Log for #openttdcoop on 18th January 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:13:33  *** Vinnie has quit IRC
00:32:20  *** Razmir has joined #openttdcoop
00:36:46  *** Mazur has quit IRC
00:39:43  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:39:46  <PublicServer> *** Razmir joined the game
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00:49:30  *** greenlion has quit IRC
01:03:37  *** ppetak has quit IRC
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03:34:56  <PublicServer> *** Razmir has left the game (leaving)
04:04:41  <Sylf> !password
04:04:41  <PublicServer> Sylf: blight
04:05:06  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
04:05:08  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
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07:07:28  <planetmaker> moin
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08:49:20  <Atoompje> !password
08:49:20  <PublicServer> Atoompje: tyrant
08:49:53  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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08:58:58  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
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10:28:11  *** ppetak has joined #openttdcoop
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10:30:51  <ppetak> !password
10:30:51  <PublicServer> ppetak: tyrant
10:31:11  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
10:31:14  <PublicServer> *** ppetak joined the game
11:05:17  *** Fuco has joined #openttdcoop
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11:24:00  *** benom has joined #openttdcoop
11:30:29  *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop
11:35:48  <Mazur> Mofternoon.
11:44:32  *** Mazur has quit IRC
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11:45:32  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop
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11:53:57  <PublicServer> <ppetak> hola
11:55:26  *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop
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13:07:36  <PublicServer> <ppetak> nobody playing? Well, I'm, moving back home from work then .. :)
13:07:42  <PublicServer> *** ppetak has left the game (leaving)
13:21:35  *** benom has quit IRC
13:29:10  *** ppetak has quit IRC
13:52:46  *** Speedy` has quit IRC
14:13:28  *** ppetak has joined #openttdcoop
14:13:35  <ppetak> !players
14:13:38  <PublicServer> ppetak: There are currently no clients connected to the server
14:26:50  *** Intexon has joined #openttdcoop
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14:30:13  <ppetak> !players
14:30:16  <PublicServer> ppetak: There are currently no clients connected to the server
14:30:55  <ppetak> !password
14:30:55  <PublicServer> ppetak: walker
14:31:03  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:31:06  <PublicServer> *** ppetak joined the game
15:24:57  *** TheRisen has joined #openttdcoop
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16:15:50  <ppetak> nobody wants to build?
16:17:46  *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop
16:25:18  <Ammler> the game might need archiving
16:26:14  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:26:14  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:26:16  <PublicServer> *** Amm1er joined the game
16:26:21  <ppetak> maybe ... there is last island not finished ...
16:26:25  <ppetak> 01
16:26:35  <ppetak> Lets finish it and move on ..
16:26:46  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> :-)
16:27:48  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> hmm, shouldn't there be some length depended splitters?
16:28:38  <PublicServer> <ppetak> don't know. I think that this will be only for a few trains .. plan not to scale is written in plan.
16:28:40  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> like raw transport with tl3 and 2nd cargo with tl5?
16:29:22  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> and then make a station one station for drop and pickup and split depending on length
16:29:36  *** Firartix has joined #openttdcoop
16:30:03  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> I don't see any other purpose on having differnet length, do you?
16:30:21  <PublicServer> <ppetak> hm, sounds good, but I don't know how to do it :)
16:30:51  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> the oil refinery should be such a station
16:31:03  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> and factory
16:31:04  <PublicServer> <ppetak> so far everyone built everything for TL3-5
16:31:15  <PublicServer> <ppetak> yes, understand.
16:31:15  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> how do you build that way?
16:31:41  <PublicServer> <ppetak> just not interfering CL and gap rules
16:31:51  <PublicServer> <ppetak> at least not much ..
16:32:29  <PublicServer> <ppetak> but, the length dependent splitter ...
16:33:08  <PublicServer> <ppetak> now trains will go to different stations, and it can be TL3 or 4 or 5 ... where you think the splitter should be?
16:33:28  <PublicServer> <ppetak> like different lines to factory for different TL?
16:33:42  <PublicServer> <ppetak> because I admit I don't get it .. I'm Llama ;)
16:34:22  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> splitter is something like this: !splitter?
16:34:47  <PublicServer> <ppetak> sorry:)
16:34:54  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> you mde one too?
16:35:48  <PublicServer> <ppetak> Understand, if the train is too long, it must take diagonal track.
16:36:15  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> yes, the length might be wrong
16:37:01  <PublicServer> <ppetak> but still I dont see the purpose - if the trains have orders to go to different stations, they will take right route without splitter.
16:37:29  <PublicServer> <ppetak> I mean purpose on 01
16:37:38  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000896D:
16:38:21  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> well, you make _one_ station for drop and pickup
16:38:51  <PublicServer> <ppetak> but sort trains to different entry.
16:38:57  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> yep
16:39:07  <PublicServer> <ppetak> OK, now it makes sense.
16:39:13  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> we did such games, but I have no clue, which
16:40:32  <PublicServer> <ppetak> well, I can try and rebuild factory with splitter. TL3 for raw, and TL5 for goods.
16:40:39  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> island 3 looks empty too
16:41:13  <PublicServer> <ppetak> its really big, like three islands ..
16:41:23  <PublicServer> <ppetak> there are no trains I see ..
16:41:35  <PublicServer> <ppetak> not finished, too.
16:42:51  *** Atoompje has joined #openttdcoop
16:43:18  <Atoompje> hi
16:43:21  <Atoompje> !password
16:43:21  <PublicServer> Atoompje: balked
16:43:36  <PublicServer> <ppetak> hi
16:43:40  <PublicServer> *** Atoompje joined the game
16:45:08  <PublicServer> <ppetak> well, factory needs processed too, so we can make TL4 for steel :)
16:45:14  <PublicServer> <ppetak> i like this idea!
16:45:55  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> I don't think, you can split trains with 1 tile difference only
16:46:09  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> you need something like 3,5,7
16:46:28  <PublicServer> <ppetak> hm, maybe I will make some tests offline first.
16:46:58  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> well, there aren't any trains here yet
16:47:04  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> so feel free to make those public :-P
16:48:00  *** Intexon has quit IRC
16:48:04  <PublicServer> *** Atoompje has left the game (connection lost)
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16:52:39  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00006D51:
16:53:03  <Atoompje> !password
16:53:03  <PublicServer> Atoompje: shaver
16:53:35  <Atoompje> hmm
16:53:39  <Atoompje> bad connecion
16:54:08  <PublicServer> *** Atoompje joined the game
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16:55:09  *** Firartix has quit IRC
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17:09:28  <PublicServer> <ppetak> looks like it works well on all TL
17:10:50  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> I cleaned up, feel free to implement it :-P
17:11:25  <PublicServer> <ppetak> I have half an hour, then I have to go for a while, so I will start :)
17:11:40  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> yeah, no need to finish
17:11:48  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> as there are still no trains
17:12:00  <PublicServer> <Amm1er> and we don't archive unfinished games
17:14:09  <Mazur>  Rv island is unfinished, too.  Unstarted in many wways, really.
17:20:57  *** Atoompje has quit IRC
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17:22:39  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00007359:
17:28:14  *** Trangar has joined #openttdcoop
17:29:00  <Trangar> heya
17:29:28  *** Firartix has joined #openttdcoop
17:32:52  <PublicServer> <ppetak> hola
17:32:58  <PublicServer> <ppetak> @@(gap 3)
17:32:58  <Webster> PublicServer: For Trainlength of 3: <= 9 needs 2, 10 - 14 needs 3, 15 - 19 needs 4.
17:37:39  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000695C:
18:07:40  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00004D6B:
18:09:33  *** DayDreamer has quit IRC
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18:22:40  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00006B60:
18:24:15  <PublicServer> *** Amm1er has left the game (connection lost)
18:24:15  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
18:24:36  <PublicServer> <ppetak> gtg, TL splitter seems to work, i will finish it later.
18:29:20  <Ammler> ppetak: so I don't need to rejoin?
18:29:32  <Ammler> !playercount
18:29:32  <PublicServer> Ammler: Number of players: 2 (0 spectators)
18:29:37  <Ammler> !players
18:29:39  <PublicServer> Ammler: Client 90 (Orange) is ppetak, in company 1 (psg200)
18:31:39  *** Firartix has quit IRC
18:37:40  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00004951:
18:40:09  <PublicServer> *** ppetak has left the game (connection lost)
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19:02:36  *** scrlk has joined #openttdcoop
19:02:45  <scrlk> !password
19:02:46  <PublicServer> scrlk: tulips
19:03:10  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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19:10:50  <PublicServer> *** scrlk has left the game (connection lost)
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19:26:56  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
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19:37:44  *** mfb- has joined #openttdcoop
19:37:48  <mfb-> hi
19:38:08  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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20:01:15  *** scrlk has joined #openttdcoop
20:01:16  <scrlk> !password
20:01:16  <PublicServer> scrlk: tulips
20:01:30  <scrlk> hi all
20:01:31  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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20:01:31  <PublicServer> *** scrlk joined the game
20:01:33  <PublicServer> <mfb> hi
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20:07:40  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0003B9BF:
20:09:41  *** kuch3n has joined #openttdcoop
20:09:47  <kuch3n> hello
20:09:59  <PublicServer> <mfb> hi
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20:22:41  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00027E62:
20:22:57  <PublicServer> <scrlk> hey mfb, you still here>
20:23:03  <PublicServer> <mfb> .
20:23:23  <PublicServer> <scrlk> do you think the slh i built on island 13 needs rebuilding?
20:23:33  <PublicServer> <scrlk> its locking up quite badly now
20:23:55  <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm
20:24:02  <PublicServer> <mfb> maybe longer exits would be useful
20:24:06  *** Firartix has joined #openttdcoop
20:24:10  <PublicServer> <scrlk> i have no clue
20:24:24  <PublicServer> <scrlk> except if i rebuild i could do with lb and better piro
20:24:24  <PublicServer> <mfb> but it works
20:24:51  <PublicServer> <scrlk> thanks :)
20:25:08  <PublicServer> <scrlk> it works, just not very well
20:25:21  <PublicServer> <mfb> that signals were missing
20:25:25  <PublicServer> <scrlk> oh
20:25:35  <PublicServer> <mfb> => very large signal gap
20:25:38  <PublicServer> <scrlk> the sl is jamming up aswell
20:25:50  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, too many trains there
20:25:57  <PublicServer> <scrlk> its the main sl
20:25:59  <PublicServer> <mfb> the slh can handle everything
20:29:50  <PublicServer> <mfb> southern drop is jamming :(
20:30:14  <PublicServer> <scrlk> oh god
20:30:18  *** tycoondemon has quit IRC
20:30:33  <PublicServer> <scrlk> build an overflow depot
20:31:03  <PublicServer> <scrlk> island 13 was not built for this amout of traffic
20:31:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> the first design is never able to handle the final traffic ;)
20:31:47  <PublicServer> <scrlk> thought ottc usually goes mental
20:32:46  <PublicServer> <scrlk> i wish i have the chance to rebuild my slh
20:32:54  <PublicServer> <scrlk> with load balancing
20:33:00  <PublicServer> <scrlk> and a better piro system
20:33:18  *** scrlk has quit IRC
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20:33:18  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
20:33:27  <Trangar> then do it?
20:33:33  <PublicServer> <mfb> hehe
20:35:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> so.. what can we learn from island 5?
20:35:38  <PublicServer> <mfb> one really large logic feeder station with bugs
20:35:56  <PublicServer> <mfb> mazurs concept which serves the first two stations well
20:36:14  <PublicServer> <mfb> and the same idea as in psg199, that's working
20:36:16  <PublicServer> <mfb> boring :(
20:36:51  <Trangar> sounds like basic ottd stuff
20:37:10  <Trangar> large structures with bugs, and repetition in the games :D
20:37:41  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002C839:
20:38:31  <mfb-> maybe mazurs srnw just needs more entry points
20:39:48  *** scrlk has joined #openttdcoop
20:39:49  <scrlk> !password
20:39:49  <PublicServer> scrlk: bruise
20:40:04  <scrlk> back
20:40:06  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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20:40:09  <PublicServer> *** scrlk joined the game
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20:41:11  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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20:41:12  <PublicServer> *** scrlk joined the game
20:41:50  <PublicServer> *** scrlk has left the game (connection lost)
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20:42:02  <Trangar> scrlk, why don't you just rebuild that slh then?
20:48:06  *** scrlk has quit IRC
20:48:12  <mfb-> :(
20:48:26  <Trangar>  /pat
20:51:35  *** fmauneko is now known as Guest724
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20:52:41  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00004B51:
20:57:21  *** Guest724 has quit IRC
21:02:05  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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21:02:06  <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game
21:02:16  <Mazur> There. Better?
21:02:29  <PublicServer> <mfb> hi mazur
21:02:46  *** Firartix has quit IRC
21:02:59  <PublicServer> <Mazur> Nope, haven't even sniffed a joint in, say, 10 years.
21:03:29  <PublicServer> <Mazur> More's the pity.
21:04:01  *** greenlion has joined #openttdcoop
21:07:42  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000916D:
21:15:36  <Trangar> last joint for me was on new years eve
21:22:42  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00007565:
21:26:27  *** Intexon has quit IRC
21:27:28  <V453000> !password
21:27:28  <PublicServer> V453000: haired
21:30:48  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
21:33:11  <mfb-> :(
21:34:03  <V453000> Q
21:34:11  <V453000> wtf is happening with my connection :O
21:35:03  <PublicServer> *** tneo joined the game
21:36:08  <Trangar> hey V
21:36:11  <Trangar> it's been a while :)
21:36:40  <V453000> hi there
21:36:58  <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game
21:37:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> arr
21:37:03  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
21:37:20  <PublicServer> <V453000> oh
21:37:24  <PublicServer> <V453000> 4way at 01? :(
21:37:42  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00007715:
21:37:48  <PublicServer> <V453000> that will be a problem probably
21:38:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> well we can always rebuild
21:38:42  <mfb-> @gap 3
21:38:42  <Webster> mfb-: For Trainlength of 3: <= 9 needs 2, 10 - 14 needs 3, 15 - 19 needs 4.
21:39:03  <PublicServer> <mfb> if we don't use TL2, that tunnel should be fine
21:39:09  <PublicServer> <mfb> ah ok
21:39:27  <PublicServer> <V453000> tak the @gap as a hint
21:39:29  <PublicServer> <V453000> not as a must
21:39:44  <PublicServer> <V453000> most of the lines dont get 100% full anyway
21:40:02  <PublicServer> <mfb> just thought you wanted to add a 3. tunnel
21:40:59  <PublicServer> <V453000> guys
21:41:07  <PublicServer> <V453000> shorter trains CAN go into longer stations
21:41:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> it sure is not bad to have a split
21:41:21  <PublicServer> <V453000> but well ...
21:41:31  <PublicServer> <tneo> how so
21:41:33  <PublicServer> <mfb> nice thing imo
21:41:51  <PublicServer> <V453000> if we have all station TL5, trains can go anywhere
21:41:57  <PublicServer> <V453000> that is all we need
21:44:06  <PublicServer> <mfb> now sync is perfect :)
21:44:46  <PublicServer> <V453000> well
21:44:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> the left part isnt synced for sure
21:45:00  <PublicServer> <mfb> ok
21:45:02  <PublicServer> <V453000> not like it matters
21:45:14  <PublicServer> *** tneo has left the game (connection lost)
21:45:22  <PublicServer> <mfb> :p
21:46:27  <PublicServer> <mfb> if something jams, it's one of the exit lines
21:46:52  <PublicServer> <V453000> I think it is highly probable that the 4way will get 3wayed later anyway, so ...
21:52:43  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00006F10:
21:53:10  <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (connection lost)
21:53:56  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
21:53:56  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
21:57:19  <Trangar> !players
21:57:22  <PublicServer> Trangar: Client 103 (Orange) is mfb, in company 1 (psg200)
21:57:22  <Trangar> !player
21:57:31  <mfb-> :p
21:57:40  <Trangar> yay for not knowing the commands ^_^
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22:07:43  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000D72B:
22:08:38  <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (leaving)
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22:49:02  <Trangar> don't you just hate that point where you have to transition from electric to monorail?
22:52:55  <uliko> That's why you don't add trains until you can build the ones you intend to use ;)
22:53:02  <KenjiE20> ^
22:55:50  <Trangar> I'm doing coop with a couple of friends of mine on a private server
22:55:55  <Trangar> and they insisted on starting in 1950
22:58:04  <uliko> Then play with the Jubilee or whatever that starter steamer is called :)
22:59:05  <Trangar> that would be funny
23:05:29  <Ammler> Trangar: there are "convert newgrfs" nowadays
23:05:55  <Ammler> tracks, which you can use for every type and so you are able to use autoreplace
23:06:23  <Trangar> about bloody time xD
23:06:45  <Ammler> well, your issue is past :-)
23:09:27  <V453000> :)
23:09:35  <V453000> it still is annoying though, Ammler :p
23:09:48  <Trangar> this entire game is annoying, that's why we play it xD
23:09:53  <V453000> ...
23:11:49  <Ammler> V453000: I thought, you like it
23:11:58  <V453000> sure I do
23:12:05  <V453000> it is definitely better than the "original way"
23:12:19  <V453000> but the universal tracks have 30kmh limit ...
23:12:58  <V453000> the other option is depotting all trains into an universal depot, replacing, renewing straight between for example mono->maglev and then release trains
23:13:01  <V453000> which is faster
23:15:30  <Trangar> ye but I think you have to manually rebuild all trains that way
23:16:45  <Ammler> Trangar: not, if you use a universal depot
23:17:03  <Trangar> don't you need a newgrf for that?
23:17:14  <Ammler> [00:05] <Ammler> Trangar: there are "convert newgrfs" nowadays
23:17:24  <Trangar> ah ye xD sorry, it's late
23:17:30  <Ammler> :-)
23:17:51  <V453000> universal rail type, it is on bananas
23:18:03  <Trangar> hmm bananas
23:18:21  <Ammler> you hear that the first time?
23:19:18  <Trangar> I never really bothered with newgrf files
23:19:26  <Trangar> only to be able to join servers tbh xD
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23:57:19  *** ppetak has joined #openttdcoop
23:57:39  <ppetak> !players
23:57:42  <PublicServer> ppetak: There are currently no clients connected to the server
23:57:52  <ppetak> :(
23:58:03  <ppetak> tomorrow :)
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