Log for #openttd on 29th September 2021:
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10:35:23  *** Webster has joined #openttd
10:41:54  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] ldpl opened pull request #9587: Cleanup: Swap comments for IConsoleModes
10:52:54  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro approved pull request #9587: Cleanup: Swap comments for IConsoleModes
12:11:56  *** Etua has quit IRC
12:16:13  *** glx has joined #openttd
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12:47:25  *** Wuzzy has joined #openttd
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13:15:02  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] nielsmh commented on discussion #9504: [Suggestion] Minimized version of the Online Players window
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13:43:06  *** nielsm has joined #openttd
13:53:49  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/eints] glx22 opened pull request #50: Fix #49: include EINTS manual in the Docker image
14:05:09  <glx> oh nice a new CodeQL alert
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15:02:37  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/eints] glx22 updated pull request #50: Fix #49: include EINTS manual in the Docker image
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15:53:13  <glx> btw docker desktop for windows works very well with wsl2 and a home version
15:53:45  <glx> last time I wanted to try home edition was not supported
16:04:14  *** Kitrana1 has joined #openttd
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16:28:06  *** Eddi|zuHause2 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
16:51:34  *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
17:05:20  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/eints] TrueBrain commented on pull request #50: Fix #49: include EINTS manual in the Docker image
17:30:29  <TrueBrain> okay, with the new changes Cloudflare takes care of more of the traffic :)
17:30:47  <TrueBrain> 50% of the bandwidth is taken care of by Cloudflare
17:31:14  <TrueBrain> seems we have a few pngs on the wiki that are huge :P
17:32:38  <TrueBrain> in peak, 76% was cached
17:32:41  <TrueBrain> so yeah, that worked out fine :)
17:33:00  <nielsm> worth a try running the images on the wiki through a PNG crusher?
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17:33:12  <nielsm> if they haven't already been
17:33:14  <TrueBrain> or just scale a few back :P
17:33:19  <TrueBrain> I think one of them is 1.4MB
17:33:25  <TrueBrain> which is a bit excessive :P
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17:35:15  <TrueBrain>
17:35:16  <TrueBrain> as example
17:35:59  <glx> 32bpp png ?
17:36:42  <nielsm> that one compresses down to 913 kb with an old-ish PNG crusher
17:36:56  <TrueBrain> still huge to embed in a wiki page :)
17:37:00  <TrueBrain> scaling down will have a better effect :)
17:37:01  <nielsm> true
17:37:12  <TrueBrain> but, it is cached now on Cloudflare
17:37:14  <TrueBrain> so .. shrug
17:37:15  <TrueBrain> :)
17:37:27  <nielsm> not sure if scaling down will be good tbh, it might just make it more difficult to read
17:37:41  <frosch123> be careful with posting link

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