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00:08:41 *** DasPoseidon has left #openttd 01:03:58 *** Flygon has joined #openttd 02:55:09 *** jinks has quit IRC 02:57:15 *** jinks has joined #openttd 03:08:27 *** Wormnest__ has quit IRC 03:18:35 *** D-HUND has joined #openttd 03:21:58 *** debdog has quit IRC 03:24:48 *** glx has quit IRC 04:18:04 *** tokai|noir has joined #openttd 04:18:04 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v tokai|noir 04:24:59 *** tokai has quit IRC 04:46:59 *** Gustavo6046 has quit IRC 05:10:33 *** roadt has joined #openttd 05:14:24 *** roadt_ has joined #openttd 05:20:31 *** roadt has quit IRC 06:57:29 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 07:01:25 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 07:02:30 *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttd 07:13:31 *** andythenorth has joined #openttd 07:16:28 *** snail_UES_ has quit IRC 07:27:51 <andythenorth> o/ 08:00:42 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 08:00:55 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 09:19:38 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLbws 09:19:39 <TrueBrain> I used words! 09:25:07 * andythenorth uses reading! 09:26:13 <andythenorth> communication! 09:26:15 <andythenorth> remarkable 09:26:28 <andythenorth> also I should not be allowed to rebase anything ever 09:26:33 <andythenorth> I think I might alias rebase to '' 09:27:19 *** DasPoseidon has joined #openttd 09:29:45 <andythenorth> I should stop following the instructions 09:29:56 <andythenorth> " (use "git pull" to merge the remote branch into yours)" gets me every time 09:30:03 <andythenorth> it's force-push at that point 09:30:44 <TrueBrain> "git pull" is a horrible command to use 09:30:49 <TrueBrain> I literally never use it 09:30:57 <TrueBrain> if I would be to alias anything to "", it would be "git pull" 09:31:02 <TrueBrain> shitty command being shitty 09:38:41 <LordAro> does too many things 09:39:07 <TrueBrain> yup .. too much magic 09:39:18 <LordAro> i think it does have a mode for automatically rebasing now 09:39:22 <LordAro> which probably makes it worse 09:52:56 <TrueBrain> yeah, as people will not understand the errors :P 09:53:01 <TrueBrain> but it is better than the magic merge 09:56:45 *** Compu has joined #openttd 10:11:23 *** Westie has quit IRC 10:32:54 <TrueBrain> what do we think about https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8473 ? Sounds cute, easy enough, and indeed seems to be missing from the game atm :) 10:33:37 <andythenorth> seems vanilla to me 10:33:41 <LordAro> aye 10:36:22 *** Westie has joined #openttd 10:37:44 <TrueBrain> it is already based on population; guess we should get the other PR in for bridges to be the same :) 10:40:19 <TrueBrain> guess we can just pick them up both, clean the minor boo-boos, sync them to be the same, and push them .. would be nice :) 10:41:49 *** jottyfan has joined #openttd 10:42:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8485: Codechange: improve performance for complex vehicle chains by resolving sprites less often https://git.io/JL5pN 10:42:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8458: Fixes for issues with rotated (non-rectangular) airports https://git.io/JLy1U 10:42:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain closed issue #8437: Airports: Improper aircraft movement when the northernmost airport tile is not part of the layout https://git.io/JLMPY 10:43:25 <TrueBrain> https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8457 <- curious how long it takes for someone to complain :P 10:43:26 <LordAro> \o/ 10:43:34 <TrueBrain> yeah, no clue why you didn't merge them yet LordAro :P 10:44:46 <LordAro> mostly it's being unsure of things 10:44:54 <LordAro> and wanting someone else to also approve it 10:45:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8457: Change: Ability to convert between road types for town roads and bridges now indi… https://git.io/JLyEp 10:45:39 <TrueBrain> shrug .. pretty sure we can have lengthy debates about these kind of PRs .. but nobody found a regression, so to the public! :P 10:46:15 *** Samu has joined #openttd 10:47:01 <TrueBrain> https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8274 <- I still don't like this feature .. but not sure why 10:48:06 <Samu> hi 10:49:07 <TrueBrain> guess it is fine with it being a setting .. it is not so much about gameplay, but more about how to use the interface, I guess 10:49:12 <LordAro> idk, i think i like it 10:49:27 <TrueBrain> it is one of these PRs I am fine with it being a setting :D 10:49:39 <LordAro> indeed :) 10:49:47 <TrueBrain> it would be horrible for new players 10:49:51 <TrueBrain> that is mostly my argument 10:50:02 <LordAro> mm, having it default off is fine, imo 10:50:10 <TrueBrain> exactly 10:50:12 <LordAro> needs a rebase though :D 10:50:16 <TrueBrain> yeah, and code cleanup 10:50:32 <TrueBrain> _settings_game is sync'd between client and server, is it not? 10:50:40 <TrueBrain> I wonder if sending the bit via DoCommand is useful 10:50:57 <LordAro> i was wondering about that 10:51:08 <LordAro> i certainly would expect it to be synced 10:51:08 <TrueBrain> I think it can just pick up the setting where it is needed .. no need for all this routing in of information, I think 10:51:17 <TrueBrain> okay, something on my todo-list :) 10:51:31 <LordAro> though you could argue that passing it in the command uses less global state :) 10:51:45 <TrueBrain> if the state wasn't already there, you are right :P 10:53:25 <TrueBrain> fun, DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is not used anywhere :P 10:53:29 <TrueBrain> seems a remnant of the old AI 10:54:57 <andythenorth> 8274 signals, the existing behaviour does annoy me in game 10:55:18 <andythenorth> I have a twitch about the PR, not sure why, maybe just it's more combinatorial behaviour 10:55:38 <LordAro> https://github.com/JGRennison/OpenTTD-patches/commit/a18ebba564ce6f7de0096bf159d024ca877e2d94 i've just had this brought to my attention. Seems reasonable enough to PR? I don't think there's anything significant in there that would make it difficult to PR 10:56:06 <LordAro> TrueBrain: freeing up command numbers would please me 10:56:33 <TrueBrain> should I renumber the DC numbers? 10:56:37 <TrueBrain> or just leave a hole 10:56:44 <LordAro> leave a hole, imo 10:56:53 <TrueBrain> and yes, PR it :) 10:57:02 <andythenorth> LordAro would that JGR pick 'solve' https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/issues/8314 ? (loaded question, there's no repro for 8314) 10:57:06 <LordAro> renumbering would probably cause all sorts of issues with external things, i would imagine 10:57:15 <LordAro> andythenorth: possibly 10:58:03 <LordAro> though... that comment from UnsuspiciousGooball implies that it's already a thing? 10:58:09 <LordAro> not sure i understand 10:58:44 <andythenorth> that's a different issue, afaict 10:58:48 <andythenorth> I reproed that behaviour 10:59:28 <andythenorth> the train can't find a path after converting to the powered railtype, but it's fixed by reversing the train 11:00:05 <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds like a path reservation thing 11:00:07 <andythenorth> I have seen the behaviour Gwyd talks about, but only after reloading railtype grfs where the railtype definition changed 11:00:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain opened pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbi0 11:00:27 <andythenorth> the solution is then to crash a train into the stuck train 11:00:34 <TrueBrain> I do not understand what the HasSignals block does, but I think I did that PR correctly :) 11:00:54 <TrueBrain> signals are fine if you make straight lines or something? I dunno 11:01:21 <andythenorth> anyway no repro, no grf list, no save, no screenshot etc for 8314, so not the best of reports :) 11:02:44 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbiV 11:03:07 <TrueBrain> LordAro: would that be helpful to anyone? 11:03:09 <TrueBrain> (honest question) 11:03:15 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbir 11:03:31 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: I FOUND A MEERKAT 11:04:02 <Eddi|zuHause> TrueBrain: i imagine someone in 10 years wants to add a flag and check whether he can reuse that? 11:04:12 <TrueBrain> it is unused; he can use it 11:04:16 <TrueBrain> this is not stored in savegames or something 11:04:24 <TrueBrain> it is just runtime information 11:04:36 <Eddi|zuHause> yeah, but he will probably embark on a discovery first what this was before 11:04:45 <TrueBrain> why would anyone do that? I heavily doubt that 11:05:01 <TrueBrain> neither are you going to do that when you want to use 0x1000 11:05:19 <TrueBrain> I left a comment as otherwise you might miss there is a hole there, that is all 11:05:43 <TrueBrain> remember it hasn't been used for 11 years now :P 11:05:47 <TrueBrain> well, 12 even 11:05:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc commented on pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbi1 11:06:15 <LordAro> 2 vs 2 11:06:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbiy 11:06:58 <TrueBrain> LordAro: what is your reason for triggering on that line? :) 11:07:07 <TrueBrain> why you think history is important here? 11:07:37 <TrueBrain> (again, no sarcasm; IRC can be tough on that :D) 11:09:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbi7 11:09:42 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbid 11:10:01 <michi_cc> TrueBrain: Just renumber, then nobody will complain, even if you have a lot more changed lines :p 11:10:22 <TrueBrain> well, I honestly wonder what is in LordAro 's mind :) It might be insightful ;) 11:10:32 <TrueBrain> something triggered it :D I might be missing something :) 11:10:53 <LordAro> basically the same as Eddi 11:11:01 <TrueBrain> okay, I can understand that argument 11:11:04 <TrueBrain> it just doesn't apply here :) 11:11:08 <TrueBrain> this is not a spec :) 11:11:10 <LordAro> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 11:11:10 <TrueBrain> it is an internal value 11:11:18 <TrueBrain> but I went through the history 11:11:19 <michi_cc> It makes it a tiny bit to look like some of the bitfields that are saved somewhere. 11:11:22 <Eddi|zuHause> i wasn't going to comment on it, but then LordAro did and i had to chime in 11:11:26 <TrueBrain> we removed DC flags more often without any mentioning it ever existing :) 11:11:27 <LordAro> even for things like admin port? 11:11:47 <TrueBrain> only if you have a fake client, this matters 11:11:55 <TrueBrain> (as DoCommands are sent over TCP) 11:12:00 <LordAro> i thought we cared about thirdparty versions now? :p 11:12:02 <TrueBrain> but ... yeah ... :P 11:12:02 <michi_cc> Renumbering will trick the mind (and kick all fake clients :) 11:12:27 <TrueBrain> pretty sure you cannot fire a DoCommand via the admin port :) 11:12:35 <TrueBrain> (not on DC_ flags level) 11:13:25 <LordAro> guess i thought they were a bit more exposed than they are 11:13:37 <TrueBrain> LordAro: if we care on this level about thirdparty, we should not remove it and leave it as a DONEVERUSEAGAIN :) 11:13:45 <TrueBrain> not as far as I know :) 11:14:22 <LordAro> that enum should probably have an explicit size on it too 11:14:34 <LordAro> (4 bytes?) 11:14:43 <TrueBrain> I was triggered on that too because of another PR 11:18:21 <TrueBrain> owh, it is not even send over the network 11:18:26 <TrueBrain> CommandFlagsToDCFlags 11:18:34 <TrueBrain> only 3 flags are converted from network to DC_ 11:18:39 <TrueBrain> DC_ purely is internal :) 11:19:20 <TrueBrain> DoCommandP is network-safe 11:19:29 <TrueBrain> DoCommand is the internal processing 11:19:35 <TrueBrain> the first does not have flags; they are embedded in Cmd 11:19:39 <TrueBrain> the second does 11:21:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbPu 11:21:27 <LordAro> happy? :p 11:21:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbPz 11:22:15 <TrueBrain> it is not about happy or not :) It is about: am I missing something and are we about to break everything, or not :D 11:22:30 <TrueBrain> it also answers: does the size of DoCommandFlag matter; answer appears to be: no 11:22:40 <TrueBrain> 4 bytes, 8 bytes, give it a size, it is fine, from what I can tell :) 11:24:22 <TrueBrain> DoCommand vs DoCommandP is just very confusing :D 11:26:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain dismissed a review for pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbPu 11:26:49 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbi0 11:26:58 <TrueBrain> (forgot a dot in the commit message, and changed 0x0010 to 0x010, as to be more like the other values) 11:28:07 <LordAro> well i'm not approving it again :p 11:28:47 <Eddi|zuHause> i'm fairly sure me approving anything doesn't actually help anyone :p 11:29:08 <TrueBrain> LordAro: lolz :) 11:29:12 <Samu> oh, I'm gonna use that new entry for my DC_NO_FLOOD thingy 11:29:51 <TrueBrain> LordAro: but honestly, it was a good question you asked. As clearly I did not have an answer ready .. which is never a good thing :P 11:30:08 <TrueBrain> assumption can be evil :D 11:30:31 <TrueBrain> ah, I see why the auto-signal-remove needs a bit ... the setting is client-side only 11:30:34 <TrueBrain> that makes sense 11:31:08 <LordAro> all questions answered! 11:32:13 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc approved pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbXG 11:32:35 <TrueBrain> bit 0..2 ... that fits 7 values .. right 11:32:37 <TrueBrain> bits are annoying :P 11:32:53 <michi_cc> It's fitting even 8 values 11:32:56 <TrueBrain> doWeUseThis or do_we_use_this as variable-names? 11:33:01 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: haha, yes :D 11:33:22 <michi_cc> Poor, poor zero :) 11:33:40 <TrueBrain> well, strictly seen, zero is not a number :P 11:33:50 <TrueBrain> but that fact doesn't help anyone, ever 11:35:06 <TrueBrain> a | b << 3 === a | (b << 3) , right? Do we prefer one of the other? 11:35:37 <TrueBrain> of = over, typing hard 11:36:29 <michi_cc> As zero is part of N₀, I would very much consider it a number. But I'm sure Eddi has a dedicated opinion about that :D 11:36:41 <Eddi|zuHause> yes. 11:37:01 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8496: Codechange: DC_NO_RAIL_OVERLAP is a remnant of the OldAI https://git.io/JLbi0 11:37:16 <Eddi|zuHause> you have to add more specifiers to "Number" to make 0 not one of them 11:37:46 <TrueBrain> you guys are looking at this too much from a math perspective :P 11:37:57 <TrueBrain> zero wasn't "invented" till years after the other numbers :D 11:38:32 <Eddi|zuHause> you don't "invent" maths. you "discover" maths, as it has been there before you found it 11:39:03 <TrueBrain> guess airquotes carry no meaning anymore :'( 11:39:06 <TrueBrain> okay, my_variable, fine 11:39:09 <TrueBrain> now for the () ... 11:39:24 <Eddi|zuHause> and after you found it, you can usually find clues that it has always been there because you find people using workarounds for the thing that had been missing all along 11:39:27 <TrueBrain> coding style doesn't mention it ... 11:39:39 <TrueBrain> LordAro / michi_cc : any preferences on a | b << 3 vs a | (b << 3) ? 11:40:09 <LordAro> a friend of mine has "0 ∈ ℕ" on a tshirt 11:40:13 <michi_cc> The latter 11:40:13 <LordAro> TrueBrain: latter 11:40:24 <TrueBrain> consensus, wow 11:40:25 <TrueBrain> :) 11:40:56 <Eddi|zuHause> TrueBrain: i was told to order it big endian, so (b << 3) | a 11:41:25 <TrueBrain> I .. do not even know what to say to that :P 11:41:47 <Eddi|zuHause> it's in #7000 somewhere, i think it was frosch123 11:42:56 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain requested changes for pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLbXb 11:43:47 <TrueBrain> okay, that are very minor things to fix in that PR 11:44:12 <TrueBrain> I could have done it myself, but user was active recently enough; so hopefully he is still interested :D 11:45:27 <TrueBrain> https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8279 <- oef .. difficult to review. Lot of unrelated changes .. 11:47:41 <LordAro> mm 11:48:13 <LordAro> i looked at it earlier, then got distracted by removing our own implementations of std::min/max 11:48:28 <LordAro> then i got an incomprehensible compile error, and stopped 11:48:39 <TrueBrain> :D 11:48:42 <Eddi|zuHause> those are the "best" :p 11:48:43 <TrueBrain> OEH, Pretty bird 11:48:43 <TrueBrain> :D 11:49:00 <TrueBrain> LordAro: sorry to ask, but what is the state of https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8346 ? You happen to know? 11:49:30 <TrueBrain> oeh, coding style issue :P 11:50:28 <TrueBrain> that PR cannot possibly be correct 11:50:47 <TrueBrain> IsValidID cannot be run before the "join_as--" is done 11:52:04 <LordAro> all those commands are very inconsistent about what they do with the company id 11:52:08 <LordAro> i looked into it before 11:52:18 <LordAro> beyond that, no idea what the state is :p 11:53:56 <TrueBrain> I ask because you did the last review ;) But I see ... this is one of N problems related to this :) And the solution is incorrect ... guess that needs more attention :) 11:54:30 <TrueBrain> tnx LordAro ! 11:55:06 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison commented on pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLb1E 11:55:36 <LordAro> compile error, if anyone else can work it out https://gist.github.com/LordAro/fe545573f64e6c9375961c5fe3dfc208 11:55:39 <LordAro> well, link error 11:55:45 <TrueBrain> nice catch JGR :) 11:56:28 <TrueBrain> I think I would prefer it as a client-setting .. but a company-setting would mean less code .. interesting balance :) 11:56:53 <TrueBrain> LordAro: challenge accepted! 11:57:25 <michi_cc> I wouldn't like signal auto-remove as a company settings. IMHO it is a pure GUI thingy. 11:58:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLb1y 11:59:03 <TrueBrain> LordAro: okay, that is just funny .. wth? :D 11:59:10 <LordAro> i have no idea 12:00:04 <LordAro> my only thought was that it's something to do with std::max not being (explicitly) inline 12:00:43 <TrueBrain> you at least get a relocate warning 12:00:47 <TrueBrain> I don't even get that :D 12:01:09 <TrueBrain> anyway, the code is really fishy 12:01:14 <TrueBrain> who defines static consts in a struct?! 12:01:16 <TrueBrain> I mean, come on 12:01:25 <TrueBrain> moving them out fixes the issue 12:01:46 <TrueBrain> owh, this struct is really just a class hiding as a struct 12:01:47 <TrueBrain> awesome 12:02:36 <TrueBrain> ah, it is the Window system 12:04:03 <TrueBrain> I am not sure what a 'static const' in a struct is suppose to do, honestly 12:05:15 <TrueBrain> you want a variable to be part of a struct 12:05:18 <TrueBrain> but you also make it static 12:05:35 <TrueBrain> I cannot put my finger on it, but it hurts 12:05:38 <LordAro> that's one of those weird edgecases in C++, isn't it? 12:06:06 <LordAro> the thing that you have to declare inside, but define outside the struct 12:06:20 <LordAro> though i thought that changed with C++11 or something 12:06:28 <TrueBrain> well, for non-const, yes 12:06:32 <TrueBrain> but this is also a const 12:06:42 <TrueBrain> a static const inside a struct ... I dunno what the intentions are, honestly 12:06:52 <TrueBrain> as a const a compiler can already resolve compile-time 12:07:06 <TrueBrain> a "static int" inside a struct can also be resolved compile-time 12:07:30 <TrueBrain> error: ISO C++ forbids in-class initialization of non-const static member ‘FramerateWindow::VSPACING’ 12:07:44 <TrueBrain> seems it is not fixed yet in C++17 LordAro :P 12:08:17 <LordAro> i presume scoping is the intention 12:08:46 <TrueBrain> so my second suggestion does the same, does it not? 12:08:51 <TrueBrain> (in your gist) 12:09:05 <TrueBrain> I am applying C logic here on a C++ world, so don't believe anything I write :P :D 12:09:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLbMC 12:10:20 <michi_cc> It should be okay: https://en.cppreference.com/w/cpp/language/static#Constant_static_members 12:10:32 <TrueBrain> Eddi|zuHause: valid point; a setting wouldn't hurt if the NewGRF controls when it triggers, I guess :) Nice reply! 12:11:11 <TrueBrain> michi_cc: but what does it do, a "static const" vs "const" in a struct? 12:11:48 <michi_cc> Struct::member versus instance.member 12:11:58 <TrueBrain> owh, like that, fair 12:12:05 <TrueBrain> well, we use neither 12:12:07 <TrueBrain> we just use "member" 12:12:13 <TrueBrain> so I guess that is an easy solution in this case :) 12:12:33 <michi_cc> a non-static const is (formally) initalized at instatiation, not startup. 12:12:49 <TrueBrain> but compilers optimize it away anyway, do they not? 12:12:55 <TrueBrain> (in this example) 12:13:03 *** Borg has joined #openttd 12:13:16 <TrueBrain> but it might still use memory on initialization, I guess 12:14:13 <TrueBrain> but okay, given that page, changing `const` into `constexpr` solves it too 12:14:57 <michi_cc> static const they should, const alone should in principal affect the memory layout of the struct unless the optimizer can prove that nobody takes the address of it anywhere. 12:15:46 <TrueBrain> I wonder if this is just a GCC bug LordAro found .. what does clang do :) 12:15:57 <TrueBrain> don't have it installed, bah 12:18:19 <TrueBrain> seems constexpr was also the intention here 12:20:52 * LordAro trying clang 12:22:06 <TrueBrain> did this happen in more cases, or just for this window? 12:22:23 <TrueBrain> and constexpr is pretty cool :D Hints even harder to compilers to use it as a constant :P 12:22:39 <TrueBrain> learning new things :D 12:22:45 <TrueBrain> owh, I forgot lunch ... that needs fixing! 12:24:25 <LordAro> constexpr is a *huge* thing in new C++ now 12:25:22 <LordAro> /usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/openttd.dir/src/framerate_gui.cpp.o: in function `FramerateWindow': 12:25:25 <LordAro> /home/lordaro/dev/openttd/src/framerate_gui.cpp:438: undefined reference to `FramerateWindow::MIN_ELEMENTS' 12:25:28 <LordAro> clang-11: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation) 12:25:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #8492: Fix: Don't allow towns to terraform floodable tiles https://git.io/JLdA0 12:26:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLbDG 12:27:39 <Samu> there is some code repetition in my code, kinda sucks to make a helper function for another helper function 12:27:47 <Samu> but I guess I have to 12:37:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLbDS 12:54:04 <TrueBrain> LordAro: I can understand constexpr being huge .. it seems it can replace a lot of macros and shit :) 13:03:19 <michi_cc> consteval (C++20) even more. constexpr means "could be evaulated at compile time", consteval is "will be evaluated at compile time". Can be used for complete functions and stuff. 13:06:07 <TrueBrain> nice :D 13:07:22 <TrueBrain> might reduce a lot of template magic, I can imagine 13:11:27 <LordAro> that and concepts 13:25:31 <TrueBrain> lol ... "connect" console command is indeed very broken :D 13:25:32 <TrueBrain> haha 13:25:33 <TrueBrain> this is fun 13:30:58 <Eddi|zuHause> for some reason my brain connected that to "this is fine" and now imagines you sitting in a burning room :p 13:31:58 <TrueBrain> okay, that whole company-joining-stuff is just broken, but also a bit by design 13:32:16 <TrueBrain> I am very tempted to just collect all the network issues, plan them out, and make a v3 protocol 13:32:26 <TrueBrain> not sure that patching up individual issues is going to help 13:32:34 <LordAro> :o 13:32:44 <TrueBrain> so many bugs on bugs over the years .. 13:33:31 <andythenorth> 'but now we have experience' 13:34:04 <TrueBrain> well, that for sure is a true statement ... there are "several" years of working on network protocols between then and now :P 13:34:23 <TrueBrain> but no, it is more that there are a few things that are hard to resolve in the way the network currently works 13:34:42 <TrueBrain> for example, the bug I just reproduced: when you join a server which requires a company password, your client hasn't left the last server, but also hasn't joined the new 13:34:47 <TrueBrain> so you are in a very weird partial state 13:35:09 <TrueBrain> and in fact, the server itself hasn't forgotten about you :P 13:36:26 <LordAro> v3 will be json-based, right? 13:36:27 <LordAro> :p 13:36:32 * andythenorth must leave 13:36:42 <TrueBrain> ..... I join you in leaving andythenorth :) 13:36:55 <TrueBrain> LordAro: I should be more specific: I didn't mean that I want to revise the protocol itself 13:36:59 <TrueBrain> just the packets (and order) therein 13:37:22 <andythenorth> TrueBrain new channel, everyone but LordAro ? :) 13:37:27 <andythenorth> oops bad behaviour 13:37:27 <SpComb> OpenTTD-over-HTTP 13:37:32 <TrueBrain> I kinda like LordAro , so nah, I am good here :) 13:37:38 <LordAro> <3 13:37:47 <LordAro> ok, then SOAP :p 13:37:53 * LordAro leaves before he is kicked 13:37:56 <TrueBrain> OpenTTD over WebSocket would be interesting :) 13:38:09 <SpComb> POST /tracks 13:38:20 <SpComb> and then port the pathfinder to use GraphQL 13:39:08 <TrueBrain> right, lets put this bug in the freezer for now; there is no easy solution without breaking 10 other things, it seems :) 13:39:34 <Eddi|zuHause> so we are finally going web 2.0 now? 13:51:55 <TrueBrain> LordAro: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/milestone/3 <- I think we should aim to process these before doing a 1.11 release 13:52:04 <TrueBrain> it looks more than it really is; some PRs just need some minor work 13:52:07 <TrueBrain> some issues are trivial to fix 13:52:08 <TrueBrain> etc 13:52:28 <TrueBrain> would love to hear your opinion on the matter :) 13:53:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #8492: Fix: Don't allow towns to terraform certain floodable tiles https://git.io/JLdA0 13:56:20 *** snail_UES_ has joined #openttd 13:56:55 <LordAro> oof, that's a lot :D 13:59:41 <TrueBrain> well, there was a reason I suggested to not do 1.11 yet :) If you feel some don't belong there, do let me know :) 14:00:40 <LordAro> it's just a matter of whether we can get them all done 14:00:45 <LordAro> it's very optimisitic 14:00:51 <LordAro> -i 14:01:18 <TrueBrain> yeah, I don't expect us to process them all 14:01:26 <TrueBrain> but it might give some priority in what to pick up :) 14:01:39 <TrueBrain> like https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/issues/7611 .. you really do not get a message for plane crash :o 14:02:55 <TrueBrain> ah, it was my settings 14:02:56 <TrueBrain> fine 14:03:11 <TrueBrain> still no popup 14:03:12 <TrueBrain> lol 14:03:59 <TrueBrain> if the aircraft is cleaned up before the news pops up, it is never shown 14:04:00 <TrueBrain> lol 14:04:29 <andythenorth> soothing Russian train video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KM_SLJFjUd8 14:04:38 <andythenorth> such forest, such sunlight 14:10:09 <Eddi|zuHause> i guess this is a disguised steam train? :p 14:11:37 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 14:11:48 <TrueBrain> okay, crashed vehicle news is REALLY evil :) 14:11:51 <TrueBrain> no wonder you rarely see it 14:12:30 <Eddi|zuHause> is github slow or is it my internet? because that page is not loading 14:12:40 <TrueBrain> works for me 14:12:47 <TrueBrain> (duh; otherwise I could not have posted it :P) 14:12:53 <supermop_Home> good morning 14:13:16 <TrueBrain> but I have had issues with GitHub for weeks now .. it sometimes just loads VERY slow 14:13:54 <Eddi|zuHause> i thought we fixed that by separating "real" news from ticker messages 14:14:07 <TrueBrain> totally unrelated to the problem :) 14:14:43 <TrueBrain> well, not totally 14:14:47 <TrueBrain> that made it less bad 14:14:48 <TrueBrain> it is still bad 14:15:00 <andythenorth> TrueBrain it's because you're in Iran https://nitter.net/sebslomski/status/1344219609923276801 14:15:01 <TrueBrain> before that, 0 chance you seeing a crashed vehicle .. now 1% :P 14:16:04 <TrueBrain> it is worse with fast-forward, as news is tied to "realtime" clock 14:16:25 <LordAro> andythenorth: oof 14:16:59 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: sadly, that has been a known problem 14:17:03 <TrueBrain> something with sanctions against a country 14:17:04 <TrueBrain> it is sad 14:18:14 <TrueBrain> one solution for the news I can see, is to make crash-news-reports not tight to the vehicle, but to a viewport location 14:18:18 <Eddi|zuHause> new category: *BREAKING NEWS* 14:18:19 <TrueBrain> in that case the news remains 14:18:26 <TrueBrain> just might show an empty plot 14:19:24 <Eddi|zuHause> that sounds reasonable. make sure the news keeps the map location, and doesn't rely on the vehicle to access that location 14:20:09 <supermop_Home> ugh did TTO invent the idea of an endless scrolling ticker of news at the bottom of screen for cable news? 14:20:21 <TrueBrain> haha :D 14:20:27 <Eddi|zuHause> unlikely 14:20:34 <supermop_Home> Chris Sawyer is responsible for Fox News D: 14:21:24 <Eddi|zuHause> "news ticker" pretty much predates TV by like a century :p 14:22:21 <supermop_Home> yes but more as a series of stock prices by telegraph that you make a concerted decision to look at 14:22:26 <TrueBrain> hmm ... the news ticket does appear this way, but you no longer know WHICH vehicle crashed 14:22:29 <TrueBrain> not sure that is better 14:23:23 <Eddi|zuHause> TrueBrain: long haul suggestion: keep the vehicle around in vehicle lists, but clear it from maps. and add a "rebuild in nearest depot" button or something 14:23:46 <TrueBrain> yeah, I was considering the same, but that would also keep vehicles in the vehicle pool 14:23:51 <TrueBrain> it needs cleaning some day, I guess 14:24:36 <supermop_Home> not as a endless distraction splitting your attention 14:24:50 <LordAro> can't the news message just be "precalculated" when it's generated? then no need for worrying about keeping references to vehicles around at all 14:25:05 <TrueBrain> LordAro: yes, that is the "based on tile, not vehicle" solution 14:25:12 <TrueBrain> but the problem is, the vehicle is cleaned up by then 14:25:17 <TrueBrain> so .. what vehicle crashed? 14:25:24 <LordAro> well, just save the location instead of the vehicle 14:25:27 <TrueBrain> news messages are "precalculated" in that sense :) 14:25:29 <TrueBrain> yes ... 14:25:37 <TrueBrain> but what vehicle was it? 14:25:40 <TrueBrain> it was cleaned up 14:25:40 <TrueBrain> gone 14:25:41 <TrueBrain> poef 14:25:43 <TrueBrain> no longer there 14:25:44 <TrueBrain> :) 14:25:45 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: to my understanding, a "news ticker" was typically put up in places like newspaper offices, where they ran in the background and someone went through them whenever they ran out of interesting things to write about 14:25:47 <LordAro> yes 14:25:55 <TrueBrain> not for the game 14:25:56 <TrueBrain> but for the user 14:26:01 <TrueBrain> how does the user know what vehicle crashed 14:26:03 <LordAro> but you've saved the name of the vehicle when generating the news message 14:26:16 <TrueBrain> you were thinking from the game :D That is solved, that is easy ;) 14:26:21 <TrueBrain> not from the player perspective :D 14:26:25 <TrueBrain> not = now :) 14:26:31 <LordAro> i'm not sure what the difference is 14:26:38 <TrueBrain> a player gets: aircraft crashed 14:26:38 <Samu> does the news about crashed vehicle also go missing for AIs? 14:26:41 <Eddi|zuHause> LordAro: how would the user find out what the order list was, after the vehicle is cleared? 14:26:45 <TrueBrain> so ... what aircraft was it? Theone from A to B, or from A to C? 14:27:11 <TrueBrain> sorry, I was not clear in explaining :) 14:27:20 <Samu> if the AI is busy doing something else before checking events? 14:27:48 <supermop_Home> Eddi|zuHause exactly - it wasn't bombarding a regular audience trying to look at something else 14:29:04 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: i'm trying to think back when i first was noticing something like that. must have been around 2000-ish 14:29:25 <LordAro> idk, location should give a pretty good clue to the player, along with the vehicle name 14:29:35 <TrueBrain> it wouldn't for my games :D 14:29:40 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: which was around the same time as 24h-news-channels started popping up 14:29:41 <TrueBrain> but okay, this was already a problem 14:29:43 <TrueBrain> so nothing new :) 14:30:10 <TrueBrain> disasters have the same issue atm :) News is removed when the disaster is removed 14:30:12 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: presumably in america this was a bit earlier than in europe 14:30:19 <TrueBrain> so an UFO can crash your rail, and by the time you would get the message 14:30:22 <TrueBrain> you see and hear nothing :D 14:30:24 <TrueBrain> lets fix this :P 14:31:15 <Eddi|zuHause> TrueBrain: i agree, "keep the news around" and "keep the vehicle info around" are two different issues. 14:31:44 <TrueBrain> one bug at the time :D 14:32:03 <Eddi|zuHause> technically those are features, not bugs :) 14:33:14 <Eddi|zuHause> because, as far as i can tell, the current behaviour is not broken, just undesirable 14:34:05 <TrueBrain> what is also funny: town celebrates, new aircraft at airport! 14:34:07 <TrueBrain> aircraft crashes 14:34:09 *** nielsm has joined #openttd 14:34:09 <TrueBrain> gets cleaned up 14:34:16 <TrueBrain> all the news abut the celebration is also removed 14:34:19 <TrueBrain> that is just EVIL 14:34:23 <TrueBrain> "THIS NEVER HAPPENED PEOPLE" 14:34:39 <LordAro> :D 14:34:44 <supermop_Home> Eddi|zuHause here it was 95 or 96 i think - suspiciously just 1 year after Transport Tycoon! 14:35:56 <Eddi|zuHause> TrueBrain: imagine some people never got the news "First Zeppelin lands at Lakehurst, New Jersey" on account of it going up in flames 14:36:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain opened pull request #8497: Fix: keeps news about accidents around after vehicle is cleaned up https://git.io/JLb55 14:36:30 <TrueBrain> anyway, easy fix :) 14:36:30 <supermop_Home> oooh precedent: first record of a news ticker being used as part of a regular broadcast was on NBC's Today, used when the program first premiered on January 14, 1952. Without the benefit of computer-generated headlines and digital on-screen graphics, the ticker was very different from the ones in use today. The Today ticker was an actual piece of paper with typewritten headlines superimposed on the lower third of the screen. T 14:36:30 <supermop_Home> on the smaller screens of the time, and was dropped not long afterward. 14:37:03 <supermop_Home> can we add breakdowns for the ticker? 14:37:16 <supermop_Home> complete with smoke sprite? 14:41:07 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8497: Fix: keeps news about accidents around after vehicle is cleaned up https://git.io/JLb55 14:41:09 <Eddi|zuHause> i think part of your message was cut 14:41:34 <TrueBrain> so happy it is not only me who has that issue :) 14:42:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8497: Fix: keeps news about accidents around after vehicle is cleaned up https://git.io/JLb55 14:42:25 <Eddi|zuHause> TrueBrain: i'm fairly sure it's a clientside issue of the sender, where it's not pre-cutting the message properly to fit into an IRC message body 14:42:40 <TrueBrain> it is a problem between client and server for sure 14:42:50 <TrueBrain> not sure what client supermop_Home uses 14:42:56 <supermop_Home> idk 14:43:03 <TrueBrain> but I can imagine it could also be that the server sends a max-message-size that is incorrect 14:43:05 <supermop_Home> its called xo? 14:43:09 <Eddi|zuHause> so the server cuts down the message further, and doesn't bother sending the rest as a second message 14:43:10 <TrueBrain> so it might be somewhere in between the two :) 14:43:36 <TrueBrain> might be as easy as a disagreement of specs :) 14:43:49 <TrueBrain> (total-message-size, including NOTICE etc, or "message size" as parameter) 14:44:09 <supermop_Home> well the gist of the idea was that NBC tried a news ticker in 1952, superimposing a feed of an actual paper ticker tape at the bottom of the screen 14:44:39 <supermop_Home> but it was basically impossible to read on the like 6" screens back then, and the ticker kept breaking down 14:45:29 <supermop_Home> on my client side it shows it sent as two messages? 14:45:49 <Eddi|zuHause> at least, in europe the inflation of "Breaking News" wasn't ever adopted 14:46:23 <TrueBrain> screen. T 14:46:23 <TrueBrain> on the smaller screens of the time, and was dropped not long afterward. 14:46:25 <TrueBrain> is what we received 14:46:26 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: yes, it was two messages, but part of the first message was silently dropped by the server 14:46:47 <supermop_Home> i see 14:46:51 <TrueBrain> https://webster.openttdcoop.org/index.php?channel=openttd&date=1609804800#1609857390 is more clear :) 14:47:01 <TrueBrain> I have the same issue with my client :) (Matrix IRC bridge) 14:48:00 <supermop_Home> Eddi|zuHause here the permanent tickers didn't start until 9/11, but then never went away 14:49:03 <supermop_Home> so in the absence of ongoing crises whatever rehashes of regular news stories became the crisis 14:49:31 <Eddi|zuHause> supermop_Home: i mean stuff like live-helicopter-car-chases 14:49:33 <supermop_Home> before then they were used occasionally for sever weather / snow day school closures 14:49:39 <supermop_Home> severe 14:50:20 <milek7> this is likely server bug, IRC allows 512 bytes per message 14:50:36 <milek7> so client calculates proper length to fit into 512b messages 14:50:41 <Eddi|zuHause> "Breaking News: In areas with more than 200 new infections per 100.000 inhabitants, people aren't allowed to travel further than 15km from their homes" 14:50:53 <TrueBrain> hmm .. can you use money-cheat in multiplayer as server ... 14:51:16 <milek7> but irc server stucks its own hostname or something into message, and now it overflows 14:51:24 <Eddi|zuHause> TrueBrain: i think you can't 14:52:00 <TrueBrain> starts singleplayer, gives lot of money, start server from savegame 14:52:03 <TrueBrain> works as well :D 14:52:08 <Eddi|zuHause> that works, yes 14:52:22 <milek7> hmm, or maybe client should also substract hostname length, but I don't know if client knows it fully 14:53:51 <milek7> https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7991699 14:54:43 <milek7> so it seems clients needs to substract its own hostname to calculate proper length 14:54:58 <milek7> but RFC don't say anything that it has to do it, so... 14:56:11 <Borg> well.. it aint that bad 14:56:30 <Borg> irv private message looks like this: PRIVMSG <target> :<string> 14:56:41 <Borg> so.. usualy.. you need to substract around 20 bytes from 510... 14:56:57 <TrueBrain> hmm, found another fun bug when looking at another .. you can give other people 0 money in network games :) 14:56:59 <TrueBrain> that makes no sense :P 14:57:09 <Borg> but of course.. if you target multiple targets.. your <string> shortens 14:57:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 opened issue #8498: Add some way to sort or filter the vehicle list such that crashed vehicles are shown first. https://git.io/JLbdS 14:57:41 <Borg> also.. that 510 bytes per message limitation is only or client -> server... server <-> server can talk full blown 14:57:57 <Borg> s/irv/irc/ 14:58:53 <Borg> just supermop_Home IRC client is b0rked.. thats all 14:59:14 <FLHerne> milek7: The RFC explicitly says that the 512-byte limit includes the command and any parameters 15:00:55 <FLHerne> > IRC messages are always lines of characters terminated with a CR-LF (Carriage Return - Line Feed) pair, and these messages shall not exceed 512 characters in length, counting all characters including the trailing CR-LF. Thus, there are 510 characters maximum allowed for the command and its parameters. 15:01:20 <milek7> but I don't think command is the issue there 15:01:23 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: Well, why not? 15:01:54 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on issue #8498: Add some way to sort or filter the vehicle list such that crashed vehicles are shown first. https://git.io/JLbdS 15:02:20 <FLHerne> supermop_Home: What was the missing section of your message? 15:02:21 <milek7> FLHerne: but the issue that server adds client hostname before broadcasting to other servers 15:02:33 <Borg> milek7: no! its not the issue 15:02:45 <Borg> servers <-> server and server -> client does NOT impose that limit 15:02:50 <milek7> apparently it is 15:02:59 <milek7> his message was 430 char long 15:03:02 <Borg> its only client -> server to protect servers from flooding and excessive large messages 15:03:02 <FLHerne> supermop_Home: (or, how long is it) 15:03:20 <milek7> and PRIVMSG #openttd is around 20 or so 15:03:41 <milek7> so where ~60 characters went? 15:03:46 <Borg> milek7: well, then OFTC ircd is broken.. but.. I will do RTFS now.. 15:04:05 <Borg> milek7: servers append this to every command originating from client: <nick>!<user>@host COMMAND ... 15:04:17 <Borg> lets see if they are as well length checked. 15:07:08 <Borg> yep.. my good old IRCd doesnt fiddle with messages.. but OFTC ircd perphaps do... its new age ircd after all.. added a lot of things.. 15:07:50 <Eddi|zuHause> can we teleport crashed vehicles to a random depot, instead of deleting them? 15:08:15 <Eddi|zuHause> (imagine some crash investigation authority gathering the parts) 15:08:50 <Borg> milek7: yep.. and I found it.. its truncating the message to 510 bytes... 15:08:59 <Borg> so.. not SMART :( 15:09:37 <Timberwolf> Eddi|zuHause: Go full classic Microprose: when there is a crash, switch to an X-COM tactical mission. 15:09:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain opened pull request #8499: Fix: allow input of numbers greater than INT32_MAX for GiveMoney https://git.io/JLbF1 15:10:20 <Eddi|zuHause> Timberwolf: i haven't actually ever played X-COM 15:12:25 <Borg> milek7: so I wonder if this is standard or not.... if it is on majority of ircds.. to truncate messages to 510 bytes.. then clients should actully use 410 limit on PRIVMSG/NOTICES to be on safe side 15:13:04 <FLHerne> Eddi|zuHause: but why 15:13:14 <FLHerne> Oh, messages 15:13:39 <Borg> Timberwolf: haha :D good one 15:13:48 <Eddi|zuHause> FLHerne: so a player can figure out what he needs to replace 15:16:40 <twpol> Borg: Yup, ChatZilla and Ambassador (same codebase, been around for >20 years) limit to 400 characters because that's easier than trying to guess the prefix the server will add: https://github.com/Ascrod/ambassador/blob/a81be13e91158d6d5924c8407f4ff659a0b895ee/ambassador/js/lib/irc.js#L551 15:17:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] lukasradek commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 15:17:51 <Borg> twpol: nice... lets see irssi out of curiosity 15:20:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro commented on pull request #8497: Fix: keeps news about accidents around after vehicle is cleaned up https://git.io/JLbb0 15:20:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 15:21:44 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8497: Fix: keeps news about accidents around after vehicle is cleaned up https://git.io/JLbbV 15:22:37 <Samu> Is this good english? * Get the number of raised corners of two given slopes combined. 15:23:04 <Borg> twpol: ugh.. irssi code is fuzzy... primary function that talks to ircd.. checks for 510 bytes.. but trying out to figure how PRIVMSG are sent 15:23:09 <Samu> i smash a slope into another with a &, and then i count corners 15:29:46 <FLHerne> Samu: That sounds like a "why would you do that?!" problem more than an English one 15:30:23 <Samu> it's so that I don't repeat code 15:30:36 <Samu> sec, let me update PR in a min 15:30:44 <Samu> you'll see 15:31:51 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #8492: Fix: Don't allow towns to terraform certain floodable tiles https://git.io/JLdA0 15:32:44 <Samu> oh, forgot the return 15:32:49 <Samu> I'm bad 15:34:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] lukasradek commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 15:34:52 *** Flygon has quit IRC 15:35:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #8492: Fix: Don't allow towns to terraform certain floodable tiles https://git.io/JLdA0 15:36:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] James103 commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 15:36:11 <Samu> lol commit checker 15:36:55 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #8492: Fix: Don't allow towns to terraform certain floodable tiles https://git.io/JLdA0 15:36:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 15:41:15 <supermop_Home> Eddi|zuHause i do wish a way to clone crashed vehicles lasted longer than the wreck on the road 15:41:48 <supermop_Home> this was more an issue for me playing tto in the 90s when i constantly was crashing busses and planes 15:42:19 <supermop_Home> and you couldn't clone so id have to build a new one and hope i could get the orders replicated 15:44:34 <TrueBrain> I think we all agree there :) 15:44:45 <TrueBrain> it seems I found someone willing to give that a spin to implement :) 15:45:10 <Eddi|zuHause> let's see about that :p 15:46:00 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] lukasradek commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 15:46:00 *** D-HUND is now known as debdog 15:46:50 <TrueBrain> well, you can't say I am not trying :D 15:47:00 <debdog> a list of formerly crashed vehicles where the user can replace each listed vehicle or remove it manually from that list. sounds nice 15:48:21 <TrueBrain> I am trying to backport a patch from JGRPP to upstream, but boy, that is not easy :D Git doesn't really make it simple to do so ... :D 15:50:36 <Eddi|zuHause> that might be tricky once the branches diverged a bunch 15:52:07 <FLHerne> TrueBrain: `git cherry-pick`? 15:52:20 <FLHerne> If there are a ton of conflicts, that's not really git's fault 15:52:56 <FLHerne> (and you can play with different merge strategies to see which gets least confused) 15:53:22 <TrueBrain> I know how cherry-pick works, tnx ;) 15:53:36 <TrueBrain> the problem is changes on top of the change, that you want to know about 15:57:29 <Borg> TrueBrain: did you tried to merge master to that sha1 on separate branch? 16:00:12 <TrueBrain> owh boy, and now I have to learn the Window system ... not sure if I want to :D 16:07:57 *** DasPoseidon1 has joined #openttd 16:07:59 *** DasPoseidon has quit IRC 16:07:59 *** DasPoseidon1 is now known as DasPoseidon 16:08:31 *** glx has joined #openttd 16:08:31 *** ChanServ sets mode: +v glx 16:13:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 16:16:02 *** DasPoseidon has quit IRC 16:17:58 *** Gustavo6046 has joined #openttd 16:27:03 <Samu> towns can build tunnels, hmm 16:27:45 <Samu> i say hmm, because tunnels can terraform 16:27:49 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 16:27:51 <TrueBrain> spent 30 minutes on getting https://pasteboard.co/JIfRSol.png to look as I would expect 16:28:45 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 16:29:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #8498: Add some way to sort or filter the vehicle list such that crashed vehicles are shown first. https://git.io/JLbdS 16:30:46 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #8498: Add some way to find and recover crashed vehicles https://git.io/JLbdS 16:30:53 <Samu> glx: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8468#issuecomment-753229092 - I know, I need help on that one to avoid using globals 16:36:44 <supermop_Home> now i'm listening to the wave race 64 soundtrack 16:47:22 *** Wormnest has joined #openttd 16:48:04 *** Borg has quit IRC 16:49:42 <TrueBrain> bah .. so I finish backporting a nice patch, to find out there are several bugs with it :) 16:49:58 <TrueBrain> I wonder if JGRPP also has those bugs, or if they are fixed there 16:50:56 <TrueBrain> see, another patch I missed .. lol 16:55:13 <glx> looking at how to do #8468 nicely, I just noticed GetCargoTransportedSortValue() is not aware of 16 out cargo :) 16:55:27 *** gelignite has joined #openttd 16:56:06 <TrueBrain> oops 16:56:13 <glx> IndustryProductionSorter() is not either 16:56:33 <glx> oh it is, my bad 16:56:37 <glx> there's a loop 16:56:53 <andythenorth> I recall some kind of shenanigan about how we'd fit all the cargos into the window :) 16:57:00 <glx> but transported only look at first 2 cargos 16:57:01 <andythenorth> I _thought_ it was solved :) 16:57:07 <andythenorth> oof transported :P 16:57:27 *** frosch123 has joined #openttd 17:03:47 <TrueBrain> OpenTTD chat is a bit weird, I am finding out :D 17:03:47 <TrueBrain> hihi 17:03:58 <TrueBrain> you can send from yourself to a company 17:04:08 <TrueBrain> so you can sneak money away without anyone noticing 17:04:10 <TrueBrain> evil 17:09:07 *** DasPoseidon has joined #openttd 17:12:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain opened pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 17:12:35 <TrueBrain> not perfect yet (see limitations), but looking for opinions ^^ 17:12:56 <TrueBrain> LordAro is going to love me, as I removed 2 globals :) 17:18:32 *** jottyfan has quit IRC 17:18:38 *** jottyfan has joined #openttd 17:19:06 <Samu> you're working around the clock 17:19:41 <frosch123> sounds like tax evasion 17:22:16 <andythenorth> oof tax return time looms 17:22:17 <andythenorth> thanks :( 17:22:33 <andythenorth> January, the bleakest month :D 17:22:48 <milek7> borg: twpol: tbh it looks like protocol flaw 17:22:59 <LordAro> TrueBrain: :D 17:23:12 <Samu> i'd rather have the "give money" not exposed so easily 17:23:27 <milek7> imo only sensible thing would be to server splitting message, if it doesn't fit after processing 17:30:22 <andythenorth> so many ships I could draw 17:33:19 *** Progman has joined #openttd 17:33:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #8499: Fix: allow input of numbers greater than INT32_MAX for GiveMoney https://git.io/JLNTi 17:37:09 <frosch123> i still don't know how integer promotion works :) 17:37:56 <Samu> can somebody fix that unary minus something already :p 17:38:14 <Samu> or do you want me to do it? 17:44:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] perezdidac commented on pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLNkB 17:44:30 <Samu> glx, I just noticed IndustryTransportedCargoSorter isn't used 17:44:52 <Samu> i commented it out, and apparently everything still runs fine 17:45:37 <glx> it's listed in sorter_func 17:47:12 <Samu> removed it from there too 17:49:07 <Samu> oh, maybe you're right, let me try sort by transported 17:49:23 <Samu> lol, stupid me 17:50:12 *** Gustavo6046 has quit IRC 17:51:44 *** Gustavo6046 has joined #openttd 17:52:18 <Samu> sorry 17:52:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] glx22 commented on pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/JLNkF 17:54:24 <Samu> wow, I see 17:56:18 <glx> it's still a "global" but it's scoped 17:58:23 <Samu> transported filter also needs a similar treatment 17:58:34 <Samu> sort by transported, with a cargo production 17:58:42 <Samu> as the selected cargo 17:59:07 <glx> transported does support more than 2 cargos yet anyway 17:59:15 <Samu> like for example, livestock percentage transported, sort by transported 17:59:26 <Samu> it messes up with grain, doesn't look sorted 18:00:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain closed issue #7750: Overflow issue when sending money in multiplayer https://git.io/Jesl2 18:00:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8499: Fix: allow input of numbers greater than INT32_MAX for GiveMoney https://git.io/JLbF1 18:02:13 <Samu> i kinda forgot about Sort by Transported % 18:02:24 <Samu> was too focused on Sort by Production 18:04:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick commented on pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/JLNIG 18:04:45 <glx> and I forgot a "not" in my last message :) 18:09:29 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNI0 18:09:50 <frosch123> oh, wrong button. 18:10:08 <frosch123> more comments to follow 18:11:53 <FLHerne> frosch123: It's whichever is largest out of both arguments and `int` 18:14:39 <Samu> wow, Sort by Transported % won't be easy to fix 18:15:22 <Samu> i just looked into it, seems that it only takes the 2 first producing cargoes from the industry 18:16:00 <Samu> need to investigate better 18:17:04 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] saveinthesky opened issue #8501: OTTD crashes on start macosx . Log https://git.io/JLNID 18:20:12 <andythenorth> just https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/issues/8066 no? 18:20:35 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on issue #8501: OTTD crashes on start macosx . Log https://git.io/JLNID 18:21:14 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on issue #8501: OTTD crashes on start macosx . Log https://git.io/JLNID 18:21:38 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNIh 18:22:24 <LordAro> almost certainly #8066 18:22:56 <TrueBrain> it is a good moment to test if our nightly really is fixing all those MacOS issues ;) 18:24:16 *** Wolf01 has joined #openttd 18:25:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNLf 18:26:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNLk 18:26:57 <TrueBrain> I am happy frosch123 has as many WTFs as I had :P 18:27:52 <frosch123> albert's gui system is actually quite nice. you should train a bit with it :) 18:28:06 <TrueBrain> I spend more than an hour with it, fiddling to get this icon correct 18:28:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] DorpsGek pushed 1 commits to master https://git.io/JLNLm 18:28:09 <DorpsGek> - Update: Translations from eints (by translators) 18:28:18 <TrueBrain> what I do not like, at all, is that there was a lack of hitting the freaking enter in all the definitions :P 18:28:25 <TrueBrain> they are just huge blobs of text :D 18:28:33 <TrueBrain> but most of it feels inuitive 18:28:36 <TrueBrain> intuitive 18:28:39 <TrueBrain> grr, typing, hard 18:34:11 <TrueBrain> frosch123: I only do not understand why the View HQ button is bigger than the Password button by default 18:34:15 <TrueBrain> I cannot discover what causes that 18:35:46 <TrueBrain> I guess the spacer with minimal size of 90 causes it 18:36:11 <frosch123> as long as you font size is small: "view hq" = "password icon" + "password button" = 90 18:36:29 <frosch123> but when your font becomes bigger, that all breaks down 18:36:32 <TrueBrain> but that 90 feels magic to me :D 18:36:44 <TrueBrain> (of the view HQ button) 18:37:03 <TrueBrain> as if widgets auto-align to the same size in their container? 18:37:12 <TrueBrain> I am missing a piece of the puzzle :) 18:37:13 <frosch123> yes, that's the point of containers :) 18:37:28 <TrueBrain> okay, so the selection with a spacer causes the whole container to act like that 18:37:29 <frosch123> or rahter, that's the point of SetFill 18:37:55 <TrueBrain> The Company GUI is build up a bit annoying ... I expected a left column and a right column 18:37:59 *** rptr_ has joined #openttd 18:38:00 <TrueBrain> but instead it is build from top to bottom 18:38:01 <frosch123> "SetFill" means "use all the space in the container" 18:38:16 <TrueBrain> yeah, okay, and everything in a selection is precalculated 18:38:18 <TrueBrain> that makes sense 18:38:38 <TrueBrain> (as in, the size of the first item in a selection influence the second one 18:38:50 <TrueBrain> I wonder if I shouldn't just completely rebuild the Company GUI (with the same look&feel) 18:39:00 <TrueBrain> but .... it is so easy to get lost in that :P 18:39:22 <frosch123> with the infrastructure/vehicle counts, it's not that easy 18:39:33 <frosch123> you could just set the size of the buttons in UpdateWidgetSize 18:39:37 <frosch123> and remove all the minimumsize 18:39:47 <TrueBrain> it does require me to copy/paste the STR_ of them, it seems 18:39:55 <TrueBrain> at least, that is what they do in all other windows, from what I can tell 18:40:02 <TrueBrain> I don't like code-duplication :) 18:40:23 <frosch123> it's a lot shorter than looking up the text via GetWidget 18:42:25 <TrueBrain> okay, syncing the sizes looks a lot better 18:42:48 <frosch123> but yes, the company window is one of the worst :) 18:42:52 <frosch123> buttons all over the place 18:43:13 <frosch123> some buttons are right of the stuff they belong to 18:43:16 <frosch123> others are at the bottom 18:43:32 <frosch123> colour schema button could be next to the colour schema text 18:43:45 <frosch123> manager name button could be next to the manager name 18:43:49 <frosch123> same with face 18:44:14 <frosch123> i think that's the reason i did not touch that gui in the location/rename PR :p 18:44:15 <TrueBrain> I just wanted to fix this very ugly password buttno :P 18:44:31 <andythenorth> let's not talk about colour schemes window though :) 18:44:35 <TrueBrain> yeah, any idea why the A is misaligned btw frosch123 ? 18:44:35 <andythenorth> buttno :P 18:45:19 <frosch123> TrueBrain: it's misaligned because there is nothing to align it to :p 18:45:30 <TrueBrain> but other buttons are aligned .. 18:45:31 <TrueBrain> ish 18:45:38 <frosch123> aligning icons and texts does not work, because icons and text are scaled differently 18:45:49 <frosch123> aligning icons does not work, because the X is not aligned in the first place 18:45:59 <TrueBrain> X is off by a pixel or so, yes :D 18:46:24 <frosch123> technially i have to align the icon with the X of the original graphics 18:46:31 <frosch123> ogfx can align the A differently 18:46:35 <frosch123> but it will never align with the text 18:46:55 <frosch123> so, a pencil is probably better than a letter 18:47:03 <TrueBrain> that solves the issue too, yes :D 18:47:08 <frosch123> but a pencil in 10x10 in monochrome is kind of hard 18:47:25 <TrueBrain> the URL I linked had some other suggestions, I guess 18:47:41 <TrueBrain> grrrrr, now my password icon is again in the wrong place :P 18:47:52 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Kuhnovic commented on pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLNLb 18:47:58 <TrueBrain> ah .. there we go 18:48:22 <TrueBrain> I have to add a spacer in the vertical container, where I expect the horizontal container 18:48:23 <TrueBrain> odd 18:49:06 <TrueBrain> oops .. SetFill takes x / y 18:49:12 <frosch123> TrueBrain: i guess "DrawSprite(SPR_LOCK, PAL_NONE, r.left, r.top);" should be changed to "DrawSprite(SPR_LOCK, PAL_NONE, rtl ? r.left : r.right - r.width + 1, r.top);" 18:49:46 <frosch123> so the icon is right-aligned for LTR languages, and left-aligned for RTL languages 18:51:06 <TrueBrain> owh, you can right-align stuff .. I was just padding it on the left, or at least, trying to :D 18:51:18 <TrueBrain> r.width does not exist :( 18:51:41 <andythenorth> I will probably draw some icons 18:51:42 <frosch123> well, i means the sprite width 18:51:53 <frosch123> r.width was wrong anyway :) 18:51:58 <andythenorth> 10x10 mono is quite a jump from drawing ships :P 18:52:34 <frosch123> TrueBrain: ah, you can also insert another spacer 18:52:44 <frosch123> make one space do the fill, and make the icon one fixed size 18:52:55 <TrueBrain> well, I expected I had to do that inside the horizontal container 18:52:58 <TrueBrain> but I have to do it in the vertical 18:53:08 <TrueBrain> which I do not understand 18:53:10 <TrueBrain> but it does work :P 18:53:17 <frosch123> andythenorth: i used some grey in the eye icon, so not pure mono 18:53:23 <TrueBrain> owh, I think I get it 18:53:52 <andythenorth> ok pencil challenge :P 18:54:07 <andythenorth> are our icons now just mono then? 18:54:11 <andythenorth> I guess they're just sprites eh 18:54:29 <glx> when touching GUI IIRC it's nice to try hebrew to check alignment ;) 18:55:30 <frosch123> but you have to remember the location of the change language combobox in advance, and be able to mirror it in your head :) 18:55:52 <Xaroth> or learn hebrew very very quickly. 18:56:06 <Wolf01> Or change the openttd.cfg manually 18:56:11 <TrueBrain> is there a way to debug windows, like where it draws rectangles around the widgets or something? 18:56:22 <TrueBrain> or start the game with -x guys ... use the parameters available! :P 18:56:57 *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC 18:57:11 <frosch123> i don't think we have that 18:57:11 *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd 18:58:13 <TrueBrain> hmm .. vertical alignment of icon is a bit weird 18:58:34 <TrueBrain> frosch123: you don't think we have the -x I have been using all day? :D 19:00:24 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNtY 19:00:31 <TrueBrain> (sorry, out of sync comments are fun :P) 19:00:47 <TrueBrain> it is just hard to debug now from time to time to see where a container is .. guess I could color them somehow 19:00:54 <TrueBrain> well, got it to work, so happy days \o/ 19:01:24 <andythenorth> I broke the image how? 19:01:28 <andythenorth> GH hates it :) 19:02:29 <andythenorth> maybe it hates indexed pngs 19:03:51 <LordAro> i was just about to say 19:04:08 <TrueBrain> interesting, what you did there andythenorth :) 19:04:21 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: you clicked save too quickly 19:04:23 <TrueBrain> :P 19:04:28 <andythenorth> such user 19:04:34 <TrueBrain> ooeehhh, a pencil 19:04:39 <andythenorth> anyway a version 19:07:58 * supermop_Home had mulled wine at lunch 19:11:59 <andythenorth> eye icon is harder 19:12:05 <andythenorth> ellipse shape in 10 px 19:12:11 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 19:12:12 <TrueBrain> not done yet, still need to fix chat ^^ 19:12:18 <andythenorth> with round pupil and highlight :P 19:12:18 <TrueBrain> but the window thingies should be fine now :D 19:12:29 <andythenorth> we want 'eye' yes, not 'cross-hairs' like maps use? 19:12:29 <TrueBrain> tnx a lot frosch123 for the pointers :) 19:13:23 <supermop_Home> andythenorth i feel like a google map pin would be intuitive 19:13:49 <andythenorth> pin pins the window though 19:14:30 <supermop_Home> i like the crosshairs, but to a newcomer idk how they could possibly be understood to mean move the view to this location 19:15:30 <supermop_Home> the eye is a little surreal though 19:16:00 <frosch123> andythenorth: it only has to fit the original baseset, make it SF style :p 19:16:50 <TrueBrain> okay, a real n00b question: DoCommandP is called with CMD_MSG(STR_ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_FUNDS) 19:16:54 <TrueBrain> but this is not always the correct error ... 19:17:21 <TrueBrain> can you have more than one error from a DoCommandP? 19:17:35 <TrueBrain> I guess not .. 19:17:46 <frosch123> the command can return a message 19:18:00 <frosch123> the CMD_MSG is only used, if the command returns fail without message 19:18:06 <TrueBrain> ah! :D 19:18:07 <TrueBrain> tnx :) 19:18:36 <andythenorth> frosch123 https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8455#issuecomment-754833997 now with eye 19:18:56 <TrueBrain> so much fun! A "grep" on the wrong thing can crash VSCode 19:18:59 <TrueBrain> like .. how? :P 19:19:00 <frosch123> andythenorth: i'll make some in-game screenshots with different window colors 19:20:54 <andythenorth> I'm a big fan of 8455 :P 19:21:09 <andythenorth> creates space in the vehicle window... 19:21:18 <TrueBrain> it is awesome, that is for sure :) 19:22:10 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNt7 19:22:56 <andythenorth> !! https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/01/saving-video-gamings-source-code-treasures-before-its-too-late/ 19:23:06 <andythenorth> "Over 90 percent of pre-2000 gaming source code may already be gone." 19:23:56 *** iSoSyS has joined #openttd 19:24:05 <TrueBrain> sending chat in singleplayer crashes the game, shocker :) 19:24:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] kabal2020 commented on pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLNtp 19:25:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLNqU 19:26:44 *** iSoSyS has quit IRC 19:32:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 19:32:30 <TrueBrain> okay ... now for the stupid chat stuff ..... hmmm 19:35:56 <supermop_Home> i think sim city 3000 was underrated 19:36:04 <TrueBrain> ah, chat is done in a callback as you want to know self vs other, I guess 19:37:20 <supermop_Home> sc4 was more fun tho infuriatingly buggy 19:37:39 <supermop_Home> 3000 felt a little lost in the cracks 19:37:54 <supermop_Home> but had a lot of nice touches 19:38:07 <supermop_Home> cute sprite design, good music 19:38:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNqV 19:38:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] kabal2020 commented on pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLNqr 19:38:56 <frosch123> i think we need another icon iteration 19:39:39 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNq6 19:40:16 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JLNqP 19:40:40 <TrueBrain> pencil is a lot more clear than the A at least :D 19:40:41 <TrueBrain> nice :D 19:41:00 <frosch123> andythenorth: i changed the pencil to 9x9, that's the size of the X 19:41:26 <TrueBrain> chat doesn't work in single-player .. what to use to tell about the money transfer there .. hmm 19:42:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] lorimonti opened issue #121: [it_IT] Translator access request https://git.io/JLNqM 19:42:24 <frosch123> well, the X is 8x8, but it looks weird when the tip of the pencil extends over the bottom of the X 19:42:36 <frosch123> on the top the pencil can be longer 19:43:21 <frosch123> TrueBrain: does it need telling? only one player could issue it 19:43:28 <TrueBrain> good point! 19:50:28 <supermop_Home> write an AI that likes to send money? 19:51:08 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on issue #8498: Add some way to find and recover crashed vehicles https://git.io/JLbdS 19:51:29 <TrueBrain> frosch123: basically the callback was used as DoCommandP doesn't know the player who did somethng, only the company 19:51:39 <TrueBrain> but I guess it is perfectly fine to mention which company wired money to what company 19:51:42 <TrueBrain> instead of which player 19:53:08 <frosch123> haha, true, now the culprit can push blame onto another company member 19:53:18 <TrueBrain> that is the only drawback 19:53:27 <TrueBrain> I can leave the callback in, but you are right, clients can block the message 19:53:32 <TrueBrain> so it is all a bit .... so-so 19:54:00 <Wolf01> I'm not sure about the eye icon 19:54:03 <frosch123> make it company only :) 19:54:15 <Samu> glx, which sorter makes more sense? It's sorted by transported and produced cargo: all cargo https://i.imgur.com/uwUsLoq.png 19:54:16 <TrueBrain> company only? 19:54:24 <frosch123> there is no point in attributing actions to clients 19:54:36 <frosch123> they have to trust each other in every build action 19:54:42 <frosch123> so money is nothing special 19:54:42 <TrueBrain> yeah, that is what I did now 19:54:47 <TrueBrain> you see money from company to company 19:54:49 <TrueBrain> not which player did that 19:55:02 <TrueBrain> (well, not pushed yet) 19:55:05 <TrueBrain> cool 19:56:15 <TrueBrain> ugh, getting company name is HARD :P 19:57:14 <frosch123> {COMPANY} ? 19:57:19 <TrueBrain> yeah, you have to use GetString 19:57:46 <frosch123> oh, i guess the old message used the language of the sending client :) 19:57:56 <TrueBrain> yes 19:57:57 <TrueBrain> :D 19:58:21 <TrueBrain> -STR_NETWORK_MESSAGE_GIVE_MONEY :*** {RAW_STRING} gave your company {2:CURRENCY_LONG} 19:58:21 <TrueBrain> +STR_NETWORK_MESSAGE_GIVE_MONEY :*** {RAW_STRING} gave {2:CURRENCY_LONG} to {1:RAW_STRING} 19:58:24 <TrueBrain> how is eints going to handle this? 19:59:26 <frosch123> it will remove the invalid translations from git 19:59:29 *** Yacht has joined #openttd 19:59:38 <frosch123> but still remember the, and display them as "invalid" to the translators 19:59:53 <Samu> glx, this one is sort by transported with produced cargo: livestock https://i.imgur.com/vhRiqAc.png[/img] 20:00:04 <frosch123> unless you reset the eints storage 20:00:16 <frosch123> (don't do that :p ) 20:01:31 <Samu> the all cargo filter looks kinda bad still 20:01:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 20:01:53 <TrueBrain> frosch123: good, that is what I would expect :) 20:02:10 <TrueBrain> well, this PR went a bit overboard 20:02:11 <TrueBrain> but okay 20:02:52 <frosch123> you found a rabbit hole :) 20:03:26 <TrueBrain> well, your fault :P 20:03:34 <TrueBrain> you confirmed what I wanted to do, but refrained from doing :D 20:03:48 <TrueBrain> owh, and I created some merge-conflicts with it for JGR with this PR .. it does things differently enough that it doesn't cleanly merge 20:04:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 20:05:18 <TrueBrain> but, 1 less Cc, 2 less globals, and one ugly hack gone :D That should count for something! 20:05:43 *** Yacht has quit IRC 20:06:52 <TrueBrain> hmm, I can send which player did it 20:07:00 <TrueBrain> DoCommandP have a "text" field ofc 20:07:33 <frosch123> there is a special CMD_XYZ in command.cpp to make the server put the clientid into p1 or p2 20:07:34 <Wolf01> Hardcode "TB did it!" 20:07:36 <frosch123> the clients cannot fake that 20:07:50 <TrueBrain> both p1 and p2 are already used, but that is a good point 20:07:54 <Samu> can AIs give money? doubtful 20:09:14 <frosch123> still see no reason why the player is important though 20:09:30 <TrueBrain> you are right 20:09:41 <TrueBrain> okay, I will not purse this :P 20:10:43 <TrueBrain> okay, this is weird ... 20:10:48 <TrueBrain> MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS is 32 20:10:51 <andythenorth> frosch123 does it look good? :) 20:10:54 <TrueBrain> NETWORK_COMPANY_NAME_LENGTH is 128 20:11:10 <TrueBrain> char msg[64]; was used in GiveMoney 20:11:14 <TrueBrain> so ... what is it? :D 20:11:59 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNYr 20:12:19 <frosch123> TrueBrain: i cannot comment on commit messages, maybe mention that client-language thing in the last commit? 20:12:48 <TrueBrain> only the company names were used from the sending client 20:12:52 <TrueBrain> the rest was translated correctly 20:12:54 <TrueBrain> is that worth mentioning? 20:13:20 <frosch123> oh, i thought it was send like a regular chat message 20:13:24 <TrueBrain> no, only snippets 20:13:29 <frosch123> but that explains why noone reported it 20:13:41 <TrueBrain> but how many bytes is a company name .... 20:14:19 <frosch123> ottd limits all names with 32 unicode chars, and then reserves 4 times the size in bytes 20:14:23 <TrueBrain> news also does 64 20:14:42 <frosch123> so 32 vs 128 is CHARS vs BYTES 20:14:46 <TrueBrain> well, times 2 in the case of company name, as it turns out :P 20:14:53 <TrueBrain> but for networking, it is times 4 20:14:57 <TrueBrain> which is confusing as fuck :D 20:15:29 <TrueBrain> I was hoping to find a constant for it .. 20:15:36 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 20:16:13 <TrueBrain> MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS * 2 valid? Or just weird? :D 20:16:19 <frosch123> TrueBrain: you find both "MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS" and "MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH" in the source 20:16:48 <frosch123> no idea where you get the "* 2" from 20:16:55 <frosch123> but that looks wrong :) 20:16:59 <TrueBrain> the code already read [64] 20:17:02 <TrueBrain> news does the same 20:17:29 <frosch123> well, replace them with MAX_LENGTH_COMPANY_NAME_CHARS * MAX_CHAR_LENGTH :) 20:17:32 <andythenorth> the i icon suffers from being an ellipse with sharp tails, locked in a square 20:17:32 <frosch123> more rabbits 20:17:38 <andythenorth> maybe we should give it eyelashes 20:18:06 <frosch123> messed more with the icons, time for new screenshots 20:18:19 <andythenorth> I am eyelashing 20:18:20 <andythenorth> weird AF 20:18:32 <andythenorth> but the shape fits the bounding box better 20:18:44 <TrueBrain> frosch123: except or the fact it is stored in a savegame in some places .. so I cannot replace them easily 20:18:48 <TrueBrain> right, the rabbit hole stops here :D 20:19:12 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain updated pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 20:20:10 <TrueBrain> this wasn't even in the 1.11 milestone, ffs :P 20:20:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNO0 20:22:23 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNOK 20:22:33 <TrueBrain> I like the eye andy posted 20:22:50 <frosch123> andythenorth: your eye is aligned with the debug icon, it should be aligned with the other 3 20:22:56 <andythenorth> mine is quite Addams family 20:23:35 <andythenorth> I aligned it with the pin, but it depends if we think the line is with windowshade icon 20:24:10 <andythenorth> windowshade is off-grid in my opinion, but it also makes sense for the feature 20:27:09 *** Progman has quit IRC 20:27:47 <LordAro> TrueBrain: got a bit of time, are you waiting on me for anything/need a review/etc? 20:28:23 <TrueBrain> LordAro: you expect me to say no to that? :D 20:28:31 <frosch123> i put your eye one pixel higer, it looks better when the pupil is aligned with the windowsize-dot 20:28:37 <frosch123> (imo) 20:28:39 <TrueBrain> waiting on you is strong, but .. :) 20:29:23 <TrueBrain> LordAro: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8497, and making https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8473 and https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8439 a bit the same and passable 20:29:48 <TrueBrain> LordAro: finishing https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8063 would be nice too :) 20:30:28 <TrueBrain> triaging https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/issues/7604 will be fun :D 20:30:48 <TrueBrain> and I was hoping you could solve / close https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/issues/8295 :) 20:30:50 <TrueBrain> enough? :P 20:30:57 <andythenorth> I have made a horrible alternative eye 20:31:00 * andythenorth isn't posting it 20:31:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Kuhnovic updated pull request #8274: Feature: option to auto remove signals when in the way during rail co… https://git.io/JJsQJ 20:31:40 <andythenorth> frosch123 done? 20:35:14 *** Gustavo6046 has quit IRC 20:38:03 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #8497: Fix: keeps news about accidents around after vehicle is cleaned up https://git.io/JLN39 20:38:19 <LordAro> TrueBrain: :) 20:38:40 <LordAro> #8063 is probably a bit too much, it turned into something bigger than i was expecting :) 20:38:47 <TrueBrain> LordAro: I indeed add those when squashing if I don't forget .. I find it highly annoying that every force push, the cmmit is mentioned in an issue :P 20:39:02 <LordAro> yeah, that's fair :) 20:39:12 <TrueBrain> LordAro: too bad; close it? keep it around? (8063) 20:39:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain closed issue #7611: Accident/disaster news not always showing https://git.io/fj0cI 20:39:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8497: Fix: keeps news about accidents around after vehicle is cleaned up https://git.io/JLb55 20:39:37 <LordAro> TrueBrain: i mean too much for right now :p 20:39:42 <TrueBrain> fair :) 20:39:52 <LordAro> though there's not exactly consensus on how it should be handled 20:44:23 <TrueBrain> I haven't really read up on it, I just now I find it weird I cannot change towns when I don't have RVs :P 20:45:46 <Samu> glx, if (this->industries.SortType() != 3) { 20:45:55 <Samu> I didn't want to use a number here 20:46:13 <Samu> do the filters have a name, enum or so? 20:46:34 <Samu> 3 means Sort by Transported 20:46:39 <frosch123> TrueBrain: LordAro: andythenorth: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8455 <- i edited last post with 2 options for the pencil, 3 options for the eye 20:46:40 <Samu> 2 means Sort by Produced 20:46:43 <frosch123> you have to look closely :) 20:46:49 <Samu> 1 is by Type, 0 is by Name 20:47:20 <TrueBrain> B / X for me 20:47:37 <TrueBrain> Y looks like a totem, and now I cannot unsee that :D 20:47:44 <TrueBrain> A vs B is a toss-up, really 20:47:56 <glx> Samu: I don't think there's an enum as it was not needed 20:49:08 <Samu> hmm, where would i place this enum? 20:49:15 <Wolf01> B / X for me too 20:50:05 <glx> inside the class I guess 20:51:06 <Timberwolf> B / X but I don't like any of the eye options. 20:51:10 <andythenorth> popular vote 20:51:19 <TrueBrain> Timberwolf: make us something better? :D 20:51:26 <andythenorth> voxel! 20:51:42 <Timberwolf> You've seen how bad my UI sprites are, right? :p 20:52:03 <andythenorth> the pencils are potato / potato 20:52:04 <Wolf01> I don't like the eye at all for that button 20:52:13 <Wolf01> But X is the best one 20:52:16 <andythenorth> I don't like the eye but if we shipped it I wouldn't complain 20:52:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 approved pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNsM 20:53:10 <andythenorth> drawing tiny icons is horrible https://github.com/andythenorth/firs/blob/master/src/graphics/other/cargoicons.png 20:53:28 <Wolf01> What about a camera or a binocular? 20:54:02 <Timberwolf> Yup. What's the resolution here? 20:54:21 <andythenorth> 10x10 20:54:24 <frosch123> 10x10 or 10x9 depending on how well it aligns with the other icons 20:55:25 <andythenorth> binoculars look like handcuffs :P 20:55:27 <andythenorth> lols 20:55:28 *** nielsm has quit IRC 20:56:28 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain merged pull request #8500: Change: move "give money" from client-list to company window https://git.io/JLNUZ 20:58:50 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNG3 20:59:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] mattkimber commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNGn 20:59:59 <Wolf01> https://fynydd.com/media/1550/3medialoot.jpg?width=1440&quality=80 like the one on the 5th row 4th column, it should be possible to draw in 10x10 21:00:15 <TrueBrain> sorry andythenorth , that doesn't do it for me :( 21:00:23 <andythenorth> me neither 21:00:33 <Wolf01> Those binoculars need some depth :P 21:00:59 <andythenorth> I tried rotating them, but nah 21:03:37 *** Gustavo6046 has joined #openttd 21:03:57 <Samu> if (this->industries.SortType() != IDW_SORT_BY_TRANSPORTED) { 21:04:08 <Samu> much better name 21:04:16 <Samu> 3 was ugly 21:04:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNGD 21:05:38 <TrueBrain> https://cdn.dribbble.com/users/44365/screenshots/882802/simple_icon_set___joshua_andrew_davies___visual_designer-01.png top left, is that something? 21:06:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNG7 21:06:45 <frosch123> andythenorth: too big, you made it 11x11 21:07:00 <andythenorth> it's bad anyway 21:07:01 <Wolf01> OMG, I tried to draw something in paint... it's... hideous 21:07:15 <andythenorth> TrueBrain the map pin? 21:07:18 <TrueBrain> yes 21:07:29 <andythenorth> they're really hard to do without vectors 21:07:37 * andythenorth has spent a year working on map stuff 21:07:40 <andythenorth> I'll try one 21:08:33 <andythenorth> hmm looks like a toy balloon 21:09:13 * Timberwolf likes the target and snowflake-target options. 21:10:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNZU 21:10:57 <andythenorth> ^ too heavy at the moment 21:11:09 <andythenorth> also relies on grey pixels for anti-aliasing, dislike 21:11:23 <TrueBrain> if that can be made a bit nicer in such a small dimension, that might be obvious to everyone 21:11:37 <LordAro> that is a lot of buttons 21:11:39 <TrueBrain> but now it indeed looks odd :D 21:12:05 <TrueBrain> either way, I am fine with X. It aint perfect maybe, but it is clear once you pressed it once :D 21:12:47 <andythenorth> I'd go with X 21:12:58 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNZY 21:12:59 <andythenorth> it's a trivial improvement later if someone can do better 21:13:22 <andythenorth> ooh the movie camera 21:13:40 <andythenorth> CCTV camera is most appropriate eh 21:13:41 <frosch123> yay, someone recognised it :) 21:13:44 <TrueBrain> T works too for me 21:13:57 <TrueBrain> but it is currently not centered :P 21:14:03 <TrueBrain> (in both X and Y :P) 21:14:10 <Timberwolf> Yeah, I think the film camera has potential. 21:14:19 <frosch123> Y won't happen, X is possible 21:14:21 <Timberwolf> I didn't think of doing one without the tape reels. 21:14:39 <andythenorth> ok well that was more fun than other things 21:14:49 <TrueBrain> owh, I meant x-axis and y-axis, not icon X and Y, to be clear :D 21:14:59 <frosch123> i understood that :) 21:15:44 <andythenorth> can we draw a predator tracking drone in 10x10? :P 21:16:05 <TrueBrain> can we make that if you look really close, you see another universe? 21:16:23 <andythenorth> https://www.google.com/search?q=predator+drone+icon&tbm=isch 21:16:49 <andythenorth> TrueBrain there are fractal videos on YouTube, try those :P 21:18:37 <FLHerne> Map pin is nice 21:18:47 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Wolfolo commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNZa 21:19:50 <TrueBrain> I kinda like the way the camera looks of Wolf01 21:20:17 <TrueBrain> too much pixels ... E_PIXEL_OUT 21:20:29 <Wolf01> I also fixed the binoculars, they looked like a cat at the first attempt 21:20:40 * LordAro applies +1 21:22:32 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] mattkimber commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNZD 21:23:27 <TrueBrain> that is a nice camera too 21:24:45 <FLHerne> It's a nice-looking camera, but it makes me think 'screenshot' more than 'jump to position' 21:24:58 <TrueBrain> yeah ... the map pin still is most clear for me 21:25:03 <TrueBrain> but making that look good is HARD 21:25:24 <FLHerne> Yeah, the Google-esque one is a bit anachronistic for a '90s interface 21:25:25 <andythenorth> I think 'pin' and 'pin' is confusing 21:25:44 <TrueBrain> everyone knows the mappin by now :P 21:26:18 <Wolf01> FLHerne, yeah, the eye suits better for that, they had strange taste back in those years :P 21:26:51 <LordAro> andythenorth: i hadn't considered that they're both "pins" 21:26:55 <andythenorth> also the eye echoes the icon we're replacing 21:27:03 <FLHerne> What about inward-pointing arrows? 21:27:18 <Wolf01> <andythenorth> also the eye echoes the icon we're replacing <- was it a "I"? 21:27:26 <andythenorth> it's a big eye :P 21:27:29 <FLHerne> https://cdn4.iconfinder.com/data/icons/mini-arrows-2/16/67-512.png like 21:27:50 <LordAro> TrueBrain: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/compare/master...LordAro:remove-minmax yay/nay? 21:27:56 <Wolf01> Nice, but it might look like an iron cross at 10x10 :S 21:28:36 <TrueBrain> I am all for these kind of changes LordAro , but not a C++ expert, so ... no clue what the drawbacks are :P 21:28:58 <LordAro> the only "interesting" bit is https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/compare/master...LordAro:remove-minmax#diff-a5b7c66d3e858975aeababbf312864fd7bf600985695ba60fa664c578b139783L13 21:29:06 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNnt 21:29:42 <LordAro> and removing a load of casts 21:30:03 <TrueBrain> and changing some const in constexpr :P 21:30:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] SamuXarick updated pull request #8468: Fix #8316: Make sort industries by production with a cargo filter possible https://git.io/JLHah 21:30:19 <TrueBrain> so yeah, PR it, and we make michi_cc review it :P 21:30:48 <TrueBrain> Q, T or X for me :) 21:30:51 <Wolf01> frosch123, put in all the buttons with the same function and let players push the one they feel like it's the right one? 21:30:59 <TrueBrain> hahaha 21:32:26 <Wolf01> I'm for B, P, Q, W 21:32:33 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] andythenorth commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNn2 21:32:43 <andythenorth> make it a setting! 21:32:50 <Wolf01> Lol 21:32:52 <andythenorth> if only the sprites were in a grf somewhere :P 21:33:16 <TrueBrain> andythenorth: hard no on that last addition :P 21:33:35 <andythenorth> you can't even tell what it is? 21:34:04 <Timberwolf> I had that same problem with inward arrows, they either don't fit or look too light. 21:37:14 <FLHerne> They just barely fit diagonally https://www.flherne.uk/files/ottd_focus_corners.png 21:38:01 <Timberwolf> Heh snap, I tried the same. Can't decide if I like it or not :/ 21:38:38 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] mattkimber commented on pull request #8455: Unified GUI buttons for renaming and scrolling to entities https://git.io/JLNnA 21:40:12 <Wolf01> Make default UI 2x and draw better icons? XD 21:40:45 <frosch123> noone stops you :) 21:40:59 <frosch123> ottd will already use the extra zoom icons 21:41:12 <frosch123> ogfx has a few, but not all 21:41:20 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro opened pull request #8502: Codechange: Remove min/max functions in favour of STL variants https://git.io/JLNcq 21:41:30 <LordAro> and apparently i already need to rebase it 21:41:35 <FLHerne> I tried this https://www.flherne.uk/files/ottd_focus_asym.png 21:41:57 <TrueBrain> LordAro: very tempted to say: if CI passes, blind approve, and go go go :P 21:42:03 <FLHerne> Without those holes in the top/bottom arrows it's a bit confusing, and with them it looks silly 21:44:22 <LordAro> TrueBrain: very brave :p 21:44:34 <LordAro> i at least want to check for cast warnings on all the platforms 21:45:11 <TrueBrain> https://patch-diff.githubusercontent.com/raw/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8502.patch makes reviewing a bit easier, btw, in this case :) 21:45:30 <Samu> quick question: cargos or cargoes? 21:45:35 <TrueBrain> std::max({src->r, src->g, src->b}); <- wow, this works? Cool .. 21:45:38 <andythenorth> potato or potatoes? 21:45:41 <andythenorth> cargos Samu 21:46:05 <frosch123> TrueBrain: you can even skip the ( ) 21:46:20 <frosch123> "std::max{src->r, src->g, src->b};" also works 21:46:24 <TrueBrain> wuth?! Lol .. 21:46:27 <TrueBrain> do we want that? 21:46:46 <frosch123> no, i think it is considered uncool now 21:47:08 <frosch123> c++20 fixes stuff in that area, so better not touch it 21:48:06 <TrueBrain> I see LordAro did apply some ... "coding style" at some places :P 21:48:09 <TrueBrain> mostly newlines ;) 21:48:10 <andythenorth> Samu dictionary disagrees with me and says cargoes 21:48:20 <andythenorth> but in all my native English speaking life I would never have written that 21:48:32 <TrueBrain> OpenTTD has no more instances of cargos since a few weeks ago :P 21:49:25 <TrueBrain> 3 places LordAro split a long line with newlines :D OpenTTD has no max-width you know!! :P 21:49:31 <TrueBrain> I am fine with it, like .. #care :P 21:49:54 <andythenorth> mostly when I search for rules about 'cargo or cargoes' I get 'cookies' 21:49:58 <andythenorth> the internet is fucked eh 21:50:07 <andythenorth> most of it is useless, just these banners across every page 21:50:30 <andythenorth> there's some browser plugin that gets rid of them somewhere 21:51:42 <Wolf01> I once activated some banners on one site I was working on, and I needed some time to figure out why I couldn't see them 21:52:54 <LordAro> TrueBrain: you got me to split the long comments just yesterday! 21:53:03 <LordAro> but yes, i did decide some lines were *too* long :p 21:53:08 <TrueBrain> :D 21:57:18 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro opened pull request #8505: Feature: Allow converting track under trains when compatible with the new rail type https://git.io/JLNCt 21:58:41 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro updated pull request #8505: Feature: Allow converting track under trains when compatible with the new rail type https://git.io/JLNCt 22:01:12 <frosch123> does that really check for "compatible"? i.e. can you depower an electric train? 22:01:40 <LordAro> i'll be honest, i didn't get as far as testing it 22:01:54 <LordAro> i tend to assume JGR's stuff works :p 22:02:03 <LordAro> but i will test it shortly 22:02:04 <frosch123> added "preview" 22:02:21 <LordAro> that works too 22:02:28 <andythenorth> I would have assumed Gwyd uses JGR 22:02:36 <andythenorth> all the active discord users seem to use JGR 22:03:47 <Wolf01> I wonder why :P 22:04:08 <TrueBrain> it has a lot of good things 22:04:21 <TrueBrain> but while backporting this patchset today, I got reminded about the quality of some patches on the forum 22:04:47 <supermop_Home> andythenorth drawing real hotels is less fun 22:05:41 <andythenorth> supermop_Home quit and do game art :P 22:05:45 <andythenorth> jobs are over-rated? 22:06:50 <andythenorth> "Now think that OpenTTD is RCT1 and JGR patchpack is RCT2. " 22:07:18 *** rptr_ has quit IRC 22:07:19 <andythenorth> TrueBrain what's your favourite forum patch? :) 22:07:34 <TrueBrain> no clue; never indexed it sufficiently to have an opinion 22:11:23 <supermop_Home> andythenorth not sure which industry has least healthy hours 22:12:34 <supermop_Home> just reading architecture theory criticism of Cyberpunk 2077 issues 22:12:38 <frosch123> hmm, in my memory preview was faster 22:12:53 <TrueBrain> faster to build, or to use? 22:13:00 <frosch123> to build 22:13:07 <TrueBrain> ~10 minutes 22:13:10 <TrueBrain> slowest target we have atm :D 22:14:57 <supermop_Home> though reports in media of CDPR crunch as "they had to work 6 day weeks in the months leading up to release" fall on unsympathetic ears here 22:17:27 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] frosch123 commented on pull request #8505: Feature: Allow converting track under trains when compatible with the new rail type https://git.io/JLNWt 22:20:19 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro updated pull request #8502: Codechange: Remove min/max functions in favour of STL variants https://git.io/JLNcq 22:21:48 <frosch123> never noticed "mouse_over_start_stop", is that new? 22:22:10 <LordAro> newish 22:25:54 <TrueBrain> frosch123: from C++ perspective, any reason not to do the std::min/max? 22:25:55 *** jottyfan has quit IRC 22:26:10 <TrueBrain> CI fails LordAro :( 22:26:14 <LordAro> oh no 22:26:29 <TrueBrain> no member named 'min' in namespace 'std' 22:26:30 <TrueBrain> lol 22:26:43 <LordAro> windows? 22:26:52 <LordAro> i somewhat expected as such 22:26:53 <TrueBrain> emscripten 22:26:57 <LordAro> ah 22:27:11 <TrueBrain> src\os\windows\crashlog_win.cpp(222): error C3861: 'min': identifier not found 22:27:12 <TrueBrain> that is windows 22:27:22 <LordAro> that follows 22:27:27 <TrueBrain> and MacOS fails too :) 22:27:57 <TrueBrain> funny how only linux passes 22:28:00 <TrueBrain> how does that happen? 22:28:11 <frosch123> TrueBrain: the c++ one is exactly the same as our template 22:28:18 <frosch123> no idea why we ever had a custom one 22:28:32 <frosch123> minu() is special, but LordAro took care of that 22:28:33 <TrueBrain> RichK, or what was his name? 22:28:45 <frosch123> no idea what magic is behind our min(int, int) overload 22:28:58 <frosch123> TrueBrain: kudr ? 22:29:02 <TrueBrain> ah, yes 22:29:26 <frosch123> kudr is yapf and weird misc/*hpp classes. richk is tgp, airports, and first newairports disaster 22:29:41 <TrueBrain> one of the two just added a LOT of C++ magic templating bla in core/ 22:29:46 <TrueBrain> was his own framework 22:30:16 <frosch123> most of it is still in misc/ 22:30:18 <TrueBrain> believe nobody could really review it, and it was one of those: what-ever, now it is in there :P 22:30:23 <frosch123> no idea where core is from 22:30:50 <TrueBrain> skidd started it 22:30:55 <Samu> please someone re-review #8468, glx 22:30:58 <Samu> someone else 22:31:04 <Samu> going to bed, cyas goodnight 22:31:05 <TrueBrain> ah, yes, core is skidd 22:31:17 *** Samu has quit IRC 22:31:46 <TrueBrain> KUDr was misc indeed 22:31:49 <TrueBrain> owh, the history :P 22:32:08 <TrueBrain> "header files with miscellaneous template classes (smart pointers, blob, array, hashtable, etc.) moved from src/yapf to src/misc as they can now be used anywhere." 22:32:09 <TrueBrain> :D 22:32:53 <TrueBrain> with commits like this: https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/commit/201ba1f5c3d6ee6324db82bde109a310fdb2d04d#diff-ec12a006edbc86dc92b1f6effe79b239298410497177c93d2d2dd30d58c4136f 22:33:01 <TrueBrain> it is where I checked out from understanding those parts of the code btw :) 22:33:10 <TrueBrain> I avoided it like the plague 22:33:34 <LordAro> frosch123: the only "potentially weird" thing is that our one is inline, whereas STL is not 22:34:26 <TrueBrain> it was the months of: if we do it ourself, it is better than std:: :D 22:34:40 <TrueBrain> at least nobody added boost 22:34:44 <TrueBrain> so we have that 22:34:49 <frosch123> LordAro: compilers can figure out the "inline" themself 22:36:05 <frosch123> TrueBrain: can i add the http client from boost? :p 22:36:22 <TrueBrain> anyway, before I go find my bed: anyone in favour of https://github.com/OpenTTD/OpenTTD/pull/8495 ? I only see a lot of work with very little benefit, but I might be biased :D 22:36:54 <andythenorth> I am hard -1 to doing the work 22:37:12 <andythenorth> if it turned up 100% working patch with docs, I would be like...shrug, ship it 22:37:42 <andythenorth> like nmlc, newgrf wiki...everything 22:37:48 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro updated pull request #8505: Feature: Allow converting track under trains when compatible with the new rail type https://git.io/JLNCt 22:37:50 <LordAro> frosch123: usually, yes 22:37:59 <LordAro> though it's a bit trickier if the function is in a different library 22:38:22 <frosch123> yes, but that does not apply to header templates 22:38:41 <andythenorth> so is it bedtime? 22:39:34 <LordAro> frosch123: oh derp, true 22:40:33 <glx> min/max needs <algorithm> (I had that in grfcodec) 22:41:04 <LordAro> glx: yeah, i was hoping i could get away with it (like i can with gcc) 22:41:12 <LordAro> probably will need to add it to algorithm 22:41:28 <LordAro> probably will need to add <algorithm> to stdafx.h * 22:41:34 <frosch123> TrueBrain: i have no idea either. yesterday we compared it to town authority. it's some weird restriction, that players have to work around. however, there was a similar patch on the forums in 2005, which also disallowed water wells and other. this one exclused liquid 22:41:46 <frosch123> so, the industry selection is opinionated :) 22:42:04 <TrueBrain> so, if it is done, via NewGRFs, which requires spec and blablablabla, lot of work 22:42:05 <TrueBrain> k :) 22:42:59 <frosch123> newgrf also do not work here. industry authors should not care about player playstyle 22:43:18 <frosch123> and forking "firs with restrictions" from "firs without restrictions" is insane 22:43:34 <TrueBrain> right ... so it is even a deeper rabbit hole 22:44:01 <frosch123> if we had multiple gs, which can check player actions, that would be awesome, but is utopical :) 22:44:19 <TrueBrain> but something like that would be needed, indeed 22:44:26 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison commented on pull request #8505: Feature: Allow converting track under trains when compatible with the new rail type https://git.io/JLNl1 22:44:36 <TrueBrain> I am close to some specs for something like that btw ... I just need to validate how Squirrel VMs work again :D 22:44:55 <TrueBrain> if creating multiple VMs is an option, or that it has to be 1 VM with multiple instances 22:45:00 <TrueBrain> (Squirrel instances, that is) 22:45:04 <TrueBrain> but that tomorrow :) 22:45:42 <frosch123> every ai has a separate VM, so it is an option. but you probably already knew that :p 22:46:00 <TrueBrain> yeah, but 1 VM per town, for example 22:46:03 <TrueBrain> not sure if that holds up :D 22:46:14 <TrueBrain> ~20k VMs on 4kx4k? :D 22:46:25 <frosch123> no, and i don't think you want that. 22:46:35 <frosch123> that puts gs into the same position as newgrf: no global state 22:46:35 <TrueBrain> I doubt that is efficient :) 22:47:01 <TrueBrain> global state is either way something we need to talk about .. as can there be state between 2 GSes 22:47:09 <frosch123> if gs wants per-town state, it can do that itself 22:47:22 <TrueBrain> but okay .. I will write something down first, makes talking a bit easier, I hope :D 22:47:35 * andythenorth thinks sleeping time 22:47:38 <andythenorth> bye 22:47:38 <frosch123> if you want state between 2 gs, then go for messagepassing. no shared memory :) 22:47:45 <orudge> So, from January - November last year, we had a surplus for the year of around £45. After TrueBrain's post in December, we then had £412 of donations that month! Taking out the new OVH servers, that led to a 'profit' of £337 last year :) 22:47:46 <andythenorth> messages! 22:47:51 <andythenorth> bye 22:47:51 <frosch123> gs can send json to each other 22:47:53 *** andythenorth has quit IRC 22:47:57 <orudge> Now, let's see what the first AWS bill looks like :| 22:48:02 <frosch123> there is some draft for json passing between gs and newgrf somewhere 22:48:14 <TrueBrain> orudge: haha :D Tnx for the update!! 22:48:24 <frosch123> https://wiki.openttd.org/en/Development/Design%20Drafts/GS-NewGRF%20Communication%20via%20JSON <- quite old 22:48:31 <TrueBrain> frosch123: JSON parsing is nasty ... but yeah, it has to be an API of sorts 22:48:35 <TrueBrain> no shared memory no :) 22:48:52 <frosch123> we already have a json parser somewhere 22:49:08 <frosch123> gs <-> admin port probably 22:50:13 <orudge> TrueBrain: Bank balance has increased overall in the past 4 years by just £102, which is fine really, as there's still a fair pile of money sitting there from previous years! 22:50:27 <TrueBrain> slightly insane :) 22:50:38 *** rptr_ has joined #openttd 22:50:40 <TrueBrain> okay, the bill more than halved indeed by having those 2 VPSes doing BaNaNaS 22:50:46 <TrueBrain> current estimate is ~230 dollar this month 22:51:04 <milek7> ouch 22:51:14 <frosch123> we need weak $, strong £ 22:51:19 <orudge> OK. Well, at that rate, we can fund AWS for a couple of years at any rate :) 22:51:39 <TrueBrain> funny, EC2 instances now are the main cost 22:51:42 <TrueBrain> I can get those down a bit 22:51:43 <orudge> well, not "at any rate", that's a confusing expression for me to use when I already said "at that rate" :D 22:51:53 <orudge> but yes 22:51:57 <TrueBrain> owh, and Tax ended up on the first of Jan, which is a bit odd .. 22:52:21 <orudge> If funds look like they're running low at any point, then we can perhaps do a fundraiser, but I think we should be OK for a while yet 22:54:48 <TrueBrain> yeah, and I will fiddle a bit with AWS to see what services I can reduce cost of 22:55:00 <TrueBrain> as I now see for example we are over EBS quota .. that is most likely unintended :D 22:55:12 <TrueBrain> we did 100k IO operations in the last 5 days :D 22:55:39 <orudge> [22:50:57] <frosch123> we need weak $, strong £ <-- it's looking a bit healthier these days, almost back to where it was pre-Brexshit 22:55:47 <orudge> Not quite as nice as when it was £1= though 22:56:12 <TrueBrain> 500k DNS requests in 5 days, lolz 22:56:18 <TrueBrain> people love those DNS queries 22:57:13 <TrueBrain> but yeah, let's see how this month goes :) 23:00:16 *** frosch123 has quit IRC 23:01:21 *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC 23:02:22 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8439: Feature: Make town bridge max length a function of its population https://git.io/JLN8D 23:05:40 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLN8h 23:05:43 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain closed pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLFsM 23:06:07 *** DasPoseidon has quit IRC 23:08:24 *** DasPoseidon has joined #openttd 23:09:26 <LordAro> hmm, i'm not sure my Ensure* functions are being called at all 23:09:33 <LordAro> my print statements aren't doing anything, anyway 23:10:53 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] TrueBrain commented on pull request #8495: Feature: Prevent tunnels from being built under mines https://git.io/JLN4t 23:12:09 <TrueBrain> printf or DEBUG? 23:12:20 <TrueBrain> for some reason I have a hard time seeing the first, the second does work fine :P 23:15:24 <milek7> maybe we need ottd2 23:15:25 <milek7> with multiple track layers :P 23:15:41 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] kiwitreekor opened issue #8506: Town builds unnecessary junctions on highway https://git.io/JLN40 23:15:44 <milek7> (so more real bridges and tunnels) 23:15:59 <TrueBrain> too bad I removed devs.openttd.org .. I always link a an mp4 I think SmatZ once made, when people say these things :) 23:16:05 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] JGRennison commented on pull request #8505: Feature: Allow converting track under trains when compatible with the new rail type https://git.io/JLN4z 23:16:57 <TrueBrain> lol @ "highway" PR .. for most of the time reading it, I was like: wtf is "highway" .. but I guess a NewGRF :D 23:20:18 *** gelignite has quit IRC 23:33:10 *** Wolf01 has quit IRC 23:41:30 <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Eddi-z commented on issue #8506: Town builds unnecessary junctions on highway https://git.io/JLN40 23:49:44 <LordAro> TrueBrain: i use fprintf(stderr by default to avoid stdout weirdnesses :p