Log for #openttdcoop on 9th October 2016:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:03:11  <BiG_R_MEECH> nutnG
00:03:37  <Lejving> are you NUTS
00:16:39  <BiG_R_MEECH> yup
00:45:06  *** BiG_FISHBOT has quit IRC
00:46:02  <Lejving> BiG_R_MEECH, good job, you scared him away
00:53:13  *** Progman has quit IRC
02:42:48  <coopserver> *** Lejving has joined spectators
02:42:50  <coopserver> *** Game paused (number of players)
03:06:20  <BiG_R_MEECH> lol
03:06:25  <BiG_R_MEECH> too many BiG people :D
03:06:57  *** Lejving is now known as BIG_Lejving
03:06:58  <BIG_Lejving> sup
03:08:22  *** BIG_Lejving is now known as Lejving
03:08:28  <Lejving> I felt fat
03:08:28  <BiG_R_MEECH> haha
03:08:29  <BiG_R_MEECH> Nice
03:08:30  <Lejving> :(
03:08:31  <BiG_R_MEECH> aww
03:08:51  <Lejving> check your privilage
03:10:36  <Lejving> sorry for raping you
03:10:50  <Clockworker> le fat acceptance meme
03:11:35  <Lejving> le big mac
03:11:41  <Clockworker>
03:12:09  <Lejving> oh you shit lord
03:12:13  <Lejving> I happen to be genderfluid
03:12:29  <Clockworker> so... you don't exist?
03:12:52  *** Sadale has joined #openttdcoop
03:12:53  <Lejving> I wish I didn't :'(
03:12:59  <Clockworker> wew
03:13:06  <Clockworker> don't say that we like you here
03:13:09  <Clockworker> :3
03:13:17  <Sadale> :3
03:13:26  <BiG_R_MEECH> :3
03:13:56  <Lejving> I have a confession
03:14:57  <Lejving> for the longest time I thought "sucker punch" was actually "soccer punch" and never understood why it was called that because you don't punch people in soccer
03:15:17  <Clockworker> lol
03:15:35  <Clockworker> some players I've seen would disagree
03:25:14  <Lejving> tide goes in and tide goes out
03:25:17  <Lejving> YOU can't explain that
04:03:38  <BiG_R_MEECH> lol
04:06:03  <BiG_R_MEECH> this channel is deep
04:10:51  <Lejving>
04:11:10  *** stooj_ has joined #openttdcoop
04:12:13  <BiG_R_MEECH> LOL
04:12:17  <BiG_R_MEECH> He's gettin mad props everywhere
04:15:11  *** stooj has quit IRC
04:18:38  * BiG_R_MEECH slaps Clockworker around a bit with a large fishbot
04:18:39  * BiG_R_MEECH slaps Lejving around a bit with a large fishbot
04:18:56  <Lejving>
04:18:59  <Lejving> is this you BiG_R_MEECH
04:29:21  <BiG_R_MEECH> ooooh!
04:29:22  <BiG_R_MEECH> Looking
04:29:51  <BiG_R_MEECH> PAC_MEECH = good shite
04:30:05  <Lejving> PACMAN
04:31:26  <BiG_R_MEECH> PACMAN = good shite
04:34:33  <BiG_R_MEECH> PAC PILLS
04:34:33  <BiG_R_MEECH> PAC GHOSTS
04:34:39  <BiG_R_MEECH> take drugs = chase ghosts
04:34:53  <Lejving> openpacman
04:35:16  <BiG_R_MEECH> actually like pacman a lot
04:35:18  <BiG_R_MEECH> arcade version
04:47:02  <Lejving>
04:47:04  <Lejving> this is me irl
04:50:27  <BiG_R_MEECH> Pac JR?
04:51:29  <Lejving> hey BiG_R_MEECH where in freedom land are you?
04:51:47  <BiG_R_MEECH> Michigan, near Cananada Eh?
04:51:58  <BiG_R_MEECH> BiG_MITTEN
04:53:14  <Lejving> put your hands up for detroit
04:53:25  <BiG_R_MEECH> lol
04:53:32  <BiG_R_MEECH> more like don't go near it or get shot
04:53:56  <Lejving> ... a lolvely city
04:54:48  <BiG_R_MEECH> I have the perfect picture that sums up detroit
04:54:56  <BiG_R_MEECH>
04:55:38  <Lejving> :)
04:55:53  <Lejving> do you go to toronto and hit people with a hockey stick?
04:55:57  <BiG_R_MEECH> place is a complete hellhole
04:56:02  <Lejving> on a daily basis
04:56:04  <BiG_R_MEECH> ha, I have been to toronto
04:56:10  <BiG_R_MEECH> 8)
04:56:13  <BiG_R_MEECH> Incognito
04:56:46  <Lejving> there's a swedish joke about ottawa
04:57:30  <Lejving> if you say ottawa with gothenburg accent, it sounds like "8, huh?" so the joke goes "how many capitols does canada have?" "8 huh?!" and it sounds like you say "ottawa"
04:58:34  <BiG_R_MEECH> I'd have to hear it :D
04:58:50  <BiG_R_MEECH> you pay attention to hockeY/
04:58:51  <BiG_R_MEECH> ?
04:59:03  <Lejving> I prefer it to being soccer pucnhed
04:59:21  <BiG_R_MEECH> lots of swedes on Detroit Red wings
04:59:28  <Lejving> ye
04:59:33  <Lejving> ottawa supporter though =)
04:59:44  <BiG_R_MEECH> there;s another dude who hangs out here who loves hockey
04:59:50  <BiG_R_MEECH> !logs
04:59:54  <BiG_R_MEECH> `logs
04:59:58  <BiG_R_MEECH> wtf
05:00:00  <BiG_R_MEECH> !log
05:00:00  <coopserver> BiG_R_MEECH: Error: You don't have the owner capability. If you think that you should have this capability, be sure that you are identified before trying again. The 'whoami' command can tell you if you're identified.
05:00:04  <BiG_R_MEECH> `log
05:00:10  <BiG_R_MEECH> !webster
05:01:37  <Lejving> but I don't watch often, but I watched when hammond did the impossible in 2015
05:01:44  <Lejving> that was freakin epic
05:02:07  <Lejving> hamburglar!
05:02:32  <BiG_R_MEECH> fuck man I cna't remember that guy's nick
05:02:39  <BiG_R_MEECH> i cant search for it iether in the logs :(
05:02:50  <BiG_R_MEECH> but they are from sweden too
05:04:21  <Lejving> coolio
05:05:10  <BiG_R_MEECH> hah
05:05:14  <BiG_R_MEECH>
05:05:22  <BiG_R_MEECH> go check out 'big numbers '
05:05:28  <BiG_R_MEECH> seems I'm violent :D
05:05:50  <Lejving> haha
05:06:15  <Lejving> my uncle played hockey in the highest league in sweden for a year
05:06:27  <Lejving> then like 15 years in second highest
05:06:42  <BiG_R_MEECH> cool
05:07:28  <Lejving> yeah my cousin has a contract I think to join the junior team or how it works for one of the team in highest league
05:07:34  <BiG_R_MEECH> do they have trading cards over there? like a card that would have hus number and picture and stats?
05:07:56  <Lejving> we're all hoping he's gonna play in nhl one day
05:08:04  <BiG_R_MEECH> yeah that would be wicked
05:08:23  <Lejving> yeah we have trading cards
05:08:36  <BiG_R_MEECH> do you have his trading card? :)
05:09:04  <Lejving> no :(
05:09:14  <BiG_R_MEECH> you'll have to! :D
05:09:21  <BiG_R_MEECH> but after I go to bed though ;)
05:09:26  <BiG_R_MEECH> which would be nao :)
05:09:37  <Lejving> gn
05:09:42  <BiG_R_MEECH> heh, 1am :D
05:09:44  <BiG_R_MEECH> Tired AF
05:09:45  <BiG_R_MEECH> Nite :)
05:23:43  *** Guest1475 has quit IRC
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09:11:15  <coopserver> *** Lejving has left the game (general timeout)
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16:21:42  <Lejving> hello people
16:22:07  <Lejving> !pw
16:22:07  <coopserver> Lejving: escape
16:22:13  <coopserver> *** Game still paused (connecting clients, number of players)
16:22:15  <coopserver> *** Lejving has joined
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16:22:17  <coopserver> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
16:23:26  <happpy> hi
17:11:25  <happpy> how things
17:11:33  <coopserver> <Lejving> cold as fuck
17:11:38  <coopserver> <Lejving> who turned of my heater
17:11:57  <coopserver> <Lejving> you?
17:12:07  <happpy> its cold in uk so
17:20:38  *** BiG_FISHBOT has joined #openttdcoop
17:46:34  <coopserver> *** Lejving has joined spectators
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18:31:10  <coopserver> *** Lejving has joined company #1
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18:50:41  <happpy> wb
18:52:25  *** p3tiny has joined #openttdcoop
19:02:53  <Lejving> neeeeed moaaar traaainssss
19:03:11  <hylje> all the trains
19:37:32  *** ODM has quit IRC
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20:33:07  <coopserver> *** Lejving has joined spectators
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22:53:25  <coopserver> *** Lejving has left the game (general timeout)
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23:01:01  *** Lejving has quit IRC
23:44:53  *** Lejving_ is now known as Lejving
23:44:57  <Lejving> people people
23:45:04  <Lejving> it's too little partying going on here
23:59:16  <Clockworker> when I attended my last coop event
23:59:27  <Clockworker> mr. lejving said when are you gonna have me a gay party up in here?
23:59:31  <Clockworker> and I was totally blown away
23:59:46  <Clockworker> and I was like sure why not

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