Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 19th September 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:36:16  <Stablean> *** ACM joined the game
00:39:03  <Stablean> *** ACM has left the game (leaving)
03:07:23  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
03:07:24  <Stablean> *** md joined the game
03:13:07  <Stablean> *** md has left the game (leaving)
03:13:07  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:05:52  *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable
06:07:19  *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop.stable
06:11:08  *** Vinnie_nl has joined #openttdcoop.stable
06:11:08  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Vinnie_nl
07:17:36  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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07:52:24  *** hanf has joined #openttdcoop.stable
08:02:43  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:02:46  <Stablean> *** Dahulix joined the game
08:23:44  <Stablean> *** Dahulix has left the game (leaving)
08:23:45  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:33:06  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:33:07  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
09:16:11  <Stablean> *** Dahulix joined the game
09:18:01  <Stablean> <Dahulix> hi
09:18:31  <Stablean> *** Dahulix has left the game (leaving)
09:44:29  *** tneo has quit IRC
09:44:29  *** SmatZ has quit IRC
09:44:29  *** Hirundo has quit IRC
09:44:31  *** Stablean has quit IRC
09:44:47  *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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09:47:22  *** tneo has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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09:48:06  *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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09:48:22  *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:48:22  *** SmatZ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:48:56  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
09:49:00  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
09:49:23  *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:49:23  *** Webster sets mode: +o ^Spike^
09:49:53  *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
09:49:53  *** XeryusTC has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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09:51:27  *** planetmaker has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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09:52:14  <Stablean> <V453000> hi
09:52:14  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
09:54:01  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
10:12:52  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (connection lost)
10:12:52  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
10:16:30  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
10:16:30  <Stablean> *** joined the game
11:26:23  *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:26:24  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster
11:26:34  <Stablean> V450000000000, now you can execute !-commands ;-)
11:42:36  *** Webster has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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11:42:59  *** tneo has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:43:00  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o tneo
11:43:14  *** Stablean has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:43:14  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop Welcome to OpenTTD Server | 1.1.3 | Admin channel (ask for op) | IF you prepare map, read | run !setdef after loading a new game"
11:43:14  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Stablean
11:43:15  *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:43:16  *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:43:16  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ammler
11:43:23  <Stablean> V450000000000, now you can execute !-commands ;-)
11:43:49  *** SmatZ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:43:57  *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
11:43:57  *** Webster sets mode: +o ^Spike^
11:44:46  *** XeryusTC has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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11:44:58  *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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12:18:56  *** taede has joined #openttdcoop.stable
12:19:04  *** taede is now known as TWerkhoven
13:06:11  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:06:15  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
13:06:15  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:06:23  <Stablean> <Player> why password reset?
13:06:29  <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #1
13:06:29  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:06:57  <planetmaker> because host machine rebooted
13:07:10  <planetmaker> and please chose a proper nickname
13:07:18  <planetmaker> or we might reset more than a password
13:08:21  <planetmaker> trallalala.... Player. Use !name newname in the chat to change your name
13:08:24  <planetmaker> !rcon clients
13:08:24  <Stablean> planetmaker: Client #1  name: 'Stablean'  company: 255  IP: server
13:08:24  <Stablean> planetmaker: Client #19  name: 'Player'  company: 1  IP:
13:08:30  <planetmaker> !rcon move 19 255
13:08:31  <Stablean> planetmaker: ‎*** Player has joined spectators
13:08:31  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:08:34  <planetmaker> and read chat ;-)
13:09:22  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
13:09:50  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:09:54  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
13:09:54  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:10:08  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
13:10:23  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:10:25  <Stablean> *** Player has joined spectators
13:10:26  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:10:33  <Stablean> *** Player has joined company #1
13:10:33  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:10:45  <planetmaker> type !name newname in chat
13:10:49  <planetmaker> should usually work
13:11:18  <planetmaker> !rcon clients
13:11:19  <Stablean> planetmaker: Client #1  name: 'Stablean'  company: 255  IP: server
13:11:19  <Stablean> planetmaker: Client #24  name: 'Player'  company: 1  IP:
13:11:40  <planetmaker> tralalala
13:11:48  <planetmaker> I've been talking to you...
13:11:56  <planetmaker> and I've been moving you to spectator...
13:12:16  <planetmaker> and will do so again, if you can't choose a proper nickname
13:12:43  <planetmaker> !rcon move 24 255
13:12:43  <Stablean> planetmaker: CmdBuildSingleRail           Player  date:2056-04-26  tile:00011C62  p1:00000000 p2:00000005 text: price:23
13:12:43  <Stablean> planetmaker: CmdBuildSingleRail           Player  date:2056-04-26  tile:00011C62  p1:00000000 p2:00000001 text: price:23
13:12:43  <Stablean> planetmaker: CmdBuildSingleRail           Player  date:2056-04-26  tile:00011C62  p1:00000000 p2:00000003 text: price:23
13:12:43  <Stablean> planetmaker: ‎*** Player has joined spectators
13:12:44  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:12:52  <Stablean> <Player> a
13:12:58  <Stablean> *** Player has changed his/her name to I
13:13:17  <planetmaker> thanks
13:13:24  <Stablean> <I> hey man! join to any company? stop stopping the game
13:14:22  <Stablean> <I> hey y!
13:14:31  <planetmaker> the game is not stopped when at least someone is in the company
13:14:48  <planetmaker> so go ahead and join your company
13:14:50  <Stablean> *** I has joined company #1
13:14:50  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:14:52  <Stablean> <I> sorr
13:14:55  <planetmaker> now that you chose a nickname
13:14:58  <Stablean> <I> when change name ?
13:15:04  <Stablean> <I> reset
13:15:16  <Stablean> <I> namechange kick from company
13:15:18  <Stablean> <I> _
13:15:27  <planetmaker> the kick from company was I
13:15:33  <planetmaker> not the game
13:16:03  <planetmaker> might have co-incidence
13:16:07  <planetmaker> +been
13:17:40  <Stablean> <I> whay all companys password was reset?
13:18:14  <planetmaker> server rebooted
13:18:28  <planetmaker> savegames don't know passwords
13:27:00  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
13:27:00  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:31:07  *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:18:13  <Stablean> *** DayDreamer joined the game
14:18:16  *** iklucas has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:18:23  <iklucas> yo
14:18:34  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
14:18:35  <Stablean> *** iklucas joined the game
14:19:10  <Stablean> *** DayDreamer has left the game (leaving)
14:42:13  <Stablean> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving)
14:42:14  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:46:52  *** iklucas has quit IRC
14:55:42  *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop.stable
15:01:59  <Stablean> *** BennyCZ joined the game
15:03:00  <Stablean> *** BennyCZ has left the game (leaving)
15:17:37  <Vinnie_nl> !date
15:17:38  <Stablean> Vinnie_nl: 16 Dec 2058
15:17:48  <Vinnie_nl> !playercount
15:17:48  <Stablean> Vinnie_nl: Number of players: 0 (0 spectators)
15:21:03  <Stablean> *** ZS joined the game
15:23:54  <Stablean> *** ZS has joined company #2
15:23:54  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
15:25:51  <Stablean> *** ZS has joined spectators
15:25:51  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
15:25:55  <Stablean> *** ZS has left the game (leaving)
15:30:22  <Stablean> *** Dahulix joined the game
15:31:57  *** Sylf has quit IRC
15:32:23  <Stablean> *** Dahulix has left the game (leaving)
15:33:05  *** Sylf has joined #openttdcoop.stable
15:33:05  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sylf
15:34:37  <Stablean> <V453000> hi
15:34:38  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
15:34:46  <Stablean> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
15:55:49  <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali joined the game
15:58:29  <Stablean> *** DnZ-Ali has left the game (leaving)
16:17:38  <Stablean> *** Vinnie joined the game
16:17:50  <Stablean> *** Vinnie has joined company #2
16:17:50  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:19:43  <Stablean> *** Vinnie has left the game (leaving)
16:19:43  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:41:40  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:41:42  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
16:45:05  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:49:04  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
16:49:04  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:49:20  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:49:23  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
16:50:15  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
16:50:15  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:50:35  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:50:38  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
16:51:32  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
16:51:32  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:51:46  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:51:47  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
16:51:57  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
16:52:56  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
16:53:11  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
16:53:11  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:53:35  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:53:37  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
17:42:12  <Stablean> <I> a
18:20:15  <Chris_Booth> b
18:25:50  <Stablean> *** BennyCZ joined the game
18:27:15  <Stablean> *** BennyCZ has left the game (leaving)
18:32:34  *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
18:37:52  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
18:37:59  *** Chris_Booth_ is now known as Chris_Booth
18:55:07  *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:13:37  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (connection lost)
19:13:37  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
19:13:50  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
19:15:49  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
19:15:51  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
19:25:46  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:47:58  *** iklucas has joined #openttdcoop.stable
19:48:09  <iklucas> Chris_Booth: :D
19:48:32  <Chris_Booth> yes
19:48:41  <Stablean> *** iklucas joined the game
19:48:45  <Stablean> <iklucas> yo:D
19:49:08  <Stablean> <iklucas> wazzup?
19:49:20  <Chris_Booth> the sky is up
19:49:25  <Stablean> <iklucas> :)
19:49:36  <Stablean> <iklucas> i decided to back off from the coop server
19:49:59  <Chris_Booth> you did
19:50:01  <Stablean> <iklucas> so i'll just be around on the stable
19:50:07  <Stablean> *** iklucas has left the game (connection lost)
19:50:12  <Chris_Booth> we have a nice pax game on there
19:50:18  <iklucas> ow wouw, i had an error and openttd crashed
19:50:26  <Chris_Booth> report it
19:50:26  <iklucas> nah, can't stand out V
19:50:40  <Chris_Booth> not a great thing to say in public
19:50:44  <Stablean> *** iklucas joined the game
19:50:44  <Chris_Booth> he can read in here
19:51:06  <iklucas> he knows as good as i know that it just doesnt work this way
19:52:55  <Stablean> <iklucas> so i decided to back off from coop server, just to avoid more collitions
19:58:15  <Stablean> <iklucas> but dont worrie chris_booth , you won't be finnished with me yet, as i'll stay around on stable:D
19:58:45  <Chris_Booth> darn it :p
19:58:49  <Stablean> <iklucas> ;)
19:58:51  <Chris_Booth> was hoping you had gone XD
19:58:55  <Stablean> <I> RED A U HERE?
19:59:01  <Stablean> <iklucas> yes i am
19:59:04  <Chris_Booth> are we red?
19:59:06  <Stablean> <I> can u help?
19:59:08  <Stablean> <iklucas> i know i know;)
19:59:18  <Stablean> <iklucas> V was glad i left:P
19:59:25  <Stablean> <I> near Mundingham
19:59:39  <Stablean> <iklucas> what do you want us to do?
19:59:41  <Stablean> <iklucas> lower it?
19:59:43  <Stablean> <I> can u move
19:59:50  <Stablean> <I> for 1 more tunnel
20:00:00  <Stablean> <I> tnx
20:00:13  <Stablean> <iklucas> good enough?
20:00:21  <Stablean> <I> its ok
20:00:23  <Stablean> <iklucas> or need more
20:00:23  <Stablean> <iklucas> ok
20:19:05  <Stablean> <I> how to autochange 7 old wagons to 6 new wagons (hi capasity)?
20:19:21  <Stablean> <iklucas> hmm
20:19:30  <Stablean> <iklucas> you want to make the trains shorter
20:19:36  <Stablean> <iklucas> or are the wagons longer?
20:19:47  <Stablean> <I> new wagons shorter
20:20:05  <Stablean> <iklucas> hmm i'm afraightened you have to do that manually then
20:20:16  <Stablean> <I> 6 new > than 7 old    +10t
20:20:34  <Stablean> <I> ok. its not so nessry
20:23:45  *** Vinnie_nl has quit IRC
20:25:11  <iklucas> yep:/
20:41:50  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
20:42:26  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
20:43:55  <iklucas> gn
20:43:58  <Stablean> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving)
20:43:59  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
20:44:12  *** iklucas has quit IRC
21:23:20  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game
21:24:00  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined company #4
21:24:00  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
21:38:37  *** hanf has quit IRC
21:43:39  *** TWerkhoven[l] has quit IRC
21:52:22  *** ODM has quit IRC
21:53:18  *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC
21:55:28  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
21:55:31  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
21:55:45  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
21:58:07  *** Sylf has quit IRC
22:32:02  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
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22:33:43  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (connection lost)
22:33:54  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
22:53:14  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (connection lost)
22:53:28  <Stablean> *** I joined the game
23:21:16  <Stablean> *** I has left the game (leaving)
23:42:32  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (connection lost)
23:42:32  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
23:42:58  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (leaving)
23:43:13  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game
23:43:20  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (received invalid or unexpected packet)
23:43:20  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has left the game (connection lost)
23:46:52  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
23:46:55  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure #1 joined the game

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