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00:14:48 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd 00:38:55 *** Snail has quit IRC 01:04:29 *** Snail has joined #openttd 01:17:06 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd 01:38:36 *** glx_ has joined #openttd 01:38:36 *** glx is now known as Guest458 01:38:36 *** glx_ is now known as glx 01:44:50 *** Guest458 has quit IRC 01:57:12 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 02:30:10 *** grossing has quit IRC 02:38:36 *** glx has quit IRC 02:41:04 *** grossing has joined #openttd 02:50:28 <supermop_> distracting myself from election forecasts by playing sia on repeat 03:27:29 *** grossing has quit IRC 03:37:55 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC 03:47:56 <Supercheese> Today's election forecast is: Cloudy with a chance of shitstorms 03:48:09 <Supercheese> I can see why you want a distraction 03:59:20 *** Tharbakim has quit IRC 04:02:15 <sim-al2> Supercheese, sounds like the weather here tomorrow 04:02:30 <sim-al2> Bonus points for the general forecasts being shit 04:02:46 <sim-al2> "0% chance of rain" they said 04:03:14 <sim-al2> Yeah no 04:04:25 *** Tharbakim has joined #openttd 04:40:27 *** Snail has quit IRC 04:40:37 *** Snail has joined #openttd 04:41:25 *** Snail has joined #openttd 04:42:13 *** Snail has joined #openttd 04:42:51 *** Snail has quit IRC 04:43:01 *** Snail has joined #openttd 05:41:49 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 06:11:29 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 06:12:41 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 06:22:38 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 07:56:19 *** Progman has joined #openttd 08:11:38 *** tokai has joined #openttd 08:11:38 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai 08:18:32 *** tokai|noir has quit IRC 09:09:50 *** Supercheese has quit IRC 09:41:30 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd 09:41:45 <Wolf01> o/ 09:41:50 <crem> o/ 09:44:40 *** mescalito has joined #openttd 09:59:35 *** umgeher has quit IRC 10:00:29 *** umgeher has joined #openttd 10:39:34 *** Sova has joined #openttd 10:46:12 *** Progman has quit IRC 10:55:41 <Wolf01> Nice, I'm getting the same bounding box offset by 32px when drawing it from inside the tile and from outside in the UI 11:08:05 *** Sova has quit IRC 11:26:28 *** grossing has joined #openttd 11:43:23 <Wolf01> Setting the position before the initialization fixed all the problems... 11:46:10 *** ConductCat has quit IRC 11:46:29 *** ConductCat has joined #openttd 11:52:19 *** MonkeyDrone has joined #openttd 11:59:47 *** MonkeyDrone has quit IRC 12:00:13 *** MonkeyDrone has joined #openttd 12:19:17 *** umgeher has quit IRC 12:21:05 *** umgeher has joined #openttd 12:22:28 *** Sacro has quit IRC 12:25:57 *** Sacro has joined #openttd 12:28:32 *** Snail has joined #openttd 12:30:09 *** Ethereal_Whisper has quit IRC 12:30:36 *** Ethereal_Whisper has joined #openttd 13:00:21 *** Sova has joined #openttd 13:01:10 *** Snail has quit IRC 13:23:19 <argoneus> good afternoon train friends 13:34:13 <supermop> yyo 13:55:52 *** sim-al2 has quit IRC 14:08:14 *** wCPO has joined #openttd 14:13:08 <Wolf01> argoneus, diablo? 14:18:39 <argoneus> Wolf01: n-no 14:18:42 <argoneus> me no like diable 14:19:41 <Wolf01> Pfff, you aready have a lvl70 hero in season 8, don't you? 14:21:01 *** Alberth has joined #openttd 14:21:01 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth 14:21:14 <Alberth> moin 14:21:23 <Wolf01> o/ 14:21:31 <argoneus> I haven't played since like 14:21:32 <argoneus> S3 or 4 14:21:39 <argoneus> and the last season I played 14:21:41 <argoneus> a friend boosted me 14:21:43 <argoneus> and then I quit 14:21:52 <argoneus> >when people ask for boost the second day of the season 14:21:54 <argoneus> hello Alberth 14:23:09 <Wolf01> I would like to unlock the stash tabs... but a rift in under 5 minutes at T10 is a bit too much 14:26:44 <Alberth> /me renames the channel to #random-games 14:27:07 *** Progman has joined #openttd 14:41:48 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd 14:44:59 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 14:45:12 <Alberth> o/ 14:45:18 <Wolf01> o/ 14:52:52 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 15:09:36 <andythenorth> TL20 with slow trains 15:09:55 <andythenorth> it has taken me 10 years just to get one long main line running well 15:10:34 <andythenorth> (this is a good thing) 15:14:49 <Alberth> :) 15:15:03 <Alberth> enjoying the game :) 15:20:18 <_dp_> hi, does gradual loading always take 240 ticks for a train? providing there is enough cargo ofc 15:21:26 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 15:27:29 <Alberth> it depends on loading speed, which varies between sets 15:27:43 <supermop> slow tl 20 trains probably easier to timetable, apart from the huge numbers 15:28:35 <Alberth> it sounds just amazingly long :) 15:29:17 <Alberth> longest stuff I build is just 7 tiles :) 15:30:02 *** wCPO has left #openttd 15:48:43 *** gnu_jj has quit IRC 15:53:44 *** gnu_jj has joined #openttd 15:57:18 *** Sova has quit IRC 16:02:34 *** gnu_jj has quit IRC 16:02:55 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 16:04:01 *** Gja has joined #openttd 16:04:52 *** DDR has joined #openttd 16:32:53 *** gnu_jj has joined #openttd 16:38:19 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 16:41:15 *** smoke_fumus has joined #openttd 16:42:30 *** Gaby_ has joined #openttd 16:46:52 *** Stimrol has quit IRC 16:50:10 *** Stimrol has joined #openttd 17:16:10 *** aard has joined #openttd 17:48:01 <Wolf01> https://www.reddit.com/r/programming/comments/5auz2o/visual_sudio_code_17_rolled_back_to_16/ lol 17:58:39 <andythenorth> is cat? 17:59:09 <Wolf01> Nah, just lolz 17:59:31 <ElleKitty> Silly Sudio 17:59:36 <Wolf01> Silly NPM 18:00:12 <Wolf01> Broken relational library and no 404 cache 18:01:53 *** Arveen has joined #openttd 18:03:43 *** glx has joined #openttd 18:03:43 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 18:05:36 *** Arveen2 has joined #openttd 18:05:36 *** Arveen is now known as Guest506 18:05:36 *** Arveen2 is now known as Arveen 18:07:39 *** Arveen has quit IRC 18:09:57 *** Guest506 has quit IRC 18:11:07 *** Arveen has joined #openttd 18:46:35 *** Gaby_ has quit IRC 18:48:16 *** Gaby_ has joined #openttd 18:49:56 *** Gaby_ has quit IRC 18:51:09 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd 18:51:16 <Wolf01> Quak 18:53:36 <frosch123> moi 19:01:07 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 19:03:07 *** sla_ro|master2 has joined #openttd 19:09:10 <andythenorth> story about engineers https://archive.org/stream/dilworthstory013490mbp/dilworthstory013490mbp_djvu.txt 19:09:17 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 19:09:17 * andythenorth likes stories about engineers 19:11:15 <Wolf01> Too long :( 19:11:29 <andythenorth> read it one line at a time 19:11:33 <andythenorth> it’s shorter that way 19:11:45 <Wolf01> It will take forever 19:15:29 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 19:15:57 <andythenorth> countable forever, or non-countable forever? o_O 19:18:10 <Wolf01> Count the lines and multiply for my will of read that, my will decreases linearly from 1 to 0 by a constant derived from font used and language difficulty 19:19:37 <Wolf01> With a good approximation, the constant for that article is 0.037 19:26:51 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 19:31:02 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 19:32:50 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 19:39:23 <Wolf01> Btw, andythenorth, days ago I read this http://todayinsci.com/B/Baldwin_Matthias/BaldwinMatthias-HOP.htm 19:39:43 * andythenorth will read next 19:40:08 <Wolf01> There's an interesting thing you should consider for a trainset, too bad OTTD doesn't have weather ;) 19:40:38 <Wolf01> "the locomotive engine built by Mr. M. W. Baldwin, of this city, will depart daily, when the weather is fair, with a train of passenger cars. On rainy days horses will be attached." 19:46:36 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd 19:48:01 *** Alberth has left #openttd 19:57:27 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 19:59:24 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 20:10:22 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 20:15:56 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 20:19:32 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 20:19:59 <_dp_> is there any online list/viewer of openttd sprites? 20:24:32 <FLHerne> There was, but it seems to be broken http://mz.openttdcoop.org/opengfx/authors/script.php?feature=spritesbyfile&q= 20:27:52 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 20:28:54 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 20:29:01 <andythenorth> opengfx would be a proxy for it? 20:43:34 *** Arveen has quit IRC 20:45:56 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 20:47:25 *** sla_ro|master2 has quit IRC 20:49:26 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd 21:04:32 <andythenorth> hmm 21:18:02 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 21:24:10 *** Antheus has quit IRC 21:26:17 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 21:29:02 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 21:34:37 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 21:39:21 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 21:43:32 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 21:45:22 *** sim-al2 is now known as Guest517 21:45:24 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 21:50:25 *** Guest517 has quit IRC 21:54:21 *** murr4y has quit IRC 21:58:21 *** aard has quit IRC 22:24:27 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 22:24:51 *** welshdragon has quit IRC 22:26:59 *** welshdragon has joined #openttd 22:41:33 *** iuFF has joined #openttd 22:49:45 *** gelignite has quit IRC 22:51:57 *** Progman has quit IRC 23:11:19 *** Antheus has joined #openttd 23:34:47 *** FLHerne has quit IRC 23:43:47 *** welshdragon has quit IRC