Log for #openttdcoop.nightly on 1st April 2013:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:34:08  *** Zuu has quit IRC
05:55:59  *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
06:14:38  *** Dom_ has quit IRC
09:54:47  *** Zuu has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
09:54:47  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Zuu
14:18:56  *** Dom_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
16:09:56  *** frosch123 has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
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16:10:35  <frosch123> oh, hmm, would we use this server when playing 1.3.0?
16:16:07  <V453000> our stable server runs 1.3.0
16:18:43  <frosch123> but would we play a 7 year nocargoal game there? :p
16:22:58  <planetmaker> we could actually. For the fun. And to show people how it works :-)
16:23:08  <planetmaker> But I'm fine with either server
16:27:41  <frosch123> aw, why are tropic maps so damn flat :s
16:27:47  <frosch123> i already set it to mountainious
16:29:28  <frosch123> ah, this looks better
16:39:45  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
16:39:45  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o andythenorth
16:40:03  <andythenorth> frosch123: here, or some stable 1.3 server?
16:54:52  *** andythenorth has quit IRC
17:38:56  <planetmaker> frosch123, did you prepare a map?
17:39:09  <planetmaker> !content
17:39:13  <frosch123>
17:40:04  *** Nachtigall has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
17:40:04  <Nachtigall> Autopilot engaged
17:40:04  <Nachtigall> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} - Nightly Server'
17:40:04  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachtigall
17:40:04  *** Webster changes topic to " | r25046 | !content, !update, !install, !restart, !getsave, !rcon <openttd command>"
17:40:11  <planetmaker> !content
17:40:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Connection established
17:40:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Downloading 0 file(s) (0 bytes)
17:40:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Nothing to download
17:40:16  <planetmaker> !content
17:40:18  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content Update] Expect timeout triggered!
17:40:20  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Downloading 21 file(s) (299604957 bytes)
17:40:45  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2623
17:40:46  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2607
17:40:46  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2628
17:40:46  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2626
17:40:46  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2625
17:40:47  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2627
17:40:47  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2630
17:40:49  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2592
17:40:49  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2612
17:40:51  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2631
17:40:51  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2609
17:40:53  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2600
17:40:53  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2608
17:40:55  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2576
17:40:55  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2585
17:40:57  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2629
17:40:57  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2591
17:40:59  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2599
17:40:59  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2583
17:41:01  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2601
17:41:01  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] Completed download of 2590
17:41:03  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] All 21 downloaded
17:41:03  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: [Content] (you need to rescan(ai|game|newgrf) to have the new content loaded)
17:41:28  <planetmaker> hm
17:41:32  <planetmaker> !rescan
17:44:53  <planetmaker> I'll get us here a 1.3.0?
17:45:29  <frosch123> the map was created with 1.30
17:45:40  <frosch123> and contains all releases of today
17:45:45  <frosch123> so 1.3.0 would be nice :)
17:46:14  <planetmaker> all releases? OpenTTD, FIRS, something else?
17:46:18  <planetmaker> GS?
17:47:20  <frosch123> nuts
17:47:55  <planetmaker> oh, nice
17:48:02  <planetmaker> !restart
17:48:02  <Nachtigall> Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute!
17:48:09  <V453000> them ships :P
17:49:24  <frosch123> ships?
17:49:34  <planetmaker> the train-ships
17:49:40  <planetmaker> I suppose. The shippy railtype
17:49:51  <V453000> yes
17:49:53  <frosch123> oh, did not even look what would be new :p
17:50:05  <Nachtigall> Saving game...
17:50:16  <planetmaker> !revision
17:50:16  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Game version is r25046
17:50:19  <planetmaker> hm
17:50:29  <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players)
17:50:54  <planetmaker> !restart
17:50:54  <Nachtigall> Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute!
17:53:33  <planetmaker> !restart
17:53:33  <Nachtigall> Restart scheduled, will be initiated in next minute!
17:54:01  <planetmaker> hm
17:54:13  *** Nachtigall has quit IRC
17:54:18  *** Nachtigall has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
17:54:18  <Nachtigall> Autopilot engaged
17:54:18  <Nachtigall> Loading savegame: '{#openttdcoop} - Nightly Server'
17:54:19  *** Webster changes topic to " | 1.3.0 | !content, !update, !install, !restart, !getsave, !rcon <openttd command>"
17:54:19  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachtigall
17:54:22  *** Nachtigall has quit IRC
17:54:26  <planetmaker> there we go
17:54:43  <planetmaker> or we don't go :S
18:00:43  *** Nachtigall has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
18:00:43  <Nachtigall> Autopilot engaged
18:00:43  <Nachtigall> Starting new game: '{#openttdcoop} - Nightly Server'
18:00:43  <Nachtigall> Landscape: temperate
18:00:43  <Nachtigall> Dimensions: 256x256
18:00:43  <Nachtigall> Starting year: 1950
18:00:43  *** ChanServ sets mode: +v Nachtigall
18:00:43  *** Webster changes topic to " | 1.3.0 | !content, !update, !install, !restart, !getsave, !rcon <openttd command>"
18:00:59  <planetmaker> load ng20130401_2.sav
18:01:48  <planetmaker> !rcon pwd
18:01:48  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: /home/ottdc/svn-nightly/autopilot/save/
18:01:57  <frosch123> !getsave
18:01:58  <planetmaker> !rcon load ng20130401_2.sav
18:01:59  <Nachtigall> frosch123: OK :-)
18:01:59  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: ng20130401_2.sav: No such file or directory.
18:02:07  <frosch123> ncg, not ng :)
18:02:09  <planetmaker> I have it already :-)
18:02:12  <planetmaker> oh
18:02:16  <planetmaker> !rcon load ngc20130401_2.sav
18:02:16  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: ngc20130401_2.sav: No such file or directory.
18:02:19  <planetmaker> hm
18:02:22  <planetmaker> !rcon ls
18:02:22  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 0) .. (Parent directory)
18:02:22  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 1) autosave/ (Directory)
18:02:22  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 2) uploads/ (Directory)
18:02:22  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 3) game.sav
18:02:22  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 4) ncg20130401_2.sav
18:02:23  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: you have 7 more messages
18:02:27  <planetmaker> !rcon load 4
18:02:29  <frosch123> ncg, not ngc :p
18:02:29  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:02:47  <V453000> :D names :P
18:03:51  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:03:53  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 joined the game
18:04:29  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I get a feeling industry goal with low amount of industries is a tad hard :P
18:05:15  <frosch123> hmm, yeah, i always wonder who messes up my settings
18:06:02  <planetmaker> <3 bananas... easy joining :-)
18:06:26  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:06:28  <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker joined the game
18:06:56  <Nachtigall> <V453000> indeed :)
18:06:58  <frosch123> !getsave
18:06:58  <Nachtigall> frosch123: OK :-)
18:07:04  <planetmaker> !rcon ls
18:07:04  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 0) .. (Parent directory)
18:07:04  <frosch123> maybe that one is better
18:07:04  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 1) autosave/ (Directory)
18:07:04  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 2) uploads/ (Directory)
18:07:04  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 3) game.sav
18:07:04  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 4) ncg20130401_2.sav
18:07:05  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: you have 7 more messages
18:07:06  <planetmaker> !more
18:07:06  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 5) restart.sav
18:07:07  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 6) test.sav
18:07:07  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 7) canrail_test.sav
18:07:09  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 8) ending.sav
18:07:09  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 9) goal_continue.sav
18:07:11  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: you have 2 more messages
18:07:13  <planetmaker> !more
18:07:13  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 10) nocargoal2.sav
18:07:13  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 11) nocargoal.sav
18:07:17  <planetmaker> !rcon cd uploads
18:07:19  <planetmaker> !rcon ls
18:07:19  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 0) .. (Parent directory)
18:07:19  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 1) ncg20130401_3.sav
18:07:19  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 2) ncg20130401_2.sav
18:07:19  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 3) ncg20130224.sav
18:07:19  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 4) NGC03011972.sav
18:07:21  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: you have 16 more messages
18:07:25  <planetmaker> !rcon load 1
18:07:27  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:07:33  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:07:33  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 joined the game
18:07:35  <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker joined the game
18:07:43  <planetmaker> looks more productive :-)
18:07:55  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:07:58  <Nachtigall> *** fr0sch44 joined the game
18:08:14  <frosch123> the 44 in my nickname is still from testing editboxes last year :p
18:08:37  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has changed his/her name to V443000
18:08:39  <Nachtigall> <V443000> :d
18:10:13  <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker has joined company #1
18:10:41  <planetmaker> nice map and map size and newgrfs and GS :-)
18:11:09  <planetmaker> lol @ engine names, V453000
18:11:16  <planetmaker> <3 "educated horses"
18:11:22  <Nachtigall> <V443000> never noticed? :)
18:11:47  <planetmaker> well... :-) Not that mutch in detail tbh
18:11:48  <frosch123> did they not expire yet?
18:12:11  <Nachtigall> <V443000> :)
18:12:12  <frosch123> or does nuts fail at expireing engines?
18:12:15  <Nachtigall> <V443000> omfg expiring vehicles? :d
18:12:29  <Nachtigall> <V443000> no idea
18:12:42  <planetmaker> probably are... hm. I checked 'available engines'. All there.
18:12:46  <planetmaker> should have expired
18:13:11  <V453000> model_life:                   VEHICLE_NEVER_EXPIRES;
18:13:14  <V453000> that overrides it?
18:13:21  <planetmaker> likely yes
18:13:29  <V453000> got it on all trains :D
18:13:48  <frosch123> shall i make a bug report about that? :)
18:14:10  <frosch123> are the funding cost all right btw?
18:14:16  <V453000> please do, but expect the author to react with some "meh" answer :P
18:14:20  <frosch123> so that andy does not prospect 50 forests again
18:14:23  <planetmaker> he... railtype "WET"? :DDD
18:14:24  <frosch123> felt a bit silly :p
18:14:33  <Nachtigall> <V443000> yes it is a bit not-dry :)
18:15:59  <Nachtigall> <V443000> the actual ships are a bit expensive to purchase, but with some moneymaker we can try them out :)
18:16:29  <Nachtigall> *** V443000 has changed his/her name to V453000
18:22:18  *** andythenorth has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
18:22:19  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o andythenorth
18:25:08  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (processing map took too long)
18:25:08  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (connection lost)
18:25:09  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:25:40  <andythenorth> hmm
18:25:56  <andythenorth> maybe no bandwidth spare in UK right now :P
18:25:58  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (downloading map took too long)
18:25:58  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (connection lost)
18:25:59  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:25:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> try egen :)
18:26:50  <andythenorth> bah
18:26:56  <andythenorth> websites are not slow
18:26:59  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (downloading map took too long)
18:26:59  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (connection lost)
18:27:01  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:27:06  <andythenorth> just connection to nightly server
18:27:55  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (downloading map took too long)
18:27:55  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (connection lost)
18:27:57  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:28:23  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (processing map took too long)
18:28:23  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (connection lost)
18:28:23  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:28:53  <frosch123> !rcon set network.max_join_time 5000
18:29:01  <frosch123> !rcon set network.max_download_time 5000
18:29:05  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:29:06  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth joined the game
18:29:09  <andythenorth> that won't last :P
18:29:24  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hel0
18:29:26  <andythenorth> hi
18:29:46  <Nachtigall> <V453000> this one looks easy
18:30:00  <Nachtigall> <V453000> chemicals -> plastics plant -> goods, and some pink ore
18:31:34  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> planned a moneymaker?
18:32:00  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I guess passengers are fairly broken with firs? :p
18:32:06  <andythenorth> umm, not :P
18:32:06  <Nachtigall> <V453000> aka making hell-load of money
18:32:23  <andythenorth> check the payment chart
18:32:23  <frosch123> firs changes pax?
18:32:35  <Nachtigall> <V453000> no but it changes all other cargoes :D
18:32:37  <andythenorth> only relative to other cargos iirc
18:32:39  <Nachtigall> <V453000> (reduces)
18:32:49  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> still makes loads of money
18:32:59  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> pax start is standard
18:33:03  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> although we could vary it :P
18:33:05  <Nachtigall> <V453000> that honestly shouldnt be happening with an industry set :)
18:33:12  <Nachtigall> <V453000> nah start with pax
18:33:18  <Nachtigall> <V453000> continue with WETRails
18:33:48  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> pax should or shouldn't make loads of money V?
18:34:06  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I think it shouldnt make a lot of money to propagate using industries when you have industry set
18:35:19  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> so shall we do a game then? :)
18:36:06  <Nachtigall> <V453000> why not :)
18:36:43  *** Alberth has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
18:36:43  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Alberth
18:36:56  <Alberth> 1.3.0!
18:37:02  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> :)
18:37:12  <frosch123> Alberth: i also needed to make a new checkout :)
18:37:13  * Alberth needs to make that version first
18:37:52  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> Chemnitium - Hiovia
18:37:55  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> long
18:38:01  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> but will coin money
18:38:10  * planetmaker did svn up in the main svn repo before :D
18:38:14  <Nachtigall> * andythen0rth wants a 'center minimap' key command
18:39:08  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
18:39:22  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:39:22  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 joined the game
18:41:21  *** Dom__ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
18:43:24  <Alberth> hi Dom__
18:44:43  <V453000> lol
18:45:13  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> are we waiting for alberth?
18:45:36  <Alberth> downloading newgrfs
18:45:39  <planetmaker> :-)
18:45:47  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (manual, number of players)
18:45:49  <Nachtigall> *** alb3rth joined the game
18:45:53  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> What's our plan, actually?
18:45:55  <Nachtigall> <alb3rth> hi
18:46:05  <Nachtigall> <alb3rth> win, of course
18:46:09  <Nachtigall> <V453000> get chemicals, put them to plastic
18:46:15  <Nachtigall> <V453000> + do stuff with bauxite
18:46:29  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I seriously think that "goal" needs a main toolbar button
18:46:29  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> do bauxite
18:46:46  *** Dom_ has quit IRC
18:46:46  *** Dom__ is now known as Dom_
18:46:47  <Nachtigall> <V453000> only 7 oil wells
18:46:49  <Nachtigall> <V453000> do those first imo
18:46:51  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> from bauxite get metal
18:46:57  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> from metal make engineering supplies
18:46:58  <frosch123> planetmaker: it should replace the league icon :)
18:47:05  <Nachtigall> <V453000> oil -> petrol -> ES
18:47:09  <Nachtigall> <V453000> plus chemicals -> goods
18:47:11  <Nachtigall> <V453000> win win
18:47:14  <planetmaker> probably, frosch123
18:47:21  <frosch123> goal when gs, league when no gs
18:47:36  <planetmaker> goal could simply be the default opening thing for that
18:47:43  <planetmaker> then nothing need much change
18:48:11  <planetmaker> under the condition you just said. yes
18:48:34  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> goods, chemicals and bauxite... ok
18:48:46  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has joined company #1
18:49:07  <Nachtigall> <V453000> btw the industry clustering is looking seriously ill to me
18:49:09  <Nachtigall> <V453000> andy
18:49:26  <frosch123> V453000: i like the clusting very much
18:49:35  <frosch123> esp. because it only affects some industry types
18:49:46  <frosch123> makes industry types behave different
18:49:50  <Nachtigall> <V453000> you could have an industry producing 10 times more with the same effect :d
18:49:53  <Nachtigall> <V453000> well almost :p
18:49:57  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hm
18:50:06  <Alberth> port at Constantinopolis?
18:50:12  <frosch123> only when you cheat with station catchment area of 64 :p
18:50:43  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> boah. I never noticed the mouse-over blinking of industries in the minimap :-)
18:50:45  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> nice feature
18:50:58  <frosch123> lol
18:50:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> it confused the hell out of me the first time :D
18:51:09  <frosch123> was inspired by a nocargoal firs game btw :p
18:51:24  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> is this on industry 'high'? o_O
18:51:30  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> yes, I recall that... but didn't recall that that idea became reality :-)
18:51:50  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has joined company #1
18:52:10  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> start pax at Chemnitium
18:52:12  <Alberth> Scupium oil refinery?
18:52:23  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> go to Hiovia
18:52:39  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yez
18:52:43  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> actually I like the industry clustering, too :-)
18:52:57  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> it's more noticeable in basic economies
18:53:20  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> unpause?
18:53:30  <Nachtigall> <V453000> im ready
18:53:44  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> Scupium oil refinery?
18:53:55  <Nachtigall> <V453000> yeah
18:54:05  <Nachtigall> <V453000> and we do pax in the north
18:54:11  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> +1
18:54:13  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> "go"
18:54:22  <planetmaker> !rcon unpause
18:54:23  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:54:25  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> 6 years
18:54:36  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> is there still an obiwan in NCG?
18:54:40  <planetmaker> !rcon set max_active_clients
18:54:40  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: 'max_active_clients' is an unknown setting.
18:54:43  <Nachtigall> *** fr0sch44 has joined company #1
18:54:43  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> iirc it finishes a year early
18:54:50  <planetmaker> !rcon set min_active_clients
18:54:50  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Current value for 'min_active_clients' is: '255' (min: 0, max: 255)
18:54:55  <V453000> :D pm
18:55:00  <planetmaker> !rcon set min_active_clients 5
18:55:01  <Nachtigall> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
18:55:07  <planetmaker> GO!
18:56:49  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> TL5?
18:57:03  <Nachtigall> <V453000> idk whatever :)
18:57:09  <Nachtigall> <V453000> 5 is always nice
18:57:09  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> freestyle :)
18:57:51  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> there
18:57:54  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> I made us 8
18:57:58  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> with bauxite :P
18:58:05  <Nachtigall> <V453000> cuz its pink
18:58:39  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> which trains?
18:58:45  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> for oil, V?
18:58:51  <Nachtigall> <V453000> any
18:59:25  <Nachtigall> <V453000> train classes dont differ in cargo but in how exactly you use them, CL, speed, acceleration
18:59:55  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> terraforming is expensive here
19:00:01  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> glad I checked first :P
19:00:08  <Alberth> don't do it :)
19:00:22  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> station walk instead :P
19:00:22  <Nachtigall> <V453000> moneyz flowing
19:00:56  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ew
19:00:56  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> FISH
19:02:22  <Nachtigall> <fr0sch44> driving on right side?
19:03:28  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> breakdowns on?
19:03:55  <frosch123> !rcon set difficulty.vehicle_breakdowns 0
19:05:11  <frosch123> what bauxite only to ports :o
19:05:17  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> yup
19:05:19  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> basic :P
19:06:42  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> why is Herbipolis Port supplying bauxite?
19:06:48  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> I can't figure it out, I think it's a bug
19:07:59  <frosch123> do ports supply different things?
19:08:06  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> not this one
19:08:09  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> try a road stop
19:08:13  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> I'll put a sign
19:08:32  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> try a road stop where I put the sign
19:08:47  <frosch123> there is a bauxite mine right next to it?
19:08:53  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> catchment doesn't cover it
19:09:00  <frosch123> you have to set no loading
19:09:24  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> that's a fix for now :)
19:09:42  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> but I think there's a catchment bug
19:09:47  <frosch123> you have to consider the rectangular area of the industry
19:09:54  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> I do? :O
19:09:58  <frosch123> always been like that
19:10:03  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> oh
19:10:11  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> I knew about that for stations
19:10:14  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> not industry :P
19:10:25  <frosch123> its always for the source
19:10:31  <frosch123> station when delivery
19:10:34  <frosch123> industry when pickup
19:11:19  <frosch123> or the other way around?
19:11:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> pm want me to transfer you some supplies and you will deal with them? :)
19:18:45  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ho
19:18:49  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> wool makes goods
19:19:00  <Nachtigall> <V453000> spam it
19:21:14  <Nachtigall> *** Liuk Sk joined the game
19:21:18  <Nachtigall> <Liuk Sk> hi
19:21:21  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hello
19:22:57  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> Bauxite in the East nearly all connected
19:23:19  <Nachtigall> <V453000> all but two oil wells supplied
19:23:38  <Nachtigall> <V453000> somebody put the petrol to the first machine shop pls
19:23:57  <Nachtigall> *** Liuk Sk has left the game (leaving)
19:23:59  <Nachtigall> * andythen0rth is busy building wet trains :P
19:24:05  <Nachtigall> *** Tjibbe has started a new company (#2)
19:24:07  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :P
19:24:08  <Nachtigall> *** Tjibbe joined the game
19:24:27  <Nachtigall> <alb3rth> hai tjibbe
19:25:30  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> V453000 it is clearly the solution to ships
19:25:36  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :D
19:27:25  <Nachtigall> <V453000> could we get petrol from Castra Regina to  Marathonis?
19:27:31  <Nachtigall> <V453000> got all oil wells supported from there
19:30:05  <Nachtigall> *** Tjibbe has left the game (leaving)
19:30:31  <Nachtigall> *** Tjibbe joined the game
19:30:54  <Nachtigall> <alb3rth> tjibbe is my brother, I invited him
19:31:05  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> sure. Welcome :-)
19:31:07  <Nachtigall> <V453000> we need a lot better care about the oil wells in the south
19:31:13  <Nachtigall> <V453000> hel0 :)
19:31:53  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> you're right. one train doesn't cut it
19:32:38  <Alberth> tjibbe: feel free to improve we have enough money
19:36:10  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> we do wool?
19:36:11  <Alberth> deadlock in the oil at south!
19:36:18  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> wool +1
19:36:21  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I got some farms here
19:38:19  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> bah... is it me, or is it lagging?
19:38:25  <Nachtigall> <V453000> im fine
19:38:31  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> terribly lagging for me
19:38:33  <Nachtigall> <V453000> h
19:38:35  <Nachtigall> <V453000> m
19:38:37  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> probably my client :P
19:38:53  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> nah. I have a terrible lag here. And it's not my cpu
19:38:56  <Nachtigall> <fr0sch44> 256 crates of man supplies at port :o
19:39:24  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> hm... though...
19:39:30  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> oic
19:39:32  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> trucks
19:39:38  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> I was about to build trains :)
19:39:44  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> WET TRAINS
19:39:50  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> hm... top uses % for each core, right? Thus you can have n*100%?
19:40:08  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I think so
19:40:14  <Nachtigall> <V453000> depends I guess
19:40:26  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> hm, 30% already :D
19:40:32  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> V453000 your docks suck :P
19:40:39  <Nachtigall> <V453000> lol
19:40:40  <frosch123> autosave on the server?
19:40:41  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :D
19:41:11  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> oops
19:41:17  <Nachtigall> <V453000> more like ass
19:41:17  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> wasn't me :)
19:42:16  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> meh... that's nearly no fun with this lag...
19:42:25  <frosch123> no lag here
19:42:36  <Nachtigall> <V453000> he has to blame something
19:43:32  <Nachtigall> *** Tjibbe has left the game (leaving)
19:44:50  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> the refit subtype patch wasn't ported?
19:44:57  <frosch123> of course not
19:45:11  <frosch123> it changed more than that
19:45:17  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ah ok
19:46:01  <Nachtigall> <V453000> pm why dont you make a normal fully signalled line there :D
19:46:11  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> where?
19:46:17  <Nachtigall> <V453000> or who is doing the oil wells?
19:46:49  <Alberth> I am trying to undeadlock them
19:46:53  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I only briefly connected them initially, then left them alone :D
19:47:07  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I deal with bauxite further east
19:47:22  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I guess I can leave bauxite now, though
19:47:36  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ho ho
19:47:38  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> wet train in corners
19:48:24  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> that's funny... now the game runs fine...
19:48:46  <frosch123> damn, i clicked the canel toolbar :p
19:49:02  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> hehe :-)
19:49:12  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> where are the WET trains?
19:49:30  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> nvm. found it
19:49:32  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> Berolinum:
19:50:32  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I paid back our loan ;-)
19:50:56  <frosch123> oh, the wet reservations confused me
19:51:05  <Nachtigall> <V453000> turn them off? :)
19:51:18  <frosch123> they look nice actually
19:52:37  <Nachtigall> <V453000> wtf did we reach
19:52:47  <Nachtigall> <V453000> ah pink stuff
19:53:17  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> clusters are nice for that, V45300 ;-)
19:53:23  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :d
19:54:43  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> hm, no. More bauxite. We need the goods produced from it
19:56:18  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> maybe I convert FISH 2 to WETRails
19:56:23  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :D
19:56:39  <Nachtigall> <V453000> btw if you make them too large they collide with tunnels badly
19:56:42  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I already have them a bit over the top
19:58:57  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> moar goods
19:59:36  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> how convenient :P
20:00:06  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (general timeout)
20:00:07  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (connection lost)
20:00:08  <Nachtigall> *** Game paused (number of players)
20:00:40  <andythenorth> terrible connection :(
20:00:47  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> yes...
20:00:54  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> why is it paused?
20:00:57  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> you?
20:00:58  <andythenorth> min players
20:01:00  <andythenorth> I got bounced
20:01:03  <Nachtigall> <V453000> oh :D
20:01:06  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> oh :-)
20:01:06  <andythenorth> can't reconnect
20:01:19  <Nachtigall> *** Game still paused (number of players)
20:01:27  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> it's set to 5 players currently... shall I reduce?
20:01:38  <planetmaker> !rcon set min_active_clients 3
20:02:12  <planetmaker> !rcon clients
20:02:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Client #1  name: 'Nachtigall'  company: 255  IP: server
20:02:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Client #25  name: 'V453000'  company: 1  IP:
20:02:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Client #7  name: 'planetm4ker'  company: 1  IP:
20:02:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Client #9  name: 'fr0sch44'  company: 1  IP:
20:02:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Client #43  name: 'andythen0rth'  company: 1  IP:
20:02:12  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: you have one more message
20:02:20  <V453000> ._O
20:02:20  <planetmaker> !more
20:02:21  <Nachtigall> planetmaker: Client #27  name: 'alb3rth'  company: 1  IP:
20:02:33  <frosch123> i increased the connection timeouts
20:02:38  <frosch123> andy is still joining
20:02:49  <planetmaker> yes
20:02:52  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (connection lost)
20:03:02  <planetmaker> :-(
20:03:34  <andythenorth> can't get a connection
20:03:39  <andythenorth> all of UK is on youtube right now :P
20:03:53  <andythenorth> and uploading videos of their kids easter celebration to FB
20:03:55  <frosch123> anything specific? :p
20:04:23  <andythenorth> meh, can't even get the map
20:04:30  <andythenorth> carry on without me ;)
20:04:43  <frosch123> :(
20:05:35  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth joined the game
20:05:39  <planetmaker> :-(
20:05:42  <planetmaker> eh :-)
20:05:44  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> connecting over my phone
20:05:48  <planetmaker> lol
20:05:53  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> way faster than cable ADSL
20:06:51  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> any ENSP going spare
20:06:51  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> ?
20:07:01  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> oil wells don't appear to be supplied
20:07:03  <Nachtigall> <V453000> using them all on wells
20:07:40  <planetmaker> we could probably boost bauxite for more goods production with ensp
20:07:44  <Nachtigall> <V453000> 84 per train
20:07:58  <Nachtigall> <V453000> oil boosts good too through chemicals
20:08:12  <Nachtigall> <V453000> and gives us chemicals progress
20:08:23  *** andythenorth is now known as Guest906
20:08:24  *** andythenorth_ has joined #openttdcoop.nightly
20:08:24  *** andythenorth_ is now known as andythenorth
20:08:24  *** ChanServ sets mode: +o andythenorth
20:08:26  <planetmaker> ah. good
20:08:32  <planetmaker> then we should keep oil
20:08:54  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> should we fund oil?
20:09:04  <Nachtigall> <V453000> if possible
20:09:06  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> one at Brunsvicum
20:09:08  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> unconnected
20:10:20  <Alberth> it's a new one
20:10:33  <frosch123> funding?
20:10:46  <Alberth> constructed by the game
20:10:50  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> I didn't yet fund any
20:12:32  *** Guest906 has quit IRC
20:14:16  <Nachtigall> <fr0sch44> there are a few supplies at albona machine shope
20:14:18  <Nachtigall> <fr0sch44> any good destination?
20:14:44  <Nachtigall> <fr0sch44> there is also petrol left if one needs more
20:19:23  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> meh
20:23:22  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> o_O what's up with that oil well...
20:23:28  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> which?
20:23:47  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> Thoricum Woods
20:23:57  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> as station
20:23:59  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> l
20:24:05  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> loads of trains queuing
20:24:25  <Nachtigall> <V453000> there was like 2k oil so I spammed them
20:24:35  <Nachtigall> <V453000> in the frenzy of gathering moar oil :P
20:25:42  <planetmaker> :-)
20:27:28  <Nachtigall> <V453000> by the way
20:27:34  <Nachtigall> <V453000> there is a hovercraft too :P
20:27:41  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> no way :)
20:27:43  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> :D
20:27:49  <Nachtigall> <V453000> comes in 2023
20:28:00  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> :P
20:28:14  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> watch us lose :)
20:28:18  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> beaten again by NCG
20:28:21  <Nachtigall> <V453000> mhm :)
20:28:31  <Nachtigall> <V453000> I won, you liked WETRails :P
20:29:59  <frosch123> goods overtook chemicals at least
20:31:43  <frosch123> maybe we should have played to 30k game :p
20:31:47  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> maybe :)
20:31:58  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> goods is a tertiary cargo
20:32:04  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> tertiary is harder
20:32:18  <frosch123> chemicals was more the problem imo
20:32:25  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> true
20:34:19  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> oh no. We will fail! :-(
20:34:28  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> bronze :P
20:34:28  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> can we distribute the % to the other goals?
20:34:38  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> :)
20:34:52  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> hmm
20:34:55  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> nice play, folks :-)
20:34:59  <Nachtigall> <V453000> :)
20:35:01  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> and... fun NewGRFs :-)
20:35:04  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> NCG doesn't really test the economy for FIRS
20:35:14  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> maybe time for a new GS?
20:35:16  <Nachtigall> <V453000> nice game indeed
20:35:16  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> why not, andy? It does
20:35:22  <Nachtigall> <V453000> planetm4ker: you havent seen the worst yet :D come see public server
20:35:24  <Nachtigall> <planetm4ker> not all aspects, of course
20:35:35  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> could use a bit more depth
20:35:35  <frosch123> <- we were not exactly better than last time
20:35:39  <frosch123> 37k goods vs 34k goods
20:36:13  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> might be nice to have a 5 cargo GS, with smaller goals
20:36:16  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> or a rate goal
20:36:20  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> amount per year
20:36:38  <frosch123> so, sv :)
20:36:50  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> tweaked SV
20:36:52  <Nachtigall> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
20:36:56  <Nachtigall> <andythen0rth> SV is neat
20:36:59  <Nachtigall> *** fr0sch44 has left the game (leaving)
20:37:03  <Nachtigall> *** andythen0rth has left the game (leaving)
20:37:48  <planetmaker> but we're also not exactly worse
20:39:24  <Nachtigall> *** planetm4ker has left the game (leaving)
20:40:52  <Nachtigall> *** alb3rth has left the game (leaving)
20:42:01  *** andythenorth has left #openttdcoop.nightly
20:45:50  <Alberth> so 50k is a bit too much :)
20:46:32  *** Alberth has left #openttdcoop.nightly
20:46:48  *** frosch123 has quit IRC
23:23:39  *** Zuu has quit IRC
23:59:32  *** Dom_ has quit IRC

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