Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 2nd April 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:02:48  <Stablean> *** Cameron has left the game (connection lost)
00:33:36  <Stablean> *** Cameron joined the game
00:35:42  *** Intexon_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
00:37:39  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
00:38:47  *** Intexon has quit IRC
01:12:24  <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
01:14:17  <Stablean> *** md joined the game
01:14:49  <Stablean> *** Cameron has left the game (connection lost)
01:28:26  <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game
01:39:15  <Stablean> *** md has left the game (connection lost)
01:54:44  <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
01:55:00  <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game
01:56:23  <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
02:01:25  *** Sylf has quit IRC
02:07:42  *** Sylf has joined #openttdcoop.stable
02:18:07  <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game
02:19:04  <Stablean> *** MrD2DG has left the game (leaving)
02:19:04  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
02:19:04  <Stablean> *** Sylf has joined company #5
02:19:04  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
02:19:17  *** MrD2DG has quit IRC
02:39:35  *** Intexon_ has quit IRC
02:45:15  <Stablean> *** Cameron joined the game
02:45:26  <Stablean> *** Cameron has joined company #4
02:47:21  <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
02:49:24  <Stablean> *** Cameron has left the game (leaving)
02:49:24  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
02:52:04  <Stablean> *** oomwrtu joined the game
02:53:11  <Stablean> *** oomwrtu has left the game (connection lost)
02:53:15  <Stablean> *** Vinnie has left the game (connection lost)
02:55:23  *** Sylf has quit IRC
03:06:30  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
03:06:30  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
03:06:46  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi anyone arround?
03:09:40  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
03:09:40  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
03:56:11  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
03:56:11  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
04:05:24  <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game
04:07:21  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
04:08:17  <Stablean> <Player> hi vinnie again
04:09:44  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
04:30:10  <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
04:35:09  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
04:35:09  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
04:35:53  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
04:35:53  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
04:43:58  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
04:43:58  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
05:37:21  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
05:37:21  <Stablean> *** md joined the game
05:49:35  *** tneo has quit IRC
05:51:46  *** Webster` has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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05:52:30  *** planetmaker has quit IRC
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06:02:39  *** Mazur has quit IRC
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06:03:09  *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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06:17:40  <Stablean> *** T. Werkhoven joined the game
06:19:04  *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
06:19:04  *** sets mode: +ov V453000 V453000
06:21:02  <Stablean> *** T. Werkhoven has left the game (connection lost)
06:33:15  <Stablean> *** md has left the game (connection lost)
06:33:15  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:57:22  *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable
07:42:03  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
07:43:10  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
08:43:46  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:43:48  <Stablean> *** TrainsOfSodor joined the game
09:20:55  <Mazur> everyone.
09:20:58  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> hi
09:21:06  <Mazur> lo
09:21:34  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> gah, making money so slowly xD
09:43:18  *** Hippidy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:43:44  <Stablean> *** Hippidy joined the game
09:45:57  <Stablean> *** Hippidy has left the game (leaving)
09:46:31  <Stablean> *** ed joined the game
09:48:21  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
09:48:23  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> hi
09:48:29  <Stablean> <V453000> hi
09:49:43  <V453000> !rcon reset_company 2
09:49:43  <Stablean> V453000: Company deleted.
09:50:17  <Stablean> <V453000> boomie :)
09:50:50  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> I'm not doing too bad for a single network plus the product being transported xD
09:51:05  <Stablean> <V453000> ?
09:51:12  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> my company
09:51:34  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> it's almost all just a bubble/cola network, and not a massive one at that xD
09:51:44  <Stablean> <V453000> disgusting station walk
09:51:50  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> ?
09:51:52  <Stablean> <V453000> I should almost delete your company for such an abuse
09:51:56  <Stablean> <V453000> Splutterville FD2
09:52:34  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> couldn't build anywhere near there at that point, there will always be a big gap
09:52:53  <Stablean> <V453000> I think you could
09:53:13  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> well, then I'd have an issue with that road lol
09:53:17  <Stablean> <V453000> no
09:53:23  <Stablean> <V453000> just go the other way around
09:53:25  <Stablean> *** V453000 has started a new company (#2)
09:53:47  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> have you seen how many railway tracks are behind there? it'd be a right mess
09:54:05  <Stablean> <V453000> can I join you to show?
09:54:10  <Stablean> *** V453000 has joined spectators
09:54:14  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> no, let me try to work things out
09:55:05  <Stablean> *** ed has left the game (leaving)
09:55:17  <Stablean> <V453000> or even that way :)
09:55:29  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> there was another way other than these two? :L
09:55:45  <Stablean> <V453000> I think there are many ways
09:55:59  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> most are not usable due to the large network being in the way
09:56:12  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> I built that route with next-to-no money before anyway
09:56:14  <Stablean> <V453000> no, I am considering the rail there
09:59:13  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> happy now? :P
10:00:23  <Stablean> <V453000> sure :) just try harder next time please :P
10:00:47  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> I'd have built that before if i could've afforded it
10:01:06  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> I didn't like it either, was the only thing I could do at the time
10:05:45  <Stablean> *** MrD2DG joined the game
10:05:48  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi
10:05:53  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> hi
10:06:17  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Woah what happened to V's company
10:07:04  <Stablean> <V453000> removed :p
10:07:18  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> More land for me! :D
10:07:31  <Stablean> <V453000> all islands were taken so I freed one up :p
10:08:28  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
10:11:58  *** Hippidy has quit IRC
10:17:35  <Stablean> *** stevino joined the game
10:19:53  <Stablean> *** stevino has left the game (leaving)
11:00:32  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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11:30:35  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
11:31:14  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
11:40:18  <Stablean> *** Ocas joined the game
11:41:26  <Stablean> *** Ocas has left the game (leaving)
12:00:45  <Stablean> *** TrainsOfSodor has left the game (leaving)
12:05:56  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
12:12:07  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
12:25:20  *** Intexon_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
12:30:04  <Stablean> *** propliner joined the game
12:30:20  <Stablean> <propliner> ah, my eyes
12:30:24  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :)
12:30:30  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> We dont do toyland often
12:31:46  <Stablean> *** propliner has started a new company (#2)
12:32:30  <Stablean> <propliner> hope the toyland vehicles are any good :)
12:32:40  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Not really :P Veyr limited
12:33:14  <Stablean> <propliner> aye, seem to be
12:34:22  <Stablean> <propliner> battery farm, eh?
12:34:27  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Uh huh :)
12:42:54  <Stablean> *** propliner has left the game (connection lost)
12:43:25  <Stablean> *** propliner joined the game
12:58:57  <Stablean> *** TrainsOfSodor joined the game
13:00:53  <Stablean> *** propliner has left the game (connection lost)
13:01:35  <Stablean> *** propliner joined the game
13:14:11  <Stablean> *** Yoshi joined the game
13:14:13  <Stablean> <Yoshi> Hello
13:14:17  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi
13:14:23  <Stablean> <propliner> hi
13:15:22  <Stablean> *** Yoshi has left the game (leaving)
13:27:08  <Stablean> <TrainsOfSodor> fail - run over by his own train xD
13:27:14  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Lol
13:39:20  <Stablean> *** TrainsOfSodor has left the game (leaving)
13:52:37  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
13:52:39  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi all
13:52:43  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hey
13:52:45  <Stablean> <propliner> hi
13:53:55  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
13:55:14  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I decided to report the yellow/orange colour bug
13:55:39  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh yeah the colours should be changed a bit
13:58:19  <V453000> ?
13:58:38  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Orange and yellow CC look very similar
13:58:44  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes
13:58:54  <V453000> always did
13:59:02  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yep
13:59:21  <V453000> everybody was fine with it always, just use other colour if you want to differ
14:03:20  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
14:50:34  <Stablean> *** Huni joined the game
14:55:37  <Stablean> *** Huni has left the game (leaving)
15:08:09  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ugh
15:08:11  <Stablean> <propliner> ups
15:08:30  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> First crash :D
15:08:42  <Stablean> <propliner> :)
15:37:10  *** DayDreamer has quit IRC
15:55:32  *** tneo- is now known as tneo
16:04:53  <Stablean> <propliner> damn local authority ;(
16:04:59  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P
16:05:09  <Stablean> <propliner> one building!
16:07:27  <Stablean> <propliner> 2000 trees later...
16:07:35  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ugh i just need money Ive been meaning to start producing toys since yesterday :/
16:08:07  <Stablean> <propliner> your unfinished bridges there?
16:08:22  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> That and the bridges/entrace to the toy factory
16:08:49  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> And since its diagonal i cant bridge so im gonna have to raise land @ 5mill a point :/
16:09:00  <Stablean> <propliner> ;(
16:09:18  <Stablean> <propliner> had the same problem with the damn mayor
16:09:24  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P
16:10:54  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Shit should of waited for the trains to go into the depot :/
16:12:11  <Stablean> *** lol--lol joined the game
16:13:24  <Stablean> *** lol--lol has left the game (connection lost)
16:15:19  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> shit my companies gonna die xD
16:15:49  <Stablean> <propliner> get some trains out?
16:16:03  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I have but not all track is mono
16:16:13  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ugh
16:16:24  <Stablean> <propliner> gridlock...
16:16:31  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Uh huh
16:17:35  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Woah
16:17:39  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thanks hope itll help
16:18:01  <Stablean> <propliner> let's see how it goes
16:22:44  <Stablean> <propliner> did you succeed?
16:22:52  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I think i may have
16:23:04  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Not sure though, d/w ill pay you back if i do :)
16:23:21  <Stablean> <propliner> alright ;)
16:24:11  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I got so excited upgrading to maglev i forgot to make sure all trains were in a depot :/
16:24:21  <Stablean> <propliner> shit happens
16:24:32  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> uh huh
16:33:01  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Want me to remove the depot?
16:33:20  <Stablean> <propliner> nah, not necessary, but thanks
16:33:32  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> You sure? :P
16:33:34  <Stablean> <propliner> it's because of 90° curves
16:33:40  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh
16:33:43  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah they are bad
16:33:55  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thanks again :)
16:34:09  <Stablean> <propliner> thanks, but the original amount would have done it :)
16:34:28  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I would've given more without your money i wouldnt have a company :P
16:34:35  <Stablean> <propliner> ;)
16:45:20  <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali joined the game
16:45:28  <Stablean> <DnZ-Ali> hi all
16:45:30  <Stablean> <propliner> hi
16:45:33  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hi
16:45:41  <Stablean> <DnZ-Ali> hard color map :D
16:45:51  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :P
16:46:53  <Stablean> *** md joined the game
16:47:00  <Stablean> <DnZ-Ali> bye
16:47:05  <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali has left the game (leaving)
16:57:50  <Stablean> *** md has joined spectators
16:57:56  <Stablean> *** md has started a new company (#9)
16:58:15  <Stablean> *** md has joined spectators
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17:06:12  <Stablean> <propliner> you missed something
17:06:14  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> ?
17:06:25  <Stablean> <propliner> the bridge near your HQ
17:06:31  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh i know
17:06:34  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thats maglev
17:07:10  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> The train upgraded and got out before the bridge isnt needed atm
17:07:24  <Stablean> <propliner> ah, I see
17:07:30  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Gonna upgrade again soon waiting for 10 mil
17:07:46  <Stablean> <propliner> :)
17:08:01  <Stablean> <propliner> what's up with Train 20? never seen No power before
17:08:11  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Its a maglev stuck on monorail
17:08:17  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> So it isnt powered
17:08:24  <Stablean> <propliner> haha, okay
17:09:22  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Hmm ill wait till 14mil just to play it safe train upgrades are 100k each
17:09:50  <Stablean> <propliner> will take a while
17:10:10  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> currently @ 11 mil so hopefully not :D
17:10:17  <Stablean> <propliner> ;)
17:17:00  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Done :)
17:17:06  <Stablean> <propliner> nice :)
17:20:21  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> md can you remove your road !here please
17:20:27  <Stablean> <md> se
17:20:29  <Stablean> <md> sec
17:20:35  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> k
17:21:00  <Stablean> <md> that work?
17:23:16  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yeah
17:23:18  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thanks
17:28:53  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
17:29:34  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hhhm big jam
17:29:37  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> not worth fixing
17:30:07  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Woah that big?
17:30:29  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> I dont see one...
17:30:35  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> train 66 hasn't moved for more than 2 years
17:31:00  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Prio :P
17:31:18  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Remove it = jam fixed :)
17:34:10  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined company #1
17:34:23  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Woah
17:34:25  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> finish you line now MrD2DG
17:34:33  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Thanks :)
17:35:11  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> :D
17:36:06  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
17:38:52  <Stablean> *** md has left the game (connection lost)
17:44:31  <Stablean> *** TrainsOfSodor joined the game
17:45:04  <Stablean> *** TrainsOfSodor has left the game (connection lost)
17:45:38  <Stablean> *** TrainsOfSodor joined the game
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18:01:09  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh
18:01:16  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Time flies
18:15:09  <Stablean> <propliner> I'm out, bye
18:15:13  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> bb
18:15:27  <Stablean> *** propliner has left the game (leaving)
18:22:37  <Stablean> *** Sylf joined the game
18:50:23  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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18:50:46  <Stablean> <Sylf> MrD2DG: check your fizzy drink factory
18:50:58  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Ouch, thanks
18:51:12  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Oh it fixed itself :P
18:51:20  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> maybe not :/
18:51:36  <Stablean> <Sylf> maybe couple less soda trains
19:00:28  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
19:19:32  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Shit
19:27:31  <Stablean> *** ed joined the game
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19:34:29  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Dammit
19:40:04  <Stablean> *** frutiemax joined the game
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19:44:06  <Stablean> <V453000> hi
19:44:06  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
19:44:08  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> hi
19:45:26  <Stablean> <V453000> Sylf replicating psg 195 with the 2headed TL2? :)
19:48:27  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
20:11:02  <Stablean> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving)
20:38:28  <Stablean> *** Kejhic joined the game
20:38:44  <Stablean> <Kejhic> toyland :-)))
20:39:27  <Stablean> *** Kejhic has joined company #2
20:39:55  <Stablean> <MrD2DG> Yep :D
20:40:13  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
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21:26:44  <Stablean> *** md joined the game
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22:56:24  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
23:24:11  <Stablean> *** DonShot joined the game
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