Log for #openttdcoop on 5th June 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:04:04  *** Chillosophy has quit IRC
00:10:10  *** orudge has quit IRC
00:13:17  *** Born_Acorn has quit IRC
00:33:51  *** orudge has joined #openttdcoop
00:37:41  *** Born_Acorn has joined #openttdcoop
00:44:27  *** orudge has quit IRC
00:51:48  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (leaving)
00:51:50  *** KyleS1 has left #openttdcoop
00:58:46  *** desrik has quit IRC
01:00:27  *** Born_Acorn has quit IRC
01:07:07  *** orudge has joined #openttdcoop
01:20:23  *** snc has quit IRC
01:27:42  *** Born_Acorn has joined #openttdcoop
01:32:06  *** orudge has quit IRC
01:37:47  *** orudge has joined #openttdcoop
01:40:00  *** KyleS has joined #openttdcoop
01:40:01  *** Qanael_ has joined #openttdcoop
01:40:07  <KyleS> !players
01:40:08  <PublicServer> KyleS: There are currently no clients connected to the server
01:45:35  *** NukeBuster has quit IRC
02:11:32  *** Fuco has quit IRC
02:12:37  *** theholyduck has quit IRC
02:17:48  *** benom has quit IRC
02:29:38  *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop
03:04:41  *** gr00vy has quit IRC
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03:14:01  *** zlw has joined #openttdcoop
03:16:28  *** roboboy has quit IRC
03:16:39  <zlw> !password
03:16:39  <PublicServer> zlw: girder
03:17:01  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw joined the game
03:17:48  <zlw> Hello anyone their
03:17:51  <zlw> there*
03:18:34  <zlw> Hello???
03:22:34  <maza> HELLO!
03:24:52  <zlw> HELLO!
03:30:15  *** perk111 has quit IRC
03:33:52  <maza> phew, 6:30 am, better go to bed soon. I have to wake up early tomorrow
03:35:45  <zlw> Okay...
03:39:50  *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop
03:45:00  *** key has joined #openttdcoop
04:10:22  <zlw> hello?
04:17:50  *** wun-qu has joined #openttdcoop
04:19:59  <wun-qu> !password
04:19:59  <PublicServer> wun-qu: buffed
04:20:31  <PublicServer> *** Wun-Qu joined the game
04:26:06  <PublicServer> *** Wun-Qu has left the game (leaving)
04:26:15  *** wun-qu has quit IRC
04:32:19  *** key has quit IRC
04:51:01  <KyleS> o hai
04:52:03  <KyleS> usually very few people are on at this time
04:52:05  <KyleS> :(
05:19:01  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop
05:19:22  <Mark> 'lo
05:31:02  *** Mark has quit IRC
05:50:07  *** roboboy has quit IRC
05:58:20  *** einKarl has joined #openttdcoop
06:01:34  *** Qanael_ has quit IRC
06:23:59  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
06:24:00  <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game
06:24:16  <Mazur> Morning.
06:33:41  *** ODM has joined #openttdcoop
06:33:41  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ODM
06:35:36  *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop
06:35:57  *** ^Spike^ has joined #openttdcoop
06:35:57  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o ^Spike^
06:37:23  <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost)
06:37:24  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:40:51  <zlw> Hello?
06:44:45  <Mazur> Hi.
06:47:01  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Oh so sombody is here
06:48:12  *** devilsadvocate has quit IRC
06:53:17  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
06:53:18  <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game
06:53:28  <PublicServer> <Mazur> Was, and now is again.
06:53:41  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw has left the game (connection lost)
06:53:41  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:57:11  *** devilsadvocate has joined #openttdcoop
07:04:56  <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving)
07:26:42  <tycoondemon> !password
07:26:42  <PublicServer> tycoondemon: nudest
07:26:56  <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon joined the game
07:29:11  *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop
07:33:00  <zlw> !passowrd
07:33:08  <zlw> !password
07:33:08  <PublicServer> zlw: nudest
07:33:30  <zlw> Where do these passwords come from
07:33:37  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw joined the game
07:34:07  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Hello?
07:34:22  <PublicServer> <0zlw> tycoon?
07:37:37  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> hi
07:37:40  <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined company #1
07:37:41  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:37:43  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> poof
07:37:50  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Woo hoooo
07:38:04  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> nice 1500 trains allready :)
07:38:21  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Its been that for at least 6 hours
07:38:28  <PublicServer> <0zlw> No ops have been on
07:38:43  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> :O
07:38:58  <PublicServer> <0zlw> SO any extra train growth has stopped
07:39:05  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> :S:(
07:39:17  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> seems to me that I have to become admin :P
07:39:55  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> why not put the limit at 5000 emediately
07:39:56  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Where were you last on?
07:40:05  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I know its not annoying
07:40:11  <PublicServer> <0zlw> its so annoying*
07:40:30  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> I am almost at my computer 24/7, but I dont have time to play :P
07:40:32  *** Phazorx has joined #openttdcoop
07:40:32  *** Webster sets mode: +o Phazorx
07:40:36  *** einKarl has quit IRC
07:40:45  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> but setting limits does not take that much time
07:40:56  <PublicServer> <0zlw> So annoying
07:41:02  <zlw> paging any ops?
07:41:22  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> but, patience is god
07:42:05  <PublicServer> <0zlw> but we can't deal with any major product surpluses
07:42:31  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> thats why we should spectate and keep the game
07:42:34  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> paused :P
07:42:52  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I suppose
07:43:25  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> I have to go to work, so I will spectate again
07:43:28  <PublicServer> <0zlw> SO are we gonna flip to spectating?
07:43:37  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> yes
07:43:42  <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has joined spectators
07:43:42  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
07:43:44  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> poof
07:44:50  <PublicServer> <0zlw> So when are you dissepearing?
07:46:28  * tycoondemon disappears
07:50:52  *** KyleS1 has joined #openttdcoop
07:51:37  <KyleS1> !password
07:51:37  <PublicServer> KyleS1: almond
07:51:47  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:51:48  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
08:05:58  *** Wouterr has joined #openttdcoop
08:06:15  <Wouterr> !password
08:06:15  <PublicServer> Wouterr: bagged
08:06:26  <Wouterr> morning'
08:06:26  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr joined the game
08:17:47  *** roboboy has quit IRC
08:21:23  *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop
08:21:42  <KyleS1> hi
08:21:52  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hi
08:24:42  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
08:25:07  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has joined spectators
08:25:08  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:31:22  *** KyleS1 has quit IRC
08:32:37  *** KyleS has quit IRC
08:35:30  *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop
08:41:25  *** devilsadvocate has quit IRC
08:46:21  <zlw> Hello
08:46:34  <zlw> Any operators on?
08:49:56  <zlw> Okay how about anybody on
08:50:04  <Osai^2> yea?
08:50:08  *** Osai^2 is now known as Osai
08:50:11  <Osai> sup?
08:50:35  <zlw> We have reached the limit for trains
08:51:09  <Osai> !trains
08:51:09  <PublicServer> Osai: !trains <integer>: set value of max_trains
08:51:26  <Osai> !rcon patch max_trains
08:51:26  <PublicServer> Osai: Current value for 'max_trains' is: '1500' (min: 0, max: 5000)
08:51:33  <Osai> hmm
08:51:50  <Osai> !playercount
08:51:50  <PublicServer> Osai: Number of players: 3
08:51:52  <Osai> !players
08:51:54  <PublicServer> Osai: Client 663 is tycoondemon, a spectator
08:51:54  <PublicServer> Osai: Client 665 (Orange) is 0zlw, in company 1 (Mohall Transport)
08:51:54  <PublicServer> Osai: Client 669 is Wouterr, a spectator
08:55:48  *** devilsadvocate has joined #openttdcoop
08:56:37  *** roboboy has quit IRC
09:04:39  <zlw> Are you going to update it?
09:06:04  <zlw> !trains
09:06:04  <PublicServer> zlw: you must be channel op to use !trains
09:06:11  <zlw> right...
09:06:54  *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop
09:09:12  <zlw> Osai???
09:09:42  <Osai> well, you're the only player
09:09:51  <Osai> and trains reached quite a limit
09:13:36  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop
09:14:06  <Chris_Booth> !password
09:14:06  <PublicServer> Chris_Booth: lashes
09:14:22  <zlw> Its been like that for at least 8 hours
09:15:00  *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop
09:15:32  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
09:15:33  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game
09:15:43  <zlw> Their now their is two of us
09:15:51  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> hello
09:15:52  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Hello Chris
09:16:07  <PublicServer> <0zlw> We have reached the 1.5k train limit
09:16:25  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> oh well
09:16:34  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> any network problems?
09:17:15  <zlw> Not that I know of
09:17:19  <zlw> A slight jam at
09:18:13  <Wouterr> no major jams, just some links at full capacity
09:18:27  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> most links look prity full to me
09:19:20  <Wouterr> town drop 1,2 and 3 have some free capacity
09:19:44  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> town drop 3 is very empty
09:19:49  <zlw> While 4 is quite full
09:20:18  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> town drop 2 is full
09:20:28  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> well more busy than 1 and 3
09:20:39  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Not as busy as 4?
09:20:54  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> no not as busy as 4
09:20:59  <PublicServer> <0zlw> That is called full?
09:21:20  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> it is due to the fact MSH 01b is very slow
09:21:28  <Wouterr> it's just the exit line of town drop 2 that is full
09:22:40  <V453000> ooh Osai alive? :) hi!
09:22:45  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I don't see many problems
09:22:58  <Osai> V453000: yea :)
09:23:19  <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game
09:23:25  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> V453000: next game is readt
09:23:29  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> ready
09:23:32  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
09:23:52  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> FIRS lots of RVs and 256^2
09:24:59  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> so everyone is happy we have 3 RV sets
09:26:43  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> MSH 02 has some jams forming aswell
09:27:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> :o
09:27:21  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Comminhg from which end?
09:27:33  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> going north east
09:27:51  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> towards town drop 02
09:28:00  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> just a bad joiner
09:28:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> seems fine to me
09:28:39  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> watch it
09:28:54  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> every few mintues a train will get stuck in the wrong place
09:28:59  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> then jam the ML
09:29:13  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
09:29:16  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> @!here
09:29:32  <PublicServer> <V453000> ew
09:29:54  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> only happend when a wave appears
09:30:14  <zlw> My computer is operating slowly
09:30:23  <zlw> So I can't do much
09:33:21  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop
09:33:21  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
09:34:59  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
09:37:04  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
09:37:04  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
09:37:25  <V453000> gotta leave, I drank about a million beers yesterday so I am properly demolished
09:37:32  <zlw> lol
09:37:37  <Osai> bye bye
09:37:38  <Osai> :P
09:37:45  <V453000> :)
09:37:56  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
09:38:36  <ODM> you cant drink a million beers, unless theyre really iny!
09:38:38  <ODM> +t
09:39:00  <Osai> 0,1ml each
09:39:37  <Osai> still :D
09:43:11  <V453000> im ded.
09:43:12  <V453000> :-D
09:43:15  <V453000> thats enough
09:50:02  *** snc has joined #openttdcoop
09:51:03  <ODM> hangover woo:P
09:51:58  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has left the game (leaving)
10:00:12  *** Seberoth has quit IRC
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10:11:48  <XeryusTC> !password
10:11:48  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: pledge
10:11:55  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
10:11:56  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
10:12:15  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw has left the game (connection lost)
10:12:15  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
10:16:47  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (connection lost)
10:17:43  *** Polygon has joined #openttdcoop
10:26:30  *** jondisti has joined #openttdcoop
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11:03:32  *** xcxv has joined #openttdcoop
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11:35:40  *** Phazorx has left #openttdcoop
11:44:48  *** Phazorx has joined #openttdcoop
11:44:48  *** Webster sets mode: +o Phazorx
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12:01:17  *** roboboy has joined #openttdcoop
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12:50:02  *** Vitus has joined #openttdcoop
12:54:08  <Vitus> !players
12:54:09  <PublicServer> Vitus: Client 663 is tycoondemon, a spectator
12:54:44  <Vitus> !password
12:54:44  <PublicServer> Vitus: mussed
12:55:16  <PublicServer> *** Vitus joined the game
12:56:34  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has joined company #1
12:57:06  <tycoondemon> voice "O
12:57:51  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Mind joining the company? I'd like to do something here.
13:00:08  *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop
13:00:12  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Fuco
13:00:14  <Wouterr> hmm i could join
13:00:42  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:00:44  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr joined the game
13:00:46  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Cheers
13:00:56  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> np
13:02:54  <Wouterr> :( nothing is jamming
13:07:08  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has left the game (connection lost)
13:07:08  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:10:57  *** Wouterr has quit IRC
13:11:18  *** Wouterr has joined #openttdcoop
13:12:08  <Wouterr> !password
13:12:09  <PublicServer> Wouterr: homier
13:12:17  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:12:17  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr joined the game
13:16:46  *** [com]buster has joined #openttdcoop
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13:19:59  *** Polygon has quit IRC
13:20:27  <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game
13:20:30  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
13:20:53  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hi
13:24:11  <PublicServer> <V453000> is something eating the trains?
13:24:21  <PublicServer> <Vitus> NOM NOM NOM
13:24:22  <PublicServer> <V453000> there are 1500 and no problems
13:24:23  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Why?
13:24:39  <PublicServer> <Vitus> I see
13:24:54  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> well, seems ur expantions yesterday allowed 200 more trains :)
13:25:09  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> might even take a littlebit more
13:28:22  <Phazorx> !password
13:28:22  <PublicServer> Phazorx: marvel
13:28:31  <PublicServer> *** Phazorx joined the game
13:28:51  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
13:29:22  <PublicServer> <Phazorx> hey
13:31:15  *** heffer has quit IRC
13:33:21  <PublicServer> <Phazorx> trains refitting?
13:33:26  <PublicServer> <V453000> yeah
13:35:17  *** ralph09 has joined #openttdcoop
13:35:18  <ralph09> !password
13:35:18  <PublicServer> ralph09: frigid
13:35:29  *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop
13:35:42  <PublicServer> *** ralph joined the game
13:36:21  <PublicServer> *** Owen joined the game
13:36:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
13:36:48  <PublicServer> <Owen> Hi
13:38:05  <PublicServer> <Owen> Wow, lots of traffic now
13:38:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed
13:38:32  <PublicServer> <Owen> Cerberus is doing remarkably well :)
13:38:41  <PublicServer> <Owen> The dogs still got his bite ^^
13:38:52  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
13:39:13  <PublicServer> <Owen> Hmm... North from BBH01, inside lane is completely empty
13:39:18  <PublicServer> <Owen> Oh wow, one train now :p
13:39:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> that was expected :)
13:39:48  <PublicServer> <V453000> not this empty, but kind of :)
13:40:17  <PublicServer> <V453000> I think the traffic melts nicely
13:43:57  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> hmmm train running coist 1/4th of income...
13:44:16  <PublicServer> <Owen> Doesnt' matter
13:44:17  <PublicServer> <V453000> well they are quite expensive
13:44:19  <PublicServer> <Owen> Its not about the money
13:44:25  <PublicServer> <V453000> indeed
13:44:45  <PublicServer> <Owen> We had a FIRS game a while back where the trains were all losing money
13:44:58  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> shouldnt it be efficiant too the n :S
13:44:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> 178 iirc
13:45:27  <PublicServer> <Owen> Its about amazing networks, not money =)
13:45:36  <PublicServer> <Owen> Also, having fun together
13:45:45  <PublicServer> <V453000> \o/
13:46:01  <tycoondemon> :O
13:46:04  <tycoondemon> ok
13:46:16  <PublicServer> <V453000> you thought we play for money? :d
13:46:17  <PublicServer> <V453000> lol
13:47:14  <tycoondemon> no
13:47:32  <tycoondemon> but I allways want everything to be as efficiant as possible
13:47:44  <tycoondemon> this includes cons vs income
13:47:50  <tycoondemon> cons=cost
13:48:02  <tycoondemon> ofcourse I like amazing networks
13:50:08  *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop
13:52:44  <PublicServer> *** ralph has left the game (leaving)
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13:54:20  <Wouterr> :( cant find anything to fix
13:54:52  <PublicServer> <V453000> im thinking about a modification of paper mill
13:55:02  <PublicServer> *** Phazorx has left the game (connection lost)
13:55:04  <PublicServer> <V453000> implementing the damaged goods return
13:55:26  <PublicServer> <Owen> Not the pretty pretty...
13:55:32  <PublicServer> <V453000> without harming it
13:55:39  <PublicServer> <Owen> =)
13:56:24  <PublicServer> <V453000> if I make the candy platforms in the beginning the real wood drop
13:56:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> I will be able to move the depots closer
13:56:37  <PublicServer> <V453000> to make space
13:56:43  *** NukeBuster has joined #openttdcoop
13:56:53  <Wouterr> u could make the drop a bit farther down the exit line
13:56:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> it shouldnt generate eny trouble
13:57:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> we probably dont need that wouterr :)
13:57:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> I think I can stay in the footprint
13:58:36  <Wouterr> moving the depots will give u 2 or 3 tiles at most
13:58:51  <PublicServer> <V453000> you will see :)
14:00:07  <Wouterr> too bad we cant give trains 180 degree turn orders :)
14:00:32  <PublicServer> <V453000> but we can make 2 stations in a row :p
14:01:26  *** mixrin has quit IRC
14:01:29  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hmm we could indeed fot some drop at the paper rifit waypoints
14:01:36  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> *fit
14:01:45  <PublicServer> <V453000> we dont need those :)
14:04:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> woo
14:04:50  <PublicServer> <V453000> lets test something
14:05:15  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> wo w8 some platforms are depot-less
14:06:33  <PublicServer> <Vitus> OMG jam
14:06:34  <PublicServer> <Vitus> :P
14:07:25  <PublicServer> <V453000> 1st jam on melter :P
14:07:53  *** NukeBuster has quit IRC
14:08:30  <PublicServer> <Vitus> How do you plan to change orders? Something like, if load percentage < 25% go to paper and unload.. ?
14:08:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> about that
14:09:24  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> an how do u plant to change the orders of all the trains?
14:09:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> manually
14:09:36  <jondisti> !password
14:09:36  <PublicServer> jondisti: stench
14:09:39  <PublicServer> <V453000> I did that also with the goods :)
14:09:44  <PublicServer> *** jond1sti joined the game
14:09:46  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> cool job
14:09:59  <PublicServer> <Owen> Melters gone into slow mode... Gotta empty all the traffic to fix it...
14:10:10  <PublicServer> <V453000> nvm
14:10:17  <PublicServer> <Owen> Oh wait... Qururing at the merge...
14:10:34  <PublicServer> <Vitus> V. was just rebuilding wood drop/paper pickup
14:10:43  <PublicServer> <Vitus> That's why it jams :P
14:10:53  <PublicServer> <Owen> V453000: Shouldn't !this path be connected to the presig?
14:11:12  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
14:11:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> it works
14:11:17  *** roboboy has quit IRC
14:11:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> omg I know...
14:11:34  <PublicServer> <Owen> Also, any way we can fix !this conflict?
14:11:37  <PublicServer> <V453000> I dont care :)
14:11:53  <PublicServer> <V453000> as long as it works, im fine with it
14:12:11  <PublicServer> <V453000> but lets say this way
14:12:35  <PublicServer> <Owen> Otherwise, when traffic backs up it will switch into evil/slow mode...
14:12:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> true
14:13:08  <PublicServer> <Owen> I should document evil mode on the wiki somewhee :p
14:13:30  <theholyduck> !password
14:13:30  <PublicServer> theholyduck: stench
14:13:49  <PublicServer> *** theholyduck joined the game
14:14:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> train 13 has fixed orders
14:14:43  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> hey, my food thingy works well under load!
14:14:54  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> didnt expect that
14:15:03  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i see a problem though
14:15:22  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> who removed the balancing from the food pickup exit?
14:15:38  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> v?
14:15:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> probably
14:15:54  <PublicServer> <V453000> it was doing terrible job
14:16:03  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well its doing a worse job now
14:16:16  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes because Chris added a "balanced" to the exit
14:16:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> therefore they dont return to the lanes they came from
14:19:06  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yeah, now its working much better
14:19:50  <PublicServer> <V453000> well this has to work
14:20:05  <PublicServer> <V453000> theoretically :.)
14:20:13  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the exit is a bit slow though
14:20:18  <PublicServer> <V453000> any balancing there is imo bad
14:20:41  *** Chillosophy has joined #openttdcoop
14:23:56  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> is it just me or could towndrop 04 use more platforms?
14:24:01  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> not that theres much space to make it bigger
14:24:08  <PublicServer> <V453000> it is you
14:24:09  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i guess the agressive queuing works
14:26:44  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> somebody is working on the buildersboard with few names on it :P
14:28:03  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Hmmm, shiny :D
14:28:10  <PublicServer> <V453000> ?
14:28:29  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Just the builders board, don't worry :D
14:30:56  <PublicServer> *** theholyduck has left the game (connection lost)
14:32:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> oh how awesome
14:32:29  *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop
14:32:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> train 1445 = unshared orders
14:34:16  <theholyduck> :O
14:35:01  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Oh V., how could you! You have slow corner at SLH 14 :D
14:35:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> duh :)
14:35:50  <PublicServer> <Vitus> :)
14:39:23  <PublicServer> <Owen> V453000: WTF Lewisport Beeches Heights
14:39:48  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hehe
14:44:16  *** Mitcian has joined #openttdcoop
14:51:13  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has left the game (connection lost)
14:51:27  <Vitus> !password
14:51:27  <PublicServer> Vitus: snooze
14:52:00  <PublicServer> *** Vitus joined the game
14:52:22  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has left the game (connection lost)
14:52:25  <Vitus> Damn it
14:52:35  <Wouterr> ?
14:52:45  <Wouterr> ah dc
14:53:20  *** heffer has quit IRC
14:53:58  <PublicServer> *** Vitus joined the game
14:54:18  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has left the game (connection lost)
14:54:32  <Vitus> My laptop can't handle it :D
14:54:42  <PublicServer> <V453000> :o
14:54:55  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> :(
14:56:12  <PublicServer> *** Vitus joined the game
14:56:38  <PublicServer> <Vitus> w00t
14:56:41  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has joined company #1
14:57:06  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> i found a way to fit 7 ton more coal in a coal train
14:57:50  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Hm?
14:57:51  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> train 364
14:58:24  <PublicServer> <V453000> I believe the unloading time will increase
14:58:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> and we Really dont want that
14:58:38  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Indeed
14:58:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> watch it and tell me if it does :)
14:58:47  *** Chillosophy^ has joined #openttdcoop
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14:59:00  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> ok
14:59:05  *** Testney__ has joined #openttdcoop
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15:01:30  <Wouterr> well in theory we would be able to get rid of a massive load of 18 trains if we can load 7 ton coal more on a train
15:01:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> not really :)
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15:02:18  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> or transport 2,5 ton more
15:04:44  <PublicServer> <V453000> ye
15:04:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> its slower
15:04:52  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> maybe a second
15:04:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> a little bit but it is
15:05:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> btw it looks fugly
15:06:17  <Wouterr> i like those little cars :)
15:06:36  *** heffer has joined #openttdcoop
15:07:07  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Look !here
15:07:20  <PublicServer> <Vitus> That's the actual difference between them
15:07:54  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hehe
15:08:07  <PublicServer> <V453000> significant
15:08:09  <Wouterr> one TL difference
15:08:19  <PublicServer> <Vitus> One WHOLE TL :P
15:08:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> I believe that would break town drop 04
15:08:38  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> possible
15:12:43  <PublicServer> <V453000> too bad I cant discover who built some trains
15:12:53  <PublicServer> <V453000> because I found about 10 wood trains without sharing
15:13:04  <PublicServer> <Owen> OUCH
15:13:57  <PublicServer> <V453000> btw all wood trains are re-ordered now
15:14:12  <PublicServer> <Owen> Why are some stopped in depots?
15:14:34  <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game
15:14:42  <PublicServer> <V453000> I guess they are refitting?
15:14:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> or stopped completely?
15:14:48  <PublicServer> <Owen> _stopped_
15:14:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> no idea
15:15:05  <PublicServer> <Owen> Seems you deleted them after I asked ;s
15:15:06  <PublicServer> <V453000> I think I deleted all of those unshared
15:15:25  *** benom has joined #openttdcoop
15:15:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> it probably was one of those unshared
15:15:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> now I sold the last one
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15:20:50  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> grr stupid pbs caused a jam
15:23:00  <PublicServer> <V453000> WTF
15:23:07  <PublicServer> <V453000> cant build railway station here
15:23:14  <PublicServer> <V453000> too many railway station parts
15:23:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> WTF
15:23:23  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> where is that?
15:23:30  <PublicServer> <V453000> at ze candy
15:23:37  <PublicServer> <V453000> now it works
15:23:38  <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf
15:24:24  <PublicServer> <Owen> V453000: I thought you were adding damaged paper return?
15:24:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> it is there :)
15:24:39  <PublicServer> <Owen> Where?! :p
15:25:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> "this" and "this"
15:25:04  <PublicServer> <V453000> are both pickup
15:25:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> sneaky eh? :p
15:25:22  <PublicServer> <Owen> Ooo...k
15:25:32  <PublicServer> <Owen> Aah, clever
15:25:52  <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon has left the game (connection lost)
15:25:57  <PublicServer> <Owen> Oh cool, the doors open when trains pass through them :p
15:26:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> ye
15:26:18  <PublicServer> <Owen> If only we had depots which matched the station complex style...
15:26:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> I think they are ok
15:26:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> usually I add newDepots though
15:26:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> but Im not sure if these would be better :)
15:27:25  <OwenS> They would stack...
15:31:57  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has left the game (connection lost)
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15:35:04  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
15:35:07  <PublicServer> <V453000> candy is back
15:38:55  <PublicServer> <V453000> I just love it how the station sits in the landscape
15:39:01  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Indeed
15:39:41  * Keyboard_Warrior has pre-ordered semper-fi
15:39:43  <Keyboard_Warrior> *semper fi
15:40:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> semper-fu ?
15:40:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> :p
15:41:08  <OwenS> Keyboard_Warrior: Remember that you will die, then
15:41:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> kill the duck!
15:42:51  <Keyboard_Warrior> well, semper fi is the long awaited expansion that will fix the last couple of problems of hoi3
15:46:43  <OwenS> Keyboard_Warrior: Heh. Still a rather grim name.
15:46:56  <V453000> indeed
15:51:13  *** KyleS has joined #openttdcoop
15:51:20  <KyleS> !password
15:51:20  <PublicServer> KyleS: vinyls
15:51:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> WTF
15:51:52  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Hm?
15:51:54  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
15:52:00  <PublicServer> <V453000> Wouterr: you still testing the wagons?
15:52:08  <Wouterr> no
15:52:14  <PublicServer> <V453000> on train 1051
15:52:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> hm wtf :o
15:52:35  <Wouterr> !password
15:52:36  <PublicServer> Wouterr: vinyls
15:52:46  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr joined the game
15:53:24  <Wouterr> hmm, not my train
15:53:29  <PublicServer> <V453000> ok
15:53:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> anyone else? :d
15:53:38  <PublicServer> <Mazur> Mine.
15:53:43  <PublicServer> <V453000> ...
15:54:05  <PublicServer> <Mazur> Special built when I accidentally dropped coal at TD 03, to bring the coal back to TD 04.
15:54:08  <PublicServer> <V453000> you are really fighting to achieve the intelligent status, eh
15:54:24  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hmm someone edited mazur his orders wrong it seems
15:54:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> how the F. could you drop coal at 03
15:54:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> when you clone other trains from trainyard
15:54:52  <PublicServer> <V453000> or other trains *
15:55:11  <PublicServer> <KyleS> because cloning wasn't involved
15:55:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> obviously
15:55:20  <PublicServer> <KyleS> transferring trains from SLH 11 to SLH 15
15:55:22  <PublicServer> <KyleS> was involved
15:55:29  <PublicServer> <KyleS> (or whatever SLH is right next to TD 03)
15:55:52  <PublicServer> <KyleS> anyways i'm going out ttfn
15:55:53  <PublicServer> <Mazur> It went like this: we were thinking of ways to relieve the jams at TD 04, so I thought I'd reroute a bunch of trains from 04 to 03, whihc was quiet, and accidentally picked a coal train.
15:55:55  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
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15:56:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> lol :)
15:56:57  <PublicServer> <V453000> what I still dont get is why it has different wagons
15:58:04  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has left the game (connection lost)
16:00:16  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has joined spectators
16:02:41  <PublicServer> <Mazur> Geadingney Mines connected.
16:02:42  <Webster> Latest update from dznews: #openttdcoop - New Compiler on the DevZone <>
16:03:01  <PublicServer> <Mazur> And hte mine died.
16:11:41  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has left the game (leaving)
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16:18:25  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
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16:32:35  <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost)
16:32:36  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
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17:42:53  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
17:42:54  <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game
17:43:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> ello
17:47:12  <V453000> !trains 1600
17:47:12  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has set max_trains to 1600
17:56:26  <Mazur> Good.
17:56:46  <Mazur> I already used trucks to service one wood rather near two others.
17:57:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> what difference does that make
17:57:26  <PublicServer> <V453000> the trucks just transfer
17:57:42  <PublicServer> <V453000> but still more trains have to pick it up :p
17:58:36  <Mazur> The woods had trains enough.
17:58:45  <Mazur> Maybe one or two too many.
17:59:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> oh and I wanted to ask ...
17:59:43  <PublicServer> <V453000> when you were somehow re-distributing the trains to some other drop
17:59:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> did you connect them to a different sideline and re-group them?
18:00:19  <Mazur> No, someone else did that.
18:00:28  <Mazur> I forget who.
18:00:59  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has joined spectators
18:01:00  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
18:01:01  <PublicServer> <V453000> dinr
18:08:31  <Mazur> Same here.
18:14:24  *** Razmir has joined #openttdcoop
18:14:45  <Razmir> !password
18:14:46  <PublicServer> Razmir: angler
18:15:06  <PublicServer> *** Razmir joined the game
18:15:09  <PublicServer> <Razmir> hi
18:16:59  *** Qanael_ has joined #openttdcoop
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18:29:02  *** Jokke has joined #openttdcoop
18:36:09  <Jokke> !password
18:36:09  <PublicServer> Jokke: raider
18:36:21  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
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18:36:27  <PublicServer> <Jokke> Hey
18:37:26  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has joined company #1
18:37:29  <PublicServer> <V453000> hio
18:37:44  <PublicServer> <Jokke> how is it going?
18:38:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> nice and smooth
18:38:20  <PublicServer> <Jokke> sweet
18:38:44  <PublicServer> <Jokke> 1,5 k trains wow
18:39:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> I will play this game until the server burns :)
18:40:04  <PublicServer> <Jokke> lol, my computer sure can't handle this :P
18:40:17  <PublicServer> <Jokke> who is hosting the server?
18:40:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> Phoenix_the_II
18:42:04  <PublicServer> <Jokke> sure he will burn you soon :P
18:42:27  <PublicServer> <V453000> Ammler will burn me first :)
18:42:56  <Ammler> you mean Phoenix will?
18:43:02  <Ammler> !server_status
18:43:02  <PublicServer> Ammler:  20:43:00 up 389 days,  6:32,  0 users,  load average: 2.48, 2.32, 1.82
18:43:02  <PublicServer> Ammler: Cpu(s): 16.1%us,  5.8%sy,  3.6%ni, 71.1%id,  3.3%wa,  0.0%hi,  0.1%si,  0.0%st
18:43:03  <PublicServer> Ammler: 16535 openttd   25  10 49448  26m 4420 R   52  1.3   1090:07 ./openttd -c opentt
18:43:08  <PublicServer> <V453000> hm?
18:47:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> lol
18:47:39  <PublicServer> <V453000> my Q key was not working
18:47:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> so I smashed it and now it does :D
18:49:35  <PublicServer> <Jokke> I wish the same thing would happen to my cpu if i smashed it a bit :P
18:50:04  <PublicServer> <Jokke> so hard to do anything now with all the trains.
18:50:27  <PublicServer> <V453000> im just waiting to see anything to expand
18:50:58  <PublicServer> <V453000> and adding a few trains :)
18:54:53  <V453000> wtf
18:55:46  <Ammler> V453000: why do you post spam in public?
18:56:01  <V453000> hm ok
18:56:09  <V453000> we should delete it then
18:58:08  <Ammler> done :-)
18:58:15  <V453000> :)
19:02:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> I think I will start LLLLing
19:02:41  <OwenS> V453000: Do you need me to enlarge Cerberus?
19:02:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> no
19:03:04  <OwenS> Not reaching that far?
19:03:24  <PublicServer> *** Owen joined the game
19:03:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> the LLLL is going to the goods line
19:03:33  <PublicServer> <Owen> ok
19:04:37  <PublicServer> <Owen> Looks like really we only need it southbound...
19:04:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> not yet imo
19:05:05  <PublicServer> <Owen> Since southbound from goods has to handle all the paper trains too
19:05:12  <PublicServer> <V453000> oh you mean this line
19:05:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes
19:05:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> im expanding only that direction
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19:13:51  <PublicServer> *** Jokke has left the game (connection lost)
19:18:36  <Jokke> !password
19:18:36  <PublicServer> Jokke: mering
19:18:48  <PublicServer> *** Jokke joined the game
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19:31:21  *** Wouterr has joined #openttdcoop
19:31:34  <Wouterr> !password
19:31:34  <PublicServer> Wouterr: chicer
19:31:47  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr joined the game
19:31:55  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
19:32:00  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hi
19:32:13  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> oh more trains :)
19:33:02  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> hmm big jam at rebuild guy
19:33:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> guess who
19:33:25  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> was it jamming before?
19:33:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> no but I am improving it into LLLL and it was sometimes inefficient
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19:33:55  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> eek LLLL :)
19:34:10  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> well ill do SLH 04 then
19:34:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> no
19:34:17  <PublicServer> <V453000> there it is LLL
19:34:33  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> oh LLLL until BBH03 then?
19:34:38  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes
19:34:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> for now
19:35:01  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> there is hardly going traffic to  west though
19:35:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> I didnt say I improve both ways :)
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19:42:23  <Wouterr> @GAP 9
19:42:23  <Webster> Wouterr: For Trainlength of 9: <= 15 needs 2, 16 - 26 needs 3, 27 - 37 needs 4.
19:42:33  <Wouterr> @gap 3
19:42:33  <Webster> Wouterr: For Trainlength of 3: <= 9 needs 2, 10 - 14 needs 3, 15 - 19 needs 4.
19:43:20  <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game
19:43:26  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
19:43:27  <PublicServer> <tneo> ev
19:43:34  <PublicServer> <tneo> evening
19:44:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> hmf :D
19:44:35  <PublicServer> <Wouterr> whats that bridge for?
19:44:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> the tunnels are too long otherwise
19:44:50  <PublicServer> <tneo> huge bbh01 again V453000:P
19:44:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
19:45:02  *** Keyboard_Warrior has quit IRC
19:45:37  <PublicServer> <V453000> you dont need that wouterr
19:45:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> probably
19:46:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> we will see
19:46:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> tneo: look at wood trains orders :p
19:47:06  <PublicServer> <tneo> which one?
19:47:11  <PublicServer> <V453000> any
19:48:08  <PublicServer> <tneo> complex
19:49:08  <PublicServer> <tneo> not making a lot of profit though
19:49:17  <PublicServer> <V453000> well with these trains ...
19:49:27  <PublicServer> *** Owen has left the game (connection lost)
19:49:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> who made the company orange-orange?
19:49:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> secondary dark blue looks nice
19:50:17  <PublicServer> <tneo> coop = orange!
19:50:36  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes but when we have 2cc trains ...
19:50:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> and the main color is orange
19:50:48  <PublicServer> <tneo> orange it is :-)
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19:58:44  <PublicServer> *** Wouterr has left the game (connection lost)
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20:11:19  *** benom has quit IRC
20:25:16  <PublicServer> <V453000> ok
20:25:26  <PublicServer> <V453000> MSH 02 -> BBH 03 LLLL ed
20:25:29  <PublicServer> <V453000> lets continue :)
20:26:56  <PublicServer> *** jond1sti has left the game (connection lost)
20:26:56  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
20:26:59  *** jondisti has quit IRC
20:27:14  <PublicServer> <V453000> :(
20:27:34  <V453000> no way
20:27:36  <V453000> !unpause
20:27:36  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has unpaused the server. (Use !auto to set it back.)
20:27:37  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
20:27:47  *** Yexo has quit IRC
20:28:03  *** Yexo has joined #openttdcoop
20:29:19  * theholyduck huggles v
20:29:31  <theholyduck> i can play until semper fi releases
20:29:37  <theholyduck> i THINK one can dl it starting at midnight
20:30:03  <theholyduck> !password
20:30:03  <PublicServer> theholyduck: dogmas
20:30:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> im ok :)
20:30:21  <PublicServer> *** theholyduck joined the game
20:30:28  <V453000> !auto
20:30:28  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has enabled autopause mode.
20:30:29  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well i need SOMETHING to do
20:30:53  <Vitus> !password
20:30:53  <PublicServer> Vitus: dogmas
20:31:37  <OwenS> theholyduck: As I said to the other guy earlier... Remember that you will die ;-)
20:31:44  <PublicServer> *** Vitus joined the game
20:31:48  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> E join?
20:31:59  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> is that the name of the type i used in the last game i playd?
20:32:06  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has left the game (connection lost)
20:32:10  <Vitus> Oh well
20:32:12  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> as in, one that looks like a e :p
20:32:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> E might refer to East
20:32:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> btw
20:32:38  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> i guess :P
20:33:07  <PublicServer> *** Vitus joined the game
20:33:27  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has joined company #1
20:33:30  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Hey
20:33:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
20:33:36  <OwenS> OMG, -> "BitTorrent link to zipped 2009/10 Fact table, 67MiB (4.28GiB uncompressed)"
20:33:39  <Webster> Title: Combined Online Information System |" target="_blank"> (at" target="_blank">
20:34:04  <Vitus> I don't see anything wrong with it :)
20:34:08  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> err..
20:34:16  <OwenS> Vitus: To the contrary, its oddly smart
20:34:22  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> can i remove soem trains from geadingney woods?
20:34:38  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> theres 9 trains waiting to load
20:34:43  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> 10 now
20:34:44  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> :P
20:35:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> PARKHOUSE GAME!
20:35:26  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> yeah, theres almost permanently 10 trains waiting
20:36:56  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> thaaats better
20:39:36  <PublicServer> <V453000> -.-
20:40:02  <PublicServer> <Vitus> Too bad we have hub named "Executioner" already
20:43:22  <PublicServer> <V453000> ok lets let it unjam
20:43:47  *** lmg_ has joined #openttdcoop
20:44:57  <lmg_> hi there
20:46:00  <theholyduck> yo
20:46:06  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
20:48:18  <PublicServer> <V453000> oh yeah :D
20:48:27  <PublicServer> <V453000> jammed all the way around to BBH01
20:50:35  *** zlw has joined #openttdcoop
20:50:50  <zlw> !password
20:50:50  <PublicServer> zlw: fulled
20:51:09  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw joined the game
20:51:27  <PublicServer> <0zlw> He
20:51:30  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw has left the game (connection lost)
20:52:04  <zlw> !password
20:52:04  <PublicServer> zlw: fulled
20:52:16  <zlw> Hello
20:52:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
20:52:24  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw joined the game
20:52:42  <PublicServer> <0zlw> whats been happening
20:52:53  <PublicServer> <V453000> well
20:52:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> we added trains
20:53:09  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Did we increase the limit from 1.5?
20:53:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> up to 1:6
20:53:25  <PublicServer> <V453000> but dont add trains now
20:53:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> some stations are empty because there werejams
20:53:41  <zlw> why?
20:54:02  <zlw> Are you guys wrkign on it?
20:54:07  <zlw> working*
20:55:16  <PublicServer> <V453000> on waht
20:55:17  <PublicServer> <V453000> what
20:55:24  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Never mind
20:55:57  <PublicServer> <V453000> who is that signaller at SL 02?
20:56:09  <PublicServer> <V453000> ...
20:56:10  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
20:56:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> well tbh
20:56:22  *** [alt]buster has quit IRC
20:56:28  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I see the problem...
20:56:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> the signals wouldnt be completely reaonless
20:56:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> there is no problem
20:56:38  <PublicServer> <V453000> sit back relax
20:56:49  <PublicServer> <0zlw> okay
20:57:36  <PublicServer> <V453000> I have just been expanding from LLL to LLLL so it created mess
20:57:55  <PublicServer> <0zlw> which ine did you expand?
20:58:16  <PublicServer> <V453000> town drop 02 ->  BBH03
20:58:53  <PublicServer> <0zlw> right gotcha
20:59:07  <PublicServer> *** Vitus has left the game (connection lost)
20:59:17  <Vitus> Damn it
20:59:19  <Vitus> I give up
20:59:32  <PublicServer> *** 0zlw has joined company #1
21:00:20  *** pugi has quit IRC
21:07:53  *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop
21:08:34  *** heffer has quit IRC
21:10:23  *** Qanael_ has quit IRC
21:10:58  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Yikes
21:11:04  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Thats gonna hold us up
21:11:05  <PublicServer> <V453000> that was braindead from me -.-
21:11:35  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Queue
21:11:46  <PublicServer> <0zlw> There is a little back log
21:11:52  *** Chris_Booth_ has quit IRC
21:12:15  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Did you just build that tunnel?
21:12:32  <PublicServer> <V453000> no
21:12:50  <PublicServer> <V453000> adding PBS makes trains crash
21:13:24  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Backlog is big
21:13:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes whatever
21:13:59  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Has the crash cleared yet
21:14:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf ...
21:14:58  <PublicServer> <0zlw> A second one
21:15:05  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
21:15:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> fuck hem
21:15:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> them
21:16:22  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop
21:16:58  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Okay paper pickup is blocked....
21:17:30  <PublicServer> <V453000> I dont know why do you tell me :)
21:17:44  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Maybe its to annoy you :P
21:18:01  <PublicServer> <V453000> succes :)
21:18:42  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Well thing
21:18:49  <PublicServer> <0zlw> WHat????
21:18:52  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Is that you
21:18:53  *** Hirundo has quit IRC
21:18:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes
21:19:04  *** Treazo has joined #openttdcoop
21:19:04  <PublicServer> <V453000> they suck
21:19:24  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Well paper pickup is moving.....
21:19:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> Ammler: bouncer dead
21:19:35  <Treazo> !help
21:19:35  <PublicServer> Treazo:
21:19:46  <Treazo> @quickstart
21:19:48  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki -
21:19:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> welcome Treazo
21:20:13  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Sorry let me correct myself
21:20:19  <PublicServer> <0zlw> The backlog is still their
21:20:25  *** lmg_ has quit IRC
21:20:34  <Treazo> Thank you V453000
21:20:39  *** Ammler has quit IRC
21:20:39  *** V453000 has quit IRC
21:20:44  <PublicServer> <V453000> 0zlw: you are starting to be really annoying
21:20:53  <PublicServer> <0zlw> lol
21:21:51  *** Seberoth has quit IRC
21:21:52  *** Ammler has joined #openttdcoop
21:21:52  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Ammler
21:22:01  *** Hirundo has joined #openttdcoop
21:23:02  <Webster> Latest update from dznews: #openttdcoop - New Compiler on the DevZone <>
21:23:31  *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop
21:23:31  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o V453000
21:27:02  *** V453000_mibbit has joined #openttdcoop
21:27:25  *** wun-qu has joined #openttdcoop
21:27:51  <wun-qu> !password
21:27:51  <PublicServer> wun-qu: busies
21:28:22  <PublicServer> *** Wun-Qu joined the game
21:28:29  *** perk11 has left #openttdcoop
21:28:42  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hello
21:28:45  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
21:29:42  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> yay 1500 +
21:29:56  <zlw> Trains?
21:30:00  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> yes
21:30:18  *** Donut has joined #openttdcoop
21:30:47  <Donut> @quickstart
21:30:49  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki -
21:31:36  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> I am trying ot reproduce the flipflop but that damn train still choosing the red light track instead choosing the green one...:/
21:31:48  *** V453000_mibbit has quit IRC
21:31:59  <Donut> !help
21:32:00  <PublicServer> Donut:
21:32:40  <V453000> Wun-Qu: you read my blog article on splits?
21:32:50  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> yup
21:32:59  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> whats with all the hub names that doesnt have much to do with the hub?
21:32:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> it should be easy to reproduce then :)
21:33:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> hm?
21:33:38  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> well, tons of these newfangled junctions have names without any good reason for them :p
21:33:47  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> the brainmelter makes sense because it does literally melt your brain
21:34:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> that is a huge lie :)
21:34:09  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> it melts OUR brains
21:34:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> :D
21:34:18  <PublicServer> <V453000> hm ok
21:34:20  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> where as mine is called "cliffhanger" by somebody
21:34:27  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> which makes no sense
21:34:38  <PublicServer> <0zlw> When did names have to make sense?
21:34:45  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> since always!
21:35:00  <PublicServer> <V453000> I wonder if you are duck or human
21:35:07  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Lol
21:35:09  <Treazo> !dl 64
21:35:09  <PublicServer> Treazo: unknown option "64"
21:35:15  <Treazo> !dl win64
21:35:15  <PublicServer> Treazo:
21:36:09  <tycoondemon> !password
21:36:09  <PublicServer> tycoondemon: horded
21:36:24  <PublicServer> *** tycoondemon joined the game
21:36:30  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
21:36:33  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Hi
21:37:10  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> hello people
21:37:16  <wun-qu> ok I read it but the train still going to the red path and geting blocked, like "hey, I can choose between green and red.... I will go to the red of course.        *get stuck*"
21:37:18  <wun-qu> hello
21:37:18  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> how are we going
21:37:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> people and duck
21:37:35  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> people and avian animals :P
21:37:44  <PublicServer> <V453000> wun-qu: use twoway signals and put behind them a oneway
21:37:59  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> I did it too
21:38:01  *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop
21:38:10  <PublicServer> <V453000> do you have the trains ordered or not?
21:38:11  *** Chris_Booth_ has quit IRC
21:38:16  <PublicServer> <V453000> (that matters too)
21:38:19  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> ohhhh
21:38:22  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> wait
21:38:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> if you have no orders, you need to make pathfinder traps
21:38:33  <Donut> !download
21:38:34  <PublicServer> Donut: !download autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|win32|win64|win9x
21:38:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> you can see such things in PSG 180
21:38:49  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> yay! it works!
21:39:08  <PublicServer> * theholyduck has been thinging about his food design :P
21:39:16  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> if i ever were to use this design again.
21:39:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> :d
21:39:26  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> id have 12 platforms,
21:39:30  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> 3 inputs and 3 outputs :P
21:39:32  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> lol!, sorry for the stupid moment. thanks a lot V
21:39:39  <Donut> !revision
21:39:39  <PublicServer> Donut: Game version is r19894
21:39:45  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> that way there would be enough room between the depot and the bridge
21:39:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
21:39:53  <PublicServer> <V453000> no problem Wun-Qu :)
21:39:58  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> for a noraml signal
21:40:10  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> and thus, for a 2 way pre signal
21:40:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
21:40:28  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> well, at least I know by heart the mecanism without understaning it completely o.o
21:40:53  <PublicServer> <V453000> you have to know the NOT gate and the memory
21:41:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> then it isnt complicated really :)
21:41:14  *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop
21:42:36  <wun-qu> heheh it kinda twists your mind
21:42:55  <PublicServer> <V453000> nothing can twist my mind =D
21:43:10  <PublicServer> <V453000> (anymore)
21:43:27  <PublicServer> <V453000> well maybe something could
21:43:36  *** Chris_Booth_ has quit IRC
21:43:46  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> what?
21:43:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> dunno
21:44:06  <PublicServer> <V453000> well thats the point :P
21:44:08  *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop
21:44:20  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> V453000: we should try putting you on some lsd or something
21:44:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> when I know, I am further twisted already :d
21:44:26  <PublicServer> <V453000> xD
21:44:29  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> see what sort of junctions you come up with
21:44:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> I dont know but yesterday I got so drunk that my head almost exploded today
21:44:51  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> that would be interesting
21:44:58  <Donut> !download win32
21:44:59  <PublicServer> Donut:
21:45:00  <PublicServer> <V453000> or maybe imploded due to the rapid decrease of brain cells
21:45:02  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
21:45:04  *** Chris_Booth_ is now known as Chris_Booth
21:47:22  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
21:48:01  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop
21:48:38  <PublicServer> <V453000> fawk
21:48:45  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Is thatyou again :P
21:49:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> they suck.
21:49:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> I will blame duck
21:49:49  <PublicServer> <theholyduck> what sucks?
21:50:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> trains
21:50:36  <PublicServer> <V453000> why should they crash when coming together -.-
21:50:37  <PublicServer> <V453000> its a bug
21:51:52  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> why cant you join tracks v without crashing trains :P
21:52:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> im sober
21:52:11  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> dont be sober then
21:52:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> im not immortal
21:52:37  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> hhmm
21:52:52  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
21:54:32  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> lol v, your dirty crap has pbs
21:54:45  <PublicServer> <V453000> well thats why its dirty :)
21:55:01  *** Phazorx has joined #openttdcoop
21:55:01  *** Webster sets mode: +o Phazorx
21:55:56  <tycoondemon> !newgrf
21:55:56  <PublicServer> tycoondemon: Please use /msg for the newgrf list (and use !grf)
21:56:00  *** KyleS has joined #openttdcoop
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21:56:42  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> we are all gonna jam
21:57:06  <zlw> What?
21:57:26  <tycoondemon> !password
21:57:27  <PublicServer> tycoondemon: carded
21:57:33  <Treazo> !password
21:57:33  <PublicServer> Treazo: carded
21:57:42  <PublicServer> *** Treazo joined the game
21:57:52  <PublicServer> <V453000> hello
21:58:54  <PublicServer> <V453000> hmf
21:58:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> dirty crap will need LLL
21:59:10  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> dirty crap is pretty derty
21:59:16  <PublicServer> <0zlw> dirty carp?
21:59:47  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> MSH 2y02
21:59:54  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> MSH 02
22:00:29  <PublicServer> <V453000> you might not recognize your hub anymore :p
22:01:09  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> I do, but I c a lot of changes :P
22:01:12  <PublicServer> <V453000> fa
22:01:15  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Is that you....
22:01:28  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> V crashing trains again...
22:01:45  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Gosh tthat must be t least 40 dead
22:02:04  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> it means lost profit and company property
22:02:09  <PublicServer> <V453000> ...
22:02:42  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> and longer rail jams :P
22:03:02  <KyleS> !password
22:03:02  <PublicServer> KyleS: carded
22:03:19  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
22:05:28  <Donut> !ip
22:05:29  <PublicServer> Donut:
22:06:49  <PublicServer> *** theholyduck has left the game (connection lost)
22:06:58  * theholyduck is out of here
22:07:02  <Donut> !grf
22:07:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> cya
22:07:03  <PublicServer> Donut: (Version 7.3)
22:07:04  <theholyduck> SEMPER FI RELEASED
22:07:04  <theholyduck> weee
22:07:07  * theholyduck dls 
22:09:34  *** einKarl has quit IRC
22:10:54  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Everything seems to have gone quiet
22:11:08  <PublicServer> <V453000> I hevent ended yet :)
22:11:29  <PublicServer> <0zlw> You haven't ended your crashes yet? :P
22:11:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> far from it :)
22:12:31  <Donut> !password
22:12:31  <PublicServer> Donut: pigpen
22:13:09  <PublicServer> *** Donut joined the game
22:13:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi cookie
22:13:14  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Hello
22:13:16  <PublicServer> <KyleS> oo i like the damaged paper return idea :O
22:13:25  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
22:13:32  <PublicServer> *** Donut has left the game (connection lost)
22:16:16  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Hello
22:16:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> please change your name :)
22:16:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> no Players here
22:16:30  <PublicServer> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
22:16:30  <PublicServer> <V453000> only insane and nuts people
22:16:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> well that solves
22:16:41  *** Donut has quit IRC
22:16:45  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Lol
22:18:57  <PublicServer> <0zlw> So what is everyone doing
22:19:04  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> watching
22:19:13  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> afking
22:19:14  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> its hypnotic, watching trains
22:19:15  <PublicServer> <KyleS> examining a hub
22:19:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> im probably going to undirty the crap
22:19:31  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> is it possible?
22:19:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> of course :)
22:19:40  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> I am looking at the brainmelter
22:20:25  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> I ahavent found any brain melters yet...
22:21:14  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
22:21:32  <KyleS> boo
22:21:38  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> poof
22:21:45  <KyleS> wifi fail
22:21:57  <KyleS> !password
22:21:57  <PublicServer> KyleS: versed
22:22:08  <PublicServer> <V453000> well thats what is wifi for :)
22:22:10  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
22:23:18  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
22:23:22  <zlw> !player count
22:23:27  <KyleS> hmm
22:23:30  <KyleS> double wifi fail
22:23:38  <zlw> lol
22:23:45  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> damn I dont even recognize the junctions from before
22:24:06  <PublicServer> <V453000> almost nothing got improved
22:24:25  <PublicServer> <tycoondemon> this really is Vs game :P
22:24:41  <PublicServer> <0zlw> yikes
22:24:50  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> yea, but each day a new line is added
22:24:51  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Is their any reason their are 12 trains waiting
22:25:10  <PublicServer> <0zlw> greadingney woods
22:25:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> xD
22:25:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> that is only 12?
22:25:45  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Make that 16 not including whats in the station
22:25:58  <theholyduck> is that the one i KEEP removing trains from?
22:26:02  <theholyduck> greadingney woods that is?
22:26:11  <theholyduck> i think thats the one i removed 8 trains from due to 10 waiitng
22:26:45  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> its called reproduction
22:26:46  <PublicServer> <0zlw> It has 46 trains serving 368 tonnes...
22:27:00  <PublicServer> <0zlw> 400 tonnes now
22:28:10  *** Vitus has quit IRC
22:28:18  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Lol if you draw attention to anything
22:28:29  <PublicServer> <0zlw> instead of removing the problem
22:28:34  <PublicServer> <0zlw> You get a super fix
22:29:48  <PublicServer> <0zlw> okay...
22:29:49  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm the entrace to slh10, from the Nannor End Woods station is geting quite busy
22:30:32  <PublicServer> <0zlw> their are large number of good waiting at the stations down their
22:30:49  <PublicServer> <0zlw> We need to seak an alternate solution to that prblem
22:31:27  <wun-qu> put more trains to get the goods ? :)
22:31:35  <PublicServer> <0zlw> no
22:31:40  <PublicServer> <0zlw> it creates a long queue
22:31:45  <PublicServer> <0zlw> that backs up to the station
22:32:04  <PublicServer> <0zlw> and instead of reducing it it increases it
22:32:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> hmf
22:33:02  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> so the station is geting near full capacity then?
22:33:08  <PublicServer> <V453000> LLLL_RRRR inevitable
22:33:35  <PublicServer> <0zlw> for the sl going into town drop?
22:33:37  <PublicServer> <0zlw> 4
22:33:42  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes
22:34:03  <KyleS> !password
22:34:03  <PublicServer> KyleS: versed
22:34:07  <PublicServer> <0zlw> that stil doesn'tsolve the proble with the sl
22:34:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> ???
22:34:16  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
22:34:37  <PublicServer> <0zlw> the sl from nanor woods end
22:34:56  <PublicServer> <0zlw> itwill forever be clogged in its current state
22:35:01  <PublicServer> <V453000> well why is the whole SL jaammed then
22:35:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> ...
22:35:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> god
22:35:25  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> hmm create more entrances..? but the ml seems busy alreasy
22:35:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> read up pls
22:36:01  <PublicServer> <0zlw> sorry who is that last comment dirceted at?
22:36:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> wunqu
22:36:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> you too though :)
22:36:53  <PublicServer> <0zlw> RIght...
22:36:56  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> wasnt about the sl from nannor?
22:37:09  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Thats what I'm talking about
22:37:33  <PublicServer> <0zlw> erm
22:38:04  <PublicServer> <KyleS> instead of LLLL_RRRR we could have a ML bypass :O
22:38:11  <PublicServer> <0zlw> he did suggest that
22:38:16  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Its even written on a sign
22:38:27  <PublicServer> <KyleS> i wrote the signs :-P
22:38:30  <PublicServer> <V453000> im not making any by ass
22:41:35  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> well, could add another line ....
22:41:52  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I think V i doing that
22:41:59  <PublicServer> <0zlw> BZV is doing that
22:42:06  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I think V is ding tht*
22:42:16  <PublicServer> <0zlw> you fet what I mean....
22:42:21  <PublicServer> <0zlw> get*
22:42:27  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> ok ok I got it lol
22:47:12  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
22:47:56  <KyleS> !password
22:47:56  <PublicServer> KyleS: spades
22:48:42  <PublicServer> <Wun-Qu> anyway, I gotta go now, bye guys
22:48:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> cya
22:48:49  <PublicServer> <0zlw> bye
22:48:56  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
22:49:00  <PublicServer> *** Wun-Qu has left the game (leaving)
22:49:05  *** wun-qu has quit IRC
22:49:16  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
22:49:22  <KyleS> hmm
22:49:40  *** KyleS has left #openttdcoop
22:49:50  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I'm sitting here watching you
22:49:58  <PublicServer> <0zlw> IAnd I'm puzzled by what your doing
22:51:45  *** KyleS2 has joined #openttdcoop
22:51:57  <KyleS2> !password
22:51:57  <PublicServer> KyleS2: discus
22:52:11  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
22:54:28  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
22:54:38  *** [com]buster has joined #openttdcoop
22:54:38  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o [com]buster
22:54:57  <KyleS2> i can't keep a steady connection to fix it
22:55:01  <KyleS2> but there is a missing connection at SLH 02
22:55:10  <PublicServer> <V453000> yes
22:55:18  <PublicServer> <V453000> because SLH02 doesnt need all connections
22:55:26  <KyleS2> it is missing a connection that it needs
22:55:27  <PublicServer> <V453000> oh its the 4th
22:55:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> I see
22:55:31  <KyleS2> aye
22:55:37  *** Jokke has quit IRC
22:56:50  <PublicServer> <V453000> good, thanks
22:59:08  <PublicServer> <V453000> ok now comes the deep shit
22:59:23  <PublicServer> <0zlw> okay.... What?
22:59:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> SLH 11
22:59:34  <PublicServer> <0zlw> oh
22:59:37  <KyleS2> glad to help :-)
23:01:11  *** ^Spike^ has quit IRC
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23:02:09  <PublicServer> <V453000> town drop 04 is the most barely working station I have ever seen :D
23:02:12  <PublicServer> <V453000> so close :D
23:02:19  <PublicServer> <0zlw> lol
23:02:41  <PublicServer> <0zlw> If the traffic was bumpe dup more
23:02:43  *** KyleS has joined #openttdcoop
23:02:54  <PublicServer> <V453000> the lines are full
23:02:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> almost ...
23:03:02  <PublicServer> <0zlw> we would have back log
23:03:21  <PublicServer> <0zlw> but this section our working on should fix this ..... right
23:03:52  <PublicServer> <V453000> OwenS: around?
23:04:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> ze dog needs enlarging :)
23:05:14  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Do you mean cerberus? (BB2
23:05:25  <PublicServer> <V453000> of course
23:05:33  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Okay just checking
23:06:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> this fucking bug is really getting on my nerves
23:06:56  <PublicServer> <0zlw> the one where trains crash and we blame you?
23:07:30  <PublicServer> <V453000> no, the one when you use the "1" rail building tool, click and drag down
23:07:40  *** KyleS2 has quit IRC
23:07:41  <PublicServer> <V453000> it builds endlessly upward
23:07:46  <PublicServer> <0zlw> right
23:07:50  <PublicServer> <V453000> if you have it in the "R" mode
23:07:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> it creates really awesome things
23:07:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> fuck up
23:08:00  <PublicServer> <V453000> -.-
23:08:07  <PublicServer> <0zlw> So where exactly are you building
23:08:14  <PublicServer> <0zlw> nvm
23:08:16  <PublicServer> <0zlw> found you
23:10:10  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Ladies and Gentlemen, Mohall transport apoligises for delays caused from trains ccomming from nanor woods end
23:10:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> im going to kick you
23:11:52  <KyleS>  /me tries logging in again (sorry for loading pauses -_-)
23:11:59  <KyleS> !password
23:11:59  <PublicServer> KyleS: budged
23:12:00  <PublicServer> <0zlw> We ask that you wait patiently while wework on our network increasing the speeds at whcih you will be able to reach you destinations
23:12:18  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
23:12:41  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
23:12:41  <PublicServer> <V453000> 0zlw: STOP. STOP annoying me with messages of jams when I am rebuilding something
23:12:48  <KyleS> :<
23:12:52  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Oaky
23:19:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> :) I will be able to upgrade the SLH 11 quite easily
23:19:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> or .. without shitting blood and swearing all the time :D
23:19:41  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Lol
23:21:56  <KyleS> !password
23:21:57  <PublicServer> KyleS: gaming
23:22:08  <PublicServer> *** KyleS joined the game
23:22:17  <PublicServer> <0zlw> First train arrives at new wing of station
23:25:13  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop
23:31:08  <PublicServer> *** KyleS has left the game (connection lost)
23:31:19  <KyleS> hi chris
23:31:56  <PublicServer> <0zlw> No wonder why it was clogged
23:32:01  <PublicServer> <0zlw> I just sold about 15 trains
23:32:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> wtf
23:32:26  <PublicServer> <0zlw> hmmm?
23:32:27  <PublicServer> <V453000> ...
23:32:28  <PublicServer> <V453000> god
23:32:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> look ther now ...
23:32:44  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Where?
23:33:12  <OwenS> V453000: I'm here
23:33:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> are you one person communicating with me and talking about one thing for more than 1 line?
23:33:14  <OwenS> Need me?
23:33:25  <PublicServer> <V453000> OwenS: your doggy can use some :)
23:33:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> everything works though
23:33:35  <PublicServer> <0zlw> what?
23:33:41  <OwenS> Roger
23:33:51  <PublicServer> <V453000> 0zlw: nevermind
23:33:54  <PublicServer> *** Owen joined the game
23:34:02  <PublicServer> <0zlw> okay...
23:34:07  <PublicServer> <Owen> What needs doing?
23:34:16  <PublicServer> <V453000> head 3
23:34:23  <PublicServer> <Owen> Hmm?
23:34:32  *** Mitcian has quit IRC
23:34:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> everything works but we need LLLL_RRRR further down the ML
23:34:40  <PublicServer> <Owen> Aah
23:34:42  <PublicServer> <Owen> OK
23:34:47  <PublicServer> <Owen> Where does the LLLL end?
23:34:55  <PublicServer> <V453000> right at the head 3
23:34:58  <PublicServer> <Owen> OK
23:35:03  <PublicServer> <Owen> Aah, I see the line
23:35:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> fornow ..
23:35:06  <PublicServer> <V453000> yea
23:35:15  <PublicServer> <V453000> im just at SLH 11
23:35:42  <PublicServer> <Owen> I'll do northbound first
23:35:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> whatever you want :)
23:36:22  <PublicServer> <Owen> Crap
23:36:29  <PublicServer> <Owen> Bloody power plants blocking me...
23:36:35  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
23:37:16  <PublicServer> <Owen> Also... How do I hide this bloody smoke?
23:37:40  <PublicServer> <V453000> hmm
23:37:41  <PublicServer> <0zlw> from powerplant?
23:37:42  <PublicServer> <V453000> you dont :D
23:37:43  <PublicServer> <Owen> Yes
23:38:49  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Damn
23:38:59  <Chris_Booth> evening all
23:39:11  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
23:39:22  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Damn it!
23:39:41  <Chris_Booth> what up?
23:40:01  <Chris_Booth> !password
23:40:01  <PublicServer> Chris_Booth: brides
23:40:20  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth joined the game
23:40:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> attempting to burn the server once more
23:40:48  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> that will never happed
23:40:51  <PublicServer> <Chris Booth> happen
23:41:30  <PublicServer> *** Chris Booth has left the game (connection lost)
23:44:22  <PublicServer> <0zlw> afk
23:45:10  *** Chris_Booth_ has joined #openttdcoop
23:45:59  *** Chris_Booth is now known as Guest30
23:46:00  *** Chris_Booth_ is now known as Chris_Booth
23:46:52  <PublicServer> <Owen> Hmm
23:46:59  <PublicServer> <Owen> I think we may need more 4 lanes to bBH01
23:47:29  <PublicServer> <Owen> Look at Head 1
23:47:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> ust improve the balancing
23:47:38  <PublicServer> <Owen> Hmm
23:47:43  <PublicServer> <Owen> Won't help for long...
23:47:51  <PublicServer> <V453000> we use 2 lines atm
23:48:01  *** Guest30 has quit IRC
23:50:45  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Back
23:50:48  <PublicServer> <0zlw> Anything changed
23:52:43  <PublicServer> <Owen> OK southbound in, northbound mostly in
23:54:11  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
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23:57:04  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
23:57:53  <PublicServer> <Owen> Actually... The "<<<Temp" seems to be working surprisingl well
23:58:06  <PublicServer> <V453000> as long as it works ...
23:58:22  <PublicServer> <Owen> OK, falling apart now
23:58:31  <PublicServer> <V453000> :)
23:58:32  <PublicServer> <Owen> Need to plan a decent merger... But they were never my strong point
23:58:34  <PublicServer> <V453000> PBS
23:58:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> :o
23:58:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> well I will let you try :)
23:59:12  <PublicServer> <Owen> V453000: ... I wish I knew where to begin
23:59:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> with rails
23:59:25  <PublicServer> <Owen> Very funny...
23:59:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> it depends really
23:59:37  *** Razmir has quit IRC
23:59:44  <PublicServer> <V453000> I dont know myself where do I start
23:59:46  <PublicServer> <Owen> I think I should probably prio the mainline's passage, then merge in the 4th

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