Log for #openttd on 12th January 2015:
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00:05:04  *** supermop [] has joined #openttd
01:07:12  <Eddi|zuHause> the idea is that everybody takes on a different language
01:07:22  <Eddi|zuHause> not one takes all languages :p
01:14:18  *** dreck [~oftc-webi@] has left #openttd []
01:19:20  *** dysoco [] has joined #openttd
01:20:59  <dysoco> So any ideas why my Train Depots won't let me create any engines (only wagons)? They were working one hour ago in the same game, is this a bug or did I mess something up?
01:23:21  *** supermop [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
01:25:17  <dysoco> hm apparently setting "never expire engines" and running "reset_engines" on the console fixes it.
01:39:34  *** HerzogDeXtEr [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
01:40:11  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, conventional engines run out with the default set. you should switch to maglev
01:59:09  *** twb` [~twb@] has joined #openttd
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01:59:57  *** twb [~twb@] has joined #openttd
02:01:22  <twb> I'm looking at giving openttd to prison inmates.  They can't have a REPL (console) that can run arbitrary commands.  Can openttd's console be used to run arbitrary commands?
02:01:51  <twb> I see it can cd and ls, and I can get it to cd to /bin, but I'm not sure if I can get it to run something like curl
02:17:49  <glx> you can't run anything from openttd
02:18:00  <twb> OK, thanks
02:18:30  <glx> cd and ls are just used to navigate and then load savegames
02:18:38  <twb> (I saw exec and script commands and I wasn't sure if I could write an openttd script that then did arbitrary commands.)
02:20:51  <glx> scripts are just collections of openttd commands
02:20:59  <twb> Okey dokey
02:29:23  <twb> Does openttd make any noises, other than the music?
02:29:38  <twb> (I'm not hearning any, but I'm not sure if that's my fault.)
02:30:54  <twb> ldd says it's linked to libFLAC and libvorbis but I think that's just coming via SDL or so
02:37:00  <Elyon> there is both a soundset and a musicset
02:37:07  <Elyon> the soundset makes quite a lot of noises
02:37:11  <twb> Hm, OK.
02:37:25  <Elyon> I think it's called OpenSFX
02:37:26  <twb> I'm running Debian 7 with openttd 1.2 and I can only see openmsx and opengfx
02:40:07  <twb> Ah they're in the non-free section
03:13:50  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
03:18:18  *** Pikka [] has joined #openttd
04:16:25  <twb> This is weird.  When I run openttd as root, I get both sound effects and music.  When I run it as a normal user, only the music is working.
04:16:46  <twb> (My test is to hit new game > generate, then click the fast forward button and listen for choo-choo noises.)
04:18:57  *** quorzom [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
04:19:24  <Elyon> well, do you have anything generating the noises?
04:19:44  <twb> Dunno.  I don't really know how this game works, I was just told to install it
04:20:00  <twb> When I run it as root it even makes noises on the start screen, actually
04:21:45  <twb> lsof says root-owned openttd is using /dev/snd/ (ALSA) interface, which is world-writable...
04:22:55  <twb> No error output when I run it as an inmate
04:24:38  <twb> OK this play sound effects: su - p -s /bin/sh -c 'exec /usr/games/openttd -s sdl -S OpenSFX'
04:24:59  <twb> But without -S OpenSFX it isn't doing so...
04:26:29  <twb> Maybe because I ran it as p once without the sounds, so it has remembered that in his home... ?
04:26:51  <twb> Aha, looks like it
04:26:51  <twb> soundsset = "NoSound"
04:30:31  <twb> works now
04:33:43  <Elyon> ah :p
04:33:44  <Elyon> okay
04:46:30  *** Pikka [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
04:53:38  <twb> Grr.  If I just put the opensfx .zip there, it doesn't see it.  Debian's .tar works, but I don't really want to enable non-free just for that one file
05:04:45  *** dysoco [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
05:06:39  <Eddi|zuHause> you have to unpack the .zip
05:06:45  <twb> ok
05:06:56  <twb> (grumble)
05:06:57  <Eddi|zuHause> .tar is uncompressed, so openttd can read it directly
05:07:26  <twb> Yeah I have just seen a lot of other games aimed a windows users that compile in a libzip or so
05:07:32  <twb> e.g. zsnes
05:08:11  <twb> It's not a big deal; just means an extra line in my build script
05:08:42  <Eddi|zuHause> well, we have compression for savegames, but the point here is performance, because the stuff is accessed repeatedly on disk
05:09:09  <Eddi|zuHause> random access and compression do not mix well
05:09:35  <twb> understood
05:10:39  <Eddi|zuHause> also, the stuff downloaded from online content is compressed, and extracted after download
05:11:18  <twb> inmates don't get access to the internet, so I don't care about that :-)
05:11:26  <Eddi|zuHause> (you can also get opensfx from there)
05:13:28  <Eddi|zuHause> if they can't access online content, you might want to provide a selection from there, especially AI opponents, which are not builtin
05:13:38  <twb> okey dokey
05:13:46  <twb> I'll look into that
05:13:57  *** supermop [] has joined #openttd
05:14:28  <Eddi|zuHause> you can just download stuff, and copy over the content_download folder to any client
05:15:09  <twb> Into /usr/share/games/openttd/data/ ?
05:15:39  <Eddi|zuHause> downloaded content is usually put into ~/.openttd
05:16:03  <Eddi|zuHause> but it will be found in that folder also
05:16:09  <twb> OK good.
05:16:23  <twb> Putting stuff in inmate homes by default is a bit painful
05:16:36  <twb> Putting it in /usr means it's updated with the SOE
05:17:27  <Eddi|zuHause> yes, i understand that
05:17:40  <Eddi|zuHause> it'll probably just work(tm)
05:18:26  <Eddi|zuHause> just be careful to not put openttd.cfg there, otherwise the game will try to save to that folder, and stuff...
05:18:39  <twb> Righto
05:22:34  <Eddi|zuHause> details on how the folder discovery works can be found in the readme (section 4.2, i think)
05:22:52  <twb> thanks
05:38:28  <mgrunin> openttd is shit
05:38:30  <mgrunin> how autistic do you need to be
05:41:50  <twb> >shrug< personally I prefer sneaking up to a band of orcs and slitting their throats one by one.  YMMV
05:56:02  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit []
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06:05:57  <smoke_fumus> mgrunin: fat troll, blowing chunks of oily grease on the official channel. did it worth it?
06:06:41  <twb> smoke_fumus: what puzzles me is he didn't /join right before trolling -- he'd been here for hours
06:07:28  <smoke_fumus> no puzzle in that. it's a fat troll. he probably forgot he wanted to troll channel when he joiner, right after he saw a boob in some ad.
06:07:37  <smoke_fumus> *joined
06:07:49  <twb> hehe
06:13:27  *** supermop [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
06:15:04  <mgrunin> openttd is for super virgins
06:23:35  <Elyon> you know the weirdest thing?
06:23:46  <Elyon> they said the /exact/ same thing about a week ago
06:23:51  <Elyon> word for word
06:23:57  <Elyon> haven't seen them leave since
06:26:14  <twb> See if I was gonna do that, I'd hook it up to cron and a markov chain
06:26:23  <twb> and then just walk away
06:26:29  <Elyon> maybe that's what happened
06:26:52  <twb> maybe connect it to some kind of ad revenue so it's hosting is self-funded -- like Xah Lee
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07:18:25  *** Pereba [~UserNick@] has quit [Quit: AdiIRC 1.9.6 Disequilibrium]
07:27:55  *** Isaschar [] has joined #openttd
07:28:07  <Isaschar> hi
07:35:31  <Supercheese> Salutations
08:12:26  *** luaduck_zzz is now known as luaduck
08:34:46  *** DDR [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
08:37:13  *** McZapkie [] has joined #openttd
08:38:00  <McZapkie> it is working?
08:41:31  <Supercheese> eh?
08:42:20  <planetmaker> moin
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08:43:54  <dihedral> hello
08:53:14  *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:518b:bf8:35eb:88b0] has joined #openttd
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11:36:50  <dreck> hi
11:45:37  *** supermop [] has joined #openttd
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14:54:53  <Belugas> bonjour
14:58:22  <__ln___> aussi
15:04:20  <peter1138> oui
15:06:29  *** Myhorta [] has joined #openttd
15:09:27  <planetmaker> salut
15:09:55  *** kruug [] has joined #openttd
15:11:06  <kruug> I was looking to see if there was a "Portable" version of the game.  I'd like to be able to install everything to a USB drive and take everything with me instead of having to copy everything off of the user directory.
15:11:27  <kruug> I see there's the zip archive, but it still puts save games and game resources onto the main drive of the computer.
15:11:47  <planetmaker> openttd is portable by default
15:12:07  <planetmaker> openttd puts savegames and content download relative to the dir it finds the openttd.cfg
15:12:28  <planetmaker> thus have openttd binary accompanied by openttd.cfg and the rest in the dirs relative to the binary and you're set
15:12:39  <planetmaker> see also readme, section4
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15:15:20  <kruug> planetmaker: so, after the first run, I have to copy the openttd.cfg file from the personal directory to the current working directory?
15:15:31  <kruug> s/copy/move
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15:16:45  <planetmaker> kruug, you can simply create an empty openttd.cfg before the 1st run, too
15:21:56  <kruug> well, that was stupidly easy.  Thanks planetmaker.
15:22:47  <planetmaker> you're welcome
15:47:13  *** Guest1618 [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
15:57:14  <Belugas> Comment ca va?  How are you doing? Como esta usted?
15:57:36  *** engineerwolf [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
15:57:56  <peter1138> combein
15:58:15  <peter1138> combien?
15:58:19  <peter1138> how many?
15:58:22  <peter1138> i dunno :D
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16:15:41  <Alberth> moin
16:37:34  <jjavaholic> is there a way where one can remove towns?
16:42:16  <planetmaker> scenario editor
16:42:21  <planetmaker> and moin
16:42:49  <jjavaholic> what is moin?
16:42:56  <planetmaker> a greeting
16:43:02  <planetmaker> :)
16:43:32  <kruug> Danish, Frisian, and Low German.  Meaning "hello" and sometimes "goodbye"
16:46:02  <Belugas> lol @ peter1138 !
16:49:26  <Eddi|zuHause> wouldn't it be "estan" with "usted"?
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19:09:19  <Wolf01> hello o/
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19:37:02  <Alberth> o/
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20:05:20  <dreck> hi
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22:05:31  <Wolf01> 'night
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