Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 15th July 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:06:45  <Stablean> <Anson> does anybody know what has to be used on a mac instead of the windows CTRL-CLICK, eg when cloning trains or sharing orders ?
00:06:59  <Stablean> <Dom> cmd click ...
00:07:09  <Stablean> <Dom> and i do not own a mac...
00:07:17  <Stablean> <Anson> thanks ... DOm ,please try it
00:07:31  <Stablean> <Dom> how?
00:07:38  <Stablean> <Anson> ARGS ... Dazz ... sorry dom
00:07:44  <Stablean> <Dixon296> brb
00:07:48  <Stablean> <Dom> k
00:11:26  <Stablean> <Dixon296> bk
00:11:32  <Stablean> <Dom> wb
00:21:24  <BiG_MeEcH> hi
00:21:35  <Stablean> <Dixon296> hi again
00:21:41  <BiG_MeEcH> hihi
00:26:32  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 has left the game (general timeout)
00:26:32  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 has left the game (connection lost)
00:27:18  <LoPo> ey
00:28:24  <BiG_MeEcH> ye
00:28:54  <Stablean> <Dom> hey lopo
00:30:20  <Stablean> *** LoPo joined the game
00:30:27  <Stablean> <LoPo> hi
00:33:06  <BiG_MeEcH> you should change your name to LoGo
00:33:26  <Stablean> <LoPo> why?
00:36:37  <Stablean> <LoPo> wtf
00:36:47  <Stablean> <LoPo> why did i bought that shit ?
00:37:03  <BiG_MeEcH> b/c you love that shit
00:37:32  <Stablean> <LoPo> ...
00:38:01  <BiG_MeEcH> ......
00:38:44  <Stablean> <LoPo> no, seriously how did i get this company?
00:39:00  <Stablean> <LoPo> south of my original lines?
00:39:42  <Stablean> <LoPo> ow w8
00:39:52  <Stablean> <LoPo> they have te same colour
00:40:02  <Stablean> <LoPo> but are not my comp
00:40:04  <Stablean> <LoPo> weird
00:40:47  <Stablean> *** LoPo has left the game (leaving)
00:40:58  <LoPo> bye
00:41:09  <Stablean> <Dazz> bye
00:41:16  <Stablean> <Anson> weird wagons in this sat ... i just refitted a utility van ... and the train length got from 3.9 to 3.5 !!!!
00:42:51  <Stablean> <Anson> shouldn't the length of wagons stay the same ? ... of course refitting trams between 3/9/15 cars is an exception :-)
00:48:59  *** LoPo has quit IRC
01:20:03  <Stablean> *** Dom has left the game (leaving)
01:20:04  *** Dom__ has quit IRC
01:47:50  <Stablean> <Dazz> night all
01:48:06  <Stablean> *** Dazz has left the game (leaving)
02:16:00  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 joined the game
02:16:56  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 has left the game (general timeout)
02:16:56  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 has left the game (connection lost)
02:58:01  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
02:58:57  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
03:01:13  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi
03:05:56  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has paused the server.
03:05:58  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
03:06:02  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has joined spectators
03:06:04  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
03:10:44  <Stablean> *** Anson has joined spectators
03:12:31  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
03:14:47  <AnsonMobil> CB, don't forget to unpause before people come back in the morning. ... I was JUST done doing little edits. ... going to sleep now too. ... g'N8
03:36:31  <Stablean> *** Diablo joined the game
03:37:09  <Stablean> *** Diablo has joined company #6
03:37:17  <BiG_MeEcH> is the game paused?
03:37:35  <Stablean> <Diablo> it is
03:37:44  <BiG_MeEcH> !players
03:37:47  <Stablean> BiG_MeEcH: Client 368 (Green) is Diablo, in company 6 (Phillip Transport)
03:37:47  <Stablean> BiG_MeEcH: Client 185 is Anson, a spectator
03:37:54  <BiG_MeEcH> use !auto
03:38:05  <Stablean> *** Diablo has enabled autopause mode.
03:38:07  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
03:38:16  <Stablean> <Diablo> thanks meech
03:38:24  <BiG_MeEcH> not sure why booth paused it :S
03:38:33  <BiG_MeEcH> must be a british retard thing xD
03:38:49  <BiG_MeEcH> np ;)
03:41:13  <Stablean> *** Diablo has joined spectators
03:41:13  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
03:41:24  <Stablean> *** Diablo has left the game (leaving)
04:21:07  <Stablean> <Anson> big meech ?
04:26:32  <Stablean> *** 3245534 joined the game
04:42:27  <Stablean> *** 3245534 has changed his/her name to IiIiIiiilIlilIliliIilililiiilillillillillillililillililillilililliliilliilliliillilillilillililililillililililliillilillliilll
04:42:32  <Stablean> *** IiIiIiiilIlilIliliIilili has started a new company (#4)
04:42:34  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
04:44:30  <Stablean> <IiIiIiiilIlilIliliIilili> woha
04:44:37  <Stablean> *** IiIiIiiilIlilIliliIilili has left the game (leaving)
04:44:37  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
04:54:10  <Stablean> *** Diablo joined the game
04:59:01  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali joined the game
04:59:12  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> hi
04:59:20  <Stablean> <Diablo> hi
04:59:36  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has started a new company (#7)
04:59:37  <Stablean> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
05:00:13  <Stablean> *** Diablo has joined company #6
05:11:56  <Stablean> *** Diablo has left the game (leaving)
05:12:23  <Stablean> *** ACM joined the game
05:14:35  <Stablean> *** ACM has left the game (leaving)
05:39:03  <Stablean> *** ROM5419 joined the game
05:39:10  <Stablean> *** ROM5419 has joined company #1
05:41:11  <Stablean> <ROM5419> 500K?
05:41:17  <Stablean> <ROM5419> how about 2000K!!!
05:41:20  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> 500.000 yea
05:41:35  <Stablean> <ROM5419> in what currency?
05:41:57  <Stablean> <ROM5419> ok which idiot built in my capital
05:42:09  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> you have 9M
05:42:19  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> tnx
05:42:25  <Stablean> <ROM5419> no prob ^^
05:42:27  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> if i know send back 10x
05:42:34  <Stablean> <ROM5419> no need, thx
05:48:27  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
06:21:46  *** TWerkhoven[l] has quit IRC
06:25:17  *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop.stable
06:46:35  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
06:57:27  <Stablean> *** Diablo joined the game
07:04:32  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
07:07:39  <Stablean> *** Diablo has left the game (leaving)
07:12:40  <Stablean> *** Meidi has left the game (processing map took too long)
07:12:40  <Stablean> *** Meidi has left the game (connection lost)
07:18:45  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable
07:18:45  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
07:21:12  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
07:28:13  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
07:29:17  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
07:31:22  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
07:56:08  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
07:56:32  <Stablean> <ROM5419> phew now thats a network
08:01:34  <Stablean> *** Jam35 joined the game
08:01:45  <Stablean> <Jam35> hi
08:07:00  <Stablean> *** Peter joined the game
08:13:48  <Stablean> <ROM5419> WHO WANTS MONIES
08:16:54  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
08:26:27  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
08:31:22  *** ODM has quit IRC
08:36:24  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
08:36:28  <Stablean> <ROM5419> Yo
08:39:54  <Stablean> *** Peter has left the game (leaving)
08:40:57  <Stablean> *** Assa has started a new company (#4)
08:40:58  <Stablean> *** Assa joined the game
08:40:59  <Stablean> <Assa> hi
08:41:01  <Stablean> <ROM5419> hi
08:41:07  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> hi
08:41:07  <Stablean> <ROM5419> need some $$$?
08:41:13  <Stablean> <Assa> maybe
08:41:16  <Stablean> <Assa> idk right now
08:41:32  <Stablean> <Assa> thx..
08:41:35  <Stablean> <ROM5419> ^^
08:41:58  <Stablean> <Assa> arent we enemies?
08:42:08  <Stablean> <Assa> i dont mean enemies
08:42:11  <Stablean> <Assa> concurents
08:42:21  <Stablean> <ROM5419> erm... someone else is my enemy
08:42:24  <Stablean> <ROM5419> sorry :D
08:42:30  <Stablean> <Assa> :D
08:42:52  <Stablean> *** Argentino has started a new company (#9)
08:42:54  <Stablean> *** Argentino joined the game
08:42:56  <Stablean> <Assa> so many..
08:43:06  <Stablean> <Assa> so many stantion variations
08:43:20  <Stablean> <ROM5419> thats damn little compared to other games
08:43:26  <Stablean> <Assa> will make standart
08:43:28  <Stablean> <ROM5419> and MY single player games
08:43:42  <Stablean> <Assa> you're admin?
08:43:44  <Stablean> <ROM5419> no
08:43:50  <Stablean> <ROM5419> Planetmaker is
08:44:48  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> if you can any of admin must call it.     admin!
08:46:30  <Stablean> <ROM5419> GTG
08:46:36  <Stablean> <Assa> bye :(
08:46:46  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> bye
08:46:52  <Stablean> <Assa> you'r company is hacle?
08:46:55  <Stablean> <Assa> hacl*
08:46:58  <Stablean> <ROM5419> yup
08:47:04  <Stablean> <ROM5419> human advancement corporate legion
08:47:06  <Stablean> <Assa> buy my actions :D
08:47:49  <Stablean> <Assa> i mean own 50% of my corporation :D
08:48:43  <Stablean> <Assa> how
08:48:45  <Stablean> <Assa> to
08:48:45  <Stablean> <Assa> see
08:48:47  <Stablean> <Assa> who
08:48:47  <Stablean> <Assa> is
08:48:49  <Stablean> <Assa> in
08:48:50  <Stablean> <Assa> server
08:48:52  <Stablean> <ROM5419> client list
08:48:59  <Stablean> <Assa> where
08:49:09  <Stablean> <Assa> ah
08:49:11  <Stablean> <ROM5419> the player list
08:49:33  <Stablean> <Assa> im russian! :D
08:49:39  <Stablean> <ROM5419> -.-
08:49:41  <Stablean> <ROM5419> privet
08:49:45  <Stablean> <Argentino> IM ARGENTINO
08:49:47  <Stablean> <Assa> privet
08:49:53  <Stablean> <ROM5419> im asian
08:49:57  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> slovakia :D
08:50:16  <Stablean> <ROM5419> oh almost forgot
08:50:19  <Stablean> <Argentino> every world here
08:50:38  <Stablean> <Assa> argentino
08:50:41  <Stablean> <ROM5419> time to quit and go LoZ on my 'box :D
08:50:43  <Stablean> <Argentino> ?
08:50:53  <Stablean> <Assa> trains
08:50:56  <Stablean> <Assa> do you have
08:50:58  <Stablean> <Argentino> from argentina
08:51:00  <Stablean> <Assa> im interesting
08:51:07  <Stablean> <ROM5419> CHECK MEH
08:51:10  <Stablean> <Assa> loz?
08:51:20  <Stablean> <Argentino> here in argentina?
08:51:30  <Stablean> <Assa> not many
08:51:37  <Stablean> <Assa> but so alot of money
08:51:43  <Stablean> <ROM5419> bb
08:51:45  <Stablean> <Assa> bb
08:51:47  <Stablean> *** ROM5419 has left the game (leaving)
08:51:51  <Stablean> <Argentino> aaa im new
08:51:55  <Stablean> <Assa> same
08:52:10  <Stablean> <Argentino> you have money from my?
08:52:16  <Stablean> <Argentino> guauu
08:52:22  <Stablean> <Assa> for you?
08:52:36  <Stablean> <Argentino> jaja
08:52:40  <Stablean> <Assa> i dont have anything right now
08:52:44  <Stablean> <Assa> 1 train
08:52:50  <Stablean> <Assa> and goes -
08:53:16  <Stablean> <Argentino> aa yes
08:53:38  <Stablean> *** Dom joined the game
08:53:45  <Stablean> <Argentino> proveed you industry now
08:53:51  <Stablean> <Dom> hey :D
08:53:57  <Stablean> <Assa> hey :D
08:54:09  <Stablean> <Jam35> hi Dom
08:54:31  <Stablean> <Dom> how is it going?
08:54:34  <Stablean> <Assa> nad
08:54:40  <Stablean> <Assa> bad
08:54:47  <Stablean> <Dom> why bad?
08:54:51  <Stablean> <Assa> no money
08:54:53  <Stablean> <Assa> going -
08:55:00  <Stablean> <Assa> i have money but not much
08:55:12  <Stablean> <Assa> ....
08:55:22  <Stablean> <Assa> thanks..
08:55:28  <Stablean> <Dom> np :)
08:55:51  <Stablean> <Assa> trees are making me bad
08:55:55  <Stablean> <Assa> cant see anything
08:56:38  <Stablean> <Assa> built a mine-electro station way
08:57:09  <Stablean> <Assa> i think i must start from steams..
08:57:19  <Stablean> <Dom> use electric or diesel
08:57:23  <Stablean> <Assa> why
08:57:33  <Stablean> <Dom> before you use steam trains
08:57:56  <Stablean> <Dom> and do not tf to much xD
08:58:02  <Stablean> <Assa> tf?
08:58:09  <Stablean> <Dom> terraform
08:58:12  <Stablean> <Assa> mmm?
08:58:26  <Stablean> <Dom> nvm
08:58:28  <Stablean> <Assa> my english isnt really good :D
08:58:34  <Stablean> <Dom> ok :)
08:58:36  <Stablean> <Assa> what for is brake van?
08:58:50  <Stablean> <Assa> "for braking"
08:58:56  <Stablean> <Dom> yes
08:59:11  <Stablean> <Dom> so trains do not come mountains down to fast
08:59:22  <Stablean> <Assa> they can crash?
08:59:28  <Stablean> <Dom> they can :)
08:59:42  <Stablean> <Dom> but nut because of the speed the have
08:59:57  <Stablean> *** Jam35 has joined company #2
09:00:01  <Stablean> <Assa> so why
09:00:32  <Stablean> <Assa> bcuz there maybe other trains?
09:01:02  <Stablean> <Dom> i do not think that the brake van has any point in this game
09:01:09  <Stablean> <Assa> ;D
09:01:10  <Stablean> <Dom> i think it is just a feature to look good :)
09:01:28  <Stablean> <Assa> i wanna a mountain map for single player
09:01:36  <Stablean> <Assa> with 2 big mountains
09:01:46  <Stablean> <Assa> wanna to build bridges and tunnels around and in it
09:03:20  <Stablean> <Dom> well it depends how efficient you make it
09:03:32  <Stablean> <Dom> and for the map it is easy to be build
09:04:14  <Stablean> <Assa> what is feira de santana train station
09:04:16  <Stablean> <Assa> i see 3 cranes
09:04:42  <Stablean> <Dom> it is a goods drop station
09:04:57  <Stablean> <Dom> the goods pick is in abaetetuba woods
09:04:59  <Stablean> <Assa> but not standart?
09:05:17  <Stablean> <Dom> it is a station model  but it does the same as a normal station :)
09:05:44  <Stablean> <Assa> why nobody uses magnet ?
09:05:50  <Stablean> <Assa> magnet railroads
09:05:52  <Stablean> <Assa> roads*
09:06:06  <Stablean> <Argentino> im
09:06:12  <Stablean> <Assa> its too costly?
09:06:22  <Stablean> <Dom> to early it is onl 2015
09:06:34  <Stablean> <Assa> but they are able
09:06:40  <Stablean> <Assa> but no trains?
09:06:44  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> maglevs train now only for passangers
09:07:39  <Stablean> <Assa> i think oil is the best money earning here
09:07:53  <Stablean> <Dom> or coal
09:07:55  <Stablean> <Dom> or wood
09:08:01  <Stablean> <Dom> or every other good :)
09:08:03  <Stablean> <Assa> coal gives much money
09:08:13  <Stablean> <Dom> it all depends on how much you service it#
09:08:51  <Stablean> <Assa> but. look at right corner
09:08:57  <Stablean> <Assa> ow not
09:08:59  <Stablean> <Assa> right corner
09:09:07  <Stablean> <Assa> near diadema city
09:09:17  <Stablean> <Dom> Dnz-Ali instead of the BBH you could have built a MSH
09:09:37  <Stablean> <Dom> yes?
09:09:47  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> is  no BBH ? :D sorry
09:09:47  <Stablean> <Dom> what is in diadema?
09:09:57  <Stablean> <Assa> many many oil  on water
09:10:15  <Stablean> <Dom> yes i know but your are not allowed to tf that much water
09:10:42  <Stablean> *** Diablo joined the game
09:10:52  <Stablean> <Dom> Jam35: look at diadema transfer
09:11:11  <Stablean> <Jam35> ok
09:11:25  <Stablean> <Dom> the same in goods pick wood drop
09:11:27  <Stablean> <Assa> i dont think jam can make there any money
09:11:37  <Stablean> <Dom> he is
09:11:43  <Stablean> <Dom> making money xD
09:12:02  <Stablean> <Assa> xD
09:12:08  <Stablean> <Jam35> goods pick wood drop was already land bridge
09:12:34  <Stablean> <Jam35> and there was an island at diadema
09:12:48  <Stablean> <Dom> yes but thats is to much tf just bridge it so that the lakes are joined again
09:12:48  <Stablean> <Assa> who was placed da signs there?
09:13:00  <Stablean> <Assa> has*
09:13:02  <Stablean> <Dom> in diadema i know that there was an island but make it a normal bridge aswell
09:13:04  <Stablean> <Jam35> they were not joined originally
09:13:36  <Stablean> <Assa> 555k litters of oil!?
09:13:39  <Stablean> <Jam35> but has been widened by one or two
09:14:01  <Stablean> <Dom> i see but make it with a bridge i looks nicer than a land bridge
09:14:12  <Stablean> <Jam35> ok
09:14:28  <Stablean> <Dom> thanks :)
09:14:38  <Stablean> <Jam35> np :)
09:14:46  <Stablean> <Assa> jam
09:14:52  <Stablean> <Assa> can i build near you :D
09:15:07  <Stablean> <Dom> Assa read !rules
09:15:10  <Stablean> <Assa> ah
09:15:17  <Stablean> <Assa> lol..
09:15:47  <Stablean> <Dom> you can take any not taken industry (stealing not allowed) for towns you have to aks the owner if you can build there
09:16:10  <Stablean> <Dom> Jam35: perfect :)
09:16:32  <Stablean> <Dom> normally water Tf cost about 16 mill per tile :)
09:16:50  <Stablean> <Dom> and ships about 30 mill a year :) same with planes
09:20:00  <Stablean> <Assa> i will...
09:20:26  <Stablean> <Dom> ?
09:20:33  <Stablean> <Dom> why?
09:20:39  <Stablean> <Dom> i do not need it xD
09:20:53  <Stablean> <Assa> not interesting when all is built already :(
09:21:01  <Stablean> <Jam35> Assa build near me if you like
09:21:11  <Stablean> <Assa> nono :(
09:21:14  <Stablean> <Jam35> if you haven't already
09:22:03  <Stablean> <Assa> bye bye :)
09:22:17  <Stablean> <Jam35> bye
09:22:21  <Stablean> *** Assa has left the game (leaving)
09:28:44  <Stablean> *** Diablo has left the game (leaving)
09:32:32  <Stablean> *** Anson has joined company #8
09:46:09  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
09:56:02  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
10:33:47  <Stablean> *** lolwut joined the game
10:34:02  <Stablean> *** Argentino has left the game (leaving)
10:36:41  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
10:37:58  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
10:45:19  <Stablean> *** lolwut has left the game (leaving)
10:50:21  <Stablean> <Anson> hat damit 10k pro Jahr verdient, bis er keine schulden mehr hatte
10:51:08  <Stablean> <Anson> dann hab ich 3 tiles track hinzugefügt und signale, und schon hatten wir die oil strecke, mit 150k$ pro jahr :-) LOL
10:51:50  <Stablean> <Anson> jetzt ist auch goods eine doppelstrecke, und es sind 1.5 mil $ peo jahr
10:52:16  <Stablean> <Anson> du hattest doch vorhin mit jemand über TF gesprochen ... was hälst du von unserem TF ?
10:52:35  <Stablean> <Anson> die Brücke zu Macapa wiids
11:00:23  <Stablean> *** TWerkhoven has left the game (connection lost)
11:01:27  <Stablean> *** TWerkhoven has left the game (processing map took too long)
11:01:27  <Stablean> *** TWerkhoven has left the game (connection lost)
11:02:24  <Stablean> *** TWerkhoven joined the game
11:09:03  <Stablean> *** TWerkhoven has left the game (leaving)
11:09:07  <Stablean> *** Jam35 has joined spectators
11:14:12  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
11:20:17  <Stablean> *** Jam35 has joined company #2
11:22:21  <Stablean> *** Dom has left the game (general timeout)
11:22:21  <Stablean> *** Dom has left the game (connection lost)
11:22:47  <Stablean> *** Dom joined the game
11:22:53  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 joined the game
11:22:58  <Stablean> <Dom> hey dixon :)
11:23:05  <Stablean> <Dixon296> hi
11:23:11  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> hi
11:26:36  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
11:31:58  <Stablean> <Anson> CU l8r ... have fun ...
11:32:04  <Stablean> <Dixon296> bb
11:32:22  <Stablean> *** Anson has left the game (leaving)
11:33:49  *** TWerkhoven[l] has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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11:45:06  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 has left the game (general timeout)
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11:45:38  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 joined the game
11:45:40  <Stablean> <Dom> wb
12:01:55  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
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12:07:25  <Stablean> *** Anson joined the game
12:12:45  <Stablean> <Anson> einen parameter "sea level" gibt es (ich hatte recht :-) .... aber der gibt nicht den level (=höhe) an, sondern die menge wasser, also zu wieviel prozent die map mit wasser gefüllt sein soll ...
12:13:03  <Stablean> <Dom> i know
12:15:52  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 joined the game
12:15:55  <Stablean> <Dom> wb
12:16:05  <Stablean> <Dixon296> ty
12:16:12  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 has joined company #3
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12:37:02  <planetmaker> pst, Anson, please keep public talk to English
12:44:15  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop.stable
12:44:15  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
12:46:12  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
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12:50:01  <Stablean> *** Dom has joined spectators
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13:25:00  *** LoPo has joined #openttdcoop.stable
13:25:00  *** Webster sets mode: +o LoPo
13:25:04  <LoPo> !players
13:25:05  <LoPo> hi
13:25:07  <Stablean> LoPo: Client 506 is Dom, a spectator
13:25:07  <Stablean> LoPo: Client 391 is Dnz-Ali, a spectator
13:25:07  <Stablean> LoPo: Client 445 (Light Blue) is Jam35, in company 2 (Jam35 Transport)
13:31:12  *** Anson has joined #openttdcoop.stable
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13:45:54  <Stablean> *** Martinos joined the game
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13:58:14  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
13:58:18  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> HI
13:58:21  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi
13:59:39  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game
13:59:43  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hi Chris
13:59:46  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi Troy McClure
14:00:00  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined company #3
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14:15:21  <Stablean> *** LoPo joined the game
14:15:45  <Stablean> <LoPo> hi
14:15:48  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi LoPo
14:17:44  <Stablean> <LoPo> hmmm
14:18:03  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hhm is bad
14:18:14  <Stablean> <LoPo> made tl4 trains...
14:18:20  <Stablean> <LoPo> i have a tl3 system :P
14:18:28  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol
14:25:28  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I was thinking here
14:25:40  <Stablean> <LoPo> ?
14:25:43  <Stablean> <LoPo> did it hurt?
14:25:49  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes LoPo
14:25:51  <Stablean> <LoPo> :P
14:26:58  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined spectators
14:27:36  <Stablean> *** ROM5419 joined the game
14:31:03  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 joined the game
14:31:08  <Stablean> <Dixon296> hi
14:31:22  <Stablean> <ROM5419> hi
14:44:49  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> t
14:45:24  <Stablean> <LoPo> ?
14:46:46  <Stablean> *** LoPo has joined spectators
14:56:34  <Stablean> <ROM5419> gtg im sleepu
14:56:37  <Stablean> <ROM5419> *sleepy
14:56:41  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> bb
14:56:47  <Stablean> <ROM5419> oh its you
14:57:10  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> who, me?
14:57:13  <Stablean> <ROM5419> yup
14:57:15  <Stablean> <ROM5419> zzzzzzzzz
15:02:14  <Stablean> *** ROM5419 has left the game (general timeout)
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15:17:51  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined spectators
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15:44:43  <Stablean> *** CYPHER joined the game
15:49:13  <Stablean> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
15:54:14  <Stablean> *** Dnz-Ali has joined company #7
15:59:10  <Stablean> *** WindWaker2001 has started a new company (#4)
15:59:12  <Stablean> *** WindWaker2001 joined the game
15:59:24  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> hi i'm back
15:59:31  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> you are back
15:59:33  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> weclome back
15:59:39  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> any can help me why not work goot my flip-flop? Here
15:59:41  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> thx
15:59:49  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes
15:59:56  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> where Dnz-Ali?
16:00:00  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i think i will do beter this time
16:00:30  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> did you do badly lsast time?
16:00:40  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> yes
16:00:40  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> yea
16:00:45  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i like this map
16:01:27  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> near feira de santana town
16:01:41  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> its hard to find a place now sience i came so late
16:01:55  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> in this map
16:02:21  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> boats now work?
16:04:03  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i think i'm doing this wrong :(
16:05:41  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> is anybody glad to see me back ???
16:06:00  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> prop not
16:08:22  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> wow land scaping is cheaper now
16:08:49  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Dnz-Ali: I have built ot a working one
16:09:07  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> aa work it
16:09:19  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> have  2 bad signals
16:12:30  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> is my line good?
16:12:46  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> npo
16:12:49  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no
16:12:56  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> your signals are bad
16:13:06  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> ???????????????
16:13:10  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> how
16:13:16  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> add a train and you will see
16:13:18  <Stablean> *** CYPHER has left the game (leaving)
16:15:31  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> for some reasion
16:15:41  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i feel sad when playing
16:15:43  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> why?
16:15:44  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> openttd
16:15:54  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> dt
16:16:00  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> dk
16:16:08  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> dont kow
16:16:11  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> know
16:16:17  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> okay
16:16:23  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> then don't play
16:16:29  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> sorry :( it was random
16:16:44  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> its part of my life (kinda of )
16:16:59  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> listen to some happy music
16:18:06  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i'll listen to Colress battle theme
16:18:32  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> stupid advertisment
16:18:42  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> don't want it on youtube
16:19:05  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> If there was the option to pay for Youtube, and turn the adverts off I would TBH
16:19:20  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> what is TBH
16:19:26  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> to be honest
16:19:36  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> oh
16:19:46  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> in the song there are hidden notes
16:20:52  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> have you heard it?
16:20:54  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no
16:21:24  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> look it up type "Achroma battle theme" with out the " "
16:21:40  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I don't have any sound here
16:21:52  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> ???
16:22:12  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> my pc doesn't have any speakers or head phones attached
16:22:18  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> oh that sucks
16:22:21  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yep
16:22:35  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> what is your comp
16:22:37  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> ?
16:22:48  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> one I built myself
16:23:03  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> you build your own computer?
16:23:17  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> i7 930 with 16gb ram and 2tb HD in a raid
16:23:19  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes
16:23:25  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> wow
16:23:31  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> gj
16:23:53  <Stablean> *** Player has started a new company (#10)
16:23:55  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> what is your pc?/
16:24:01  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Player: please change your name
16:24:15  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> windows xp vista 32bit
16:24:26  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> is it XP or Vista?
16:24:28  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> :S
16:24:34  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> both i guess
16:24:44  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> can't be
16:24:44  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i really dont kow
16:24:48  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol okay
16:25:19  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> make a train right now
16:25:37  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:26:18  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> do you like poke`mon?
16:26:28  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no I think it is mean
16:26:46  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> pokemon?
16:26:52  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes
16:26:52  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> how is it mean?
16:27:02  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> putting them in those tiny balls
16:27:12  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> making animals fight for fun
16:27:46  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> you pokemon platinum
16:27:48  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> ?
16:27:54  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no
16:28:09  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> do you know pokemon platinum is what i ment
16:28:19  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> no
16:28:25  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> on of the games
16:28:31  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I am to old for pokemon
16:29:06  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> how can a train be lost when it has a route?
16:29:18  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> as you signals are wrong
16:30:32  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> what shoul i use then?
16:30:51  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> a signal that is the right way
16:31:01  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> turn it arroud
16:31:48  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Dnz-Ali: why do you want a flip flop?
16:31:58  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> what is that?
16:32:16  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> something you put on your feat
16:32:26  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> what is feat
16:32:32  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> see my network all trains go on one line
16:32:48  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> i i duplicated it
16:32:51  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> yes
16:33:04  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> why he not go to secont line?
16:33:08  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> they go on one line for a good reason though
16:33:50  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> since not all the stations connect to all lines like your goods load
16:34:05  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> oh my bad that one does
16:34:25  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> an i doing beter now?
16:34:27  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> but 2 way signals with do the same thing as a flip flop in your case
16:36:21  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i still wish i was beter than what i am now
16:37:11  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> do u peeps think i got better?
16:37:25  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> know it not have some train route electry
16:37:25  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i'v gotten better?
16:37:37  <Stablean> <Dnz-Ali> now go
16:37:39  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> ???
16:38:08  <Stablean> *** Argentino joined the game
16:38:16  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> nice
16:38:40  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> what is "nice"for?
16:38:54  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> Dnz-Ali fixing his tracks
16:39:20  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i wish i could
16:40:14  <Stablean> <WindWaker2001> i'm going to let the run for a while bye
16:40:30  <Stablean> *** WindWaker2001 has left the game (leaving)
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16:52:12  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> stil here, Chris?
16:52:22  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined company #3
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18:37:30  <Stablean> <jmz> hi
18:38:03  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
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18:58:12  <Stablean> *** Argentino has left the game (general timeout)
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19:01:14  <Stablean> *** Shadow has started a new company (#4)
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19:02:06  <Stablean> <ediz000> chris
19:02:08  <Stablean> *** Jabba the Hut has joined company #4
19:02:17  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi ediz000
19:02:23  <Stablean> <ediz000> can ı join your company
19:02:35  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> if you get me a beer
19:02:42  <Stablean> *** Jabba the Hut has joined spectators
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19:03:16  <Stablean> *** LoPo joined the game
19:03:28  <Stablean> <LoPo> Chris Booth: k where?
19:04:08  <Stablean> <LoPo> ah
19:04:23  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> want some town fun with orderless trains, but can't make a working flip flop
19:04:37  <Stablean> <LoPo> make a flipper with memory?
19:04:56  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> might help
19:05:27  <Stablean> <LoPo> or very big Not gates :P
19:05:45  <Stablean> <LoPo> with the transrapid trains :P
19:05:51  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> lol
19:06:03  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> they are to slow to start
19:06:09  <Stablean> <LoPo> ah yes
19:06:20  <Stablean> *** LoPo has joined company #5
19:06:38  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> join my company if you want to test
19:07:16  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
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19:08:21  <Stablean> <LoPo> chris? :P
19:09:00  <Stablean> *** LoPo has joined spectators
19:09:00  <Stablean> *** Game paused (number of players)
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19:54:06  <Stablean> <Jabba the Hut> hey :)
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20:42:27  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure joined the game
20:42:54  <Stablean> <Dom> hey troy
20:43:01  <Stablean> <Phillip> hi everybody
20:43:07  <Stablean> <Dom> hey phil
20:43:29  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> Hi Dom
20:43:31  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hi Phil
20:43:33  <Stablean> <Phillip> I missed a lot did I?
20:43:39  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> how so?
20:44:09  <Stablean> <Phillip> I missed a lot of time to play an build here.
20:44:27  <Stablean> *** Troy McClure has joined company #3
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21:02:00  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop.stable
21:02:30  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth joined the game
21:02:34  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> wb
21:02:37  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> thanks
21:02:51  <Stablean> <Dom> wb
21:09:09  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> oh, at Taquara Forest
21:09:27  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> it'sn not that much broken as it is redundant due to continuous flow imo
21:10:05  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> and even with the pre-detection mechanism, it still gets in the way sometimes
21:10:21  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> ah yes
21:10:45  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> yes
21:13:28  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> oh dear
21:13:34  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> what?
21:16:01  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> I am amazed that Taquara Forest is still working on 4 platforms
21:16:11  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> yes, me too
21:16:29  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> should have 6 at least, but it isn't full line yet, apparently
21:16:35  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> these UKRS wood wagon are good
21:16:41  <Stablean> *** Pito joined the game
21:16:55  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> 125t in TL is big
21:17:18  <Stablean> *** Pito has left the game (leaving)
21:20:13  <Stablean> *** ediz000 joined the game
21:20:28  <Stablean> <ediz000> chris can ı join your company
21:20:48  <Stablean> <V453000> hai
21:20:49  <Stablean> *** V453000 joined the game
21:20:50  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> hi
21:21:08  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi V453000
21:21:22  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> hi ediz000
21:21:24  <Stablean> <ediz000> chris
21:21:35  <Stablean> <ediz000> can ı join your company
21:22:13  <Stablean> <Chris Booth> ediz000: the game is almost over I would guess, you can join us if you wish
21:24:46  <Stablean> *** ediz000 has joined company #3
21:25:00  <Chris_Booth> !i must be mad
21:25:26  <Stablean> *** Chris Booth has left the game (leaving)
21:27:34  <Stablean> <Dom> n8
21:27:45  <Stablean> *** Dom has left the game (leaving)
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21:34:24  <Stablean> <Troy McClure> I'll be off too
21:34:27  <Stablean> *** Hitler's Pet Cat has started a new company (#4)
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22:22:26  <Stablean> *** oldosald has left the game (processing map took too long)
22:22:26  <Stablean> *** oldosald has left the game (connection lost)
22:22:56  <Stablean> *** oldosald has left the game (processing map took too long)
22:22:56  <Stablean> *** oldosald has left the game (connection lost)
22:23:46  <Stablean> *** lolwut has started a new company (#12)
22:24:46  <Stablean> *** lolwut has left the game (leaving)
22:33:00  <Stablean> *** Phillip has left the game (leaving)
22:40:10  <Stablean> *** Argentino has left the game (general timeout)
22:40:10  <Stablean> *** Argentino has left the game (connection lost)
22:43:46  <Stablean> *** Argentino joined the game
23:10:51  <Stablean> *** Argentino has left the game (leaving)
23:22:43  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 joined the game
23:25:26  <Stablean> *** Dixon296 has left the game (leaving)

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