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00:11:28 *** k is now known as efess 00:23:37 *** efess has quit IRC 00:23:39 *** tokai has joined #openttd 00:23:39 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai 00:30:12 *** tokai|noir has quit IRC 00:40:57 *** FLHerne has quit IRC 01:14:46 *** Progman has quit IRC 01:56:22 *** sim-al2 is now known as Guest448 01:56:23 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 02:00:52 *** Guest448 has quit IRC 02:16:26 *** efess has joined #openttd 02:33:58 *** Myhorta has quit IRC 04:08:06 *** glx has quit IRC 04:35:38 *** Flygon_ has joined #openttd 04:38:55 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC 04:42:51 *** Flygon has quit IRC 05:51:16 *** THERetroGamerNY has joined #openttd 05:58:00 *** supermop_ has quit IRC 06:08:04 *** Jinassi2 has joined #openttd 06:11:13 *** Jinassi has quit IRC 06:14:41 *** THERetroGamerNY has quit IRC 06:17:53 *** adit has joined #openttd 06:18:30 *** adit is now known as Guest461 06:42:40 *** namad7 has joined #openttd 06:45:10 *** namad7 has quit IRC 06:52:19 *** womble has quit IRC 07:10:25 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 07:44:27 *** sim-al2 has quit IRC 07:53:42 *** Alberth has joined #openttd 07:53:42 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth 08:41:26 *** Supercheese has quit IRC 08:55:56 *** keoz has joined #openttd 09:29:30 *** Progman has joined #openttd 09:37:17 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd 09:37:23 <Wolf01> o/ 09:39:13 <Alberth> moin 10:10:17 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd 10:13:24 *** Myhorta has joined #openttd 10:15:10 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 10:35:09 *** Arveen has joined #openttd 11:15:09 *** Fatmice has quit IRC 11:28:31 <Wolf01> How do I create a patch with git CLI? There are 3297686876 ways 11:28:38 <Wolf01> I already staged the changes 11:29:07 <Wolf01> I always get an empty .patch file 11:36:17 <Alberth> I think git diff --staged 11:38:01 <Alberth> confirmed 11:39:01 <Alberth> committed revisions are displayed with git show <revision> 11:39:10 <Alberth> Wolf01: ^ 11:39:55 <Wolf01> +1 11:49:05 <Alberth> I wonder whether you can reliably reconstruct the industries at a map when loading from a Terkhen scenario format ( https://wiki.openttd.org/Terkhen/Scenario_format ) file. Couldn't a newgrf for example check for surrounding industries, and refuse to build as it misses an industry that is listed later in the file, or so? 11:49:06 <Alberth> 11:50:11 <Alberth> In theory similar problems could exist in houses etc, I guess 11:50:19 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 11:52:23 *** zeknurn has quit IRC 11:54:34 <Wolf01> If I don't stage a change, why does it commit it anyway? 11:55:03 <Wolf01> Oh, no, it switched panel automatically 11:55:30 <Wolf01> Mmmh, now I might need to reapply the patch 11:56:34 <Alberth> mixing CLI and a smart Gui is generally a bad idea 11:57:30 <Wolf01> Eh, CLI for git is shit, GUI for git is shit, with both I was able at least to do what I do with a single command in SVN 11:58:12 <Wolf01> If only SVN wasn't so attached to it's revision numbers... 11:59:38 *** FLHerne has quit IRC 12:06:34 *** zeknurn has joined #openttd 12:12:02 <Wolf01> Mmmh, generic functions with uint arguments.. I need to cast shit out of them 12:12:28 <Wolf01> Or conversion functions 12:13:01 <Wolf01> Another Pack-Unpack... but for 2 identifiers this time 12:19:52 <Wolf01> 2 * 5 bits, but 1st bit is shared between both, so it must be grouped apart as 2-4-4, which allows to be used as TransportType/RoadTypes 12:20:16 <Wolf01> Well, it will be funny 12:20:32 <Eddi|zuHause> maybe you can use templates instead of uint? 12:21:06 <Wolf01> I need to rewrite the rail functions, or write new ones for road only 12:21:26 <Wolf01> tunnelbridge is shared between transport types 12:21:36 <Wolf01> And uses uint for everything 12:23:22 <Wolf01> BTW, the worst problem is just in the MakeBridgeRamp function which is used by road, rail, aqueduct 12:23:42 <Wolf01> I think I'll do one for road only 12:23:50 <Wolf01> After lunch 12:42:05 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd 12:46:37 *** Sirenia has quit IRC 13:01:16 <Wolf01> Wtf changes my m4 value for road bridges? I'm setting that at last 13:07:32 <Alberth> set a watchpoint at it? 13:08:08 <Wolf01> I think it already comes malformed, must debug 13:12:21 <Wolf01> Eh... missing 3 bits... 13:17:52 <Wolf01> Now, tunnel 13:42:30 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 13:54:56 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 14:02:01 <Wolf01> Mmmh, no NRT teammates today 14:06:43 <Alberth> seems that way 14:07:57 <Wolf01> Depots, bridges and tunnels seem to work 14:14:47 <Alberth> \o/ 14:16:38 *** aard has joined #openttd 14:17:26 <Wolf01> http://imgur.com/a/NUryq 14:21:08 <V453000> it's alive 14:21:15 <V453000> deploying slugs 14:22:45 <goodger> noice 14:24:47 <Alberth> great! 14:32:55 *** FLHerne has quit IRC 14:33:13 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd 14:33:57 <Wolf01> I wanted to watch a DVD I purchased it 2 days ago... but it's not arrived yet :( 14:39:09 <Wolf01> I might need frosch for the build station command... or somebody else which could be able to find some space for 8 bits in the array for road stops 14:40:51 <Wolf01> m4 is used for station graphics (rail), it could be used for roadtypes, but not sure if it will be needed in future even if we decided to not change station graphics with roadtype 14:52:43 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 14:52:49 <Wolf01> o/ 14:52:57 <andythenorth> o| 14:54:11 <Wolf01> Fixed bridges, tunnels and depots 14:54:29 <andythenorth> :D 14:54:32 <Wolf01> Need help for roadstops 15:09:40 <andythenorth> what’s the go? o_O 15:10:10 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd 15:11:02 <Wolf01> Cat 15:11:13 <ConductorCat> :3 15:11:31 <Wolf01> Do you get highlighted on "cat"? 15:14:53 <andythenorth> no :) 15:16:35 *** srhnsn has joined #openttd 15:18:20 <V453000> SLUG POWER 15:19:23 * andythenorth afk, watching Outback Truckers 15:19:25 <andythenorth> biab 15:19:34 <V453000> subaru? 15:19:43 *** Myhorta has quit IRC 15:28:56 *** sim-al2 has quit IRC 15:38:55 *** supermop_ has joined #openttd 15:39:51 *** andythenorth is now known as Guest482 15:39:51 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 15:42:54 <supermop_> yo andy 15:43:02 *** Guest482 has quit IRC 15:49:46 *** glx has joined #openttd 15:49:46 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 15:49:55 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd 15:49:55 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai|noir 15:49:56 *** supermop_ has quit IRC 15:55:55 *** supermop_ has joined #openttd 15:57:02 *** tokai has quit IRC 15:58:35 *** supermop_ has quit IRC 16:01:34 *** supermop_ has joined #openttd 16:03:01 <supermop_> oops 16:05:00 <supermop_> this seems a bit of an overreaction: 16:05:01 <supermop_> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Brice%27s_Day_massacre 16:16:51 <andythenorth> o 16:16:52 <andythenorth> :p 16:16:57 <andythenorth> wtf has shutil gone? 16:17:32 <andythenorth> nvm 16:17:47 <Alberth> :) 16:23:01 * andythenorth triggered some code designed to handle an edge case, which hadn’t been tested 16:23:03 <andythenorth> because edge case 16:24:38 <V453000> andythenorth: what is the highest capacity/speed truck in roadhog? 16:24:47 <andythenorth> err 16:25:21 <andythenorth> http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/road-hog/push/LATEST/docs/html/code_reference.html 16:25:30 <andythenorth> for truck is about 40t, 80mph 16:25:48 <andythenorth> for tram is 72t, 45mph 16:25:55 *** andythenorth has left #openttd 16:25:58 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 16:26:16 <V453000> some nerd is asking :) thanks 16:27:09 <andythenorth> iz docs 16:28:18 *** Gja has joined #openttd 16:30:34 *** Arveen has quit IRC 16:39:01 <andythenorth> can’t use @property decorator outside a class? 16:39:36 <andythenorth> getting weird results 16:40:27 <andythenorth> nvm 16:40:42 <andythenorth> it was a wrong thing to do in that case anyway 16:53:24 *** Supercheese has joined #openttd 16:55:14 *** digdug has joined #openttd 16:56:28 *** FLHerne has quit IRC 17:03:26 <Eddi|zuHause> @property outside a class doesn't sound like a sane thing to do 17:07:04 <andythenorth> it was wrong 17:07:17 <andythenorth> I was just being lazy in a one-time migration script I’m writing 17:09:03 * andythenorth compiles 17:09:07 * andythenorth needs a faster mac 17:11:09 <Wolf01> Buy a PC 17:13:48 <andythenorth> I need a faster pc or mac that runs OS X, and ships in a 3lb metal enclosure with > 10 hours battery life :P 17:14:03 <Wolf01> Surface 17:14:12 <andythenorth> but will an i5 run nmlc as fast as an i7? :| 17:14:29 <andythenorth> nmlc is probably single-core, so the hyper-threading thing might be irrelevant? 17:16:19 <Alberth> project is at ssd? 17:17:05 <Alberth> hmm, may not make that much difference for nml 17:18:20 <andythenorth> mine is ssd 17:18:34 <andythenorth> new ssd will be about 4x faster though 17:18:41 <andythenorth> when I unlock my wallet :P 17:23:36 <andythenorth> 98 spritesheets migrated to a new format 17:23:51 <andythenorth> time to run the script: about 3s 17:25:29 <Alberth> text processing and building objects is likely more significant for nmlc 17:27:00 <Alberth> together with making too many copies of the objects, but it's horribly hard to find where you can safely eliminate that 17:28:20 <andythenorth> nmlc speed is mostly acceptable 17:28:49 <andythenorth> but not when my anti-virus scan is running :P 17:30:05 <digdug> hello guys, I have a question: is there any plan to implement autopresigs of ttdpatch to openttd ? It was a feature that I used really a lot and year after year I tried to start playing openttd, but always felt that missing. 17:33:09 <V453000> what does it do? 17:33:41 <digdug> it automatically converts signals to presigs when a train enters the signal block 17:34:18 <V453000> what :D 17:34:24 <digdug> (and if certain requirements are met) 17:35:01 <Wolf01> <V453000> what :D <- 17:35:21 <digdug> it you never have to manually place presigs, you just place normal signals all the time and they get converted 17:35:39 <digdug> if you build the network correctly :D 17:35:51 <Wolf01> We just use PBS 17:36:00 <digdug> it is compatible with pbs 17:36:22 <digdug> i used to have both on in ttdpatch 17:36:33 <Lejving> why can't you just place presignals? 17:37:39 <digdug> of course I can, but it's fun to see a signal block autoconverting when a train enters it, and it makes the game more accessible to newbies 17:38:12 <V453000> we don't use PBS all the time, but when I want something work in a very specific way, the game has no way of knowing when to place presignals 17:39:11 <digdug> fair enough :) 17:39:12 <Lejving> digdug, nitrous oxide is pretty funny too but you don't see me using that!... often 17:41:35 <digdug> well, I don't know :( I mean, it's a feature that made ttdpatch so accessible and easy to use, I was just wondering if anybody thought about implementing it in openttd at some point 17:42:36 <V453000> having signals automatically convert themselves sounds to me like a newbie-friendly thing, but for anybody who wants to build something in a specific way it is more harm than anything 17:43:23 <digdug> yes, totally agree with that 17:44:41 <digdug> in ttdpatch it works if there is a block with at least 1 1way entry signal and 2 2way exit signals, it doesnt convert everywhere all the time 17:45:33 <digdug> basically it makes it trivial to build a multiplatform station entry junction 17:45:54 * andythenorth just builds PBS :) 17:46:02 <andythenorth> aren’t presignals dead, except for coop stuff? 17:46:46 <digdug> i'm confused, how do you use pbs without presigs ? 17:47:01 <andythenorth> just build PBS signals 17:47:28 <andythenorth> I know there are people who love using presignals, but eh, I don’t miss them :) 17:47:32 <Alkel_U3> ttdpatch's pbs signals are by default just presignals which also allow to reaerve a path through the block; openttd's pbs signals are a bit different 17:47:51 <andythenorth> although depot routing is easier with presignals, with PBS trains can’t find depots 17:47:56 <Lejving> presignals are faster than pbs 17:48:13 <V453000> Alkel_U3: that is exactly the signal that openttd could use, would be nice 17:48:38 <V453000> andythenorth: any routing, in depots it is just easiest visible due to large penalty differences 17:49:06 <Alkel_U3> V453000: rarely I would use that. I guess programable signals would cover that 17:49:17 <digdug> Alkel_U3, i see 17:49:30 <supermop_> Lejving: how faster? 17:49:40 <V453000> programmable signals are utter shit, I dont want to click each signal to see what they do 17:49:44 <V453000> imo 17:50:09 <andythenorth> where’s the need also? 17:50:23 <andythenorth> people have trains that don’t go where they want? 17:50:38 <Alkel_U3> yeah, it doesn't fulfill the dream of perfect UX :-) 17:50:55 <supermop_> play testing yaam patch has made me spend hours reading about historic signalling practices 17:51:22 <digdug> i used programmable signals for high slopes and very heavy slow trains (with multiplier x200 or more), rerouting fast trains in a specific line and slow trains on another 17:51:24 <Lejving> supermop_, it forces the choice at the split rather than at first signal as with pbs 17:51:27 <Alberth> no need, all signals of the universe are at the OpenTTD wiki :p 17:51:38 <V453000> often andythenorth 17:52:08 <V453000> digdug: that is a very specific thing 17:52:08 <digdug> but i agree, programmable signals are not very useful 17:52:26 <Alkel_U3> digdug: that sounds like routing restrictions, which is different from programale signals 17:52:33 <V453000> you can do pretty much anything with the current signals already 17:52:43 <andythenorth> just build waypoint on the hill, route slow trains through it 17:52:55 <supermop_> karn did not have a concept for how to treat non-pbs signals in his patch, so i tried reading up on other signalling regimes 17:52:57 <digdug> Alkel_U3, yes, you are right 17:52:57 * andythenorth is a low-tech man in a hi-tech world :P 17:53:45 <supermop_> there are railways on this earth that have used 2-aspect signals without trains flying through and crashing, so there must be a way 17:55:18 <andythenorth> excavate mountain, build tunnel 17:55:23 <andythenorth> proper TTD style 17:55:30 <digdug> lol 17:55:46 <Eddi|zuHause> <andythenorth> people have trains that don’t go where they want? <-- there are two different things here. people have trains that don't go WHERE they want (=> could use restricted signals) and people have trains that don't go WHEN they want (=> could use programmable signals) 17:55:56 <Wolf01> <V453000> programmable signals are utter shit, I dont want to click each signal to see what they do <- just put a floating sign above it 17:56:05 <Supercheese> eewwwww 17:56:07 <Supercheese> sign clutter 17:56:14 <andythenorth> 80 char wide, black and white 17:56:20 <andythenorth> with all the script 17:56:27 <andythenorth> they’re programmed in squirrel or something? 17:56:27 <Eddi|zuHause> you mean black and green or black and amber? 17:56:34 <andythenorth> black and green 17:56:38 <andythenorth> I do apologise 17:57:06 <Wolf01> Green phosphorus displays 17:57:09 <Wolf01> I have one 17:57:24 <Supercheese> classic 17:57:40 <Eddi|zuHause> i think i have seen one black-and-amber screen in my life 17:57:53 <andythenorth> I used to work on them 17:58:03 <andythenorth> for 3 months 17:58:07 <andythenorth> data entry 17:58:24 <Eddi|zuHause> that was 20 years ago, on a system that was at least 10 years outdated by that time 17:58:46 <Eddi|zuHause> i wonder if they still use that system today :p 17:59:11 <Wolf01> http://thumbs3.ebaystatic.com/d/l225/m/miqGHhpH_3Erxf9zSBgjpcg.jpg i even have one of these 17:59:38 <V453000> imdone 17:59:57 <supermop_> VFD 18:00:17 * andythenorth looks for text-based train simulators 18:00:21 <andythenorth> there were some in the 1980s 18:00:28 <Supercheese> Dwarf Fortress minecarts 18:00:30 <andythenorth> they might be just what some OpenTTD players need 18:00:45 <andythenorth> V453000: done with BRIX? o_O 18:01:40 * andythenorth needs to redo FIRS again :( 18:01:45 <andythenorth> Arctic Basic sucks http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/push/LATEST/docs/html/economies.html#arctic_basic 18:01:47 <V453000> no, done with how did signals get to calculator "D 18:01:53 <andythenorth> I have one vocal player who hates it 18:02:06 <andythenorth> but most of his suggestions are unworkable, because he’s looking for 1700-1900 or so 18:02:08 <V453000> XD one vocal player is always big deal 18:02:12 <andythenorth> and I’m starting around 1860 ;P 18:02:21 <V453000> that's unfortunate 18:02:32 <andythenorth> he’s correct in his diagnosis 18:02:42 <andythenorth> but most of the suggestions aren’t ones I can implement 18:02:45 <supermop_> andythenorth: im playing arctic basic in sub-tropic right now 18:02:54 <V453000> fucking heretic 18:02:54 <andythenorth> because I’m not making a historical Norwegian economy simulator 18:03:03 <Supercheese> he's crossed the streams! 18:03:17 <andythenorth> supermop_: while you’re there, you can redesign it :P 18:03:24 <supermop_> making paper out of palm trees 18:03:31 <Supercheese> papyrus 18:03:47 <supermop_> checks out 18:03:48 <andythenorth> he wants fruit, fish, alcohol, iron ore 18:03:53 <Wolf01> <V453000> no, done with how did signals get to calculator "D <- I like to explore new ways to get off topic 18:03:53 <andythenorth> which starts to look quite close to http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/push/LATEST/docs/html/economies.html#temperate_basic 18:04:14 <Wolf01> BTW, roadstops, now 18:04:20 <supermop_> tbh honest most of scandinavia is pretty temperate 18:04:49 <andythenorth> the current economy is quite definitely Finland 18:04:56 <andythenorth> Kyoske helped design it 18:05:01 <andythenorth> Kyosuke * 18:05:09 <andythenorth> Wolf01: nicely played 18:05:23 <andythenorth> a Basic economy that only works after 1950 is lame 18:06:08 <andythenorth> do they have sawmills in scandinavia? 18:06:18 <Wolf01> PlaceRoadStop() function receives p2 with some bits set which are documented, but inside more bits are set, I think they should all be documented to avoid passing some bit and then guessing why you get another value 18:06:58 <andythenorth> hmm 18:07:38 <andythenorth> basic economies don’t have primaries with multiple secondaries 18:07:42 <andythenorth> it’s not relaxing :P 18:08:00 <andythenorth> so forest -> paper mill and forest -> sawmill doesn’t work 18:08:11 <andythenorth> unless I add a distinction between logs and pulpwood 18:08:36 <Wolf01> Is primary economy just reduced cargo variations and byproducts? 18:08:47 *** FLHerne has joined #openttd 18:08:53 <Wolf01> Or you even reduce number of industries? 18:09:13 *** Jinassi2 has quit IRC 18:10:25 <andythenorth> about 20 cargos and 20 industrites 18:10:37 <andythenorth> and most cargos have one source and one endpoint, with some exceptions 18:11:00 <Supercheese> and more import/export industries 18:11:16 <andythenorth> not more, but same, they’re important to shortcut chains 18:11:30 <Supercheese> proportionally more 18:11:33 <andythenorth> yes 18:11:36 <Supercheese> they get diluted in the extreme 18:11:40 <Supercheese> economy 18:11:42 <andythenorth> yup 18:11:59 <andythenorth> oil rigs are a PITA, because they limit viable start date of game 18:12:14 <digdug> mmhh, how hard is to customize cargo and industries ? 18:12:22 <andythenorth> not hard 18:12:38 * andythenorth has been doing it since 2008, YMMV :) 18:12:56 <digdug> nice :) is there a tutorial for it ? 18:13:38 <andythenorth> not sure 18:13:47 <andythenorth> looks not https://www.tt-wiki.net/wiki/NMLTutorial 18:13:53 <digdug> do I need some form of programming knowledge ? 18:14:11 <andythenorth> yes 18:14:17 <digdug> aww :( 18:14:35 <andythenorth> industries run code for many things 18:15:26 <digdug> so,how does it work, do you have to make a patch and compile the game with your modifications ? 18:16:00 <Alberth> you make a firs-like newgrf, and load it 18:16:59 * andythenorth wonders what the theme is for Arctic 18:17:12 <andythenorth> theme for Temperate Basic is basically ‘where andythenorth lives’ 18:17:43 <andythenorth> theme for Tropic Basic is ‘export food’ 18:19:24 <andythenorth> theme for Arctic was ‘high value engineering’…i.e. vehicles 18:20:01 <andythenorth> which works for modern scandinavian economies, but quite limited 18:20:21 <andythenorth> only works after 1950, and nearly all cargo goes to vehicles chain 18:21:57 <Alberth> wood processing? 18:22:09 <Alberth> or snow holidays :p 18:22:34 <andythenorth> frosty the snowman 18:22:40 <andythenorth> sledging 18:22:45 <andythenorth> pine forests 18:22:53 <andythenorth> reindeer farm 18:22:56 <digdug> are these nice newgrf available or are you make them only for you ? 18:23:21 <andythenorth> they’re on bananas (in-game content service) 18:23:37 <Alberth> ever heard of FIRS ? 18:23:39 <andythenorth> http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/releases/LATEST/docs/html/get_started.html 18:23:56 <Alberth> santa claus 18:24:04 * andythenorth bbl, dinner 18:24:09 <Alberth> enjoy :) 18:24:09 * andythenorth needs a theme :) 18:24:11 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 18:33:47 <digdug> never heard of firs 18:40:19 <Alberth> :o 18:40:59 <Alberth> download it, and install it together with a vehicle set :) 18:41:37 <Alberth> if you get firs 1, select a different economy in the parameters, as "extreme" will get you very much lost 18:54:44 *** d1gdug has joined #openttd 18:58:43 <Wolf01> Mmmh, it seem I can place roadstops on existing roadtypes, now I should check why it doesn't build the right roadtype when there's no road 19:00:35 <Wolf01> I call MakeStation then SetRoadTypes, I think I missed something around 19:01:14 *** drdigs has joined #openttd 19:01:33 <Wolf01> Right, no road on tile, no roadtype extracted 19:01:38 *** digdug has quit IRC 19:03:02 <Wolf01> Well, shit, 2 road roadtypes made a tramtype 19:03:33 <Wolf01> Dinner time 19:04:25 *** seatsea has joined #openttd 19:08:05 *** d1gdug has quit IRC 19:16:23 *** drdigs has quit IRC 19:29:16 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd 19:30:59 <Wolf01> Quak 19:32:06 <frosch123> hoi 19:33:18 <Wolf01> https://gist.github.com/Wolfolo/a7b60479a73111077b3fd5295dc94892 I'm not sure if it's right, but without this is impossible to build roadstops 19:34:30 <Wolf01> Maybe I should move up even the last 2 lines 19:44:09 <Wolf01> Ok, the last 2 lines are useless 20:00:02 <Wolf01> Alberth, do you remember your thoughts about drag&drop roadstops over road segments in wrong direction? Heh, now I have the same problem with different road types XD 20:00:40 <Alberth> ha :) 20:01:15 <Wolf01> I managed to overwrite the roadtype when building the roadstop, which is not what I want 20:04:56 <Alberth> hmm, good luck with that, gtg now 20:05:19 *** Alberth has left #openttd 20:05:31 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 20:05:36 <andythenorth> Wolf01: should I pull NRT? 20:06:08 <Wolf01> If you just want bridges and tunnels yes, or you could wait until I make a pull request 20:06:28 <Wolf01> Roadstops are the evil 20:07:28 <V453000> I knew it 20:08:42 <Wolf01> But I'm not less stupid, I used the *only* function I made to create the structure for roadtypes which doesn't do any control 20:09:34 <Wolf01> How does it work for rails? 20:10:01 <Wolf01> Can you build stations over rails? And over different rails at the same time? 20:10:09 * andythenorth exploring Scandinavia https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jan/27/scandinavian-miracle-brutal-truth-denmark-norway-sweden 20:10:20 <andythenorth> Wolf01: I will test 20:10:33 <andythenorth> you can definitely build over rails 20:11:13 <andythenorth> :o 20:11:28 <andythenorth> the NG rails in Termite have different widths for \ / 20:11:34 <andythenorth> oh maybe I did that as a test :P 20:12:37 <andythenorth> Wolf01: railtypes - can’t build a station over other railtypes, only the currently selected one 20:12:39 <andythenorth> BUT 20:12:51 <andythenorth> when overbuilding an existing station, can overbuild other types 20:13:02 <andythenorth> consistent eh :D 20:13:06 <V453000> XD 20:13:15 <V453000> not mirroring / \ ? 20:13:44 <andythenorth> I tried making NG narrower :P 20:13:52 <andythenorth> and I was using my test grf 20:14:09 <andythenorth> hmm economy of sweden 20:14:15 <andythenorth> hydropower is not a good ottd cargo 20:14:23 <andythenorth> nor is pharmaceuticals 20:14:32 <andythenorth> nor telco services 20:15:01 <V453000> there goes realism 20:15:03 <Wolf01> Heh, nice, to make it consistent then I'll leave it as is now: if there is already a road don't give a fuck and make it the type of the roadstop, if there is a roadstop and you build another roadtype one over it, convert that one to tram in a weird way XD 20:16:25 <andythenorth> Wolf01: just ship it, and we’ll see if it’s weird in game :) 20:16:39 <Wolf01> It is really weird, trust me 20:16:56 <Wolf01> Road A + Road B = tram C 20:17:21 <Wolf01> With one of the two initial roads underlay 20:18:00 <andythenorth> ha 20:18:03 <andythenorth> bonkers 20:19:14 <Wolf01> Also if I remove a roadstop from normal road I get... road, if I try to remove a roadstop from another roadtype I get an assert :P 20:19:39 <andythenorth> lawks 20:19:56 <andythenorth> it’s trying to restore road? 20:20:26 <Wolf01> No, it just seem that it tries to get the roadtype and there's no road 20:23:32 <Wolf01> Oh, that's how you use a function before it's definition... you just spam the declaration everywhere 20:27:49 <Wolf01> Roadstops seem to not do any magic with roadtypes 20:28:09 <andythenorth> meh no wonder the Norway suggestions are limited https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Norwar_Exports_Tree_Map_(2009).pdf 20:28:18 <andythenorth> 1% of the economy is bulldozers 20:29:01 <andythenorth> most of it is oil 20:30:02 <Wolf01> c->infrastructure.road[rt] -= 2; <_< 20:31:17 <andythenorth> sweden is much more diverse https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Sweden#/media/File:2014_Sweden_Products_Export_Treemap.png 20:31:30 <Wolf01> Ok, that's the trackbit count for infrastructure, nothing related to roadtypes 20:31:32 <andythenorth> but telecoms and medicines are not useful 20:33:15 <V453000> jesus fucking christ 20:33:20 <V453000> realism foxhole 20:33:32 <V453000> rabbit hole? 20:34:41 <andythenorth> yair 20:34:50 <andythenorth> f*ckhole 20:34:53 <andythenorth> to be crude about it 20:35:02 <andythenorth> but FIRS temperate basic is 100% realism 20:36:32 <andythenorth> V453000: give me a theme for Arctic 20:36:37 <andythenorth> other than reindeer 20:38:19 *** FLHerne_ has joined #openttd 20:38:22 *** FLHerne has quit IRC 20:41:41 <V453000> idk, deer? 20:41:58 <V453000> snowdeer? 20:42:03 <V453000> sunnydeer? 20:42:08 <V453000> cloudydeer? 20:42:43 <V453000> idk, focus around heavy industry and wood? for arctic? 20:42:47 *** aard has quit IRC 20:42:54 <andythenorth> stuck on wood 20:43:00 <andythenorth> wood -> papermill (current version) 20:43:04 <andythenorth> or wood -> sawmill? 20:43:04 <V453000> that's what she said? 20:43:15 <V453000> why not both? 20:43:15 <andythenorth> if I do realism, there is logs and pulpwood 20:43:26 <andythenorth> moar cargos? 20:43:33 <andythenorth> moar cargos never seems to go wrong tbh 20:43:41 <V453000> do you have no use for goods / lumber? 20:43:53 <andythenorth> there is use yes 20:44:12 <andythenorth> iz Basic though, don’t want one primary -> two secondary 20:44:17 <andythenorth> confusing 20:44:28 <andythenorth> Basic is discipline 20:44:31 <V453000> lumber goes to tyre plant 20:44:33 <V453000> tada solved 20:44:34 <V453000> XD 20:44:37 <andythenorth> winner is you 20:44:37 <Supercheese> wat 20:44:45 <andythenorth> get theme, make set 20:44:52 <V453000> idk, one primary -> secondary is interesting 20:44:52 <andythenorth> no theme, no good 20:45:07 <V453000> -> 2 secondary I mean obv 20:45:20 <andythenorth> it is in Extreme and such 20:45:29 <V453000> but it has no place here yes 20:45:31 <V453000> doesn't fit 20:45:32 <andythenorth> extremely interesting much 20:45:42 <andythenorth> such discipline :P 20:45:50 <V453000> what's wrong with the current one?! 20:45:52 <andythenorth> I used to just make industries I thought were cool 20:45:53 <V453000> :D 20:45:56 <andythenorth> current one 20:46:01 <andythenorth> 1 player doesn’t like it 20:46:06 <andythenorth> also, it’s weird 20:46:15 <andythenorth> 1 player hates it actually 20:46:18 <V453000> ok 20:46:25 <andythenorth> but still weird 20:46:28 <andythenorth> too much chemicals 20:46:39 <andythenorth> and only works after 1950 or so really 20:46:41 <V453000> inform player about fucking to specific direction? :) 20:47:06 <andythenorth> http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/releases/LATEST/docs/html/economies.html#arctic_basic 20:47:09 <V453000> chemicals are nice 20:47:16 <V453000> yes, I am looking there :) 20:47:24 <andythenorth> look at all places for chemicals :P http://bundles.openttdcoop.org/firs/releases/LATEST/docs/html/cargos.html#chemicals 20:47:30 <andythenorth> I thought it would be cool 20:47:33 * andythenorth wrong 20:47:38 <V453000> that's great 20:47:40 <V453000> I like it 20:48:08 <V453000> many straight forward cargoes A->B->C and one which spices it up which makes you deliver to all other secondaries 20:48:11 <V453000> I find that good 20:48:32 <andythenorth> hmm 20:48:34 <Wolf01> Could you add more goods types accepted by city? 20:48:39 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 20:49:05 <andythenorth> vehicles -> city? o_O 20:49:19 <V453000> XD 20:49:27 * andythenorth won’t change it without some better theme 20:49:34 <andythenorth> at least this one has a concept 20:49:37 <frosch123> andythenorth: i am sure vikings already had steam engines 20:49:39 <andythenorth> and not just realisms 20:49:46 <frosch123> viking economy :p 20:50:02 <Wolf01> Pax, mail, food, goods, vehicles, construction materials 20:50:16 <V453000> I would say this is pretty damn good andythenorth 20:50:39 <frosch123> bears, dragons, sailing cloth 20:50:42 <andythenorth> it’s pretty good as long as you want everything to be vehicles 20:50:50 <andythenorth> and not balanced with much food or anything like that 20:50:53 <V453000> that's fine 20:51:00 <V453000> isn't that what arctic should feel like? 20:51:02 <andythenorth> it plays ok 20:51:29 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 20:51:34 <Wolf01> You could even deliver only vehicles for what does concerns me 20:51:34 <andythenorth> frosch123: dragons, ok. But bears? :o 20:52:48 <Wolf01> Mmmmh, now I trigger an assert even when removing a roadstop on normal road 20:53:13 <frosch123> something for the kids, dragon food and stuff 20:54:17 <V453000> slug farm 20:54:20 <V453000> or gtfo 20:54:26 <andythenorth> Wolf01: do the asserts give you much useful? o_O 20:54:40 <Wolf01> Yes.. that it's not road 20:54:46 <andythenorth> for the kids, would need to deliver ipads 20:54:50 <andythenorth> and youtube stars 20:55:00 <andythenorth> minecraft economy :P 20:55:02 <Wolf01> Because it's a station, that's why 20:55:12 <Wolf01> But wtf 20:55:41 <Wolf01> assert(IsTileType(t, MP_ROAD)); <- 20:56:44 <Wolf01> Oh, now I understand... maybe trying to get roadbits from a station is not a good idea 20:59:09 <andythenorth> wood -> sawmill -> lumber, pulp 20:59:13 <andythenorth> pulp -> papermill? 20:59:19 <andythenorth> can’t take wood there directly? 21:00:06 <frosch123> Wolf01: there is GetAnyRoadBits or something like htat 21:00:25 <V453000> andythenorth: don't touch it. :D 21:00:39 <V453000> just go draw some roads :P 21:01:04 <frosch123> tram tracks and catenary :) 21:01:24 <frosch123> drive-in roadstop overlays 21:01:36 <Wolf01> Wonderful, now I managed to crash with "Datatype misalignment" 21:01:40 <V453000> OH BTW 21:01:54 <V453000> frosch123: is it possible that some recent-ish openttd version broke a part of YETI? 21:02:05 <frosch123> no idea 21:02:07 <V453000> spefically the part of consuming building materials by worker yards 21:02:14 <frosch123> unlikely 21:02:29 <V453000> fuckers found some weird behaviour today and Sylf has no clue where it's coming from sofar 21:02:40 <Wolf01> Yeah, infinite recursion! 21:05:12 <Wolf01> Uhm, tt-forums blocked by firefox because contains malware 21:05:44 <Wolf01> At least the attachments download 21:06:32 *** Jinassi has joined #openttd 21:06:48 <V453000> because it does! 21:06:53 <andythenorth> we need NRT graphics eh? :P 21:07:12 <Wolf01> We need to make NRT work 21:07:20 <frosch123> green catenary or something 21:07:50 <Wolf01> Hand me the fixed grf with no catenary tram, plz 21:08:44 <andythenorth> won’t happen tonight, but I can do that soon 21:09:01 * andythenorth has given up on FIRS 21:09:10 <andythenorth> headache I don’t need 21:09:17 <Wolf01> frosch123 fixed it, but I was unable to find it 21:09:30 <frosch123> Wolf01: http://devs.openttd.org/~frosch/example_roadtype_and_tramtype.grf 21:10:47 <Wolf01> Thx 21:12:28 <Wolf01> It is the green tram without catenary? 21:12:52 <frosch123> yes 21:13:30 <Wolf01> Oh, I expected the other one :P 21:15:47 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 21:18:25 <Wolf01> Ok, removing the roadstop now leaves tram over the normal road 21:18:44 <Wolf01> There was no tram before 21:20:10 <Wolf01> That's because it's always valid 21:21:17 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 21:24:40 <Wolf01> Now I managed to remove even the road and leaving tran rails without catenary... which aren't even defined O_o 21:35:52 *** aard has joined #openttd 21:57:36 *** aard has quit IRC 22:01:57 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC 22:10:28 *** seatsea has quit IRC 22:29:17 *** FLHerne_ has quit IRC 22:45:37 *** Progman has quit IRC 22:53:01 *** Gja has quit IRC 23:00:33 *** gelignite has quit IRC 23:11:57 *** keoz has quit IRC 23:12:54 *** srhnsn has quit IRC 23:35:39 <Wolf01> 'night 23:35:43 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC 23:47:52 *** Fatmice has joined #openttd 23:57:12 *** JezK_ has joined #openttd