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00:04:50 <supermop_Home> i honestly cannot remember if i usually use simple syrup in my old fashioneds…. 00:38:52 *** nielsm has quit IRC 01:06:58 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 01:47:06 *** glx has quit IRC 01:56:03 <supermop_Home> ok 01:56:11 <supermop_Home> it is by station name 02:09:08 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 02:12:26 *** Flygon has joined #openttd 02:27:00 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd 02:27:00 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai|noir 02:33:48 *** tokai has quit IRC 02:57:39 *** debdog has joined #openttd 03:01:01 *** D-HUND has quit IRC 03:39:13 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 05:02:44 *** Smedles has quit IRC 05:04:00 *** Smedles has joined #openttd 05:16:51 *** berndj has quit IRC 05:18:21 *** Smedles has quit IRC 05:23:20 *** Smedles has joined #openttd 05:26:47 *** berndj has joined #openttd 05:32:16 *** Smedles has quit IRC 05:33:32 *** Smedles has joined #openttd 05:48:31 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 05:52:17 *** Progman has joined #openttd 05:53:36 *** Speedy` has quit IRC 05:58:01 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LubosKolouch commented on issue #8101: (Streetcar) vehicles do not use all open stations/gates https://git.io/JfmVJ 06:22:28 *** Smedles has quit IRC 06:23:44 *** Smedles has joined #openttd 06:57:53 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 06:58:55 *** snail_UES_ has quit IRC 07:46:58 *** argoneus7 has quit IRC 07:50:05 *** argoneus7 has joined #openttd 07:52:01 *** Exec has quit IRC 07:52:33 *** argoneus7 has quit IRC 07:54:04 *** argoneus7 has joined #openttd 08:07:27 *** Exec has joined #openttd 08:18:06 *** nielsm has joined #openttd 08:19:58 *** gnu_jj has quit IRC 08:20:09 *** gnu_jj has joined #openttd 08:21:35 *** Progman has quit IRC 08:28:11 *** gnu_jj has quit IRC 08:51:49 *** iSoSyS has joined #openttd 08:58:38 *** gnu_jj has joined #openttd 09:31:06 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 09:31:19 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 09:45:59 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 09:46:16 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 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repeat 12:49:10 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 13:00:05 <supermop_Home> most of our calls are on slack 13:00:15 <supermop_Home> except for bigger cross-team ones 13:01:37 <supermop_Home> slack calls are decidedly non-great, but certainly 'good enough'...its easy to just hit the button in the channel or chat if people decide something would be resolved faster through talking or screen share 13:02:06 <supermop_Home> whereas zoom feels like this big ordeal (make sure you are dressed and look presentable) 13:02:54 <supermop_Home> and then bluejeans with the clients and outside consultants... 13:03:25 <LordAro> you don't have to share your camera :p 13:03:26 <supermop_Home> and occasionally the managing director will send a hangouts invite 13:03:42 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd 13:04:00 <supermop_Home> LordAro its weird how what is unspoken convention changes from slack to zoom to bluejeans etc 13:05:43 <supermop_Home> i guess that's what i'm getting at - the weird idiosyncrasies and context switching of remote work, even when there is no real differentiation in what you are actually doing 13:06:26 <LordAro> mm, i get that 13:07:19 <supermop_Home> like you kinda feel like turning on the camera for zoom but not for slack 13:08:02 <supermop_Home> and if i do have the camera on in slack i may well be wearing the t shirt i slept in 13:08:19 <supermop_Home> but on zoom i wear something i'd wear to the office 13:08:42 <supermop_Home> (which still might be a t shirt, ) 13:10:37 <andythenorth> hangouts! 13:10:41 <andythenorth> I remember hangouts! 13:10:47 <andythenorth> that's a blast from the past 13:10:57 <supermop_Home> yeah, like where did that come from 13:11:09 <andythenorth> I definitely perform slightly more on Zoom for some reason 13:11:22 <andythenorth> we use whereby.com a lot, it's very informal 13:11:40 <andythenorth> I don't try to look good in the slightest, it's very just like being present 13:11:41 <supermop_Home> also no skype so far 13:11:46 <andythenorth> thank fuck 13:11:49 <andythenorth> skype is over 13:12:08 <LordAro> Teams ftw 13:12:47 <TrueBrain> ^^ 13:12:48 <LordAro> (say what you like about it, it's so much better than SfB, or Skype itself (in a business environment)) 13:13:25 <TrueBrain> and I like that they added "raise hands" 13:13:25 <TrueBrain> just to annoy who-ever is speaking :D 13:13:29 <LordAro> i've not tried that yet :) 13:13:37 <LordAro> 3x3 grid is nice 13:13:41 <TrueBrain> custom backgrounds was already a nice way to annoy people 13:13:45 <TrueBrain> but the raise hand just made it better 13:14:07 <LordAro> i had a sales guy a few weeks back that was hosting an all-sales meeting insistenting that he had to see everyone's faces 13:14:19 <supermop_Home> i like to put a screen cap of the model/render of space i'm working on as my zoom background 13:14:19 <LordAro> had to satisfy him to with gotomeeting 13:14:22 <andythenorth> 'can you mute please' 13:14:30 <andythenorth> "YOU'RE ON MUTE!" 13:14:36 <LordAro> but now we can cancel our gotomeeting subscription entirely 13:14:38 <LordAro> so that's good 13:14:46 <TrueBrain> I love it when I see my colleagues talking, not hearing them :D 13:14:59 <supermop_Home> we have so many subscriptions 13:15:16 <supermop_Home> i think we have goto for one contractor on one project 13:15:19 <TrueBrain> what I have found out, that many people do not understand the difference between headset and headphone 13:15:24 <TrueBrain> which is REALLY annoying 13:15:56 <TrueBrain> so you constantly miss the first 2 words out of every sentence when they start talking, basically :P 13:16:09 <supermop_Home> we have a lot of people who seem to not understand there are the ones causing feedback 13:16:26 <supermop_Home> because they join from they computer but then also call in 13:16:45 <supermop_Home> because the 'sound is better' but then don't mute the computer 13:17:05 <LordAro> i also like how you can just mute anyone in Teams 13:17:15 <LordAro> i've been using it quite vigorously 13:17:17 <TrueBrain> solves many issues :P 13:17:18 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 13:17:50 <supermop_Home> LordAro tbh i didn't even know goto had video beyond screen share, as i never used it 13:17:50 <TrueBrain> I have this one colleague which keeps unmuting, but is noisy as fuck .. it is a competition these days :P 13:17:58 <supermop_Home> we were trying to transition to zoom from goto even before all of this 13:19:11 <LordAro> but zoom is (or was, certainly) awful security-wise 13:19:17 <supermop_Home> indeed 13:20:12 <supermop_Home> but for some reason our singular it decreed that zoom is our jam last year 13:27:43 <frosch123> the other day someone failed to mute themself and then yawned "it's so boring" while some other guy was explaining stuff :) 13:28:45 <supermop_Home> a couple weeks ago here one of the supreme court justices didn't mute themselves while using the bathroom 13:29:21 <supermop_Home> at least that was audio only 13:48:51 *** snail_UES_ has joined #openttd 13:51:58 *** snail_UES_ is now known as Guest25759 13:51:58 *** snail_UES_ has joined #openttd 13:55:10 <frosch123> i like how my ottd mail always gets spam like "do you want to buy the domain 'buyaship.com'" or similar 13:56:28 *** Hazzard has quit IRC 13:57:50 *** planetmaker has quit IRC 13:57:50 *** Guest23408 has quit IRC 13:57:50 *** Osai has quit IRC 13:57:50 *** Ammler has quit IRC 13:58:42 *** V453000 has quit IRC 13:58:42 *** XeryusTC has quit IRC 13:58:42 *** avdg has quit IRC 13:58:42 <supermop_Home> frosch123 i think you should buy that domain 13:58:42 *** Hirundo has quit IRC 13:58:42 <supermop_Home> or the .ship TLD 13:58:42 <frosch123> openttd.ship 13:58:42 <frosch123> is there .train ? 13:58:42 <supermop_Home> sure why not 13:58:42 <supermop_Home> if you download openttd for .ship, you only get ships, no trains or rvs or planes 13:59:13 <andythenorth> we owned rubbershipping.com for a bit iirc 13:59:34 *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC 13:59:34 <andythenorth> the domain spam we used to get :P 14:02:25 <LordAro> .aero, .build, .travel, .fly are all things 14:02:45 <LordAro> though the last two are limited to relevant companies 14:03:01 <frosch123> it's too late for .coop :) 14:03:01 <LordAro> no .ship or .train, afaict 14:03:49 <LordAro> "The .coop TLD is limited to cooperatives as defined by the Rochdale Principles." 14:03:49 <LordAro> you'd have difficulty justifying that, i think :p 14:10:48 *** Hazzard has joined #openttd 14:16:37 *** V453000 has joined #openttd 14:16:37 *** XeryusTC has joined #openttd 14:16:37 *** Yexo has joined #openttd 14:18:04 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 14:18:58 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 14:28:11 *** Yexo has quit IRC 14:30:23 *** V453000 has quit IRC 14:37:06 *** planetmaker has joined #openttd 14:37:06 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o planetmaker 14:44:08 *** XeryusTC has quit IRC 14:44:08 *** Hazzard has quit IRC 14:47:41 *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttd 14:48:16 *** V453000 has joined #openttd 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joined #openttd 16:14:11 *** Hazzard has quit IRC 16:36:01 *** Webster has joined #openttd 17:00:23 *** Flygon has quit IRC 17:09:31 <supermop_Home> are custom fields for industries a thing yet? 17:17:34 <nielsm> no 17:31:38 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd 17:49:19 *** Samu_ has quit IRC 17:57:05 <michi_cc> frosch123, nielsm: Anything more to be done for #8164, or does it just needs to marinate some more? 17:58:21 *** Yexo is now known as Guest25778 17:58:25 *** Yexo has joined #openttd 17:58:25 *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Yexo 17:59:36 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #8164: Change a bunch of stuff to use std::string https://git.io/Jf2fy 18:01:56 <frosch123> i have no BBQ today, so a PR will have to do 18:02:37 <michi_cc> Thanks. 18:02:38 <DorpsGek_III> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc merged pull request #8164: Change a bunch of stuff to use std::string https://git.io/JfzLv 18:43:20 *** Samu has joined #openttd 20:00:29 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 20:43:19 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 20:43:29 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 20:47:23 <supermop_Home> andythenorth when does it make sense to buy a big boat instead of just a bunch of marsteins? 20:50:36 *** nielsm has quit IRC 20:52:00 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 20:53:49 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: when we add ship collision 20:54:05 <Eddi|zuHause> (or at least one-ship-per-dock) 20:55:42 *** keoz has quit IRC 20:57:37 *** Yexo has quit IRC 21:05:33 <FLHerne> supermop_Home: When you have two many of the same boat and it looks dull :p 21:07:10 <Speeder> any particular reason why the patch to import rivers never got into the trunk? 21:07:19 <Speeder> it is so useful 21:11:46 <FLHerne> Speeder: Probably because the plan was to have https://wiki.openttd.org/Terkhen/Scenario_format instead 21:11:56 <FLHerne> Of course, no-one's done that yet 21:17:20 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC 21:20:37 <Speeder> so I tried to compile OpenTTD with this: https://wiki.openttd.org/Compiling_on_Windows_using_MSYS2 21:20:41 <Speeder> but it says it doesn't know my OS 21:20:42 <Speeder> :( 21:29:49 <supermop_Home> apparently surf was 6' at rockaway this morning 21:30:02 <supermop_Home> almost never that big there 21:30:16 <supermop_Home> and its going to be 3 or less all weekend 21:31:54 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 21:32:13 <glx> Speeder: but msys2 works 21:36:15 *** Samu has quit IRC 21:36:30 <Speeder> my attempt with a new install of msys2... didn't 21:36:35 <Speeder> now I am ressurecting an old install 21:36:38 <Speeder> but seemly I Can't update it 21:36:42 <Speeder> because it doesn't know what zst is :( 21:41:03 <LordAro> Speeder: you're probably using the msys window, rather than the mingw window 21:41:11 <LordAro> there is, unfortunately, an important difference 21:42:38 <Speeder> Oo 21:42:57 <Speeder> oooh 21:43:01 <Speeder> and I just broke pacman 21:43:19 <LordAro> did you read the error message carefully? :p 21:43:32 <glx> ha yes msys terminal is to compile tools for mingw32 and mingw64 21:43:36 <Speeder> pacman does not give error message anymore 21:43:36 <LordAro> i bet it told you to exit in a "weird" way 21:43:47 <Speeder> it just... is ded 21:46:24 <LordAro> Speeder: close everything mingw/msys related (check task manager to be sure) and start it again 21:48:56 <Speeder> I did, pacman still dead 21:50:32 <Speeder> I will install it again >.< 21:51:48 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 21:52:37 <Speeder> now it doesn't even launch Oo 21:53:12 <LordAro> well you've done something wrong :p 21:56:36 *** nielsm has joined #openttd 22:03:50 <Speeder> found out for some reason gpg was refusing to close 22:04:01 <Speeder> now whenever I close the terminal, if I kill gpg, then it resumes working fine 22:04:03 <Speeder> Oo 22:13:18 <Speeder> YAY, IT LIVES! I mean, IT COMPILES! 22:15:10 <glx> oh the wiki page needs an update, freetype is not required 22:23:26 <Speeder> https://wiki.openttd.org/FAQ_development#How_to_apply_a_patch <<< does not exist :( 22:27:00 <LordAro> Speeder: in general, `patch -p0 -i path/to/patchfile.diff` 22:27:15 <LordAro> or possibly -p1, depending on the patch format 22:29:10 <LordAro> Speeder: you can also quite easily google about how to apply a patch 22:29:26 <LordAro> there's nothing special about OTTD at this point 22:30:16 <Speeder> well... the -i is what I needed 22:30:24 <Speeder> without it, the patcher would freeze 22:33:40 <LordAro> yes, it's waiting for stdin by default 22:33:58 <LordAro> (which often has the appearance of freezing) 22:42:40 *** Progman has quit IRC 22:44:58 *** Wormnest has quit IRC 23:03:45 <Speeder> so I hit some angry safeguards about sprintf 23:03:57 <Speeder> so what I am supposed to change them for? 23:04:04 <Speeder> (it is a patch, not my code) 23:04:52 <glx> it's very old if it triggers safeguards 23:08:31 <LordAro> i'm surprised it successfully patched at all if it's that old 23:17:49 <Speeder> well, all it does is add console command to import rivers 23:17:58 <Speeder> but when it fails it uses sprinf to write on signs 23:18:02 <Speeder> I dunno the correct way to do that 23:29:41 <Speeder> IT VOOOORKS! 23:49:46 *** Smedles has quit IRC 23:52:20 *** Smedles has joined #openttd