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22:45:23 <_glx_> I won't recommend using hexadecimal 🙂 22:45:43 <LordAro> peter1138: names? pah, looxury 22:45:54 <peter1138> Look up the Z80 MPF-1. 22:46:39 <peter1138> I had lessons programming with them. 22:47:15 <peter1138> It was out of date even then mind you, but back then we were taught basics of computing. 22:48:02 <_glx_> z80 is fun, I wrote some for ti85 22:48:03 <peter1138> That was in '94-95, which is a bit mad as the BBC Micro we had in the 80s had a full assembler built in to BASIC. 22:48:19 <_glx_> but never tried on cpc 22:48:38 <_glx_> except pages of DATA and POKES 22:48:41 <peter1138> But it was about learning how instructions work, what they are, etc etc. The goals would've been something very simple. 22:49:18 <peter1138> https://clrhome.org/table/ 22:50:01 <_glx_> 6502 is simple too 22:50:12 <peter1138> (Instructions are variable byte length in the z80) 22:50:27 <peter1138> Yeah, 6502 was simpler. And only 3 registers. 22:50:48 <_glx_> z80 is a 8bit/16bit hybrid 22:51:39 <johnfranklin> I am too young… 22:52:16 <peter1138> Although 6502 has zero-page, fast access to the first 256 bytes of memory to use as temporaries. 22:54:51 <johnfranklin> I was born near the midpoint between badger mushroom and openttd 0.1. 22:59:09 <peter1138> So yeah, writing assembly isn't writing hexadecimal bytes, although you might have hexadecimal values in places. 23:00:00 <peter1138> Disassembly is taking the machine code bytes and displaying it as the relevant instructions. That's why you get the hex on one side and the instructions next to it.