Log for #openttd on 24th May 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:01:09  *** LordPixaII [~pixa@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:01:42  <Hazzard> Hello
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06:29:03  <Nat_aS> so, there's not logic gate you can build to see if cargo is avalable at a specific station, to tell another train to refit to it?
06:42:31  <Nat_aS> Oh dear, I think I broke cargodist
06:42:45  <Nat_aS> where is the place to report bugs for that
06:43:09  <Nat_aS> well not really a bug as much as the distribution algorithm not working the way it should.
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06:50:58  <Nat_aS> oh wow
06:51:09  <Nat_aS> looking at the tread and I find the exact same problem, lol
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12:08:25  <frosch123> awesome, candyfloss, sugar and toffee all fit into the hopper wagon -> yay for autorefit
12:09:02  <frosch123> hmm, it does not support autorefit :(
12:09:20  <frosch123> V453000: why does the 1st gen hopper not support autorefit? do i have to use the universal wagon for that?
12:10:09  <V453000> no autorefit isnt supported at all
12:10:39  <frosch123> hmm, and i finally found a usecase for it :(
12:11:08  <V453000> I think the feature takes away a lot of building fun, and does not really bring anything
12:12:30  <Hazzard> What is autorefit?
12:12:59  <frosch123> vehicles refitting at stations to whatever cargo is waiting
12:13:22  <Hazzard> I though vehicles had to refit in depots
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12:14:00  <frosch123> so, if you have a station that gets candyfloss+sugar+toffee from nearby industries, which go all to the same sweet factory, you can make the vehicle autorefit to whatever amounts are waiting for transport
12:14:09  <frosch123> should create nicely mixed cargo trains
12:14:12  <V453000> simply put, you can do anything with normal refitting too, only difference is in refit complexes like for example all of which gets completely nullified by autorefit - then you just build a station like any other
12:14:24  <V453000> yeah but why would you mix cargoes
12:14:45  <frosch123> because they go to the same target
12:14:55  <V453000> in such case building station with 3 cargoes = building station with 1 cargo systematically
12:15:13  <V453000> while without autorefit you have it different as you have to deal with them separately somehow
12:15:40  <V453000> well yes same target is nice, wanting to refit so allowing it in station is nice too. But building-wise you do not get anything new and only lose options
12:15:41  <Hazzard> Is there going to be a parameter for that, V?
12:15:53  <V453000> definitely not Hazzard
12:16:43  <Hazzard> Why not?
12:16:49  <V453000> for the reasons above
12:17:24  <Hazzard> I think it is always good to give people options
12:17:57  <V453000> that is like giving an option to have 100t capacity wagon for any engine
12:18:33  <V453000> also makes only the most powerful/fastest train best, and kills all other
12:18:40  <V453000> while not bringing anything new
12:21:33  <Hazzard> That's for the player to judge
12:21:48  <Hazzard> 100t would ruin gameplay
12:22:20  <V453000> I think not providing "wrong" options is better ;)
12:23:37  <Hazzard> brb
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13:12:06  <Belugas> hello
13:12:26  <frosch123> morning belugas :)
13:14:59  <Belugas> hi sir frosch123 :)
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16:49:23  <Terkhen> hello
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17:18:07  <Knogle> Is there any NoGo experts around?
17:18:25  <planetmaker> @topic get -3
17:18:25  <DorpsGek> planetmaker: Don't ask to ask, just ask
17:18:39  <Knogle> I was asking :P
17:20:32  <Knogle> Anyone know if it's possible to only allow HQ's being build in towns (not those labeled City) - is it even possible to block the HQ from being build certain places using NoGo?
17:21:24  <planetmaker> that's not feasible
17:21:57  <Knogle> Too bad :|
17:22:29  <planetmaker> at least I'm 99% certain ;-)
17:23:10  <Knogle> I was 90% sure it wasn't possible, from what I've read, so you only confirm it :)
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17:37:32  <andythenorth> lo
17:37:49  <CIA-17> OpenTTD: translators * r24269 /trunk/src/lang/ (dutch.txt ukrainian.txt):
17:37:49  <CIA-17> OpenTTD: -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:37:49  <CIA-17> OpenTTD: dutch - 5 changes by habell
17:37:49  <CIA-17> OpenTTD: slovenian - 2 changes by
17:37:49  <CIA-17> OpenTTD: ukrainian - 54 changes by edd_k
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18:55:17  <kevin0fenix> hello
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21:09:58  <Terkhen> good night
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22:31:03  <Eddi|zuHause2> what's up with the connection today...
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22:39:33  <Hazzard> lol
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