Log for #openttd on 25th November 2022:
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10:48:52  <pickpacket> I'm pondering making a vehicle NewGRF. Just for fun. I don't know what kind of vehicle(s) to add though
10:52:21  <petern> Bicycles, the best.
10:58:21  <pickpacket> petern: there is a velomobile NewGRF already
10:58:50  <petern> Right but the game needs cargo bikes.
11:00:53  *** WormnestAndroid has quit IRC
11:01:47  <andythenorth> electric cargo bikes
11:01:49  <andythenorth> with catenary
11:01:57  <andythenorth> fuck why has nobody invented that?
11:02:01  <andythenorth> could be like dodgems
11:02:13  <andythenorth> metal floor, metal wheels, big grid in the sky
11:03:52  *** WormnestAndroid has joined #openttd
11:38:18  <pickpacket> andythenorth: nobody has invented it because the infrastructure is too expensive
11:38:58  <petern> Gotta love BBC Micro art 😄 <>
11:39:44  <petern> You can click on any of the images to open it in a javascript BBC Micro emulator and watch it draw.
11:53:03  *** Tirili has joined #openttd
11:58:46  <FLHerne> pickpacket: those Indian things with two rail wheels and one road wheel
11:59:10  <FLHerne> presumably as a roadtype
12:01:59  <FLHerne>
12:04:32  <pickpacket> FLHerne: those look pretty damn cool!
12:04:55  <FLHerne> related are these things
12:05:14  <FLHerne> with two road wheels and one line of rail wheels
12:05:43  <pickpacket> also, Chinese wheel barrows as (primarily) goods transports:
12:06:03  <FLHerne> actually there's a lot of stuff on Douglas Self's site that would make a good "just for fun" grf
12:11:32  <pickpacket> would be fun to add some sort of steam engine that's fast but has a really short lifespan. Although I guess that would be some ultimate cheese if you have vehicle breakdowns turned off
12:54:01  <petern> Probably in a way that doesn't matter 😄
12:55:09  <pickpacket> :D
13:08:17  <petern> Ah balls, it's not possible to clear text-decoration later 😦
13:08:21  <petern> Stupid CSS
13:09:16  <pickpacket> :(
13:09:29  <pickpacket> does the UI use CSS?
13:15:23  *** Samu has joined #openttd
13:16:08  <Samu> hello
13:20:51  <petern> No but my actual work does ;D
13:21:18  <Samu> I've been receiving email notifications about GS/scenario editor issues that I've reported in the past which are now being addressed, but not really
13:21:41  <petern> From github?
13:21:44  <Samu> yes
13:21:53  <petern> Okay. Best place to respond is on the issues in github.
13:24:00  <Samu> i already did respond, but something I say is being lost in translations. I either don't express myself well, or you chose to ignore the problems.
13:25:05  <Samu> I feel powerless
13:26:04  <Samu> there will be save/load issues if you allow changing GS/AIs in scenario editor when the loaded scenario has AIs already in them
13:28:17  <Samu> I had proposed locking all AIs / GSs from being edited in scenario editor if loading a savegame as a scenarion in the editor
13:31:09  <Samu> even with a blank scenario from fresh, if you configure a GS on it, then save, and load the scenario back, the GS instance will be active, as there is no method implemented in the GS script code to know whether the instance was started or not
13:33:13  <Samu> the recent "fixes" which are not really fixes at all, is just allowing AIs and GSs to be configurable/changeable in the editor after they've started. That's no fix, it's completely ignoring the underlying issue
13:37:13  <petern> Are you 

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