Log for #coopetition on 26th August 2020:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
13:13:43  *** Guest1025 has joined #coopetition
13:13:43  *** Guest1025 was kicked by Webster (Don't IRC as root -- it's very possible that there's a security flaw latent in your IRC client (remember the BitchX format string vulnerabilities of days past?))
13:13:46  *** Guest1025 has joined #coopetition
13:13:46  *** Guest1025 was kicked by Webster (Don't IRC as root -- it's very possible that there's a security flaw latent in your IRC client (remember the BitchX format string vulnerabilities of days past?))
13:13:48  *** Guest1025 has joined #coopetition
13:13:48  *** Guest1025 was kicked by Webster (Don't IRC as root -- it's very possible that there's a security flaw latent in your IRC client (remember the BitchX format string vulnerabilities of days past?))

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