Log for #coopetition on 28th June 2009:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
06:09:29  *** Yexo has quit IRC
17:04:41  *** Chris_Booth has joined #coopetition
17:11:54  *** Chris_Booth has quit IRC
19:26:17  *** telex has joined #coopetition
19:26:17  <telex> Join The Army Here:
19:26:17  *** telex has left #coopetition
19:26:18  <Webster> Title: IRC Proxy Scanner + Web Proxy Leecher - mIRC Code Snippet (at
19:27:17  *** telex has joined #coopetition
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19:29:07  *** ruddell has joined #coopetition
19:29:08  <ruddell> Join The Army Here:
19:29:08  *** ruddell has left #coopetition
19:29:09  <Webster> Title: IRC Proxy Scanner + Web Proxy Leecher - mIRC Code Snippet (at
19:30:37  *** mehmet has joined #coopetition
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19:31:08  *** kinsella has joined #coopetition
19:31:09  <kinsella> Join The Army Here:
19:31:09  *** kinsella has left #coopetition
19:31:10  <Webster> Title: IRC Proxy Scanner + Web Proxy Leecher - mIRC Code Snippet (at
19:31:41  *** hyjek has joined #coopetition
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19:36:15  *** ellyn has joined #coopetition
19:36:15  *** ellyn has left #coopetition
19:38:09  *** janke has joined #coopetition
19:38:09  *** janke has left #coopetition
19:48:15  *** Aali_ has joined #coopetition
19:50:03  *** Aali has quit IRC
19:55:39  *** bernstei has joined #coopetition
19:55:40  <bernstei> Join The Army Here:
19:55:40  *** bernstei has left #coopetition
19:55:41  <Webster> Title: IRC Proxy Scanner + Web Proxy Leecher - mIRC Code Snippet (at
20:26:06  *** Razaekel is now known as Guest1066
20:26:07  *** Razaekel has joined #coopetition
20:29:16  *** Guest1066 has quit IRC
21:07:41  *** Levi has quit IRC
21:18:29  *** Levi has joined #coopetition
21:18:29  *** Ammler sets mode: +v Levi
21:27:09  *** Aali_ is now known as Aali
21:52:01  *** Ammler has quit IRC
21:55:45  *** Ammler has joined #coopetition

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