Log for #openttd on 8th July 2014:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:03:46  *** DanMacK [] has joined #openttd
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05:56:42  <Supercheese> Wow, impressively epic gravedig:
05:56:47  <Supercheese> 11+ years
06:04:06  *** Diablo-D3 [] has quit [Quit: This computer has gone to sleep]
06:08:03  *** Hazzard_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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06:09:56  <V453000> XD
06:09:57  <V453000> nice
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06:22:32  <Supercheese> Wow, I tried Age of Empires 2 again, and I suck hard :|
06:22:40  <Supercheese> I seem to have forgotten all strategy
06:27:18  <SpComb>
06:27:29  <SpComb> thankfully they have youtube these days to solve that problem
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08:03:18  <Diablo-D3> I love it when passangers last month > max
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08:21:28  <__ln__>
08:21:38  * V453000 is actually DRAWING a train :D
08:21:43  <V453000> #pixelartisnotdead
08:23:02  <Rubidium> you're NUTS!
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08:23:21  <V453000> omg no!
08:27:28  *** tokai [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
08:28:18  <Supercheese> Yes, NUTS is his
08:28:41  <Supercheese> also, wtf potato salad
08:28:46  <Supercheese> I don't even
08:29:18  <V453000> wat
08:29:59  <Supercheese> ,000 potato salad
08:30:03  <Supercheese> :U
08:30:25  <V453000> dont want thanks :D
08:31:15  <Rubidium> how many people does that salad feed?
08:31:41  <Supercheese> I'm sure by now it's many multiple salads
08:31:51  <Supercheese> poor fellow will be cooking for a year
08:33:13  *** tokai|mdlx [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
08:34:53  <Supercheese> Potato salad is icky though
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08:35:29  <peter1138> Not if it's done right.
08:35:45  <Supercheese> I've never liked one, but there probably are a million recipes
08:35:56  <peter1138> Supermarket stuff is terrible.
08:36:10  <Supercheese> My family's was always eck
08:36:16  <Supercheese> slimy and bleh
08:36:42  <Supercheese> should make a potato salad .grf
08:37:10  * Supercheese is sleepy
08:37:37  <Supercheese> to bed
08:37:41  *** Supercheese [~Superchee@] has quit [Quit: Valete omnes]
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11:59:34  <__ln__> a free time activity hint for pm, Eddi, fjb and others:
12:00:45  <planetmaker> omg!
12:02:19  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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14:38:37  <Eddi|zuHause> i think we need a new vehicle type
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14:40:36  <Diablo-D3> lolwat
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14:45:33  <Eddi|zuHause> of course, being meter-gauge only works in half the german cities
14:46:25  <Eddi|zuHause> and you need a device to operate switches, or simply pick it up and drop it down a few steps further
14:47:05  <Eddi|zuHause> at least over here, switches can be hand-operated by a metal rod
14:53:07  <Eddi|zuHause> "208 songs were entered in the contest for the new swiss national anthem"
15:01:37  *** Hazzard [] has joined #openttd
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16:51:55  <planetmaker> hm.... fine collection of photos
17:03:08  *** frosch123 [] has joined #openttd
17:10:27  *** DanMacK [] has joined #openttd
17:16:31  <DanMacK> hey aLL
17:18:30  <planetmaker> hi DanMacK :)
17:18:36  <planetmaker> how are things?
17:18:53  <DanMacK> not bad u?
17:22:33  <planetmaker> not bad either :)
17:23:00  <DanMacK> just moved getting settled in
17:23:30  <planetmaker> oh. Moved in town or elsewhere?
17:23:44  <DanMacK> in town
17:24:25  <DanMacK> trying to get drawing ambition lol\
17:24:30  <planetmaker> :) That's luckily the easier moves
17:24:49  <planetmaker> ha :) andy needs getting fed with graphics indeed
17:25:11  <DanMacK> yeah
17:25:22  <planetmaker> alternatively talk to V453000  and draw 8bpp versions for the YETI industry set :)
17:25:29  <DanMacK> hopefully he'll be around soon
17:25:31  <DanMacK> lol
17:25:32  <planetmaker> layout is simple in all cases 4x4 tiles
17:25:58  <planetmaker> just the animation is a bitch :P
17:26:10  <DanMacK> Yeah, I've still got Iron Horse, Road Hog, FIRS...  FISH, lol
17:29:00  <DanMacK> lots to do
17:32:12  <planetmaker> lol. Lots of things :)
17:45:31  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r26677 /trunk/src/lang (estonian.txt gaelic.txt) (2014-07-08 17:45:23 UTC)
17:45:32  <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:45:33  <DorpsGek> estonian - 9 changes by KSiimson
17:45:34  <DorpsGek> gaelic - 63 changes by GunChleoc
17:50:42  *** Alberth [~hat@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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18:19:54  <Wolf01> hey
18:27:38  <Alberth> moin
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18:55:37  <Alberth> o/
18:55:42  <andythenorth> o/
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20:06:51  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r26678 trunk/src/settings_gui.cpp (2014-07-08 20:06:45 UTC)
20:06:52  <DorpsGek> -Codechange: Simplify settings widget layout. (Juanjo)
20:07:27  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r26679 /trunk/src (vehiclelist.cpp vehiclelist.h) (2014-07-08 20:07:21 UTC)
20:07:28  <DorpsGek> -Codechange: VehicleListIdentifier::Pack can be const. (Juanjo)
20:07:56  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r26680 trunk/src/widgets/dropdown.cpp (2014-07-08 20:07:50 UTC)
20:07:57  <DorpsGek> -Codechange: Simplify dropdown height computation. (Juanjo)
20:10:21  *** montalvo [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
20:11:39  <michi_cc> And again........
20:11:50  *** montalvo [] has joined #openttd
20:12:04  *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:c00a:782f:9dca:4608] has quit [Quit: .]
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20:13:25  <planetmaker> again?
20:13:32  <frosch123> anyone regulary using transfer orders? with cdist disabled?
20:13:51  <peter1138> hmm?
20:16:15  <planetmaker> frosch123, you mean the funky savegame in the one forum thread?
20:16:22  <frosch123> yup
20:16:24  <michi_cc> planetmaker: Fireworks for each German goal, getting a bit annoying by now :)
20:16:44  <planetmaker> oh :) surprisingly quiet then for that goal here
20:17:00  <frosch123> there are often fireworks here, but not today
20:17:48  <peter1138> michi_cc, that wouldn't be too bad if it was for England's goals.
20:17:48  <frosch123> though once i wondered whether it was a shooting at the harbor, since there were also sirens :p
20:19:04  <michi_cc> There's apparently a group of regulars just around the street corner, but I only hear them and can never see them.
20:19:46  *** KWKdesign [] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
20:19:51  <frosch123> planetmaker: the vehicle is stuck, thinking it still needs to transfer cargo, though the transfer order was for the previous station
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20:20:30  <andythenorth> I use unload and leave empty.  iirc fonso told me that transfers are expected to work, but my memory is flawed
20:20:53  <frosch123> andythenorth: i mean with cdist disabled
20:21:00  <andythenorth> herp
20:21:01  <frosch123> so, traditional transfers
20:21:03  <andythenorth> silly andythenorth
20:21:07  <andythenorth> I used to use them a lot
20:21:11  <andythenorth> never saw an issue
20:21:22  <frosch123> yes, but i mean with >= 1.4 :)
20:21:55  <andythenorth> ‘cdist all the way’ :P
20:21:59  <andythenorth> remove the non-cdist option
20:22:01  *** montalvo [] has quit [Quit: My MacBook Pro has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz
20:22:14  <frosch123> a rarely used feature which becomes even more rarely used after being superceeded by a new feature, is likely to turn very buggy :)
20:22:46  <andythenorth> should write a book
20:22:48  <andythenorth> or blog
20:22:50  <andythenorth> on software
20:23:11  <frosch123> V453000: since coop does not use cdist. can you make it a goal of the next game to heavily use transfer orders? :)
20:23:29  <Rubidium> s/heavily/only/
20:24:07  <frosch123> they prevent final delivery, don't they?
20:25:44  <Rubidium> the non-manual orders can't be transfer orders, so they could deliver and/or pickup
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20:27:18  <Eddi|zuHause> [08.07.2014 22:16] <michi_cc> planetmaker: Fireworks for each German goal, getting a bit annoying by now :) <-- did they run out of fireworks yet?
20:27:25  <Eddi|zuHause> there were like 3 goals in 3 minutes
20:27:30  <michi_cc> Not yet :)
20:28:42  <planetmaker> :D
20:29:25  <Eddi|zuHause> if they now didn't shoot they ran out :p
20:29:48  <Eddi|zuHause> it's 5:0 now, and only 30 minutes in...
20:30:01  <michi_cc> Still going... :)
20:30:14  <andythenorth> is there some kind of football match going on?
20:30:19  <planetmaker> :-=
20:30:22  <michi_cc> Germany - Brasil
20:30:27  <planetmaker> andythenorth, worldcup semi-final
20:30:37  <andythenorth> I heard about the world cup
20:30:39  <planetmaker> that's beyond incredible now
20:30:50  <andythenorth> I believe England didn’t want to play in it
20:30:57  <planetmaker> they tried ;)
20:31:09  <frosch123> sounds like some motivational problem now
20:31:14  <Eddi|zuHause> they didn't REALLY try :)
20:31:17  <planetmaker> a lot, yes
20:32:23  <Eddi|zuHause> well we DID lose a 4:0 lead once :p
20:32:30  <planetmaker> :D
20:41:38  <andythenorth> I have netherlands in the sweepstake
20:41:44  <andythenorth> how are netherlands doing?
20:42:06  <Rubidium> probably will remain 0-0 for the next 23 hours
20:42:14  <andythenorth> long game
20:42:19  <andythenorth> I saw them play spain
20:42:25  <andythenorth> they argued a lot
20:42:27  <Rubidium> mostly waiting for the stupid referee to start the game
20:42:46  <andythenorth> is it bed time yet?
20:42:55  <Rubidium> andythenorth: already 45 minutes past
20:43:31  <andythenorth> right
20:43:32  <Rubidium> at least... that's what I did last game of the Netherlands
20:43:58  <andythenorth> bye
20:44:00  *** andythenorth [] has left #openttd []
20:44:40  <planetmaker> well. Sunday will be Netherlands - Germany ;)
20:50:14  *** Alberth [~hat@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
20:54:37  <frosch123> match for 3rd place? :p
20:55:59  <planetmaker> :) probably that's Saturday. Dunno really
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21:04:27  <Eddi|zuHause> yes
21:13:08  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:25:14  <Eddi|zuHause> fireworks done yet?
21:25:19  <michi_cc> Nope :)
21:25:56  <michi_cc> Somebody has a biiiiig stash :)
21:26:48  <Eddi|zuHause> where do they even get that? i thought it's forbidden to sell fireworks except a few days before new year
21:27:49  <frosch123> well, there are people who do not buy anything for 3 years in a row, because they have still left overs :)
21:28:09  <michi_cc> Last new year there were several temporary fireworks shops around here.
21:28:24  <michi_cc> Big temporary shops.
21:28:50  <frosch123> apparently there is some age, when some seriously over-estimate how much you can fire in one night
21:29:40  <planetmaker> keeping it around on purpose could be a plan, too :)
21:33:58  <frosch123> well, i watched an argument between some parents: the father was of the opinion that the son can do whatever he wants with his pocket money, the mother was of the opinion that the father should not have driven the son twice to get everything home, but instead should have left him suffering at the shop...
21:35:04  <Eddi|zuHause> are they out yet?
21:35:12  <michi_cc> No :)
21:35:16  <Eddi|zuHause> (0:7 wtf...)
21:35:32  <planetmaker> more and more ridiculous
21:35:49  <planetmaker> but my life stream seriously is not live. You all know before me ;)
21:35:51  <frosch123> violation of human rights?
21:36:08  <frosch123> planetmaker: my irc feed sounds quite up to date
21:36:27  <planetmaker> yeah. Quite :)
21:37:21  <michi_cc> planetmaker: It's all relative. The feed of a bar quite neat is about 5 seconds or so ahead of me, which is quite relaxing as you always know when to turn your head back to the screen ;)
21:37:26  <Eddi|zuHause> 6:0 would already be the highest victory in the history of semifinals (current record is 6:1 Ger-Aus '54)
21:37:57  <planetmaker> I don't think Brazil deserves this :)
21:40:03  <Rubidium> planetmaker: one goal against for every death during building the stadiums? Then they still have one to go
21:40:39  <Eddi|zuHause>
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21:49:36  <michi_cc> Eddi|zuHause: Apparently there was enough fireworks for several more goals left (going by the sounds outside right now).
21:52:25  <frosch123> night
21:52:29  *** frosch123 [] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn]
21:52:54  *** tyteen4a03 [] has quit [Quit: Black bird fly, you were only waiting for this moment to arise]
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22:05:44  <Wolf01> 'night
22:05:50  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
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23:02:55  <Supercheese> Good Lord, what happened to the Brasilian team
23:03:00  <Supercheese> it's like they weren't there
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