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help me with this? 12:47:39 <fkinglag> dbg: [net] [udp] sendto([master.openttd.org]:3978 (IPv6)) failed with: 101 12:47:52 <fkinglag> I have everything port forwarded and have tried a different port too 12:49:09 <crem> errno 101 is "network is unreachable" 12:50:33 <crem> Which operating system do you use? 12:51:05 <crem> does "ping6 master.openttd.org" work? 12:51:09 <fkinglag> xubuntu 16.10 methinks 12:51:36 <fkinglag> connect: Network is unreachable 12:51:48 <crem> So, something with your ipv6 network settings. 12:52:15 <fkinglag> hm 12:52:27 <fkinglag> I don't use ipv6 knowingly :/ 12:54:17 <crem> I think it's half-set up. So openttd thinks that ipv6 is installed while in reality it's not. 12:55:00 <crem> I don't know if it's possible to force openttd to use ipv4. But if you don't have actual ipv6 network, it's probably easier to disable ipv6 somewhere in network settings. 12:55:15 <fkinglag> hmm I see 12:55:38 <peter1139> Yeah, you've got a global address configured somewhere but no routing. 12:56:10 <peter1139> Could be some VPN client doing something wrong. 12:56:13 <crem> There are lots of people with similar issue it seems, from the search. i.e. https://bugs.openttd.org/task/2822?project=1 12:57:03 <crem> But looking at https://irclogs.thegrebs.com/openttd/2014/05/11 .. 12:57:24 <crem> it seems that it should not be a problem, as it tries ipv4 in the next line if it couldn't do with ipv6. 12:59:59 <fkinglag> yeah I see similar lines in my terminal 13:00:16 <fkinglag> it still didn't work for when I tried hosting and advertising 13:00:28 <fkinglag> tried directly connecting with IP from outside my network too 13:00:35 <Wolf01> Firewall? 13:00:36 <fkinglag> no luck with another user 13:00:48 <fkinglag> no firewall, just SPI firewall from ddwrt router 13:00:53 <crem> Directly connecting from the game? 13:01:04 <fkinglag> yes another client 13:01:21 <fkinglag> I mean, my problem is hosting from my client 13:01:58 <crem> You did set up the UDP port forwarding, right? 13:02:18 <crem> and TCP too. 13:02:22 <fkinglag> yes 13:02:30 <fkinglag> both 13:02:43 <fkinglag> have tried using a different port too 13:04:04 <crem> You can check if your port is open using https://www.yougetsignal.com/tools/open-ports/ 13:04:14 <crem> I suspect it's still not. 13:05:51 <fkinglag> harrumph 13:07:00 <fkinglag> how weird, maybe I should reboot my router, a port is open that I added and the others for openttd are closed 13:07:22 <fkinglag> here goes nothing 13:11:28 <Wolf01> I have to reboot my router every time I change a rule, or wait some minutes 13:11:35 <fkinglag> it didn't work :\ 13:12:19 <fkinglag> it works for a different port I have open for incoming connections 13:27:26 *** chomwitt has quit IRC 13:40:38 *** roidal has joined #openttd 13:54:43 *** sim-al2 has quit IRC 14:04:14 *** Flygon has quit IRC 14:11:01 <Wolf01> https://img-9gag-fun.9cache.com/photo/aOB1Oj6_700b.jpg __ln__ this should be shocking 14:19:06 *** Gja has joined #openttd 14:28:08 *** tycoondemon2 has quit IRC 14:43:57 *** Alberth has joined #openttd 14:43:57 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth 15:14:34 <supermop> i spent all last night drawing extra tram liveries instead of tramway locomotives 15:14:59 <Wolf01> And what did you learn from this? 15:15:24 <Alberth> still not enough locomotives, I'd guess :) 15:18:07 *** tycoondemon has joined #openttd 15:20:41 <supermop> instead of ever releasing a 1.0 i will just draw tiny trams forever 15:31:15 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 15:37:10 *** Progman has joined #openttd 15:41:29 <Alberth> release 0.90 :p 15:42:02 *** TheMask96 has quit IRC 15:46:38 *** TheMask96 has joined #openttd 15:46:43 *** Biolunar has joined #openttd 15:54:14 <supermop> .9.0 will have 100 different tram liveries but just plain white cubes for the locomotives 15:54:41 <Wolf01> Fine 15:55:04 <supermop> actually i might end up with like 56 liveries 15:55:27 <supermop> 7 generations, 8 per generation 15:56:09 <supermop> some of those are just solid color though 15:56:10 <Wolf01> Make the graffitti version and you will end up with 112 of them 16:00:25 <supermop> if i can get an extra slot in the sprite stack, the graffiti can be composited on randomly as function of time since last service 16:00:51 <supermop> and melt your computer if you have 1000 old trams driving around 16:02:45 *** Compu has quit IRC 16:03:50 *** Cubey has joined #openttd 16:07:30 *** Compu has joined #openttd 16:08:26 *** Compu has joined #openttd 16:15:26 *** Gja has quit IRC 16:17:11 *** Biolunar has quit IRC 16:17:22 <supermop> actually i think i am going to need to write a complex switch for these liveries 16:17:45 <supermop> some of them are more modern than the tram in question, like for older trams that get re painted 16:18:34 <supermop> so obviously trams should be built with livery dependent on year, but also there should be some chance of them getting a new livery later 16:19:17 <supermop> but i don't want all trams to necessarily get a new livery, because it would be nice if a couple older ones were still driving around 16:20:07 <supermop> so i think i will need to figure out how trigger things work, so that when a tram enters a depot or whatever, it has some chance of getting a new livery 16:20:56 <supermop> also, easter egg liveries should stay forever if you get one 16:21:17 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has quit IRC 16:22:54 *** Samu has joined #openttd 16:23:01 <Samu> hi 16:23:17 <Samu> how do I extract a .grf file? 16:23:44 *** Gja has joined #openttd 16:25:52 <Alberth> it's not compressed 16:26:08 <Alberth> but you can convert to NFO using grfcodec 16:26:17 *** JacobD88 has quit IRC 16:26:20 <Alberth> not that it will be readable or so 16:26:43 <Alberth> unless you like hexadecimal numbers 16:27:57 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd 16:30:10 <LordAro> Alberth: i mean, who doesn't? 16:30:18 <Samu> grfcodec -d <grf-file> 16:30:23 <Samu> thid? 16:31:57 *** Gja has quit IRC 16:33:52 <Alberth> something like that indeed 16:34:39 <Alberth> LordAro: as a replacement for a textual keyword? I don't 16:37:29 <Samu> i got a .nfo file indeed, how do i change some vehicle properties? I wanna remove the running cost of wagons of this grf 16:42:33 <Alberth> find the number that represents the running cost property of the wagons 16:42:41 <Alberth> and change it :) 16:43:28 <Alberth> https://newgrf-specs.tt-wiki.net/wiki/Action0/Vehicles/Trains property 0E looks promising 16:59:11 *** quiznilo has left #openttd 17:00:06 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 17:01:42 <Samu> hmm 17:01:52 <Samu> i replace 30 4C 00 00 into 00 00 00 00 ? 17:05:22 <Cubey> I'm not sure that's right based on what it says here https://newgrf-specs.tt-wiki.net/wiki/Action0/Vehicles/Trains#Running_cost_base_.280E.29_and_factor_.280D.29 17:05:23 *** glx has joined #openttd 17:05:23 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 17:05:40 <Cubey> In particular "the value here is a pointer into TTD's memory where the actual amount is stored" 17:07:23 <Alberth> sounds like an index, does that make sense? 17:16:52 <Samu> all wagons were 36 4C 00 00 17:17:01 <Samu> i think i did it 17:33:19 <Samu> who can read this? 17:33:22 <Samu> 259 * 101 00 00 28 01 00 00 00 00 2A E7 3C 0A 00 02 14 03 23 04 46 05 00 06 0F 07 05 09 38 00 0B C8 00 16 14 24 00 1F 1A 17 14 0D 18 21 05 22 14 19 00 0E 30 4C 00 00 12 FD 13 00 14 00 15 00 08 00 18 00 1A 80 1B 00 00 1C 00 1D 00 00 00 00 1E 91 20 00 23 00 25 00 26 14 27 1A 28 00 00 29 00 00 2B B9 00 2C 00 2D 00 17:33:43 <Samu> :( 17:34:19 <Samu> how do i change running cost factor? it's 0D? 17:34:36 <Samu> whoever did this grf made costs too high, i wanna lower a bit 17:35:10 <Wolf01> Make an extension instead of changing a grf? 17:50:20 <Alberth> use a basecost grf? 18:15:57 <Wolf01> ^ 18:16:23 <Samu> there is a shift being applied 18:16:27 <Samu> 3 18:16:39 <Samu> it inflates costs, bah... :( 18:17:59 <Samu> 1175 >> 3 = 146 18:18:07 <Samu> that's the value i was looking for 18:23:45 <Samu> I'm reviewing one of my patches, that modifies wagon running costs based on train length 18:23:57 <Samu> and I'm altering the formula a little bit 18:24:37 <Samu> trying to make the cost exponentially 18:25:13 <Samu> the more wagons the train has, the more its running costs increase, per added wagon 18:25:24 <Wolf01> Make it so it multiplies the base cost by its position in the consist 18:26:10 <Samu> i'm not using the position, i'm using vehicle length 18:27:29 <Samu> i think the formula i got right now is the right approach 18:28:13 <Samu> calculating individual running cost for each part is still tricky 18:28:34 <Samu> i can only display this information on the train detail tab 18:29:38 <Samu> i was now using a newgrf with wagons of different lenghts, to see if I could get the correct running costs for each of them in that window 18:30:37 <Samu> and I think I'm missing something... that shift = 3... skewed my calcs 18:30:46 <Samu> I was expecting a shift = 0 18:36:54 <Samu> https://imgur.com/DZwNXm5 18:37:34 <Samu> all wagons have the price mysteriously inflated because of that shift 18:53:13 <supermop> ok liveries for 6th gen trams all drawn... now to i redraw the 5th generation, or finally draw locomotives 18:53:56 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 18:54:48 <Wolf01> Don't! Just continue with liveries :P 18:57:18 <Wolf01> __ln__: if you want to come to visit Italy this guide will be handy for sure https://archive.org/details/03122521.5319.emory.edu don't mind the year, it's still the same 18:57:31 *** Gja has joined #openttd 18:58:01 <supermop> if i draw the locomotives, then i can spend another week just drawing locomotive liveries 18:58:57 <supermop> i wonder if the tramway trains should be all just plain open wagons that refit to anything 18:59:14 <supermop> or if there should be separate flats, tanks, boxcars, hoppers 18:59:36 <Wolf01> Why not both? 19:00:59 <supermop> vehicle list gets way too long with this grf already 19:01:18 <Wolf01> It's just one wagon 19:01:34 <Wolf01> Oh wait, trams 19:01:54 <supermop> also it seems stupid to buy like '0-4-0 steam engine with hoppers' 19:02:09 <supermop> '0-4-0 steam engine with flatcars' 19:02:25 <supermop> 'steeple cab electric with tankers' 19:02:26 <supermop> etc 19:02:55 <Wolf01> We need combinable trams like trains 19:03:01 <supermop> but a tram that refits from boxcars to tankers would really bother me 19:03:08 <supermop> yes pls patch it in Wolf01 19:03:41 <supermop> like the tram runs from the docks to the factory with tank cars, and back with box cars 19:03:51 <supermop> where are all the empty cars piling up! 19:04:23 <__ln__> Wolf01: "Altitudes are given in Parisian feet (1 Par. ft. = 1 1/15 Engl. ft.)" i like your guidebook already 19:04:41 *** roidal has quit IRC 19:04:55 <Wolf01> I would patch to make trains as consists so andy could make the ones he want us to use with the length he wants and the wagon he wants :P 19:05:40 <supermop> i'd then have a use for all the various length tram segments i drew 19:06:11 <supermop> make the articulated trams like the sh 125, 19:06:33 <supermop> you buy the ends and then car stick various length segments in there 19:10:41 *** HerzogDeXtEr has quit IRC 19:32:03 *** OpenTTDNewbie has joined #openttd 19:34:52 <OpenTTDNewbie> Hello, I'am wondering if someone here might be able to help me? I'am trying to setup a train to pick up two different goods form one station. The problem is that when loading the first cargo it is spread to all the wagons leaving no empty wagons to refit to the second cargo. So instead of filling from front to back the train is filling all wagons at the same time. 19:36:21 <Alberth> not possible in the general sense 19:36:57 <Alberth> you could use wagons that don't refit 19:37:41 <OpenTTDNewbie> NO way to make the train not fill the wagons simultainiousley. 19:38:45 <Alberth> only by having less of that cargo waiting, afaik 19:39:26 <Alberth> openttd isn't very good with guessing how you want your cargo loaded 19:39:39 <Alberth> unless you have 1 cargo in the entire train 19:40:03 <Alberth> which is also what is being done traditionally 19:40:37 <OpenTTDNewbie> OK. thank you. Will try to figure out a way to get some wagons that cant be re fittetd to both cargos 19:40:57 <Alberth> get a different trainset mostly 19:41:11 <Alberth> eg default set, or nuts 19:41:40 <Alberth> maybe others exist, don't know 19:41:47 <Alberth> I consider most sets unusable 19:42:02 <Wolf01> You can refit by hand the part of the train which needs to pickup the second cargo 19:42:58 <Alberth> OpenTTDNewbie: when loading the first cargo it is spread to all the wagons leaving no empty wagons to refit to the second cargo <-- that's refitting at the station, right? 19:43:02 <glx> hmm disable gradual loading I think 19:45:01 *** chomwitt has joined #openttd 19:46:26 <OpenTTDNewbie> Using FIRS. What i'am trying to do is with NARS boxcars. Drop off farming equipment, refit to building materials, go to next satation, pickup buildingmats, refit to packiging, pick up packinging 19:47:44 <OpenTTDNewbie> but since buildingmats and packiging both fit into boxcars all the cars get filled with minimal amounts of building material not leaving any empty cars to refit to packiging 19:50:53 <Wolf01> Refit at stations only works on the entire consist, I tried the same and I was lucky because every odd travel it loaded with the other product 19:54:55 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 19:54:58 <Wolf01> With road vehicles this is not a problem, they will be loaded randomly with one or another cargo 19:55:14 <Wolf01> But a train is a train :P 19:58:29 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has joined #openttd 19:59:16 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has joined #openttd 20:11:32 <OpenTTDNewbie> More questions. Is there a calculator or something to help with selecting an engine for a train? I'am having a hard time figuring out what engine i need for what trains 20:14:27 <Cubey> There probably is, but I have never found something like that to be necessary 20:15:14 <Cubey> There aren't that many engines in most sets, just pick the speed you want (e.g. the speedlimit if your wagons), sort the engine list by max speed, and then choose from among the options with your target speed 20:19:13 <OpenTTDNewbie> I think my biggest problem is playing with 4x cargo weight... 20:19:42 <Cubey> You might need to double up your engines then 20:28:31 <glx> and go for power 20:30:44 *** ToffeeYogurtPots has quit IRC 20:32:38 <supermop> look at tractive effort 20:40:17 <supermop> i discovered that i had not done liveries for 7th generation parcel trams 20:42:59 *** Alberth has left #openttd 20:46:46 <Samu> https://imgur.com/HRcLuqc - check these running costs 20:47:57 <Samu> is that considered exponential? 20:48:15 *** Samu has quit IRC 20:48:26 *** Samu has joined #openttd 20:48:34 <Samu> ops, closed window 20:49:28 <Samu> uint ind_cost = (total_len / VEHICLE_LENGTH) * cal_cost * ind_len / (divisor * 2); 20:54:14 *** quiznilo has joined #openttd 20:54:24 <Samu> previously it was this: uint ind_cost = cal_cost * ind_len / divisor; 20:58:21 *** gelignite has quit IRC 20:59:53 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 21:00:00 *** Defaultti has quit IRC 21:39:29 *** chomwitt has quit IRC 21:40:06 *** chomwitt has joined #openttd 21:43:19 <Samu> 4346496000 - is this number above UINT_MAX or MAX_UINT 21:43:56 *** ricus has quit IRC 21:45:00 <Samu> UINT_MAX: Maximum value for a variable of type unsigned int. 4294967295 (0xffffffff) 21:45:08 <Samu> crap it is, omg... what can i do? 21:45:54 *** dP has joined #openttd 21:45:56 *** dP is now known as _dp_ 21:51:11 *** debdog has quit IRC 21:52:53 *** sim-al2 has quit IRC 21:56:15 *** Progman has quit IRC 21:59:50 *** debdog has joined #openttd 22:05:59 *** chomwitt has quit IRC 22:12:18 *** OpenTTDNewbie has quit IRC 22:13:55 *** Gja has quit IRC 22:18:01 *** Laedek has quit IRC 22:39:57 <Samu> help needed, i'm getting overflow 22:40:11 <Samu> uint ind_cost1 = total_len * cal_cost * ind_len; 22:40:36 <Samu> even when i try uint32 or uint64, it still overflow 22:41:04 <Samu> total_len, cal_cost and ind_len are all uint 22:41:25 *** ricus has joined #openttd 22:41:26 <Samu> how can I use the operator * 22:46:54 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 22:48:11 *** debdog has quit IRC 22:53:46 *** debdog has joined #openttd 23:13:15 *** Flygon has joined #openttd 23:13:55 <Samu> nevermind, i found a way 23:19:43 *** Samu has quit IRC 23:31:59 *** FLHerne has quit IRC 23:47:27 *** Laedek has joined #openttd 23:51:08 *** sim-al2 has joined #openttd 23:58:30 <Wolf01> 'night 23:58:33 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC