Log for #openttdcoop on 3rd November 2010:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:34  <PublicServer> *** ksf has left the game (leaving)
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00:05:39  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00013999:
00:06:22  <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (connection lost)
00:09:40  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
00:09:40  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
00:09:45  <V453000> !password
00:09:45  <PublicServer> V453000: outing
00:09:58  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:09:58  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
00:09:58  <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game
00:12:28  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
00:12:30  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
00:12:46  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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00:12:47  <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game
00:16:08  <PublicServer> *** dlr365 joined the game
00:18:38  <PublicServer> <V453000> oook, this works
00:18:42  <PublicServer> <V453000> im off, cya
00:18:49  <PublicServer> <Sylf> cya
00:19:08  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
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00:20:39  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0001D21D:
00:32:59  <PublicServer> *** dlr365 has left the game (leaving)
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00:33:04  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving)
00:35:40  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00002971:
00:40:48  *** pugi has quit IRC
00:45:58  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
00:46:07  *** avdg has quit IRC
00:58:48  *** HDIEagle has joined #openttdcoop
00:59:18  <HDIEagle> sup players
00:59:19  <HDIEagle> !players
00:59:22  <PublicServer> HDIEagle: There are currently no clients connected to the server
01:06:40  <Sylf> hey
01:17:27  <HDIEagle> hi
01:18:58  <HDIEagle> !password
01:18:59  <PublicServer> HDIEagle: fences
01:19:08  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
01:19:11  <PublicServer> *** HD1Eagle joined the game
01:21:29  <PublicServer> *** HD1Eagle has joined company #1
01:21:37  <PublicServer> *** HD1Eagle has joined spectators
01:24:37  <HDIEagle> !wiki
01:24:37  <PublicServer> HDIEagle:
01:26:09  <PublicServer> *** HD1Eagle has left the game (connection lost)
01:27:01  <HDIEagle> !servers
01:30:04  <HDIEagle> we ever raid pubs?
01:40:38  *** thgergo has quit IRC
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03:58:57  *** Keiya has joined #openttdcoop
05:02:11  *** dlr365 has quit IRC
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07:12:43  *** Max| has joined #openttdcoop
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07:14:41  <Max|> !password
07:14:41  <PublicServer> Max|: fronts
07:14:48  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
07:14:51  <PublicServer> *** Max| joined the game
07:28:08  *** ^ekipS^ has joined #openttdcoop
07:28:09  *** Webster sets mode: +o ^ekipS^
07:37:12  <PublicServer> *** Max| has left the game (leaving)
07:45:48  *** dlr365 has joined #openttdcoop
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08:28:42  <bmarky> !password
08:28:42  <PublicServer> bmarky: inlets
08:28:57  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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08:55:01  *** lasershock has quit IRC
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09:04:01  *** malta has joined #openttdcoop
09:04:52  <malta> morning :)
09:05:41  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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09:11:55  *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop
09:16:14  <PublicServer> *** malta has left the game (leaving)
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09:25:14  *** theholyduck has joined #openttdcoop
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09:40:16  <PublicServer> *** bmarky has left the game (connection lost)
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09:47:20  *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop
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09:55:57  *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop
09:55:57  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o V453000
09:56:10  <V453000> ellow
09:56:14  <V453000> @seen HamSandwich
09:56:14  <Webster> V453000: HamSandwich was last seen in #openttdcoop 1 day, 20 hours, 42 minutes, and 48 seconds ago: <HamSandwich> !password
10:22:51  *** KeiyaDS has joined #openttdcoop
10:23:12  <KeiyaDS> so my computer won't charge. again
10:23:49  * planetmaker charges KeiyaDS 5€
10:23:58  <KeiyaDS> ;_; only reason I can get on at all is my homebrew-enabled DS
10:24:49  <KeiyaDS> ClIRC sucks at anything outside US-ASCII too>_>
10:35:02  *** theholyduck has quit IRC
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10:46:19  *** bmarky has joined #openttdcoop
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13:16:37  *** bmarky has joined #openttdcoop
13:16:43  <bmarky> !password
13:16:44  <PublicServer> bmarky: hoeing
13:16:58  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
13:17:01  <PublicServer> *** bmarky joined the game
13:26:40  <PublicServer> *** bmarky has left the game (connection lost)
13:27:29  *** Thraxian|Work has joined #openttdcoop
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13:36:53  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop
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13:44:45  *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop
13:48:40  <Tray> !players
13:48:42  <PublicServer> Tray: There are currently no clients connected to the server
13:48:47  <Tray> !password
13:48:48  <PublicServer> Tray: neared
13:51:06  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
13:51:07  <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game
13:54:41  <bmarky> !players
13:54:44  <PublicServer> bmarky: Client 309 (Orange) is Tray, in company 1 (Sutston Transport)
13:54:50  <bmarky> !password
13:54:50  <PublicServer> bmarky: neared
13:55:02  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
13:55:02  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:55:05  <PublicServer> *** bmarky joined the game
13:55:06  <PublicServer> <bmarky> hey
13:55:16  <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost)
13:55:16  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:55:28  <PublicServer> *** bmarky has joined spectators
13:55:32  <Tray> Sorry small CPU. <ß:
13:58:52  *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop
13:59:17  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
13:59:17  <PublicServer> *** Intexon joined the game
14:03:54  <PublicServer> *** bmarky has joined company #1
14:04:19  *** bmarky has left #openttdcoop
14:17:04  <PublicServer> *** bmarky has left the game (connection lost)
14:20:12  *** Thraxian|Work sets mode: +l 666
14:20:17  *** Max| has quit IRC
14:32:21  *** lugo has joined #openttdcoop
14:36:27  *** Tray has quit IRC
15:00:44  *** Keiya_ has joined #openttdcoop
15:02:43  *** avdg has joined #openttdcoop
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15:26:16  * Thraxian|Work wonders if anyone is still around
15:37:50  <planetmaker> all people left. None here. Nothing to see ;-)
15:40:19  <dih> i am not here either
15:44:56  *** OTTDmaster has joined #openttdcoop
15:45:21  <OTTDmaster> Hello?
15:46:13  <OTTDmaster> Anyone here?
15:46:53  <OTTDmaster> At all?
15:47:25  <OTTDmaster> *Lonely*
15:48:10  <planetmaker> onely*
15:48:12  <planetmaker> nely*
15:48:14  <planetmaker> ely*
15:48:16  <planetmaker> ly*
15:48:17  <planetmaker> y*
15:48:19  <planetmaker> *
15:48:31  <dih> now thats a daring nick
15:48:54  <OTTDmaster> *not actually particularly good at openttd*
15:49:01  <dih> and pm is borred :P
15:49:32  <planetmaker> :-P I failed to create a decent echo. I should write a script playing that trick on questions similar to "anyone here"
15:49:48  <dih> yet you consider yourself master of the art ^^
15:50:02  <OTTDmaster> :*)
15:50:12  <dih> :P
15:50:42  *** kei_ has joined #openttdcoop
15:50:46  <dih> pm, tech grapes to do that ^^
15:50:56  <dih> *teach
15:52:13  <dih> if you are lucky, there is a working bot before i leave :P
15:52:37  <OTTDmaster> C.C
15:53:03  <dih> ?
15:53:11  <OTTDmaster> *Rolling eyes*
15:53:15  <OTTDmaster> ^^
15:53:27  <dih> ahhh... ok ^^
15:53:56  <planetmaker> dih: sounds nice :-)
15:54:03  *** Nickman87 has quit IRC
15:54:09  <OTTDmaster> *cough*
15:54:10  <Webster> Title: List of emoticons - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (at
15:55:49  <OTTDmaster> *Damn webster figured it out * D:
15:56:44  <OTTDmaster> amn webster figured it out * D:
15:57:41  <OTTDmaster> d: - )
16:00:43  <OTTDmaster> *Killed the chat*
16:00:54  <OTTDmaster> *rather annoyed with self*
16:02:12  <Ammler> @kill OTTDmaster
16:02:34  <OTTDmaster> *runs away*
16:02:55  <Ammler> our bot seems too peaseful
16:03:30  <OTTDmaster> *waves white flag and goes and kills other chat
16:05:34  <OTTDmaster> *bot kills me*
16:06:25  <XeryusTC> OTTDmaster: emoticons :(
16:06:50  <OTTDmaster> *not going to use emticons anymore*
16:08:40  *** TheRisen has joined #openttdcoop
16:09:05  <TheRisen> !password
16:09:06  <PublicServer> TheRisen: spines
16:09:20  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:09:22  <PublicServer> *** TheRisen joined the game
16:09:38  <XeryusTC> meh, apache and php arent available in 64 bit on windows :(
16:09:57  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> hi there
16:10:23  <OTTDmaster> OpenTTD isn't available on my OS
16:11:02  <planetmaker> yes, but you can compile it
16:11:06  <OTTDmaster> *wishes that I could learn C*
16:11:20  <planetmaker> if you can't learn, I pity you
16:11:29  <planetmaker> If you can learn, you can learn C/C++, too
16:11:32  <OTTDmaster> @planetmaker It takes 3 hours to do so
16:11:45  <OTTDmaster> *tries to find Tutorial
16:11:46  <planetmaker> what PC do you have that it takes 3 hours?
16:11:55  <OTTDmaster> It isn't a PC
16:12:05  <OTTDmaster> A macintosh
16:12:20  <planetmaker> my goodness, I know that. Those are pcs, too
16:12:38  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> i always thought a mac is a pc with some fruit on it :)
16:12:43  <planetmaker> unless they're a laptop, but even those...
16:13:20  *** Mortomes|Work has quit IRC
16:13:35  <OTTDmaster> <TheRisen> i always thought a mac is a pc with some fruit on it :) ---> And a few machineguns mounted on top of the fruit
16:13:59  <XeryusTC> planetmaker: PC is the name for some modular system IBM once invented, Macs dont use that same system :o
16:14:12  <XeryusTC> dont qoute me on that though :P
16:14:15  <OTTDmaster> IBM PC
16:14:25  <OTTDmaster> IBM XP
16:14:26  <planetmaker> XeryusTC: better so. It's wrong ;-)
16:14:36  <OTTDmaster> and now the IBM SUT
16:14:55  <XeryusTC> OTTDmaster: behave please
16:15:01  <planetmaker> XeryusTC: apple uses even intel CPUs since 2006...
16:15:21  <XeryusTC> true
16:15:29  <planetmaker> the only thing slightly different is a modern BIOS replacement, EFI
16:15:33  <XeryusTC> and mac os x runs on PCs ;)
16:15:43  <OTTDmaster> ish
16:15:53  <planetmaker> indeed. The only reason it usually doesn't is that OSX is checking for *some* chip
16:15:59  <OTTDmaster> It requires some hacking, but is possible
16:16:16  <OTTDmaster> I'm useing the most un hackable
16:16:20  <OTTDmaster> a PPC
16:16:28  <XeryusTC> the only problem is that it becomes very unstable
16:16:38  <planetmaker> still, compile time should be of the order of 30 minutes or so, OTTDmaster
16:16:44  * XeryusTC has installed OS X on a PC at intern company :P
16:16:57  <planetmaker> and then it'd probably be a slow PPRC
16:16:59  <OTTDmaster> funny that, I haven't seen a PC using power *PC* chips
16:17:00  <planetmaker> *PPC
16:17:55  <OTTDmaster> WTF
16:18:20  <OTTDmaster> I'm downloading a C++ compiler
16:18:30  <XeryusTC> shock, horror
16:18:36  <OTTDmaster> 6 hours, 13 minutes remaining
16:18:53  <OTTDmaster> 1 KB per second
16:19:04  <OTTDmaster> 27.6 MB
16:19:07  <planetmaker> uhm... OTTDmaster, just install from your CDs / DVD the development tools
16:19:09  <PublicServer> <TheRisen> lol
16:19:57  <OTTDmaster> I have Xcode *unsure if that'll work*
16:20:09  <planetmaker> if you have that, you have all tools required
16:20:19  <planetmaker> And I thought you already compiled OpenTTD successfully?!
16:20:27  <OTTDmaster> Xcode 2.5
16:20:40  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0001539B:
16:20:58  <OTTDmaster>
16:20:58  <planetmaker> that's about the minimum Xcode version, but it will do
16:20:58  <Webster> Title: Tutorial: Introduction to C++ (at
16:21:21  <OTTDmaster> No later versions will work
16:21:31  <OTTDmaster> 10.4.11
16:21:36  <planetmaker> that's fine
16:21:39  <planetmaker> Works for me
16:21:42  <OTTDmaster> 10.5 required for 3.0
16:21:52  <PublicServer> *** TheRisen has left the game (leaving)
16:21:54  *** TheRisen has left #openttdcoop
16:22:20  <planetmaker> but anyway... I think you were way beyond that and you compiled it already? Or was that all just shit-talk?
16:22:43  <OTTDmaster> I have
16:23:33  <planetmaker> so... where's the issue?
16:24:36  <OTTDmaster> <OTTDmaster> *wishes that I could learn C*
16:24:52  <planetmaker> ok... something new?
16:26:04  <OTTDmaster> *thinks that C isn't something that I could try*
16:26:24  <OTTDmaster> *Thinks about python, but regrets it
16:26:44  * planetmaker adjusts the attention settings in IRC channels
16:30:39  <OTTDmaster> Thinks that it is unlikely that I will ever program so gives up and tries to build an ALU in openttd
16:36:36  <OTTDmaster> going to go to save ram for the compiler
16:37:09  *** OTTDmaster has quit IRC
16:37:47  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:37:49  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian|Work joined the game
16:41:57  <PublicServer> *** Thraxian|Work has left the game (leaving)
16:52:53  *** thgergo has joined #openttdcoop
16:57:20  *** V453000 has joined #openttdcoop
16:58:02  <V453000> @whoami
16:58:02  <Webster> V453000: V453000
16:58:05  <V453000> @op
16:58:05  *** Webster sets mode: +o V453000
16:58:08  <V453000> moo :)
17:07:24  *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop
17:11:39  <V453000> TheRisen: why cleanup?
17:11:43  <V453000> (at that signú
17:11:44  <V453000> )
17:15:42  *** Wammler has joined #openttdcoop
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17:35:13  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:35:13  <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game
17:35:56  <V453000> hy
17:36:09  <V453000> :)
17:36:15  <PublicServer> <Spike> :0
17:36:24  *** Firartix has joined #openttdcoop
17:36:51  <V453000> :1
17:37:04  <V453000> is that counter still off ? :P
17:37:10  <PublicServer> <Spike> yep
17:37:17  <V453000> ^_^
17:46:49  *** OTTDmaster has joined #openttdcoop
17:46:57  <OTTDmaster> hello
17:47:45  <V453000> hi
17:47:49  <OTTDmaster> I've just joined a dead chatroom
17:48:01  <V453000> this one? :|
17:48:04  <OTTDmaster> Oh, hello V453000
17:48:17  <OTTDmaster> How are you?
17:48:52  <OTTDmaster> Planetmaker, you were sort of right
17:49:27  <OTTDmaster> @V453000 Yes, 'twould appear so
17:49:48  <V453000> there are 57 guys here
17:50:15  <OTTDmaster> and, currently 2 are speaking
17:50:37  <OTTDmaster> Macports is being fustrating
17:51:41  <OTTDmaster> I went to get LZO2 using macports, went for lunch
17:51:58  <OTTDmaster> Came back, still trying to get it
17:52:06  <V453000> ? :D
17:52:21  <OTTDmaster> I gave up and am currently downloading it manually
17:53:12  <OTTDmaster> Mind you, this isn't exactly straightforward
17:54:09  <OTTDmaster> 8 minutes remaining - 222 of 611 KB (562 bytes/sec)
17:55:05  <XeryusTC> get a decent connection ffs :P
17:55:24  <OTTDmaster> downgraded for cost
17:55:24  <V453000> :P
17:55:43  <XeryusTC> downgrade to 14k4 it seems :P
17:55:54  <OTTDmaster> 20MB to I think 8MB
17:55:56  *** dlr365 has joined #openttdcoop
17:56:45  <OTTDmaster> Mind you - Virgin media haven't been particularly friendly
17:57:07  <OTTDmaster>
17:57:35  <OTTDmaster> Ping - 23 ms
17:58:28  <OTTDmaster> Preparing download
17:59:30  <OTTDmaster> Still Preparing download
18:00:08  <XeryusTC> you dont _need_ to keep us up to date every 2 seconds..
18:01:33  *** ODM has quit IRC
18:02:05  <OTTDmaster> might have an early night - see if it has finished in the morning ;)
18:03:20  <PublicServer> *** Intexon has left the game (leaving)
18:04:38  <OTTDmaster> Download speed - 0.03 Mbps
18:04:42  <OTTDmaster> :D
18:04:55  <OTTDmaster> Upload speed 0.56 Mbps
18:05:08  <OTTDmaster> Probably explains it
18:05:23  <OTTDmaster>
18:08:56  <OTTDmaster> I want my money back!
18:09:06  <OTTDmaster> (20MB connection)
18:09:25  <Twigman> its peak time. therefore virgin media dont let you download things. HTH.
18:10:33  <OTTDmaster> Hold on - I think we got a leaflet about the superfast broadband
18:13:56  <OTTDmaster> [quote] it's offical, Ofcom has proven our broadband is around twice a fast as BT, Sky and TalkTalk's comparable packages, *even at peak times*
18:14:16  <OTTDmaster> [/quote]
18:16:19  <OTTDmaster> never have I heard such trash
18:16:43  <ksf> hmmm tl=20, 0 to 643km/h in 16 or 17 tiles.
18:18:06  <V453000> chimera with gator?
18:18:54  <OTTDmaster> V453000, when will there be an Advanced Building Review 8?
18:19:07  <ksf> chimera with 6 wagons (empty valueables) per engine pair.
18:19:07  <V453000> it is ready, I need only images
18:19:08  <V453000> why
18:19:16  <V453000> hm
18:19:59  <OTTDmaster> I've actually really enjoyed reading those
18:21:29  *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop
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18:21:49  <ksf> without compressors I guesstimate tl=5 (accelerating the same) is more efficient, though.
18:22:12  <ksf> actually, it's hard to tell without trying.
18:22:40  <ksf> 'cos every 20tl train comes with 4 gaps which are exactly 0 tiles.
18:23:16  *** pugi has quit IRC
18:23:23  <V453000> OTTDmaster: thx :)
18:25:06  *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop
18:25:08  <OTTDmaster> no problem
18:25:21  <V453000> hope it helps :p
18:25:42  *** bmarky has joined #openttdcoop
18:25:55  <bmarky> !password
18:25:55  <PublicServer> bmarky: snitch
18:26:09  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:26:09  <PublicServer> *** bmarky joined the game
18:26:47  *** V453000 has quit IRC
18:29:04  <OTTDmaster> @seen HD1Eagle
18:29:04  <Webster> OTTDmaster: I have not seen HD1Eagle.
18:29:18  <OTTDmaster> @seen HDIEagle
18:29:19  <Webster> OTTDmaster: HDIEagle was last seen in #openttdcoop 16 hours, 59 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <HDIEagle> we ever raid pubs?
18:30:55  <PublicServer> *** bmarky has left the game (leaving)
18:37:58  <OTTDmaster> And so begins the mercurial cloning of the openttd mercurial repositories one more time *Ugh*
18:38:37  <OTTDmaster> And so begins the cloning of the openttd mercurial repositories one more time *Ugh*
18:39:51  *** OTTDmaster has quit IRC
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18:40:45  <OTTDmaster> back
18:42:47  <OTTDmaster> grrrrrrrr
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20:07:47  <planetmaker> thank good the monologue guy left
20:21:40  *** ksf has joined #openttdcoop
20:21:48  <^Spike^> hehe
20:22:01  <^Spike^> pm and then you thought i was bad :D
20:22:27  <planetmaker> :-) Did I think so?
20:22:36  <planetmaker> I don't think so :-P
20:22:43  * ^Spike^ is also a person of monologues sometimes :)
20:22:52  <^Spike^> you always agree with yourself that's the best of it :D
20:23:32  <ksf> !password
20:23:33  <PublicServer> ksf: snitch
20:23:43  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
20:23:44  <PublicServer> *** ksf joined the game
20:23:46  <^Spike^> yeah... you are..
20:23:49  <^Spike^> PublicServer says so
20:23:50  <^Spike^> :)
20:29:18  <PublicServer> *** ksf has left the game (leaving)
21:00:22  *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop
21:01:44  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
21:01:45  <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game
21:01:49  <PublicServer> <avdg> hey
21:02:13  <PublicServer> <avdg> why is the game paused :)
21:02:48  <uliko> !playercount
21:02:48  <PublicServer> uliko: Number of players: 2 (1 spectators)
21:02:54  <uliko> Only you online
21:03:10  <PublicServer> <avdg> am I? :p
21:03:53  <uliko> The other guy is spectating
21:04:07  <uliko> !players
21:04:10  <PublicServer> uliko: Client 325 (Orange) is avdg, in company 1 (Sutston Transport)
21:04:10  <PublicServer> uliko: Client 320 is Spike, a spectator
21:04:11  <PublicServer> <avdg> :d
21:04:12  <^Spike^> thnx for referring to a member as The other guy
21:04:12  <^Spike^> :)
21:04:30  <uliko> Well I cant see who it is without checking
21:04:37  <PublicServer> <avdg> :p
21:04:43  <^Spike^> i know :)
21:04:46  <^Spike^> that's why i said it :D
21:06:25  <PublicServer> <avdg> found a desync and can't edit, I'm gonna cry :p
21:06:43  <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1
21:06:43  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
21:06:45  <PublicServer> <avdg> :D
21:06:55  <V453000> I wanted to kick you so you dont have to cry D:
21:07:01  <PublicServer> <Spike> what would belgians be without the dutch ;)
21:07:08  <PublicServer> <avdg> fixed
21:07:10  *** V453000 has quit IRC
21:07:13  <PublicServer> <avdg> :p
21:07:15  <^Spike^> i guess they wouldn't be fixed ;)
21:07:24  <^Spike^> they would be speaking all french :D
21:07:43  <PublicServer> <avdg> hell, I hate french (with all respects (really?))
21:07:55  <^Spike^> i know that all to well...
21:08:06  <^Spike^> all flemish hate the french and other way around :D
21:08:12  <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined spectators
21:08:12  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
21:08:16  <PublicServer> <avdg> :p
21:08:31  <PublicServer> <avdg> but we speak a bit french, that simplifies things a bit
21:09:06  <PublicServer> * avdg hates the word simplified if we are talking about the goverment
21:09:16  <^Spike^> :)
21:10:28  <PublicServer> *** avdg has joined spectators
21:14:17  * ^Spike^ is getting tired.. usually a sign of "i work too hard"
21:14:42  <avdg> :p
21:15:03  <^Spike^> not really funny when you think it will still be like this till feb to be sure i don't fall behind too far on college
21:15:04  <avdg> for me, days are too short
21:15:49  <avdg> I had to quit college, and that wasn't because I was bad on school
21:17:26  <^Spike^> well.. days are too short for me aswell.. but well...
21:17:32  <^Spike^> i can live with that...
21:19:27  <^Spike^> it's just the fact that sometimes others don't see the importance of working...
21:19:52  <^Spike^> like some project that we said on monday get it working SOMEHOW without implementing it in the final by thursday...
21:20:07  <^Spike^> they tried today.. but they wanted to first get part of the final product working..
21:20:09  * ^Spike^ sighs
21:20:18  <^Spike^> and that while we clearly said not to to save them time
21:20:40  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0003A6F4:
21:24:14  *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop
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22:02:47  *** Robinb has joined #openttdcoop
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22:04:10  <Robinb> !dl win64
22:04:11  <PublicServer> Robinb:
22:04:20  <Robinb> !dl
22:04:21  <PublicServer> Robinb: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|win32|win64|win9x
22:04:21  <PublicServer> Robinb:
22:04:36  <Robinb> !dl autottd
22:04:36  <PublicServer> Robinb:
22:05:00  <Robinb> !dl autostart
22:05:00  <PublicServer> Robinb:
22:05:06  <Robinb> ¬.¬ should have guessed...
22:14:06  <^Spike^> ?
22:16:29  <Robinb> the autottd and autostart from !dl goes to the wiki
22:17:05  <Robinb> !password
22:17:05  <PublicServer> Robinb: pulley
22:17:18  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
22:18:38  <PublicServer> *** Player has changed his/her name to Robinb
22:18:48  <^Spike^> :)
22:19:36  <Robinb> new PC - still fine tuning the settings everywhere. I might actually be able to join into the public server after 1,250 trains without my PC crashing :P
22:23:56  <PublicServer> *** Robinb has left the game (leaving)
22:29:29  <planetmaker> Robinb: right... I guess it'd be nice, if the wiki contained a download link? :-)
22:29:50  <Robinb> I got there in the end :P
22:31:09  * planetmaker always uses autostart
22:31:20  <Robinb> autottd == OpenTTD Auto Update?
22:31:45  <planetmaker> possibly
22:32:09  <^Spike^> let's see..
22:32:10  <planetmaker> though.. that's probably ottdau
22:32:19  <^Spike^> that's what i thought
22:32:29  <Robinb> that's the one.
22:32:55  <Robinb> and didn't see that one in the dl list.. whoops
22:32:56  <^Spike^> autottd is the other thing...
22:33:19  <^Spike^> the we don't know where xaroth is and if development stopped thing is autottd
22:33:32  * planetmaker doesn't remember anymore. I used Zuu's thing as long as I played on windoze.
22:33:48  <planetmaker> Ever since I play on mac, I use autostart
22:34:21  <^Spike^>
22:34:26  <^Spike^> is autoupdate for windows
22:34:42  <Robinb> thanks :) all working and set up
22:34:44  <^Spike^> i always had trouble with autottd for some reason :)
22:35:27  <^Spike^> but it seems autottd development has died
22:35:55  *** planetmaker is now known as moonraker
22:35:56  <^Spike^> seeing the topics last post of xaroth and his last post on the forum in general
22:38:29  *** moonraker is now known as planetmaker
22:40:56  *** perk11 has quit IRC
23:05:12  *** Progman has quit IRC
23:18:22  <PublicServer> *** avdg has left the game (connection lost)
23:18:22  *** avdg has quit IRC
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23:20:58  <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving)
23:34:57  <glevans2> !password
23:34:57  <PublicServer> glevans2: menial
23:35:20  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
23:35:22  <PublicServer> *** glevans2 joined the game
23:38:47  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
23:38:49  <PublicServer> *** avdg joined the game
23:38:53  <PublicServer> *** glevans2 has joined company #1
23:38:53  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
23:38:57  <PublicServer> <avdg> :)
23:39:19  <PublicServer> <glevans2> just staring at a static map is boring
23:39:35  <PublicServer> <avdg> you are right, it should be banned :p
23:40:24  <PublicServer> <glevans2> :D
23:46:26  <PublicServer> <avdg> don't forget the builders board :)
23:50:24  <PublicServer> <glevans2> I am guessing that the missing mine at Flontbourne Transfer makes it a 'special' station
23:50:41  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0001618E:
23:50:56  <PublicServer> <avdg> flontbourne west?
23:51:22  <PublicServer> <glevans2> Flontbourne Transfer
23:51:53  <PublicServer> <avdg> :p
23:52:08  <PublicServer> <avdg> happens when people apply the "connect all" policy
23:52:18  <Sylf> !password
23:52:19  <PublicServer> Sylf: hurtle
23:52:26  <PublicServer> <avdg> :o
23:52:30  <PublicServer> <avdg> hey Sylf
23:52:31  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
23:52:34  <PublicServer> <glevans2> yay, Sylf
23:52:38  <PublicServer> <Sylf> heya
23:53:03  <PublicServer> <avdg> haha, closed :D
23:53:46  <PublicServer> <glevans2> what?
23:54:12  <PublicServer> <avdg> no need to add more trains
23:58:27  <PublicServer> <glevans2> Is it ok to remove dead industry/no trains?
23:58:38  <PublicServer> <avdg> imo yes
23:58:45  <PublicServer> <Sylf> i agree
23:58:56  <PublicServer> <avdg> because we can't guarandee if we would add more trains
23:59:20  <PublicServer> <avdg> and people should buils stations AND trains at the same time
23:59:55  <PublicServer> <glevans2> then I am starting with Franingley Market South

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