Log for on 12th October 2013:
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19:32:36  <Zuu> Regarding the patches that LordAro posted (, they look good in general.
19:32:45  <Zuu> I did study 001 in detail and it looks good.
19:32:58  <LordAro> :p
19:33:05  <LordAro> "<planetmaker> LordAro, I'd aggregate 001 with possibly more doxygen. I'm not exactly sure about how 003 compares to 005... they go basically different direction imho; I'd skip 3" for reference
19:33:34  <Zuu> oh, in #openttd :-)
19:33:42  <LordAro> i'll continue here:
19:33:53  <planetmaker> :-) let's stay here
19:33:58  <LordAro> 003 and 005 aren't supposed to be related, as such
19:34:05  <planetmaker> no, not related
19:34:11  <LordAro> they're just random optimisations/fixes
19:34:24  <planetmaker> I meant: 003 adds a special function. Which imho doesn't make it clearer or much shorter
19:34:49  <planetmaker> and 005 basically removes the special functions. And makes it longer where it's called
19:35:09  <planetmaker> But 005 makes somewhat sense to me. At least places with 003 and 005 look similar then
19:35:19  <planetmaker> going by visual structure, calling syntax
19:35:46  <Zuu> hmm, 003 is IsFlatTile and 005 is fence here
19:35:48  <LordAro> as far as i can tell (according to cirdan, i haven't done any testing myself) the IsTileFlat function is somewhat faster than the (old) GetTileSlope
19:35:53  <planetmaker> yes, here, too
19:36:15  <Zuu> How is the flat tile patch related to fence?
19:36:34  <LordAro> it's not, at all
19:36:41  <planetmaker> not at all
19:36:42  <LordAro> just numerous fixes and optimisations
19:36:51  <LordAro> that's all i'm operating on
19:36:58  <LordAro> i'm not touching the map array stuff (for now)
19:37:03  <planetmaker> speed might be an argument, yes
19:37:34  <Zuu> as I understood 003 is motivated by speed arguments
19:38:03  <LordAro> his explanation makes sense, at least :L
19:38:05  <planetmaker> good enough argument
19:38:10  <planetmaker> yes
19:39:35  <planetmaker> why is the z-height called 'a' though?
19:40:08  <LordAro> which patch?
19:40:13  <planetmaker> 3
19:40:54  <LordAro> no idea
19:41:01  <LordAro> i'll change it
19:41:25  <Zuu> 002: changes "x != MapMaxX()" to "x < MapMaxX()" in adition to introducing the helper method.
19:43:16  <Zuu> From my understanding it will not affect the behaviour.
19:44:00  <LordAro> as far as i can tell, it won't
19:44:13  <Zuu> Oh, your dropbox link is now empty
19:44:13  <LordAro> (makes sense that it won't, anyway :) )
19:44:21  <LordAro> crap, hang on
19:44:44  <planetmaker> Zuu, it's inverted the check for edges
19:45:01  <LordAro> check again, and i changed 003
19:45:06  <LordAro> i did a mv instead of a cp :L
19:45:48  <planetmaker> yeah, that's what I wondered. ty
19:46:22  <planetmaker> Zuu, for 002: see lines 57/58. It checks for edge
19:46:30  <planetmaker> and Line 84 checks for not edge
19:46:42  <Zuu> I compared with line 25/26
19:46:52  <Zuu> 26/27*
19:47:04  <LordAro> either way, that's a basic check, and the patches doesn't break the game that badly, so it must work fine :)
19:47:59  <planetmaker> that's afaik logically equivalent. checking for non-border tiles
19:48:53  <planetmaker> but, I do believe that the result is a bit slower
19:49:15  <planetmaker> as always x and y are retrieved via TileX and TileY respectively
19:49:21  <planetmaker> and the check is only done subsequently
19:49:27  <Zuu> Yep it works the same. I was just wondering why changing "=="/"!=" to "<" / ">". If it may have a tiny speed impact on the low level.
19:50:23  <planetmaker> while currently the check can abort already after having accessed the respective first expression of the total boolean expression
19:51:00  <planetmaker> not sure it makes any difference though... whatever the compilers optimize this into
19:51:27  <Zuu> The compiler may be able to detect that y is used later
19:51:31  <LordAro> does it really matter that much? :L
19:51:43  <LordAro> the differences will be negligible
19:53:12  <planetmaker> hm, I see where tile height a comes from
19:53:41  <LordAro> ?
19:54:02  <planetmaker> Slope GetTileSlope(TileIndex tile, int *h) in tile_map.cpp uses it, too
19:54:11  <LordAro> ah
19:54:27  <planetmaker> but it uses 4 heights. So... different :D
19:54:40  <LordAro> a c&p thing then
19:54:55  <LordAro> either way, a bit of extra confusing that isn't necessary
19:55:02  <LordAro> and i've already changed it :)
19:55:20  <Zuu> 004 could do with doxygen comment of the merged method
19:55:25  <planetmaker> ok, looking at the complete code, the speed thing is void
19:56:01  <planetmaker> s/could do with/needs/ :)
19:57:01  <planetmaker> the use of that method, old and new is kinda a bit shrouded to me. Why would I NOT allow fields when checking for valid farm fields?
19:57:31  <planetmaker> possibly when searching place for new field tiles...
19:57:48  <frosch123> you do not want to plant fields over fields
19:57:54  <frosch123> that results in half fields, which is ugly
19:58:08  <LordAro> for all i know, he may change that later, i haven't even looked over the whole patch queue yet :L
19:58:28  <Zuu> I find it odd that it do: "count += IsValidFarmFieldTile(cur_tile, false);"  --- increase an integer with boolean result.
19:58:46  <Zuu> It did that before, so the patch is not changing anything there really.
19:59:37  <planetmaker> oi. I would think we get warnings about that :D
20:00:08  <Zuu> It may be in the c++ standard what a bool converts to as int, but it is different in some programming languages and therefor I tend to stay away form it to not get biten by having the wrong idea for the current language.
20:00:23  <planetmaker> ^
20:00:29  <frosch123> it is valid c, but normally you use "? 1 : 0" :)
20:00:57  <frosch123> anyway, getting rid of GetTileSlope is a valid optiisation
20:01:05  <frosch123> we also have getmin/maxtileheight for that reason
20:01:31  <frosch123> resolving a slope is complicated, if you do not need all the info
20:02:09  <frosch123> 009 is quite tricky wrt. that :)
20:02:12  <planetmaker> I like 005 and 007.
20:02:29  <planetmaker> I've no clue whether 009 works :-)
20:02:49  <frosch123> it works, but it makes assumptions on the slopes a tunnel entrance can be on
20:02:54  <LordAro> doxygening 004 function - what is the allow_fields paramter for? i'm not sure :L
20:02:57  <frosch123> it assumes that they can only be on plain slopes
20:03:15  <frosch123> and will thus hurt if you ever want tunnels with foundations or similar
20:03:40  <planetmaker> meh
20:03:49  <planetmaker> thus he cuts his own leg there :D
20:04:24  <frosch123> he replaces the expensive GetTileZ function with TileHeight, which only checks the north corner
20:04:48  <frosch123> but assuming the fixed slopes for tunnel entries you can tell the rest of it from the north tile height :)
20:05:14  <planetmaker> hm :-)
20:05:36  <planetmaker> I guess, that's ok as it's capsuled in a separate function, though
20:05:49  <frosch123> though in south direction it is even more trickier, as the height of the north corner does not identify the tunnel end, so the uses the height of the next tile after tunnel exit, then goes one tile back
20:05:49  <planetmaker> rewriting such function when tunnels are enhanced is a valid task
20:06:09  <frosch123> so, yeah, quite tricky, might need a comment :p
20:06:56  * LordAro pokes poeple about doxygen comment
20:11:08  <LordAro> "@param allow_fields include existing field tiles in the check" good enough?
20:11:08  <Zuu> LordAro: If allow_fields is true, the method will return true even if the tile is a farm tile.
20:14:29  <LordAro> assuming yes :p
20:14:38  <LordAro> what else did you decide needs to be done?
20:14:42  <Zuu> Perhaps "If allow_fields is true, the method will return true even if the tile is a farm tile, otherwise the tile must not be a farm tile"
20:14:56  <Zuu> + the @param stuff
20:15:26  <Zuu> It is always good to have a clear if true, blah, otherwise, blah2 statement for parameters.
20:15:46  <planetmaker> yeah
20:17:14  <LordAro> updated 004 patch, can you check?
20:18:17  <planetmaker> I think the return value is not true
20:18:31  <planetmaker> Maybe it should actually be renamed, the whole function
20:18:41  <planetmaker> To CanBecomeFarmField
20:18:55  <LordAro> k
20:18:56  <planetmaker> or IsSuitableForFarmField
20:19:03  <frosch123> IsSuitable sounds better
20:19:31  <planetmaker> MP_CLEAR and MP_TREEES in any case are not yet valid farm fields :-)
20:19:50  <LordAro> indeed :)
20:19:53  <LordAro> done
20:20:18  <LordAro> next? :L
20:21:35  <frosch123> does the "L" in ":L" stand for "LordAro" ?
20:21:36  <Zuu> It now says IsValidFarmFieldTile in 004
20:22:01  <LordAro> Zuu, press f5
20:22:14  <LordAro> frosch123: i do use that emoticon a lot, don't i? :p
20:22:34  <frosch123> so it stands for "lot" ? :o
20:22:40  <planetmaker> :D
20:22:44  <LordAro> :p
20:22:54  <LordAro> stop making the conversation go offtopic
20:22:55  <LordAro> :p
20:23:07  <Zuu> The text about allow_fields could replace the current @param farm_field text
20:23:48  <LordAro> farm_field?
20:24:14  <planetmaker> what do you mean, Zuu ?
20:24:21  <LordAro> oh, right, allow_fields, but the existing text is a bit long, imo
20:24:22  <Zuu> @param allow_fields If true, the method will return true even if the tile is a farm tile, otherwise the tile must not be a farm tile.
20:24:31  <LordAro> a bit long, imo
20:24:43  <planetmaker> not long. accurate :-)
20:24:50  <planetmaker> s/must not/may not/
20:25:56  <Zuu> LordAro:
20:26:19  <LordAro> got it, done
20:26:50  <Zuu> This is not longer than your version in total. Infact it is shorter by only explaining allow_fields once and clearly directly. :-)
20:27:07  <LordAro> ok
20:27:09  <LordAro> next?
20:27:16  <planetmaker> 5 is fine with me
20:29:04  <Zuu> Hmm, I get confused by that diff viewer showing removed lines in green.
20:29:16  <planetmaker> yeah, that's confusing
20:30:39  <LordAro> little bit :L
20:31:57  <Zuu> 5 looks good to me too
20:33:18  <planetmaker> 006 as well. It makes it clearer when being called
20:35:58  <planetmaker> actually... 006 misses also doxygen
20:38:52  <Zuu> I agree that 006 is an improvement. But yes, that method should have doxygen comments.
20:40:13  <LordAro> wait, crap, i missed a patch out
20:41:32  <Zuu> make it 006.5 or so to not distrub the discussion
20:42:21  <planetmaker> 006a or similar
20:43:43  <Zuu> 007 is a slight code reduction but will instead give us the situation where there is both IsBridgeAbove and HasBridgeAbove.
20:44:21  <Zuu> Doxygen for IsBridgeAbove do however have a clear @pre for MayHaveBridgeAbove.
20:44:43  <Zuu> So it may not be an issue to have both IsBridgeAbove and HasBridgeAbove.
20:44:57  <planetmaker> uh, good point. HasBridgeAbove and IsBridgeAbove... having both is awkward
20:45:57  <planetmaker> before your comment I liked it :-( Now I don't :D
20:46:34  <Zuu> The code reduction in this patch is not very much at each location. Altohugh number of affected locations is quite many.
20:46:41  <planetmaker> yeah
20:46:59  *** Alberth has left
20:47:17  <planetmaker> where's IsBridgeAbove defined?
20:47:30  <LordAro> right, added the new patch - 004.5
20:48:23  <Zuu> I kind of wonder why we have both MayHaveBridgeAbove and IsBridgeAbove, but I guess there are some locations when we only want to do the former check or where that result can be cached.
20:49:43  <planetmaker> MayHaveBridgeAbove definitely is needed for bridge building :-)
20:50:02  <Zuu> I guess so :-)
20:50:58  <Zuu> IsBridgeAbove: bridge_map.h:58
20:52:34  <Zuu> 004.5 looks good to me
20:53:22  <Zuu> 008 looks good (I didn't knew about this problem until seeing this patch)
20:54:20  <LordAro> 006 doxyment - no idea about what size is doing
20:55:07  <LordAro> and guessing about the other params
20:56:03  <planetmaker> @param size Size of the field being planted in tiles
20:57:17  <Zuu> Perhaps 010 should contain an assert that verify that the @pre is true?
20:57:59  <Zuu> Also a "default: NOT_REACHED();" is good
20:58:37  <Zuu> with that, the assert may not be needed as the NOT_REACHED macro will be trigged if the @pre doesn't hold.
20:59:59  <planetmaker> hm...
21:00:34  <Zuu> "Set farm fence positions" <--- doesn't sound right to me
21:00:36  <planetmaker> hunks 1 and 2 do not contain aircraft
21:00:39  <planetmaker> in 010
21:00:43  <planetmaker> while the 4th does
21:00:59  <LordAro> so are we just discussing 009 and 010 now? (and doxygen in 006)
21:01:17  <Zuu> LordAro: my last comment was about doxygen 006
21:01:20  <planetmaker> thus currenthly the NOT_REACHED is triggered in hunks 1 and 2
21:01:38  <LordAro> Zuu: other suggestions required ;)
21:02:42  <Zuu> s/Set farm fence positions/Build farm field fence/  ?
21:02:50  <LordAro> k
21:04:00  <Zuu> LordAro: Did you add a default: NOT_REACHED just now?
21:04:13  <LordAro> no... where?
21:04:19  <Zuu> In 010
21:04:29  <LordAro> i haven't touched that, no
21:04:36  <planetmaker> Zuu, 010 is fishy...
21:04:46  <Zuu> I just saw there is one, in the beginning of the switch { } block
21:04:52  <planetmaker> look at the switch options in hunk 1 and 2...
21:05:04  <Zuu> We always have them at the end as far as I can remember.
21:05:25  <planetmaker> I NOT_REACHED is good
21:05:32  <planetmaker> but the vehicle types change in the patch
21:05:35  <Zuu> Yep, but should be at the end?
21:05:39  <planetmaker> the considered ones
21:06:00  <planetmaker> it relaxes conditions, being more relaxed about allowing stations also in hunks 1 and 2
21:06:06  <Zuu> I see your comment planetmaker
21:06:10  <LordAro> planetmaker, maybe in hunks 1 & 2 there should be a "assert(vt != VEH_AIRCRAFT)" ?
21:06:19  <LordAro> after the func call
21:08:35  <planetmaker> hm... sounds a bit hackish
21:09:26  <LordAro> it's not like that an airport ever gets to those functions anyway - when was the last time the NOT_REACHED() was triggered there?
21:11:10  <planetmaker> brb
21:11:17  <LordAro> D:
21:13:21  <Zuu> If we want to take 010, and add an assert for airport hangars, I would add that earlier in those methods if it makes sense.
21:13:58  <Zuu> The two affected locations are closing hangar window and repainting hangar window.
21:15:46  <Zuu> In this case I think it is not a problem that the assert conditions are relaxed in 010. If I understand it correctly, the aircraft hangar is not handled by depot.cpp / depot_cmd.cpp.
21:16:33  <Zuu> In depot_cmd.cpp, it verify that the input tile is a valid depot tile. This verification should filter out hangar tiles assuming that the hangar is not a depot in the internal data structures.
21:18:11  <Zuu> Hmm, oh interesting fact: You cannot rename an hangar at all. While all other depots can be renamed.
21:18:37  <LordAro> indeed
21:19:03  <LordAro> i guess because it's permanently linked to the 'station'
21:19:19  <planetmaker> back
21:21:05  <LordAro> how about now? see updated patch
21:21:27  <LordAro> as of now actually
21:25:18  <planetmaker> hm, asserts are not compiled in releases, yes?
21:25:33  <LordAro> that's true
21:25:51  <LordAro> but again, NOT_REACHED() is never normally... reached
21:26:39  <planetmaker> that's the point. It's like an assert
21:27:01  <planetmaker> but I think Zuu is right. We can be more  relaxed here
21:27:07  <LordAro> ok
21:28:06  <LordAro> as i said, i can't say i've heard of these particular NOT_REACHED ever been triggered
21:28:38  <Zuu> They usually get triggered when you develop a patch or so. They should never get triggered in trunk.
21:29:04  <Zuu> Eg. they are a reminder that when adding an enum type to add it to all switch blocks.
21:29:37  <planetmaker> yeah. Asserts must never be triggered :-) And are here for us only. To know where/why it fails
21:29:48  <planetmaker> before it fails in very awkward ways which no-one can reconstruct
21:30:08  <planetmaker> like "if it's wrong, fail here"
21:31:10  <Zuu> We also got for example the Extract template method that will bark if you change the bit size in the template definition in a .h file but not updating the corresponding call in the DoCommand procs.
21:31:13  <planetmaker> 005a makes sense to me, too
21:32:36  <Zuu> 009, I saw frosch123 and you commented on being good
21:33:28  <Zuu> Thus, if I remember correctly 001 to 010 is good except for 007 where we get both IsBridgeAbove and HasBridgeAbove which may be an argument for not applying that patch.
21:34:20  <planetmaker> 009... was the comment by frosch wrt assumptions on tile types.
21:34:29  <planetmaker> Not sure what to make of it really...
21:35:19  <planetmaker> so maybe skip 7 and 9 for now. You want the honour to commit, Zuu ?
21:35:24  <planetmaker> I'm too tired to do so today
21:35:45  <LordAro> remember to credit cirdan :)
21:35:55  <planetmaker> and ^
21:36:11  <planetmaker> that guy here, LordXY, too ;-)
21:36:19  <LordAro> whose that? :p
21:36:28  <LordAro> who's, rather
21:37:23  <LordAro> great, well, i'll start on the next 10
21:37:34  <LordAro> we can discuss those tomorrow :p
21:37:38  <planetmaker> I think what you do here, is good work, too, LordAro. thanks
21:37:55  <planetmaker> good night from my side for today though :-)
21:38:00  <LordAro> :3 thanks pm
21:38:04  <LordAro> and goog night
21:38:06  <LordAro> good
21:38:34  <Zuu> Indeed, you do a great job LordAro with exctarting patches and provide them in a format that is good for reviewing.
21:38:47  <LordAro> :3 so much praise :)
21:38:51  <planetmaker> yeah... seems little. But important
21:39:51  <Zuu> Ok, all but 7 and 9 for now.
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22:04:59  <LordAro> Zuu: make sure you check 010 - patch in the folder (until a moment ago) still had my unneeded asserts
22:06:14  <Zuu> LordAro: Thanks for your notice
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22:09:01  <Zuu> LordAro: 004: you have managed to misspell 'if' at two locations.
22:09:20  <Zuu> I'm fixing that locally
22:09:38  <LordAro> twice?
22:09:41  <LordAro> i can see once
22:09:58  <Zuu> ff and iff
22:10:07  <LordAro> iff is intentional ;)
22:10:21  <Zuu> What does that mean?
22:10:40  <LordAro> ;)
22:11:04  <LordAro> it's used in quite a few other places in the code
22:11:12  <LordAro> it confused me initially too
22:11:31  <LordAro> still confuses me a bit, tbh
22:11:41  <Zuu> In NoAI and NoGo it is written out without using that abbrivation.
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22:12:44  <LordAro> it appears at least 108 times in the ottd source already :)
22:12:49  <Zuu> In this case it is not really good actually. As the method is "Is suitable" rather than a black/white "can be placed here" method.
22:13:50  <LordAro> i based it on the above function IsTileForestIndustry
22:13:55  <LordAro> although that is written out
22:14:01  <LordAro> the functions do the same sort of thing
22:15:24  <LordAro> anyway, you're committing, you can decide :)
22:17:12  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r25850 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
22:18:01  <Zuu> I see where you got it from, and thanks for explaining the abbrivation. Though I don't really see that it fits here. and well end of discussion unless you want to suggest a patch for that :-)
22:18:31  <LordAro> :)
22:18:49  <LordAro> s/iff/if and only if/ solves it nicely
22:19:15  <LordAro> although you'd probably won't to check for a space on one end of it ('different')
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22:39:15  <Zuu> hmm with 001 to 010 applied (including 7 and 9), there is an assert on generating a new game.
22:39:35  <Zuu> With the currently commited patches there is no assert when generating the game
22:40:03  <Zuu> Nor with 008 also applied
22:40:48  <LordAro> 008 causes the assert?
22:41:02  <Zuu> Nope
22:41:13  <LordAro> which assert?
22:41:18  <Zuu> Hmm, could be your extra assert in 010 that I didn't remove yet :-)
22:41:36  <LordAro> :)
22:42:12  <LordAro> odd, as far as i can tell, that should cause a NOT_REACHED, instead
22:45:20  *** DorpsGek changes topic to "OpenTTD Dev Channel || Latest SVN: r25854 || Logs: || Voice (talk-right) upon request via #openttd; make sure you are registered to NickServ before asking"
22:45:50  <Zuu> It needs further investigation. I'll leave that for tomorrow.
22:46:30  <Zuu> Eg. you could create a sub directory "applied" and move 001-005b, 006 and 008 there.
22:47:29  <LordAro> already doing so :)
22:47:35  <Zuu> great :-)
22:47:46  <LordAro> so 009 or 010 cause the error?
22:48:06  <Zuu> 007 and 009 has not been applied.
22:48:15  <LordAro> so just 010 then? :L
22:49:06  <Zuu> 010 may work without your extra assert. But now its getting bed time here.
22:49:16  <LordAro> kk, i'll take a look
22:49:23  <LordAro> thanks for the commits and reviews :)
22:57:04  <LordAro> Zuu: although, fyi, i'm not getting any assert at all
22:57:19  <LordAro> (without extra asserts in 010)
22:57:26  <Zuu> ok
22:58:27  <Zuu> I'll verify that tomorrow.
22:58:40  <Zuu> Good night and thanks for your work too
22:58:45  <LordAro> :3
22:58:48  <LordAro> good night
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