Log for #openttd on 28th November 2024:
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00:02:41  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #13117: Codechange: Sort Engine ID mapping for fast lookups
00:36:58  <peter1138> Hmm, if SlSetArrayIndex supported out-of-order elements this sorting stuff would be unnecessary.
00:45:11  <peter1138> But it doesn't.
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06:49:59  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM commented on issue #9056: missing scrollbar on infrastructure window
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09:59:05  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on issue #9056: missing scrollbar on infrastructure window
09:59:26  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM opened pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
10:00:16  <truebrain> lol
10:00:17  <LordAro> peter1138: too slow
10:00:45  <truebrain> that will be painful to undo, all those coding-style changes
10:00:52  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro requested changes for pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
10:00:57  <LordAro> mwhaha.
10:01:16  <truebrain> First-time contributor .. you could have used a bit more words 🙂
10:01:35  <peter1138> Oh
10:01:41  <peter1138> What timing!
10:02:33  <peter1138> I had a patch for that one...
10:02:37  <LordAro> truebrain: better? :)
10:03:00  <truebrain> LordAro: 1000 times better, yes. Tnx 🙂
10:03:06  <LordAro> i ain't giving them a CI run though :p
10:03:06  <peter1138> Instead of adding a scrolling, I just made it not show anything which is at 0.
10:03:15  <LordAro> lol
10:04:28  <peter1138> I think I have more stashes than last time.
10:04:30  <peter1138> 472 :S
10:11:07  <LordAro> lol
10:58:30  <peter1138> Oh, my coffee ran out.
11:00:47  <peter1138> This morning I have been productively removing code.
11:01:04  <LordAro> most productive
11:28:37  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM updated pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
11:33:26  <xarick> youtube distracts me too much
11:43:54  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] LordAro dismissed a review for pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
12:02:41  <peter1138> I was ready for me o'clock, and then missed it.
12:04:36  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
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13:20:57  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM updated pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
13:23:23  <peter1138> Better, but not quite emplace_back.
13:26:21  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM commented on pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
13:32:40  <_glx_> Yeah adding a ctor but not using it
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14:09:17  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM updated pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
14:11:09  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM commented on pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
14:14:48  <xarick>
14:14:48  <xarick> uh oh ....
14:15:15  <xarick> that's not right
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14:33:28  <peter1138> `auto [first, last] = this->vscroll->GetVisibleRangeIterators(this->infrastructurelist);`
14:33:37  <peter1138> Nice to see my helper functions being helpful 🙂
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14:37:16  <xarick>
14:37:16  <xarick> what can I learn from this
14:38:33  <xarick> origin_tile was originally inclined river slope
14:39:33  <xarick> then it tried to widen it with a radius of 3 (actually diameter, but whatever)
14:40:22  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] 2TallTyler commented on pull request #13129: Codechange: Make AyStarStatus an enum class.
14:41:37  <xarick> when it got to 4712008, for some weird wrong reason, it tried to match the inclined slope of the first whatever adjacent river it came through, and that's 4712007
14:42:21  <xarick> and decides to lower SLOPE_S, which clears the inclined river at 4716104
14:43:37  <xarick> further down the circular tile search, it ends up raising that corner again
14:44:29  <xarick> and places rivers at 4712009 and 4716105
14:44:48  <xarick> but the origin_tile is left behind without water
14:44:52  <xarick> RIP
14:46:24  <xarick> hmm so, how am I solving this...
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17:01:10  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] GeneralxTaktikus commented on issue #13080: [Bug]: Train does not find way into "Zugdepot"
17:26:16  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM updated pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
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17:46:52  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] NahashonM updated pull request #13130: Fix #9056: [interface] missing scrollbar on infrastructure window.
17:48:06  <xarick>
17:48:06  <xarick> some success...
17:48:22  <xarick> after vs before
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17:52:54  <xarick> I want to deal with this a big more graciously
18:35:44  <xarick>
18:35:44  <xarick> mr talltyler halp!
18:37:05  <xarick> currently iterating the river on the right, desired_slope is SE
18:37:36  <xarick> expanding it means eating away 1 length off from the river on the left
18:37:55  <xarick> results: lengths 2, 2 on both rivers
18:39:07  <xarick> this might be the ideal result, now I just need to code this logic
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19:48:19  <peter1138> Do I want to binary-searchify this?
20:03:43  <xarick> I'm getting conflictuous values 😦
20:03:56  <xarick> I don't know which river came first
20:07:05  <xarick> why is the desired_slope SW at 15046017
20:07:49  <xarick> the picture I'm looking at is misleading me...
20:15:08  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN updated pull request #13129: Codechange: Make AyStarStatus an enum class.
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20:22:10  <xarick> oops, i'm dumb
20:22:19  <xarick> forgot to clear a line
20:23:39  <xarick> it's not the picture misleading me, it's me setting up the wrong desired_slope 😐
20:24:52  <peter1138> Well.
20:25:45  <peter1138> So JGRPP players like to play with ancient non-cargo aware NewGRFs.
20:27:03  <_jgr_> A typical player has no way of knowing whether a GRF is cargo aware or not
20:28:14  <peter1138> If you think I'm blaming players you are incorrect.
20:43:33  <peter1138> Ok, US Trains does use classes.
21:06:35  <peter1138> Just not always.
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21:36:57  <xarick> pick a random river slope to enlarge
21:37:16  <xarick> as long as it doesn't break any of the rivers... 🙂 is my solution
21:37:31  <xarick> let's see if it works
21:40:35  <peter1138> > [2024-11-28 21:39:10] dbg: [grf:0] [54570101-us_train_set-0.87.4d.tar/us_train_set-0.87.4d/ussetw.grf:167] Translated bit  4 to WOOD
21:40:37  <peter1138> What?
21:40:39  <peter1138> Bit 4 to WOOD?
21:40:54  <dwfreed> wood for sheep
21:42:31  <peter1138> <>
21:42:38  <peter1138> No bit 4 is WOOD.
21:43:45  <dwfreed> it's a catan joke
21:44:05  <peter1138> Oof
21:46:19  <peter1138> Just a bug then.
22:11:03  <peter1138> I think I have a fix.
22:11:40  <peter1138> Although if it makes those road vehicles carry acid... 😄
22:13:27  <peter1138> Nope.
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22:31:26  <peter1138> "Why is this patch so big?" "Oh, I included all my diagnostics..."
22:40:44  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN opened pull request #13131: Fix 51bd344f10: Incorrect translation table used for older NewGRFs.
22:40:52  <xarick> grr... i'm horribad at this
22:40:56  <xarick> 🙂
22:41:32  <xarick> sometimes the desired_slope is flat!
22:41:46  <xarick> what do I do in this situation?
22:43:07  <xarick> very difficult to handle this
22:43:23  <xarick> I'm not experienced with 3D tiling
22:44:58  <xarick> the reason why my AI doesn't terraform
22:45:09  <xarick> I have no skills
22:52:59  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on pull request #13131: Fix 51bd344f10: Incorrect translation table used for older NewGRFs.
22:57:58  <peter1138> Hmm, I wonder.
23:02:27  <peter1138> Yeah, I can almost make it work properly by fixing the pre-v7 test, but the sometimes-bitnum-sometimes-not thing is the pain which needed more.
23:31:52  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] michicc approved pull request #13131: Fix 51bd344f10: Incorrect translation table used for older NewGRFs.
23:58:26  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] Flipbard opened issue #13132: [Bug]: openSFX no railroad building sounds

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