Log for #openttd on 3rd December 2024:
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2024-12-02T162024-12-02T22:43:46  <peter1138> Yeah, everything is failing with check annotations. Hmm.
13:59:59  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/OpenTTD] PeterN commented on issue #13147: [Bug]: String issues with railtype GRF cause crash
14:00:52  *** XYZ_ has joined #openttd
14:01:49  <johnfranklin> I made and ate some β€œpesto chow mein”
14:08:19  <xarick> ewww... deque eats more memory, at least in debug mode
14:08:46  <peter1138> As long as you are not removing items, then yes.
14:17:21  <xarick> i dont know how to profile memory usage
14:20:02  <yozora3> talltyler: Thank you for pointing this out, pushed an update with every {STRING} block defined
14:23:32  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/actions] LordAro opened pull request #84: Print annotations in annotations check and ignore ubuntu-latest warnings
14:27:53  <truebrain> LordAro: I do not understand your part that you talk about using APIs and I don't know what more to see annotations?
14:28:03  <truebrain> They are very visible on several places in the CI results
14:28:34  <LordAro> truebrain: all of the CI results are currently failing due to "ubuntu-latest pipelines will use ubuntu-24.04 soon. For more details, see" which appears nowhere in the CI that anyone can find
14:28:46  <LordAro> it only appears in (e.g.)
14:28:52  <LordAro> sorry, should've put that in the PR
14:29:12  <truebrain> Go to a PR, go to Checks tab, click Annotations
14:29:35  <truebrain> Otherwise, click on the group of CI results and scroll below the graph of dependencies
14:30:20  <peter1138> This one is visible on Summary.
14:30:31  <LordAro> ...huh
14:30:33  <truebrain> I am not against your PR btw, just surprised "nobody" could find it πŸ˜„
14:30:38  <LordAro> well, none of us could find it last night :D
14:30:57  <LordAro> and i definitely tend to click the CI job with the red cross on it
14:31:06  <LordAro> (and expect to find more info)
14:31:21  <truebrain> Annotations are one level higher
14:31:30  <truebrain> So you have to click back one level to see them πŸ™‚
14:32:13  <truebrain> Owh, they even made it more visible I see
14:32:16  <truebrain>
14:32:25  <truebrain> On the CI results, click the Annotation button on top
14:32:29  <truebrain> Also checks them
14:33:07  <peter1138> I think I saw 1 error and 1 warning. And thought -- well, that's the warning, what's the error?
14:33:16  <truebrain> Again, your PR still sounds like a good idea, just surprised by the reasoning πŸ˜„
14:33:33  <truebrain> We make the error, because there is a warning :d
14:34:15  <truebrain> Just annoying GitHub uses a warning for these things
14:34:19  <truebrain> Should be an info, tbfh
14:34:22  <DorpsGek> [OpenTTD/actions] LordAro updated pull request #84: Print annotations in annotations check and ignore ubuntu-latest warnings
14:35:06  <truebrain> Anyway, your PR does two things. You know how we feel about that πŸ˜›
14:35:17  <LordAro> that's why it's two commits!
14:35:22  <LordAro> one depends on the other
14:35:30  <truebrain> And those commit messages
14:35:33  <truebrain> Owh boy!
14:35:46  <truebrain> Wtf
14:35:48  <LordAro> Seemed silly to make two PRs for that
14:35:50  <truebrain> Discord...
14:36:00  <LordAro> I'm at work, no conventions for commit messages here...
14:36:09  <peter1138> <>
14:36:15  <truebrai2024-12-03T22:38:15  <xarick> sometimes I forget why I do things
22:51:40  *** Wormnest has quit IRC
22:54:08  *** Flygon has joined #openttd
22024-12-04T22:44:14  *** m_ has joined #openttd

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