Log for #openttd on 20th November 2016:
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00:58:23  <supermop__> ii wonder if there is enough Al in slag to be worth refining
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01:11:22  <ERRM> Hola a todos...¿Alguien que entienda español por aquí, que me pueda ayudar, por favor?
01:12:54  <ERRM> Hello...
01:13:07  <Jinassi> ¿Qué necesitas?
01:15:09  <ERRM> Al fin alguien que entiende mi idioma. Disculpa, hermanazo. Tengo un problema con OpenTTD
01:16:39  <ERRM> Verás... recientemente, actualicé de la versión DEMASIADO ARCAICA 0.5.3 RC-1 a la nueva versión 1.6.1. Y he instalado el Open SFX correspondiente a esta versión...
01:17:08  <ERRM> Pero el programa tiene problemas para guardar las partidas y para bajar contenidos.
01:17:43  <Jinassi> ¿Se puede hacer una nueva instalación? ¿Qué sistema operativo tiene?
01:18:09  <ERRM> Windows 8.1
01:19:50  <ERRM> Escuche, también tengo instalado el programa TeamViewer, por si necesita operar mi sistema de manera remota.
01:20:47  <Jinassi> Mi español no es tan bueno para operar un sistema en tu idioma: P
01:21:51  <ERRM> Pero más o menos, qué crees tú podría ser el problema. Si gustas, te mando una instantánea o screenshot del juego para mostrarte cómo luce...
01:22:31  <Jinassi> En los documentos, busque una carpeta denominada OpenTTD. Cambie el nombre de OpenTTD.cfg a OpenTTD-antiguo. Ejecute el juego y se reconstruirá, pruebe a descargar contenido de nuevo.
01:24:21  <Jinassi> Usted va a cambiar el nombre de la misma para la custodia, por lo que todavía se puede utilizar más tarde. La reconstrucción de ese archivo restablecerá el juego y podrás volver a descargarlo.
01:25:32  <ERRM> Hice los cambios y ahora suena la música de intro (antes no lo hacía). Veré si puedo guardar el juego.
01:27:17  <ERRM> Puede descargar contenido, pero sigue el problema de que no quiere guardar.
01:28:51  <Jinassi> ¿No puedes guardar el juego o el contenido?
01:29:40  <ERRM> El juego. Es decir, genero una nueva partida. Intento guardar y me aparece un cuadro rojo que me informa que no puede guardar en el archivo.
01:30:06  <Jinassi> Una vez que los descargas, para sonidos, música o gráficos, tienes que configurarlos en opciones.
01:30:45  <Jinassi> ¿Eso es todo lo que dice?
01:32:21  <Jinassi> ¿Puedes descargar un archivo .zip desde el sitio web oficial, por favor? Descomprimirlo en el escritorio y ejecutarlo desde allí. Veamos lo que hace.
01:33:24  <ERRM> Tengo el original.
01:33:39  <ERRM> El Transport Tycoon DeLuxe original de 1994.
01:34:47  <ERRM> Sale un mensaje que me dice "Error guardando partida. No se puede escribir en el archivo"
01:35:27  <Jinassi> Entiendo. Esto ya no es Transport Tycoon. En el 2004 fue ingeniería inversa. Todavía tiene similitudes.
01:36:29  <ERRM> ¿Será el Windows 8.1 que, chico?
01:36:44  <ERRM> ¿Que uso?
01:38:14  <Jinassi> Si
01:38:22  <ERRM> Fíjate que incluso descargué un mapa de alturas y lo carga perfectamente, pero igualito no me agarra el guardado.
01:39:58  <ERRM> Hace unos pocos años, yo actualicé esa misma versión 0.5.3 a otra un poc más avanzada (que se parece un poco en características a esta versión 1.6.1). Y no me dió problemas. Usaba entonces Windows XP SP3
01:40:57  <Jinassi> Hm, extraño.
01:43:13  <ERRM> Extraño, ciertamente. Obviamente, una versión más avanzada de este sistema operativo debería correr este juego sin problemas. Es más, hasta Windows 7 debería agarrarlo.
01:43:49  <Jinassi> ¿Fue OpenTTD o una actualización para Transport Tycoon o TDDpatch? Este es el resultado de todos ellos. Puede intentar ejecutar el programa en modo de compatibilidad para Windows XP o intentar descargar el programa más reciente estable de
01:44:05  <ERRM> Entonces, si este problema sucede en Windows 8.1, ni me imagino lo que pasará si se corre em Windows 10
01:45:13  <ERRM> Es OpenTTD.
01:45:37  <Jinassi> Es cierto que OpenTTD más reciente no tiene problemas ejecutándose desde Windows XP a Windows 10. Para programas antiguos, tiene que usar el modo de compatibilidad.
01:45:49  <ERRM> Estoy actualizando de 0.5.3 Release Candidate Número Uno(RC-1) a 1.6.1.
01:46:09  <Jinassi> wow
01:47:23  <ERRM> Y te digo que la versión RC ya me cansa. No me canso de exprimir compañías. Pero no me gusta tener que poner estaciones de autobuses al final d euna calle ni que pueda usar el zoom...
01:47:23  <Jinassi> Sería mejor quitar las instalaciones anteriores e instalar las más recientes después. Guarde todo lo que quiera guardar y, a continuación, quite el antiguo.
01:48:34  <Jinassi> ¿Y sobre multijugador, lo has probado todavía? Hay un montón de gente jugando este juego en línea, todos los días!
01:49:37  <ERRM> Oye no... siempre he jugado solo. Es decir, contra la PC. Pero sería genial... Lo que pasa es que uso es internet de pendrive movistar.
01:50:58  <Jinassi> No hay problema, el juego sólo utiliza un ancho de banda muy pequeño. El archivo más grande es cuando usted está descargando el mapa para unirse.
01:51:26  <ERRM> Ahh...
01:53:08  <ERRM> Bueno. habrái que intentarlo. Pero primero debo resolver este problemita del guardado. Agradezco mucho la ayuda, Jinassi.
01:54:02  <ERRM> Ese juego lo he desinstalado, instalado, vuelto a instalar y nada. Pero bueno...
01:54:17  <ERRM> Vamos a ver. Mil gracias, Jinassi.
01:56:51  <Jinassi> ¿Ha eliminado o cambiado el nombre de OpenTTD.cfg en los documentos?
01:58:33  <Jinassi> voy  a tener teamviewer
02:12:17  <ERRM> Así es. Pero de nada me vale. Los problemas continúan.
02:13:35  <Jinassi> Puedo tratar de ayudar remotamente, no puedo prometer nada.
02:14:42  <ERRM> Juego bien. Pero no puedo guardar. Ya cambié el nombre del archivo que me dijo, el openttd.dfg, que ahora se llama openttd-antiguo.cfg
02:15:03  <ERRM> Juego bien. Pero no puedo guardar. Ya cambié el nombre del archivo que me dijo, el openttd.cfg, que ahora se llama openttd-antiguo.cfg
02:15:25  <Jinassi> ¿El juego hizo uno nuevo?
02:16:08  <ERRM> Estoy jugando multijugador. Pero no hay nadie conectado. Cree una partida.
02:17:54  <ERRM> Por si desea meterse, acá le dejo los datos de mi teamviewer: 885 582 082 password es u175fa
02:21:29  <ERRM> se va a meter?
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03:12:05  <Portugal> hi all
03:12:09  <Portugal> :D
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08:01:05  <andythenorth> o/
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08:39:58  <andythenorth> hmm
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08:50:34  <Alberth> o/
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09:10:26  <andythenorth>
09:10:36  <andythenorth> somehow farm supplies don’t fit forests
09:12:07  <andythenorth> add ‘logging supplies’?
09:12:09  <andythenorth> o_O
09:23:27  <Alberth> forests prefer no logging :p
09:23:53  <Alberth> maybe "farm" is the wrong word?
09:24:35  <Alberth> perhaps "agriculture" but it's too long, and perhaps spelled wrong :)
09:24:49  <andythenorth> yeah :)
09:25:14  <andythenorth> I could remove the supplies mechanic from logging, but that’s….not justified :)
09:25:37  <Alberth> indeed
09:25:52  <andythenorth> many versions ago, forest needed engineering supplies
09:25:55  <andythenorth> but that was strange also
09:26:35  <Alberth> well, if you see how people move log from eg hills, it does involves engineering :)
09:26:40  <V453000> yo huminz
09:26:50  <Alberth> but in general, yes, it's a bit strange as well.
09:26:57  <Alberth> yo Vz
09:27:14  <V453000> lately I have been getting a lot of repots that people who play with any of my 32bpp things get a lot of lag and shit
09:27:24  <V453000> some say that it only happens when they combine it with zbase
09:27:27  <V453000> but for me it's fine
09:27:38  <V453000> WTF is that these people have some high end machines
09:27:46  <V453000> what could be the bottleneck?
09:27:59  <Alberth> high end as in new video cards?
09:28:06  <andythenorth> every time I upgrade my computer, OpenTTD performance gets worse
09:28:08  <Alberth> where the entire GPU is not used at all?
09:28:09  <andythenorth> but that’s 8bpp
09:29:05  <Alberth> moving around the screen isn't as smooth as it used to be, but I run a development build. I think it's the switch to 32bpp that is the default now
09:29:27  <andythenorth> V453000 any details on what kind of lag it is?
09:30:01  <Alberth> "plant supplies" ?
09:30:03  <andythenorth> also how does palette cycle animation work with 32bpp?  Is it same?
09:30:22  <V453000> idk they say like 2fps when they zoom out
09:30:25  <Alberth> without palette? nah, won't work :p
09:30:33  <V453000> high end as in processors
09:30:41  <Rubidium> V453000: sound to me like the railways in the UK. In the past your drive from London to the north in say 2 hours, but they increased the performance of that route... so now you can get there in 2:15 (but every 15 minutes instead of every 2 hours)
09:30:48  <V453000> :D
09:31:04  <Alberth> it's the bandwidth of the CPU-GPU likely
09:31:18  <V453000> sounds weird
09:31:26  <V453000> but it makes me consider adding 8bpp x4 sprites
09:31:50  <andythenorth> ask them if they have ‘full animation’ on, and if turning it off helps
09:32:13  <Alberth> modern PCs have big fast GPUs on their video card to render stuff
09:32:25  <Alberth> modern games all use it
09:32:50  <Alberth> OpenTTD still renders everything with the CPU, and then sends all images to the GPU to display
09:33:08  <Alberth> so OpenTTD needs lots of speed in the transfer to the GPU
09:33:30  <andythenorth> $somebody told me that some of the palette cycling relies on hardware transforms that were dropped
09:33:32  <andythenorth> about 3 years ago
09:33:38  <Rubidium> the main problems are: a) higher resolution; increase sides by factor 2, you have 4 times as much pixels to draw. b) less optimisations for simple blitting, even Windows itself is starting to use 3D techniques to just draw an image. c) as a result old style techniques are not to be used anymore (thus lesser optimised)
09:33:55  <V453000> well yeah but i6700k doesn't sound like a bad cpu
09:34:01  <Alberth> while modern games typically upload one time to the GPU, and then do all rendering at the GPU
09:34:15  <Alberth> no need for big lanes between CPU and GPU
09:34:28  <Alberth> which is also what manufacturers design for
09:34:38  <Rubidium> like in the past your video was completely blitted from the CPU to the GPU, now they just send the compressed video to the GPU which decodes, scales and draws it
09:34:57  <Rubidium> so again, the simple blitting is not needed anymore because what needs to be done fast is done fast
09:34:57  <andythenorth> V453000 THAT IS A TERRIBLE CPU, IT DATES FROM AUGUST 2016, IT’S TOTALLY OUTDATED!!!
09:35:06  <andythenorth> V453000: IT’S NOT “PRO"
09:35:28  <V453000> HAS NO FRUIT ON IT
09:35:33  <Rubidium> after all, a 2CV is a much better car
09:35:33  <V453000> IZ NOT CAT
09:35:53  <V453000> so, is there anything I can tell people to help them ? :D
09:36:03  <V453000> other than "you are fucked" ?
09:36:05  <andythenorth> try turning off full animation, see what happens
09:36:10  <V453000> right
09:36:11  <andythenorth> it’s at least just a toggle
09:36:21  <andythenorth> it works for me, but I am running 8bpp with 32bpp blitter
09:36:33  <andythenorth> with ‘full animation’ on, the game is unplayable for me
09:36:38  <V453000> interesting
09:36:54  <V453000> I never had that issue
09:37:07  <Alberth> andy is willing to swap computers, I am sure :p
09:37:26  <V453000> but that's the thing ... it "just works" for me
09:37:41  <andythenorth> V453000: you don’t have a ‘pro’ operating system :P
09:38:14  <V453000> ._.
09:38:24  <V453000> does that mean osx fucks something for you?
09:38:34  <Rubidium> in any case, the main (graphics) performance issues OpenTTD has are due to the 1990s design and the fact that we need to remain compatible with that in some way or another
09:38:49  <Rubidium> otherwise you're just playing something like p1sim
09:39:02  <V453000> colleague at work was getting a new mouse last week ... Oh I like this mouse ... does it support mac? Ok time to choose another mouse, ...
09:39:52  <Rubidium> only some bluetooth mouses support mac, right?
09:39:59  <Rubidium> the rest doesn't have USB-C connectors
09:40:06  <V453000> idk :D
09:40:16  <V453000> ah to say it properly
09:40:20  <V453000> he is using osx on a normal pc
09:40:26  <V453000> so usb is ok
09:40:36  <V453000> but the software for the mouse usually isn't there
09:46:33  <V453000> how could for example loading zbase AND BRIX together influence it?
09:46:39  <V453000> something apart from
09:46:45  <V453000> "just more 32bpp shit" ?
09:49:06  <andythenorth> V453000 if the mouse didn’t have CF card slot, it probably wasn’t pro
09:49:09  <andythenorth> that would be the problem
09:49:18  <andythenorth> Serious Mac Users Need Serious Slots
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09:52:28  <V453000> XD
09:57:49  <andythenorth> “Logging Supply Shop”
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11:49:29  <andythenorth> what can produce food, that isn’t a farm or fishing ground?
11:49:37  <andythenorth> maybe I can remove Farm Supplies from Arctic Basic
11:49:42  <andythenorth> which would be…different
11:52:01  <Alberth> food factories
11:52:25  <Alberth> ports
11:53:09  <Alberth> extra-terrestial launching platforms
11:54:05  <Alberth> restaurant, bakeries
11:54:32  <Alberth> hotel, sort of
11:55:22  <Alberth> all kinds of shops
12:02:57  <andythenorth> hunting grounds?
12:13:06  <Alberth> sure
12:13:59  <Alberth> I do hope you don't need a train for transport :p
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14:02:21  <andythenorth> Logging Supplies, Forest Supplies, or Lumberjack Supplies? o_O
14:02:34  * andythenorth is going to try it in a test game, what’s the best name?
14:02:38  <andythenorth> icon can be an axe :P
14:02:58  <FLHerne> Forestry Supplies?
14:03:29  <andythenorth> probably
14:03:38  <andythenorth> I think it will make no sense in FIRS world TBH
14:04:00  <andythenorth> there are too many industries which should produce ENSP, FMSP and Forestry Supplies
14:04:04  <andythenorth> but only 2 outputs
14:04:06  <andythenorth> so eh
14:06:17  <andythenorth> also, it’s a bit ‘swallowed a spider to catch the fly'
14:06:18  <andythenorth>
14:06:28  <andythenorth> the problem is that delivering fertiliser to a forest is weird
14:06:35  <andythenorth> I should solve that differently
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14:11:17  <Alberth> seeds?
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14:24:03  <andythenorth> ‘small trees'
14:24:20  <andythenorth> hmm, Christmas Tree Farm industry?
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14:31:38  <Alberth> only with snow :p
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14:33:43  <andythenorth> ach, farms in arctic: yes / no?
14:34:04  <andythenorth> IRL is ’kind of’; there are farms but arctic regions import the grain they need
14:34:16  <andythenorth> can’t grow enough to be sufficient
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14:39:18  <andythenorth> ‘no farms’ :)
14:39:20  * andythenorth tries it
14:53:50  <Alberth> likely farms above snow limit isn't a good idea in reality :)
15:01:54  <Jinassi> How would one limit them? Use the same mechanics as the tree placer? WHere they only grow in rain forests, aka on the lower greener levels?
15:01:55  <Eddi|zuHause> how "arctic" are your arctics?
15:02:38  <Eddi|zuHause> if you think scandinavian countries, maybe try apple plantations instead of wheat farms
15:03:27  <Eddi|zuHause> trees may be a bit sturdier concerning longer stretches of cold and a narrow growth period
15:03:49  <Eddi|zuHause> and also sheep herding
15:05:16  <andythenorth> they are approximately, finland and more northern bits of canada
15:05:34  <andythenorth> Dan had a plan for a more southerly canadian economy, with apples :)
15:06:59  <andythenorth> how could forests be better?
15:07:11  <andythenorth> or to put it another way, why does the lumber mill mechanic suck so much?
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15:13:52  <Alberth> too familiar?
15:15:19  <andythenorth> requires tree planting
15:15:25  <andythenorth> and doesn’t move
15:15:33  <andythenorth> ha, moving industries :)
15:15:42  <andythenorth> that would keep you building routes
15:16:14  <Alberth> it's known as "he my industry closed!"  :)
15:16:21  <Eddi|zuHause> lumber mill only works in tropic because it has increased tree growth speed
15:16:32  <andythenorth> ‘all the trees are gone, the lumber mill moved'
15:16:50  <Alberth> it works? I never got it to work reliably
15:17:03  <andythenorth> I tried it a few times, then ignored it
15:17:04  <Eddi|zuHause> well, i never actually tried
15:17:21  <Eddi|zuHause> but it definitely will work less well in temperate or arctic
15:17:26  <Alberth> ok, that explains why it works for you :p
15:18:19  * andythenorth wondering if forest is some special type of industry
15:18:42  <andythenorth> fishing grounds cannot be boosted, they’re unique primaries in FIRS
15:19:03  <andythenorth> forest is neither farm nor mine
15:19:30  <Alberth> time scale is different with forests
15:19:43  <Alberth> unless you got a reaaally big forest
15:20:12  <Alberth> in real time, at least
15:20:25  <andythenorth> I did consider *really big* forests
15:20:35  <Alberth> *real life
15:20:50  <V453000> reel lyef
15:22:44  <andythenorth> forests are never big enough in my game
15:22:48  <andythenorth> they should be sprawling
15:22:52  <andythenorth> but that makes a mess on the map
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16:11:43  <V453000> andythenorth: if the industry doesn't have to be flat, having it BIG with somewhat random pattern could be pretty amazing actually
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16:25:38  <V453000> it kind of even makes sense that a forest would need some big area
16:25:44  <V453000> but I guess that is the case for all industries :D
16:25:49  <V453000> -+
16:28:19  <Alberth> it doesn't really work in the game, unless you play a crazy size map
16:28:34  <Alberth> but then you get major problems in placement of the industries
16:29:59  <V453000> hm
16:30:52  <Alberth> we lack a proper negotiation about the ground surface between the industry and the game
16:32:15  <andythenorth> is proper problem
16:32:33  <andythenorth> big forest: looks weird if has gaps; but blocks routes if no gaps
16:32:53  <andythenorth> lumber mill is frustratingly close to a good idea, but sucks
16:32:54  <Eddi|zuHause> for spread out industries like that we need some different approach than a rigid shape that is fixed for the entirety of the game
16:32:54  <Alberth> sort of cluster, like farms?
16:33:16  <andythenorth> if lumber mill just planted trees continuously, like farm fields
16:33:28  <Eddi|zuHause> like, if you have a farm, and it plants 90 field tiles around it, you can use 10% of them for something other than fields
16:33:30  <andythenorth> then I could put a sawmill in it :P
16:34:38  <Eddi|zuHause> so you could use 9 of the 90 field tiles to put like a station or roads through
16:35:07  <Eddi|zuHause> (numbers up for debate)
16:35:24  <andythenorth> meanwhile, I could change the forest back to use engineering supplies, not farm supplies
16:35:34  <supermop__> if custom fields can't happen, why not have a hut that plants trees
16:35:35  * andythenorth considers just having one type of supplies :P
16:36:50  <Eddi|zuHause> nobody said you need to have the same sort of supplies for all economies
16:37:19  <andythenorth> nobody did
16:38:07  <andythenorth> the only reason forest has farm supplies is because of
16:38:29  <andythenorth> a long time ago, it seemed weird to have wood go back to the forest to produce more wood
16:38:42  <andythenorth> so it was switched from ENSP to FMSP
16:38:59  <andythenorth> despite that coal -> more coal, via steel chain (and many other similar examples)
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16:41:16  <andythenorth> dedicated ‘logging supplies’ seems all kinds of wrong
16:41:41  <supermop__> im telling you man : chainsaws
16:42:09  <andythenorth> ‘chainsaw supplies'
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17:00:12  <andythenorth> why are supplies?
17:02:15  <Alberth> excuse to get more cargo in the network?
17:02:53  <andythenorth> why not just deliver vehicles, fuel, building materials, spares, food, passengers?
17:02:58  <andythenorth> o_O
17:03:27  <andythenorth> also fertiliser, seeds, explosives, machinery
17:04:03  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: usually the 3-input-limit for industries
17:04:56  <andythenorth> exactly
17:07:35  <Alberth> it also adds a dynamic element to the industries
17:08:11  <Alberth> although I think most do it for the additional cargo they get
17:10:38  <andythenorth> hmm, if we had graphviz when I made this, I would never had released it :P file:///Users/andy/Documents/OTTD_graphics/FIRS/firs_build/docs/html/economies.html#extreme
17:10:47  <andythenorth>
17:11:59  <Alberth> ah, let people play :)
17:12:23  <Alberth> they like insanely big maps too :p
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17:13:49  <supermop_> ok my computer overheated and shut down running nothing but irc client
17:15:03  <andythenorth> and all your viruses
17:15:52  <supermop_> those virii are plenty benign an friendly
17:16:01  <andythenorth> hurgh
17:17:10  <supermop_> really need to get something new so i can work from home christmas to new years
17:17:37  <supermop_> otherwise my boss will make me come into the office
17:18:17  <andythenorth> instead of forest, I could do a log sort
17:18:29  <supermop_> flume?
17:20:37  <andythenorth> logs come in from the forest and are sorted for pulp / sawmill
17:20:50  <andythenorth> could accept engineering supplies
17:21:08  <andythenorth> works more like a junk yard, gathers from surrounding area, not extracting directly
17:21:15  <andythenorth> might suck, dunno :P
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17:33:26  <andythenorth> ach, what am I trying to solve?
17:33:35  <andythenorth> having 19 cargos instead of 20 :|
17:45:29  <Alberth> add a supplies conversion industry :)
17:55:10  <andythenorth> that’s a port ;)
17:55:13  <andythenorth> or a supply yard
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18:00:59  <Alberth> fair enough :)
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18:59:13  <Wolf01> o/
18:59:21  <Alberth> o/
18:59:39  <Wolf01> Lego weekend finished
18:59:50  <Alberth> success?
19:00:14  <Wolf01> Not so much, people didn't expected to find lego in that fair
19:00:23  <Alberth> :(
19:00:42  <Wolf01> A lot of people but not interested
19:00:52  <Alberth> yeah, I can imagine
19:02:22  <Wolf01> Also people only looked at star wars, train and city themes, MOCs like mine didn't get much attention
19:03:57  <Alberth> but more because of the theme than because it's lego, I guess
19:04:06  <Wolf01> Yeah
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19:39:15  <Wolf01> o/
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19:40:37  <Wolf01> frosch123, I think we have to think again at some nrt implementation
19:41:19  <Wolf01> For example 0 mean no road and normal road
19:59:12  <frosch123> V453000: ottd picks different blitters by default depending on whether the baseset is 32bpp, or only some newgrf is 32bpp
19:59:22  <frosch123> so that may make a difference
20:00:35  <frosch123> Wolf01: can you give me some more context?
20:00:51  <frosch123> "no roadbits" means "no road" usually
20:01:29  <Wolf01> Yes, but the GetRoadBits asserts if used with stations or bridges
20:01:41  <V453000> ok :)
20:01:47  <V453000> that's weird
20:01:58  <V453000> and if BRIX was replacing ALL sprites, would that make a difference?
20:02:23  <Wolf01> Or we remove the assert and pray, or we don't deprecate the m7 7..6 bits which tell which roadtypes are in the tile
20:04:32  <Wolf01> Also m4 in stations is a bit... abused
20:04:50  <Wolf01> It's free for roads, but for rails stores the station graphics
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20:05:37  <Wolf01> So if we use it for road, we wouldn't have different roadstops (only 1 for every roadtype)
20:06:00  <frosch123> <- V453000: if the baseset used 32bpp, it will prefer one of the sse blitters
20:06:08  <frosch123> they can try other blitters via "-b"
20:06:56  <frosch123> the idea was, that some blitters are faster for 32bpp but slower for 8bpp, so the decision is made based on the baseset, assuming it provides most of the graphics
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20:07:37  <frosch123> Wolf01: i think m4 for roadstops is fine
20:07:56  <V453000> but shouldn't that mean that with zbase it is faster?
20:08:38  <frosch123> V453000: yes, "should" :p but what does theory matter for single computers?
20:09:04  <V453000> XD
20:09:37  <V453000> so what results can we expect once BRIX is complete grf and not a baseset?
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20:12:06  <frosch123> Wolf01: for roadstops the map bits do not matter that much, since they have pool entries anyway
20:12:20  <frosch123> so custom roadstop graphics could always be done via the "RoadStop" struct
20:12:25  <frosch123> i would use m4 for roadtype
20:12:38  <frosch123> anyway, starting from thursday i should have some time for nrt :)
20:14:02  <Wolf01> +1
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20:34:51  <andythenorth> so reindeer farm for arctic? o-O
20:34:57  <andythenorth> it’s a legit industry, if a bit niche
20:35:03  <V453000> im not drawing reindeer
20:35:09  <V453000> on wagons
20:35:19  <V453000> we can discuss slugdeer
20:35:20  <andythenorth> Siberia, Finland, Sweden, Canada all eat reindeer…
20:35:31  <V453000> fucking savages
20:35:31  <andythenorth> such realisms
20:36:11  <Wolf01> They eat it in the same quantity we use to eat cows?
20:36:30  <andythenorth> dunno :)
20:36:50  <frosch123> andythenorth: BOOM should have hazardous class, shouldn't it?
20:38:09  <andythenorth> apparently, according to forums
20:38:23  <andythenorth> if I was a vehicle set author, I’d probably want it, right?
20:38:28  <V453000> did you really make BOOM label?
20:38:30  <V453000> holy fuck
20:38:31  <V453000> XD
20:38:31  <frosch123> i have not read forums :)
20:38:46  <andythenorth> should I make a vehicle set? o_O
20:38:48  <frosch123> V453000: it is loaded while burning
20:38:56  <frosch123> you need to deliver it fast
20:39:05  <V453000> and I thought java for coffee was weird
20:39:48  <andythenorth> so what is hazardous class good for then?
20:39:59  <andythenorth> V453000: also
20:40:18  <V453000> ok
20:41:34  <Eddi|zuHause> andythenorth: nothing. nobody ever used it, it's a remnant from the silly "openttd+500" "specs" that somebody decided "maybe we keep it around, it doesn't sound as absurd as the rest"
20:41:53  <andythenorth> ha ha
20:42:14  <andythenorth> before my time :)
20:42:17  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: really, it is from that thing?
20:42:40  <frosch123> i thought it was added with the uranium stuff, which was way before that
20:42:41  <Eddi|zuHause> i'm pretty sure... but memory is not reliable across such times
20:42:48  <andythenorth> reindeer farm: disallow_desert=True,
20:42:52  <andythenorth> seems legit :P
20:43:01  * andythenorth is copy-pasting from dairy farm
20:43:12  <frosch123> no dates for reindeer?
20:43:22  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: certainly uranium was suggested earlier than that, but it wasn't included in the wiki like that
20:43:23  <andythenorth> not in this economy
20:43:34  <andythenorth> reindeer farm: allow above snowline? o_O
20:43:36  <andythenorth> probably :
20:44:49  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: at some point we deleted stuff like "depleted uranium", which noone used
20:44:50  <Eddi|zuHause> dangit, i updated something, now steam doesn't start... and the solution that google gave me doesn't work
20:45:45  <Wolf01> Trash linux
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20:46:41  <Eddi|zuHause> well, from what i can tell, the package maintainer either already applied that solution to the installation, or steam itself changed since then
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20:47:28  <Eddi|zuHause> because i can't find these files that it suggests deleting
20:48:15  * andythenorth wonders what openttd+500 _was_
20:48:46  <Eddi|zuHause> a bunch of forum posts by sirxavius. pretty much.
20:49:54  <Eddi|zuHause> frosch123: yes, pretty much all of that stuff we deleted was from that openttd+500 thing
20:50:30  <Eddi|zuHause> plus some andythenorth nonsense because he can't focus on anything :p
20:53:40  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: the harzardous class already exists in the oldest version of the wiki 2007-02-19
20:53:58  <frosch123> ottd+500 is 2009-05-03
20:54:39  <Eddi|zuHause> maybe then only the ottd+500 cargos ever used it, or something
20:54:44  <frosch123> andythenorth: <- plus the drama that all those posts at the front of the topic were separate topics
20:54:56  <andythenorth> yes
20:55:01  <andythenorth> where is the drama these days?
20:55:09  <andythenorth> we are lacking any primadonnas :(
20:55:10  <Eddi|zuHause> openttd is dying
20:55:14  <andythenorth> still?
20:55:21  <Eddi|zuHause> for years now
20:55:30  <frosch123> does that make it better?
20:55:38  <andythenorth> I played it yesterday
20:55:43  <andythenorth> does that help
20:55:44  <andythenorth> ?
20:56:34  <Wolf01> NRT will bring some new fresh air
20:56:52  <andythenorth> +1
20:57:08  <andythenorth> also, when I release new Arctic Basic, that’s like a whole new game :P
20:57:18  <andythenorth> or at least, it will cause someone some drama
20:57:28  <Wolf01> People play when they look at "Feature: xyz" in the changelog :P
20:57:43  <andythenorth> +1
21:01:52  <andythenorth> hmm, I’ll have to draw Rudolf for this reindeer farm
21:02:07  <Wolf01> Agreed
21:02:21  <Wolf01> But only on xmas
21:02:59  <Wolf01> Or better, just after xmas
21:03:47  <andythenorth> use the level crossing flashing red from the palette
21:05:26  <andythenorth> is it ridiculous for reindeer farm to produce goods?
21:05:39  <andythenorth> (skins)
21:05:59  <Eddi|zuHause> Wolf01: so people who were like "thankfully this is over now" get additionally annoyed?
21:06:30  <Wolf01> No, that's a satisfaciotn, you'll eat it
21:07:03  <andythenorth> I doubt that there are trainloads of reindeer skin crossing finland daily
21:07:06  * andythenorth drops that idea
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21:10:58  * frosch123 is waiting for yeti with red noses
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21:12:27  <Jinassi> Could generalise it just with "game farm". A bit broader term and familiar all over the world.
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21:13:21  <andythenorth>
21:13:41  <andythenorth> I have failed to get down to 19 cargos
21:15:16  <andythenorth> could drop grain, and import alcohol and food
21:16:15  <frosch123> oh, you replaced the old arctic, i thought you added another arctic
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21:17:03  <andythenorth> I am moving the old arctic to ‘steeltown'
21:17:07  <andythenorth> or a better name
21:17:13  <andythenorth> and making it a bit bigger
21:17:14  <frosch123> if you want to remove an industry, drop the hotel imho
21:17:23  <andythenorth> industries I am actually 1 short :P
21:17:36  <frosch123> oh, right, you asked for a cargo...
21:17:42  <andythenorth> 19 cargos and 19 industries is the target :)
21:17:43  <andythenorth> FWIW
21:18:08  <frosch123> goods should go to reindeer farm
21:18:22  <andythenorth> for distribution
21:18:30  <andythenorth> only processed in November and December
21:18:38  <andythenorth> like MB’s farms
21:19:58  <frosch123> i guess 18/20 is fine
21:20:15  <frosch123> it's same as tropic basic
21:20:22  <frosch123> so, maybe temperate basic is wrong :p
21:20:33  <andythenorth> plays nicely though :)
21:20:51  <andythenorth> I use it quite often
21:20:55  <andythenorth> no desire to change it
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21:22:53  <frosch123> don't :)
21:22:54  <frosch123> night
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21:24:26  <andythenorth> reindeer farm looks like a silly novelty
21:24:31  * andythenorth removes that
21:26:15  <Eddi|zuHause> got steam working again by downgrading mesa
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21:32:45  <andythenorth> hmm
21:32:58  <andythenorth> there is a valid industry, collecting sea logs
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23:21:16  <Wolf01> 'night
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