Log for #openttdcoop on 20th May 2015:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:13:19  <Sylf> !pw
00:13:19  <coopserver> Sylf: expire
00:13:28  <Sylf> biatch
00:13:30  <Sylf> !dl
00:13:30  <coopserver> Sylf: !download lin|lin64|osx|ottdau|source|win32|win64|win9x
00:13:31  <coopserver> Sylf:
00:14:21  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
00:14:24  <coopserver> *** S has joined
00:14:25  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
00:17:30  <Sylf> Getting close to game#300
00:17:37  <coopserver> *** S has left the game (Leaving)
03:06:54  *** liq3 has joined #openttdcoop
04:45:46  <o11c> hm, I should play again
04:59:11  <V453000> yo humanz
04:59:16  <V453000> yeah sparta cometh
05:00:20  <V453000> !dl win64
05:00:20  <coopserver> V453000:
05:05:57  *** zwamkat has quit IRC
05:10:32  *** zwamkat has joined #openttdcoop
05:12:32  *** zwamkat has quit IRC
05:12:54  *** zwamkat has joined #openttdcoop
05:18:39  *** zwamkat_ has joined #openttdcoop
05:24:06  *** zwamkat_ has quit IRC
05:24:32  <Taede> !dl lin64
05:24:32  <coopserver> Taede:
05:24:54  *** zwamkat has joined #openttdcoop
05:27:27  <V453000> !pw
05:27:27  <coopserver> V453000: pooled
05:27:42  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
05:27:43  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
05:27:44  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
05:27:45  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
05:27:52  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
05:27:53  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
05:30:20  *** zwamkat has quit IRC
05:32:01  *** zwamkat has joined #openttdcoop
05:33:09  *** zwamkat has left #openttdcoop
05:47:27  *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop
06:04:02  <o11c> !password
06:04:03  <coopserver> o11c: parser
06:04:11  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
06:04:14  <coopserver> *** o11c has joined
06:04:15  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
06:05:10  <coopserver> <o11c> 512x512 ? don't normally do that for coop games, right?
06:05:22  *** Mark has joined #openttdcoop
06:05:22  *** Webster sets mode: +o Mark
06:05:56  <Mark> hello
06:05:59  <Mark> whats this, new game?
06:06:01  <V453000> hy
06:06:02  <V453000> yesz
06:06:06  <coopserver> <o11c> no plan yet
06:06:10  <V453000> 512x512 is total standard o11c :P
06:06:15  <Mark> lets see
06:06:28  <Mark> !dl win64
06:06:28  <coopserver> Mark:
06:08:29  <Mark> !pw
06:08:29  <coopserver> Mark: parser
06:08:33  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
06:08:38  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
06:08:39  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
06:08:40  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
06:08:53  <coopserver> <Mark> what happened to the freeform edges
06:11:09  <coopserver> <o11c> hm, some of the bridges have mismatched graphics
06:11:23  <coopserver> <o11c> e.g. in Keninghall
06:11:59  <coopserver> <Mark> nice map
06:12:03  <coopserver> <Mark> im making a plan after dinner :P
06:12:07  <coopserver> <Mark> brb
06:12:09  <coopserver> 'o11c' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
06:12:10  <coopserver> *** o11c has left the game (desync error)
06:12:11  <coopserver> 'Mark' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
06:12:12  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (desync error)
06:12:13  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:12:17  <Mark> DESYNC
06:12:20  <o11c> Oo
06:12:37  <o11c> !password
06:12:37  <coopserver> o11c: casing
06:12:40  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
06:12:42  <coopserver> *** o11c has joined
06:12:43  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
06:17:50  <coopserver> <o11c> my current thoughts involve trying to service Slunwell and Drunthill with minimal water-TF
06:18:30  <coopserver> <o11c> but that's only half the map
06:18:57  *** LSky` has quit IRC
06:21:21  <coopserver> *** o11c has left the game (Leaving)
06:23:16  <V453000> !pw
06:23:16  <coopserver> V453000: closed
06:23:21  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
06:23:22  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
06:23:23  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
06:23:24  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
06:25:07  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
06:25:08  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
06:25:09  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
06:25:15  <V453000> hm
06:25:17  <V453000> this is bad
06:25:20  <V453000> I wasnt even doing anything
06:25:48  <V453000> Taede: how do I turn on logging?
06:25:53  <V453000> !rcon log
06:25:54  <coopserver> ERROR: command not found
06:25:58  <V453000> !rcon logging
06:25:59  <coopserver> ERROR: command not found
06:26:03  <V453000> !rcon logs
06:26:04  <coopserver> ERROR: command not found
07:49:59  <Mark> !pw
07:50:00  <coopserver> Mark: newgfx
07:50:05  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
07:50:10  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
07:50:11  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
07:50:12  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:51:50  <V453000> NEWGFX AS FUCK
07:51:56  <V453000> hy
07:52:29  <coopserver> 'Mark' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
07:52:30  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (desync error)
07:52:31  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
07:52:32  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
07:52:33  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
07:52:34  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
07:52:34  <V453000> yeah nice
07:52:36  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
07:52:36  <Mark> and again
07:52:37  <Mark> !pw
07:52:37  <coopserver> Mark: newgfx
07:52:48  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
07:52:52  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
07:52:53  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
07:53:28  <coopserver> <Mark> i only wish we could limit primary production
07:53:40  <coopserver> <V453000> code it :>
07:53:45  <coopserver> <V453000> wont be hard
07:53:48  <coopserver> <Mark> not gonna happen
07:54:04  <coopserver> <Mark> i struggle to open my email some days
07:54:12  <coopserver> <V453000> firs kind of limits production if you dont give it supplies?
07:54:24  <coopserver> <Mark> yeah fuck that
07:54:28  <coopserver> <Mark> i just want a hard limit
07:54:29  <coopserver> <V453000> :D ok
07:54:46  <coopserver> <V453000> well firs is static production, no changes, hard limit
07:55:05  <coopserver> <Mark> yeah but farms start at like 8/month
07:55:14  <coopserver> <V453000> it is more
07:55:23  <coopserver> <V453000> but yeah there is the bullshit that you have to connect 10 of them
07:56:04  <coopserver> <V453000> I think you could find a relatively easy way to cap yeti as well
07:56:17  <coopserver> <V453000> just dump a bunch of workers to some middle of nowhere ,done
07:56:24  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
07:56:25  <coopserver> <V453000> inefficiency -> cap
07:56:43  <coopserver> <Mark> i just want a hard limit on default industries which forces you to connect more industries
07:56:54  <coopserver> <Mark> and actually being able to fully service them all
07:56:58  <coopserver> <V453000> I know what you want, I am just listing what you can have now :P
07:57:03  <coopserver> <V453000> yes
07:57:23  <coopserver> <V453000> or quit being a noob and make a serioze network which transports all
07:57:29  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
07:57:52  <coopserver> <V453000> I think it could be possible with something utterly insane like TL15 nuts superstrong and big ML
07:57:54  <coopserver> <Mark> even not allowing industries to increase production at all right from the start would be fine
07:58:09  <coopserver> <Mark> depends on the number on industries youre going to connect
07:58:22  <coopserver> <V453000> well sure
07:58:58  <coopserver> <V453000> I know we did one meow game, TL4, solid capacity. Aim was to max out the farms. We managed to service like 17 of them I think
07:58:59  <coopserver> <Mark> good luck fully servicing 100 pimaries after 300 years game time
07:59:02  <coopserver> <V453000> maybe even less
07:59:17  <coopserver> <V453000> yez
07:59:18  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
07:59:30  <coopserver> <V453000> #pzg2013 hardcore mode
07:59:57  <coopserver> <Mark> i wonder if i should make a plan
07:59:59  <coopserver> <V453000> na, but doing something with really long, really powerful, and short CL, could work
08:00:01  <coopserver> <V453000> you should.
08:00:07  <coopserver> <Mark> it would be basically be the same as the one before last
08:00:24  <coopserver> <Mark> or similar style anyway
08:00:35  <coopserver> <V453000> I will just call you a noob but nothing wrong with the plan
08:00:39  <coopserver> <V453000> :>
08:01:08  <coopserver> <V453000> I would do TL5 but I feel like people arent used to CL5 anymore
08:01:21  <coopserver> <V453000> from all the slugs and shit
08:01:33  <coopserver> <V453000> #totallynotmyfault
08:02:48  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
08:03:07  <coopserver> <Mark> oh shit dbset
08:03:18  <coopserver> <V453000> yarr
08:03:23  <coopserver> <V453000> good old shit
08:03:37  <coopserver> <V453000> TL3 is always an option but eh, we play that all the time
08:03:51  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
08:03:52  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
08:03:53  <coopserver> 'Mark' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
08:03:54  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (desync error)
08:03:55  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:03:57  <V453000> ffs
08:03:59  <V453000> not happening
08:04:00  <Mark> thats going to get annoying
08:04:07  <V453000> impossible to play with that
08:04:11  <V453000> we need to log it but idk how
08:04:13  <Mark> yes
08:04:17  <Mark> !pe
08:04:17  <V453000> planetmaker ^Spike^ ? :(
08:04:19  <Mark> !pw
08:04:19  <coopserver> Mark: argidx
08:04:25  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
08:04:29  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
08:04:30  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients)
08:04:31  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
08:04:32  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
08:04:37  <V453000> !list
08:04:38  <coopserver> V453000: Admin, Alias, Channel, ChannelLogger, Config, Misc, Owner, Plugin, Services, Soap, Status, Topic, User, and Utilities
08:04:51  <V453000> wtf does that even mean
08:05:03  <V453000> !list soap
08:05:03  <coopserver> V453000: apconnect, apdisconnect, auto, companies, content, contentupdate, date, ding, download, getsave, help, info, ip, less, password, pause, playercount, players, rcon, rescan, restart, revision, rules, save, setdef, shutdown, start, toggledebug, transfer, unpause, update, and vehicles
08:05:21  <V453000> ha
08:05:25  <V453000> !toggledebug
08:05:25  <coopserver> V453000: Debug logging for ps is now: ON
08:05:29  <V453000> ...........
08:05:58  <V453000> !list utilities
08:05:59  <coopserver> V453000: apply, echo, ignore, last, shuffle, and success
08:06:08  <V453000> !list status
08:06:09  <coopserver> V453000: cmd, commands, cpu, net, server, status, threads, and uptime
08:06:16  <V453000> !list plugin
08:06:16  <coopserver> V453000: author, contributors, help, list, and plugin
08:06:22  <V453000> !list misc
08:06:22  <coopserver> V453000: apropos, help, last, list, more, ping, source, tell, and version
08:06:30  <V453000> !list admin
08:06:30  <coopserver> V453000: capability add, capability remove, channels, ignore add, ignore list, ignore remove, join, nick, and part
08:06:44  <V453000> k no clue how to toggle logs or even access them
08:07:33  <Mark> dont ask me
08:07:50  <V453000> Mark how do I do that shit
08:07:55  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
08:07:56  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
08:07:57  <coopserver> 'Mark' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
08:07:58  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (desync error)
08:07:59  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:08:09  <Mark> !pw
08:08:10  <coopserver> Mark: argidx
08:08:14  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
08:08:19  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
08:08:20  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:08:21  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:09:28  <coopserver> 'Mark' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
08:09:29  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (desync error)
08:09:30  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:09:41  <Mark> doesnt look its anything user-triggered
08:09:46  <V453000> yeah
08:10:01  <V453000> just happens out of the blue
08:10:14  <V453000> !logs
08:10:16  <V453000> !log
08:10:16  <coopserver> V453000: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
08:10:23  <V453000> !whoami
08:10:23  <coopserver> V453000: I don't recognize you.
08:10:29  <V453000> !identify
08:10:29  <coopserver> V453000: Error: That operation cannot be done in a channel.
08:10:33  <V453000> right
08:11:04  <V453000> nope
08:11:07  <V453000> wont cut it
08:12:33  <V453000> I hate when this happens with a newest version
08:12:45  <V453000> no way to update and downgrading is probably not so simple on server
08:13:22  <V453000> our options are 1. wait, 2. go generate the map for welcome server and do mayhem there, 3. nothing
08:13:28  <Mark> you sure its something in this revision?
08:13:33  <Mark> not newgrf triggered
08:14:20  <V453000> well, try to load a different map
08:14:23  <V453000> !rcon ls
08:14:24  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
08:14:25  <coopserver> 1) psg297start1.sav
08:14:26  <coopserver> 2) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%208th%20Oct%202413.sav
08:14:27  <coopserver> 3) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%209th%20Feb%202413.sav
08:14:28  <coopserver> 4) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%2027th%20Dec%202323.sav
08:14:29  <coopserver> V453000: You have 82 more messages. Type !less to view them
08:14:31  <V453000> !rcon load 2
08:14:32  <coopserver> Starting new game
08:14:38  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Public Server ( (Version r27288)
08:14:39  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:14:41  <V453000> !pw
08:14:42  <coopserver> V453000: quoted
08:14:49  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
08:14:53  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
08:14:53  <V453000> k lets wait and see
08:14:54  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:14:55  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:15:54  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
08:16:07  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
08:16:08  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
08:16:17  <coopserver> <Mark> this looks familiar
08:16:36  <coopserver> <Mark> btw, is this the one thats uploaded to the archive?
08:16:44  <V453000> idk
08:16:44  <coopserver> <Mark> cause its an old save
08:16:46  <V453000> likely not
08:16:54  <V453000> yeah
08:16:56  <V453000> !rcon ls
08:16:58  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
08:16:59  <coopserver> 1) psg297start1.sav
08:17:00  <coopserver> 2) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%208th%20Oct%202413.sav
08:17:01  <coopserver> 3) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%209th%20Feb%202413.sav
08:17:02  <coopserver> 4) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%2027th%20Dec%202323.sav
08:17:03  <coopserver> V453000: You have 82 more messages. Type !less to view them
08:17:03  <V453000> !rcon cd ..
08:17:04  <coopserver> <Mark> the screenshot on the archive is also from an old save
08:17:05  <V453000> !rcon ls
08:17:06  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
08:17:07  <coopserver> 1) autosave/ (Directory)
08:17:08  <coopserver> 2) uploads/ (Directory)
08:17:09  <coopserver> 3) game.sav
08:17:10  <coopserver> 4) 20150506_prereboot.sav
08:17:11  <coopserver> V453000: You have 4 more messages. Type !less to view them
08:17:18  <V453000> dono
08:17:37  <V453000> feel free to download it from archive and load it, I just wanted to check the desync
08:17:53  <V453000> if it works I will just load a mars map and fuck it
08:18:04  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
08:18:10  <coopserver> <Mark> mars sounds like a good idea anyway
08:18:16  <coopserver> <Mark> i like mars
08:19:53  <V453000> also nutez
08:20:02  <V453000> could do some superstrong shit as I sed
08:20:15  <coopserver> <Mark> perhaps
08:20:36  <coopserver> <Mark> sounds good actually
08:20:36  <^Spike^> what did you guys break this time
08:20:38  <^Spike^> else i blame Taede
08:20:42  <^Spike^> easy as that :D
08:20:47  <V453000> shit desyncs
08:20:48  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
08:20:54  <^Spike^> blame Taede  :)
08:21:03  <V453000> !!!
08:21:08  <V453000> qwll
08:21:10  <V453000> well
08:21:22  <coopserver> <V453000> lets let it run for a couple more minutes
08:21:25  <coopserver> <V453000> see if this map borks
08:21:36  <coopserver> <V453000> I go make replacement meanwhile
08:22:36  <Mark> i think this map works
08:22:46  <coopserver> <V453000> it looks that way yes
08:22:49  <coopserver> <V453000> idk what borkd the last
08:22:49  <Mark> ive been 10 minutes
08:23:02  <Mark> the other one kept desyncing every 2-3 minutes
08:23:13  <V453000> k
08:23:16  <V453000> try again old one
08:23:18  <V453000> !rcon ls
08:23:19  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
08:23:20  <coopserver> 1) autosave/ (Directory)
08:23:21  <coopserver> 2) uploads/ (Directory)
08:23:22  <coopserver> 3) game.sav
08:23:23  <V453000> !rcon cd 2
08:23:23  <coopserver> 4) 20150506_prereboot.sav
08:23:24  <coopserver> V453000: You have 4 more messages. Type !less to view them
08:23:25  <V453000> !rcon load 1
08:23:26  <coopserver> Starting new game
08:23:27  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
08:23:28  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost)
08:23:29  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Public Server ( (Version r27288)
08:23:30  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:24:15  <Mark> !pw
08:24:15  <coopserver> Mark: script
08:24:29  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
08:24:46  <Mark> !pw
08:24:46  <coopserver> Mark: anding
08:24:54  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
08:24:59  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
08:25:00  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:25:01  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
08:25:25  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
08:25:26  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
08:25:27  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
08:26:18  <V453000> !getsave
08:26:18  <coopserver> Starting download...
08:26:22  <coopserver> Savegame successfully downloaded
08:26:40  <coopserver> <V453000> it wont break now will it
08:26:52  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
08:26:54  <coopserver> <Mark> probably not
08:28:03  <coopserver> <V453000> I wouldnt trust it tbh
08:30:59  <coopserver> <V453000> the game knwos it
08:31:27  <coopserver> <V453000> gg we turned this server into a noob no newgrf full of griefers server
08:31:28  <coopserver> <V453000> well done
08:31:32  <coopserver> <Mark> :D
08:32:42  <coopserver> <V453000> the fuck is that
08:32:49  <coopserver> <Mark> greek alphabet?
08:32:56  <coopserver> <V453000> dont know that
08:35:11  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
08:35:12  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
08:35:18  <coopserver> <Mark> hah
08:35:20  <coopserver> <Mark> just you
08:35:58  *** wicope has joined #openttdcoop
08:36:11  <V453000> k loading marz
08:36:13  <V453000> !rcon ls
08:36:14  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
08:36:15  <coopserver> 1) psg297start2.sav
08:36:16  <coopserver> 2) psg297start1.sav
08:36:17  <coopserver> 3) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%208th%20Oct%202413.sav
08:36:17  <V453000> !rcon load 1
08:36:19  <coopserver> 4) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%209th%20Feb%202413.sav
08:36:20  <coopserver> V453000: You have 83 more messages. Type !less to view them
08:36:21  <coopserver> Starting new game
08:36:22  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (connection lost)
08:36:23  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Public Server ( (Version r27288)
08:36:24  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
08:36:27  <V453000> !pw
08:36:27  <Mark> !pw
08:36:28  <coopserver> V453000: button
08:36:29  <coopserver> Mark: button
08:36:32  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
08:36:37  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined
08:36:38  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
08:36:40  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
08:36:45  <coopserver> <Mark> i like it
08:36:49  <coopserver> *** Mark has joined company #1
08:36:50  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients)
08:36:53  <V453000> nobody cares what you liek
08:37:02  <V453000> my game frozen? :D
08:37:12  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
08:37:26  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
08:37:27  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
08:37:28  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
08:37:38  <coopserver> <V453000> yoyo
08:37:42  <coopserver> <V453000> hmmm
08:37:51  <coopserver> <V453000> superstrong is super awesome but mars, slugs, maglev
08:37:54  <coopserver> <V453000> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
08:38:26  <coopserver> <V453000> nvm forgot about the awesome mars rails
08:38:32  <coopserver> <V453000> has to be rail
08:38:35  <coopserver> <V453000> no fuken maglev
08:39:15  <coopserver> <V453000> pfft
08:39:16  <coopserver> <V453000> 7?
08:39:21  <coopserver> <V453000> LOW
08:39:50  <coopserver> <V453000> the Meet The Monster works with CL1
08:39:54  <coopserver> <V453000> CL1.5 is better imo
08:40:06  <coopserver> <Mark> yes
08:40:43  <coopserver> <V453000> I sez TL12-15 is the way
08:40:59  <coopserver> <V453000> oh fuck sakes
08:41:00  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (Leaving)
08:41:06  <Mark> !rcon set max_train_length 20
08:41:15  <V453000> does that work in multi?
08:41:15  <V453000> :d
08:41:19  <coopserver> <Mark> yes
08:41:21  <V453000> !rcon set max_train_length
08:41:22  <V453000> k
08:41:22  <coopserver> Current value for 'max_train_length' is: '20' (min: 1, max: 64)
08:41:30  <V453000> !pw
08:41:30  <coopserver> V453000: safely
08:41:34  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
08:41:36  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
08:41:37  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
08:42:01  <coopserver> <Mark> i say 7 or 9
08:42:05  <coopserver> <Mark> this is too long
08:42:12  <coopserver> <V453000> POWAR
08:42:13  <coopserver> <V453000> ok 9
08:43:00  <coopserver> <Mark> accel is crazy
08:43:04  <coopserver> <V453000> ofc
08:43:05  <coopserver> <V453000> POWA
08:44:16  <coopserver> <V453000> make ay plan :P
08:45:12  <coopserver> <Mark> are we doing an actual planning stage?
08:45:32  <V453000> +-
08:45:41  <coopserver> <V453000> nodemocracy voting? :D
08:45:58  <coopserver> <Mark> suppose we can do a planning stage for a change
08:47:43  <coopserver> <Mark> WHERES THE MONEY
08:49:17  <coopserver> <Mark> nvm ill make a MM
08:51:28  <Mark> !rcon set station_spread 64
08:56:54  <coopserver> <V453000> y u no aircraft
08:57:04  <coopserver> <Mark> cause i only had 20k left
08:57:05  <coopserver> <V453000> dem cat busses
08:57:11  <coopserver> <V453000> lol
08:57:31  <coopserver> <Mark> and this is more fun
09:00:53  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
09:00:54  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
09:00:58  <coopserver> <Mark> oh no
09:01:03  <V453000> ok great
09:03:23  <V453000> !pw
09:03:23  <coopserver> V453000: stands
09:03:41  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
09:03:42  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
09:03:43  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
09:05:13  <coopserver> <Mark> im off
09:06:25  <coopserver> *** Mark has left the game (Leaving)
09:06:26  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
09:53:52  <V453000> Mark 2500 TL9 trains is just retarded goal :D
09:54:32  <coopserver> <V453000> but yeah why not
10:08:06  <coopserver> <V453000> hm, for good throughput, in toyland, refit sounds like the top idea
10:09:00  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined company #1
10:09:01  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
10:10:21  *** Klanticus has joined #openttdcoop
10:14:22  *** Mark has quit IRC
10:19:35  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
10:19:36  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
10:19:37  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
10:43:27  *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop
10:43:27  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite
11:33:29  <V453000> !pw
11:33:29  <coopserver> V453000: latent
11:34:50  <V453000> !pw
11:34:50  <V453000> ok
11:34:50  <coopserver> V453000: latent
11:34:57  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
11:35:00  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
11:35:01  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
11:35:02  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
11:51:09  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
11:51:10  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
11:51:11  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:13:00  <V453000> !pw
12:13:00  <coopserver> V453000: stored
12:13:31  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
12:13:32  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
12:13:33  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:13:34  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:13:53  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined spectators
12:13:54  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
12:51:35  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (general timeout)
14:38:09  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop
14:38:09  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
14:44:56  <V453000> !pw
14:44:57  <coopserver> V453000: mixing
14:45:12  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
14:45:14  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
14:45:15  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
14:45:16  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
14:46:04  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined spectators
14:46:05  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:56:07  *** LSky` has joined #openttdcoop
15:20:22  <Maraxus> !pw
15:20:22  <coopserver> Maraxus: planed
15:20:32  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:20:35  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined
15:20:36  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:22:08  <coopserver> <V453000> hy
15:22:11  <coopserver> <Maraxus> hi
15:22:19  <coopserver> <V453000> how you doing? :)
15:22:40  <coopserver> <Maraxus> I'm fine, thanks :) and  you?
15:26:50  <coopserver> <V453000> yeah, good, but busy :)
15:26:57  <coopserver> <V453000> working on some new stuff too though
15:27:12  <coopserver> <V453000> I think I found some ways how to make openttd graphics work a bit differently
15:28:03  <Maraxus> differently in what way?
15:28:20  <coopserver> <V453000> in landscape and its randomness
15:28:42  <coopserver> <V453000> long story short, I am trying to do some serious hacks with trees
15:29:35  <Maraxus> so they will generate more 'forestish'?
15:29:48  <coopserver> <V453000> no, I cant influence how they generate
15:29:53  <coopserver> <V453000> but I can change what they look like
15:30:20  <coopserver> <V453000> ie, there will be less "trees", but more rocks, crags, bushes, and similar small things on the ground
15:30:32  <coopserver> <V453000> everybody just presses X to hide tall trees anyway
15:30:59  <coopserver> <V453000> but ye, is very wip :)
15:31:18  <Maraxus> will be interesting to see
15:31:27  <coopserver> <V453000> yez
15:35:42  <coopserver> <V453000> Mark wants to transport all primaries
15:35:54  <coopserver> <V453000> if anything, I would try refit with huge TL superstrong
15:35:54  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
15:38:01  <coopserver> <V453000> any ideas how to improve it? :D
15:45:22  *** Plonka has joined #openttdcoop
15:47:35  <Maraxus> hmm - well I did try a singleplayer game with somewhat compatible goals (TL10, transport everything), but that was a transfer non-refit game which doesn't apply here because I used boats to process secondaries
15:47:51  <coopserver> <V453000> :D
15:48:13  <Plonka> hi :P
15:48:30  <coopserver> <V453000> hy
15:48:36  <Maraxus> hi
15:48:47  <Plonka> !pw
15:48:47  <coopserver> Plonka: loader
15:48:58  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:49:07  <coopserver> *** plonka has joined
15:49:08  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:49:09  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
15:49:28  <Plonka> wow
15:49:38  <coopserver> <plonka> tl9 :o
15:51:46  <Maraxus> CL 1.5 afair?
15:53:04  <coopserver> <V453000> ye
15:55:17  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined company #1
15:55:29  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined spectators
15:55:44  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
15:55:45  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
15:55:46  <coopserver> 'plonka' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
15:55:47  <coopserver> *** plonka has left the game (desync error)
15:55:48  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
15:55:49  <coopserver> 'Maraxus' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
15:55:50  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game (desync error)
15:55:50  <V453000> yeah
15:56:10  <V453000> just after I joined spectators and game paused :D
15:56:13  <V453000> !
15:56:14  <V453000> pw
15:56:16  <V453000> !pw
15:56:16  <coopserver> V453000: looked
15:56:23  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:56:25  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
15:56:26  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients)
15:56:27  <coopserver> *** plonka has joined
15:56:28  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
15:56:35  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined spectators
15:56:39  <coopserver> *** plonka has joined spectators
15:56:40  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
15:57:42  <Maraxus> !pw
15:57:42  <coopserver> Maraxus: looked
15:57:53  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:57:55  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined
15:57:56  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:57:57  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
15:58:01  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined spectators
15:58:02  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:02:05  <coopserver> <plonka> afk for shower
16:02:11  <coopserver> <V453000> wtf hygiene
16:05:00  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game (general timeout)
16:05:15  *** Maraxus_ has joined #openttdcoop
16:08:27  *** Maraxus_ has quit IRC
16:10:59  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
16:24:01  <coopserver> <plonka> o/
16:26:02  *** lol has joined #openttdcoop
16:26:20  <lol> !password
16:26:21  <coopserver> lol: outbuf
16:26:42  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:26:45  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
16:26:46  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:27:07  <coopserver> <lol> i will be right back
16:27:08  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (Leaving)
16:27:58  <lol> !password
16:27:58  <coopserver> lol: outbuf
16:28:06  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:28:08  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
16:28:09  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:28:23  <coopserver> <lol> i had an toyland to temperateconversion running
16:28:29  <coopserver> <lol> so had to turn that off
16:28:39  <coopserver> <V453000> xd
16:28:47  <coopserver> <lol> very usefull newgrf
16:29:21  *** MBrownes has joined #openttdcoop
16:29:34  *** Jam35_ is now known as Jam35
16:29:37  <MBrownes> Oh it's a new game!?
16:29:43  <MBrownes> !password
16:29:43  <coopserver> MBrownes: preset
16:29:51  <Jam35> !pw
16:29:51  <coopserver> Jam35: preset
16:29:59  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:30:02  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined
16:30:03  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:30:13  <coopserver> <lol> goal is 2500 trains of tl9?
16:31:00  <coopserver> *** lol has joined company #1
16:31:00  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:31:41  <coopserver> *** lol has joined spectators
16:31:42  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:32:18  <coopserver> *** lol has joined company #1
16:32:19  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:32:32  <coopserver> *** lol has joined spectators
16:32:33  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:32:36  <MBrownes> I cant find the toyland to mars grf though, it says i dont have the right one
16:32:56  <Jam35> !grf
16:32:57  <coopserver> Jam35:
16:33:01  <Jam35> in the pack
16:33:35  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (Leaving)
16:33:43  <MBrownes> thx, i guess the version on george's site is another one
16:34:58  <MBrownes> !password
16:34:59  <coopserver> MBrownes: claeys
16:35:10  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:35:11  <coopserver> *** MBrownes has joined
16:35:12  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:35:13  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:35:20  <coopserver> <lol> good night
16:35:25  <coopserver> <V453000> heyo :)
16:35:40  <coopserver> <MBrownes> hi there
16:36:27  <coopserver> <lol> lovely way of making money
16:36:40  <Jam35> !pw
16:36:41  <coopserver> Jam35: tempid
16:36:50  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:36:51  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined
16:36:52  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:36:58  <coopserver> <lol> what is organic mainline?
16:37:09  <coopserver> <MBrownes> eh dafuq
16:37:41  <coopserver> <Jam35> grown as nature intended
16:37:55  <coopserver> <MBrownes> with the flow of da land
16:37:59  <coopserver> <lol> so just start building anywhere?
16:38:05  <coopserver> <MBrownes> how did the last game end?
16:38:07  <coopserver> <Jam35> no just no plan, make as you go
16:38:28  <coopserver> *** MBrownes has left the game (Leaving)
16:38:29  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:38:35  <coopserver> <Jam35> we are still planning stage atm
16:38:43  <coopserver> <lol> i understand
16:38:50  <MBrownes> !pw
16:38:50  <coopserver> <Jam35> 2 similar plans
16:38:51  <coopserver> MBrownes: wagons
16:38:57  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:38:58  <coopserver> *** MBrownes has joined
16:38:59  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:39:00  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:39:08  <MBrownes> damn, bigui aint working
16:39:20  <coopserver> <lol> bigui?
16:39:32  <coopserver> <V453000> openttd has an option to increase gui size
16:39:37  <coopserver> <V453000> the grf was a bad way to do it
16:39:40  <coopserver> <MBrownes> ...
16:39:44  <coopserver> <MBrownes> for real?
16:39:46  <coopserver> <MBrownes> fuck
16:39:48  <coopserver> <V453000> for real
16:39:49  <coopserver> <MBrownes> thanks hhahaha
16:40:51  <coopserver> <MBrownes> what's the name of the option?
16:41:07  <coopserver> <MBrownes> oooh
16:41:09  <coopserver> <MBrownes> never mind
16:41:53  <coopserver> <MBrownes> no wait this sucks
16:41:55  <coopserver> <V453000> I cant see it yet tbh
16:42:07  <coopserver> <MBrownes> cant select 1.5
16:42:12  <coopserver> <MBrownes> got 1080p screen
16:42:36  <coopserver> <V453000> I am on 1600p and have no problems with normal gui
16:42:46  <coopserver> <MBrownes> yea im just blind like that
16:43:09  <coopserver> <MBrownes> who's making plans?
16:43:10  <coopserver> <V453000> yeah double is holy shit huge already :D
16:43:16  <coopserver> <V453000> anybody who wants to make plans :)
16:43:24  <coopserver> <MBrownes> yea 1.5 is better
16:43:57  <coopserver> 'V453000' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
16:43:58  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (desync error)
16:43:59  <coopserver> 'plonka' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
16:44:00  <coopserver> *** plonka has left the game (desync error)
16:44:01  <coopserver> 'lol' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
16:44:02  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (desync error)
16:44:03  <coopserver> 'MBrownes' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
16:44:04  <coopserver> *** MBrownes has left the game (desync error)
16:44:05  <coopserver> 'Jam35' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
16:44:06  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (desync error)
16:44:07  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:44:16  <hylje> whelp
16:44:18  <V453000> Jam35: any idea how to turn logging on?
16:44:21  <MBrownes> crisis
16:44:54  <Jam35> !debug
16:45:01  <Jam35> or similar
16:45:11  <lol> !password
16:45:12  <coopserver> lol: anyone
16:45:18  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:45:19  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
16:45:20  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:45:21  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:45:24  <coopserver> *** lol has joined spectators
16:45:25  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:45:55  <Jam35> debug level
16:46:38  <V453000> !rcon set debug_level
16:46:39  <coopserver> 'debug_level' is an unknown setting.
16:46:44  <V453000> !debug_level
16:46:49  <V453000> !rcon debug_level
16:46:50  <Taede> save game, turn on debugloggin desync=6, reload saved game, then wait till a desync occurs
16:46:50  <coopserver> Current debug-level: 'driver=0, grf=0, map=0, misc=0, net=6, sprite=0, oldloader=0, npf=0, yapf=0, freetype=0, script=0, sl=0, gamelog=0, desync=0, console=0'
16:46:56  <Taede> !iirc
16:47:04  <V453000> !rcon debug_level 6
16:47:06  <V453000> !rcon debug_level
16:47:07  <coopserver> Current debug-level: 'driver=6, grf=6, map=6, misc=6, net=6, sprite=6, oldloader=6, npf=6, yapf=6, freetype=6, script=6, sl=6, gamelog=6, desync=6, console=6'
16:47:15  <V453000> kay
16:47:17  <Taede> !rcon debug-level desync=6
16:47:18  <coopserver> ERROR: command not found
16:47:21  <V453000> where do we see the log btw? :P
16:47:23  <Taede> !rcon set debug-level desync=6
16:47:24  <coopserver> 'debug-level' is an unknown setting.
16:47:36  <V453000> !pw
16:47:37  <coopserver> V453000: fixing
16:47:43  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:47:44  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
16:47:45  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:47:46  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:47:46  <Taede> !rcon debug_level desync=6
16:47:55  <coopserver> <lol> so we have to make more plans?
16:47:57  <Taede> !save
16:47:58  *** wicope has quit IRC
16:47:58  <coopserver> Saving map...
16:47:59  <coopserver> Map successfully saved to game.sav
16:48:06  <Taede> !save desyncstart
16:48:18  <Taede> !rcon ls
16:48:19  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
16:48:20  <coopserver> 1) psg297start2.sav
16:48:21  <coopserver> 2) psg297start1.sav
16:48:22  <coopserver> 3) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%208th%20Oct%202413.sav
16:48:23  <coopserver> 4) Allan%20%26%20Co.%2C%209th%20Feb%202413.sav
16:48:24  <coopserver> Taede: You have 83 more messages. Type !less to view them
16:48:24  <Taede> !rcon cd ..
16:48:30  <Taede> rcon ls
16:48:37  <Taede> !rcon ls
16:48:38  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
16:48:39  <coopserver> 1) autosave/ (Directory)
16:48:40  <coopserver> 2) uploads/ (Directory)
16:48:41  <coopserver> 3) game.sav
16:48:42  <coopserver> 4) 20150506_prereboot.sav
16:48:43  <coopserver> Taede: You have 4 more messages. Type !less to view them
16:48:51  <Taede> !save desync.sav
16:49:00  <Taede> !rcon save desyncstart
16:49:02  <coopserver> Saving map...
16:49:03  <coopserver> Map successfully saved to desyncstart.sav
16:49:09  <Taede> !rcno debug_level
16:49:14  <Taede> !rcon debug_level
16:49:15  <coopserver> Current debug-level: 'driver=6, grf=6, map=6, misc=6, net=6, sprite=6, oldloader=6, npf=6, yapf=6, freetype=6, script=6, sl=6, gamelog=6, desync=6, console=6'
16:49:26  <Taede> !rcon ls
16:49:27  <coopserver> 0) .. (Parent directory)
16:49:28  <coopserver> 1) autosave/ (Directory)
16:49:29  <coopserver> 2) uploads/ (Directory)
16:49:30  <coopserver> 3) desyncstart.sav
16:49:31  <coopserver> 4) game.sav
16:49:32  <coopserver> Taede: You have 5 more messages. Type !less to view them
16:49:35  <Taede> !rcon load 3
16:49:36  <coopserver> Starting new game
16:49:42  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (connection lost)
16:49:43  <coopserver> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
16:49:44  <coopserver> Now playing on #openttdcoop - Public Server ( (Version r27288)
16:49:53  <V453000> !pw
16:49:53  <coopserver> V453000: idxpop
16:49:54  <Taede> desync logging should now work
16:50:09  <V453000> what do we do when desync happens?
16:50:11  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:50:12  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:50:13  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined
16:50:14  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:50:19  <coopserver> *** V453000 has joined company #1
16:50:20  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:50:21  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (connection lost)
16:50:22  <Taede> pm should be autohiglighted already
16:50:25  <coopserver> <V453000> it wont be long till we see on
16:50:36  <V453000> pm doesnt seem to be around lately
16:50:42  <V453000> do we have the log published somewhere?
16:50:54  <Taede> not for desync
16:50:58  <V453000> hm
16:51:02  <Taede> desync logginng creates lots of savegames
16:51:06  <Taede> inthe autosave dir
16:51:06  <V453000> right
16:51:19  <coopserver> <V453000> it should happen soon I think
16:51:22  <coopserver> <V453000> so lets see :)
16:51:57  <lol> what grf contains teleporting?
16:52:03  <coopserver> <V453000> none
16:52:09  <coopserver> <V453000> hack through station spread
16:52:21  <coopserver> <V453000> I just forgot to cheat money so Mark did this :)
16:52:36  <lol> !password
16:52:36  <coopserver> lol: manner
16:52:42  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:52:44  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
16:52:45  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:52:48  <coopserver> <lol> i know
16:52:58  <coopserver> <lol> but i found it in the saves of the public server
16:53:07  <coopserver> <lol> game 23
16:53:30  <coopserver> <lol> and 24 is better to see
16:53:35  *** wicope has joined #openttdcoop
16:53:43  <coopserver> <V453000> I slightly remember
16:53:48  <coopserver> <V453000> but it was nothing functional :)
16:54:36  <coopserver> <lol> we still need any more plans?
16:55:10  <coopserver> <V453000> make one if you want :)
16:55:29  <coopserver> <lol> do a kind of cb? ;)
16:56:08  <coopserver> <V453000> cb as in city building?
16:56:12  <coopserver> <lol> yes
16:56:26  <coopserver> *** lol has joined company #1
16:56:29  <coopserver> *** lol has joined spectators
16:56:40  <coopserver> <V453000> I dont think people were very interested in city game as the last game showed :d
16:56:46  <coopserver> <V453000> but you can suggest it, sure
16:56:59  <coopserver> <lol> i will follow at irc from now
16:57:03  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (Leaving)
16:57:08  <coopserver> <V453000> or perhaps a plan with just one or two towns, ...
16:57:47  *** lol_ has joined #openttdcoop
16:58:18  <lol_> can you add gamescript?
16:58:29  <lol_> !name lol
16:58:41  <Jam35> !pw
16:58:42  <coopserver> Jam35: pylons
16:58:52  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:58:53  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined
16:58:54  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:59:47  <V453000> idk, probably not a good idea
17:00:07  <lol_> need think out of the box
17:01:03  <coopserver> <V453000> hm no desync yet :0 I will leave my client connected, back soon-ish
17:01:39  <coopserver> 'Jam35' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
17:01:40  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (desync error)
17:01:49  <Jam35> shh
17:02:21  <lol_> if we don't tell he won't see it
17:02:41  <lol_> !ip
17:02:41  <coopserver> lol_:
17:02:43  <lol_> !pw
17:02:43  <coopserver> lol_: rubber
17:03:12  <lol_> !pw
17:03:12  <coopserver> lol_: silent
17:03:25  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:03:40  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
17:03:41  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
17:04:43  *** lol has quit IRC
17:05:34  *** liq3 has quit IRC
17:11:18  <coopserver> <lol> i added some plans
17:12:03  <coopserver> 'lol' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
17:12:04  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (desync error)
17:12:23  <lol_> !pw
17:12:23  <coopserver> lol_: ndebug
17:12:32  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:12:41  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
17:12:42  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
17:14:59  <Plonka> !pw
17:14:59  <coopserver> Plonka: higher
17:15:05  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:15:07  <coopserver> *** plonka has joined
17:15:08  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
17:18:13  <coopserver> 'lol' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
17:18:14  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (desync error)
17:18:15  <coopserver> 'plonka' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
17:18:16  <coopserver> *** plonka has left the game (desync error)
17:19:52  <lol_> !pw
17:19:52  <coopserver> lol_: insert
17:20:01  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:20:09  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
17:20:10  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
17:20:33  <coopserver> <lol> i will take a look later today
17:20:35  <coopserver> <lol> see you
17:20:38  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (Leaving)
17:28:07  *** lol_ has quit IRC
17:51:23  <Plonka> !pw
17:51:23  <coopserver> Plonka: recopy
17:51:33  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:51:34  <coopserver> *** plonka has joined
17:51:35  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
17:53:49  <coopserver> 'plonka' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
17:53:50  <coopserver> *** plonka has left the game (desync error)
18:09:58  *** MBrownes has quit IRC
18:26:32  *** lol has joined #openttdcoop
18:26:43  <lol> !pw
18:26:43  <coopserver> lol: covers
18:26:53  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
18:27:04  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
18:27:05  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
18:27:21  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (general timeout)
18:34:48  *** lol has quit IRC
18:40:02  *** Klanticus_ has joined #openttdcoop
18:40:43  <V453000> hy
18:40:48  <V453000> how is it going?
18:40:53  <V453000> Taede: we got a report yet? :)
18:41:08  <Taede> i think i saw a few desyncs
18:41:17  <V453000> yeah
18:41:31  <Taede> yu have a new map to load?
18:42:20  <V453000> cant we use the old one?
18:42:30  <V453000> this is already 2nd attempt
18:42:34  <V453000> first desynced too
18:42:53  <V453000> I think the only solution here is to report bug and update asap if fixed
18:42:57  <Taede> sure, just lemme wrap this up just now
18:43:12  *** Klanticus has quit IRC
18:43:13  <V453000> sure thing :)
18:47:13  *** Klanticus has joined #openttdcoop
18:47:17  <Taede> !rcon debug_level desync=0
18:47:21  <Taede> !rcon debug_level
18:47:22  <coopserver> Current debug-level: 'driver=6, grf=6, map=6, misc=6, net=6, sprite=6, oldloader=6, npf=6, yapf=6, freetype=6, script=6, sl=6, gamelog=6, desync=0, console=6'
18:50:22  *** Klanticus_ has quit IRC
19:32:51  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop
19:32:51  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
19:34:51  <Maraxus> !pw
19:34:52  <coopserver> Maraxus: prefer
19:35:10  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
19:35:12  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined
19:35:13  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
19:36:41  <coopserver> 'Maraxus' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
19:36:42  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game (desync error)
19:50:37  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
19:54:00  *** lol has joined #openttdcoop
19:54:00  <lol> hi
19:54:46  <lol> !pw
19:54:46  <coopserver> lol: tricks
19:54:56  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
19:55:04  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
19:55:05  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
19:55:15  <coopserver> <lol> hi
19:58:08  <coopserver> 'lol' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
19:58:09  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (desync error)
20:06:18  *** wicope has quit IRC
20:10:58  *** lol has quit IRC
20:12:05  <Plonka> !pw
20:12:05  <coopserver> Plonka: custom
20:12:20  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
20:12:21  <coopserver> *** plonka has joined
20:12:22  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
20:12:28  <coopserver> *** plonka has joined spectators
20:13:40  <coopserver> 'plonka' reported an error and is closing its connection (desync error)
20:13:41  <coopserver> *** plonka has left the game (desync error)
20:14:07  <Plonka> piss off desync
20:27:41  *** Progman has quit IRC
20:44:04  *** StarLite has quit IRC
21:07:32  *** Klanticus has quit IRC
21:37:58  *** Jam35 is now known as Jam35_
21:39:53  *** LSky` has quit IRC
22:01:16  *** maxtimbo has joined #openttdcoop
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23:41:27  *** Plonka has quit IRC

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