Log for #openttdcoop on 14th November 2015:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:09:04  <happpy> wb chaotics
02:19:00  *** Max| has quit IRC
02:27:03  *** liq3 has quit IRC
03:51:22  <Sylf> !pw
03:51:22  <coopserver> Sylf: struct
03:51:34  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
03:51:38  <coopserver> *** Sylf has joined
03:51:39  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
04:15:42  *** cha0tics_ has quit IRC
05:17:28  <coopserver> *** Sylf has left the game (Leaving)
06:18:34  *** Trangar has joined #openttdcoop
08:12:19  *** Progman has joined #openttdcoop
08:54:08  *** Maraxus has joined #openttdcoop
08:54:08  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Maraxus
08:54:48  <Maraxus> !pw
08:54:48  <coopserver> Maraxus: bugfix
08:54:58  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
08:55:04  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has joined
08:55:05  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
08:59:11  <coopserver> *** Maraxus has left the game (Leaving)
08:59:13  *** Maraxus has quit IRC
09:49:39  *** Hiddenfunstuff has joined #openttdcoop
09:58:11  *** cha0tics_ has joined #openttdcoop
10:02:07  <happpy> hi chaotics
10:18:18  *** happpy_ has joined #openttdcoop
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10:23:34  *** happpy_ is now known as happpy
10:57:29  *** cha0tics_ has quit IRC
11:11:25  *** liq3 has joined #openttdcoop
11:21:41  *** StarLite has joined #openttdcoop
11:21:41  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o StarLite
11:40:33  <happpy> !players
11:40:33  <coopserver> happpy: There are currently 1 players and 0 spectators, making a total of 1 clients connected
11:40:36  <happpy> hi
11:42:43  *** happpy is now known as happpymoblic
11:43:10  *** happpy has joined #openttdcoop
13:07:36  *** Raeon has joined #openttdcoop
13:07:43  *** Raeon has quit IRC
13:07:49  *** raeon has joined #openttdcoop
13:08:00  <raeon> @quickstart
13:08:01  <Webster> Quickstart - #openttdcoop wiki -
13:08:06  <raeon> !help
13:08:07  <coopserver> raeon:
13:08:30  <raeon> !playercount
13:08:30  <coopserver> raeon: There are currently 1 players and 0 spectators, making a total of 1 clients connected
13:08:40  <raeon> !companies
13:08:40  <coopserver> raeon: Company '1' (Orange): PSG #306, Founded in 2250, Vehicles owned: 1110 Trains, 294 Roadvehicles, 100 Ships and 0 Aeroplanes
13:53:22  <happpy> hi  raeon
13:53:51  <happpy> need  help  raeon
13:57:18  <raeon> Hi
13:57:21  <raeon> Not particularly
13:57:45  <raeon> Got into OpenTTD some days ago and was looking into advanced railway contraptions
13:57:54  <happpy> nice
13:58:03  <raeon> This seems to be the place to be :p
13:58:07  <happpy> yep
13:58:23  <raeon> Was on TS3 for a little while yesterday but it was offtopic :<
13:58:31  <happpy> u  need  (r27428  ov  openttd
13:58:47  <happpy> to  play on this   server
13:58:57  <raeon> aha
13:59:21  <happpy>
13:59:46  <raeon> I'm trying my hardest not to be /too/ overwhelmed with all the complicated junctions
13:59:54  <raeon> and yeah I found the link, but thanks :p
14:00:20  <happpy> np
14:00:55  <raeon> arent there like 3 servers?
14:00:58  <happpy> u  mite  need  the  openttdcoop grf pack
14:00:59  <Webster> Read the Quickstart - #openttdcoop wiki - (again, try !grf)
14:01:19  <happpy> yer  but the  3  won is  not  on
14:01:24  <happpy> !grf
14:01:24  <coopserver> happpy:
14:01:48  <raeon> oh, most GRFs arent in the repos?
14:02:30  <happpy> ther  openttdcoop welome  server  and  ther  this  won
14:02:35  <happpy> yer  trur
14:02:39  <happpy> true
14:03:26  <happpy> be foru  dowload  the  grf pck  u need  to  make a new folder  in the  opentdd  and name  it newgrf
14:03:27  <Webster> Read the Quickstart - #openttdcoop wiki - (again, try !grf)
14:03:48  <raeon> already had some grfs
14:03:49  <raeon> so its there
14:03:55  <happpy> k
14:05:07  <happpy> the  openttdcoop welome server is  on  openttd  1.5.3-RC1
14:06:44  <raeon> hmm
14:07:21  <raeon> newgrf folder now looks like
14:07:38  <raeon> despite reloading in the game I only get one green circle in the grf list
14:07:50  <happpy> u  can  get  it  on the  web sit   i send u as wi;
14:08:18  <happpy> yer  most  grf u can not  get
14:08:59  <raeon> no but I mean
14:09:09  <raeon> I installed all GRFs in the download link
14:09:15  <raeon> into my newgrf folder
14:09:24  <raeon> but the game still says
14:09:31  <happpy> heem
14:09:33  <raeon> oh wait
14:09:36  <raeon> nevermind D±
14:09:41  <raeon> just an idiot
14:10:21  <happpy> the   pgs  wons  ar  on  a  webit
14:10:25  <raeon> I dont seem to have the PGS station grfs
14:10:28  <raeon> what?
14:10:48  <happpy> wich  server artrying to  join
14:11:10  <raeon> good point, I should probably join the public one D:
14:11:18  <happpy> yer
14:11:41  <happpy> most  server got  grf that u cannot get
14:12:39  <happpy> like the  openttdcoop welome  server  u  need  the mars grf to  join it
14:12:40  <Webster> Read the Quickstart - #openttdcoop wiki - (again, try !grf)
14:13:48  <raeon> I joined the Welcome server now.
14:13:51  <raeon> as spectator.
14:14:21  <happpy>   u  can try  this web  sit  to  find the grf
14:14:22  <Webster> Title: GRFCrawler (at
14:14:31  <raeon> I'm good
14:15:29  <happpy> yep
14:20:04  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has joined spectators
14:20:05  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
14:23:07  <happpy> whonts  up  cha0tics
14:23:21  <raeon> o/
15:02:50  <raeon> !pw
15:02:50  <coopserver> raeon: states
15:02:56  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:02:59  <coopserver> *** Raeon has joined
15:03:00  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:03:08  <happpy> ther  u go
15:03:46  <happpy> now  u shord  find the  plan  of the  game  it mite be sing plan  or sume thin
15:04:09  <coopserver> *** Raeon has left the game (Leaving)
15:10:25  *** raeon- has joined #openttdcoop
15:11:22  *** happpymoblic has quit IRC
15:12:11  *** raeon_ has joined #openttdcoop
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15:19:18  *** raeon has quit IRC
15:21:38  *** raeon- is now known as raeon
15:39:56  *** happpymoblic has joined #openttdcoop
15:52:42  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has left the game (Leaving)
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15:53:13  *** cha0tics has joined #openttdcoop
15:53:50  <cha0tics> !pw
15:53:50  <coopserver> cha0tics: deeper
15:53:54  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
15:53:58  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has joined
15:53:59  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
15:54:00  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:13:52  <raeon> !pw
16:13:52  <coopserver> raeon: define
16:13:58  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
16:14:00  <coopserver> *** Raeon has joined
16:14:01  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
16:15:07  <coopserver> <Raeon> o/
16:18:30  <happpymoblic> hi
16:18:39  <coopserver> <Raeon> sup
16:20:36  <coopserver> *** Raeon has left the game (Leaving)
16:44:48  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has left the game (general timeout)
16:44:49  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
16:55:54  <cha0tics> !pw
16:55:54  <coopserver> cha0tics: unhide
16:55:58  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:56:00  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has joined
16:56:01  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
16:56:02  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
17:17:42  *** Max| has joined #openttdcoop
17:22:34  <raeon> !pw
17:22:34  <coopserver> raeon: reread
17:22:37  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:22:40  <coopserver> *** Raeon has joined
17:22:41  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
17:24:54  <coopserver> *** Raeon has left the game (Leaving)
17:57:00  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has left the game (general timeout)
17:57:01  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
17:57:40  <cha0tics> !pw
17:57:40  <coopserver> cha0tics: indtid
17:57:45  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
17:57:51  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has joined
17:57:53  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
17:57:54  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
17:58:19  <coopserver> *** Game paused (connecting clients)
17:58:24  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has joined
17:58:25  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (connecting clients)
18:00:24  <happpymoblic> hi jam hi all how thing's going
18:00:39  <coopserver> <cha0tics> hi happy
18:01:08  <happpymoblic> hi
18:17:10  <raeon> hey cha0tics
18:41:00  <coopserver> *** cha0tics has left the game (general timeout)
18:41:01  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
18:58:08  *** cha0tics has quit IRC
19:07:22  *** cha0tics has joined #openttdcoop
19:37:56  *** lol has joined #openttdcoop
19:37:58  <lol> !pw
19:37:58  <coopserver> lol: errors
19:38:06  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
19:38:10  <coopserver> *** lol has joined
19:38:11  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (number of players)
19:38:16  <happpymoblic> hi lol
19:38:20  <coopserver> <lol> hi
19:38:23  <coopserver> *** lol has joined company #1
19:38:24  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
19:38:25  <happpymoblic> how ar u
19:38:32  <coopserver> <lol> fine
19:39:46  <happpymoblic> I am  just redoing my fizzy factory going to move it so I can do  a pick up  I all most dun the toy won
20:08:21  <coopserver> <lol> is dwarf online?
20:08:37  <coopserver> <lol> his splitter is in my way but i don't feel like moving it
20:08:43  <coopserver> <lol> i'm afraid to break it
20:16:33  <coopserver> <lol> chaotics are you online?
20:24:58  <happpy> chaotics  is  on the  welome  server    lol
20:25:11  <coopserver> <lol> i will take a look there
20:25:20  <coopserver> *** lol has joined spectators
20:25:22  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
20:32:19  <coopserver> *** lol has joined company #1
20:32:20  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
20:45:29  <lol>
20:45:30  <Webster> Title: Novapolis OpenTTD Servers | (at
20:45:34  <lol> it is for chaotics
20:45:42  <lol> btw it is all build in 3 hours
20:52:11  * lol slaps cha0tics around a bit with a large fishbot
20:57:54  *** cha0tics has quit IRC
21:26:11  <coopserver> *** lol has left the game (Leaving)
21:26:12  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
21:27:43  *** lol has quit IRC
21:31:02  *** efess has quit IRC
21:44:21  <coopserver> *** Jam35 has left the game (Leaving)
21:49:03  *** StarLite has quit IRC
21:57:45  *** Trangar has quit IRC
22:18:29  *** dr_gonzo has joined #openttdcoop
22:19:03  *** dr_gonzo is now known as Guest8866
23:24:59  *** efess has joined #openttdcoop
23:31:42  *** Progman has quit IRC
23:37:33  *** happpy has left #openttdcoop
23:47:23  *** happpymoblic is now known as happpy

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