Log for #openttd on 23rd September 2014:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:11:56  *** MJP [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
00:16:00  *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd
00:18:46  <Pikkaphone> Bing bong
00:57:41  *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
01:00:10  *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd
01:07:07  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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01:28:43  *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
02:02:08  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
02:22:07  *** glx [] has quit [Quit: Bye]
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03:14:52  *** Pereba [~UserNick@] has quit [Quit: Leif Eriksson uses AdiIRC. Shouldn't you? []]
03:26:04  *** APTX [] has joined #openttd
04:10:12  *** Pikkaphone [~yaaic@] has joined #openttd
04:42:32  <Supercheese> Heh, was wondering how to say "All rights reserved" in Latin, lo and behold my textbook has its copyright information all in Latin
04:56:02  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit []
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06:05:18  *** DDR [] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer]
06:18:53  *** andythenorth [] has joined #openttd
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06:31:35  <andythenorth> Pikkaphone: lo hai
06:38:02  <Supercheese> ring ring ring ring ring ring, Pikkaphone
06:38:11  <Supercheese> hmm not enough syllables
06:38:24  <Pikkaphone> that's what she said
06:39:40  <andythenorth> coaches
06:39:51  <andythenorth> 20mph faster than buses
06:39:59  <andythenorth> not convinced, but going to try it
06:40:08  * andythenorth making road hog bigger
06:40:11  <Pikkaphone> does it?
06:40:16  <andythenorth> dunno yet
06:40:28  <andythenorth> I found it ‘needed’ about another 15 vehicles
06:40:31  <andythenorth> apparently
06:40:54  <andythenorth> coach trams also?
06:41:01  <Pikkaphone> coaches shouldn't be too capable
06:41:25  <Supercheese> coaches aren't bad, if they've wifi
06:41:57  <Pikkaphone> quickly overwhelmed and replaced with trains to all but the smallest towns imo
06:42:06  <Supercheese> onboard televisions are so pedestrian these days
06:43:00  <Pikkaphone> when does a coach tram become an emu?
06:43:06  <andythenorth> when it’s grown up
06:43:24  <andythenorth> also I have narrow gauge trains innit
06:43:34  <andythenorth> so even more overlapping
06:44:03  <Supercheese> it would need to sprout wings and run about no?
06:44:07  <Pikkaphone> no coach yams or trams
06:44:10  <V453000> andythenorth: more doing less talking? :P
06:44:34  <andythenorth> V453000: talking makes pixels appear
06:44:35  <Supercheese> trams > narrow gauge for cities, because roads and such
06:44:41  <andythenorth> ‘project management'
06:45:13  <V453000> :D
06:48:12  <Pikkaphone> talking makes pixels unnecessary
06:48:45  <Pikkaphone> convince yourself something is not needed -> job done
06:50:32  <V453000> :D
06:50:33  <V453000> valid point
06:53:17  <andythenorth> can I bin the coaches then?
06:53:21  * andythenorth wants to
06:53:29  <andythenorth> otherwise I have to cripple the buses a bit also
06:53:47  *** Yotson [~Yotson@2001:980:6ac8:1:3c6f:db19:d87a:7d4] has joined #openttd
06:54:33  <andythenorth> one obviously good type for any route
06:54:43  <andythenorth> nobody builds bus routes between cities
06:56:07  <Pikkaphone> fabulous ai does
06:56:27  <Pikkaphone> well, it builds coaches
07:01:02  <Supercheese> I'll build bus routes between cities, if the cities are particularly close, the buses are sufficiently capable, and/or there is no room for rails
07:01:03  *** xintron [~xintron@2a02:c200:0:10:2:1:5488:1] has quit [Quit: Bice bice bice]
07:01:28  * andythenorth builds metro
07:01:37  <Supercheese> although if the cities are extremely close I'll run subways between them
07:01:56  <Supercheese> provided they're both large enough to produce enough passengers
07:07:07  *** Celestar [] has joined #openttd
07:08:39  <argoneus> mornink
07:11:09  <V453000> moo
07:40:50  *** andythenorth [] has left #openttd []
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08:50:53  <andythenorth> ho
08:51:00  <andythenorth> searching hard enough finds a prototype for all things
08:52:09  <planetmaker> mourn ink
08:52:55  <andythenorth> bonsoir
08:58:20  *** Myhorta [] has joined #openttd
08:58:40  <V453000> moo
09:21:21  *** andythenorth [] has left #openttd []
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09:41:45  <Pikkaphone> bon cheese
09:41:53  <Pikkaphone> and crackers
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10:22:47  <peter1138> bon
10:23:04  <andythenorth> jour
10:23:13  <V453000> ass
10:29:11  <Celestar> *burps*
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11:31:43  *** Supercheese is now known as Guest614
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12:35:30  *** andythenorth [~Andy@] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
12:35:48  <argoneus> is this the official channel for SIMUTRANS?
12:36:16  <__ln__> have two guesses at it
12:36:48  <Celestar> well ... maybe you could use Schrödingers Equation to model the answer :P
12:37:36  <Eddi|zuHause> i prefer my cats alive, please.
12:43:31  *** luaduck [] has quit [Quit: OH MY GOD ZNC IS SO FUCKING AWESOME]
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12:54:27  <Eddi|zuHause> anybody have the problem that linux-steam always fails to start the first time, and then runs on the second try?
12:57:33  <peter1138> no
12:57:46  <Eddi|zuHause> weird
13:01:38  <Celestar> I don't have that either...
13:02:47  <Eddi|zuHause> seems to complain about not finding NetworkManager
13:03:01  <Eddi|zuHause> but it's only a warning. why would it exit after that?
13:26:23  *** andythenorth [~Andy@] has joined #openttd
14:13:33  *** Hazzard [] has joined #openttd
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14:18:41  <Rubidium> moin Celestar
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14:19:12  * Rubidium predicts Celestar leaving by timeout within 8 minutes ;)
14:19:26  <Celestar> what makes you think so? :P
14:19:38  <Celestar> because I usually leave work at that time? :)
14:20:16  <Rubidium> because that's the usual M/O when I try to say hi to you
14:22:33  <Celestar> haha
14:25:39  <Celestar> but yeah I gotta run in a mo :P
14:25:50  <Rubidium> bye Celestar
14:27:06  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has joined #openttd
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14:32:04  *** Celestar [] has quit [Quit: Leaving.]
14:56:55  *** KouDy [~koudy@] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out]
15:05:22  *** Alberth [~hat@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has joined #openttd
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15:10:37  <argoneus> oui
15:12:28  <Alberth> yes?
15:12:38  <Xaroth|Work> jawol
15:19:52  <Eddi|zuHause> you missed a silent 'h' :p
15:20:57  <Eddi|zuHause> or more precicely a "stretching h"
15:27:00  <heffer> or if he's from Rheinland or the Ruhrgebiet he could also be missing an l at the end
15:27:28  <heffer> but then it would be more affirmative than questioning
15:27:54  <planetmaker> pronounciation peculiarities don't exactly change the spelling :)
15:28:33  <heffer> yeah right. but sometimes you need to write dialect like it's spoken or noone will get it :D
15:28:58  <Eddi|zuHause> i've certainly seen it spelled that way
15:29:04  <heffer> Jawoll
15:29:17  <heffer> or even So isses
15:29:32  <Eddi|zuHause> though then it certainly has subtle differences in meaning
15:32:17  *** Myhorta [] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
15:33:07  <planetmaker> not sure there actually is.
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15:36:38  <Eddi|zuHause> well that may be also a regional thing, but to me, the shortened version carries more enthusiasm and engergy with it. but it also depends on whether it's used in ironic context
15:37:47  <planetmaker> I think it's more a matter of intonation than pronounciation. Though the Jawoll form lends itself to a more 'energetic' exlamation than the longer 'Jawohl'
15:40:02  *** luaduck [] has quit [Quit: OH MY GOD ZNC IS SO FUCKING AWESOME]
15:42:29  *** DanMacK [~androirc@] has joined #openttd
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16:47:32  <argoneus> how do you guys grow your cities before they're big enough for trains?
16:47:52  <argoneus> like, inter city transport by trains taht is
16:48:23  * Alberth doesn't
16:48:45  * planetmaker doesn't either. I start with IC transport right away. And add a small inner city network to feed the station
16:48:53  <argoneus> hmm
16:49:04  <argoneus> oh
16:49:09  <planetmaker> 1000 inhabitants is enough. Even 500 is
16:49:11  <argoneus> I meant the train network inside the city
16:49:15  <argoneus> inter city is wrong
16:49:18  <argoneus> wrong word
16:49:48  <planetmaker> 3 ... 5 bus stations with busses going in circles. But I build the train station first. Then the bus stations
16:50:00  <planetmaker> That way the city grows around the train station
16:50:19  <argoneus> ok
16:51:06  <planetmaker> mind to not build the tracks for the train station. Or you might not be allowed to build the bus stations anymore :P
16:51:18  <planetmaker> build the tracks only when bus service is active
16:51:26  <Alberth> it's intra city what you mean, I think :)
16:52:09  <argoneus> oh yeah
16:52:12  <argoneus> also, for some reason
16:52:17  <argoneus> all my road vehicles are gone
16:52:17  <argoneus> o.o
16:52:24  <argoneus> like, the depot is empty
16:52:24  <argoneus> huh
16:52:31  <planetmaker> eaten by train collisions on level crossings
16:52:44  <argoneus> nono
16:52:48  <argoneus> I can't even build any road vehicles
16:52:52  <argoneus> there are none in the list
16:53:02  <Alberth> too early?
16:53:22  <argoneus> ohh
16:53:26  <argoneus> I removed egrvts2 from my newgrfs
16:53:29  <argoneus> 1923
16:54:15  <argoneus> so do you guys ever make intra city networks?
16:54:18  <argoneus> in the beginning
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16:54:43  <Alberth> I almost never do pax
16:55:26  <Alberth> I find industry chains much nicer to play
16:55:48  <argoneus> I like the idea of pax
16:55:52  <argoneus> because the city grows and I have to adapt
16:55:56  <argoneus> but that's the annoying part too
16:57:02  <Alberth> adapting is fine, but you need room, and towns don't give that
16:57:12  <Alberth> or at best, very slowly
16:57:19  <argoneus> also
16:57:22  <argoneus> I just started up auatoreplace
16:57:26  <argoneus> but my vehicles don't go to depots
16:57:26  <argoneus> :(
16:57:50  <Alberth> enable breakdowns :p
16:58:00  <argoneus> even when I send them for servicing
16:58:03  <argoneus> they just go in and out
16:58:34  <Alberth> wrong setup, or no money?
16:58:51  <Alberth> don't you get a vehicle info window telling you why it fails?
16:58:53  <planetmaker> <argoneus> I removed egrvts2 from my newgrfs
16:58:53  <planetmaker> <argoneus> 1923 <-- you obviously missed the big red warning box that talked about messing up your savegame when changing NewGRFs mid-game
16:58:55  <argoneus> nope
16:59:01  <argoneus> planetmaker: not midgame
16:59:05  <argoneus> it's not enabled to begin with
16:59:07  <argoneus> but no road vehicles
16:59:12  <Alberth> argoneus: disabled vehicle info news?
16:59:13  <argoneus> but 1923 is too early isn't it
16:59:19  <planetmaker> well, yes, default starting year is 1950 for a reason
16:59:41  <Alberth>   <-- says 1929
17:00:02  <Alberth> but it may be later, openttd randomizes the starting year
17:00:47  <argoneus> but why NUTS trains don't autoreplace is beyond me
17:01:02  <Alberth> why are oil RVs called "tanker"  ?
17:01:37  <Alberth> argoneus: my crystal ball is failing unfortunately
17:02:00  <Pinkbeast> Alberth: English is a funny language?
17:02:21  <Alberth> I can live with that  :)
17:02:45  *** ATS63 [~peterh@2407:500::2:981d:d5e9] has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
17:03:38  <planetmaker> Alberth, how are they called in Dutch? In German we also call them Tanklaster. Tanker rather refers to (big) oil *ships*
17:04:19  *** ATS63 [~peterh@2407:500::2:981d:d5e9] has joined #openttd
17:04:26  <Pinkbeast> Large oil ships are also tankers in English (as you may know)
17:05:20  <Alberth>     tankwagens, just like germans do, apparently :)
17:05:25  <argoneus> I just don't see a challenge in IC
17:05:31  <argoneus> I can just connect all oil wells to one refinery or such
17:05:33  <argoneus> and enjoy money
17:05:43  <argoneus> even with cargodist
17:06:08  <andythenorth> tanker truck
17:06:11  <andythenorth> dumper truck
17:06:13  <andythenorth> tipper truck
17:06:19  <andythenorth> tanker lorry
17:06:24  <andythenorth> is probably more english
17:07:00  <Alberth> sounds about right, andy
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17:08:09  <Alberth> Interestingly,  lists all as "trucks" except oil tanker :)
17:08:22  <planetmaker> pretty stupid, imho :)
17:08:37  <planetmaker> but then... doesn't matter
17:08:58  <Pinkbeast> I fear "lorry" is losing out to "truck" :-/
17:10:15  <andythenorth> it’s correct
17:10:17  <andythenorth> tanker truck
17:10:19  <andythenorth> but oil tanker
17:10:24  <andythenorth> cement mixer
17:10:30  <Alberth> lorry sounds much more friendly
17:10:44  <andythenorth> bin lorry
17:11:08  <Pinkbeast> Rubbish lorries are still lorries, you couldn't say rubbish truck.
17:11:17  <andythenorth> bin truck
17:11:22  <andythenorth> recycling truck
17:11:30  <andythenorth> garbage truck
17:11:45  * andythenorth back to work
17:33:46  <peter1138> bah at rendering differences
17:34:56  <argoneus> I am having a hard time deciding between Medium and Strong in NUTS
17:35:17  <argoneus> if I have a lot of space for curves, is Medium enough for 7 length coal?
17:35:29  <Alberth> tias
17:35:43  <Alberth> when in doubt throw in an extra engine
17:35:57  <Alberth> it looks awesome as bonus :)
17:36:06  <argoneus> wait
17:36:08  <argoneus> you can chain engines?
17:36:17  <Alberth> oh boy :)
17:36:27  <Alberth> buy en angine, move it into a train
17:36:38  <Alberth> *an
17:36:53  <andythenorth> moar engines
17:37:01  <andythenorth> usually, if in doubt, more
17:37:07  <andythenorth> choosing carefully is very over-rated
17:37:30  <Alberth> preferably with a wagon or two/three in between for better steam show
17:37:34  <andythenorth> sometimes I diligently watch a train run its route
17:37:51  <andythenorth> and then add engines if and only if needed
17:37:54  <andythenorth> other times...MOAR
17:38:02  * andythenorth should play a game
17:38:08  * andythenorth should fix some ships
17:38:10  <andythenorth> and RVs
17:38:18  <Alberth> play > fix ?
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17:46:19  <andythenorth> :P
17:46:25  *** andythenorth [~Andy@] has quit [Quit: andythenorth]
17:46:26  <DorpsGek> Commit by translators :: r26912 /trunk/src/lang (5 files) (2014-09-23 17:46:13 UTC)
17:46:27  <DorpsGek> -Update from WebTranslator v3.0:
17:46:28  <DorpsGek> czech - 21 changes by argoneus
17:46:29  <DorpsGek> korean - 2 changes by telk5093
17:46:30  <DorpsGek> lithuanian - 18 changes by Stabilitronas
17:46:31  <DorpsGek> spanish - 3 changes by SilverSurferZzZ
17:46:32  <DorpsGek> welsh - 14 changes by kazzie
17:46:50  * argoneus tips
17:47:41  <argoneus> V453000: does autoreplace only work for the trains of the same type? (Strong, Medium etc)
17:48:02  <V453000> no, for all trains
17:48:21  <argoneus> huh, something is very wrong then
17:48:39  <V453000> if you are using nuts make sure you are also replacing wagons which fit to the desired train
17:48:48  <argoneus> I'm using the universal ones
17:48:50  <argoneus> but thing is
17:49:02  <argoneus> 1, my trains don't go to the depot 2, when I force them there they don't do anything
17:49:06  <argoneus> even though I'm above the money limit
17:49:10  <argoneus> and there's no message either ._.
17:49:55  <Alberth> I think we'll need a save game if you want real help
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17:50:11  <argoneus> I'll try for a few more years
17:50:14  <argoneus> to make sure it's not me being retarded
17:50:26  <Alberth> ok :)
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18:03:40  <V453000> argoneus: which engine to which engine?
18:03:59  <frosch123> hai kids
18:04:06  <V453000> yo kid
18:04:09  <argoneus> V453000: educated horses to revelation engine
18:04:27  <V453000> that should indeed work without issues
18:04:37  <argoneus> uhhhh
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18:33:37  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r26913 /branches/1.4 (5 files in 3 dirs) (2014-09-23 18:33:31 UTC)
18:33:38  <DorpsGek> [1.4] -Update documentation
18:35:23  <DorpsGek> Commit by frosch :: r26914 /tags/1.4.3 (10 files in 4 dirs) (2014-09-23 18:35:17 UTC)
18:35:24  <DorpsGek> -Release: 1.4.3
18:36:52  <Xaroth|Work> gz
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18:45:37  <Wolf01> hi hi
18:48:38  <Alberth> hi
18:55:26  <keoz> any way that a gamescript can disable the water/food requirement for tropical town's in order to growth ?
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18:55:55  <keoz> (hi, btw)
18:57:52  <keoz> Oh, maybee a solution with CargoEffects
18:58:05  *** NumberNoid [] has joined #openttd
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18:58:09  <NumberNoid> hello
18:58:26  <NumberNoid> im having some issues with a server
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18:58:57  <NumberNoid> its quite simply when the yearly autosave comes around I get disconnected
18:59:06  <NumberNoid> like the client looses the connection to the server
18:59:11  <NumberNoid> any solutions?
18:59:28  <NumberNoid> running debian on server machine
18:59:53  <FLHerne_> NumberNoid: What sort of disconnect? Timeout? Desync?
19:00:30  <glx> missing version info too
19:00:30  <NumberNoid> general disconnect
19:00:39  <NumberNoid> however Im assuming its a timeour
19:00:41  <NumberNoid> out*
19:00:50  <NumberNoid> using openttd 1.4.2 stable
19:01:36  *** tokai|mdlx [] has quit [Ping timeout: 480 seconds]
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19:02:02  <FLHerne_> NumberNoid: Is the client relatively slow? That can happen when the client fails to keep up with the server, and autosaving might push it over the edge
19:02:27  <NumberNoid> I don't think the client would be the issue
19:02:36  <NumberNoid> the network speed might be though
19:02:56  <NumberNoid> currently having a 4096x4096 map with couple opengfr's
19:03:06  <glx> that's the issue :)
19:03:06  <NumberNoid> there its happening
19:03:19  <glx> 4kx4k is huge
19:03:22  <NumberNoid> it is
19:03:26  <NumberNoid> there
19:03:33  <NumberNoid> "network-game connection lost"
19:04:01  <NumberNoid> is there a way to fix this?
19:04:02  <frosch123> keoz: just set the cargo requirements for town growth to "nothing"
19:04:24  <frosch123> the default conditions only apply for TOWN_GROWTH_NORMAL
19:04:37  <glx> use a smaller map
19:04:55  <NumberNoid> like the "max_lag" thing is on full (65500 or similar)
19:05:10  <NumberNoid> yes but I really don't want to loose the progress we had on the current map
19:05:41  <keoz> mmh, frosch123
19:06:07  <keoz> not sure I understand the procedure. My script already disables normal growth
19:06:09  <frosch123> ignore teh TOWN_GROWTH_NORMAL, i was confusing stuff
19:06:12  <Rubidium> is autosave set on the serveror the client?
19:06:23  <NumberNoid> on server
19:06:26  <frosch123> there is no easy way to reset it to default, once you changed them
19:06:26  <NumberNoid> and client
19:06:41  <NumberNoid> is it possible to disable autosave?
19:06:42  <frosch123> keoz: GSTown::SetCargoGoal
19:06:51  <NumberNoid> or make it something like 10 years?
19:06:54  <Rubidium> it's definitely possible to disable autosave
19:07:21  * NumberNoid missed the "off" function all these years
19:07:24  <NumberNoid> bloody hell
19:07:27  <keoz> frosch123: yeah I was thinking to that method. Just need to figure out the right way :-)
19:07:39  <NumberNoid> is it possible to do it in server commands?
19:07:44  <Rubidium> maybe disabling the autosave on the client works
19:07:58  <NumberNoid> lemme try
19:08:06  <keoz> the description of SetCargoGoal is confusing, since it asks a cargo id for a GSCargo::TownEffect
19:09:19  <NumberNoid> any way to unlock all the airports?
19:09:38  <frosch123> keoz: it doesn'T ask as cargo id
19:09:41  <Alberth> aircraft are boring to play
19:09:51  <NumberNoid> easy money though
19:09:54  <NumberNoid> to get trains
19:10:40  <keoz> frosch123: ok, that's what I understood. But the documentation asks for "The index of the cargo."
19:11:10  <keoz> Anyway. I'll try to play with SetCargoGoal and see what it gives :)
19:11:33  <frosch123> ah, i'll fix the docs
19:11:44  <frosch123> the @pre were also wrong
19:12:05  <keoz> are they ?
19:12:29  <frosch123> well, they say cargo_id, when the parameter is called towneffect_id
19:12:39  <NumberNoid> I need to ask; how difficult would it be to remake openttd into 3d graphics (not isometric)?
19:12:44  <keoz> oh, yes, right
19:12:54  <frosch123> NumberNoid: download train fever
19:13:00  <frosch123> easily done within 30 minutes
19:13:08  <NumberNoid> lol
19:13:18  * NumberNoid prefers open source software
19:13:34  <keoz> frosch123: : also IsValidTown should maybee be preceeded by GSTown::
19:13:44  <keoz> (still in the @pre)
19:14:34  <frosch123> nah, that is a method of the same class
19:14:40  <frosch123> it's that way everywhere
19:14:55  <keoz> right
19:16:42  <NumberNoid> im gonna go from IRC as I cbb adding this to my BNC
19:16:54  <NumberNoid> (and I don't host a openttd server often nuff
19:16:56  <NumberNoid> )
19:17:03  <NumberNoid> thanks for the help and great game!
19:17:18  *** NumberNoid [] has quit [Quit: Leaving]
19:21:44  <Rubidium> blathijs / heffer: there has been a release
19:21:53  <heffer> thanks. updating
19:23:10  <frosch123> @topic set 1 1.4.3
19:23:10  *** DorpsGek changed the topic of #openttd to: 1.4.3 | Website: * (translator: translator, server list: servers, wiki: wiki, patches & bug-reports: bugs, revision log: hg, release info: finger) | Don't ask to ask, just ask | 'Latest' is not a valid version, 'Most recent' neither | English only | for dev-talk | #openttd.notice for commit notices
19:23:47  <argoneus> were the commit notices killed?
19:24:16  <frosch123> no?
19:24:18  <Rubidium> argoneus: what makes you think that?
19:24:31  <argoneus> oh
19:24:38  <argoneus> I just noticed you changed the topic, but didn't know what was before
19:24:43  <argoneus> and I remember that commit notices were always here
19:26:50  <Rubidium> well, they still are
19:27:10  <Rubidium> it's just that OpenTTD doesn't instantly get compiled on 20 platforms
19:28:55  <heffer> reminds me i still need to file that bundling exception regarding squirrel with the Fedora Engineering Steering Comittee
19:29:54  <frosch123> sounds fancy, what's that? :p
19:30:14  <frosch123> what's exceptional about squirrel?
19:30:31  <Rubidium> it's a library, but we don't link with the library
19:30:51  <Rubidium> instead we include the source code with modifications
19:31:38  <heffer> yeah. and Rubidium and I talked about the reasons also. and i think they are valid.
19:31:41  <frosch123> oh, there is a squirrel package in fedora?
19:31:48  <heffer> yes, there actually is
19:33:07  <heffer> in Fedora we usually can't bundle libraries. unless you file an exception which must be granted by FESCo.
19:33:24  <heffer> if you file for an exception you better have a good reason though
19:34:27  *** Alberth [~hat@2001:981:c6c5:1:be5f:f4ff:feac:e11] has left #openttd []
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19:56:40  <Eddi|zuHause> hm, i think i'm going bankrupt now :/
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19:58:55  * Rubidium wonders how long it takes before someone asks to write an import for train fever save games into OpenTTD
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20:02:47  <heffer> the ARM build are always taking forever
20:02:48  *** Myhorta [] has quit []
20:03:08  <peter1138> nobody uses it anyway
20:03:15  * andythenorth broke the tests
20:03:35  <Rubidium> well, at least 1.4.3 doesn't segfault upon regression test of m68k
20:03:43  <heffer> peter1138: pretty sure no one ever installed openttd on Fedora ARM
20:03:44  <frosch123> Rubidium: did anyone ask for a simutrans, locomotion or railroad tycoon import?
20:04:07  <heffer> Sim City 2000 import
20:04:09  <Rubidium> frosch123: if so, I mentally ignored them
20:04:57  <Eddi|zuHause> have people even asked about TTDP import lately?
20:05:11  <Rubidium> what's TTDP?
20:05:47  <__ln__> i'd like to import word documents.
20:06:35  <frosch123> i think exporting excel spreadsheets is more important
20:07:16  <Supercheese> Well, if Train Fever can export a heightmap...
20:07:35  <andythenorth> frosch123: mail client
20:07:36  <Supercheese> although I doubt it can
20:08:11  <Eddi|zuHause> i want export to toaster
20:08:27  <frosch123> Eddi|zuHause: export to gardena? :p
20:08:37  <heffer> i want to import my punchcards
20:08:45  <Rubidium> HTCPCP ?
20:09:10  <Eddi|zuHause> never heard of that
20:16:37  <Eddi|zuHause> i wonder if i should attempt a large map, or if performance of the simulation will suffer...
20:16:38  * andythenorth unbreaks the tests
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20:32:27  * andythenorth goes to bed
20:32:28  <andythenorth> bye
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20:35:45  <heffer> update for Fedora has been pushed to testing
20:36:00  <heffer> I guess that was my fastest push to date :D
20:38:13  <frosch123> :)
21:18:57  <Wolf01> 'night
21:19:05  *** Wolf01 [] has quit [Quit: Once again the world is quick to bury me.]
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22:10:34  <peter1138> hmm
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22:17:16  <peter1138> anyone need an opteron 275? :p
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