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00:00:12 <Samu> fixed a NULL -> nullptr fix 00:00:25 <Samu> by rebase -i 00:00:47 <Samu> nothing really chaged 00:01:00 <Samu> if all commits are applied 00:02:04 <Samu> I had commit 3 fixing a NULL from commit 2, into nullptr 00:02:49 <Samu> after the rebase, commit 2 now uses nullptr, no need for it to be fixed by commit 3 00:07:55 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/CompileFarm] glx22 approved pull request #38: Fix: Define specific compilers to use for clang-3.9 Docker image https://git.io/fj1bA 00:08:13 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/CompileFarm] glx22 merged pull request #38: Fix: Define specific compilers to use for clang-3.9 Docker image https://git.io/fj1Fl 00:19:16 *** Thedarkb-T60 has joined #openttd 00:23:51 <Samu> I'm not sure what to do about #7515 00:30:41 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 updated pull request #7270: Introduce CMake (and removing all other project-related code) https://git.io/fhbqc 00:38:19 <Samu> https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/7094 00:38:30 <Samu> it's not stale, it's only not merged 00:38:34 <Samu> :| 00:40:07 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick commented on pull request #7094: Fix #7088: Retrieve an appropriate name for a non-existant AI/GS when displaying a textfile https://git.io/fj1Nn 01:43:18 <Beerbelott> What would be your suggestion in order to import DNS query abilities into OpenTTD: Either an external DNS client library (ldns, although not cross-compatible as-is? Another one?) or hand-crafting a lil bit of code for the specific required queries? 01:56:29 *** Flygon has joined #openttd 02:08:41 *** debdog has joined #openttd 02:11:59 *** godbed has quit IRC 02:25:05 *** glx has quit IRC 02:28:30 *** Wormnest_ has quit IRC 02:35:53 *** Samu has quit IRC 03:13:11 *** Wormnest_ has joined #openttd 05:10:25 *** cHawk has quit IRC 05:10:37 *** cHawk has joined #openttd 05:42:29 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 opened issue #7660: Crashlog window does not show that crash.png was created, even though it is. https://git.io/fj1xT 05:51:45 *** Beerbelott has left #openttd 06:24:48 <Eddi|zuHause> <LordAro> ...i forgot to add before committing <-- i do that all the time 06:51:22 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 06:51:25 <andythenorth> https://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/9481/vehicles_cars_trucks_4.png 06:51:52 <andythenorth> previous https://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/9480/vehicles_cars_trucks_3.png 06:58:03 <_moep_> wow nice 07:03:32 <andythenorth> not nice enough yet 07:31:27 <andythenorth> https://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/9482/vehicles_cars_trucks_5.png 07:31:36 <andythenorth> tweaks are minor, but better 07:31:40 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro updated pull request #7630: Fix warnings from GCC9 https://git.io/fjo5z 07:32:05 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 08:05:20 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 08:17:08 <Eddi|zuHause> truck colours might be a bit monotonous? 08:19:40 <andythenorth> maybe 08:19:43 <andythenorth> too many is too many 08:19:57 <andythenorth> maybe one more 08:20:33 <Eddi|zuHause> could be 2 or 3 common colours and 2 or 3 rare sprinkles 08:42:33 *** arikover has joined #openttd 08:55:37 <arikover> andythenorth: Hello! (IronHorse) I notice that the \ and / views, sprites seem to be "lower" on tracks in 2.0.0 than in 1.9.1. Is it intended? 08:56:07 <andythenorth> recently fixed :) 08:56:28 <andythenorth> I hadn't noticed, but peter did 09:00:55 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] fsimonis commented on pull request #7270: Introduce CMake (and removing all other project-related code) https://git.io/fj1hX 09:29:49 <andythenorth> Horse 94% :P 09:30:04 <reldred> gib horse nao :P 09:31:16 <andythenorth> soon Horse 09:31:26 <reldred> good 09:31:29 <reldred> :) 09:33:02 <andythenorth> 2.0 started 7th August 2017 09:33:08 <andythenorth> trying to get it done within 2 years :P 09:33:11 <reldred> Sounds about right :) 09:33:31 <reldred> Suburban Stations 2.0 has been going on since about 2009. Might get it done with a decade :) 09:33:45 <reldred> (probably won't though >:D) 09:53:14 <Eddi|zuHause> in civ4, does the AI ever get bored of a war that's a stalemate? i don't have copper/iron to attack, and they don't have anything that could penetrate my bowmen/city walls... but with raiding all the stuff around my capital i won't make any progress... 10:12:00 <peter1138> Do AIs ever get bored? 10:12:32 * peter1138 ponders ordering some cast iron cookware. 10:17:03 <arikover> A 10:18:15 <arikover> The ability of cities to bombard surrounding units came only in Civ5, right? 10:19:27 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah 10:19:58 <Eddi|zuHause> this war annoys me, but for a peace deal they demand a city 10:57:24 *** Thedarkb-T60 has quit IRC 11:10:12 <andythenorth> peter1138: cast iron FTW 11:10:20 <andythenorth> sometimes goes rusty, has to be cleaned 11:10:34 <peter1138> Only goes rusty if you don't dry it properly. 11:10:43 <andythenorth> yes, that's what happened 11:10:59 <andythenorth> how would we know if an AI is bored? 11:11:01 <andythenorth> does it daydream? 11:11:25 <andythenorth> BoredAI for OpenTTD 11:11:32 <peter1138> I have a cast iron griddle pan, don't really need a new frying pan yet. 11:11:42 <andythenorth> AI starts serious, then degenerates to fiddling around making beautiful stations 11:11:58 <andythenorth> peter1138: but do you have a flat skillet? 11:12:15 <andythenorth> there's always a new kind of pan to buy :P 11:13:05 <peter1138> Need to get a new wok at some point, mine is non-stick aluminium but has a dent in it. And the non-stick is buried under a layer of cast-iron style seasoning, heh. 11:13:16 * andythenorth is very hungry 11:13:22 <andythenorth> this is not helping 11:13:25 <peter1138> andythenorth, well, there is that, my frying pan isn't exactly flat any more due to it overheating at some point. 11:13:33 <andythenorth> too much talk of cooking 11:13:38 <peter1138> (I have 2 smaller frying pans though) 11:14:17 <peter1138> Whenever I see cheap woks in stores they always have a non-stick layer :( 11:14:47 <andythenorth> oof 11:16:21 <peter1138> I could wirebrush it off? :p 11:17:42 <andythenorth> dremel 11:17:53 <andythenorth> time for toast 11:19:22 <peter1138> Lunch time soon. 11:19:47 <peter1138> Not sure though, the women have been making toast all morning. 11:20:11 <peter1138> My desk is quite near the kitchen so I get the smells... 11:20:22 <peter1138> Better than being near toilets I guess. 11:20:37 <peter1138> Also, I didn't cycle today. Does that mean I can't eat anything? 11:20:58 <Eddi|zuHause> yes. that's totally how that works. 11:21:54 <andythenorth> not in my world 11:24:00 <peter1138> Heh 11:24:12 <peter1138> Well, I have a salad anyway. 11:38:48 <peter1138> Going to have my lunch early today, I'm intending to slope off to the DC later to do an entirely pointless wireless site survey. 11:57:58 *** andythenorth is now known as Guest7928 12:03:34 *** Guest7928 has quit IRC 12:11:51 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 12:52:21 <reldred> I haven't done any wireless surveying in a while. 12:52:32 <reldred> ekahau doesn't like my work laptop for some reason 12:53:28 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 13:25:51 *** Samu has joined #openttd 13:32:11 <Eddi|zuHause> gah, i found a place that would let me get copper, but when i build a city there i don't have enough time to build city walls... 13:45:39 *** Lejving has quit IRC 13:52:46 *** Thedarkb-T60 has joined #openttd 13:57:12 <Samu> about redoing the whole "start_date" thing, LordAro what did you have in mind? 13:57:30 <Samu> https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/7515#issuecomment-483434000 14:38:57 <LordAro> Samu: i didn't have anything in particular in mind, iirc. Just didn't want to see another bit hacked onto the side of it 14:39:32 <LordAro> the whole area needs to be rewritten, imo 14:48:59 <Samu> I thought turning it into a game setting rather than a per AI setting 14:52:16 <Samu> Put it inside Competitors > Computer Players 14:52:35 <Samu> only 1 place 14:54:01 <Samu> so, if i set a start_date of 50 days in there, it would be 50 days between ais 14:54:20 <Samu> or maybe the check would be done every 50 days 14:54:34 <Samu> and not necessarily between 14:55:03 <Samu> 50 days for every ai that starts 14:55:16 <Samu> if i set it to 70, it's then 70 for all ais 14:55:20 <Samu> and so on 14:55:40 <Samu> some customizability is lost 14:56:07 <Samu> can't have different start dates anymore, what do u think of this approach? 15:02:33 <Samu> anyone? 15:02:59 <Samu> is it worth pursuing this approach? 15:04:18 <andythenorth> I've drawn a funny small electric engine https://dev.openttdcoop.org/attachments/download/9483/stoat_1.png 15:04:23 <andythenorth> looks like a space invader 15:04:28 <andythenorth> most symmetrical sprites do 15:11:29 *** Flygon has quit IRC 15:13:28 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't think i'm seeing what you're seeing 15:15:11 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 15:20:42 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 15:29:49 <Samu> talking to me? 15:34:30 <LordAro> Samu: as much as i dislike adding more settings, perhaps doing that & adding a setting "AIs start with some randomness" 15:44:03 *** Maarten has joined #openttd 15:45:23 *** Lejving has joined #openttd 15:49:13 <Samu> hmm maybe not on the settings gui, but on the ai/game settings gui 15:49:32 <Samu> there's max no. competitors there, i could add another below with start_date there 15:49:53 <Samu> it's related 15:50:02 <Samu> makes more sense here 16:01:04 *** HerzogDeXtEr has joined #openttd 16:42:40 *** arikover has quit IRC 16:44:11 *** Beerbelott has joined #openttd 16:45:21 <Beerbelott> Would anyone be so kind to point me to the IRC archives for this channel, if any exists? 16:46:19 <Samu> there's 2 fire near my region :| 16:46:58 <Samu> the smoke and smell has reached where I live... :| 16:48:27 <Eddi|zuHause> @logs 16:48:27 <DorpsGek> Eddi|zuHause: https://webster.openttdcoop.org/index.php?channel=openttd 16:51:34 *** Progman has joined #openttd 16:52:01 <Samu> http://www.visit-eastalgarve.com/photos/Algarve-gr.jpg 16:52:13 <Samu> a fire in Aljezur, another in Silves, and I'm in Lagos 16:53:37 <Artea> really Samu ? 16:53:43 <Samu> ya 16:53:48 <Samu> if it spreads to monchique 16:54:01 <Markk> Fetch a gas mask! 16:54:03 <Samu> and no one can control it, it may reach Lagos 16:54:34 <Samu> Artea, aren't you in Lagos? 16:54:37 <Artea> yes 16:54:40 <Artea> Cerro das Mós 16:54:41 <Samu> can't breath 16:54:50 <Samu> smoke in the air 16:54:54 <Artea> yeah 16:55:03 <Artea> Im hating this ambient 16:58:29 <Samu> where is cerros das mós? :p I live here but still know little lol 16:58:51 <Samu> near Aldi? or Lidl or somwhere else 17:02:11 <FLHerne> andythenorth: My first impression was that it had four curved legs at 90°, including one facing toward the camera :P 17:02:23 <Eddi|zuHause> i think i was in lagos once 17:02:33 <andythenorth> I was in silves once 17:03:52 <Eddi|zuHause> i don't really remember, was over 20 years ago 17:04:33 <andythenorth> or maybe it was lagos 17:04:40 <andythenorth> also 20 years ago for me 17:04:58 <Eddi|zuHause> i was definitely not very far inland 17:05:13 <Artea> yes Samu 17:05:15 <Samu> https://www.portugalio.com/lagos/rua-abel-figueiredo-luis/mapa.png 17:05:19 <Samu> :p 17:06:58 <Artea> that it 17:07:07 <Artea> my street 17:09:58 <Samu> im somewhere between mercado municipal de santo amaro and escola do bairro operário 17:10:09 <Samu> won't tell exactly where :p 17:14:34 <Beerbelott> Thx Eddi|zuHause 17:17:36 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] stormcone commented on pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fjMLi 17:19:50 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas commented on pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fjMLP 17:19:58 <Beerbelott> Before opening an issue, I suppose this must have been discussed in the past (cannot find an issue related to this): would a change introducing the ability to combine existing stations together (provided the distance to each other meets requirements) be possible? 17:21:05 <andythenorth> station merge? 17:21:18 <Beerbelott> A current usual problem is, if you make a mistake and build 2 seperate stations w/o combining them, you might make the local authority upset. If you then attempt to destroy + rebuild, on top of being costly (and a game breaker early, when money is scarce), you could then be blocked, having burnt loads of money for nothing. 17:21:20 <Beerbelott> Yup 17:21:46 <Beerbelott> Local authority risk refusing subsequent rebuilds 17:25:07 <andythenorth> 341 trains drawn, 18 to go 17:25:13 * andythenorth must stop now 17:28:43 <FLHerne> Beerbelott: I for one like that idea 17:29:56 <FLHerne> (although tbh I'd rather just have a "don't care" option for the local authority) 17:29:59 <Eddi|zuHause> Beerbelott: how would the UI for that look like, and what happens to orders, linkgraph, cargodist, etc.? 17:30:17 <Eddi|zuHause> FLHerne: cheat->magic bulldozer 17:30:41 <FLHerne> Eddi|zuHause: That still blocks building stations, no? 17:33:47 <Samu> https://www.fogos.pt/ - that big red fire symbol... 17:36:00 <Beerbelott> Eddi|zuHause: There is a Rename option. Wouldn't it be possible to use a Link button in that new form which would allow to select another location and make them bind? 17:36:28 <Beerbelott> The same way you can copy vehicles or share orders? 17:36:59 <Beerbelott> I have no knowledge of the works under the bonnet about graphs or cargodist 17:37:39 <Beerbelott> On binding, the old location would be "lost" (greyed out?) and the station would then use the payload waiting at the other lcoation 17:38:03 <Beerbelott> the same way orders are replaced when you share those from another vehicle 17:38:24 <Beerbelott> and allocated the same as when you use Shift + placement on station building 17:38:33 <Beerbelott> (selecting from a list of locations) 17:38:55 <Beerbelott> Oh and that list could pop up when you press the Link button in the Rename form 17:39:29 <Beerbelott> so instead of clicking on a station directly (which could still be possible? that's optional), a player could then select from appropriate nearby locations 17:39:35 <Beerbelott> If none, then no binding is possible 17:39:50 <Beerbelott> (for example if stations were built too far away) 17:41:28 *** glx has joined #openttd 17:41:28 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 17:51:12 <Samu> https://www.rtp.pt/noticias/pais/aljezur-incendio-tem-o-vento-como-grande-inimigo_v1161467 17:52:01 <Samu> I dont wanna die today 17:53:11 <Samu> that video footage was about 50 minutes ago 17:53:16 <Samu> if u can see any video 18:06:52 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 18:19:57 <Eddi|zuHause> Beerbelott: how would you communicate which station is the one to be kept and which one to be deleted? 18:20:49 <andythenorth> like distant-join 18:21:03 <andythenorth> have a 'merge' button, then choose what to merge with 18:21:38 <Eddi|zuHause> that still wouldn't really explain which way around it goes 18:21:40 * andythenorth thinks it's a very marginal feature, but the UX would be fine 18:21:57 <andythenorth> does it matter which way it goes? 18:22:02 <andythenorth> I suppose for ratings it does 18:22:15 <andythenorth> probably messes up industry move-to-station eh 18:22:16 <Eddi|zuHause> it's a marginal feature which can go wrong in lots of ways. is probably why nobody ever did it 18:22:16 <andythenorth> and cdist 18:31:11 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas updated pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fhamZ 18:38:26 *** Progman has quit IRC 18:41:14 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas commented on pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fjMqG 18:45:04 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] stormcone commented on pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fjMqW 18:48:18 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas updated pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fhamZ 18:48:36 <Samu> "start_date" has several names accross various places in the code 18:48:39 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas commented on pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fjMq4 18:48:48 <Samu> "start_next", "start_delay" 18:48:56 <Samu> which one is more fitting? 18:50:33 <Samu> it doesn't feel like a start date, i would go with start_delay 18:50:35 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nikolas commented on pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fjMqB 18:51:09 <Samu> start_next would kind of imply it has to start after the previous one 18:51:23 <Samu> it's not necessarily true, if it's the first AI that's starting 18:51:43 <Samu> start_delay? 18:54:25 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] stormcone commented on pull request #7086: Change #6173: Update SDL driver to use SDL 2.0 https://git.io/fjMqz 19:03:11 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/website] nikolas opened pull request #95: Fix typo: relase -> release https://git.io/fjMq6 19:05:48 <Samu> what should be the default value? 19:05:54 <Samu> 182, 365 or 720? 19:06:46 <Samu> there's 3 defaults for each difficulty profile: easy medium hard 19:06:55 <Samu> have to reduce to 1 default 19:07:29 <Samu> im inclined towards 182, but im biased 19:08:36 <Samu> the default difficulty profile is easy, which means 720 19:09:23 <Samu> medium -> 365, hard -> 182 19:10:42 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/website] LordAro approved pull request #95: Fix typo: relase -> release https://git.io/fjMq9 19:11:45 <Samu> oh 730* not 720, my maths off 19:18:29 *** Wormnest_ has quit IRC 19:18:47 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DerDakon commented on pull request #7270: Introduce CMake (and removing all other project-related code) https://git.io/fjMqh 20:00:40 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DerDakon requested changes for pull request #7270: Introduce CMake (and removing all other project-related code) https://git.io/fjMYm 20:02:24 <Beerbelott> Eddi|zuHause: The station you are using the Link button in the Rename form is the one to be changed 20:02:52 <Beerbelott> the target you'll select will be the new location 20:03:05 <Beerbelott> Just like when you Ctrl + click to place a station 20:03:15 <Beerbelott> You select in a list the location to attac hto 20:05:24 <DorpsGek_II> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #7270: Introduce CMake (and removing all other project-related code) https://git.io/fjMYG 20:12:40 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 20:37:40 <andythenorth> Horse 95% 20:40:32 <Samu> now, I'm on that phase of... how to remove the entire "start_date" setting from AIs 20:41:20 *** Laedek has quit IRC 21:03:04 *** k-man has quit IRC 21:03:24 <Eddi|zuHause> Beerbelott: i'm not convinced... 21:21:21 *** Laedek has joined #openttd 21:41:49 <andythenorth> Horse 96% 21:46:36 *** Thedarkb-T60 has quit IRC 21:51:40 *** gelignite has quit IRC 21:54:51 *** Wormnest_ has joined #openttd 22:01:56 <andythenorth> bed 22:01:56 *** andythenorth has left #openttd 22:04:39 *** Thedarkb-T60 has joined #openttd 22:15:09 *** dihedral has quit IRC 22:22:42 *** rocky11384497 has quit IRC 22:23:07 <Samu> start_date removed from the ai parameters 22:23:07 <Samu> https://imgur.com/nY02VBd 22:23:47 <Samu> even openttd.cfg becomes cleaner 22:23:50 <Samu> AdmiralAI = 22:24:00 <Samu> just that ! 22:28:31 *** dihedral has joined #openttd 22:48:58 *** k-man has joined #openttd 23:01:53 *** k-man has quit IRC 23:04:46 *** k-man has joined #openttd 23:11:39 *** Wormnest_ has quit IRC 23:15:33 *** k-man has quit IRC 23:15:43 *** k-man has joined #openttd 23:42:07 <Samu> this was faster than I expected