Log for #coopetition on 2nd March 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
01:54:34  *** PeterT_ has joined #coopetition
02:00:48  *** PeterT has quit IRC
02:07:09  *** PeterT has joined #coopetition
02:11:39  *** PeterT_ has quit IRC
02:13:39  <CooPeter> *** Peter joined the game
02:13:43  <CooPeter> *** Peter #1 joined the game
02:13:47  <PeterT> @op
02:13:54  <PeterT> !unpause
02:13:54  <CooPeter> *** PeterT has unpaused the server.
02:14:07  <PeterT> planetmaker: Are you here?
02:14:20  <PeterT> SmatZ, Yexo: You here either?
02:15:16  *** PeterT is now known as PeterT_
02:17:34  <PeterT_> !auto
02:17:39  <PeterT_> !pause
02:17:39  <CooPeter> *** PeterT_ has paused the server.
02:17:42  <PeterT_> !auto
02:17:44  <PeterT_> !unpause
02:17:44  <CooPeter> *** PeterT_ has unpaused the server.
02:17:54  <PeterT_> gah
02:18:42  <CooPeter> *** Peter has left the game (leaving)
02:18:42  <CooPeter> *** Peter #1 has left the game (connection lost)
02:45:28  *** PeterT_ has quit IRC
07:11:38  *** PeterT has joined #coopetition
09:41:49  *** PeterT has quit IRC
09:47:08  *** PeterT has joined #coopetition
11:14:48  *** PeterT_ has joined #coopetition
11:17:16  *** PeterT_ has quit IRC
11:50:33  <Ammler> PeterT: not really useful to announce a running server :-)
11:50:58  <Ammler> you should rather ask for a date :-)
11:50:58  <PeterT> Ammler: Can you please op me? My BNC went down and I was un-opped
11:51:12  <Ammler> @op PeterT
11:51:12  *** Webster sets mode: +o PeterT
11:51:20  <PeterT> then when trying to play, I couldn't unpause :-(
11:51:56  <Ammler> !rcon min_active_clients
11:51:56  <CooPeter> ERROR: command not found
11:51:59  <Ammler> !rcon set min_active_clients
11:51:59  <CooPeter> Current value for 'min_active_clients' is: '1' (min: 0, max: 255)
11:52:04  <CooPeter> *** Peter joined the game
11:52:12  <CooPeter> *** Peter has joined company #1
11:52:21  <PeterT> Game still paused, manual
11:52:22  <PeterT> !unpause
11:52:22  <CooPeter> *** PeterT has unpaused the server.
11:52:27  <PeterT> !rcon unpause
11:52:33  <PeterT> Good now
11:53:06  <PeterT> Ammler: What do you mean by "ask for a date"?
11:53:17  <PeterT> Like, "Hi all, when would you like a game?"
11:54:02  <Ammler> yes
11:54:05  <Ammler> something like that
11:54:45  <Ammler> most fun is, when you start together...
11:55:10  <PeterT> Ok, another bug
11:55:14  <Ammler> !content
11:55:15  <PeterT> I can't insert a new order
11:55:38  <CooPeter> <Peter> Prunnington Mines
11:55:45  <CooPeter> <Peter> but at wanley woods, I can
11:56:08  <CooPeter> *** Peter has left the game (leaving)
11:56:08  <CooPeter> *** Game paused (not enough players)
11:56:19  <PeterT> Anyway, I'm off till I get back from school
11:58:03  <Ammler> also 2 links to same content is a bit silly :-P
12:10:47  *** ^Spike^ has joined #coopetition
12:10:47  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^
12:10:54  <^Spike^> !dl
12:10:54  <CooPeter> !dl autoupdate|lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
12:12:51  *** Timmaexx has joined #coopetition
12:13:00  <Timmaexx> !dl
12:13:00  <CooPeter> !dl autoupdate|lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
12:13:21  <Timmaexx> !dl lin
12:13:21  <CooPeter>
12:18:01  <Timmaexx> !dl autoupdate
12:18:02  <CooPeter>
12:19:20  <Ammler> Timmaexx: no binaries yet
12:20:52  <Timmaexx> i felt it
12:21:08  <Ammler> and current rev seems to have bugs, so there won't be a game that soon.
12:21:17  <Ammler> PeterT: rushed it a bit too fast ;-)
12:39:11  <Timmaexx> yep
12:39:29  <Timmaexx> had to buy meal ;) Thanks for the answers
12:51:58  <planetmaker> <Ammler> and current rev seems to have bugs, so there won't be a game that soon. <-- oh, really? :S
12:57:40  <Ammler> planetmaker: PeterT: reported soemthing
12:58:42  <planetmaker> ah... sad to hear that bugs were found
13:19:21  <Timmaexx> bye have to go now
13:19:27  *** Timmaexx has quit IRC
14:15:38  *** ^Spike^ has left #coopetition
14:27:41  *** Yexo_ has joined #coopetition
14:27:41  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Yexo_
14:27:50  *** Yexo has quit IRC
14:34:50  *** Yexo_ has quit IRC
14:35:01  *** Yexo_ has joined #coopetition
14:35:01  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Yexo_
15:39:42  *** PeterT has quit IRC
15:40:55  *** PeterT has joined #coopetition
15:42:21  *** PeterT has quit IRC
15:43:49  *** PeterT has joined #coopetition
16:05:00  *** Webster has joined #coopetition
16:05:00  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Webster
19:38:43  <PeterT> HI all, I'm back
19:38:49  <PeterT> Who deopped me?
19:40:06  <CooPeter> *** Game unpaused (not enough players)
19:40:07  <CooPeter> *** Peter joined the game
19:40:10  <PeterT> planetmaker/Ammler: Can you please op me?
19:40:41  <CooPeter> *** Peter #1 joined the game
19:44:52  <CooPeter> *** Peter has left the game (leaving)
19:45:05  <CooPeter> *** Peter joined the game
19:50:59  <PeterT> Anyone?
19:51:03  <PeterT> We have another huge bug
19:51:16  <PeterT> I cannot give the train an order to go to Prunnington Mines
19:51:29  <PeterT> but it will go to wanley woods
19:51:32  <PeterT> strange..
19:51:35  <CooPeter> *** Peter has left the game (leaving)
19:51:39  <CooPeter> *** Peter #1 has left the game (leaving)
19:51:39  <CooPeter> *** Game paused (not enough players)
19:51:43  <PeterT> Yexo_: ^
20:04:46  <Ammler> [16:40] --> PeterT has joined this channel (
20:04:48  <Ammler> [16:42] <-- PeterT has left this server (Remote host closed the connection).
20:04:55  <Ammler> you deoped yourself
20:04:58  <Ammler> @op
20:05:02  <Ammler> @op PeterT
20:05:02  *** Webster sets mode: +o PeterT
20:05:09  <PeterT> Yes, I figured that out just now
20:05:22  <Ammler> added you to the access list
20:05:27  <PeterT> Thanks :-)
20:05:44  <Ammler> you should op self now or use /cs op #coopetition
20:05:55  <PeterT> Ammler: @channel capability add #coopetition PeterT op?
20:06:12  <Ammler> not with Webster
20:07:56  <PeterT> Ok, Thanks
20:07:59  *** PeterT sets mode: +v PeterT
20:08:11  <PeterT> Ammler: Did you see the previous problem?
20:08:16  <PeterT> about orders?
20:08:27  <Ammler> I saw your report
20:08:37  <PeterT> ok
20:08:45  <PeterT> I guess we should just wait for Yexo_
20:08:53  <Yexo_> I'll take a look at it later
20:08:57  <Yexo_> don't have time now
20:09:00  <Ammler> that is enough for me to wait for it when it works :-)
20:09:11  <PeterT> Ok
20:09:12  <PeterT> Thanks
22:07:08  *** Yexo_ is now known as Yexo

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