Log for #openttdcoop on 7th August 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:00:13  *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop
00:02:58  *** perk111 has quit IRC
00:05:27  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
00:05:27  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
00:05:35  <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving)
00:44:33  *** perk11 has quit IRC
01:00:53  *** pugi has quit IRC
01:12:33  *** Sigma has quit IRC
01:30:35  *** Polygon has quit IRC
01:53:14  *** Razaekel has quit IRC
01:54:13  *** Razaekel has joined #openttdcoop
02:02:16  *** Razaekel has quit IRC
02:03:07  *** Razaekel has joined #openttdcoop
02:10:02  *** Mazur has quit IRC
02:10:54  *** Mazur has joined #openttdcoop
02:29:42  *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop
02:36:23  *** duckblaster1 has joined #openttdcoop
02:40:45  *** duckblaster has quit IRC
04:38:57  *** `real has quit IRC
05:21:27  <PublicServer> *** Ryton liked to make screenshot of last action, but nobody was working since. (
05:50:33  *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop
05:54:58  *** duckblaster1 has quit IRC
06:05:18  *** Absolutis has joined #openttdcoop
06:05:19  <Absolutis> yo
06:05:22  <Absolutis> !password
06:05:22  <PublicServer> Absolutis: kisses
06:06:00  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
06:06:01  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis joined the game
06:06:48  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has left the game (leaving)
06:08:47  <Webster> Latest update from openttd: OpenTTD 1.1.2-RC2 <> || OpenTTD 1.1.2-RC1 <> || A new home for OpenTTD <> || OpenTTD 1.1.1 <> || OpenTTD 1.1.1-RC1 <>
06:25:09  <Ryton> hi abso
06:42:09  <Ryton> !password
06:42:09  <PublicServer> Ryton: kisses
06:42:20  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
06:42:23  <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game
06:44:09  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving)
06:45:48  *** sla_ro|master has joined #openttdcoop
07:22:30  <planetmaker> moin
07:27:02  *** SmatZ has joined #openttdcoop
07:27:02  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o SmatZ
07:29:34  <Ryton> smoin
07:31:32  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
07:31:34  <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game
07:39:04  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0003D100:
07:40:27  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving)
08:00:46  *** duckblaster1 has joined #openttdcoop
08:05:08  *** duckblaster has quit IRC
08:06:45  *** `real has joined #openttdcoop
08:16:34  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
08:21:35  <Absolutis> !password
08:21:35  <PublicServer> Absolutis: herein
08:23:37  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:23:40  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis joined the game
08:24:05  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00022105:
08:26:00  *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop
08:28:15  *** DayDreamer has joined #openttdcoop
08:28:21  *** DayDreamer has left #openttdcoop
08:38:45  *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop
08:50:43  <duckblaster1> 1password
08:50:47  <duckblaster1> !password
08:50:47  <PublicServer> duckblaster1: hurdle
08:51:42  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:51:43  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:51:43  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game
08:54:05  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0003A494:
08:54:39  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop
08:54:40  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
09:01:00  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster1 liked to make screenshot of last action, but nobody was working since. (
09:01:20  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (leaving)
09:01:20  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
09:01:37  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
09:02:19  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop
09:02:19  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
09:19:27  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators
09:21:43  *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop
09:23:16  *** Sigma has joined #openttdcoop
09:32:11  *** perk11 has quit IRC
09:52:05  *** mfb- has joined #openttdcoop
09:52:06  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mfb-
09:52:09  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
09:52:09  <PublicServer> <mfb> hi
09:52:12  <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game
09:52:19  <PublicServer> <mfb> ryton!!! :(
09:52:30  <PublicServer> <mfb> why did you remove the bridges
09:54:05  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00032DD6:
10:09:06  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002C120:
10:15:03  *** TWerkhoven has joined #openttdcoop
10:15:46  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
10:15:47  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
10:15:47  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven joined the game
10:16:02  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has left the game (connection lost)
10:23:23  <PublicServer> <TWerkhoven> mornin
10:23:57  *** Absolutis has quit IRC
10:24:06  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 000331CE:
10:38:54  <Ryton> hi mfb
10:39:01  <PublicServer> <mfb> hi
10:39:05  <Ryton> cause bridges are not needed?
10:39:06  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 000329DD:
10:39:09  <Ryton> doenst that make more sense?
10:39:21  <Ryton> I'll reroll it if you'd like that
10:39:23  <PublicServer> <mfb> but bridges look better?
10:39:31  <Ryton> you think so? :-)
10:39:35  <PublicServer> <mfb> yes
10:39:40  <Ryton> ok, then we'll place em back .sorry
10:39:44  <PublicServer> <mfb> no strange gap in between
10:39:46  <PublicServer> <mfb> already there
10:40:00  <PublicServer> <mfb> and I moved the other lines closer together
10:40:07  <Ryton> true, but I liked the max amount of lines concept too
10:40:14  <Ryton> gap of 9
10:40:19  <Ryton> oki
10:40:25  <Ryton> sorry, should have discussed it maybe
10:40:37  <PublicServer> <mfb> which gap?
10:40:40  <Ryton> but only a few were around 12 hrs ago :-)
10:40:44  <PublicServer> <mfb> for the tunnels, it is better, too
10:40:44  <Ryton> the tunnel
10:40:52  <Ryton> was a gap of 9
10:40:55  <Ryton> signal gap
10:41:08  <Ryton> before it was 8 + 5 or 6
10:41:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> I made one tunnel one tile shorter
10:41:34  <PublicServer> <mfb> so it was not better before
10:42:32  <Ryton> ok, fair enough :-)
10:42:34  <PublicServer> <mfb> traffic on the SL is low anyway
10:42:40  <PublicServer> <mfb> one line would be enough
10:43:00  <PublicServer> <mfb> so two lines with double tunnels will not jam
10:43:00  <Ryton> btw, I added the "under the bridge" priority we discussed earlier too
10:43:16  <Ryton> cause that was deleted again. Did that have a specific reason?
10:43:18  <PublicServer> <mfb> ?
10:43:31  <Ryton> check "double bridge ..." signal
10:43:35  <Ryton> or something like that :-)
10:43:41  <Ryton> or double priority
10:43:53  <PublicServer> <TWerkhoven> slh4b?
10:43:54  <Ryton> at 4C if I remember correctly
10:44:00  <Ryton> 4b, could be yes
10:44:27  <PublicServer> <mfb> as I last saw it, it was a correct prio for both lines
10:44:29  <PublicServer> <mfb> and without signal gap
10:44:37  <PublicServer> <mfb> now it has a signal gap of 2
10:45:03  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, two signal gaps in fact
10:45:21  <PublicServer> <mfb> and the prio is broken
10:45:23  <PublicServer> <mfb> wtf
10:45:30  <Ryton> it is?
10:45:33  <Ryton> !screen
10:45:33  <PublicServer> *** Ryton liked to make screenshot of last action, but nobody was working since. (
10:46:13  <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game
10:46:45  <PublicServer> <Ryton> looks a ltot better
10:47:11  <PublicServer> <Ryton> there was a train on the prio line?
10:47:21  <PublicServer> <mfb> ? ^
10:47:43  <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw, nice work mfb, joining the 7th line to the balancer :-D
10:48:01  <PublicServer> <Ryton> looks fancy; 4 mergers in the middle of the 6x6 grid :-)
10:48:27  <PublicServer> <Ryton> at least I assume you are the "local madness coordinator" :p
10:48:45  <mfb-> :D
10:48:59  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving)
10:54:07  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0003CCE5:
11:02:30  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
11:08:55  <PublicServer> <mfb> missing exit detected
11:09:07  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00019D87:
11:09:34  <PublicServer> <mfb> ok fixed
11:12:12  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> we might possibly want to move some stations from slh 2b to slh 2a
11:12:47  <PublicServer> <mfb> I see which stations you mean ;)
11:13:05  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> the problem is that slh2b is jammed
11:13:24  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, jammed...
11:13:30  <PublicServer> <mfb> some trains in the waiting bays
11:13:44  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> see !jams up to here
11:13:46  <PublicServer> <mfb> but nothing dangerous
11:13:48  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> currently it is empty
11:14:02  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i was blaming the single bridge :P
11:14:25  <PublicServer> <mfb> ah ok
11:14:59  <PublicServer> <mfb> double bridge? ;)
11:15:07  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yeah
11:15:38  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> the slh could probably do with a general cleanup anyway
11:16:23  *** duckblaster1 has quit IRC
11:17:23  <PublicServer> <mfb> ML->ML?
11:17:29  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yeah
11:17:31  <PublicServer> <mfb> careful there
11:17:34  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i just noticed the same :P
11:17:36  <PublicServer> <mfb> it is a 4way hub
11:17:50  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it is missing a connection then
11:18:00  <PublicServer> <mfb> which one?
11:18:02  <PublicServer> <mfb> no
11:18:20  <PublicServer> <mfb> ok, there is a missing connection: you just disconnected it
11:18:22  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yes, but !a wasnt connected to that
11:18:30  <PublicServer> <mfb> no reason
11:18:36  <PublicServer> <mfb> that ML got another connection
11:18:50  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh xD
11:19:20  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> the idea was to remove that huge bridge on !b
11:19:34  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> which should now be possible if connected to !a :P
11:19:36  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, for 1ML->1side it should be fine
11:19:46  <PublicServer> <mfb> then you have two MLs to the same tunnel
11:19:52  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it also connects to your old !here
11:20:08  <PublicServer> <mfb> we can remove !this now
11:20:18  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yeah
11:20:24  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> and use the signle bridge :P
11:20:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> but the connection of B to A is bad
11:20:34  <PublicServer> <mfb> yes
11:20:42  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> we can save on some bridges btw
11:23:16  <PublicServer> <mfb> :)
11:24:07  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00027CC8:
11:26:57  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> the main thing that has changed now is that we have less bridges and more double tunnels :P
11:27:11  <PublicServer> <mfb> fine
11:27:24  <PublicServer> <mfb> CL
11:27:27  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> true
11:28:00  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> and i wondered how long it would take for you to notice ;)
11:28:08  <PublicServer> <mfb> ... ;)
11:28:48  <PublicServer> <mfb> why that?
11:28:58  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> so trains dont rejoin for half a tile :P
11:29:11  <PublicServer> <mfb> I don't see the problem there
11:30:58  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> now the exiting lane is only slow because of the balancer :)
11:31:08  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> and not because of all the single tunnels and weird joins
11:31:14  <PublicServer> <mfb> :p
11:32:22  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> we should cleanup Hinningley Mines
11:32:49  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, I think it is nice
11:32:51  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> although it would be too bad of the eye candy :(
11:32:53  <PublicServer> <mfb> weird, but nice
11:33:07  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> but it has track lloops everywhere
11:33:21  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, the exit can be rerouted
11:34:56  *** Absolutis has joined #openttdcoop
11:35:39  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> at least the entry doesnt cross other lines 20x anymore :P
11:35:45  <PublicServer> <mfb> :D
11:36:49  <PublicServer> <mfb> :D
11:39:07  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 000266C0:
11:40:39  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> still a bit of a mess
11:40:41  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> but it's ok
11:40:47  <PublicServer> <mfb> much better now
11:41:06  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i like spaghetti, but it shouldn't cause too much confusion :P
11:45:46  <Ammler> menno, people are simply stupid alphabets...
11:45:51  <Ammler> !users
11:45:51  <PublicServer> Ammler:
11:46:35  <PublicServer> <mfb> :/
11:47:51  <PublicServer> <mfb> :)
11:49:41  <PublicServer> <mfb> perfect
11:49:49  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> ?
11:49:53  <PublicServer> <mfb> merge at 2v
11:49:56  <PublicServer> <mfb> 2b
11:50:06  <PublicServer> <mfb> I added options for the other two lines
11:50:20  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it didnt have that?
11:50:30  <PublicServer> <mfb> right
11:50:40  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> weird
11:50:43  <PublicServer> <mfb> was not expanded as we got 5.+6. line
11:50:53  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, only the northern part was
11:51:08  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> apparently tray found it a good idea to split it in half
11:51:58  <Tray> What did I do?
11:52:01  <Tray> !password
11:52:01  <PublicServer> Tray: menace
11:52:24  <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game
11:52:49  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> split the joiner in slh 2b
11:53:23  <PublicServer> <Tray> Hrm.
11:53:31  <PublicServer> <Tray> I did that? Can't remember.
11:53:38  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> the sign says you did
11:53:42  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> but mfb fixed it now
11:53:52  <PublicServer> <Tray> Hrm.
11:54:08  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002AEB3:
11:54:10  <PublicServer> <Tray> I'm sure that I'd never touched this SLH.
11:54:16  <PublicServer> <mfb> :D
11:54:22  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> :D
11:54:28  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> we mangled it a bit ;)
11:54:42  <PublicServer> <Tray> Whatever:
11:54:44  <PublicServer> <Tray> New game? (.
11:54:54  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> soon ;)
11:55:20  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i feel like a 256x256 2TT game
11:55:51  <TWerkhoven> 2tt?
11:56:03  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> 2 tile trains
11:56:32  <TWerkhoven> ah
11:57:30  <Sigma> yesterday you felt like 17TL trains :P
11:57:57  <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (leaving)
11:58:06  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined spectators
11:59:41  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> bridges? :o
11:59:51  <PublicServer> <mfb> need that one tile
12:00:05  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> oh xD
12:00:40  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> missing signal on the ML xD
12:00:42  <PublicServer> <mfb> much better
12:00:48  <PublicServer> <mfb> where?
12:01:03  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> somewhere on the 2nd southmost line
12:01:35  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i was wondering why the ML jammed at the joiner :P
12:01:45  <PublicServer> <mfb> I stopped counting the signal gaps I fixed
12:02:00  <PublicServer> <mfb> >10 on the ML
12:02:20  <PublicServer> <mfb> about ~5 at the central lines near the main stations...
12:02:46  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yeah, it can be pretty bad sometimes :s
12:03:04  <PublicServer> <mfb> jams went back from them to merge2 sometimes
12:03:19  <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game
12:03:27  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i dont get how people can forget to signal one tile on the ML
12:03:46  <PublicServer> <mfb> sometimes the MLs are moved or something like that
12:03:52  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> autosignal does most of it for you anyway
12:04:21  <^Spike^> it's a small effort to check the signals i guess
12:04:24  <PublicServer> <mfb> and the classic case, signal after/in front of a split/merge
12:04:35  <^Spike^> some of the jams in this game were cause ppl forgot to signal parts of the ml with 1 or 2 signals
12:04:46  <PublicServer> <mfb> right
12:04:50  <^Spike^> spotted them within a few mins where others just placed a sign
12:05:10  <^Spike^> if it's juts 1 ML jamming it mostly is a missing signal
12:05:22  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> yeah
12:05:28  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> but sometimes they are annoying to find
12:05:44  <^Spike^> just follow the trains to where they stop....
12:06:36  *** Kangoo has joined #openttdcoop
12:07:17  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game
12:08:24  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has joined company #1
12:09:08  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002EFD2:
12:12:41  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> spike: but that is quite annoying with rubbernecks
12:12:51  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> because they disapear when you follow them forwards
12:24:08  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0001958E:
12:30:20  *** Tray has quit IRC
12:37:13  <PublicServer> <Kangoo> will we continue adding trains an lines to the map?
12:38:17  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> no
12:38:23  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i think we can start archiving now
12:38:31  <XeryusTC> mfb-: agreed?
12:38:56  <mfb-> I think so, too
12:39:08  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0002345B:
12:40:04  <PublicServer> <Kangoo> time of death: 07.08.2011?
12:43:14  <XeryusTC> !save final210
12:43:14  <PublicServer> Saving game...
12:43:23  <XeryusTC> !transfer
12:43:23  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: !transfer gamenr save: transfer the save to our web (publicserver)
12:43:43  <XeryusTC> !transfer 210 final210.sav
12:43:43  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: no file!
12:43:43  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Usage: /home/openttd/script/ [publicserver|prozone] [-f] [-h|u] gamenr save
12:44:01  <XeryusTC> !save
12:44:01  <PublicServer> Saving game...
12:44:12  <XeryusTC> !save final210.sav
12:44:12  <PublicServer> Saving game...
12:44:19  <XeryusTC> !transfer 210 final210.sav
12:44:19  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: no file!
12:44:19  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Usage: /home/openttd/script/ [publicserver|prozone] [-f] [-h|u] gamenr save
12:44:25  <XeryusTC> RAGE!
12:44:37  <Kangoo> xD
12:45:20  <^Spike^> ...
12:45:25  <^Spike^> !rcon pwd
12:45:25  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: /home/openttd/svn-public/autopilot/save/
12:45:27  <^Spike^> !rcon ls
12:45:27  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 0) .. (Parent directory)
12:45:27  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 1) archive/ (Directory)
12:45:27  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 2) autosave/ (Directory)
12:45:27  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 3) uploads/ (Directory)
12:45:27  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 4) final210.sav
12:45:28  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 5) final210.sav.sav
12:45:28  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 6) game.sav
12:45:30  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 7) tempsave.sav
12:45:30  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 8) temnow.sav
12:45:30  <XeryusTC> saved
12:45:32  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: 9) restart.sav
12:45:32  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: you have 60 more messages
12:45:38  <XeryusTC> and transfered :P
12:45:49  <^Spike^> you sure about the transfered part?
12:45:49  <XeryusTC>
12:45:50  <^Spike^> :)
12:45:53  <^Spike^> ah
12:46:03  <XeryusTC> <XeryusTC> !transfer 210 final210.sav
12:46:03  <XeryusTC> <PublicServer> PublicServerGame_210_Final.sav
12:46:03  <XeryusTC> <PublicServer> Transfer done. (/home/openttd/svn-publicserver/autopilot/save/final210.sav->
12:46:12  <mfb-> preparing the wiki entry now
12:46:12  <XeryusTC> in the private area ;)
12:46:21  <^Spike^> ah
12:46:39  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
12:46:57  <XeryusTC> !password
12:46:57  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: noised
12:46:59  <mfb-> so many builders
12:47:12  <^Spike^> no builder board anymore? :)
12:47:20  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
12:47:31  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
12:47:57  <XeryusTC> !dropbox
12:47:59  <XeryusTC> @dropbox
12:47:59  <Webster> <-- Get yourself an extra 250MB
12:49:11  <mfb-> screenshot?
12:49:19  <XeryusTC> so, 256x256 maglev/monorail 2TT game? :P
12:50:28  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has left the game (leaving)
12:54:09  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0003D70E:
12:55:04  <mfb->
12:55:27  <mfb-> screenshot where?
12:55:51  <PublicServer> <mfb> zoomed out at one of the big mergers?
12:57:04  <XeryusTC> sure
12:57:54  <XeryusTC> so? tropical 256² game?
13:00:44  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop
13:00:46  <Maraxus> !password
13:00:46  <PublicServer> Maraxus: crease
13:01:00  <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game
13:02:59  <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (leaving)
13:02:59  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:03:19  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has joined spectators
13:05:09  *** mcasadevall has joined #openttdcoop
13:05:15  *** NCommander has quit IRC
13:05:58  <XeryusTC> !getsave
13:05:59  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: OK :-)
13:06:25  <XeryusTC> !players
13:06:28  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 346 is Maraxus, a spectator
13:06:28  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 336 is Spike, a spectator
13:06:28  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 338 is Kangoo, a spectator
13:06:34  <XeryusTC> time to load a new game!
13:06:43  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
13:06:56  <XeryusTC> !password
13:06:56  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: crease
13:06:59  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
13:07:02  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
13:08:55  <mfb-> !screen
13:08:55  <PublicServer> *** mfb- made screenshot at 0001B7EB:
13:09:05  <mfb-> !game 211
13:09:07  <mfb-> hmm
13:09:38  <XeryusTC> @game 211
13:09:40  <XeryusTC> @stage Planning
13:09:40  *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG210 (r22700) | STAGE: Planning | | New players, use @quickstart and !help |"
13:09:40  <mfb-> !gamenr 211
13:09:41  <PublicServer> *** mfb- has set gamenr to 211 (next !restart)
13:09:51  <XeryusTC> !content
13:09:51  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Connection established
13:09:51  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes)
13:09:51  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: (you need to !restart to have the new content loaded)
13:10:11  <XeryusTC> !restart
13:10:11  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute!
13:10:23  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
13:10:26  <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game
13:10:34  <mfb-> @gamenr 211
13:11:02  <PublicServer> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely
13:11:02  <PublicServer> Thank you for playing r22700.
13:11:07  <PublicServer> Server has exited
13:11:08  *** PublicServer has quit IRC
13:11:21  *** mfb- changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG211 (r22700) | STAGE: Planning | | New players, use @quickstart and !help |"
13:11:34  *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop
13:11:34  <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged
13:11:34  <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop - The Public Server ('
13:11:34  *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG211 (r22700) | STAGE: Planning | | New players, use @quickstart and !help |"
13:11:35  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer
13:11:46  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00007860:
13:11:51  <mfb-> !password
13:11:51  <PublicServer> mfb-: jabber
13:11:59  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
13:12:00  <XeryusTC> mfb-: i think PublicServer might tell webster what the game number is ;)
13:12:01  <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game
13:12:39  <mfb-> fine
13:13:05  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
13:13:07  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
13:13:08  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game
13:13:10  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
13:13:12  <XeryusTC> !auto
13:13:12  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has enabled autopause mode.
13:13:13  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (manual)
13:13:25  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> bam! tiny map!
13:13:42  <mfb-> station spread 12...
13:13:48  <XeryusTC> !setdef
13:13:48  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has disabled wait_for_pbs_path, wait_twoway_signal, wait_oneway_signal, ai_in_multiplayer; enabled no_servicing_if_no_breakdowns, extra_dynamite, mod_road_rebuild, forbid_90_deg, rail_firstred_twoway_eol and set path_backoff_interval to 1, train_acceleration_model to 1
13:14:00  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch station_spread
13:14:00  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Current value for 'station_spread' is: '12' (min: 4, max: 64)
13:14:03  <XeryusTC> !rcon patch station_spread 64
13:15:33  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has joined company #1
13:15:48  <Maraxus> !password
13:15:48  <PublicServer> Maraxus: jabber
13:15:59  <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game
13:16:03  <Absolutis> !password
13:16:03  <PublicServer> Absolutis: jabber
13:16:28  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis joined the game
13:16:32  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> woo, new map
13:16:53  <mfb-> !rcon set plane_speed 1
13:16:53  <PublicServer> mfb-: CmdBuildObject        Absolutis  date:1950-06-02  tile:00009607  p1:00000003 p2:00000000 text: price:30
13:16:53  <PublicServer> mfb-: CmdBuildObject        Absolutis  date:1950-06-02  tile:00009608  p1:00000003 p2:00000000 text: price:30
13:16:54  <PublicServer> mfb-: ERROR: This command/variable is not available during network games.
13:16:58  <mfb-> :(
13:17:11  <^Spike^> XeryusTC servers needs update or?
13:18:10  <mfb-> very slow planes now
13:20:32  <mfb-> !rcon set vehicle_breakdowns 0
13:22:20  <^Spike^> !players
13:22:22  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 3 (Orange) is mfb, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
13:22:22  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 5 (Orange) is Kangoo, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
13:22:22  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 6 (Orange) is XeryusTC, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
13:22:22  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 8 is Maraxus, a spectator
13:22:22  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 10 (Orange) is Absolutis, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
13:22:40  <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game
13:23:20  *** valhallasw has joined #openttdcoop
13:23:50  <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game
13:24:04  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> yo
13:25:04  <PublicServer> <Sigma> yo
13:25:12  <PublicServer> <mfb> yo
13:25:28  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven joined the game
13:25:41  <PublicServer> <Sigma> TL2 :p
13:26:01  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
13:26:13  <XeryusTC> i am going to HP2
13:26:31  <mfb-> HP2?
13:26:47  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00009601:
13:26:56  <^Spike^> i'll wait with restarting the server
13:33:48  <PublicServer> <mfb> RVs > airplanes...
13:34:39  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
13:34:40  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> lo
13:34:50  <PublicServer> <Sylf> ey
13:34:56  <PublicServer> <Sylf> it's a small map
13:35:35  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> ya, so should be over pretty quick
13:36:22  <PublicServer> <Sylf> hrm, with default train set...
13:37:51  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> you know, last this small map was psg 171, i think
13:38:00  <PublicServer> <Sylf> nope, 195
13:38:12  <PublicServer> <Sylf> or something.  Candyland.
13:38:15  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> oh.
13:38:27  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> didn't see that
13:41:47  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00009904:
13:45:14  <PublicServer> <mfb> one bbh with TL2? hmm
13:46:44  <PublicServer> <mfb> Sign
13:47:36  <mfb->
13:47:37  <Webster> Title: xkcd: Model Rail (at
13:48:22  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> LOL.
13:48:27  *** Ryton_ has joined #openttdcoop
13:48:56  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> hmm, did i already exceed that? in openttd, you cannot replicate things very accurately
13:54:02  *** Ryton has quit IRC
13:54:10  *** Ryton_ is now known as Ryton
13:55:36  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has joined spectators
13:55:46  <PublicServer> <Absolutis> afk
13:56:47  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00007E53:
14:03:29  *** iklucas has joined #openttdcoop
14:03:35  <iklucas> !password
14:03:35  <PublicServer> iklucas: calmed
14:03:50  <PublicServer> *** iklucas joined the game
14:03:51  <PublicServer> <iklucas> oh:(
14:05:01  <PublicServer> <Sigma> :P
14:05:31  <PublicServer> <iklucas> round ended?
14:05:57  <PublicServer> <Sigma> yes
14:06:01  <PublicServer> <iklucas> And lol at the slow motion planes:P
14:13:09  <PublicServer> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving)
14:13:56  <Sigma> make a plan iklucas :P
14:14:04  <^Spike^> !players
14:14:06  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 3 (Orange) is mfb, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
14:14:06  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 5 (Orange) is Kangoo, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
14:14:06  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 15 (Orange) is Sylf, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
14:14:06  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 8 is Maraxus, a spectator
14:14:06  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 10 is Absolutis, a spectator
14:14:08  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 11 is Spike, a spectator
14:14:08  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 13 is Sigma, a spectator
14:14:10  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 14 (Orange) is TWerkhoven, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
14:16:17  *** alang has quit IRC
14:16:34  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined spectators
14:17:43  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has left the game (connection lost)
14:19:47  *** iklucas has quit IRC
14:20:38  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game
14:21:26  <hibby> hows it coming?
14:21:34  <hibby> new game?
14:21:48  <mfb-> ?
14:21:50  <mfb-> new game, yes
14:22:24  <hibby> nice. Might pop  in and watch construction in a bit
14:24:09  <PublicServer> <Sylf> who built the oil MM?
14:26:47  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00007ABD:
14:31:36  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving)
14:31:36  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:31:47  <^Spike^> !players
14:31:49  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 3 (Orange) is mfb, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
14:31:49  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 19 is Kangoo, a spectator
14:31:49  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 8 is Maraxus, a spectator
14:31:49  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 10 is Absolutis, a spectator
14:31:49  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 11 is Spike, a spectator
14:31:50  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 13 is Sigma, a spectator
14:31:50  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 14 is TWerkhoven, a spectator
14:31:55  <^Spike^> good time to restart :)
14:32:01  <^Spike^> !save restart
14:32:01  <PublicServer> Saving game...
14:32:03  <^Spike^> !restart
14:32:03  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute!
14:33:01  <PublicServer> Scheduled quit for automated maintenance... will be back shortely
14:33:01  <PublicServer> Thank you for playing r22700.
14:33:06  <PublicServer> Server has exited
14:33:07  *** PublicServer has quit IRC
14:33:13  *** PublicServer has joined #openttdcoop
14:33:13  <PublicServer> Autopilot engaged
14:33:13  <PublicServer> Loading savegame: '#openttdcoop - The Public Server ('
14:33:13  *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG211 (r22727) | STAGE: Planning | | New players, use @quickstart and !help |"
14:33:13  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v PublicServer
14:33:17  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00007860:
14:38:13  *** alang has joined #openttdcoop
14:40:06  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:40:08  <PublicServer> *** Spike joined the game
14:41:35  <Maraxus> !password
14:41:35  <PublicServer> Maraxus: sifted
14:41:46  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:41:47  <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game
14:42:10  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:42:12  <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game
14:47:00  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:47:01  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
14:47:01  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
15:00:42  <Absolutis> !password
15:00:42  <PublicServer> Absolutis: collie
15:00:58  <Absolutis> !dl win32
15:00:58  <PublicServer> Absolutis:
15:02:37  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis joined the game
15:05:07  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving)
15:07:40  <PublicServer> *** Absolutis has left the game (leaving)
15:07:40  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
15:13:24  <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has left the game (leaving)
15:13:31  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
15:21:43  <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (leaving)
15:22:31  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:22:33  <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game
15:24:25  <PublicServer> <Ryton> station spread =64?
15:27:03  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving)
15:35:00  *** Kangoo has quit IRC
15:48:28  *** alang has quit IRC
15:51:00  *** alang has joined #openttdcoop
15:59:02  *** alang has quit IRC
16:05:24  <Absolutis> !password
16:05:24  <PublicServer> Absolutis: latent
16:07:46  *** alang has joined #openttdcoop
16:13:56  <mfb-> !screen
16:13:56  <PublicServer> *** mfb- liked to make screenshot of last action, but nobody was working since. (
16:29:26  *** perk11 has joined #openttdcoop
16:46:43  *** pugi has quit IRC
16:49:23  *** pugi has joined #openttdcoop
16:49:55  <XeryusTC> hello again
16:53:44  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:53:46  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
16:55:53  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:55:53  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:55:56  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven joined the game
16:56:09  <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game
17:03:51  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> no plan from you mfb?
17:03:58  <mfb-> no
17:04:04  <PublicServer> <mfb> well
17:04:14  <PublicServer> <mfb> maybe, if no other plan comes up
17:11:31  <XeryusTC> i feel like making the same plan as in #34
17:12:45  <mfb-> what was the plan there?
17:13:45  <PublicServer> <mfb> the gmund mog hi-rail truck is strange
17:15:42  *** Zyl has joined #openttdcoop
17:15:45  <Zyl> password
17:15:52  <Zyl> !password
17:15:52  <PublicServer> Zyl: legion
17:16:00  <PublicServer> <mfb> 1km/h :D
17:16:06  <PublicServer> <mfb> nearly stopped
17:18:17  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00008A13:
17:20:05  <Zyl> !password
17:20:05  <PublicServer> Zyl: misted
17:20:23  <PublicServer> *** Zyl joined the game
17:21:25  <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game
17:23:41  <XeryusTC> <@mfb-> what was the plan there? <- 2 LLxRR ML rings, one for full trains and the other for empty
17:23:48  <XeryusTC> with main stations in between the rings
17:24:22  <mfb-> sounds interesting
17:26:18  <PublicServer> <Mazur> I don;t see where Absolutis plans to get this wood from?
17:26:36  <Absolutis> Um, lumber mills?
17:26:38  <PublicServer> <mfb> plant sawmills maybe?
17:26:55  <Mazur> What limber, Absolutis?
17:27:00  <Mazur> s/i/u
17:27:18  <PublicServer> <mfb> ?
17:27:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> you can found them
17:27:33  <Absolutis> ya?
17:28:18  <Mazur> Oh, stoopid me, I thought a lumber mill processed wood into lumber.
17:28:42  <Mazur> Like forsest->lumber mill->factory.
17:28:44  <Mazur> -s
17:28:58  <XeryusTC> you need to build lumbermills yourself in desert ;)
17:29:05  <Absolutis> cya everyone, gonna shut down my computer
17:29:11  <hylje_> Absolutis: noooooo
17:29:27  <XeryusTC> zomfg, our favorite lurker is back
17:29:45  <PublicServer> *** Zyl has left the game (connection lost)
17:31:55  <PublicServer> *** Ryton joined the game
17:32:36  <Zyl> !password
17:32:36  <PublicServer> Zyl: misted
17:32:51  <PublicServer> *** Zyl joined the game
17:34:14  *** Zyl is now known as Zyl_lags
17:34:22  *** Zyl_lags is now known as Zyl_net_problems
17:35:29  <PublicServer> *** Zyl has left the game (connection lost)
17:37:07  *** Absolutis has quit IRC
17:41:59  *** Sylf has quit IRC
17:45:21  <PublicServer> <Ryton> wood goes to lumber mill and becomes goods?
17:45:59  <PublicServer> <mfb> lumber mill cuts down trees and produces wood
17:46:05  <PublicServer> <mfb> wood goes to the factory
17:46:08  <PublicServer> <mfb> ...
17:46:10  <PublicServer> <Ryton> ah oke, my bad
17:46:25  <PublicServer> <Ryton> I rarely play this climate
17:46:28  <PublicServer> <Ryton> I dont like transporting water...
17:47:14  <mfb-> !rcon set plane_crashes 0
17:47:35  <mfb-> more stuff to change?
17:47:46  <XeryusTC> probably
17:47:54  <XeryusTC> i have lost my old configs
17:47:57  <mfb-> !rcon set max_train_length 2
17:47:57  <mfb-> :D
17:48:14  <XeryusTC> so i play with defaults mostly
17:48:18  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 000025C1:
17:48:18  <XeryusTC> !rcon set inflation
17:48:18  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Current value for 'inflation' is: 'on' (min: 0, max: 1)
17:48:20  <XeryusTC> !rcon set inflation 0
17:49:14  <XeryusTC> !rcon set road_vehicle_queue
17:49:14  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: 'road_vehicle_queue' is an unknown setting.
17:49:17  <XeryusTC> !rcon set road_veh_queue
17:49:18  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: 'road_veh_queue' is an unknown setting.
17:49:25  <XeryusTC> !rcon list_settigns queue
17:49:25  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: ERROR: command not found
17:49:31  <XeryusTC> !rcon list_settings queue
17:49:31  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: All settings with their current value:
17:49:31  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: pf.roadveh_queue = on
17:49:31  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: network.max_commands_in_queue = 32
17:49:31  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Use 'setting' command to change a value
17:49:39  *** Sylf has joined #openttdcoop
17:49:39  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Sylf
17:49:41  <XeryusTC> !rcon set roadveh_queue 0
17:50:10  <XeryusTC> !rcon max_ships 0
17:50:10  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: ERROR: command not found
17:50:14  <XeryusTC> !rcon set max_ships 0
17:50:23  <mfb-> !rcon set allow_town_roads false
17:50:23  <PublicServer> mfb-: ERROR: This command/variable is not available during network games.
17:50:30  <mfb-> no :(
17:50:41  <XeryusTC> !rcon set town_growth_rate 0
17:51:25  <mfb-> new roads from towns are evil
17:54:59  <XeryusTC> :P
17:58:07  <PublicServer> <Ryton> no refitting possible with current trains?
17:58:15  *** Zyl_net_problems has quit IRC
17:58:27  <PublicServer> <Ryton> will it be at a later date (with this grf set)?
17:59:02  <mfb-> refitting of what?
18:02:42  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop
18:02:51  <Maraxus> !password
18:02:51  <PublicServer> Maraxus: yogurt
18:03:08  <PublicServer> *** Maraxus joined the game
18:03:18  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000AE1A:
18:06:43  <Ryton> depends on what is available...
18:07:17  <Ryton> but nvr mind
18:07:29  <Ryton> I'll keep it simple (and stupid ;-))
18:10:02  *** Zyl has joined #openttdcoop
18:10:06  <Zyl> !password
18:10:06  <PublicServer> Zyl: totted
18:10:44  <PublicServer> *** Zyl joined the game
18:11:56  *** Chris[1] has joined #openttdcoop
18:12:04  <Chris[1]> !password
18:12:04  <PublicServer> Chris[1]: totted
18:13:19  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
18:14:19  <Sylf> Ryton: this game uses the default trains.  they don't do refits
18:14:43  <PublicServer> <Ryton> ok, no prob. I had abandoned the idea in my plan anyway :-)
18:15:06  *** KenjiE20 has joined #openttdcoop
18:15:06  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o KenjiE20
18:15:11  <Sylf> and refit stations in 256x2 would be a tight fit too
18:15:25  <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah its a really tiny map
18:15:35  <PublicServer> <Ryton> with quite a lot of water too
18:15:38  *** Sigma has quit IRC
18:15:58  <Sylf> oh, there's one train that can do refit...  the 2nd gen monorail engine :P
18:16:12  <PublicServer> <Ryton> available from... :P
18:16:19  <PublicServer> <Ryton> => nvr mind :-)
18:16:25  <Sylf> about 2006, I think
18:17:37  *** Chris[1] has quit IRC
18:18:18  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 000062FE:
18:19:02  *** Chris[1] has joined #openttdcoop
18:19:13  <Chris[1]> !password
18:19:13  <PublicServer> Chris[1]: minted
18:19:24  <PublicServer> *** SASA340 joined the game
18:19:36  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
18:19:48  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined spectators
18:20:08  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined company #1
18:20:13  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has joined spectators
18:20:22  <TWerkhoven> interesting
18:20:34  <TWerkhoven> when you join spectators, all signs dissappear
18:20:43  <PublicServer> <Sylf> wha
18:20:46  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has joined spectators
18:20:54  <PublicServer> <Sylf> oh, that's the new feature
18:21:04  <PublicServer> <Sylf> that you can disable all other company signs
18:21:15  <TWerkhoven> ah, so i see
18:26:11  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has joined company #1
18:26:18  *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop
18:26:33  <Tray> !Password
18:26:36  <Tray> !password
18:26:36  <PublicServer> Tray: minted
18:26:57  <Tray> muh
18:27:00  <Tray> !dl win32
18:27:00  <PublicServer> Tray:
18:28:21  <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game
18:28:31  <PublicServer> <Tray> hi fellas
18:30:24  <PublicServer> <Sylf> Tarnbury
18:30:26  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
18:30:43  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
18:30:54  <Chris[1]> what does "FFP" stand for? sry newbie question :P
18:31:05  <XeryusTC> food processing plant
18:31:08  <XeryusTC> usually
18:31:15  <Chris[1]> ahh got it thx
18:31:22  <XeryusTC> but then people spell it FPP :P
18:31:47  <Chris[1]> which would make more sense haha sry my mistake
18:32:22  <PublicServer> <mfb> one bbh again
18:32:28  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> indeed
18:32:32  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i almost feel like suggestign chaos :o
18:32:44  <PublicServer> <mfb> L_R ML?
18:32:46  <PublicServer> <Tray> I do too (:
18:32:54  <PublicServer> <mfb> or just single lines? :D
18:33:00  <PublicServer> <Sylf> bleh chaos
18:33:09  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> just single lines where needed, and expanding when needed
18:33:21  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> so your typical organic network growth
18:33:33  <PublicServer> <Tray> I think about a PAX ring with chaos cargo network inside
18:33:39  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it might prove to be pretty fun on a small map like this :P
18:34:16  <PublicServer> <mfb> I think so, too
18:34:26  <PublicServer> *** Zyl has left the game (connection lost)
18:34:33  <Chris[1]> and chaos means we just sort of.....go at it....w/o a plan, right?
18:34:44  <PublicServer> <Sylf> I'll be much happier with a planned network starting with L_R
18:34:44  <mfb-> well, we can have some kind of plan
18:34:55  <mfb-> like the position of drops and so on
18:35:10  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> chaos is usually the position of the drops
18:35:12  <mfb-> but the position of BBHs can be chaotic
18:35:16  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> and then everything else is made up as we go
18:35:23  <Chris[1]> okay i see, thanks guys
18:35:24  <mfb-> :D
18:35:36  <PublicServer> <Ryton> is suggesting 4 BBH overkill?
18:35:38  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> last time we had chaos the drops were mainly positioned on the same side of the map
18:35:58  <PublicServer> <Tray> Well. But 3 play including chaos is pretty overkill so: go ahead and be sure of my vote (:
18:35:58  <PublicServer> <Sylf> PSG or PZG?
18:36:08  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> Sylf: PS
18:36:12  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> it was the last toyland game
18:36:17  <PublicServer> <Sylf> I thought the PSG 181 had drops everywhere
18:36:38  <PublicServer> <Ryton> tough a MSH is not a BBH, so its actually just 2 BBH then
18:37:18  <mfb-> Ryton: 4 BBHs can be fine
18:37:27  <mfb-> well, MSHs are like BBHs
18:40:32  <Zyl> !password
18:40:32  <PublicServer> Zyl: rapist
18:40:46  <PublicServer> *** Zyl joined the game
18:41:25  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> one of you can suggest chaos if you want :P
18:42:24  <Chris[1]> one more question: LL5RR means 5 tracks in each direction?
18:42:38  <PublicServer> <mfb> two, with some (5) tiles space in between
18:42:44  <PublicServer> <Sylf> it means 5 tiles between LL tracks and RR tracks
18:42:49  <Chris[1]> oh ok
18:42:51  <XeryusTC> it means two left hand drive, 5 tiles empty, two right hand drive
18:43:10  <XeryusTC> where left hand drive is the opposite lanes in right hand drive world :P
18:43:11  *** Kangoo has joined #openttdcoop
18:43:24  <Chris[1]> okay thanks
18:43:37  <XeryusTC> the whole LR thing gets more confusing the more you think about it
18:43:55  <XeryusTC> LR or any variation there of is right hand drive, RL and variations is left hand drive
18:46:33  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game
18:47:46  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
18:47:50  <PublicServer> <mfb> done
18:48:19  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000AC19:
18:50:31  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has joined company #1
18:50:39  <XeryusTC> !password
18:50:39  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: ratted
18:50:47  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
18:51:20  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> mfb: i wouldn't dualhead with 2TT :P
18:51:27  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> unless it is the default dualhead :P
18:51:43  <PublicServer> <mfb> Sylf planned with that
18:51:53  <PublicServer> <mfb> so I was a bit confused why
18:52:09  <PublicServer> <Sylf> monorail accel really sucks
18:52:11  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> because monorail is bad in the acceleration department
18:52:17  <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm
18:52:27  <PublicServer> <mfb> a lev3 is not better, right?
18:52:38  <PublicServer> <Sylf> lev 3 is much better than X2001
18:52:42  <PublicServer> <mfb> ok
18:52:46  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> lev3 is best maglev
18:52:52  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> lev4 has the worst accel of all
18:52:59  <PublicServer> <Sylf> and still, 2TT with lev3x2 is just really good :P
18:53:15  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i'd rather just have the extra wagon :P
18:53:42  <XeryusTC> !rcon set wagon_speed_limits 0
18:53:42  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: CmdRenameSign            Ryton  date:1966-01-04  tile:00000000  p1:00000031 p2:00000000 text:!Plan /Ryton price:0
18:53:42  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: ERROR: This command/variable is not available during network games.
18:53:51  <XeryusTC> :'(
18:55:02  <PublicServer> <Sylf> good acceleration... the best is 112km/h Century
18:55:12  <PublicServer> <Sylf> er, Centennial
18:55:18  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> accel != top speed
18:55:43  *** Razaekel has quit IRC
18:55:56  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> mfb: if you want true chaos you should remove your LR ML :P
18:56:13  <mfb-> it is fine like that
18:56:23  <mfb-> pure L would be more chaos, but maybe too much
18:57:01  *** Razaekel has joined #openttdcoop
18:58:23  <PublicServer> *** Zyl has left the game (connection lost)
19:03:19  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000AE13:
19:08:15  <Chris[1]> so when do we vote?
19:09:01  <PublicServer> <Ryton> how do we vote? reverse or regular voting?
19:09:10  <PublicServer> <Sylf> we have 6 plans, so we can start the voting.  But lev3 won't be available for another 65 game years
19:09:30  <PublicServer> <Tray> Ain't it possible to cheat in MP?
19:09:37  <PublicServer> <Sylf> It looks like most players made the plans again, so reverse probably makes sense
19:09:51  <PublicServer> <Sylf> It's possible to cheat off line and reload the game
19:10:20  <Chris[1]> cant we just start without the maglev and then switch over in 65 yrs? or is that too complicated?
19:10:27  <PublicServer> <Tray> well that sounds like a plan (:
19:10:40  <Chris[1]> i guess its easier to cheat haha
19:10:45  <PublicServer> <Tray> I mean that cheatthin
19:16:32  *** Zyl has quit IRC
19:18:19  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000A814:
19:18:31  <PublicServer> <Tray> So, Sylf: voting starts today or tomorrow?
19:18:41  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
19:19:10  <Sylf> what do people think?
19:19:28  <PublicServer> <Ryton> I'd start today
19:19:35  <PublicServer> <Ryton> with reverse voting, it takes several rounds
19:19:53  <PublicServer> <Ryton> and the worse plan would get reveiled
19:20:00  <PublicServer> <Ryton> either with few or with many voters :-)
19:20:14  *** exec has joined #openttdcoop
19:20:23  <exec> hi
19:20:25  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
19:20:29  <PublicServer> <Ryton> Reverse- vote Ryton for President!
19:20:33  <planetmaker> @quickstart
19:20:34  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki -
19:20:37  <planetmaker> ^^that ;-)
19:20:50  <planetmaker> it's not that much :-P
19:20:53  <PublicServer> <Tray> I think: Start now. Reversevoting takes some time.
19:20:56  <planetmaker> @slowstart
19:20:56  <Webster> Read everything on the wiki, and I mean everything
19:21:01  <planetmaker> ^^ that's much ;-)
19:21:13  <Sylf> !password
19:21:13  <PublicServer> Sylf: brawls
19:21:24  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
19:21:33  <exec> !password
19:21:33  <PublicServer> exec: brawls
19:21:49  <PublicServer> <Ryton> planetmaker: who are you adressing with that call?
19:22:07  * planetmaker welcomes exec to #openttdcoop
19:22:12  <PublicServer> *** exec joined the game
19:22:18  <planetmaker> ^^ Ryton
19:22:25  <PublicServer> <Ryton>  ;-))
19:22:33  <exec> !goal
19:22:36  <exec> hm...
19:22:39  <planetmaker> (I pointed him here from #openttd - thus I had previous knowledge)
19:22:49  <planetmaker> exec: please DO read quickstart
19:22:50  <exec> it's i'm)
19:22:56  <exec> sorry for troubles)
19:23:07  <PublicServer> <Ryton> it helps a lot, I agree
19:23:51  <PublicServer> <Ryton> not just to annoy you, but saves many startup problems you'd otherwise encounter
19:24:47  <PublicServer> *** exec has left the game (leaving)
19:24:54  *** iklucas has joined #openttdcoop
19:25:41  <PublicServer> <Ryton> Tray:  chaosnetwork in your plan is not joining the ring, right?
19:25:59  <PublicServer> <Tray> yes
19:26:03  <PublicServer> <Ryton> ok ty
19:26:09  <iklucas> !password
19:26:09  <PublicServer> iklucas: brawls
19:26:40  <iklucas> new version?
19:26:43  <iklucas> !version
19:26:43  <PublicServer> iklucas: Autopilot AP+ 4.0 Beta (r99.58f4971eecea)
19:26:47  <iklucas> !download
19:26:47  <PublicServer> iklucas: !download autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
19:26:47  <PublicServer> iklucas:
19:27:17  <PublicServer> <Sylf> tray, I don't think that cargo loco can climb the slopes well at all
19:27:30  <PublicServer> <Tray> hrm
19:27:59  <PublicServer> <iklucas> ola
19:27:59  <PublicServer> *** iklucas joined the game
19:28:09  <PublicServer> <Tray> You're right.
19:30:47  <PublicServer> <Tray> Changed the train
19:31:20  <PublicServer> <iklucas> were?
19:32:12  <PublicServer> <Sylf> I like Centennial a lot :)
19:32:42  <PublicServer> <iklucas> i'm off
19:32:44  <PublicServer> <iklucas>  bb
19:32:46  <PublicServer> *** iklucas has left the game (leaving)
19:33:19  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000E3E7:
19:34:32  <PublicServer> *** TWerkhoven has left the game (leaving)
19:34:49  *** Twerkhoven[L] has joined #openttdcoop
19:36:37  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined spectators
19:37:00  <PublicServer> *** twerkhoven joined the game
19:37:13  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined company #1
19:37:29  <PublicServer> <Ryton> wth? as a spectator, I dont see comments, nor signs...
19:37:39  <PublicServer> <Ryton> nor station names ... strange
19:37:41  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined spectators
19:37:46  <Sylf> It's a new feature
19:37:48  <PublicServer> *** Tray has joined spectators
19:37:54  <PublicServer> *** Tray has joined company #1
19:37:59  <PublicServer> <Ryton> an option?
19:38:11  <PublicServer> <Maraxus> in the settings menu
19:38:53  *** iklucas has quit IRC
19:39:13  <PublicServer> <Ryton> btw, Sylf: you didn't include the VAST Fences GRF :-)
19:39:13  <PublicServer> *** mfb has joined spectators
19:39:18  <PublicServer> <mfb> wtf
19:39:31  <Sylf> I didn't build this map
19:39:38  <PublicServer> <Ryton> yeah, it is shocking, isn't it? :-)
19:40:02  <Chris[1]> reverse voting aka "new voting system" in quickstart guide?
19:40:11  <PublicServer> <mfb> where is that option?
19:40:25  <PublicServer> <mfb> ah, found it
19:40:32  <Sylf> new voting system is in the wiki somewhere
19:40:37  <Sylf> you can search for it
19:40:47  <Chris[1]> okay
19:40:51  <mfb->
19:40:56  <Sylf> I haven't found that signs option yet :/
19:41:05  <Chris[1]> great, thanks
19:41:07  <Sylf> anyway... we have enough players here now?
19:41:15  <Sylf> we can start voting
19:41:46  <Sylf> regardless of decisions about what to do after voting if we pick lev3 or monorail plan
19:42:44  <Chris[1]> sounds good!
19:42:47  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has joined company #1
19:43:31  <mfb-> do you really want to start now?
19:43:56  <mfb-> maybe we will get 1-2 more plans, and we are in 1970 now
19:44:37  <Twerkhoven[L]> at least let it enter the new millenium
19:45:22  <Sylf> I can go either way
19:45:41  <Sylf> we can even vote about voting
19:46:01  <PublicServer> <mfb> :p
19:46:11  <PublicServer> <mfb> or vote if we should vote for voting
19:46:22  <PublicServer> <Ryton> I veto any vote on that :-)
19:46:32  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has left the game (connection lost)
19:46:40  <PublicServer> <Ryton> not that I have the right to do so, offcourse
19:46:50  <PublicServer> <mfb> sylf: where is the difference between absolutis and your plan? just the trains?
19:46:56  <PublicServer> <Ryton> but just as a principle
19:47:10  <PublicServer> <mfb> and maybe that only 3 towns get service
19:47:39  <Sylf> and where the rubber gets dropped
19:47:59  <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (connection lost)
19:48:20  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00004E23:
19:49:11  *** Kangoo1 has joined #openttdcoop
19:49:12  *** Chris[1] has quit IRC
19:49:36  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo joined the game
19:49:40  *** Chris[1] has joined #openttdcoop
19:49:42  <Sylf> my plan actually isn't really my own... I shamelessly stole it from one of the unselected plans from PSG195
19:50:21  *** sla_ro|vista has joined #openttdcoop
19:50:48  *** Kangoo has quit IRC
19:51:12  <mfb-> :p
19:51:58  <Sylf> so... nobody wanted to do an RV game, eh?
19:52:16  <XeryusTC> that would suck :P
19:53:55  <PublicServer> <Ryton> boat game? :p
19:54:10  *** Tray|2 has joined #openttdcoop
19:54:14  <Tray|2> !password
19:54:14  <PublicServer> Tray|2: uncles
19:54:17  <Twerkhoven[L]> lol
19:54:32  *** sla_ro|master has quit IRC
19:54:35  <PublicServer> <Ryton> with canals, should be possible on arid map :p
19:54:41  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
19:54:45  <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game
19:55:07  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> i think we can start voting
19:55:13  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> there are loads of people anyway
19:55:17  *** Tray has quit IRC
19:56:42  <XeryusTC> !rcon set town_growth_rate 1
20:00:15  <PublicServer> <XeryusTC> who are all inactive it seems :P
20:00:23  <XeryusTC> !playercount
20:00:23  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Number of players: 11 (3 spectators)
20:00:26  <XeryusTC> !players
20:00:29  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 2 is Spike, a spectator
20:00:29  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 62 (Orange) is XeryusTC, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:29  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 64 (Orange) is Tray, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:29  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 49 (Orange) is Sylf, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:29  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 57 (Orange) is twerkhoven, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:30  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 14 is mfb, a spectator
20:00:30  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 22 (Orange) is Ryton, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:32  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 21 (Orange) is Mazur, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:32  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 30 is Maraxus, a spectator
20:00:34  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 59 (Orange) is Kangoo, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:34  <PublicServer> XeryusTC: Client 34 (Orange) is SASA340, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:00:41  <PublicServer> <Tray> I'm here, but browsing the net waitin' for voting (:
20:00:55  <Chris[1]> me too!
20:01:13  <Twerkhoven[L]> im here
20:01:16  <PublicServer> <Ryton> can plans be changed continouusly after the voting board starts?
20:01:38  <XeryusTC> you can
20:01:43  <planetmaker> they should not much though
20:01:48  <XeryusTC> but please do say so when you do
20:01:50  <PublicServer> <Ryton> I'm still in dubio about a few things :-) but its just details, not important anyway
20:01:55  <Twerkhoven[L]> make it v1.2 or something
20:01:58  <PublicServer> <Ryton> just swapping some stations
20:02:01  <planetmaker> details is ok, usually
20:02:33  <PublicServer> <Ryton> I'll change the 2 most South stations I think: the city & the Cupper/wood
20:02:38  <XeryusTC> drop stations can be quite crucial in deciding on a plan though :o
20:03:14  <PublicServer> <Ryton> done :-) I'll keep the rest constant :p
20:03:20  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00001F17:
20:04:26  *** Sigma has joined #openttdcoop
20:05:09  <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (connection lost)
20:13:05  <PublicServer> <Ryton> true XeryusTC
20:13:54  <PublicServer> *** Ryton has left the game (leaving)
20:14:29  <Ryton> who'll make a voting board?
20:15:53  <PublicServer> *** Sigma joined the game
20:17:43  *** MrD2DG has joined #openttdcoop
20:17:52  <PublicServer> *** Sigma has joined company #1
20:18:20  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 000062FE:
20:18:26  <MrD2DG> !password
20:18:26  <PublicServer> MrD2DG: unrest
20:19:17  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving)
20:19:41  <PublicServer> *** MrD2DG joined the game
20:19:43  <PublicServer> <MrD2DG> Hi
20:20:06  <Twerkhoven[L]> ola
20:22:23  <PublicServer> <Sigma> nice another plan with roundabouts :p
20:23:04  <Twerkhoven[L]> round and round they go, and where they stop noone knows
20:24:30  *** Chris[1] has quit IRC
20:24:31  <PublicServer> <Sigma> indeed
20:25:00  *** Chris[1] has joined #openttdcoop
20:25:22  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
20:25:35  <PublicServer> *** MrD2DG has left the game (leaving)
20:25:44  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving)
20:25:53  <PublicServer> *** Sigma has joined spectators
20:28:05  <V453000> !dl lin
20:28:05  <PublicServer> V453000:
20:28:50  <mfb-> !screen
20:28:50  <PublicServer> *** mfb- liked to make screenshot of last action, but nobody was working since. (
20:29:13  <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game
20:29:19  <Ryton> lol  @ logic GRF Tags :-)
20:29:37  <Ryton> among others: "tycoon, sex, whatever"
20:29:58  <mfb-> wtf
20:31:53  <V453000> !password
20:31:53  <PublicServer> V453000: unrest
20:32:06  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi
20:32:08  <PublicServer> *** V453000 joined the game
20:32:09  <mfb-> hi
20:32:20  <PublicServer> <Maraxus> hi
20:32:32  <XeryusTC> hey V
20:32:33  <Twerkhoven[L]> hi
20:32:36  <XeryusTC> make a plan, quick!
20:32:40  <Chris[1]> hey there
20:32:58  <PublicServer> <V453000> hi, dont expect anything from me :)
20:33:22  <mfb-> ^^
20:35:07  <PublicServer> <V453000> plus I like yours XeryusTC :)
20:35:37  <PublicServer> <mfb> where in that plan are the MSHs?
20:35:39  <PublicServer> <V453000> Lev3 x2?
20:36:10  <V453000> !psgsave 210
20:36:17  <V453000> !psgsav 210
20:36:26  <V453000> !wtf...
20:36:28  <V453000> !archives
20:36:32  <V453000> !archive
20:36:32  <PublicServer> V453000: http://www.openttdcoop.ORG/wiki/PublicServer:Archive | |
20:37:11  <XeryusTC> V453000: 1x
20:37:18  <XeryusTC> 2x is a bit much with TL2
20:37:29  <PublicServer> <V453000> not rly
20:37:47  <PublicServer> <V453000> plus who cares about capacity, I would even say x3 is fine :D
20:37:47  <mfb-> PZ game was funny with them
20:38:02  <Twerkhoven[L]> 3 locs pulling a single wagon? lol
20:38:07  <PublicServer> <V453000> PZ game was 2x X2000 which is a lot different
20:38:22  <PublicServer> <V453000> but 2x Lev3 TL2 is reasonable I think
20:39:13  <XeryusTC> V: 2x lev3 with TL2 is just overkill
20:39:19  <PublicServer> <V453000> no it isnt
20:39:20  <XeryusTC> accel will be instant with 1 prolly
20:39:23  <PublicServer> <V453000> no
20:39:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> the train is still just 2 tiles
20:39:39  <PublicServer> <V453000> accel might be like 12 I would guess
20:39:49  <PublicServer> <V453000> with 1
20:39:58  <mfb-> logic train! :p
20:40:09  <PublicServer> <V453000> dunno try it but I really think that short trains really make use of better acceleration
20:40:09  <mfb-> with 77km/h! :D
20:40:13  <XeryusTC> even with monorail accel isnt that bad
20:40:24  <PublicServer> <V453000> with monorail it is horrific even with 2 engines
20:40:36  <XeryusTC> mono with 2 isnt that bad
20:40:50  <PublicServer> <V453000> well it is not the worst but it is quite bad
20:41:10  <PublicServer> <V453000> anyway, turner turbo TL2 ftw. :)
20:41:13  <PublicServer> <V453000> would look fun
20:41:15  <Sylf> I hate monorail for their accel
20:41:45  <PublicServer> <V453000> Sylf: your plan is missing a note where is the water/diamonds transported
20:41:58  <PublicServer> <V453000> to all 3 but with what rules/pattern
20:42:10  <Sylf> ah, like that
20:42:33  <PublicServer> <V453000> and about the engines ... sometimes it just gets dull to use still the same just as Lev3 tbh :P
20:43:03  <Sylf> centennial game would be fun
20:43:09  <PublicServer> <V453000> he
20:43:56  <PublicServer> <V453000> dunno it does not matter too much in the end but it is nice to see differences :)
20:44:02  <PublicServer> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
20:44:42  <V453000> anyway, cyas
20:48:21  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000E4E7:
20:50:55  <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined company #1
20:51:00  <^Spike^> hmmm
20:51:03  <PublicServer> *** Spike has joined spectators
20:51:11  <^Spike^> can't see the signs as spectator...
20:51:19  * ^Spike^ looks at planetmaker
20:51:23  <^Spike^> some new "feature":)
20:51:26  <^Spike^> or config setting? :)
20:51:36  <PublicServer> <Sigma> new "feature" indeed
20:51:38  <PublicServer> <Maraxus> not unless you set it in settings menu
20:51:43  <planetmaker> then go look for that, ^Spike^
20:51:56  <planetmaker> and look also in the options menu
20:52:08  <planetmaker> where you toggle detail level etc
20:52:16  <planetmaker> s/menu/dropdown/
20:52:33  <^Spike^> oh there...
20:52:44  <planetmaker> blame Zuu :-P
20:52:47  <^Spike^> could've also been a server side setting :)
20:52:50  <planetmaker> I only comitted it :-P
20:52:52  <^Spike^> that's why i asked :)
20:53:06  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC has left the game (leaving)
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20:53:29  <^Spike^> was already looking at plans like: WTF what idiots make them without signs :)
20:54:56  <PublicServer> <Sigma> I think Ryton's ore/coal drop is RIP
20:55:02  <PublicServer> <Sigma> only one factory left on the map
20:55:20  <mfb-> so what?
20:55:34  <^Spike^> this isn't the stage we care about that?
20:55:44  <mfb-> we can found a new one
20:55:53  *** Zyl has joined #openttdcoop
20:56:10  <PublicServer> <Sigma> oh, k
20:56:16  <Zyl> !password
20:56:16  <PublicServer> Zyl: pillar
20:59:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> slow connection?
20:59:35  <^Spike^> !players
20:59:38  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 2 is Spike, a spectator
20:59:38  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 70 (Orange) is mfb, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:59:38  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 57 (Orange) is twerkhoven, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:59:38  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 67 is Sigma, a spectator
20:59:38  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 21 (Orange) is Mazur, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:59:40  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 30 is Maraxus, a spectator
20:59:40  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 59 (Orange) is Kangoo, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:59:42  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 34 (Orange) is SASA340, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:59:42  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 64 (Orange) is Tray, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
20:59:45  <mfb-> and who is SASA?
20:59:52  <PublicServer> <Tray> <-something afkish
20:59:54  <^Spike^> seems not on irc
20:59:58  <Chris[1]> thats me
21:00:13  <^Spike^> ....
21:00:17  <PublicServer> <mfb> please use a similar name in the game and the IRC
21:00:29  <^Spike^> samething that can be linked to you... usually it is
21:00:36  <^Spike^> doesn't matter if a few characters are off
21:00:49  <mfb-> <- as you can see
21:01:09  * ^Spike^ wonders who is all afk from that list :D
21:01:16  <Twerkhoven[L]> :p
21:01:22  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (leaving)
21:01:26  <^Spike^> aka just sitting there... ;:)
21:01:28  <Chris[1]> oh sry i didnt realize what i ded
21:01:30  *** Zyl has quit IRC
21:01:38  <mfb-> !playercount
21:01:38  <PublicServer> mfb-: Number of players: 9 (3 spectators)
21:01:55  <^Spike^> read the @@quickstart ?
21:01:56  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop Wiki -
21:03:21  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00002BC4:
21:03:29  *** Chris[1] has quit IRC
21:03:37  <PublicServer> *** SASA340 has left the game (leaving)
21:04:47  *** SASA340 has joined #openttdcoop
21:05:19  <SASA340> !password
21:05:19  <PublicServer> SASA340: infest
21:05:37  <PublicServer> *** SASA340 joined the game
21:06:10  <SASA340> Okay now the names are the same, no?
21:06:18  <^Spike^> good enough for us :)
21:06:31  <^Spike^> we usually link ppl names in-game to irc so we know who to contact etc
21:06:48  <SASA340> ok right
21:07:43  <PublicServer> *** Kangoo has left the game (leaving)
21:10:23  *** Chris_Booth[LP] has joined #openttdcoop
21:11:05  *** Kangoo1 has quit IRC
21:16:18  *** duckblaster has joined #openttdcoop
21:18:22  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 000029C2:
21:19:59  <duckblaster> !dl lin32
21:19:59  <PublicServer> duckblaster: unknown option "lin32"
21:20:05  <duckblaster> !dl lin
21:20:05  <^Spike^> !dl
21:20:05  <PublicServer> duckblaster:
21:20:05  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
21:20:05  <PublicServer> ^Spike^:
21:20:24  <^Spike^> pretty inconsistent actually....
21:20:33  <^Spike^> win32/win64 and just lin/lin64 :0
21:20:34  <^Spike^> :)
21:20:52  <duckblaster> add win and lin32 as alternatives perhaps?
21:21:00  <^Spike^> ehm,.... :0
21:31:33  <duckblaster> !password
21:31:33  <PublicServer> duckblaster: pallor
21:31:52  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game
21:32:21  *** sla_ro|vista has quit IRC
21:36:34  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has joined company #1
21:36:56  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (connection lost)
21:37:20  <duckblaster> !password
21:37:20  <PublicServer> duckblaster: tabbed
21:37:50  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game
21:38:17  <PublicServer> *** SASA340 has left the game (leaving)
21:38:20  *** SASA340 has quit IRC
21:38:58  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (connection lost)
21:39:46  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster joined the game
21:42:06  <PublicServer> *** duckblaster has left the game (leaving)
21:43:35  *** Chris_Booth[LP] has quit IRC
21:44:18  <PublicServer> *** Maraxus has left the game (leaving)
21:44:24  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
21:47:55  <PublicServer> *** twerkhoven has left the game (leaving)
21:54:48  <planetmaker> good night
21:55:09  *** Twerkhoven[L] has quit IRC
22:01:25  *** Zyl has joined #openttdcoop
22:01:28  <Zyl> !password
22:01:28  <PublicServer> Zyl: bodily
22:01:50  <PublicServer> *** Zyl joined the game
22:07:27  *** TWerkhoven has quit IRC
22:07:41  <PublicServer> *** Zyl has left the game (connection lost)
22:11:25  *** KenjiE20 has quit IRC
22:15:45  <PublicServer> *** Sigma has left the game (connection lost)
22:16:20  <hibby> much building occurring?
22:16:29  <^Spike^> atm nope
22:16:43  <hibby> has there been much done I can take a peek at/
22:16:51  <^Spike^> just some plans
22:16:55  <^Spike^> you can look at and try to understand
22:16:57  <^Spike^> !players
22:16:58  <hibby> cool
22:16:59  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 2 is Spike, a spectator
22:16:59  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 70 (Orange) is mfb, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
22:16:59  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 21 (Orange) is Mazur, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
22:17:00  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: Client 64 (Orange) is Tray, in company 1 (Drennford Transport)
22:17:07  <hibby> will build the trunk version regardless
22:17:23  <mfb-> someone will have to create a voting board
22:17:38  <^Spike^> !rcon move
22:17:39  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: - Move a client to another company. Usage: move <client-id> <company-id>
22:17:39  <PublicServer> ^Spike^: - For valid client-id see 'clients', for valid company-id see 'companies', use 255 for moving to spectators
22:19:15  *** Progman has quit IRC
22:26:51  *** Zyl has quit IRC
22:32:34  <PublicServer> <mfb> regular voting?
22:33:20  <PublicServer> <mfb> that is a bit tight
22:33:22  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 0000591D:
22:33:45  *** valhallasw has quit IRC
22:33:50  <Sylf> !date
22:33:50  <PublicServer> Sylf: 30 Dec 1981
22:34:27  <PublicServer> <mfb> wtf feeder?
22:34:29  <PublicServer> <Tray> mfb, i'm not sure wether it's reverse voting or not
22:34:40  <PublicServer> <Tray> I'm not sure about that part
22:34:51  <PublicServer> <mfb> what is that in your plan? feed what from what?
22:34:57  <PublicServer> <Tray> It was the easiest way to destribute water and dias over towns
22:35:15  <PublicServer> <Tray> primary -> feeder station -> towns
22:35:22  <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm
22:35:25  <PublicServer> *** Spike has left the game (leaving)
22:35:45  <PublicServer> <Tray> so that a secondary water train picks up from feeder station and services every town
22:35:47  <PublicServer> <mfb> not much left for chaos
22:35:49  <PublicServer> <mfb> but fine
22:36:15  <PublicServer> <Tray> I agree with you, do you have a better idea?
22:36:31  <duckblaster> ditch feeders?
22:36:37  <PublicServer> <Tray> maybe just connect water to the nearest town and keep dias chaotic?
22:37:03  <mfb-> keep connections chaotic ;)
22:37:10  <mfb-> just from somewhere to somewhere
22:37:25  <PublicServer> <Tray> so without feeder station?
22:37:29  <PublicServer> <Tray> sounds good.
22:37:36  <mfb-> water drop is the end, no need to get some controlled distribution
22:37:58  <hibby> dangit, wrong trunk version built
22:38:21  <Tray|2> I made something like a Votingthing, don't know wether you like it or not.
22:38:50  <Tray|2> But we should agree on reverse or regular voting befor everyone votes (:
22:41:32  <Tray|2> so: g'night
22:43:28  <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (leaving)
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22:48:22  <PublicServer> ***  made screenshot at 00005D17:
22:59:10  *** perk11 has quit IRC
23:05:38  *** Sigma has quit IRC
23:09:12  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
23:09:34  <XeryusTC> mfb-: you removed your plan?
23:10:04  <mfb-> yes
23:10:16  <mfb-> tray got a similar one
23:12:51  <XeryusTC> true, but i dont take kindly to his pax ring :P
23:13:05  <XeryusTC> or his slow engines :P
23:23:14  <duckblaster> maglevs?
23:23:42  *** mfb- has quit IRC
23:24:01  <PublicServer> *** mfb has left the game (leaving)
23:29:30  <XeryusTC> his plan has normal rail :(
23:53:53  <hibby> !password
23:53:53  <PublicServer> hibby: prance
23:54:12  <PublicServer> *** Hibby joined the game

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