Log for on 2nd October 2011:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
06:12:39  *** ODM has joined
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06:51:30  *** TWerkhoven has joined
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09:43:14  *** mfb- has joined
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12:07:55  *** LoPo has joined
12:07:59  <V453000> hi :p
12:08:01  <LoPo> hello :)
12:08:58  <LoPo> now i better start working on the concept :)
12:09:24  <V453000> I have it ready ;)
12:09:43  <V453000> or well, I know how to do it all, so we are fine :)
12:09:49  <LoPo> k
12:10:09  <V453000> the general concept is clear, realization comes in game :p
12:10:14  <LoPo> k
12:10:53  <V453000> anyway, things work here the same way as ps
12:10:54  <V453000> !password
12:10:55  <ProZone> V453000: harrow
12:11:07  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:11:08  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
12:13:24  <LoPo> may i take a look at the current pz game?
12:13:31  <V453000> of course
12:13:51  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
12:13:51  <ProZone> *** Game unpaused (number of players)
12:13:51  <ProZone> <V453000> come even build stuff if you feel like it
12:13:54  <ProZone> *** LoPo joined the game
12:15:18  <ProZone> <V453000> as you can see this game is a bit different from the usual PS style
12:15:40  <ProZone> <LoPo> no plan right? just chaos
12:15:47  <ProZone> <LoPo> or was there a "plan" ? :P
12:15:49  <ProZone> <V453000> well sort of
12:15:59  <ProZone> <V453000> no, there was no real plan but we just agreed on this ML shape
12:16:03  <ProZone> <LoPo> k
12:17:13  <ProZone> <V453000> there is a lot of things how the bloody Lev4 behaves and often you dont want them to slow down at all, so as you can see I am trying to build the small oldschool balancers ... they are quite okay sofar
12:17:31  <ProZone> <V453000> they just must not turn into slow mode, then they fail and we need more lines out
12:17:50  <ProZone> <LoPo> ye
12:19:46  <ProZone> <V453000> what needs to be done currently is LLLL_RRRR south of BBH 01
12:20:42  <ProZone> <LoPo> it now 4 -> 2
12:21:00  <ProZone> <V453000> yes so 4 lines are essential
12:22:26  <ProZone> <V453000> there are a few issues just like SLH 05 being in a bad spot or some better structure to the drop itself
12:22:26  <ProZone> <LoPo> i think a 3th (4th) from BBH1 to BBH3 to steel and coal would be nice :)
12:22:41  <ProZone> <V453000> well I am not asking if, but how :p
12:23:17  <ProZone> <LoPo> bu if we move slh5 more up the hill then we also gane some space i thnink
12:23:19  <ProZone> <V453000> hi
12:23:20  <ProZone> *** mfb joined the game
12:23:25  <ProZone> <LoPo> hello
12:23:43  <ProZone> <V453000> I think eliminating SLH 05 and adding those trains to SLH 01 is better
12:23:57  <ProZone> <LoPo> then we can use the spot of the slh5 mergers for the station balancing
12:24:07  <ProZone> <V453000> yes exactly
12:24:17  <ProZone> <LoPo> ow :P ye that might also do the trick "_
12:25:07  <ProZone> <V453000> another thing is that I think we should completely rebuild the drop/pickup
12:25:09  <ProZone> <LoPo> ill start on that
12:25:35  <ProZone> <V453000> well actually
12:25:45  <ProZone> <V453000> we coul just make steel bypass to/from the middle ML
12:25:55  <ProZone> <V453000> saves a lot of problems
12:26:03  <ProZone> <mfb> split after BBH01?
12:26:05  <ProZone> <V453000> I will start there
12:26:15  <ProZone> <V453000> no, east of BBH 03
12:26:35  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003B960:
12:26:39  <ProZone> <mfb> ah, wrong side
12:26:55  <ProZone> <mfb> steel pickup -> factory drop can get its own line
12:27:08  <ProZone> <mfb> just somewhere through the mountains
12:27:24  <ProZone> <V453000> I think for now we can just join it to the ML
12:27:34  <ProZone> <V453000> that ML gets low traffic anyway
12:29:19  <ProZone> <LoPo> k :P all of SLH 05 is now on 01
12:29:55  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000391B1:
12:31:14  <ProZone> <LoPo> im now going to move the station balancing done the hill
12:31:23  <ProZone> <mfb> big jam at 01 now
12:31:27  <ProZone> <V453000> no surprise
12:31:33  <ProZone> <LoPo> and make a3/4 th line from there
12:31:33  <ProZone> <mfb> yeah
12:32:37  <ProZone> <mfb> wtf
12:32:39  <ProZone> <mfb> some trains are lost
12:32:57  <ProZone> <LoPo> which?
12:33:05  <ProZone> <mfb> exit of 01
12:33:07  <ProZone> <mfb> 451, 75
12:33:15  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00037D59:
12:33:38  <ProZone> <LoPo> signa;l?
12:33:47  <ProZone> <mfb> no idea
12:33:55  <ProZone> <mfb> signals are fone
12:34:03  <ProZone> <mfb> fine. maybe temporary thing
12:34:29  <ProZone> <mfb> the oldschool merger is baf there
12:34:51  <ProZone> * mfb learns how to type tomorrow!
12:35:01  <ProZone> <V453000> :D
12:35:08  <ProZone> <V453000> I gave up on that already :P
12:35:19  <ProZone> <V453000> I usually end up with blaming the keyboard
12:35:25  <ProZone> <V453000> (works 100%!)
12:36:36  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003C15A:
12:39:56  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003575B:
12:43:16  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00039F90:
12:44:22  <ProZone> <LoPo> argh
12:44:32  <ProZone> <LoPo> gona help my girl friend with cleaing :S
12:44:53  <ProZone> <V453000> this can wait :)
12:45:11  <ProZone> <LoPo> S-curve = 2 right?
12:45:13  <ProZone> <LoPo> btw :P
12:45:26  <ProZone> <V453000> pretty much
12:46:37  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003C381:
12:46:44  <ProZone> <V453000> hm
12:46:51  <ProZone> <V453000> could just make the old steel into new coal drop
12:46:53  <ProZone> <V453000> for now at least
12:47:14  <ProZone> <V453000> hm I see LoPo didnt entirely understand what I meant :D
12:49:57  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00036F6F:
12:53:17  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002F575:
12:55:34  <ProZone> <mfb> remove the town?
12:55:46  <ProZone> <V453000> nah
12:55:48  <ProZone> <V453000> I will just move it
12:55:56  <ProZone> <mfb> move a town? :D
12:55:58  <ProZone> <mfb> ah, the BBH
12:56:37  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002F369:
12:57:03  *** Kangoo has joined
12:59:58  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00030380:
13:03:18  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002D17A:
13:04:55  <ProZone> <V453000> hmph :d
13:05:02  <ProZone> <V453000> I probably dont need all those weird tunnels
13:05:16  <ProZone> <mfb> but they look nice :)
13:05:27  <ProZone> <V453000> meh lets keep it now
13:06:06  <ProZone> <mfb> CL
13:06:12  <ProZone> <V453000> later
13:06:38  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00032971:
13:09:58  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00037562:
13:11:31  <ProZone> *** mfb has joined spectators
13:13:18  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002D756:
13:15:10  <ProZone> <V453000> oh wait
13:15:24  <ProZone> <V453000> that ML isnt supposed to be 4 lined
13:15:38  <ProZone> <V453000> meh
13:15:38  <ProZone> <V453000> it is
13:16:39  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002D375:
13:19:59  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002AD6B:
13:21:53  <ProZone> <LoPo> k im back :)
13:21:59  <ProZone> <V453000> you can rebuild SLH 01 please :p
13:22:09  <ProZone> <LoPo> k
13:23:19  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00037B8D:
13:23:26  <ProZone> <V453000> 01
13:23:28  <ProZone> <V453000> not 05
13:23:34  <ProZone> <LoPo> i kow
13:23:36  <ProZone> <LoPo> know
13:23:38  *** Kangoo has quit IRC
13:23:42  <ProZone> <LoPo> just finishing the split here
13:23:42  <ProZone> <V453000> well the wip you are doing is wrong
13:23:45  <ProZone> <V453000> why split
13:23:48  <ProZone> <V453000> both of it is coal drop
13:23:52  <ProZone> <V453000> 2 + 2 now
13:23:58  <ProZone> <LoPo> ow :P
13:24:00  <ProZone> <LoPo> omg
13:24:02  <ProZone> <V453000> that is the point of moving steel pickup
13:26:39  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003418B:
13:28:15  <ProZone> <V453000> ok those mergers are getting more and more random with every one I make :D
13:28:24  <ProZone> <LoPo> :)
13:29:05  <ProZone> <V453000> btw
13:29:08  <ProZone> <V453000> read message board
13:29:37  <ProZone> <LoPo> ah
13:30:00  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00025F7A:
13:33:20  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00027180:
13:36:40  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002FF40:
13:40:00  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002796A:
13:43:21  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00029B74:
13:44:35  <ProZone> <V453000> k BBH 03 should be ready, I might need to make less-random signals later but for now I go get some thing to eat
13:44:45  <ProZone> <LoPo> k
13:45:36  <ProZone> <V453000> k food acquired :D
13:45:42  <ProZone> <LoPo> :)
13:46:33  <ProZone> <V453000> dude
13:46:39  <ProZone> <V453000> what the hell are those signals before tunnels
13:46:41  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00026987:
13:46:47  <ProZone> <LoPo> ah
13:50:01  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00025D67:
13:50:32  <ProZone> *** mfb has joined company #1
13:53:21  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002917F:
13:53:36  <ProZone> <mfb> the PF-trap behind the old steel pickup can be removed?
13:53:50  <ProZone> <V453000> why would you do that
13:53:53  <ProZone> <V453000> the exit works better then
13:53:56  <ProZone> <mfb> ok
13:54:07  <ProZone> <V453000> and it doesnt hurt anything, does it
13:54:16  <ProZone> <mfb> it is confusing
13:56:41  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002917C:
13:59:25  <ProZone> <V453000> who placed those PBS signals there should be shot
13:59:35  <ProZone> <LoPo> where?
13:59:43  <ProZone> <V453000> was making a PF trap
14:00:02  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00032B8D:
14:00:31  <ProZone> <V453000> hm
14:00:41  <ProZone> <V453000> dont forget the other side connection LoPo :P
14:00:48  <ProZone> <LoPo> i know
14:00:50  <ProZone> <V453000> kk
14:01:13  <ProZone> <V453000> might be a good idea to fit it here
14:01:22  <ProZone> <LoPo> ye
14:01:32  <ProZone> <LoPo> ill move the tunnels a bit north
14:02:43  <ProZone> <V453000> you might not need double tunnels for each split though
14:02:51  <ProZone> <V453000> so it probably should fit
14:02:53  <ProZone> <LoPo> k
14:03:22  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003B351:
14:06:42  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00027D7E:
14:10:03  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002E975:
14:10:57  <ProZone> <mfb> h,,
14:11:23  <ProZone> <V453000> it is
14:11:25  <ProZone> <mfb> two incoming lines are forced to go to the same line
14:11:31  <ProZone> <mfb> but one has two choices
14:11:45  <ProZone> <mfb> to go to the same line
14:11:57  <ProZone> <V453000> yes I see it
14:12:05  <ProZone> <mfb> ah
14:12:19  <ProZone> <mfb> that looks better :)
14:12:25  <ProZone> <V453000> still just random mess :p
14:13:03  <ProZone> <mfb> we need more ore drop
14:13:21  <ProZone> <mfb> steel pickup entry jams
14:13:23  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00025163:
14:13:39  <ProZone> <mfb> and all are on the same line
14:13:50  <ProZone> <V453000> no steel no fun
14:14:34  <ProZone> <V453000> O
14:14:44  <ProZone> <V453000> jam :)
14:15:08  <ProZone> <LoPo> agrh
14:15:10  <ProZone> <mfb> @steel?
14:15:18  <ProZone> <V453000> no, everwhere else :D
14:15:20  <ProZone> <mfb> oh...
14:16:06  <ProZone> <V453000> how could something be more retarded than a train
14:16:43  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002A398:
14:17:20  <ProZone> <V453000> I was wondering why are there no iron ore trains arriving thus no steel :D
14:17:26  <ProZone> <mfb> yeah
14:17:37  <ProZone> <mfb> SLH03 :D
14:18:08  <ProZone> <V453000> should unjam sooner or later I assume
14:18:19  <ProZone> <mfb> looks like it
14:18:29  <ProZone> <mfb> just an unjamming jam
14:19:46  <ProZone> <V453000> btw mfb we have an insane logic concept for the next pz game :p
14:19:52  <ProZone> <V453000> you will be pleased
14:19:52  <ProZone> <mfb> ?
14:20:01  <ProZone> <LoPo> hehe :P
14:20:03  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002938A:
14:20:05  <ProZone> <LoPo> ye
14:20:08  <ProZone> <LoPo> and no orders ;)
14:20:20  <ProZone> <mfb> and multiple cargo types and TLs?
14:20:34  <ProZone> <LoPo> CT yes TL no :)
14:20:40  <ProZone> <LoPo> ow
14:20:45  <ProZone> <LoPo> no
14:20:46  <ProZone> <LoPo> yes and yes!
14:20:46  <ProZone> <LoPo> muwhahahah
14:20:48  <ProZone> <mfb> split by what?
14:20:48  <ProZone> <mfb> ah
14:21:04  <ProZone> <V453000> you use 1 TL and between each 2 those trains you insert one TL1 train
14:21:15  <ProZone> <V453000> and you count the TL1 trains so you know what train is between them
14:21:30  <ProZone> <V453000> so you create some formation with trains like A - dummy - B dummy - C - dummy - etc
14:21:44  <ProZone> <V453000> and you split/join accordingly
14:22:18  <ProZone> <V453000> all it needs is a logic to count up to 3 in a cycle and an accelerated joiner into the right gaps between the dummies
14:23:22  <ProZone> <V453000> purpose: global network  - using one ring, connecting all according industries of the selected chain - we though ore, steel, goods
14:23:23  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002576A:
14:24:02  <mfb-> filling the line will get interesting
14:24:08  <mfb-> splitting may be easier
14:24:11  <ProZone> <LoPo> :)
14:24:22  <mfb-> osai's logic trains?
14:24:28  <mfb-> max speed? :D
14:26:44  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00026973:
14:27:08  <ProZone> <LoPo> slh 01 should be finished now :)
14:28:56  <ProZone> <LoPo> nice work on the tunnels at bbh3 V :)
14:29:50  <ProZone> <mfb> signal gap of 8 in SLH01 ;)
14:29:56  <ProZone> <mfb> (fixed)
14:30:02  <ProZone> <LoPo> hehe thc :)
14:30:05  <ProZone> <LoPo> thx*
14:30:41  <ProZone> <mfb> and a broken prio
14:30:48  <ProZone> <LoPo> hu
14:30:54  <ProZone> <LoPo> i fixed that :S
14:31:02  <ProZone> <mfb> not that one
14:31:08  <ProZone> <LoPo> or maybe only in my mind :P
14:31:14  <ProZone> <mfb> :p
14:32:02  <ProZone> <LoPo> k time to connect taht poor iron mine
14:33:24  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00029D7E:
14:33:45  <ProZone> *** mfb has left the game (leaving)
14:36:44  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0002798D:
14:38:15  <ProZone> <LoPo> V?
14:38:21  <ProZone> <V453000> mh?
14:38:31  <ProZone> <LoPo> why do you have that loops at the exit at Oil drop
14:38:49  <ProZone> <LoPo> is is not faster to send them south right away?
14:38:55  <ProZone> <V453000> what loops
14:39:03  <ProZone> <V453000> is faster, not sync
14:39:14  <ProZone> <LoPo> oky
14:39:41  <ProZone> <LoPo> but why is it than not syced? :P
14:39:47  <ProZone> <LoPo> it is just mirrored
14:39:49  <ProZone> <V453000> ?
14:40:04  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000164D:
14:40:06  <ProZone> <LoPo> ah i see it now
14:40:08  <ProZone> <LoPo> nvm
14:40:08  <ProZone> <V453000> .. :)
14:42:40  <ProZone> <LoPo> hmm :P cl issue
14:43:24  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00024D6D:
14:46:45  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00024B6D:
14:47:25  <ProZone> <LoPo> do we need more primaries connected? :P
14:47:32  <ProZone> <V453000> dont think
14:48:48  <ProZone> <LoPo> k im gona check out the psg :)
14:48:58  <ProZone> *** LoPo has left the game (leaving)
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14:50:23  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
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16:28:39  <MrD2DG> !players
16:28:41  <ProZone> MrD2DG: There are currently no clients connected to the server
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18:18:07  <LoPo> !join #openttdcoop
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18:31:23  <V453000> !password
18:31:23  <ProZone> V453000: rasher
18:32:22  *** mfb- has quit IRC
18:41:39  <ProZone> *** V453000 #1 joined the game
18:41:51  <V453000> !players
18:41:54  <ProZone> V453000: Client 2988 (Orange) is V453000, in company 1 (Brainmelt Racing UnLTD.)
18:41:54  <ProZone> V453000: Client 2994 (Orange) is V453000 #1, in company 1 (Brainmelt Racing UnLTD.)
18:41:58  <V453000> !rcon kick 2988
18:41:58  <ProZone> V453000: ‎*** V453000 has left the game (kicked by server)
18:41:58  <ProZone> V453000: ‎*** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
18:41:59  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
18:42:07  <ProZone> *** V453000 #1 has changed his/her name to V453000
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20:54:46  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (connection lost)
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21:32:37  <LoPo_> !password
21:32:37  <ProZone> LoPo_: rasher
21:33:32  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
21:33:33  <ProZone> *** LoPo joined the game
21:34:00  <ProZone> *** LoPo has left the game (leaving)
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21:36:57  *** LoPo has joined
21:37:01  <V453000> welcome back :p
21:37:01  <LoPo> ah :) thx
21:37:03  <V453000> !pasword
21:37:05  <V453000> !password
21:37:05  <ProZone> V453000: rasher
21:37:25  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
21:37:26  <ProZone> *** V453000 joined the game
21:37:36  <LoPo> want me to join?
21:37:42  <LoPo> so you can play? :P
21:37:45  <ProZone> <V453000> if you want :)
21:37:59  <LoPo> i can open ttd multiple times anyway
21:38:17  <ProZone> *** Game still paused (number of players)
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21:38:18  <ProZone> *** LoPo joined the game
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21:43:26  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D7B0:
21:44:53  <ProZone> <LoPo> im sortoff afkish :P
21:45:11  <ProZone> <V453000> just adding trains so far :)
21:45:18  <LoPo> :0
21:45:20  <LoPo> :)*
21:46:47  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0003C473:
21:47:49  *** ODM has quit IRC
21:50:08  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0001BA98:
21:53:28  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0001BA90:
21:54:41  <ProZone> <V453000> hmm making the mergers a bit less random helps :D
21:56:48  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00030B51:
22:00:09  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00031350:
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22:03:29  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 0000D1C6:
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22:13:30  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 00016EC6:
22:18:38  <ProZone> <V453000> fucking fuck
22:18:54  <ProZone> <LoPo> ? :P
22:18:56  <ProZone> <LoPo> crash?
22:19:58  <ProZone> <V453000> they totally suck
22:20:01  <ProZone> <V453000> trains.
22:20:10  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000174C5:
22:20:49  <ProZone> <LoPo> its indeed strange that the "driver" sees he is gona crash anyway and still he keeps going :p
22:21:01  <ProZone> <V453000> :D indeed
22:23:30  <ProZone> ***  made screenshot at 000168C7:
22:23:50  <ProZone> <V453000> well I will be going
22:23:52  <ProZone> <V453000> good night
22:23:54  <ProZone> *** V453000 has left the game (leaving)
22:23:54  <ProZone> *** Game paused (number of players)
23:17:19  *** Mucht has quit IRC
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