Log for #openttdcoop.stable on 5th November 2017:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:16:38  *** Mazur has quit IRC
01:50:24  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
01:50:24  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
01:52:12  <Mark> hello
01:55:55  <Mark> !players
01:55:55  <coopserver> Mark: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation
02:03:34  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
02:03:42  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
02:03:43  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
02:04:54  <coopserver> <Mark> fuck yea BRIX 2
02:07:08  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (Leaving)
02:07:53  *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop.stable
02:07:53  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Mazur
02:18:39  *** Mark has quit IRC
02:22:43  *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
02:23:14  <happpy> !date
02:23:14  <coopserver> Jul 16 2103
02:23:22  <happpy> !players
02:23:22  <coopserver> happpy: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation
02:23:35  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
02:23:36  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
02:23:46  <happpy> hey mark
03:32:07  *** Djanxy has quit IRC
04:30:34  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
04:30:37  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
04:30:45  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
04:30:57  <coopserver> *** Evuflow has joined
04:30:58  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
04:30:59  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
04:31:13  <coopserver> <Evuflow> !rules
04:31:14  <coopserver> Server rules can be found here:
04:54:00  <coopserver> *** Evuflow has left the game (Leaving)
04:54:01  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:24:39  *** Mark has quit IRC
07:11:20  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
07:11:21  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
10:12:30  *** Djanxy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:47:42  *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop.stable
10:47:42  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite
13:05:40  <V453000> !contentupdate
13:05:40  <coopserver> V453000: Performing content update
13:05:41  <coopserver> Content server connection established
13:05:43  <V453000> !content
13:05:56  <coopserver> Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes)
13:06:03  <V453000> !content
13:06:04  <coopserver> Downloading 48 file(s) (54232564 bytes)
13:07:05  <coopserver> Content server connection closed
13:08:45  <V453000> !content
13:08:47  <coopserver> Downloading 2 file(s) (561099 bytes)
13:15:50  <V453000> !rescan
13:15:50  <coopserver> V453000: Scanning content directories
13:17:09  <coopserver> V453000: Rescan completed
13:17:26  <V453000> !content
13:17:27  <coopserver> Downloading 2 file(s) (561099 bytes)
13:17:30  <V453000> :D
13:17:31  <V453000> k
13:28:38  <happpy> hi v
13:32:59  <V453000> hi
13:33:03  <V453000> new game tonight :)
13:40:12  *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop.stable
13:40:30  <happpy_> !date
13:40:30  <coopserver> Mar 28 2105
13:40:46  *** happpy has quit IRC
13:41:00  *** happpy_ is now known as happpy
13:41:53  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
13:42:01  <coopserver> Disconnected from #openttdcoop - Welcome Server (
13:44:29  <happpy> it did it a gen as sume won join  it disconnected from the server
13:47:06  <happpy> v the server gon down
14:27:44  <^Spike^> !apconnect
14:27:44  <coopserver> Already connected!!
14:27:47  <^Spike^> !apdisconnect
14:27:50  <^Spike^> !apdisconnect
14:27:50  <coopserver> Not connected!!
14:27:52  <^Spike^> !apconnect
14:27:52  <coopserver> Connecting...
14:27:54  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server ( (Version 1.7.1)
14:27:56  <^Spike^> !players
14:27:56  <coopserver> ^Spike^: The server is empty, no one is connected. Feel free to remedy this situation
14:33:53  *** Deactivated has joined #openttdcoop.stable
14:33:58  <Deactivated> nuu why
14:34:05  <Deactivated> why reset now?
14:35:04  <Deactivated> well at least it's a reset
14:37:45  <happpy> !date
14:37:45  <coopserver> Jan 01 2105
14:38:13  <happpy> thanks  spike
14:42:45  <Deactivated> spike?
14:43:18  <Deactivated> welp, there was some sort of thing where the main website said that this svr is offline
14:43:30  <happpy> yes
14:43:37  <happpy> but it fixs now
14:44:14  <Deactivated> well we must wait for a certain V to finish his 32bpp purr, which is already almost 2 days late
14:44:25  <Deactivated> but nvm im going off... gotta go sleep soon
14:44:40  <Deactivated> be back in... uhm...
14:44:40  <happpy> sune won was trying to join the server then it werd when of line
14:44:59  <Deactivated> 16 hours
14:45:00  <happpy> he finsh today
14:45:19  <Deactivated> kk, ill be here in 16 hours as I said... will see what newgrfs are online
14:45:20  <happpy> he was doing a new map
14:45:49  <happpy> but not shor if it stuk
14:45:52  <Deactivated> oh well ,I might stay for like 15 more minutes
14:46:00  <happpy> ok
14:46:01  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
14:46:09  <Deactivated> let's see if I can still join
14:46:12  <Deactivated> probably not
14:46:20  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined
14:46:21  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:46:24  <happpy> i have no problem join
14:46:29  <Deactivated> oh nvm I still can join
14:47:02  <coopserver> <Deactivated> apparently Farenheit's company ripped
14:47:37  <happpy> yes
14:47:50  <coopserver> <Deactivated> he decided to reset? or just ragequitted
14:47:59  <coopserver> <Deactivated> or got reset by admins
14:48:10  <coopserver> <Deactivated> wheres my 4 digit paprr
14:48:14  <coopserver> <Deactivated> 5 digit I mean
14:48:41  <happpy> me and lokey  arsk a adnin to remov he company
14:48:53  <coopserver> <Deactivated> wow
14:48:54  <coopserver> <Deactivated> rip
14:49:07  <happpy> wate has all pw gon
14:49:08  <V453000> !companies
14:49:08  <coopserver> V453000: Company '1' (Pink): Qaczek Transport, Founded in 1923, Vehicles owned: 2 Trains, 8 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
14:49:09  <coopserver> V453000: Company '2' (Light Blue): LTU Transport, Founded in 1920, Vehicles owned: 16 Trains, 19 Roadvehicles, 5 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
14:49:10  <coopserver> V453000: Company '3' (Dark Blue): happytrainsport Transport, Founded in 1925, Vehicles owned: 504 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
14:49:11  <coopserver> V453000: Company '4' (Red): Tim Transport, Founded in 1924, Vehicles owned: 2 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
14:49:12  <coopserver> V453000: Company '5' (Orange): TOILET PAPER INC., Founded in 1925, Vehicles owned: 715 Trains, 88 Roadvehicles, 7 Ships and 5 Aeroplanes
14:49:13  <coopserver> V453000: Company '7' (Green): NS Transport, Founded in 1926, Vehicles owned: 1 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
14:49:14  <coopserver> V453000: Company '8' (Mauve): Muel Transport, Founded in 1953, Vehicles owned: 78 Trains, 2 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
14:49:15  <coopserver> V453000: Company '9' (White): Dice Transport, Founded in 1977, Vehicles owned: 4 Trains, 0 Roadvehicles, 0 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
14:49:16  <coopserver> <Deactivated> well I might as well open my company up
14:49:19  <coopserver> <Deactivated> oh yeah
14:49:21  <V453000> which company would that be
14:49:21  <coopserver> <Deactivated> pws are all gone
14:49:25  <V453000> number
14:49:30  <coopserver> <Deactivated> forgot
14:49:34  <coopserver> <Deactivated> it was red in color
14:49:44  <V453000> !rcon reset_company 4
14:49:45  <coopserver> Company deleted.
14:49:46  <coopserver> <Deactivated> named Farenheit Transport
14:49:49  <happpy> wate
14:49:52  <coopserver> <Deactivated> unoriginal name
14:50:02  <V453000> asdf
14:50:07  <coopserver> <Deactivated> qwertyuiop
14:50:21  <happpy> that meens the date is rone
14:50:52  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
14:50:57  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined
14:50:58  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:50:59  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
14:51:00  <coopserver> <Deactivated> date is 1Jan; loaded up an autosave?
14:51:08  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined company #5
14:51:19  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined spectators
14:51:22  <coopserver> <Deactivated> done, passworded
14:51:48  <coopserver> <Deactivated> while im at it I might as well announce that im opening up my company to anybody who is bothered to deal with my cancer
14:52:00  <coopserver> <Deactivated> any player who knows signals at least -_-
14:52:14  <coopserver> <Deactivated> pw is 123
14:52:21  <coopserver> <Deactivated> pro player's password
14:52:56  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined spectators
14:52:57  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:53:00  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined company #5
14:53:01  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
14:53:15  <coopserver> <Deactivated> gotta get 1K trains
14:54:21  <happpy> i fort u all ready remov that company 2 days a go v
14:54:56  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined company #3
14:55:28  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined spectators
14:56:29  <coopserver> <Deactivated> need to LLRR this slh
14:56:44  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined spectators
14:56:45  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:56:50  <coopserver> <Deactivated> screw it lets not be a tryhard
14:57:00  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> wich slh
14:57:06  <coopserver> <Deactivated> Prunthill
14:57:08  <coopserver> <Deactivated> that thing there
14:57:16  <coopserver> <Deactivated> more of a BBH now
14:57:52  <coopserver> <Deactivated> no matter what I still got my 10K paprr back
14:57:59  <coopserver> <Deactivated> need to spam in more paprr trains tho
14:58:06  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined company #5
14:58:07  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
14:58:55  <coopserver> <Deactivated> ok
14:58:58  <coopserver> <Deactivated> 750 ytains
14:59:02  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined spectators
14:59:03  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:59:24  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has joined company #5
14:59:25  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
15:04:02  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> u  no  thats the ferst time i dun big slh  in a game
15:05:51  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has left the game (Leaving)
15:06:43  <coopserver> <Deactivated> ok g2g bai
15:06:45  <coopserver> *** Deactivated has left the game (Leaving)
15:06:46  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
15:06:49  *** Deactivated has quit IRC
15:41:48  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:41:56  <coopserver> *** Player has joined
15:41:57  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
15:41:58  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #4
15:41:59  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
15:42:00  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
15:42:01  <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (wrong company in DoCommand)
15:42:02  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:42:37  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:42:45  <coopserver> *** Player has joined
15:42:46  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
15:42:47  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #6
15:42:48  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
15:42:49  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
15:42:50  <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (wrong company in DoCommand)
15:42:51  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:40:39  *** Speedy has quit IRC
16:40:39  *** Compu has quit IRC
16:40:39  *** Mark has quit IRC
16:40:39  *** Sylf has quit IRC
16:41:01  *** Compu has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:41:01  *** Sylf has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:41:01  *** Speedy has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:41:01  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
16:41:01  *** sets mode: +oo Sylf Mark
16:42:45  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v planetmaker
16:42:45  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v XeryusTC
16:42:46  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Ammler
16:42:46  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v ^Spike^
16:42:46  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Hazzard
16:42:46  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Mazur
16:42:46  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v StarLite
18:13:20  *** Mark has quit IRC
18:16:26  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
18:16:27  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
18:45:30  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
18:46:12  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop.stable
18:46:12  *** Webster sets mode: +o KenjiE20
19:12:31  *** Mark has quit IRC
20:03:25  <happpy> hey v was u ging to up load a map  in the mooring
20:22:00  <V453000> !getsave
20:22:00  <coopserver> Starting download...
20:22:05  <coopserver> Savegame successfully downloaded
20:22:16  <V453000> !rcon ls
20:22:17  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
20:22:18  <coopserver> 1) archive/ (Directory)
20:22:19  <coopserver> 2) autosave/ (Directory)
20:22:20  <coopserver> 3) uploads/ (Directory)
20:22:21  <coopserver> 4) game.sav
20:22:21  <V453000> !rcon cd 3
20:22:22  <coopserver> V453000: You have 10 more messages. Type !less to view them
20:22:24  <V453000> !rcon ls
20:22:26  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
20:22:27  <coopserver> 1) WS_2017-11-05_a.sav
20:22:28  <coopserver> 2) WS-2017-10-31-a.sav
20:22:29  <coopserver> 3) WS-2017-10-27-a.sav
20:22:30  <coopserver> 4) WS-2017-10-24-a.sav
20:22:31  <coopserver> V453000: You have 157 more messages. Type !less to view them
20:22:32  <V453000> !rcon load 1
20:22:34  <coopserver> Starting new game
20:22:50  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Welcome Server ( (Version 1.7.1)
20:22:51  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
20:22:53  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, connecting clients, number of players)
20:22:55  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
20:22:55  <V453000> !setdef
20:22:56  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
20:22:57  <coopserver> V453000: Setting default settings: set ai_in_multiplayer 0, set extra_dynamite 1, set forbid_90_deg 1, set inflation 0, set mod_road_rebuild 1, set order.no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns 1, set path_backoff_interval 1, set train_acceleration_model 1, set vehicle_breakdowns 0, set wait_for_pbs_path 255, set wait_oneway_signal 255, set wait_twoway_signal 255, and set yapf.rail_firstred_twoway_eol 1
20:23:00  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined company #1
20:23:01  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual)
20:23:56  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual, connecting clients)
20:23:59  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has joined
20:24:00  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (manual)
20:24:29  <coopserver> <V453000> good map? :)
20:24:48  <V453000> !auto
20:24:49  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (manual)
20:25:02  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> year  good  map
20:26:58  <coopserver> *** happytrainsport has started a new company #2
20:38:22  <coopserver> <V453000> :D
20:38:34  <coopserver> <V453000> I started my fizzy drink factory near the only town which accepts the drinks
20:39:16  <coopserver> <V453000> nvm found some
20:43:38  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
20:43:40  <coopserver> *** Player has joined
20:43:41  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
20:43:42  <coopserver> *** Player has started a new company #3
20:43:43  <coopserver> Player: Please change your name before joining/starting a company. Use '!name <new name>' to do so.
20:43:44  <coopserver> *** Player has joined spectators
20:43:45  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
20:43:46  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
20:43:47  <coopserver> *** Dice has joined
20:43:48  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
20:43:52  <coopserver> <V453000> heyo
20:44:01  <coopserver> <Dice> yooooooo
20:44:37  <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving)
20:54:17  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop.stable
20:54:18  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
20:54:59  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> heem  i  thinbk i got a werd train
20:55:10  <coopserver> <V453000> which one
20:55:21  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> ar its
20:55:23  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> ok
20:55:35  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> did the sigmal  rone
20:55:45  <coopserver> <V453000> :)
20:59:06  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> wons a gen  i f up  on my sigmal
20:59:17  <coopserver> <V453000> what's the problem?
20:59:41  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> see my train 21
20:59:55  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> its  on the rone side
21:00:00  <coopserver> <V453000> :D
21:00:02  <coopserver> <V453000> well
21:03:12  *** StarLite has quit IRC
21:04:04  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> ok that shord fixs it
21:08:00  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
21:08:05  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
21:08:06  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
21:08:08  <coopserver> <Mark> sup
21:08:09  <coopserver> <V453000> yo man :)
21:08:12  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> yo
21:08:16  <coopserver> <Mark> yoyo
21:08:21  <coopserver> <V453000> how are you?
21:08:32  <coopserver> <Mark> im pretty good
21:08:36  <coopserver> <Mark> how are you sir
21:08:53  <coopserver> <V453000> awesome, managed to free myself from BRIX for now :D
21:09:00  <coopserver> <V453000> and since today there is also new purr
21:09:10  <coopserver> <V453000> see my network
21:09:11  <coopserver> <Mark> brix is awesome
21:09:15  <coopserver> <Mark> nice
21:09:25  <coopserver> <Mark> love the trees
21:09:27  <coopserver> <V453000> want to build with me? :)
21:09:34  <coopserver> <V453000> thanks, those took months
21:09:37  <coopserver> <Mark> maybe later
21:09:41  <coopserver> <V453000> k
21:09:44  <coopserver> <Mark> i believe it
21:09:49  <coopserver> <Mark> theyre awesome
21:10:04  <coopserver> <V453000> the toyland ones are kind of meh, I have to say I just spent little time with these
21:10:06  <coopserver> <V453000> but well :)
21:10:13  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined company #1
21:12:42  <coopserver> <V453000> damn I didn't turn on the animal city names :(
21:13:17  <coopserver> <V453000> btw check out the purr tunnels :P
21:13:48  <coopserver> <Mark> yea very sexy :)
21:14:15  <coopserver> <V453000> you still in Canada I guess ?:)
21:14:26  <coopserver> <Mark> yep few more months
21:14:33  <coopserver> <V453000> :0 going back to floodland?
21:14:44  <coopserver> <Mark> not yet
21:14:48  <coopserver> <Mark> going to mexico for a bit
21:14:49  <coopserver> <V453000> where then ?:D
21:14:52  <coopserver> <V453000> :0
21:15:03  <coopserver> <V453000> you really got addicted to travelling :P
21:15:08  <coopserver> <Mark> and visit friends in nicaragua and costa rica
21:15:09  <coopserver> <V453000> 's nice
21:15:14  <coopserver> <V453000> :D
21:15:21  <coopserver> <Mark> yea looking forward to it :)
21:16:14  <coopserver> <V453000> that's great :)
21:19:30  <coopserver> *** Dice has left the game (Leaving)
21:20:41  <coopserver> <V453000> yay LL_RR required after 4 years of playing
21:22:50  <coopserver> <Mark> :)
21:32:01  <coopserver> <V453000> =D
21:33:41  <coopserver> <V453000> btw be very careful about uphills
21:33:46  <coopserver> <V453000> these trains are really weak for TL7
21:33:56  <coopserver> <Mark> oh ok
21:34:08  <coopserver> <V453000> it's 1905 yo :P
21:34:13  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
21:36:16  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> heem  not shor to do  a 3 ml loop  or not
21:36:37  <coopserver> <V453000> always add
21:36:45  <coopserver> <V453000> just moar
21:41:19  <coopserver> <Mark> moar
21:41:25  <coopserver> <V453000> arr
21:42:26  <coopserver> <V453000> nice
21:42:28  <coopserver> <V453000> almost everything
21:42:38  <coopserver> <Mark> :)
21:42:51  <coopserver> <Mark> moar trains
21:42:57  <coopserver> <V453000> you haven't forgotten your shit :P that's for sure
21:43:04  <coopserver> <Mark> faster trains would help a lot too
21:43:11  <coopserver> <Mark> :>
21:43:15  <coopserver> <V453000> don't expect those for a while
21:43:30  <coopserver> <V453000> and I kind of hope to go for strong/superstrong so not much speed there until slugz
21:44:24  <coopserver> <V453000> do you want to set up a toy factory and I connect more primaries meanwhile?
21:44:48  <coopserver> <Mark> got one in mind?
21:44:58  <coopserver> <V453000> at either of the ends :)
21:45:08  <coopserver> <V453000> up to you really
21:45:50  <coopserver> <V453000> also I'm adding autoreplace depots to all primaries
21:46:50  <coopserver> <Mark> your overflow is fucked
21:47:05  <coopserver> <V453000> just fixed it
21:47:08  <coopserver> <Mark> :)
21:55:32  <coopserver> <V453000> can I send shit your way?
21:55:36  <coopserver> <Mark> yep
21:58:27  <coopserver> <V453000> wtf universal wagons don't show plastic correctly
21:58:30  <coopserver> <V453000> strange
21:58:33  <coopserver> <V453000> must be new bug
21:59:15  <coopserver> <Mark> hmmz
21:59:30  <coopserver> <V453000> time for 80th version of nuts I guess :D
21:59:41  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
22:01:29  <coopserver> <Mark> do we have a toy drop?
22:01:36  <coopserver> <V453000> we can drop them at sweets drop
22:01:54  <coopserver> <V453000> there
22:02:20  <coopserver> <Mark> :P
22:03:15  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
22:03:48  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
22:04:05  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
22:04:14  <coopserver> *** Player has joined
22:04:15  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
22:06:37  *** Djanxy has quit IRC
22:08:58  <coopserver> <V453000> deez ducks
22:09:09  <coopserver> <Mark> what :D
22:09:15  <coopserver> <V453000> first toys produced
22:09:18  <coopserver> <Mark> oh yea
22:09:21  <coopserver> <Mark> nice
22:09:31  <coopserver> <Mark> duckies
22:10:31  <coopserver> *** Player has left the game (Leaving)
22:10:36  <coopserver> <V453000> I think a new engine should be coming reasonably soon
22:10:58  <coopserver> <Mark> bout time
22:11:08  <coopserver> <Mark> its hard to tell if these trains are moving or jammed
22:11:18  <coopserver> <V453000> :D quite
22:11:22  <coopserver> <V453000> thre isn't much difference anyway
22:11:31  <coopserver> <Mark> true
22:12:20  <coopserver> <Mark> were kicking happys ass
22:12:34  <coopserver> <V453000> well we are two
22:12:41  <coopserver> <V453000> but yeah I wrecked his anus in the first year too :P
22:12:43  <coopserver> <V453000> TL7
22:12:49  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
22:12:57  <coopserver> <V453000> also shitloads of trians do their thing
22:16:25  <coopserver> <V453000> train 200 eh :P
22:18:41  <coopserver> <V453000> yay
22:18:52  <coopserver> <V453000> 5 more kmh
22:18:57  <coopserver> <Mark> woohoo
22:18:58  <coopserver> <V453000> lightning fast now
22:19:00  <coopserver> <Mark> fuck yea
22:19:09  <coopserver> <Mark> most poorly planned slh ever
22:19:26  <coopserver> <V453000> oh you are actually buiding proper shit
22:19:30  <coopserver> <Mark> well
22:19:32  <coopserver> <V453000> I just did one directional mess :P
22:19:44  <coopserver> <Mark> i was going to do a proper slh
22:19:50  <coopserver> <Mark> but its a piece of shit
22:20:07  <coopserver> <V453000> can always wreck it later
22:21:00  <coopserver> <Mark> its hard to see empty wagons on green purr
22:21:02  <coopserver> <V453000> the toy-related primaries are kind of fucked up in production
22:21:16  <coopserver> <V453000> better ?
22:21:18  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
22:21:26  <coopserver> <V453000> rainbow, yo
22:22:42  <coopserver> <V453000> omfg full retard mode now :D
22:22:46  <coopserver> <V453000> I accept
22:23:14  <coopserver> <V453000> got a fav purr colour yet?
22:23:21  <coopserver> <Mark> hmm
22:23:37  <coopserver> <Mark> blue looks nice on this terrain
22:23:45  <coopserver> <V453000> omg you racist fuck
22:23:55  <coopserver> <V453000> he prefers a colour
22:23:57  <coopserver> <V453000> outrageous
22:24:08  <coopserver> <V453000> :P
22:29:07  <coopserver> <V453000> well the good news is that our trains are still so shitslow that even the 80kmh bridges don't slow them down
22:29:13  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
22:32:54  <coopserver> <V453000> OM`
22:32:56  <coopserver> <V453000> :D
22:33:03  <coopserver> <V453000> them trains not g etting to Fartown North :P
22:33:07  <coopserver> <Mark> omg
22:33:45  <coopserver> <Mark> injection depot on wrong track
22:33:59  <coopserver> <V453000> premature injection
22:34:05  <coopserver> <Mark> D:
22:34:23  <coopserver> <V453000> eh too late injection
22:34:26  <coopserver> <V453000> ._.
22:34:45  <coopserver> <V453000> we wrecking shit now
22:34:50  <coopserver> <V453000> and soon trains will wreck our shit
22:36:37  <coopserver> <Mark> these trains are terrible uphill
22:36:46  <coopserver> <V453000> someone might have said that earlier
22:36:48  <coopserver> <Mark> you really dont want 2 steps up within 10 tiles
22:36:52  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
22:36:56  <coopserver> <V453000> yeah :)
22:37:02  <coopserver> <V453000> it's ok-ish when they are empty
22:38:35  <coopserver> <V453000> I think LLL time
22:38:48  <coopserver> <Mark> absolutely
22:57:29  <coopserver> <V453000> kind of want to do a tunnel-only game with these tunnels :>
22:57:37  <coopserver> <V453000> one Day
23:25:38  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> ok   thats my bbh dun
23:25:48  <coopserver> <V453000> I'' be finished soon too
23:25:52  <coopserver> <V453000> after midnight already
23:26:17  <happpy> Year  its all most12 at night
23:26:29  <happpy> in uk time
23:34:24  <coopserver> <Mark> im off
23:34:25  <coopserver> <Mark> cyas
23:34:28  <coopserver> <V453000> cya :)
23:34:29  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> bb
23:34:31  <coopserver> <V453000> been a pleasuer
23:34:32  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (Leaving)
23:34:33  <coopserver> <V453000> re
23:34:36  <coopserver> <V453000> :)
23:38:20  <coopserver> <V453000> looks like the trains are defeated :)
23:39:37  <coopserver> <V453000> nice
23:39:38  <coopserver> <V453000> good night
23:39:39  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
23:39:48  <coopserver> <happytrainsport> gn v
23:40:00  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
23:40:02  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
23:40:03  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
23:40:10  <coopserver> <V453000> will just save :)
23:40:11  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
23:40:13  <V453000> bai
23:42:21  *** Mark has quit IRC

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