Log for on 17th June 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:38:24  *** KenjiE20|LT has joined
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08:08:21  *** Ammler changes topic to "#openttdcoop patch test channel - Cargo Destination | X | STAGE: idle |  Binaries: !download"
08:10:12  *** Tycoon has joined
08:10:13  <Tycoon> Autopilot engaged
08:10:13  <Tycoon> Starting new game: '#openttdcoop: Cargo Destinations'
08:10:13  <Tycoon> Landscape: tropic
08:10:13  <Tycoon> Dimensions: 512x512
08:10:13  <Tycoon> Starting year: 1950
08:10:13  <Tycoon> Server is running version: g714743fa-cargodist
08:10:51  <Ammler> !dl
08:10:51  <Tycoon> Ammler: !dl lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
08:10:54  <Ammler> !dl lin
08:10:54  <Tycoon> Ammler:
08:13:57  <Ammler> !dl lin
08:13:57  <Tycoon> Ammler:
08:16:55  <Ammler> !reload config
08:16:55  <Tycoon> Ammler: config reloaded
08:16:57  <Ammler> !git
08:16:57  <Tycoon> Ammler: git clone cargodist && cd cargodist && ./configure && make
08:21:37  *** [com]buster has quit IRC
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08:30:17  <Tycoon> *** Game unpaused (enough players)
08:30:18  <Tycoon> *** AmmIer joined the game
08:31:40  <Tycoon> *** AmmIer has left the game (leaving)
08:31:40  <Tycoon> *** AmmIer has left the game (connection lost)
08:31:40  <Tycoon> *** Game paused (not enough players)
08:31:56  <Ammler> @stage testing
08:31:56  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop patch test channel - Cargo Destination | X | STAGE: testing |  Binaries: !download"
08:46:48  *** Mark has quit IRC
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09:04:51  *** fonsinchen has joined
09:04:56  <fonsinchen> Hi
09:07:57  <Tycoon> *** Player joined the game
09:09:38  <Tycoon> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
09:09:38  <Tycoon> *** Player has left the game (connection lost)
09:09:59  <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen joined the game
09:16:59  <Ammler> sali fonsinchen :-)
09:19:35  <fonsinchen> It's so nice you've set up the game ... I hope there'll be some action soon. I don't want to play myself though, as I know the internals of cargodist and thus would probably play differently than you. So I'm watching.
09:22:51  * Ammler doesn't have real free time to play either :-)
09:23:17  <Ammler> but I will steal some, as I am wondering how it works :-)
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09:24:28  <Ammler> fonsinchen: could you register here
09:24:45  <Ammler> so I am able to op you for rcon and topic changes
09:24:53  <fonsinchen> at oftc?
09:24:56  <Ammler> yes.
09:25:11  <Ammler> just /ns register <pw> <email>
09:26:34  <fonsinchen> it doesn't know /ns
09:26:43  <Ammler> then /msg nickserv
09:29:05  <fonsinchen> OK, done
09:30:07  <Ammler> @voic fonsinchen
09:30:10  <Ammler> @voice fonsinchen
09:30:10  *** Webster sets mode: +v fonsinchen
09:30:35  *** Mark has quit IRC
09:30:36  <Ammler> now try !rcon pwd
09:30:44  <fonsinchen> !rcon pwd
09:30:44  <Tycoon> fonsinchen: /home/ottdc/svn-play-is/autopilot/save/
09:31:00  <fonsinchen> what does that tell me?
09:31:12  *** Progman has joined
09:31:14  <Ammler> nothing, just wasn't sure, if voice is enough
09:58:19  *** Mark has joined
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10:25:59  <Ammler> @topic add
10:25:59  *** Webster changes topic to "#openttdcoop patch test channel - Cargo Destination | X | STAGE: testing |  Binaries: !download |"
10:32:33  <Ammler> fonsinchen: I had to change the path to the bundles, so it matches your revision name.
10:33:07  *** Progman has quit IRC
10:36:49  <fonsinchen> OK
10:37:52  <fonsinchen> Why does it have to match?
10:38:47  <Ammler> !dl
10:38:47  <Tycoon> Ammler: !dl lin|lin64|osx|win32|win64|win9x
10:38:52  <Ammler> !dl win32
10:38:52  <Tycoon> Ammler:
10:39:01  <Ammler> that's why ^:-)
10:40:04  <fonsinchen> well, if it works ...
11:10:02  *** KenjiE20 has joined
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12:10:58  <fonsinchen> unfortunately I have to leave :(
12:11:12  <fonsinchen> I'll be back tomorrow.
12:13:36  *** fonsinchen has left
12:14:18  <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen has left the game (connection lost)
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15:59:20  <Tycoon> Server closed down by admin
15:59:20  <Tycoon> Saving game...
15:59:22  <Tycoon> Game saved
15:59:24  <Tycoon> Server has exited
15:59:24  *** Tycoon has quit IRC
16:22:43  *** fonsinchen has joined
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16:27:49  <fonsinchen> What happened to the cargodist game?
16:28:55  <planetmaker> server issues :)
16:31:38  <Ammler> I had some old crap on the maschine
16:31:45  <Ammler> will be up again
16:32:19  *** Tycoon has joined
16:32:19  <Tycoon> Autopilot engaged
16:32:19  <Tycoon> Loading default savegame
16:32:21  *** Tycoon has quit IRC
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16:32:48  <Tycoon> Autopilot engaged
16:32:48  <Tycoon> Loading default savegame
16:32:48  <Tycoon> Server is running version: g714743fa-cargodist
16:33:41  <Tycoon> *** Player joined the game
16:33:43  <planetmaker> !info
16:33:43  <Tycoon> planetmaker: #:1(Orange) Company Name: 'join!'  Year Founded: 1950  Money: 99808  Loan: 100000  Value: 1  (T:0, R:0, P:0, S:0) unprotected
16:33:54  <KenjiE20> lol
16:33:54  <Tycoon> *** Player has left the game (leaving)
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16:34:05  <planetmaker> fonsinchen, that's the correct one? Or not?
16:34:11  <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen joined the game
16:34:43  <planetmaker> dbg: [misc] String too long for destination buffer <-- I get zillions of this debug message.
16:34:56  <fonsinchen> Yes, the game is back.
16:35:27  <planetmaker> ok, good that it's the correct one :)
16:35:41  <fonsinchen> Those dbg messages are no real problem. Some strings get truncated. I'll investigate that eventually
16:36:26  <Tycoon> *** AmmIer has left the game (connection lost)
16:36:30  <planetmaker> they're a problem in the sense that a patch with this output is not trunk-worthy ;)
16:36:53  <planetmaker> otherwise I agree, of course. Just wanted to let you know :)
16:36:58  <fonsinchen> yes, but the patch also isn't trunk worthy for quite a few other reasons yet.
16:37:02  <Ammler> too bad wifi for game
16:37:20  <fonsinchen> So, no one has played yet :(
16:37:41  <Ammler> no, irc is empty
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18:38:05  <Tycoon> *** fonsinchen has left the game (leaving)
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