Log for #openttd on 30th March 2022:
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10:17:09  *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd
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11:51:34  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] glx22 commented on issue #305: [bg_BG] Translator access request
11:53:15  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/team] glx22 commented on issue #306: [pt_BR] Translator access request
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17:02:07  <TrueBrain> poor orudge :P
17:15:03  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler updated pull request #9833: Feature: Allow disabling local authority control of company actions
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17:59:50  <supermop_work> yo
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18:34:12  <TrueBrain> <- I feel dirty, I used boost ... but I kinda like boost::hana, you can do funky things with that :P No clue what the performance is of this ...
19:01:55  <TrueBrain> @calc 0x67
19:01:55  <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 103
19:03:49  <TrueBrain> @calc 0x2f
19:03:49  <DorpsGek> TrueBrain: 47
19:03:54  <TrueBrain> tnx DorpsGek
19:32:38  *** frosch123 has joined #openttd
19:44:04  <frosch123> hmm, i did not know that boost::json exists. it's quite new compared to the rest of boost
19:44:18  <TrueBrain> it really is
19:44:46  <frosch123> in the past boost supported json via some propertytree class, which was considered terrible
19:45:29  <frosch123> so, now there are two boost thingies which can do json, one apparently better
19:45:39  <frosch123> everyone i know uses nlohmann :)
19:46:14  <frosch123> anyway, where do we get a new tb? the old one discovered boost::hana, i think it cannot recover from that
19:46:16  <TrueBrain> yeah .. but nlohmann decided to be strict-JSON only
19:46:18  <TrueBrain> which sucks ass
19:46:43  <TrueBrain> hahaha :D You rather have I used boost::fusion? :P
19:53:56  <frosch123> do you know about the "circle" compiler? :p
19:54:11  <TrueBrain> the what?
19:55:10  <frosch123> it's an extended c++ compiler, that can run any part of the code a compile time, including generating new c++ code to include in the compilation
19:55:22  <TrueBrain> .... SKYNET
19:55:41  <frosch123>
19:56:36  <TrueBrain> brr.
19:56:38  <frosch123> it's now used to build experimental c++ features, prototyping metaclasses and other stuff
19:57:43  <frosch123> but the funny problem of circle and c++2x metaclasses is: if your own code runs at compile-time, you also need a debugger that runs at compile-time :)
19:58:23  <frosch123> imagine how hard it is to debug macros, now imagine macros with the strength of c++ :)
19:58:47  <TrueBrain> .....
19:58:48  <TrueBrain> RUN
19:58:59  <frosch123> you started with boost::hana :)
20:00:44  <TrueBrain> give me another way to avoid code duplication, and I take it! :P
20:24:38  <supermop_work>
20:24:45  <supermop_work> :(
20:25:38  <frosch123> we need to reflect that in a ottd release in two days
20:25:58  <TrueBrain> pam pam pammm
20:26:08  <TrueBrain> curious if anyone prepared a release in secret :D
20:26:40  <nielsm> replace the sprite with a block of rubble
20:27:56  <supermop_work> :((((
20:28:17  <supermop_work> i could draw that
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