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00:09:50 *** Quatroking [~Quatrokin@ip226-139-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 00:19:35 *** shadowalkerAFK is now known as shadowalker 00:19:53 *** shadowalker is now known as shadowalkerAFK 00:28:34 <samu> i've a suggestion for ships 00:29:04 <samu> I don't like to see them piling over each other 00:29:42 <samu> give them a randomized acceleration so as to try to spread them 00:34:04 <samu> same ship model, randomized acceleration for each depart 00:36:43 <samu> for each time they depart* 00:37:34 <Supercheese> There's A Patch For That⢠00:37:39 <Supercheese> lemme dig the link 00:38:05 <samu> oh, nice 00:40:19 *** Diablo-D3 [~diablo@] has joined #openttd 00:40:31 <Diablo-D3> hey guys 00:40:35 <Diablo-D3> what AIs are worth looking at? 00:40:57 <samu> let me look at my annotations 00:41:36 *** Progman [~progman@p57A193B0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:43:07 <samu> these annotations are a bit old, but 00:43:12 <samu> AdmiralAI 00:43:39 <samu> DictatorAI 00:44:01 <Supercheese> jeez can't find the patch, where was it.. 00:44:21 <samu> AroAI, except on sub-tropical 00:44:59 <samu> Convoy, except on sub-tropical 00:45:26 <samu> MogulAI, but this guy is very crazy 00:45:34 <Diablo-D3> what about nocab or pathzilla? 00:45:38 <samu> fills up 5000 vehicles in no time 00:45:39 <Diablo-D3> I remember those being popular at one point 00:45:52 *** Ttech [~ttech@dragons.have.mostlyincorrect.info] has joined #openttd 00:46:09 <samu> OtviAI 00:46:20 <samu> SimpleAI 00:46:30 <samu> Terron 00:46:51 <samu> Trans 00:47:17 <samu> Clueless Plus except on toyland 00:47:28 <samu> the rest are not as stable as I'd like 00:48:57 <Diablo-D3> also, if I want to do citybuilder, should I go aphid or should I go simple citybuilder? 00:49:21 <samu> NoCAB is buggy during rail upgrade 00:49:28 <samu> almost always fail 00:49:34 <Diablo-D3> ouch 00:49:37 <samu> but before 2000 it's good 00:49:56 <samu> past that, it kind of *dies 00:50:14 <samu> stays idle with all trains stopped in depots 00:50:56 <samu> i dont know what aphid is 00:51:13 <Diablo-D3> a citybuilder script 00:51:18 <samu> NoCAB is also terrible with ships 00:51:32 <samu> it blocks itself with depots and reallly lags the game 00:52:34 <samu> let me read more 00:53:39 <samu> some of them require pre-set game settings 00:53:42 <samu> to work better 00:55:55 <Supercheese> Finally found it: http://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=42758&p=1007201#p1007138 00:55:55 <samu> forbit 90 degrees: turn it off 00:56:07 <samu> it is preferrible for many of them which uses train 00:56:36 <samu> super, ok, i'll look at it 00:56:48 <samu> allow building on slopes and coasts: on 00:57:00 <samu> allow drive-through road stops on town owned roads: on 00:57:07 <samu> allow to join stations not directly adjacent: on 00:57:35 <samu> Maximum bridge length: 20 tiles (for choo-choo) 00:57:41 <samu> 20 or more 00:57:46 <samu> less than 20 it craps 00:59:12 <samu> allow to join stations not directly adjacent: on (for AdmiralAI) 00:59:15 <Diablo-D3> those are all default options 00:59:23 <samu> :) 01:00:06 <samu> vehicles never expire 01:00:13 <samu> : on 01:00:24 <samu> airports never expire: on 01:00:29 <samu> for those who use airports 01:01:02 <Diablo-D3> those two arent default 01:01:32 * Diablo-D3 increases maximum station size 01:01:38 <samu> Forbid trains and ships from making 90º turns: Off (for MailAI, though it almost never survive anyway) 01:02:17 <Diablo-D3> you already said that one 01:02:39 <samu> BorkAI is horrible with bus stations, don't let it build buses 01:02:51 <samu> he spams bus stations in every road tile 01:02:54 <samu> in a town 01:03:03 <samu> unless that was fixed 01:03:30 <samu> it works fine for trucks 01:04:03 * Diablo-D3 starts a game and sees what happens 01:04:05 <samu> WmDOT only works on Temperate 01:04:11 *** Ttech [~ttech@dragons.have.mostlyincorrect.info] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:04:12 <samu> if it wants to survive, that is 01:04:54 <samu> and that's it, i'm at the end of these notes 01:14:10 <Flygon> Making 'tracks' in 1 tile wide channels would be... interesting 01:14:11 <Flygon> As in 01:14:14 <Flygon> Passing loops and all 01:14:15 <Flygon> And signalling 01:14:20 <Flygon> Doubt it'll ever happen tho @_@ 01:14:31 <samu> Pathzilla, you asked about it 01:15:12 <samu> my observations is that it needs easy game settings, like a big loan, low construction costs 01:15:17 <samu> it tends to bankrupt 01:15:22 <samu> often 01:15:59 <samu> breakdowns off 01:16:05 <samu> vehicles never expire 01:16:11 <samu> that kind of settings 01:16:47 <samu> it doesn't crash with errors 01:18:32 <samu> oh, i have 1 instance where it crashed, it was in sub-tropical 01:19:37 <samu> many AIs do bad in sub-tropical 01:19:46 *** Ttech [~ttech@dragons.have.mostlyincorrect.info] has joined #openttd 01:20:58 <samu> sub-tropical is the worst tileset for AIs, statistically lol 01:21:12 <samu> then toy land almost equally worse 01:21:33 *** Rugnir_ [~oftc-webi@host-2-103-201-227.as13285.net] has joined #openttd 01:21:41 <Rugnir_> anybody about? 01:21:57 <samu> temperate and arctic are best for AIs 01:22:09 <Rugnir_> hello 01:22:11 <samu> hji 01:23:18 <Rugnir_> I've been playing about with the game for a while now. I really wanna try a project, as i've made countless moneymaking rail systems. 01:23:34 <Rugnir_> Anybody got any ideas? Know any servers for that kinda thing? 01:24:50 <planetmaker> Rugnir_, there's many many servers. Have a look at a few and stick to those where you like ti 01:24:52 <planetmaker> *it 01:25:39 <planetmaker> there's plenty with some kind of goals, often city builder or alike. But you can also get such game scripts from online content and then play that offline on your own w/o multiplayer servers involved 01:25:59 <Rugnir_> I've not been playing multiplayer for very long but most of the servers I've found seem to be very temporary 01:26:13 <Rugnir_> I was thinking something more like a large project 01:26:53 <Rugnir_> I've been looking at trying to learn for openttdcoop but there's nobody about on their irc today 01:29:45 <Rugnir_> I've been enjoying making rail systems as complex as possible. I've gotten up to 4 rails each way on my singleplayer games, but I'm sure its teribly inefficient 01:29:56 <Diablo-D3> I forget how many years until AIs start up 01:30:31 <planetmaker> well, this is a bit night time compared to when coop is active, usually. But just stick around a bit... then maybe another person joins in and won't find it empty 01:32:24 <Rugnir_> Okay thanks 01:41:22 *** dihedral [~dih@znc.dihedral-server.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 01:49:05 *** dihedral [~dih@znc.dihedral-server.de] has joined #openttd 01:51:45 <samu> woah, that looks suberb! 01:51:53 <samu> patch for ships 01:52:46 <samu> now as to convince devs to reduce canal prices... 02:08:10 <samu> there's still room for improvements 02:11:33 <samu> heh, some ships are doing a 360º turns 02:13:07 <samu> a peninsula ahead + a nearby ship = 360 degree turn 02:13:19 <samu> but woah, it looks spectacular to watch 02:24:14 <samu> the path ai isn't helping 02:27:43 <samu> forbidding 90 degrees is really really hurtful for ships 02:27:58 <samu> YAPF doesn't handle this any good 02:32:36 <samu> anybody here? 02:33:56 *** Rugnir_ [~oftc-webi@host-2-103-201-227.as13285.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 02:33:59 <Flygon> Most peeps are asleep 02:34:10 <samu> :) 02:34:24 <Flygon> .pt? 02:34:27 <Flygon> Portugal? 02:34:35 <samu> http://www.twitch.tv/xarickpreto 02:34:37 <samu> yes 02:34:42 <Flygon> Ahh 02:34:44 <samu> watch 90 degrees on ships 02:34:48 <Flygon> Australia here 02:34:49 <ST2> samu is googling for what means "sleeping" xD 02:35:11 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:35:17 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 02:37:25 <Flygon> Is he like the villian from Die Another Day? 02:40:25 <samu> i like the feature 02:40:32 <samu> of that patch 02:40:44 <samu> but it combines very bad with forbidden 90 degrees 02:41:36 <samu> or actually, YAPF isn't gentle with that setting for ships 02:42:09 <samu> not entirely the fault of the patch, but the patch requires forbidden 90 degrees :( too bad 02:43:57 <samu> when there's a problem in the route, it becomes very difficult to find where the ship couldn't do a 90 degree turn 02:45:12 <samu> 0 viewers, nobody's watching t.t 02:51:27 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 02:51:27 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~flex@i59F6A39E.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 03:02:45 <Flygon> Jusr like my art streams 03:02:56 <Flygon> Everyone figures out I ran out of music when I get desperate and run Bond themes 03:11:18 <samu> i hate to be forced into bed when i'm in the midst of something 03:14:35 <samu> what I like on YAPF is that it looks quite fine-tuned for 90 degrees, with the exception of those fake ship is lost warnings when they're not lost. 03:16:19 <samu> it does have some flaws from what I can remember - it fails when it has to pick a random depot for servicing at a random moment. 03:17:18 <samu> it picks it, finds a route to it, but at the same time, it cancels it 03:17:26 <samu> when it gets out of range 03:17:39 <samu> ship then enters a dumb-looping back and forth 03:19:06 <samu> when it goes back to his normal route, it re-enters the service range and triggers servicing, it picks the opposite route, going out of range 03:19:19 <samu> it cancels service 03:19:37 <samu> ship never gets serviced because it's on this dumb-loop 03:20:30 <samu> and never returns back to its normal schedulle 03:21:29 <samu> the problem is triggered when it needs to chose a depot to service 03:22:54 <samu> if breakdowns are disabled and never service if breakdowns are disabled then I don't see any other flaw with YAPF and ships that I recall. 03:26:37 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-240.netvisao.pt] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 03:35:59 *** Biolunar [Biolunar@blfd-d9bf6a2b.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 03:42:56 *** Biolunar_ [Biolunar@blfd-4d0885f4.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 03:53:22 *** glx [~glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Bye] 03:59:11 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 04:04:35 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has joined #openttd 04:05:19 <chillcore> o/ 04:12:27 *** quorzom [~quorzom@cable-78-35-98-177.netcologne.de] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 04:17:51 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 04:17:58 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 04:48:43 *** l4urenz [~l4urenz@D97B5AAC.cm-3-4b.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 05:09:21 *** shirish [~quassel@] has joined #openttd 05:31:42 *** sla_ro|master [~sla.ro@] has joined #openttd 05:38:58 * chillcore sundays https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8_PJXv16i0&list=RDHCgdat758_C4E 05:43:23 <ST2> well, it's a try... with a music talking about sun happiness and summer xD 05:43:43 <chillcore> ;) 05:56:02 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p5DC664D0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [] 05:56:17 *** Eddi|zuHause [~johekr@p57BD4C73.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 06:13:27 *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:15ae:edc5:edf4:41d2] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 06:57:51 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 07:04:57 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19F83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 07:26:24 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has joined #openttd 07:43:34 *** Pensacola [~quassel@c80094.upc-c.chello.nl] has joined #openttd 07:51:04 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19F83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 07:52:32 *** Celestar [~Celestar@p4FD6EAD0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 07:55:07 *** Supercheese [~Superchee@cpe-76-178-136-186.natnow.res.rr.com] has quit [Quit: Valete omnes] 07:58:26 <Terkhen> good morning 08:03:27 *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd 08:03:30 *** mode/#openttd [+o Alberth] by ChanServ 08:13:15 *** liq4 [liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has joined #openttd 08:13:15 *** liq3 is now known as Guest238 08:13:15 *** liq4 is now known as liq3 08:15:50 <supermop> yo 08:16:36 *** roidal [~roland@193-154-140-192.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 08:19:31 *** Guest238 [liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 08:21:16 *** Celestar [~Celestar@p4FD6EAD0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 08:39:25 <Alberth> hi hi 08:42:20 <Taede> mornin 08:45:55 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 08:47:17 <Alberth> moin 08:48:02 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [] 09:03:15 <chillcore> hello Alberth 09:03:49 *** George [~George@] has joined #openttd 09:04:47 <George> Hi. Small NML question. How to display speed in proper units in additional text CB? 09:06:08 <George> STR_PURCHASE_HINT_SPEED_CHANGE_ON_LOAD :Max speed changes to {VELOCITY} when loaded 09:06:53 <Alberth> indeed, that would be the string 09:07:59 <George> string(STR_PURCHASE_HINT_SPEED_CHANGE_ON_LOAD, 70 km/h)); 09:08:36 <George> â[Knmlc ERROR: "xussr.nml", line 20942: Syntax error, unexpected token "km/h" 09:09:33 <George> How should I specify the data to the {VELOCITY}? 09:11:26 <Alberth> tbh I have no idea how to add data to any positional string command 09:12:00 <George> Any idea where to look at? 09:12:00 <Alberth> maybe someone else can help you, although it's quiet here at this time of the sunday 09:12:54 <Alberth> other nml vehicle sets probably, or the nml manual on settings string parameters 09:13:19 <Alberth> post a question to the forum is also an option 09:14:13 <George> what subforum would fit better? 09:14:14 <juzza1> not sure if the parameter can be anything but another string 09:14:32 <juzza1> string(STR_SOMETHING, string(STR_ANOTHER)) 09:14:56 <Alberth> newgrf development, in the NML thread, would be my choice 09:15:14 <George> It definitly can be INSIGNED_WORD, just checked 09:15:15 <Alberth> as you're asking a technical nml question 09:16:05 <George> I get problems with values in units only 09:16:19 <Alberth> hmm, is there a unit conversion function in nml? 09:16:30 <Alberth> maybe you need to wrap that around your value 09:16:40 <George> I could find one 09:17:05 <TrueBrain> arent speed units handled by the game itself? As you can switch between km/h and mph? (has no clue about NML, but this stood out to me :)) 09:18:05 <George> http://newgrf-specs.tt-wiki.net/wiki/NML:Builtin_functions 09:18:27 <George> No, there is none to convert speed here :( 09:19:23 <juzza1> George: right, it _should_ take a velocity parameter like that, according to http://newgrf-specs.tt-wiki.net/wiki/NML:Language_files 09:19:32 <TrueBrain> exactly why I mentoin it :) Doesn't {VELOCITY} take km/h value as parameter, and output either N km/h or M mph, based on the game setting? :) 09:19:49 <TrueBrain> (so just 70, without any addition) 09:20:32 <TrueBrain> for the same reason you only give an integer for {CURRENCY}, and you dont add the EUR etc? :) 09:20:36 <Alberth> hi TB, yes, that would be a good experiment 09:21:19 <TrueBrain> string(STR_PURCHASE_HINT_SPEED_CHANGE_ON_LOAD, 70)); 09:21:26 <TrueBrain> so that would be my guess there :) 09:21:35 <TrueBrain> well, one ) too many, but meh :) 09:22:11 <George> â[Knmlc ERROR: "lang\english.lng", line 992: Provided a static argument for string command 'VELOCITY' which is invalid 09:23:37 <TrueBrain> so I am wrong; bah :D 09:23:39 <TrueBrain> sorry :) 09:24:18 <George> May be you can generate more ides, may be someone would work 09:25:40 <TrueBrain> trying to find an online example of string() with a second parameter, but rather failing :( 09:27:03 <Alberth> it seems to need a non-static argument, can you make it a non-static one, by adding some switch-like statement? 09:27:46 <Alberth> (no idea what statements exist in nml, so likely, it's not "switch") 09:30:18 *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:9c3e:36ba:512f:5c00] has joined #openttd 09:44:49 *** Quatroking [~Quatrokin@ip226-139-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has joined #openttd 09:44:55 *** George46 [~George@] has joined #openttd 09:48:26 <George> No idea how 09:49:09 *** George [~George@] has quit [] 09:52:39 *** George46 [~George@] has quit [] 09:52:55 *** George [~George@] has joined #openttd 09:55:58 *** George|2 [~George@] has joined #openttd 09:55:58 *** George is now known as Guest248 09:55:58 *** George|2 is now known as George 09:56:07 *** George [~George@] has quit [] 09:57:22 *** Guest248 [~George@] has quit [] 10:08:29 <planetmaker> moin 10:12:16 <Alberth> o/ 10:16:12 <Taede> ello 10:19:24 *** oskari89 [oskari89@83-102-63-32.bb.dnainternet.fi] has joined #openttd 10:25:49 *** Taede_ [~T@neutron.nurionis.co.uk] has joined #openttd 10:30:44 *** Taede_ [~T@neutron.nurionis.co.uk] has quit [Quit: He who can look into the future, has a brighter future to look into] 10:34:19 <chillcore> houston? ... we get glitches ... no idea where they are coming from. 10:40:33 <chillcore> https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=63595&start=30 10:40:39 <chillcore> pic #13 10:40:43 <chillcore> :( 10:47:06 <chillcore> hmm ... error message opengfx(e) has corrupt sprite? will write it down correctly as soon a I see the message again. 10:47:17 *** gelignite [~gelignite@i5387A361.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 10:53:55 <Alberth> wow :) 10:54:37 <chillcore> indeed ... thing is I can not reproduce neither ... when I try the same setting it crashes on mepgenearation 10:54:55 <chillcore> ^^^ but ccpelled correctly :P 10:55:04 <chillcore> spelled ... doh 11:00:36 <Alberth> mep the map :p 11:01:46 <Alberth> you may want to update your baseset, sprites have been added in the past 11:12:52 <chillcore> mepping ... already found a typo in one of my patches (although I doubt it is the cause of glitches) ... checking to see if I have the latest and greatest of OpenGFX 11:15:18 <planetmaker> the latest and greates is yet a nightly version only 11:16:27 <chillcore> I am aware of that planetmaker, if you do not have it while compiling yourself the games tells you about it. ;) 11:16:47 <chillcore> Thank you for the hint anyway, much apreciated. 11:18:06 <Alberth> ugh, why does squirrel interface linking fail? :( 11:18:11 <planetmaker> eh, while compiling the game, chillcore ? 11:19:08 <chillcore> if you compile trunk and OpenTTD only sees the stable version on start, then it sais you may expect glitches because of not tunning the nightly OpenGFX 11:19:24 <chillcore> s tunning/running 11:20:18 <planetmaker> yes. But that has nothing to do with compiling it. Just with using nightly :) 11:22:49 <chillcore> true ... MHL used to have glitches each time OpenGFX updated because of the way sprites were inserted before, not sure how flat_blacktiles are treated now 11:23:24 <chillcore> the glitches used to be outside the map too so this may be unrelated to what I am seeing now-ish (can not reproduce)) 11:27:02 <Alberth> http://devs.openttd.org/~alberth/diffs/news_with_position.patch anyone an idea why this fails to link? 11:29:28 <Alberth> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pkqun1lyg errors 11:41:05 <Eddi|zuHause> chillcore: flat blacktiles were replaced with a black recolour map 11:42:07 <chillcore> hmm ... date in description in game options seems to match the latest nightly version 11:42:43 <chillcore> thank you for the info eddi. 11:43:32 <V453000> hmmmm, played on novapolis custom client yesterday and I must say they have a ton of nice client-side gui improvements 11:43:33 *** Ketsuban [~thomas@] has quit [Quit: To robbery, slaughter, plunder they give the lying name of empire; they make a desert and call it peace.] 11:46:38 <michi_cc> Alberth: You're missing a few ScriptNews::'s 11:49:14 <Alberth> DOH 11:49:19 <Alberth> thanks michi_cc 12:02:18 *** Ketsuban [~thomas@] has joined #openttd 12:04:29 *** FLHerne [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 12:08:24 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-5f740e1f.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 12:17:35 <frosch123> chillcore: btw. your new window is quite colourful: green, orange, black, blue, white, light green :) 12:17:58 <frosch123> https://wiki.openttd.org/GUI_Style#Window_colours <- we once collected some colour schemes that are being used in ottd 12:24:25 <chillcore> thank you for the link frosch, adding it to my list. Blue however is not in it ... only dark_green, orange, grey and mauve (except for text) 12:25:24 <chillcore> feel free to change in whatever your pref is. I added more colour because someone complained about the gui being too boring;) 12:25:58 <frosch123> haha, well, all ottd windows are boring then :p your window is a parrot between them :) 12:26:19 <frosch123> lots of borders and bevels which no other windows have 12:26:42 <chillcore> thank god I did not go for rainbowcoulour text :P 12:27:01 <chillcore> you like or I should tone down a bit? 12:27:12 <frosch123> V does rainbow, if you haven't seen nuts yet :) 12:27:32 <chillcore> I have not seen it yet no 12:30:02 *** Suicyder [~Suicyder@] has joined #openttd 12:30:04 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@] has joined #openttd 12:30:04 *** Suicyder [~Suicyder@] has quit [] 12:31:28 <Wolf01> o/ 12:36:31 <Alberth> moin 12:36:58 *** roidal_ [~roland@62-46-138-163.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has joined #openttd 12:38:25 <planetmaker> ho ho. 12:38:35 <planetmaker> it's confusing, Alberth and chillcore have the same colour 12:38:53 <Eddi|zuHause> not here 12:39:14 <Eddi|zuHause> but yes. same colour is very very confusing 12:39:34 <Alberth> long live random colouring heuristics :p 12:39:37 <Eddi|zuHause> like you and supercheese 12:39:42 <planetmaker> :) 12:39:45 <Wolf01> eh, you have all the same colour here :) 12:40:03 <chillcore> everyone that highlights me has unreadable yellow, everybody else black 12:40:04 <planetmaker> you share the colour with Terken, Wolf01 ;) 12:40:11 <chillcore> o/ wolf01 12:40:16 <Eddi|zuHause> damn coloured people! they all look alike! :p 12:40:22 <planetmaker> and juza actually 12:41:38 *** roidal [~roland@193-154-140-192.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 12:43:48 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has joined #openttd 12:44:17 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19F83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #openttd 12:55:22 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-170-165.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:05:15 <Alberth> planetmaker: http://devs.openttd.org/~alberth/green_rocky_patches.png this counts as a bug? 13:07:50 <Eddi|zuHause> someone's "use more variations of rock" patch was overzealous? 13:09:42 *** frosch [~frosch@frnk-5f740e1f.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 13:10:32 <Alberth> either that, or someone didn't code all rock variations 13:10:51 <frosch> i only checked the basesets, not ogfx+landscape :p 13:12:16 *** frosch123 [~frosch@frnk-5f740e1f.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:17:42 *** jjavaholic [~jjavaholi@grahamg63.plus.com] has joined #openttd 13:18:02 *** FLHerne_ [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 13:18:22 <jjavaholic> I'm looking for tips and ideas how to form a train network that plans around town growth 13:18:49 <planetmaker> Alberth, yes. Though it's a result of the change frosch introduced recently: to also use the unused rock sprites 13:19:21 <planetmaker> and the newgrf doesn't replace unused sprites indeed 13:19:29 <planetmaker> or formerly unused sprites 13:19:38 <Alberth> yeah, quite :) 13:19:44 <frosch> hmm, do we use function overloading anywhere in ottd? 13:19:48 <Alberth> will file a bug 13:20:29 <Alberth> all virtual methods? 13:20:56 <frosch> i mean functions with same name, but different amount/type of parameters 13:21:24 <frosch> the traditional c functions do not do that, so i wonder whether it is part of our coding style to not do it :) 13:21:45 <Alberth> traditional c doesn't have overloading 13:21:51 *** FLHerne [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 13:21:53 <frosch> like ScrollWindowTo vs ScrollWindowToTile 13:22:04 <frosch> Alberth: yes, but should i stick to that when adding a new function? :p 13:22:45 <Alberth> hmm, maybe in the gfx.cpp file? 13:22:58 <Alberth> with all the string rendering functions 13:23:47 <Alberth> I wouldn't mind if you add overloaded functions 13:24:05 <Alberth> the only problem is that finding the definition from its use is more complicated 13:24:08 <Eddi|zuHause> all the template functions are overloaded? 13:24:16 <Eddi|zuHause> max(a,b) 13:24:58 <Eddi|zuHause> i.e. stuff that is in .hpp files? 13:32:26 <Alberth> hmm, and it makes it easier to read what the code does 13:32:46 *** FLHerne_ is now known as FLHerne 13:36:19 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6A39E.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 13:37:47 <frosch> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/p2iqizede?/p2iqizede <- ok, what about that case :p 13:43:57 <Alberth> different number of parameters is way easier to find, seems fine to me 13:49:42 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm probably not the right person to decide this, but i'd find it easier if all the "helper function" that just call the main function are before the main function 13:52:38 <oskari89> drS2012okv 13:53:15 <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds like a password :p 13:56:31 <Alberth> I thought it was 'secret' :p 13:58:25 *** Plaete [~moffi@dsdf-5f767cef.pool.mediaWays.net] has joined #openttd 14:01:31 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27157 /trunk/src (6 files) (2015-02-22 14:01:24 UTC) 14:01:32 <DorpsGek> -Fix: Mark bridge middle tiles dirty when building/removing/changing bridges. 14:10:49 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27158 /trunk/src (4 files) (2015-02-22 14:10:44 UTC) 14:10:50 <DorpsGek> -Codechange: Simplify mapping from viewport to smallmap coordinates by duplicating less code. 14:12:09 <chillcore> oO 14:12:39 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27159 trunk/src/smallmap_gui.cpp (2015-02-22 14:12:34 UTC) 14:12:40 <DorpsGek> -Codechange: Simplify mapping from smallmap to viewport coordinates by duplicating less code. 14:14:36 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27160 /trunk/src (smallmap_gui.cpp viewport.cpp) (2015-02-22 14:14:30 UTC) 14:14:37 <DorpsGek> -Fix: Division of signed values by TILE_SIZE requires cast to stay signed. 14:17:40 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has quit [Quit: Only mortals are affected by fame and power.] 14:20:04 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has joined #openttd 14:25:56 *** maxaitor [~oftc-webi@] has joined #openttd 14:26:00 <maxaitor> hi 14:26:36 <chillcore> hello o/ 14:28:05 <chillcore> planetmaker: I got that error message again, it reads, "/ogfx1_base contains a corrupt sprite. All corrupt sprites will be shown as a red questionmark (?)" 14:28:32 <planetmaker> aha. I don't get that. What OpenGFX do you use? 14:28:41 <chillcore> now I gotta find the question mark ingame ... 14:28:56 <frosch> doesn't the console say which sprite? 14:30:18 <chillcore> hmm let me check the revision nr ... planetmaker .. (I believe it is latest, at least it was this morning) 14:30:30 <planetmaker> 'latest' is no version :P 14:30:37 <planetmaker> ingame it tells you what it actually uses 14:30:43 <planetmaker> in the game options 14:31:08 <chillcore> frosh: have not yet checked ... this is a red popup without more info (not console) 14:31:21 <Alberth> hmm, let's release a version 'latest' :p 14:31:58 <maxaitor> Can I join any multiplayer server if I have 1.4.4 version? 14:31:58 <chillcore> planetmaker ... checking in a bit ... I don't want to quit this game just yet because it is hard to reproduce 14:32:16 <planetmaker> no worries, no rush 14:33:06 <chillcore> when I checked this morning the date of the readme(?) matched latest in openttcoop foldeer for opengfx 14:33:19 <chillcore> ^^^ in game options 14:33:23 <planetmaker> coop has three latest ;) 14:33:30 <chillcore> I sees 14:33:32 <Alberth> maxaitor: http://www.openttd.org/en/servers <-- any server that has 1.4.4 as version 14:33:32 <frosch> maxaitor: you can change servers with matching version, most servers currently run 1.4.4 14:33:42 <frosch> s/change/join/ 14:34:11 <maxaitor> I have another question 14:34:17 <maxaitor> Today I joned one server 14:34:22 <maxaitor> and my train wasn't moving 14:34:31 <frosch> was the game paused? 14:34:35 <maxaitor> No 14:34:48 <maxaitor> It was moving but not to the stations 14:35:14 <chillcore> hmm ... can I enable dev tools ingame? via console? 14:35:26 <planetmaker> chillcore, sure 14:35:30 <planetmaker> those are simple variables 14:35:35 <planetmaker> set var=value 14:35:38 <frosch> maxaitor: most common case of that problem is "forgotten catenary" 14:35:48 <planetmaker> chillcore, but you cannot enable debugging output iirc 14:36:19 <maxaitor> what is catenary? 14:36:31 <planetmaker> wire above tracks with high voltage & current 14:37:06 <Alberth> actually, the high voltage is to keep the current down :) 14:37:12 <planetmaker> true :) 14:37:21 <frosch> maxaitor: https://wiki.openttd.org/Electrified_railways 14:37:27 <maxaitor> This game is hard 14:37:28 <maxaitor> :( 14:37:34 <planetmaker> however... 16kV @ 2MWatts ---> high current, too ;) 14:37:36 <frosch> electric trains cannot drive on non-electrified railway 14:37:57 <maxaitor> I was using vapor train 14:39:56 <frosch> Alberth: actually, some powerlines are operated at a lower voltage in winter, to get rid of heavy ice :) 14:40:18 <Alberth> ha, interesting :) 14:40:24 <frosch> (not constantly, but a few hours when needed) 14:41:57 <Alberth> maxaitor: difficulty of the game may depend on the server, many owners tweak the game configuration towards a particular audience 14:42:20 <maxaitor> I want to say that is hard to learn 14:42:33 <Alberth> oh, yeah, it has lots of depth 14:42:33 <maxaitor> I'm new to the game and I'm always losing money 14:42:37 <maxaitor> xD 14:42:40 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27161 /trunk/src (3 files) (2015-02-22 14:42:34 UTC) 14:42:41 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#6156] [FS#6206]: Reimplement the viewport drawing algorithm. 14:43:29 <planetmaker> frosch, same power but lower voltage? Interesting :) 14:43:36 <Alberth> maxaitor: start with a coal connection about 20-30 tiles in temperate, or with two towns around that distance 14:43:51 <chillcore> this is akward ... seems like the sprites in sprite aligner are clipped to a rectangle, does not matter which sprite I select ... size of viewable rectangle does not change 14:43:52 <Alberth> use not too long trains, and always have a train loading 14:44:03 <maxaitor> ok thx 14:44:15 <maxaitor> What about iron connection? 14:44:19 <frosch> planetmaker: in austria or russia you have to take even more severe actions 14:44:33 <planetmaker> only when it's humid :) 14:45:00 <frosch> like temporary switching off parts of a station, then put them on 5kV and then short-circuiting 14:45:01 <Alberth> maxaitor: not sure, there is a cargo payment graph in the game, that shows payment of cargoes for distance, compare a few to get an idea what pays best 14:45:17 <maxaitor> Thank's for the help :) 14:45:50 <Alberth> maxaitor: secondary cargo pays more than primary cargo, so perhaps the money of iron ore is in the steel and food transport later 14:45:51 <Flygon> Here, when the overhead froze 14:46:01 <Flygon> We just ran electric locomotives with two pantographs up 14:46:18 <Flygon> Granted, this is Australia and one of the few parts of mainland Australia where it snows 14:52:10 <chillcore> planetmaker: frosh: https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=63595&start=30 14:52:20 <chillcore> pic #15 14:52:59 <chillcore> notice how the sprites in sprite aligner are clipped ... 14:53:14 <chillcore> going to chack that OpenGFX revision now 14:54:46 <planetmaker> looks ugly ;) 14:55:27 <chillcore> hmm silly me I could check from ingame too ...date: 1014-11-09 (5426:e1262b81c821) 14:55:48 <chillcore> hmm I think peeps will get used to it, eventually :P 14:55:57 <planetmaker> yes, game options tell you what *actually* is used :) 14:56:13 <chillcore> If only it did that all the time ... 14:56:44 <chillcore> I was under the impression I needed to go to main menu planetmaker 14:58:03 <chillcore> date is 2014 ... haha 14:59:00 <chillcore> close box sprite seems to be missing in my screenshot 15:00:28 *** FLHerne [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 15:03:17 <planetmaker> well, that should be there in new(er) versions 15:03:40 *** FLHerne [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has joined #openttd 15:03:43 <chillcore> normally it is ... just not when theses glitches happen 15:04:19 <chillcore> the glitches are somehow tied to terrain as they change as I modify terrain 15:04:29 <chillcore> in a predictable manner that is 15:05:54 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27162 trunk/src/viewport.cpp (2015-02-22 15:05:48 UTC) 15:05:55 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#6208]: Tile selection was drawn outside of map in some cases. (adf88) 15:07:10 <chillcore> planetmaker: this is going to be a fun one to fix I am sure ... I generated a new game and they are gone ... again 15:07:39 <chillcore> and my closebox is back too ... 15:08:17 <chillcore> something is reading out of bounds? 15:10:54 <frosch> if you were on linux, i would recommend you to run valgrind :p 15:12:13 <chillcore> hmm another small thinghy ... in smallmap the white square that represents "part of map in viewport"? when you go over the top sides of the map part of it dissapears, unless you are at the very top; there it shows completely 15:14:04 <chillcore> frosch: what is this valgrind you speak of ... still having a headache from those pointy pointers :P (which I still did not get to fix) 15:14:30 <frosch> i replaced the code for that this afternoon :) so, it is kind of important whether you updated today :p 15:14:53 <chillcore> I have not yet updated ... doing so now then ;) 15:14:57 <frosch> chillcore: valgrind is open-soure tool for unix-like operating systems, that one a google price in 2002 15:15:13 <frosch> it is the main reason why i consider windows dead for developement of native applciations 15:15:51 <frosch> (actually, the price is from 2006) 15:15:59 <frosch> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valgrind 15:16:28 <frosch> it's a master-piece of compiler and debugging technology 15:19:21 <chillcore> interesting ... 15:20:52 <frosch> anyway, anyone interesed in fixing one of the 100 open bugs? otherwise we can release beta2 tomorrow or so 15:26:33 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27163 /trunk/src (6 files in 2 dirs) (2015-02-22 15:26:27 UTC) 15:26:34 <DorpsGek> -Fix [FS#6204]: Toolbars were not invalidated when changing max-vehicles settings. (adf88) 15:26:52 <frosch> yay for adf making it a two-digit bug count :) 15:28:39 <chillcore> ^^^ nice 15:32:48 *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium http://www.kvirc.net/] 15:38:32 <Eddi|zuHause> frosch: 20% of users cause 80% of the bugs? :p 15:39:33 <chillcore> frosch: smallmap maparea selector (or whatever it is called) is not broken anymore. 15:58:15 *** maxaitor [~oftc-webi@] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:01:39 *** shirish_ [~quassel@] has joined #openttd 16:04:38 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has joined #openttd 16:04:40 <samu> hi 16:04:46 *** shirish [~quassel@0001358e.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 16:11:25 *** liq3 [liq3@CPE-120-147-178-81.gdfw1.lon.bigpond.net.au] has quit [] 17:01:38 <chillcore> hi samu 17:03:50 <chillcore> What happens when the last element of an enum has a comma when it should not? a) nothing or b) a nameless element is created with value "previous value +1" ?? 17:04:29 <chillcore> going through my patches again ... fixing stuffs ... 17:04:52 <Alberth> why shouldn't it? 17:05:07 <chillcore> I see enums without it? 17:05:20 <Alberth> all openttd enums have a comma behind the last value, except invalid values perhaps 17:05:43 <chillcore> could be me having deleted a comma too ... hmm 17:05:55 <Alberth> hg blame :p 17:06:08 <Alberth> or hg diff, for that matter 17:06:11 <planetmaker> hg annotate doesn't sound so unfriendly :P 17:06:44 <Alberth> hmm, svn has svn praise iirc 17:07:32 <chillcore> have a look at GenWorldProgress in genorld.h ... no comma after GWP_CLASS_COUNT 17:08:36 <Alberth> yeah, counts and invalids are a bit of an exception, as they are expected to be the last value 17:08:55 <Alberth> also, it could be just an inconsistency, we have plenty of those :p 17:09:18 <michi_cc> Trailing commas simplify changes and don't hurt, except if you are required to write code strictly compliant to C89/C++98. 17:09:25 <frosch> chillcore: the comma is purely optional from a syntax point of view 17:09:38 *** Plaete [~moffi@dsdf-5f767cef.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de] 17:09:46 <chillcore> ok. so what do we want? 17:09:49 <frosch> however, to make patches not modify unrelated lines, it is common to layout the source, so you do not have to change a line just to add a comma 17:10:11 <frosch> thus most enums have a comma for the last item, except when the last item must be the last item 17:11:14 *** Kurimus [~stabbity@dsl-tkubrasgw2-54faa7-102.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [] 17:13:27 *** Kurimus [~stabbity@dsl-tkubrasgw2-54faa7-102.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 17:13:42 <chillcore> so for "presets" and "perlin params" no comma, for "various min max values" comma 17:15:48 <chillcore> hmm ... just curious now ... is there somewhere that we need to read past the end of an enum? 17:16:06 <chillcore> I can not htink of a sitution where you would want to do that ... 17:17:30 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 17:17:53 <chillcore> fetching a single one yes, but reading a block past the end ... seems like a bad idea to code something like that on purpose 17:18:10 <chillcore> anyhoo thanks for the info once again ;) 17:19:05 <Alberth> adding a comma after the last element of an enum means you can add another value after it later, without having to change the line above it 17:19:28 <Alberth> same also applies for arrays 17:19:52 <chillcore> that is not a prob ... you are adding one anyway and the compiler will give you the finger :P 17:20:22 <Alberth> yes, but the patch grows by 2 lines 17:20:47 <Alberth> and the change isn't really interesting 17:20:51 <chillcore> like that ... 17:20:52 <frosch> and the vcs annotation is bumped 17:21:21 <planetmaker> meh... my zbase compilation is borked 17:23:12 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 17:25:35 <DorpsGek> Commit by alberth :: r27164 /trunk (8 files in 4 dirs) (2015-02-22 17:25:29 UTC) 17:25:36 <DorpsGek> -Add: [NoGo] Game scripts can point to a location, station, industry, or town when publishing news. 17:29:57 <planetmaker> hm, sounds tasty :) 17:30:26 <Alberth> not being able to click at BB news was annoying :p 17:30:47 <frosch> nothing prevented you from clicking the news :p 17:31:07 <planetmaker> :DD 17:31:17 <Alberth> I tried that, but it failed every single time :( 17:31:41 <planetmaker> clicking? I doubt 17:31:55 <Alberth> no way to tell, really :p 17:31:59 <planetmaker> the desired effect might have been lacking ;) 17:32:59 <planetmaker> frosch where did your numbers go? ;) 17:33:55 <samu> im about to give up on this 17:34:10 <samu> suddenly visual studio doesn't build 17:34:12 <samu> why 17:34:18 <frosch> planetmaker: in a kernel panic when starting a vm 17:34:43 <planetmaker> oh, yeah. Numbers are easily scared ;) 17:35:12 <Alberth> they just hide in the other numbers from the panic :) 17:35:41 <chillcore> clean trunk still compiles samu? 17:41:47 *** Kurimus [~stabbity@dsl-tkubrasgw2-54faa7-102.dhcp.inet.fi] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 17:42:30 *** Kurimus [~stabbity@dsl-tkubrasgw2-54faa7-102.dhcp.inet.fi] has joined #openttd 17:45:24 <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27165 trunk/src/lang/english_US.txt (2015-02-22 17:45:17 UTC) 17:45:25 <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0: 17:45:26 <DorpsGek> english_US - 3 changes by Supercheese 17:47:38 <samu> i'm trying to do it from zero 17:47:44 <samu> except reinstalling visual studio 17:48:44 <samu> SAFESEH and DirectMusic, ok, better 17:48:50 <samu> these can be fixed 17:53:42 *** Rugnir [~oftc-webi@host-2-103-201-227.as13285.net] has joined #openttd 17:57:04 <samu> 4>icuuc.lib(ubidi.obj) : warning LNK4099: PDB 'vc100.pdb' was not found with 'icuuc.lib(ubidi.obj)' or at 'C:\OpenTTD\trunk\objs\Win32\Release\vc100.pdb'; linking object as if no debug info 17:57:18 <samu> what is this 17:57:21 <samu> tons of these 18:00:05 <samu> whatever, it started 18:00:22 <samu> OpenTTD r27164M - is this it? 18:00:41 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 18:01:11 <Alberth> o/ 18:01:44 <andythenorth> o/ 18:02:50 <samu> Cannot find or open the PDB file. 18:02:56 <samu> many warnings like this 18:02:59 <samu> but it runs 18:03:04 <samu> am i to be worried? 18:03:12 <samu> 'openttd.exe' (Win32): Loaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\kernel32.dll'. Cannot find or open the PDB file. 18:04:54 <samu> The program '[6760] openttd.exe' has exited with code 0 (0x0). 18:05:38 <samu> 'openttd.exe' (Win32): Unloaded 'C:\Windows\SysWOW64\WSHTCPIP.DLL' 18:05:44 <samu> many unloaded stuff 18:07:16 <samu> well, it works, though with too many warnings now 18:13:07 <andythenorth> where is cat? 18:14:28 <chillcore> settings.ini ;) 18:15:28 <frosch> juicy cat - original filtered cat juice 18:16:22 *** Pulec is now known as Pulecc 18:21:06 *** Pulec [~pulec@2a01:4f8:162:732f:468::6298] has joined #openttd 18:21:42 *** Pulecc [pulec@unaffilated.amunak.net] has left #openttd [Pulec takes over] 18:30:36 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 18:33:21 *** glx [~glx@000128ec.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 18:33:24 *** mode/#openttd [+v glx] by ChanServ 18:38:44 <samu> Mantle support for OpenTTD? 18:39:47 <samu> what's a draw call? 18:43:03 <Alberth> you're speaking in riddles for me 18:46:27 <samu> sprite sheets 18:46:47 <samu> nevermind 18:47:28 <samu> when the game says marktiledirty 18:47:47 <samu> forget it 18:48:12 <Alberth> ok 18:51:11 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 18:53:08 <samu> gonna try something stupid: 15 companies, 5000 ships each company, 4096x4096 map 18:56:28 <glx> you need a computer from the future for that 18:57:21 <planetmaker> :) 18:57:27 <planetmaker> patience might suffice 18:57:36 <samu> its gonna be boring to click 5000 times 18:57:38 <planetmaker> tick length: 15 minutes 18:57:39 <samu> x15 18:59:54 <Taede> code a simple ai which will just add ships to existing routes? 19:00:02 <frosch> actually, the more ships you have, the more efficient gets the yapf cache 19:00:11 <Taede> all you need to do then is set up 15 companies and some routes 19:00:44 <samu> it still generating map 19:00:55 <frosch> so you have to make sure, that all ships have different orders :) 19:01:37 <samu> forgot map height 255 19:01:41 <samu> let me do this again 19:04:08 <samu> generating 13312 towns... zzzzz 19:14:55 <samu> not enough money for 5000 ships 19:15:04 <Taede> so cheat 19:15:20 <samu> basecosts mod says free costs, it's not really free, made 2600 ships 19:16:00 <samu> starting 2600 ships in 3... 19:16:47 <samu> not bad, expected worse 19:16:48 *** roidal_ [~roland@62-46-138-163.adsl.highway.telekom.at] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.0.1] 19:17:23 <samu> fast forward doesn't really fasts anything 19:18:26 <frosch> just extrapolate the cpu clock rated from the past 10 years, to see when you can get a 50 ghz cpu 19:20:20 <samu> saving game, zzzz 19:21:34 <samu> oh, it's stalling a bit now 19:21:56 <samu> every 2 seconds nothing moves, not even mouse cursor 19:22:11 <samu> hiccups 19:23:02 <samu> not doing hiccups now 19:23:19 <samu> very laggy mouse controls though 19:24:28 <samu> wait i could show this 19:24:42 <samu> http://www.twitch.tv/xarickpreto 19:28:07 <oskari89> Is there a tree growth height limit somewhere on the settings? 19:28:57 <frosch> no, but some guy on the forums (i believe hackalittlebit) wrote a tree-height-limit patch 19:29:41 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has joined #openttd 19:30:15 <frosch> https://www.tt-forums.net/viewtopic.php?f=33&t=72502 19:30:16 <chillcore> loclahost did ... maybe hackalittlebit too I don't know about that ;) 19:30:51 <frosch> ah, yes, the second post lniks to some other patch 19:31:51 <chillcore> loclahost his version did not work with all climates though, I changed that in my bugpack ... ;) 19:33:13 <frosch> hmm, i wondered, is your usage of "his" a swedish grammatic thing? 19:33:44 <chillcore> seems like hackalittle bit his version offers more variation ... the other is a clear cut kinda 19:33:44 <frosch> i am asking because the same dative-construct exists in german, but is considered bad german :) 19:34:48 <chillcore> swedish hehe ... no I am a dutch speaking belgian 19:35:12 <samu> about 5200 ships in the game now 19:35:12 <frosch> huh, why did i think you were swedish? 19:37:00 <samu> lagarino again 19:37:07 <samu> hiccups every 2 seconds 19:37:14 <chillcore> hmm, I dunno ... 19:38:12 <frosch> hmm, maybe because you told about working at volvo? 19:39:45 <chillcore> frosh: maybe because a little while ago I said I worked for Volvo years ago (external company)? 19:39:51 <planetmaker> a tree height limit would be sad... no snowy trees then :) 19:39:59 <planetmaker> but as it would be a setting... I don't care really 19:40:17 <chillcore> they have a factory over'ere ;) 19:40:35 <oskari89> planetmaker: Trees growing over 10 kilometer height would be rather strange-looking 19:40:54 <frosch> less strange than when 10km tall :p 19:42:05 <planetmaker> @calc 255*50 19:42:05 <DorpsGek> planetmaker: 12750 19:42:10 <planetmaker> hm :) 19:42:28 <oskari89> In what height it usually stops, by the way 19:43:33 <chillcore> planetmaker you can set snowline higher then treelineheight 19:44:37 <frosch> at least we do not need a newgrf spec for variable treeline height :) 19:45:39 <chillcore> not sure about hackalittlebit his pacth but the other one did not check for industries above treeline height, sawmill for example should not be generated there IMHOand such 19:45:42 <oskari89> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tree_line 19:46:55 <samu> can't pathfinders be multithreaded? 19:47:35 <samu> parallel finding work on pieces 19:47:44 <samu> hmm 19:48:09 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has quit [Quit: Only mortals are affected by fame and power.] 19:48:36 <oskari89> planetmaker: Seems that most threes do not grow over 3500 metres, but all ends over 5200 metres 19:48:45 <planetmaker> oskari89, yup 19:48:46 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has joined #openttd 19:49:01 <planetmaker> but then... what's scale in OpenTTD? It gives a value. But is it... sensible? ;) 19:49:09 <samu> okay it's unplayable 19:49:24 <samu> all pathfinders are bad 19:50:32 <samu> there's something slowing, and i don't think it's pathfinding 19:50:50 *** tokai|mdlx [~tokai@port-92-195-96-110.dynamic.qsc.de] has joined #openttd 19:51:04 <samu> but the game trying to follow 2600~ ships on the same screen 19:51:30 *** andythenorth [~Andy@cpc10-aztw26-2-0-cust867.18-1.cable.virginm.net] has quit [Quit: andythenorth] 19:51:41 <samu> when i move the screen away from those 2600 ships, mouse cursor moves much better, less sluggish 19:53:05 <samu> yep, that was it 19:53:10 <samu> game is now faster 19:53:38 <samu> and i still have 2600 ships, i'm just not looking at all of them in the same screen 19:54:34 <glx> it's the map size and the amount of ships 19:54:57 <samu> let me try something even dumber 19:54:58 <glx> and pathfinding for ships 19:55:18 <glx> which can't be better as there are no tracks 19:55:22 *** tokai|mdlx [~tokai@port-92-195-96-110.dynamic.qsc.de] has quit [] 19:55:37 <samu> what is the maximum number of viewports i can open? 19:55:50 <samu> each will look at 2600 ships 19:55:53 <samu> lol 19:56:06 <glx> there's a setting for that I think 19:56:07 *** tokai [~tokai@00012860.user.oftc.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 19:56:26 *** tokai [~tokai@00012860.user.oftc.net] has joined #openttd 19:56:29 *** mode/#openttd [+v tokai] by ChanServ 19:57:24 <samu> what's the hotkey for opening an extra viewport? does it exist? 19:58:22 * chillcore has DejuVu ... puff of smoke rising out of CPU 19:58:46 <chillcore> samu check tooltips? that or hotkeys config ... 19:59:27 <samu> i can sense it becoming slower and slower the more viewports I open 20:00:19 <samu> bah, i bankrupted 20:00:52 <samu> much fater 20:02:33 <samu> is this game gpu accelerated at all for graphics? 20:02:39 <samu> 2d accelerator? 20:03:06 <glx> it uses what OS does 20:03:40 <glx> and graphics are not the problem 20:04:31 <samu> it was just now 20:05:07 <samu> had about 60 viewports, focusing on 2600 ships 20:05:11 <samu> each 20:05:17 <chillcore> it was the mapsize and nr of ships 20:05:28 <chillcore> + the crazy amount of viewports 20:05:56 <samu> looking at ships was really slow, than not looking at them 20:07:35 <chillcore> yeah each viewport is a representation of part the map in its own... each one having to follow a vehicle 20:07:47 <chillcore> what did you expect to happen? 20:09:22 <samu> multithreaded viewport 20:09:25 <samu> keks 20:09:59 <samu> just throwing random ideas as to where the game could make use of more cores 20:12:39 <Alberth> it already does, for as far as it is feasible 20:14:54 <chillcore> hmm ... entering seeds manually now crashes ... great :P 20:17:47 *** shadowalkerAFK is now known as shadowalker 20:23:41 <frosch> yay, finally discovered why the viewport scrolling jumps all over the place when ottd is lagging 20:24:30 <planetmaker> Rubidium, wth is that kind of savegame you suggested for the titlegame contest? 20:25:05 <frosch> is it the nightly one, or is it the ottd 0.2 one? 20:26:17 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 20:26:39 <V453000> XD 20:26:52 <planetmaker> it's a crashy one most of all :) 20:27:59 <frosch> yay, all video drivers are affected, now i can do experimental coding again :) 20:28:11 <frosch> code something, commit it, and hope the compile farm compiles it :p 20:28:34 <planetmaker> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pmt6a8mql 20:28:45 <planetmaker> :) 20:30:18 <frosch> loads for me 20:31:05 <frosch> did you rename it to .sav ? 20:32:08 <frosch> and yes, it's the nightly tiltegmae 20:33:08 <frosch> binary equal 20:33:08 <samu> those tittlegames look odd 20:33:13 <samu> too confusing 20:33:20 <samu> but yeah, i guess that's the point 20:33:36 <samu> have to cram many stuff into them 20:35:30 <frosch> well, there is a troll submission every year :) 20:35:49 <frosch> last year there was an entry with a prominent train crash after 2 minutes :) 20:36:11 <frosch> it was carefully timed to not happen immediately 20:36:19 <chillcore> hehe ... 20:36:43 <planetmaker> frosch, yes, I renamed every game to 2015_author.sav 20:36:56 <frosch> but well, as long as no save with incorrect signal usages wins, i am fine with every game :) 20:37:15 <frosch> planetmaker: well, it loads for me, and since it's the nightly, it is also very valid :) 20:37:32 <frosch> maybe your patch has issues with ancient saves without grf information? 20:37:39 <frosch> try emptying your openttd.cfg or something 20:38:12 <planetmaker> maybe... 20:38:19 <frosch> yup, it's one of those 20:38:23 <frosch> it loads all you active grfs 20:38:33 <frosch> in a save from the dark ages :) 20:38:36 <planetmaker> http://devs.openttd.org/~planetmaker/patches/index.php?source=titlegame.diff 20:38:39 <frosch> *it's 20:38:49 <frosch> so, just clear your newgrf list 20:39:11 <frosch> the advantage is, that townname grfs work with it :p 20:41:46 <samu> lol, just opened TTDLX title game 20:41:51 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:41:53 <samu> looks poor 20:42:27 <planetmaker> frosch, it won't work with a ranemd openttd.cfg for me either it seems... 20:42:32 *** KWKdesign [~KWKdesign@pool-72-94-147-76.phlapa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 20:42:48 <planetmaker> anyhow, a titlegame which doesn't work an arbitrary openttd.cfg is not exactly nice, no? 20:44:29 <frosch> what? it works in the nightly? 20:44:51 <planetmaker> my patch is based on yesterday's head 20:45:03 *** Pensacola [~quassel@c80094.upc-c.chello.nl] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 20:45:17 <frosch> it's literally the nightly savegame, when loaded as savegame (not as titlegame) it uses the newgrf from main menu 20:46:03 <planetmaker> but I load it as titlegame 20:46:30 <samu> main menu is a newgrf? 20:46:32 <samu> gah 20:46:34 <samu> :( 20:46:38 <planetmaker> (otherwise I couldn't create the main menu screenshots) 20:46:49 <frosch> yeah, i see, no idea then :p 20:47:51 <planetmaker> hm... 20:47:54 <samu> Chris Sawyer hacked for his title.dat 20:47:58 <planetmaker> but it loads when I compile unpatched 20:48:07 <samu> 1953 with aircraft from year 2020 20:48:20 <samu> i am disappointed 20:51:02 <planetmaker> hm, I don't understand the crashy crash then 20:52:32 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 20:58:30 *** gelignite [~gelignite@i5387A361.versanet.de] has quit [Quit: http://bit.ly/1kso8Ta] 20:58:31 *** HerzogDeXtEr1 [~flex@i59F6BE66.versanet.de] has joined #openttd 20:59:12 <Rubidium> frosch / planetmaker: I seem to remember people complaining not being able to vote for the trunk one, so I gave them the possibility. 20:59:57 <planetmaker> Rubidium, yeah, funnily my openttd crashes when I force it as titlegame. but only with my titlegame patch. However updated to current savegame version I got the screenies 21:00:10 <planetmaker> uploading all savegames and screenshots now 21:00:22 <planetmaker> and yes, they're German locale :P 21:01:45 *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:9c3e:36ba:512f:5c00] has quit [Quit: .] 21:04:35 *** HerzogDeXtEr [~flex@i59F6A39E.versanet.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 21:14:42 *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd [] 21:14:54 <samu> someone wrote a book about openttd? 21:14:56 <samu> http://www.amazon.com/Openttd-German-Edition-Gerd-Ller/dp/3842337698#reader_B005GTKGFO 21:15:04 <samu> is this even allowed? 21:15:16 <samu> ps: i can't german 21:17:45 <Rubidium> samu: why wouldn't it be allowed to write a book? 21:18:05 <planetmaker> samu, it is of course allowed. And we know. I even proof-read it to some degree 21:18:17 <samu> okay, just wondering 21:18:38 <__ln___> books are allowed in germany, yes 21:18:46 <frosch> not all :) 21:19:10 *** shadowalker is now known as shadowalkerAFK 21:19:27 <samu> there's money involved... 21:19:29 <samu> oh well 21:19:40 <frosch> there is no issue if money would be involved 21:19:51 <frosch> but in this case, there is effectively no money involved 21:19:53 <__ln___> yes, true. but openttd is not on the banned book topics list afaik. 21:20:20 <frosch> just some poor soul, spending some weeks on writing something, and then noticing that noone buys it 21:20:48 <Rubidium> is it mentioned on the wikipedia page? 21:20:59 <Rubidium> after all... books are "good" notability 21:21:35 <__ln___> samu: also money is allowed in germany 21:22:12 <frosch> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/p8yc5rgth?/p8yc5rgth <- fix viewport scrolling 21:22:16 <frosch> works for sdl 21:22:36 <frosch> should work the same for windows, according to msdn docs 21:22:41 <frosch> need to look up osx and allegro 21:23:37 <frosch> problem with the scrolling was, that the mouse-warp is appended at the end of the event queue, so if ottd lags it gets multiple mouse events before the warp takes effect, which then scrolls way too fast 21:23:45 <frosch> or far 21:28:47 <Rubidium> line 139 21:28:57 <Rubidium> may me -> maybe 21:29:07 <planetmaker> may be 21:29:09 <planetmaker> not maybe 21:29:42 <Rubidium> hmm.. good point, in any case the me is wrong ;) 21:29:49 <frosch> hmm, osx docs say CGWarpMouseCursorPosition does not generate an event, google says it sometimes does :p 21:30:28 <frosch> planetmaker: can you test that patch on osx? if it is wrong the right-click scrolling should be completely broken :p 21:31:43 <Rubidium> it doesn't look obviously wrong, but that's about all I can say about it for now :( 21:32:28 <frosch> hmm, allegro docs are inconclusive, but i guess i can test it at least on linux 21:33:14 <frosch> nope, allegro is different 21:34:25 <planetmaker> let's see 21:36:53 <frosch> planetmaker: if it fails, scrolling stops if the os mouse pointer leaves the window/reaches the screen border 21:37:08 <frosch> (i.e. os cursor and ottd cursor get out of sync) 21:37:14 <Eddi|zuHause> <__ln___> books are allowed in germany, yes <-- sometimes we burn them :p 21:37:14 <planetmaker> ok. Just started laptop. It got *incredibly* slow 21:38:07 <frosch> absolutely or relatively to what you are used to? :p 21:38:21 <planetmaker> both 21:38:25 <planetmaker> <frosch> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/p8yc5rgth?/p8yc5rgth <- fix viewport scrolling 21:39:58 *** kais58 is now known as kais58|AFK 21:58:42 *** sla_ro|master [~sla.ro@] has quit [] 22:00:41 <planetmaker> frosch: hm, weired. I have two cursors now. Which can separate the faster I move 22:01:15 <planetmaker> and when I scroll map, the OpenTTD cursor is fixed, the system cursor keeps moving 22:02:12 <chillcore> goodnight all ;) 22:02:21 *** chillcore [~chillcore@] has quit [Quit: Only mortals are affected by fame and power.] 22:02:38 <frosch> planetmaker: ok, so same as allegro :) 22:02:57 <planetmaker> and the system cursor stops at screen and I can't continue to scrol 22:03:14 <planetmaker> thus need to go back to ottd window and start scrolling anew 22:03:22 <frosch> https://paste.openttdcoop.org/pbnxi2xvy?/pbnxi2xvy <- new version 22:03:50 <frosch> sdl and windows with 'queued_warp = true', allegro and cocoa with 'queued_warp = false' 22:19:37 <planetmaker> frosch: yes, now the scrolling works as (or similar as) before, thus better and as it should :) 22:22:32 <frosch> he, looks like the actual lag is caused by an ai with a sporatic call to ScriptTileList::AddRectangle with a huge rectangle 22:24:12 <frosch> @calc 512*512 22:24:12 <DorpsGek> frosch: 262144 22:24:22 <frosch> yup, it adds the whole map to the list :p 22:33:25 <Wolf01> 'night 22:33:32 *** Wolf01 [~wolf01@0001288e.user.oftc.net] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.] 22:44:43 *** shirish_ [~quassel@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 22:46:29 *** Flygon [~Flygon@] has joined #openttd 22:52:10 *** supermop [~supermop@d110-33-170-165.sun801.vic.optusnet.com.au] has joined #openttd 22:52:54 <supermop> yo 22:53:01 <samu> hello 22:53:16 *** oskari89 [oskari89@83-102-63-32.bb.dnainternet.fi] has quit [] 22:53:16 <samu> i guess you guys are busy today with title game 22:53:42 *** Rugnir [~oftc-webi@host-2-103-201-227.as13285.net] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:01:02 <frosch> planetmaker: the titlegame page still says "1.4" in some places :) 23:03:32 <planetmaker> oh. :) 23:03:46 *** Progman [~progman@p57A19F83.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 23:04:08 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27166 trunk/src/script/api/script_list.cpp (2015-02-22 23:04:02 UTC) 23:04:09 <DorpsGek> -Codechange: Optimise ScriptList by making use of iterators instead of looking up map-items multiple times per API call. 23:06:51 <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r27167 /trunk/src (6 files in 3 dirs) (2015-02-22 23:06:45 UTC) 23:06:52 <DorpsGek> -Fix: [SDL, Windows] Right-mouse-button scrolling scrolled/jumped way to far, when OpenTTD lagged during mouse event processing. 23:07:25 *** Quatroking [~Quatrokin@ip226-139-211-87.adsl2.static.versatel.nl] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 23:18:28 *** samu [~oftc-webi@po1-84-90-251-169.netvisao.pt] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:22:51 *** frosch [~frosch@frnk-5f740e1f.pool.mediaWays.net] has quit [Quit: be yourself, except: if you have the opportunity to be a unicorn, then be a unicorn] 23:24:04 *** wjdp_ [~oftc-webi@host-2-102-219-171.as13285.net] has joined #openttd 23:34:21 *** namad7 [~aaaaa@pool-74-111-111-176.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has joined #openttd 23:42:36 *** jjavaholic [~jjavaholi@grahamg63.plus.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:43:12 *** FLHerne [~flh@dsl-217-155-24-22.zen.co.uk] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds] 23:53:34 *** jjavaholic [~jjavaholi@grahamg63.plus.com] has joined #openttd 23:53:40 *** namad7 [~aaaaa@pool-74-111-111-176.pitbpa.fios.verizon.net] has quit [] 23:59:35 *** kais58|AFK is now known as kais58