Log for #openttd on 29th August 2018:
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09:42:26  <Samu> hi
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09:46:51  <Wolf01> Moin
11:04:08  <Samu> question
11:05:08  <Samu> when I use AITile::GetCargoProduction I always get the result = -1
11:05:12  <Samu> why's that?
11:05:36  <Samu> I was hoping to store the result in a variable
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12:14:52  <Samu> AIVehicle::GetRefitCapacity exists, but AIEngine::GetRefitCapacity does not :( why's that
12:16:26  <peter1138> Because the refit capacity depends on a vehicle, not an engine.
12:16:57  <Samu> even for aircraft? :(
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12:43:34  <Samu> t.t
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15:09:23  <Samu> when I use AITile::GetCargoProduction I always get the result = -1
15:09:47  <Samu> how do I retrieve the cargo production of tiles into a variable?
15:10:07  <Samu> must know it in advance to plan the number of aircraft for a route
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15:19:12  <andythenorth> o/
15:19:19  <andythenorth> is cat?
15:21:48  <andythenorth> probs not then
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15:53:09  <Eddi|zuHause> a propos cat... haven't seen one today yet
15:54:06  <Samu> Wormnest: hi, how do you get the cargoproduction of a tile into a variable?
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16:04:37  <Eddi|zuHause> problem solved
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17:23:43  <Samu> local min_dist = min_order_dist > max_dist * 3 / 4 ? max_dist * 3 / 4 > AIMap.GetMapSize() / 8 ? AIMap.GetMapSize() / 8 : max_dist * 3 / 4 : min_order_dist;
17:24:13  <Samu> this should allow the ai to build aircraft on tiny maps
17:25:37  <Samu> or maybe not :(
17:26:18  <Wormnest> Samu: idk haven´t looked at my ai´s in a long time, just look yourself ;)
17:26:57  <Samu> ahmmm :( ok
17:27:07  <Samu> i got trouble now with tiny maps
17:27:20  <Samu> funny, i had trouble with large maps before
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17:38:32  <Samu> alright, distances have been dealt with, I'm kinda proud :p
17:39:10  <Samu> from tiny to 4k, the ai should be able to make aircraft, given enough conditions
17:39:14  <Samu> profit
17:39:17  <Samu> that is
17:42:52  <Samu> oh, the loan manager
17:43:04  <Samu> damn, didn't touch that piece of code at all, i guess it needs some tweaks
17:47:44  <Samu> in test mode, if I don't have enough money for the airport but it can be placed in that location, does it still return true?
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18:45:15  <Samu> why is loan so hard to work with
18:53:05  <Samu> why is setminimumloanamount a stupid bool?
18:55:12  <Samu> nevermind, I did it
18:55:20  <Samu> it's just weird that it is a bool
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22:39:47  <Samu> GetUnloanBalance
22:39:52  <Samu> is Unloan a word?
22:40:37  <Samu> I want the bank balance without the loan, unloan?
22:40:46  <LordAro> it is not a word
22:40:50  <Samu> :/
22:41:08  <LordAro> but if unloan is meaningful to you, it's fine :p
22:41:31  <Samu> yeah, as long as no one checks the code
22:41:37  <Samu> other than me :p
22:41:55  <Samu> Unloaned sounds better
22:42:17  <LordAro> ^^
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22:43:34  <ST2> since when functions needs to be a word?
22:44:03  <Samu> you know what, screw this, I don't need to show costs to ppl
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22:44:34  <LordAro> Samu: fyi, i believe the correct term is "net worth"
22:44:48  <LordAro> often shortened to "net"
22:44:54  <Samu> i was doing this just to display it in the ai log
22:45:02  <glx> yes I used GetNetBalance
22:45:10  <Samu> thx LordAro
22:45:11  <glx> I'd use*
22:52:42  <Samu> right, so now I made the air component of the AI to manage the loan brilliantly
22:53:03  <Samu> but to do so, I had to break it for the road component :( gotta fix it
22:54:20  <glx> you probably need to make a loan component usable by other components
22:55:37  <Samu> i think i'm moving these to Utils.nut
22:55:55  <Samu> and make both road and air access it
22:56:36  <Samu> i didn't dig the road code enough to find all the parts where it actually spends money
22:57:59  <Samu> my main worry is to calculate an estimation beforehand
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