Log for #openttd on 24th January 2016:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:02:35  *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has joined #openttd
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00:18:40  *** Tirili [~Unknown@2a02:8109:680:910::2] has joined #openttd
00:21:45  <Wolf01> 'night
00:21:53  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
00:26:53  *** Brendan [] has joined #openttd
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02:47:12  *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
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07:36:45  <andythenorth> o/
07:37:06  <V453000> how is it andythenorth :)
07:37:25  <andythenorth> explosives plant?
07:37:35  <andythenorth> chemicals, petrol fuel -> ensp
07:37:39  <andythenorth> might not be needed
07:37:54  <V453000> I wouldn't overdo it
07:38:00  * andythenorth playtesting
07:38:00  <V453000> it is already not a small economy
07:38:07  <andythenorth> building signals is so boring
07:38:45  <V453000> xd
08:01:35  *** sla_ro|master [slamaster@] has joined #openttd
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08:41:46  <tt_johannes> hello, if I need my own working copy of my openttd work and need to share it between different computers, can I just make a git branch and push/pull it as much as required?
08:48:14  <V453000> having openttd in an auto-shared dropbox folder between the computers sounds like a better option tome
08:48:32  <V453000> if you put openttd.cfg into the folder as well, it will be self-contained and not write anything in documents I believe
09:04:07  *** Alberth [~alberth@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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10:16:38  <andythenorth> yair
10:16:41  <andythenorth> improved docks
10:16:42  <andythenorth> would be nice
10:21:50  <V453000> watz
10:25:47  <andythenorth> - flat docks
10:25:54  <andythenorth> - choices of graphics
10:26:17  <V453000> would be nice yes
10:26:25  <andythenorth> no gameplay benefit
10:26:29  <andythenorth> but aesthetics eh
10:26:31  <andythenorth> also, cassava in hopper cars / dump trucks?
10:26:38  <andythenorth>
10:26:46  * andythenorth knows the answer is yes
10:26:57  <V453000> where else really
10:29:08  *** Brendan [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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11:21:37  *** Wolf01 [] has joined #openttd
11:21:49  <Wolf01> o/
11:27:04  <andythenorth> o/
11:33:57  <Alberth> \o
11:34:01  <argoneus> \o/
11:34:11  <argoneus> Alberth are you a nazi
11:35:42  <Eddi|zuHause>
11:36:19  *** argoneus was kicked from #openttd by Alberth [Don't make such insults]
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11:37:08  <argoneus> Alberth: rude
11:37:27  <Alberth> like claiming I am a nazi is not rude?
11:38:01  <argoneus> it was a joke because of the \o
11:38:09  <argoneus> or do you seriously think I consider you a nazi
11:41:55  <andythenorth> default godwin
11:43:25  *** Flygon [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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12:14:38  <andythenorth> ha ha
12:14:45  <andythenorth> pipelines
12:20:48  * andythenorth considers conveyors
12:31:05  *** Supercheese [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
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12:32:53  <V453000> I am considering to make a train set made of placeholder-ish graphics
12:32:58  <V453000> with actual cargoes and functionality
12:33:01  <V453000> but just bricks
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12:35:08  <andythenorth> V453000: I sometimes wonder if trains just can be bricks
12:35:17  <andythenorth> everything super simple
12:36:48  <andythenorth> in many countries, flat cars are just a simple rectangle on wheels
12:36:56  <andythenorth> boxcars are a cuboid on wheels
12:37:13  <andythenorth> open cars are cuboid with no roof
12:39:41  <Eddi|zuHause> wouldn't a cuboid be a cube rotated in 4D?
12:39:58  <Eddi|zuHause> like an ellipsoid is an ellipse rotated in 3D?
12:40:01  <V453000> so it will even be realistic andythenorth
12:40:02  <V453000> perfect
12:40:08  <andythenorth> V453000: super realisms
12:40:10  <V453000> I will add that to the project description
12:40:38  <Eddi|zuHause> V453000: isn't that what CETS already is? :p
12:40:59  <Eddi|zuHause> well, almost. i never got round to implementing open wagons and visible cargos
12:41:30  <andythenorth> V453000: boxcar, high cube boxcar
12:41:35  <andythenorth> and a centerbeam flat carrying cubes
12:41:37  <V453000> yes, but CETS is not interesting in gameplay
12:41:50  <V453000> and even placeholder bricks can be done nice
12:42:04  <andythenorth> if you could procedurally colour them
12:42:16  <andythenorth> 3 random shades
12:42:34  <andythenorth> or give them all CC stripes, or a company logo or such
12:45:21  <andythenorth>
12:45:26  <andythenorth> cuboid hopper car ^
12:46:56  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: still not rotating
12:48:57  <andythenorth> cuboid has 2 definitions?
12:49:45  <andythenorth> a cube rotating in 4D would probably describe a cuboid
12:50:03  <andythenorth> but it’s not the primary-school meaning of the word
12:50:18  <andythenorth> what’s that unfolded cube thing?  tesseract?
12:50:35  <Eddi|zuHause> no, tessaract is a 4D cube
12:51:00  <Eddi|zuHause> you think of a "net"
12:52:12  <andythenorth> higher dimensional geometry bends my brain
12:53:07  <Eddi|zuHause>
12:55:32  <V453000> never do meth
12:56:07  <Eddi|zuHause> anyway, gtg
12:56:26  <andythenorth> V453000: I will try to avoid meth
12:56:39  <V453000> already failed?
12:57:59  <andythenorth> not today
13:03:28  *** Clockworker_ [] has joined #openttd
13:05:17  <argoneus> meth is bad for your health
13:05:18  <argoneus> mmkay?
13:08:13  *** HerzogDeXtEr [] has joined #openttd
13:10:25  <Wolf01> royal institution and numberphile are bad for your health, mind health
13:10:49  *** Clockworker__ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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13:25:20  <Terkhen> Hello
13:26:58  <andythenorth> hola
13:27:14  *** andythenorth [] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
13:36:13  <argoneus> >hola
13:36:14  <argoneus> >leaves
13:36:14  <argoneus> :(
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14:20:05  <frosch123> i figured out why wagons are so short in OTTD
14:20:22  <frosch123> it's to give them more the appareance of "O" and "D"
14:25:09  <Alberth> :)
14:25:38  <Alberth> should make letter wagons :)
14:26:02  <frosch123> yeah, which are loaded from the side, instead of from the top
14:26:29  <frosch123> it also gives the cows and yetis a better look onto the landscape
14:28:04  <V453000> :d
14:29:12  <frosch123> V453000: so maybe make your brick wagons all O shaped
14:30:02  <frosch123> though you cannot see the cargo in vertical driving direction
14:30:18  <V453000> ..
14:30:51  <frosch123> we also need to trademark "OpenD" in the context of train p
14:31:12  <V453000> frosch on fire with superb ideas today
14:31:24  <frosch123> trolll ideas :)
14:39:38  *** Biolunar [] has quit [Quit: leaving]
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16:41:12  <Wolf01> bah, I don't know if I suck at diablo 3 or is the monk fault :|
16:46:13  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
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16:53:04  <andythenorth> o/
16:53:09  <Wolf01> o/
16:53:45  *** orudge [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
16:57:38  <andythenorth> V453000: I need another source of goods :P
16:57:42  <andythenorth> but I haz idea
16:58:32  <V453000> Wolf01: I think monk is one of the strongest actually :D from what I heard ... at lvl70 with gear
16:58:36  <V453000> how it goes early on, unsure
16:58:55  <V453000> but it felt fairly easy to me
16:59:19  *** orudge [] has joined #openttd
16:59:20  <Wolf01> I'm at 68 (seasonal) and I can't do bosses :|
17:00:23  <Wolf01> stuck in act V, everything with purple name kills me, I can kill easily all the other things
17:03:20  <V453000> hm
17:03:47  <V453000> tried to buy/craft something new?
17:03:51  <V453000> and/or redo skills?
17:04:33  <andythenorth> bah
17:04:37  <Wolf01> already changed all the skills, crafting didn't make anything good
17:04:51  <andythenorth> what are the basic commodities?
17:04:59  <andythenorth> for making goods?
17:04:59  <V453000> dunno then
17:05:07  <andythenorth> - wood, plastic, metal?
17:05:17  <Wolf01> glass?
17:05:18  <andythenorth> - pottery?
17:05:23  <andythenorth> - glass
17:05:35  <andythenorth> ha, didn’t consider ceramics
17:05:44  <andythenorth> that would be possibility
17:06:51  <Wolf01> lol, 8bit cat
17:07:38  <andythenorth> nicely played
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18:06:17  <andythenorth> Wolf01: €300 bucket wheel ex?
18:06:36  <andythenorth> never say never, but almost no chance I’d buy that
18:06:44  <Wolf01> they announced it?
18:07:11  <andythenorth> London toyfair reports / rumors
18:08:21  <Wolf01> on EB forums somebody "calculated" it will be a mid-sized set, but I can't imagine it as mid sized, also they said that the new technic supercar was the 300€ one
18:09:05  <Wolf01> if I'm lucky enough I can have the new big sets with 20% discount
18:09:10  <Wolf01> maybe more
18:09:11  <andythenorth> 4 out of 5 of the people in that thread are smoking crack
18:09:19  <andythenorth> and telling them makes no difference, or barely :P
18:12:04  <Wolf01> I bet it will be like this hoping for a bagger 288 is too much :P
18:12:56  <andythenorth> yeah I figured the same
18:13:09  <andythenorth> they might throw a surprise
18:13:23  <andythenorth> but something like a bagger 288 must have so many conveyor belts, and hoists etc
18:13:39  <andythenorth> and if it’s not all motorised, fans will whine
18:13:55  <Wolf01> I'll whine for sure
18:16:00  *** zeknurn` [] has joined #openttd
18:16:19  <Wolf01> maybe we all misunderstood and they'll sell this:
18:17:22  <andythenorth> ha ha
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18:35:44  *** Mucht [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
18:44:46  <andythenorth> Wolf01: I keep writing replies in that thread, then deleting them :D
18:45:45  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r27503 /trunk/src/lang (greek.txt unfinished/persian.txt) (2016-01-24 19:45:36 +0100 )
18:45:46  <DorpsGek> -Update from Eints:
18:45:47  <DorpsGek> persian: 6 changes by Peymanpn
18:45:48  <DorpsGek> greek: 3 changes by Ferrum
18:55:23  *** roidal [] has quit [Quit: WeeChat 1.4]
19:30:16  *** tt_johannes [] has joined #openttd
19:31:05  <tt_johannes> hello, to share work on openttd between computers, should I just push my openttd branch to the github repo and pull it from there?
19:31:18  <tt_johannes> V453000: thanks for the dropbox suggestion, though I don't use it
19:38:32  *** DDR [] has joined #openttd
19:40:20  <Alberth> given that you have it in git, any way that git supports is an option
19:40:39  <Alberth> you can also make a diff of the patch, and copy that
19:41:05  <Alberth> although you need an openttd source to patch against then at the other machine
19:42:07  <Alberth> you can also build a binary and copy that, if it supplies the same library and so on
19:42:55  <Alberth> although the latter implies you want to play the game :)
19:45:11  <tt_johannes> Alberth: I'd only like to share my source code daily between laptop and desktop
19:45:28  <tt_johannes> not sure, don't I need an account in order to push to openttd's git?
19:46:41  <Alberth> it's not your own github repo?
19:47:48  <tt_johannes> hmm I though I could use openttds
19:48:00  <tt_johannes>
19:48:05  <tt_johannes> *openttd's
19:48:06  <Alberth> ha :)
19:48:19  <Alberth> that would become a mess if everybody could write there
19:48:37  <Alberth> but git is a distributed version control system
19:48:57  <tt_johannes> so you'd suggest to, e.g., push it to github?
19:48:57  <frosch123> tt_johannes: on github you would have your own account and own repositories
19:49:11  <tt_johannes> ah I see...
19:49:15  <Alberth> github is the simplest
19:49:23  <Alberth> if you're on git :p
19:49:47  <frosch123> there are similar things for other vcs
19:50:22  <tt_johannes> well, if we'd have 1000 developpers, there would be 1000 copies of openttd on github... wasting github's memory :)
19:50:44  <frosch123> tt_johannes: <- in the top-right you can see that 19 people have a personal repostiory of openttd in github
19:52:03  <frosch123> if you have your own server, you can use hat one ofc
19:52:05  <andythenorth> clone to github, use that
19:52:09  <andythenorth> easiest
19:52:18  <frosch123> or you can work remote, compile remote, and debug remote :p
19:52:26  <andythenorth> or bitbucket might have a free account for personal use
19:52:27  <andythenorth> either
19:52:57  <andythenorth> we don’t have 1000 OpenTTD developers :)
19:55:29  <tt_johannes> wow 22k commits on github
19:56:08  <frosch123> it has only trunk, so it has less than svn
19:57:02  <tt_johannes> so the clean way of using github would be clicking the fork button, correct?
19:57:12  <frosch123> yes
19:57:43  <frosch123> safes storage on their server, and upload bandwidth on your connection :p
19:58:30  <tt_johannes> that's cool...
19:58:42  <frosch123> though maybe they would detect that it's the same anyway
19:58:48  <frosch123> from the version hashes
20:00:53  <andythenorth> I believe they do something smart with the hashes
20:01:00  <andythenorth> there was some blog post about it I read
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20:25:06  <andythenorth> ceramics factory
20:25:13  <andythenorth> produces goods
20:25:16  <andythenorth> accepts: clay, ??
20:25:37  <andythenorth> chemicals? (paint, glaze)
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20:27:39  <Wolf01> ahah!
20:29:47  <Wolf01> I shouldn't speak about the italian keyboard... we can't even capitalize accented letters, and every monitor I've seen in offices has a nice attachment with the most used extended ascii chars codes
20:30:28  <Wolf01> but we have the ç directly on the keyboard, § also, who the fuck uses those in Italy?
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20:42:45  <andythenorth> hmm
20:42:51  <andythenorth> ceramic engineering supplies :P
20:42:56  <andythenorth> bonkers
20:44:08  <Alberth> just make one supplies :p
20:44:34  <andythenorth> they make tiny ceramic droplets for fracking
20:44:45  <andythenorth> also something similar with glass for explosives
20:45:06  <Alberth> exploding factories? :)
20:45:21  <andythenorth> ha
20:52:10  * andythenorth needs a new GS with an actual win condition :)
21:16:53  <andythenorth> Wolf01: £180 BWE
21:17:11  <andythenorth> €240
21:17:26  <Wolf01> not so bad
21:17:35  <Wolf01> pictures?
21:17:39  <andythenorth> nah
21:17:45  <andythenorth> it’s reported on Brickset
21:18:16  *** Biolunar [] has joined #openttd
21:18:59  <Wolf01> ok, so it is like this
21:19:31  <Snail> hey Andy, I’ve got a question about FIRS...
21:19:48  <Snail> I saw you have a vehicle factory, does it produce “vehicles” in a similar fashion as ECS?
21:20:06  <Snail> or just supplies and goods?
21:22:36  <andythenorth> Snail:
21:22:38  *** Snail [] has quit [Quit: Snail]
21:22:41  <andythenorth> oh
21:22:43  <andythenorth> he’s gone
21:22:49  *** Snail [] has joined #openttd
21:23:11  <Snail> oh, I was looking at an old version then
21:23:47  <Snail> only in Arctic?
21:24:11  <andythenorth> Arctic economy
21:24:16  <andythenorth> doesn’t matter which climate is used
21:24:18  <andythenorth> parameter
21:24:32  <andythenorth> may appear in more economies later
21:25:12  <Snail> sounds nice

21:25:27  <Snail> how are vehicles internally labeled? VEHI?
21:25:39  <andythenorth> yup ;)
21:25:53  <andythenorth>
21:27:35  <Snail> nice :)
21:28:10  <andythenorth> happy to help ;)
21:28:27  <Snail> but no car dealership?
21:28:39  <andythenorth> currently not
21:28:43  <andythenorth> but maybe in a future economy
21:28:48  <andythenorth> urban or heavy industry
21:30:36  <Snail> ok
21:31:33  <andythenorth> I don’t have graphic support yet
21:32:00  <andythenorth> not sure how that will work, vehicles might be cars or trucks or heavy equipment
21:32:28  <andythenorth> oh I remember, I solved it already
21:32:46  <andythenorth> I have car transporters (cars) and lowbeds (bigger vehicles), player chooses the one they want
21:34:17  <andythenorth> V453000: would anyone notice if the lighting was wrong on ships?
21:34:27  <andythenorth> i.e. I just flipped them for \ - / angles ?
21:34:34  <andythenorth> instead of reshading the fuckers every time :(
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21:38:52  <Snail> andythenorth: car transporters? in which set?
21:38:59  <andythenorth> Iron Horse
21:39:06  <andythenorth> unreleased build
21:39:10  <andythenorth> no cars yet though :P
21:39:13  * andythenorth needs some cars
21:39:46  <Snail> I see
 I made 100+ models for my set :p
21:40:00  <Snail> all French cars though (of different eras)
21:40:12  <andythenorth>
21:40:18  <andythenorth> Snail: you are dedicated :)
21:40:33  <Snail> or crazy :D
21:40:47  <andythenorth> what’s your license? o_O
21:41:18  <Snail> I was thinking about copyrighting it
21:41:42  <Snail> but I could share my sprites if there’s interest
21:42:24  *** Clockworker_ [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
21:43:02  <andythenorth> I am thinking about cars, but also Iron Horse will grow one or two Euro rosters
21:43:22  <andythenorth> and adapting sprites is faster than drawing sprites :P
21:43:46  <Snail> haha
21:43:54  <Snail> true, provided the scale is the same
21:44:40  <andythenorth> did you ever release a standard gauge preview?
21:44:45  <andythenorth> I have the NG
21:44:56  <Snail> nah, SG will come after I finish NG
21:45:10  <Snail> my NG graphics is all done, but am still working on the code
21:46:31  <andythenorth> I can’t get the prototype to work to look at scale :)
21:46:33  <andythenorth> nvm
21:51:26  <Snail> well, what scale did you use in IH?
21:53:57  *** smoke_fumus [~smoke_fum@] has quit [Quit: KVIrc 4.2.0 Equilibrium]
21:55:24  <andythenorth> approximately original TTD
21:58:53  *** Snail [] has quit [Quit: Snail]
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21:59:47  <Snail> I see
 so a different one
22:00:36  *** gelignite [] has quit [Quit:]
22:00:44  <andythenorth> :)
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22:11:43  * andythenorth -> bed
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22:57:14  <Terkhen> Good night
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