pugi [~pugi@dyndsl-091-096-039-089.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:43:04 <TrueBrain> you make me curious frosch123 19:43:35 <frosch123> TrueBrain: the most serious cve we ever had 19:43:41 <Eddi|zuHause> some (around 2) people got haywire when we removed the "turn around in depot" easter egg 19:44:08 <Yexo> the rest probably never knew you could do that :p 19:45:15 <Eddi|zuHause> michi_cc: maybe we need a newgrf property to make the bounding box larger? 19:45:37 <frosch123> name it glitch_rate or so 19:45:50 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: bounding boxes > 8/8 do not work 19:46:01 <TrueBrain> frosch123: that doesnt sound so serious ... 19:46:04 <TrueBrain> I expected something HUGE :P 19:46:19 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: i mean not the vehicle length, just the bounding box (for drawing purposes) 19:46:40 *** pugi [~pugi@host-091-097-004-202.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #openttd 19:47:00 <frosch123> same, if you make the bounding boxes too big, they will cause even worse glitches 19:47:35 <Eddi|zuHause> currently i get glitches when a train goes over foundations, or a slope 19:48:00 <frosch123> yes, but you do not glitches between the bridge and the whole landscape when a train moves below a bridge 19:48:24 <Eddi|zuHause> not sure what you mean 19:48:49 <Eddi|zuHause> the bridge has a bounding box by itself, so i don't see the problem 19:49:00 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm not making them 3 tiles wide... 19:49:13 <frosch123> by making vehicle bounding boxes too big, you can add lots of cyclic dependencies 19:50:13 <Eddi|zuHause> otherwise i need the ability to make the sprite offsets depend on var62 19:50:45 <Eddi|zuHause> e.g. by setting a 0x100+ register in a varaction2 19:51:13 <frosch123> maybe that stuff is so special, that it warrants speical functionality by ottd? 19:51:25 *** ptr [~peter@c213-89-142-179.bredband.comhem.se] has joined #openttd 19:51:37 <frosch123> a flag to draw sprites relative to another vehicle 19:51:51 <Eddi|zuHause> that could be a possibility as well 19:51:53 <andythenorth> my ships glitch :P 19:52:03 <andythenorth> and yours, if you use FISH :P 19:52:40 <frosch123> andythenorth: your ships are just showing. they pretend to be big ships by projecting images on the landscape, while they are way smaller in real 19:52:48 <frosch123> + off 19:52:57 <Eddi|zuHause> oh: debug feature: single-step through the ticks (my F1 finger is sometimes not fast enough) 19:53:28 <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: add a console command to unpause for x ticks? 19:54:07 <Eddi|zuHause> "unpause" -> "this is only available on a network server" 19:54:16 <Eddi|zuHause> why, actually? 19:54:29 <frosch123> such a command could also be wired to some kind of coin slot :p 19:54:41 <Eddi|zuHause> haha :p 19:54:58 <Eddi|zuHause> like the TT demo: play only 2 years 19:55:11 <Yexo> if (!_networking) IConsolePrint(CC_DEFAULT, "Game unpaused."); <- code in ConUnpauseGame 19:55:18 <Eddi|zuHause> god i spent so many hours with that :p 19:55:21 <Yexo> that's even though it can only be run by a server 19:56:14 <Xaroth> bastard town.. i just removed 10 fountain/statues again, and inmediately the town builds 3 more... 19:56:48 <Eddi|zuHause> Xaroth: make a newgrf that reduces the chance of fountains/statues to appear 19:57:01 <frosch123> Xaroth: s/bastard/hydra/ 19:57:01 <Xaroth> Eddi|zuHause: cba, too busy fiddling with NoGo :P 19:57:14 <Xaroth> frosch123: that too 19:58:11 <andythenorth> so...how much could be scripted? 19:58:19 <andythenorth> what are the practical/performance limits? 19:58:32 <Eddi|zuHause> really... since michi_cc's patch the glitches at least tripled 19:59:04 <frosch123> andythenorth: scripts only run on the server, so it is limited by the amount that can be synced 19:59:05 <Eddi|zuHause> i need some countermeasure for that, it's not (sensibly) possible with the existing abilites 19:59:08 <Eddi|zuHause> +i 19:59:17 <Xaroth> andythenorth: more and more, but there are performance limits for now.. 19:59:40 <frosch123> andythenorth: especially they cannot reply to "test runs" of players 19:59:53 <andythenorth> frosch123: ok, I see there's quite a practical limit in that case 19:59:57 <Xaroth> like, setting goals for 400+ towns takes .. 3 minutes :P 20:00:02 <Xaroth> if not more 20:00:29 <andythenorth> I have a pet project to simplify ottd industry code by booting a lot of stuff about economy somewhere else :P 20:00:52 <SpComb> NoEconomy! 20:01:01 <andythenorth> like a script that would ship with default game, based on a library other scripts could use 20:01:36 <andythenorth> I once worked out the combination of advanced industry + economy settings I should test FIRS with 20:01:41 <andythenorth> and came up with 'too many' :P 20:03:45 <andythenorth> it sounds like scripts are much too limited to replace the economy + industry placement code though 20:09:18 <Xaroth> SpComb: that's too long, must be 4 letters 20:09:28 <Xaroth> so I'd go for NoCo or NoMy 20:09:37 <Xaroth> NoCo might be a bit close to NoGo ... 20:09:57 <andythenorth> NoDo 20:10:13 <andythenorth> ^ the default script is mostly recessions in that one 20:10:27 <Eddi|zuHause> Xaroth: maybe you should assign goals in small steps, the largest towns first, or so? 20:11:10 <andythenorth> NoAdequateRiskManagementAgainstExposureToCreditDefaultSwapsOrHighlyLeveragedBets 20:11:15 <andythenorth> isn't snappy 20:12:24 <Eddi|zuHause> mÀh... must get up way too early tomorrow... 20:12:35 <andythenorth> what time is that? 20:14:49 <Eddi|zuHause> at least 4 hours before my natural wake-up time 20:16:19 <andythenorth> dictators don't get a lie in 20:16:24 <andythenorth> :P 20:24:07 *** Snail_ [~jacopocol@cpe-66-108-237-227.nyc.res.rr.com] has joined #openttd 20:26:48 <andythenorth> o/ Snail_ 20:27:01 <Snail_> hi andy 20:27:38 <Snail_> how's it going? 20:28:02 *** tokai [~tokai@port-92-195-29-185.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #openttd 20:28:05 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 20:31:06 <__ln__> http://parovoz.com/newgallery/pg_view.php?ID=346727 20:33:05 <z-MaTRiX> she's a maniac maniac on the floor, and she's dancing like she's never danced before 20:34:29 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: rubidium * r23312 /trunk/src/station_cmd.cpp: -Fix [FS#4849]: assertion could be triggered in case a station was removed just after a vehicle delivered cargo to it 20:35:19 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host48-239-dynamic.16-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has joined #openttd 20:36:52 <Wolf01> hello 20:36:52 <andythenorth> Snail_: how is the french set coming along? 20:36:52 <__ln__> hi Wolf01 20:37:26 <Snail_> I'm close to releasing a taster... 20:37:45 <Snail_> there are a few glitches I need to sort out before releasing it though 20:37:50 <andythenorth> including NG? :) 20:38:03 <Eddi|zuHause> Snail_: are you using railtype labels for narrow gauge? 20:38:07 <Snail_> well, this is only the NG part at this time 20:38:24 <Eddi|zuHause> Snail_: possibly sync this with oberhÃŒmer's attempts then 20:38:24 <Snail_> Eddi|zuHause: yes 20:38:45 <Eddi|zuHause> and put those on the wiki 20:39:36 <Snail_> member:Eddi%7CzuHause: you mean the NuTracks? 20:39:58 <Eddi|zuHause> yes, so everybody uses the same labels 20:40:25 <andythenorth> like cargos.... :D 20:40:29 <Snail_> I'll see if that can be done... I am using 5 different types of NG tracks 20:40:42 <andythenorth> hmm 20:40:47 <Eddi|zuHause> Snail_: a list of those would be useful 20:40:52 <andythenorth> maybe railtype labels also need a benevolent dictator... 20:41:00 <Snail_> :D 20:41:30 <Snail_> well, my rails are designed to work with the set I'm creating... they'll eventually be downloadable together with the set 20:41:38 <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: after my last discussion with MB, i don't think that'll help anything :p 20:42:02 <andythenorth> just define a convention 20:42:09 <andythenorth> set authors either use it or don't 20:42:13 <Eddi|zuHause> Snail_: yes, but "designed for" is not the same as "can only be used with" 20:42:29 <andythenorth> multiple conventions - causes some splits in the community, but nobody dies 20:42:50 <Snail_> Eddi|zuHause: right, if some other sets want to use my NG rails, they're more than welcome to do so :) 20:43:00 <Snail_> so I might just add my labels to the wiki? 20:43:06 <Eddi|zuHause> yes 20:43:11 <Eddi|zuHause> please 20:44:50 <andythenorth> Eddi|zuHause: you discussed railtypes with MB? 20:47:33 <Snail_> Eddi|ZuHause: do you have the addy of that wiki page by any chance? 20:47:55 <Snail_> I'm looking for it but can't find it on wiki.openttd.org ... 20:48:00 <Eddi|zuHause> http://newgrf-specs.tt-wiki.net/wiki/RailtypeLabels 20:49:32 * andythenorth -> pub 20:49:36 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc1-aztw25-2-0-cust298.aztw.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 20:50:55 <Snail_> oh, great! thanks 20:51:56 <Eddi|zuHause> you should talk to oberhÃŒmer anyway ;) 20:55:37 <Terkhen> good night 20:56:35 <Snail_> done 20:58:13 <Snail_> Eddi|zuHause: I can send him a PM. Looks like my tracks are the first NG ones to hit the table anyway? 20:58:49 <Eddi|zuHause> we don't know who else is developing narrow gauge sets in secret :) 20:58:56 <Snail_> :D 20:59:04 <planetmaker> hasn't pikka drawn (and released) some? 20:59:10 <planetmaker> or is that still old-style? 20:59:29 <Snail_> well, there was mart3p... I got his permission to edit his work... so I took it as a base for mine 20:59:56 <Eddi|zuHause> hasn't pikka done "finescale" rails? i.e. standard gauge that is just drawn narrower? 21:02:25 *** JVassie [~James@] has joined #openttd 21:02:37 <Snail_> hi james 21:02:41 <peter1138> yes 21:03:10 *** Celestar [~dax@dslb-094-216-039-128.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #openttd 21:03:12 <peter1138> it's in the uk railway set tracks 21:07:58 <peter1138> bah, i keep building road/rail routes as if i've got cargo destinations :( 21:08:11 <Eddi|zuHause> i know that problem :p 21:13:05 *** Brianetta [~brian@188-220-91-30.zone11.bethere.co.uk] has joined #openttd 21:21:44 <CIA-6> OpenTTD: truebrain * r23313 /trunk/src/settings_gui.cpp: -Fix: economy.fund_buildings was not shown in the GUI 21:27:13 <Zuu> In rexep (python), how can I use parenthesis in a substitution to only substitute part of the match pattern while still specifying boundary limitations? 21:27:41 <Zuu> Eg. I want to match \.AI_[A-Z0-9], but only replace "AI". 21:30:57 <SpComb> either a look-ahead, or capture and "substitute" the bit you want to keep 21:32:06 <SpComb> (?<=\.)AI_(?=[A-Z0-9]) 21:32:33 <Zuu> Oh, I think I got it, I need to make a group not (only) for what I want to replace, but actually, for what I want to keep. 21:32:35 <Zuu> Eg. 21:32:36 <Zuu> line = "aAIbc = AITown.AI_CITY;"; 21:32:36 <Zuu> line = RegExReplace("(\.)AI(_[A-Z0-9])", "\1GOAL\2", line) 21:32:39 <SpComb> but it's probably easier to just do re.sub(r"\.AI_([A-Z0-9])", r".XXX_") 21:33:15 <SpComb> sounds like some terrible refactoring :) 21:34:23 <Zuu> RegExReplace is a two line function that is basically calling p = re.compile and then p.sub. 21:34:53 <SpComb> why not just re.sub? 21:35:19 <Zuu> no idea, but the docs seem to prefer compiling it manually. 21:35:39 <SpComb> no point if you just compile for each call anyways 21:36:05 <Zuu> true 21:37:16 *** pugi [~pugi@host-091-097-004-202.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:37:33 *** pugi [~pugi@host-091-097-004-202.ewe-ip-backbone.de] has joined #openttd 21:38:26 <Zuu> Do you know why if the < symbol that matches word beginning is not supported in Python? (I couldn't get it to work with or without escaping) 21:40:51 <valhallasw> it matches word beginning /in which regex dialect/? 21:41:05 <Zuu> it does in vim 21:41:36 <Zuu> Depending on your vim settings you might need to put a \ infront of it. 21:42:24 <valhallasw> "Vim's regular expression dialect is distinct from many of the other more popular ones out there today (and actually predates them)." (according to the first google hit I get for vim regex dialect) 21:42:53 <valhallasw> but you can probably use \b? 21:43:12 *** DDR [~chatzilla@] has joined #openttd 21:43:35 <valhallasw> http://www.regular-expressions.info/wordboundaries.html 21:43:56 <Zuu> Will \b work even if there is no space in between, eg when there is a bracket? I guess so. I remember reading that it defines words as \w or \W which probably doesn't include brackets etc. 21:44:21 <valhallasw> \b is every boundary between 'word character' to 'non-word character' 21:44:28 <valhallasw> [a-zA-Z0-9_] in ASCII 21:44:36 <valhallasw> not sure what it is for unicode-able regexps 21:45:02 <Zuu> Is line beginning/end a 'non-'word character' in this case? - I guess I should just try it out :-) 21:45:43 <valhallasw> regular-expressions.info is actually quite a good site as reference 21:45:49 <valhallasw> even though the .info tld suggests otherwise 21:49:54 *** TWerkhoven [~twerkhove@cpc12-linl7-2-0-cust144.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:53:02 <frosch123> Zuu: yes, \b matches at beginning and end 21:53:43 <frosch123> i.e. also ^\w and \w$ 21:53:51 *** LordAro [56841a38@ircip3.mibbit.com] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 21:55:05 <Zuu> So it is basically the same as < and > except that it is not directional, but it still matches the location between two characters so you do not need to put anytihng back in the result again. 21:55:44 <frosch123> yes 21:56:43 *** KritiK [~Maxim@89-178-127-18.broadband.corbina.ru] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 21:57:08 <valhallasw> Zuu: yes, but you don't need directionality 21:57:38 <valhallasw> using 'beginning of word' and then asking for a 'non-word-character' doesn't make sense ;-) 21:58:00 <Zuu> Oh, right, \b is _beginning_ of word, so it is indeed directional. 21:58:06 <valhallasw> no, it's not 21:58:23 <valhallasw> however, \b[a-z] always matches the beginning of a word 21:58:28 <valhallasw> and [a-z]\b the end 21:58:35 <Zuu> ok 21:59:02 <valhallasw> with < and >, you can make non-sensible stuff 21:59:05 <valhallasw> such as \>[a-z] 21:59:21 <valhallasw> 'match end of word, followed by a character from a-z' 22:00:04 *** Celestar [~dax@dslb-094-216-039-128.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:00:10 *** Kurimus [~stabbity@dsl-tkubrasgw3-fe93dd00-34.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [] 22:03:58 *** SystemParadox [~simon@proxima.systemparadox.co.uk] has joined #openttd 22:08:09 <frosch123> valhallasw: [a-z]\b[a-z] :p 22:09:05 <valhallasw> frosch123: agreed, that doesn't make sense either 22:09:35 <valhallasw> however, my point was you don't lose any flexibility by joining \< and \> into \b 22:10:34 <Zuu> Hmm, my first attempt to use SuperLib in NoGo resulted in a OpenTTD crash (after removing the parts of SuperLib that depend on other libraries) 22:10:50 <Zuu> Lets dig up the debugger and see what happened :-) 22:13:25 <frosch123> valhallasw: s/\</prefix_/ becomes harder to write 22:14:23 <TrueBrain> crash? Interesting ... 22:14:29 <Zuu> Yep 22:14:55 <TrueBrain> lemme know what you find out 22:15:00 <TrueBrain> crashing should never happen by scripts :) 22:15:05 <Zuu> I tried to pull, but it appears that you haven't commited any changes since the last CF build. 22:15:20 <TrueBrain> nope, I did not 22:15:38 <TrueBrain> that is, I made enough changes, just nothing new pushed :) 22:17:47 <Zuu> It is probably this code: GoalController.GetSetting("debug_signs") 22:18:16 <Zuu> At least that is what appears to be the squirrel call when debugger kicks in. 22:19:02 <Zuu> It causes AIConfig::GetSetting to be called. 22:19:34 <Zuu> script_controller.cpp, line 80 calls it. 22:20:55 *** TWerkhoven [~twerkhove@cpc12-linl7-2-0-cust144.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com] has joined #openttd 22:21:08 <TrueBrain> ah, yes, GetSetting is not yet supported for NoGo 22:21:12 <Zuu> The actual problem seem to be that it tries to get the AIConfig of company 66. 22:21:14 <TrueBrain> one of the small parts that is not done 22:21:37 *** pjpe [ade6a119@ircip1.mibbit.com] has joined #openttd 22:21:53 <valhallasw> frosch123: agreed. a very... limited use case, but nonetheless, a valid one 22:22:10 <TrueBrain> Zuu: well, no, it should never try to call AIConfig for a GoalScript :D 22:22:11 <TrueBrain> hihi 22:22:20 <Zuu> I maybe should have known, but now I just randomly called a SuperLib function that just had "AI" replaced by Goal or GOAL. :-) 22:22:59 <TrueBrain> AIConfig stuff is still wired up wrong; I have to rewire it, but it is tricky :) 22:23:42 <Zuu> Indeed, the times when I've digged in that code it has been a lot of stuff to keep track of. 22:24:27 <Zuu> Both the AIConfig and AIController and friends are quite tricky. :-) 22:24:48 <TrueBrain> yup; took me a long time to separate them correctly 22:25:15 <TrueBrain> and except for AIConfig (AIStorage, AIInfo and some other AI) I managed :) 22:25:31 <TrueBrain> you will like this patch Zuu: http://devs.openttd.org/~truebrain/nogo/77_add_api_events.patch 22:25:38 <TrueBrain> will push it to the CF etc now 22:25:42 <Zuu> I have to say that I'm impressed by your work. 22:26:04 <TrueBrain> 90% of the work is just refactoring 22:26:09 <TrueBrain> the NoGo itself is very small 22:26:20 <TrueBrain> but tnx :D 22:26:23 *** sla_ro|master [~slaco@] has quit [] 22:27:29 <Zuu> That patch looks nice :-) 22:28:46 <TrueBrain> CF is compiling it now; should be done in like 20 22:31:30 *** TWerkhoven[l] [~turbulent@cpc12-linl7-2-0-cust144.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:39:09 *** JVassie [~James@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:47:31 *** Neon [~Neon@dslb-094-219-009-104.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: Python is way too complicated... I prefer doing it quickly in C.] 22:49:39 *** Brianetta [~brian@188-220-91-30.zone11.bethere.co.uk] has quit [Quit: TschÃŒÃ] 22:50:52 *** Brianetta [~brian@188-220-91-30.zone11.bethere.co.uk] has joined #openttd 22:50:57 *** Progman [~progman@p57A1B5F3.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:51:41 <TrueBrain> Zuu: new NoGo is compiled, if you like :) Contains events ;) 22:54:38 <Zuu> Okay. Actually the code that I last posted on forums is ready to use the events already. :-) 22:54:55 <TrueBrain> so you said ;) 22:55:37 <Zuu> Now, I added a thing to my NoGo "compiler" that replaces all setting lookup calls with a zero. :-) 22:56:05 <planetmaker> so, I update the server for you, Zuu? :-) 22:56:08 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-71-92.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:56:09 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-23-228.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #openttd 22:56:11 <Zuu> At least all that follow my coding style. 22:56:30 <Zuu> planetmaker: It seems noone is playing there now. 22:56:38 *** xQR [xor@the.x-base.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 22:56:49 <planetmaker> well. No reason to not update to the new version 22:56:56 <Zuu> I don't know if that game is done or if anyone wants to continue it. 22:58:32 <frosch123> night 22:58:36 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-590f55e8.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:58:40 <planetmaker> well. I can leave it running. But with a restart then the new version will become active. Feel free to re-start if / when you have a script :-) 22:58:52 <planetmaker> update done 22:59:01 <planetmaker> will be active after a !restart 23:01:33 *** Cybertinus [~Cybertinu@tunnel3304.ipv6.xs4all.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:03:35 *** ptr [~peter@c213-89-142-179.bredband.comhem.se] has quit [Quit: Zzzzzz] 23:04:24 <Xaroth> updated nogo1 .. new map tho as the save seems broken o_O 23:04:52 <TrueBrain> yes, savegames are broken :) 23:05:28 <__ln__> how do i get page numbers of table of contents vertically aligned in MS Word 2010, rather than having a kind of inverse indentation for subsection entries? 23:05:47 <planetmaker> __ln__: use latex and make a screenshot ;-) 23:06:15 <__ln__> the perfect solution 23:06:21 *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@ip-86-49-59-25.net.upcbroadband.cz] has joined #openttd 23:08:38 *** pjpe [ade6a119@ircip1.mibbit.com] has quit [Quit: http://www.mibbit.com ajax IRC Client] 23:14:19 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-23-228.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:16:57 <TrueBrain> Zuu: http://devs.openttd.org/~truebrain/nogo/docs/annotated.html might be helpful to you :D 23:19:54 <Zuu> TrueBrain: Thanks indeed 23:28:53 <Xaroth> Zuu: in your town nut, why loop to pop all neighbours over 3, instead of creating a new list and adding the first (up-to-3) from the old list? 23:32:46 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-12-50.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has joined #openttd 23:35:58 *** TWerkhoven [~twerkhove@cpc12-linl7-2-0-cust144.sgyl.cable.virginmedia.com] has quit [Quit: He who can look into the future, has a brighter future to look into] 23:37:56 <Wolf01> 'night 23:37:59 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@host48-239-dynamic.16-79-r.retail.telecomitalia.it] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.] 23:41:35 *** perk11 [~perk11@] has quit [Quit: Miranda IM! Smaller, Faster, Easier. http://miranda-im.org] 23:42:13 *** mahmoud [~KEM@ALyon-158-1-12-50.w90-29.abo.wanadoo.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:42:51 <Zuu> Xaroth: it was just how I made it. Probably because it requires one list less. That said, I see that if the list is long, your method is probably faster. 23:43:54 <Zuu> In overall the implementation was not focused on execution speed, but to try things out. 23:50:18 * Xaroth nods 23:50:23 <Xaroth> so no specific reasoning, right 23:51:28 <Xaroth> and you mentioned something about a compiler? :o 23:52:48 *** DayDreamer [~DayDreame@ip-86-49-59-25.net.upcbroadband.cz] has left #openttd [] 23:54:10 <Zuu> yep, it is not really a compiler 23:54:16 <Zuu> It is more a pharser 23:54:29 <Eddi|zuHause> a phasor? 23:54:39 <TrueBrain> *pew pew* 23:54:45 <TrueBrain> *ssswwwaaaaaaaa* 23:54:53 <TrueBrain> (what sound does a starwars thingy make?) 23:55:08 <Zuu> Its a python script that converts my SuperLib directory from being targeted at AIs to being usable for NoGo. 23:55:45 <Zuu> The result can then be droped in a NoGo-script directory and included by: require("NoGoSuperLib/main.nut") 23:55:58 <Eddi|zuHause> you mean a 's/AI/GOAL/g'? 23:56:09 <TrueBrain> Goal 23:56:11 <TrueBrain> not GOAL 23:56:12 <TrueBrain> :P 23:56:15 <Zuu> Depends on context 23:56:20 <TrueBrain> Goal doesn't stand for anything ;) 23:56:28 <Zuu> For constants Eddi|zuHause is right 23:56:32 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe it should :) 23:56:50 <TrueBrain> I also just mentioned I don't like the name :P Game Script sounds so much better :) 23:57:02 <TrueBrain> (mentioned in other channel) 23:57:29 <Zuu> oh, _that_ channel :-) 23:58:01 <TrueBrain> seriously considering renaming ....... must ... resist ..... 23:58:07 <Zuu> But indeed, "Goal" is a bit silly if it grows out of just being about goals. 23:58:27 <Zuu> Now is the right moment to make changes while there is only a few scripts done. 23:58:28 <TrueBrain> from the ideas and suggestions I got so far, it will control the game, not set goals :P 23:59:25 <TrueBrain> (Tutorial for example :P)