Log for #openttdcoop on 10th January 2012:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:08:58  <PublicServer> *** Brumi has left the game (leaving)
00:09:22  *** Brumi has quit IRC
00:10:21  <Mark> @stage Finished?
00:10:21  *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG222 (r23755) | STAGE: Finished? | | New players, use @quickstart and !help | | Happy new year"
00:10:28  <Mark> any suggestions/maps for the next game?
00:10:40  <Sylf>  hmmm
00:10:53  *** Zuu has quit IRC
00:11:03  <Mark> !password
00:11:03  <PublicServer> Mark: spaded
00:11:45  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:11:45  <PublicServer> *** Mark joined the game
00:12:02  <PublicServer> *** Mark has left the game (leaving)
00:13:20  <Mark> running pretty smoothly
00:13:30  <Mark> im pretty happy with the result :)
00:13:51  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:13:52  <PublicServer> *** Sylf joined the game
00:14:21  <Mark> i made save to look at it in sp
00:14:25  <Mark> my poor pc cant handle it
00:14:29  <Sylf> ah
00:15:20  <Sylf> this did become a pretty big game
00:15:23  <Sylf> pretty fun
00:15:54  <Mark> 1970 trains
00:16:07  <Mark> 3 years ago that would be considered impossible i think
00:16:50  <Sylf> 3 years ago, you probably didn't have too many games that had these short trains, I bet.
00:16:53  <Mark> 800 signs, lol
00:17:15  <PublicServer> *** bassals has joined company #1
00:17:35  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has joined company #1
00:17:35  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
00:17:54  <PublicServer> <Sylf> and just like that, my CPU starts screaming
00:18:53  <Mark> well im off
00:19:04  <Mark> might put together a new game tomorrow
00:19:09  <Sylf> ok
00:19:29  <Sylf> I think most will take whatever is given for the map
00:19:37  <Mark> yeah i suppose
00:21:23  <PublicServer> <bassals> ok my CPU is crying too
00:21:30  <PublicServer> <Sylf> hehehe
00:23:23  <Mark> meh... i wanted to have a look at game 105 but ottd crashes
00:25:02  <PublicServer> <bassals> are you really planning to finish this game tomorrow?
00:25:21  <Mark> why not?
00:25:31  <PublicServer> <Sylf> I think it's reasonable
00:25:37  <PublicServer> <bassals> okay
00:25:59  <PublicServer> <Sylf> I'm thinking about some stuff about wiki entry here
00:26:09  <PublicServer> <Sylf> archive entry
00:26:40  <Mark> well im going to bed
00:26:42  <Mark> goodnight
00:26:48  <PublicServer> <bassals> goodbye
00:26:48  <PublicServer> <Sylf> see ya Mark
00:27:30  <PublicServer> <bassals> say FIRS game with 12 MS
00:27:49  <PublicServer> <Sylf> you want another FIRS game?
00:28:15  <PublicServer> <bassals> not especially
00:28:35  <PublicServer> <bassals> it's for the summmary that you were asking about
00:28:45  <PublicServer> <Sylf> oooh.
00:29:19  <PublicServer> <Sylf> I'm taking picture of some big hubs and MSs right now... maybe I can make a collage for the screenshot
00:29:49  <PublicServer> <bassals> do you have an idea for the next one?
00:29:51  <PublicServer> <Sylf> 12 MS, 12 MSH, 12 BBH...
00:29:53  <PublicServer> <Sylf> crazy stuff.
00:30:12  <PublicServer> <bassals> I think that V wanted to do SRNW
00:30:22  <PublicServer> <Sylf> I'm not a creative type, so I can't think of any map suggestion
00:30:32  <PublicServer> <Sylf> Nor do I have any game plan idea either
00:31:23  <PublicServer> <Sylf> and I can't play for the most part during the day either :(
00:37:37  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has joined spectators
00:37:37  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
00:41:18  <bassals> well goodnight
00:41:24  <PublicServer> <Sylf> goodnight
00:42:11  <PublicServer> *** bassals has left the game (leaving)
00:42:25  *** bassals has quit IRC
01:31:58  *** EoD has joined #openttdcoop
01:37:55  <Sylf> OK, I saved the archive entry, then undid the revision, sort of making a draft for the entry.
01:38:46  *** pugi has quit IRC
02:51:45  *** Eightbitpwny has left #openttdcoop
03:31:47  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
03:31:50  <PublicServer> *** Mazur joined the game
03:33:16  *** UncleCJ has quit IRC
03:33:57  <PublicServer> *** Mazur has left the game (leaving)
03:42:43  *** EoD has quit IRC
03:45:17  *** UncleCJ has joined #openttdcoop
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08:29:52  *** Eightbitpwny has joined #openttdcoop
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09:09:26  *** bassals has joined #openttdcoop
09:10:15  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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10:10:48  *** Razaekel has quit IRC
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10:28:46  *** bassals has quit IRC
10:28:53  <PublicServer> *** bassals has left the game (leaving)
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11:23:23  <StarLite> !password
11:23:23  <PublicServer> StarLite: affirm
11:23:33  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
11:23:34  <PublicServer> *** StarLite joined the game
11:26:04  <PublicServer> *** StarLite has left the game (leaving)
11:26:28  <StarLite> !trains
11:26:36  <StarLite> !password
11:26:36  <PublicServer> StarLite: affirm
11:26:53  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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11:34:11  <StarLite> !password
11:34:11  <PublicServer> StarLite: affirm
11:34:21  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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11:40:43  <kuch3n> !password
11:40:43  <PublicServer> kuch3n: affirm
11:40:59  <kuch3n> !dl
11:40:59  <PublicServer> kuch3n: !dl autostart|autottd|lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
11:40:59  <PublicServer> kuch3n:
11:41:01  <kuch3n> !dl source
11:41:01  <PublicServer> kuch3n:
12:02:43  *** Sam_ has joined #openttdcoop
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12:03:30  *** Sam_ is now known as sam0737
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12:05:16  <sam0737> !password
12:05:16  <PublicServer> sam0737: affirm
12:06:04  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:06:07  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n joined the game
12:07:08  <sam0737> !players
12:07:11  <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 715 is kuch3n, a spectator
12:07:11  <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 564 is Sylf, a spectator
12:07:11  <PublicServer> sam0737: Client 717 is sam0737, a spectator
12:07:15  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:07:16  <PublicServer> *** sam0737 joined the game
12:08:20  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop
12:14:27  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:14:27  <PublicServer> *** mfb joined the game
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12:14:29  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mfb-
12:14:39  <mfb-> hi
12:14:58  <kuch3n> moin
12:24:18  *** Tray has joined #openttdcoop
12:41:22  *** bassals has joined #openttdcoop
12:41:47  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:41:48  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:41:50  <PublicServer> *** bassals joined the game
12:42:03  <PublicServer> <bassals> hello
12:42:05  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n has left the game (connection lost)
12:42:09  <PublicServer> <mfb> hi
12:42:57  <PublicServer> <bassals> do we finish this game today?
12:43:59  <PublicServer> <mfb> depends on a possible new game
12:47:05  <PublicServer> <mfb> does "fixed prio /mfb" look right at MSH05?
12:47:18  <PublicServer> <bassals> yes
12:47:21  <PublicServer> <mfb> good
12:47:27  <PublicServer> <bassals> it's a yellow sign
12:47:38  <PublicServer> <mfb> I mean the whole prio
12:47:50  <PublicServer> <bassals> oh, I'm so dumb
12:47:53  <PublicServer> <mfb> should work like that
12:47:59  <PublicServer> <mfb> the old one was broken
12:50:58  <Tray> !password
12:50:58  <PublicServer> Tray: hectic
12:51:21  <PublicServer> *** Tray joined the game
12:58:01  <PublicServer> <bassals> some of the tracks in this fixed prio they seem useless to me
12:58:12  <PublicServer> <bassals> or I don't understand what they are for
12:58:14  <PublicServer> <mfb> ? ;)
12:58:44  <PublicServer> <bassals> the one exactly over the sign
12:59:03  <PublicServer> <mfb> ?
12:59:13  <PublicServer> <bassals> yes
12:59:15  <PublicServer> <mfb> that extends the prio to the other line
12:59:37  <PublicServer> <mfb> so !train waits for trains on both lines
12:59:55  <PublicServer> <bassals> okay
13:00:43  <PublicServer> <bassals> so both lanes have the same priority, the only downgraded lane is the outer  one
13:00:51  <PublicServer> <mfb> right
13:00:57  <PublicServer> <mfb> as that has a choice
13:01:07  <PublicServer> <bassals> yes
13:02:02  <PublicServer> <mfb> we have a larger jam problem at SLH08
13:04:14  <PublicServer> <Tray> jam gone? (:
13:04:24  <PublicServer> <mfb> better now
13:06:26  <PublicServer> <Tray> do you really want to upgrade bbh05? (:
13:06:44  <PublicServer> <mfb> who said that? :D
13:07:06  <PublicServer> <Tray> otherwise your line is pretty useless
13:07:21  <kuch3n> !password
13:07:21  <PublicServer> kuch3n: torsos
13:07:34  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n joined the game
13:08:27  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n has left the game (connection lost)
13:09:00  <PublicServer> <mfb> maybe you want to upgrade it :D
13:09:13  <PublicServer> <Tray> maybe
13:09:35  <PublicServer> <mfb> or me, later
13:10:20  <PublicServer> <mfb> I think I have an idea how
13:10:27  <PublicServer> <mfb> but it involves black magic
13:10:57  <PublicServer> *** mfb has joined spectators
13:11:05  <PublicServer> <mfb> food is ready
13:11:11  <PublicServer> <Tray> Dumbledore and yoda don't care I guess
13:11:21  <PublicServer> *** Tray has joined spectators
13:11:21  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:11:30  <PublicServer> <bassals> oh?
13:11:37  <PublicServer> *** Tray has joined company #1
13:11:37  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
13:11:53  <PublicServer> <Tray> sorry
13:12:16  <PublicServer> <bassals> oh no, no problem
13:13:08  <PublicServer> <bassals> it's for these black magic comments
13:16:00  <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has left the game (leaving)
13:28:38  <PublicServer> <Tray> I hate the balancing of msh5 -> msh 4 \:
13:34:31  <PublicServer> <mfb> which balancing? ;)
13:34:37  <PublicServer> *** mfb has joined company #1
13:36:25  <PublicServer> <Tray> later
13:36:28  <PublicServer> *** Tray has left the game (leaving)
13:40:28  <PublicServer> <bassals> now I have to eat
13:40:50  <PublicServer> <mfb> ok
13:41:29  <PublicServer> <bassals> goodbye
13:41:35  <PublicServer> <mfb> bye
13:41:35  <PublicServer> *** bassals has joined spectators
13:41:35  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
13:44:49  *** Liuk has joined #openttdcoop
14:03:05  <PublicServer> <bassals> hello!
14:03:09  <PublicServer> *** bassals has joined company #1
14:03:09  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
14:10:12  <sam0737> !password
14:10:13  <PublicServer> sam0737: shames
14:10:27  <PublicServer> *** sam0737 joined the game
14:11:01  <PublicServer> <sam0737> ha. what a great random password
14:11:12  <bassals> heh
14:17:03  <PublicServer> <sam0737> See "!3rd not used" @ SLH08
14:17:31  <PublicServer> <sam0737> somehow the slideline traffic is not going to the outermost lane...
14:17:47  <PublicServer> <sam0737> oh nevermind
14:17:50  <PublicServer> <sam0737> it's not connected @@
14:43:16  <PublicServer> *** XeryusTC joined the game
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14:56:44  *** ostannard has joined #openttdcoop
15:05:07  <PublicServer> *** ostannard joined the game
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15:16:10  <PublicServer> <sam0737> you gave up and do a merge and split? :P
15:16:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> I don't expect much traffic on both lines
15:16:48  <PublicServer> <sam0737> true ;P
15:17:23  <PublicServer> <sam0737> I can't read BBH04 3rd though...a mess of prio @@
15:17:39  <PublicServer> <mfb> ?
15:17:47  <PublicServer> <mfb> :D
15:18:02  <PublicServer> <sam0737> i mean those bridges and tunnel....that you are removing :)
15:18:17  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, the tunnels are just a regular prio
15:18:27  <PublicServer> <mfb> the double prio with the bridges was more interesting
15:19:03  <PublicServer> <mfb> hmm
15:19:06  <PublicServer> <mfb> too lazy to improve it now
15:19:25  <PublicServer> <sam0737> agree.
15:19:35  <PublicServer> <sam0737> i am looking forward for a new game :P
15:22:21  <PublicServer> <mfb> there, 2000 trains
15:22:35  <PublicServer> <sam0737> ar ha
15:22:41  <PublicServer> <mfb> MSH02 jams
15:23:27  <PublicServer> <sam0737> or you mean SLH09?
15:23:37  <PublicServer> <mfb> MSH02
15:23:44  <PublicServer> <mfb> the jam is going back to the SLH
15:23:48  <PublicServer> <mfb> but it comes from the MSH
15:25:54  <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has left the game (connection lost)
15:26:04  <sam0737> !password
15:26:04  <PublicServer> sam0737: endive
15:26:23  <PublicServer> *** sam0737 joined the game
15:27:51  <PublicServer> <sam0737> i think the train size will blow up client's (our) CPU before the server---
15:28:02  <PublicServer> <mfb> depends on your client
15:28:17  <PublicServer> <mfb> but I think we will stay at 2000 trains
15:28:35  <PublicServer> <bassals> is there any openttd limit of trains?
15:28:49  <PublicServer> <mfb> I think I read something like 5k
15:29:27  <PublicServer> <bassals> are we in our limitation right now?
15:29:41  <mfb-> with the current settings? right
15:30:09  <PublicServer> <sam0737> oh. Advanced Settings -> Max Trains per company
15:30:11  <PublicServer> <bassals> oh
15:30:21  <PublicServer> <sam0737> Adv Settings -> Vehicles -> max trains per company
15:30:27  <PublicServer> <bassals> I wanted to build a primary station rigth now
15:31:06  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, that is not a good idea
15:31:18  <PublicServer> <sam0737> ar max ship per company at 5? didn't notice that...
15:31:32  <PublicServer> <mfb> ships are usually bad
15:31:50  <PublicServer> <bassals> okay :-(
15:31:57  <PublicServer> <mfb> need a lot of CPU cycles and add nothing interesting to the game
15:32:43  <PublicServer> <mfb> I can increase the number in case of a good eyecandy usage...
15:33:23  <PublicServer> <bassals> no, it's just a maxed iron mine with no station
15:33:37  <PublicServer> <mfb> oh, rail-related
15:33:55  <PublicServer> <mfb> well, the number of active players is decreasing
15:34:02  <PublicServer> <mfb> and we would need more upgrades for more trains
15:34:09  <PublicServer> <sam0737> Kedingtow Iron Ore mine - that's what you are looking at?
15:34:16  <PublicServer> <mfb> like a 3rd line at MSH02 N->S
15:34:18  <PublicServer> <bassals> yes
15:35:04  <PublicServer> <mfb> one tile between ore mine and a steel mill :D
15:36:09  <kuch3n> !password
15:36:10  <PublicServer> kuch3n: pimple
15:36:18  <PublicServer> *** mfb has joined spectators
15:36:26  <PublicServer> <bassals> if we had a game with bigger TL would that mean less CPU stress?
15:36:52  <PublicServer> <mfb> should be the same per train
15:36:56  <PublicServer> <sam0737> hm? I don't see how it's related. like longer TL then having less trains?
15:37:16  <bassals> well yes i'm assuming that we would need less trains
15:37:28  <PublicServer> <mfb> define "need"
15:37:50  <bassals> :-)
15:37:52  <PublicServer> <sam0737> at some point we will reach the 2000 trains status :)
15:38:07  <PublicServer> <mfb> to transport everything on the map, we can use much more trains than our network (and many CPUs) can handle
15:38:26  <PublicServer> <mfb> would be easy to connect more primaries for 3k+ trains
15:38:36  <PublicServer> <mfb> or fund new ones...
15:38:41  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n joined the game
15:38:46  <bassals> the network can be expanded
15:38:55  <bassals> but CPU you have to buy it
15:39:11  <PublicServer> <mfb> in that case: ~2-3k trains
15:40:09  <sam0737> btw - what are the anti demolition trains exactly for?
15:40:27  <TWerkhoven[l]> so you cant accidentaly blow up an entire station
15:40:30  <Mazur> !records
15:40:36  <Mazur> @records
15:40:36  <Webster> #openttdcoop Records: Clients: 26 | Trains: 2666 (PSG#219) - 2522 (PZG#5) - ( 3000 (PSG#180) logic net) | Single cargo type output: 200,169 (PZG#13) | World Pop: 6,150,671 (PSG#201) 
15:40:43  <PublicServer> <mfb> to prevent accidental removals of all the eyecandy
15:40:59  <PublicServer> <sam0737> ic..
15:41:11  <Mazur> mfb: And the destination ofr a lot of trains....
15:41:31  <PublicServer> <mfb> many drop stations do not have these trains
15:45:20  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n has left the game (connection lost)
15:46:03  <PublicServer> *** mfb has joined company #1
15:46:05  <bassals> do you think that 1-tile trains create more lag stress than RV?
15:46:21  <PublicServer> <mfb> TL does not matter
15:46:39  <PublicServer> <bassals> then in general trains vs RV
15:46:55  <PublicServer> <mfb> depends on the networks
15:49:17  <PublicServer> <bassals> well, i'm off for a while
15:49:25  <PublicServer> *** bassals has joined spectators
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15:52:23  <kuch3n> !password
15:52:23  <PublicServer> kuch3n: serene
15:52:32  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:52:33  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n joined the game
15:52:48  <PublicServer> *** bassals has joined company #1
15:52:48  <PublicServer> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
15:53:04  <PublicServer> *** bassals has joined spectators
15:53:04  <PublicServer> *** Game paused (number of players)
15:55:42  <PublicServer> <sam0737> i wish i could add a waypoint and see how many trains passed per month...
15:56:04  <PublicServer> <sam0737> to analyse traffic and balancer, etc.
16:01:15  <bassals> yes that would be great
16:01:36  <kuch3n> sam0737: give a student some beer and he counts it
16:01:49  <Sylf> you cant do that with waypoints, with all of our having nonstop orders
16:02:24  <sam0737> looks like someone thought of that 2years ago and made a patch:
16:02:27  <Sylf> you can build a counter though...
16:02:48  <bassals> what about having an option in the minimap where you can see all waypoints with different colors according to the traffic they get
16:04:14  <Sylf> you can already see tge amount of trains on the minimap
16:06:23  <bassals> i mean creating waypoints in those places you want to check
16:08:21  <PublicServer> *** kuch3n has left the game (leaving)
16:08:23  <sam0737> ya like a heatmap, or like program profiling-
16:10:28  <kuch3n> chester build a prio joiner with pre accelerating on the welcome server
16:15:54  <PublicServer> *** sam0737 has left the game (leaving)
16:31:14  *** Firartix has joined #openttdcoop
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16:55:02  *** LXSJason has joined #openttdcoop
16:55:15  <LXSJason> !password
16:55:15  <PublicServer> LXSJason: waives
16:55:30  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:55:31  <PublicServer> *** LXSJason joined the game
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18:03:12  <Tray> !password
18:03:12  <PublicServer> Tray: kimono
18:03:36  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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18:39:43  *** fonsinchen has joined #openttdcoop
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19:19:45  <PublicServer> *** bassals has left the game (leaving)
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20:21:42  <PublicServer> *** Sylf has left the game (connection lost)
20:51:21  *** Tray|2 has joined #openttdcoop
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21:08:10  <Tray|2> !playercount
21:08:10  <PublicServer> Tray|2: Number of players: 0 (0 spectators)
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21:15:24  *** Brumi has joined #openttdcoop
21:17:06  <PublicServer> *** Game still paused (number of players)
21:17:07  <PublicServer> *** Brumi joined the game
21:17:26  <PublicServer> <Brumi> woo 2k trains :)
21:19:18  <PublicServer> *** Brumi has joined company #1
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21:44:20  <PublicServer> *** Brumi has left the game (leaving)
21:53:54  *** ostannard has joined #openttdcoop
21:59:42  *** Chris_Booth has joined #openttdcoop
22:18:48  *** Brumi has quit IRC
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22:39:27  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o mfb-
22:39:30  <mfb-> hi
22:39:32  <mfb-> !playercount
22:39:32  <PublicServer> mfb-: Number of players: 0 (0 spectators)
22:40:07  <mfb-> @stage Finalizing
22:40:08  *** Webster changes topic to "Welcome to #openttdcoop, the Cooperative OpenTTD | PSG222 (r23755) | STAGE: Finalizing | | New players, use @quickstart and !help | | Happy new year"
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