Log for #openttd on 21st June 2006:
Times are UTC Toggle Colours
00:04:05  *** Osai^2_ [] has quit []
00:06:45  <Eddi|zuHause4> good... found a working mirror
00:11:50  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:12:04  *** Eddi|zuHause4 is now known as Eddi|zuHause
00:13:31  *** Hackykid [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
00:16:27  *** lws1984 [] has quit ["Lost terminal"]
00:16:36  *** Eddi|zuHause2 [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:21:49  *** Eddi|zuHause3 [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
00:23:53  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-213-249-240-214.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Connection timed out]
00:27:20  *** The-Moon [] has joined #openttd
00:27:38  *** GoneWacko [] has quit ["It's a new quit message!"]
00:28:41  *** christooss [] has quit ["Leaving."]
00:31:29  *** Maedhros [n=jc@gentoo/developer/Maedhros] has quit ["leaving"]
00:34:48  *** Mukke [] has quit []
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00:38:50  *** Born_Acorn [] has quit []
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01:00:56  <CIA-14> richk * r5323 /branch/MiniIN/town_cmd.c:
01:00:56  <CIA-14> [MiniIN]: [SnowInTemp]: Fixed bug where towns above snowline in Temperate still required food to grow, and reported the food requirement for each building. Growth corrected.
01:00:56  <CIA-14> Bug reported by sc79. Many thanks.
01:49:30  *** Zahl [] has quit ["YOU! It was you wasn't it!?"]
02:00:51  *** guru3_ [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has quit [Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer)]
02:01:29  *** guru3 [n=guru3@2002:51e7:e65f:1:0:0:0:1] has joined #openttd
02:08:07  *** lws1984 [] has joined #openttd
02:14:09  *** robobed [] has joined #openttd
02:15:40  *** robobed is now known as roboman
02:27:02  *** Ihmemies [] has quit ["Signed off"]
02:38:03  <peter1138>  as far a Birmingham.
02:38:03  <peter1138> 01:36 < Nickname> did you place all the industry 'correctly'?
02:38:04  <peter1138>  as far a Birmingham.
02:38:04  <peter1138> 01:36 < Nickname> did you place all the industry 'correctly'?
02:38:10  <peter1138> uh
02:38:45  <glx> peter1138: ?
02:39:18  <CIA-14> belugas * r5324 /branch/newgrf_lab/ (newgrf.c newgrf_cargo.c newgrf_cargo.h):
02:39:18  <CIA-14> [newgrf_lab] Add kernel of newcargo system
02:39:18  <CIA-14> What is needed to be done :
02:39:18  <CIA-14> GetCargoSum should be changed to a simple variable
02:39:18  <CIA-14> CargoSpec.newstring should be a bitmap of which string needs to be converted
02:39:19  <CIA-14> ChangeFeatureInfo should be reworked to let simple calls A LA CargoChangeInfo.
02:39:23  <CIA-14> This would require isolating vehicles and stations
02:48:20  *** roboman is now known as robobrb
02:56:33  *** Ihmemies [] has joined #openttd
03:01:14  *** Schamane_ [] has joined #openttd
03:05:03  *** lws1984 [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
03:19:19  *** SchAmane [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
03:22:08  *** glx [] has quit ["Bye!"]
03:48:20  *** robobrb [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
03:49:03  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
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04:13:02  *** rubyruy [] has joined #openttd
04:13:21  <rubyruy> is anyone here running the mini integrated build on OSX?
04:13:32  <rubyruy> It's giving me troubles with libpng
04:13:45  <rubyruy> same kind somebody in the official thread is having
04:17:20  <rubyruy> it's basically saying  Reason: Incompatible library version: openttd requires version 1.0.0 or later, but libpng12.0.dylib provides version 0.1.2
04:18:26  <rubyruy> which is a little weird since it's specifically asking for file /usr/lib/libpng12.0.dylib
04:28:18  *** Osai^2_ [] has joined #openttd
04:29:37  *** Hendikins [n=wolfox@pdpc/supporter/student/Hendikins] has quit ["Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don't understand it"]
04:32:58  *** robobrb [] has joined #openttd
04:33:46  *** robobrb is now known as roboman
04:33:49  <roboman> hello
04:33:56  *** _Red is now known as Red
04:55:28  *** Ihmemies [] has quit ["Signed off"]
05:13:38  *** TinoDidri [] has joined #openttd
05:13:57  *** Jezral [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
05:20:34  *** roboman [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
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05:37:02  *** angerman [] has joined #openttd
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05:56:40  *** pwr [n=pwr@] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
06:24:31  *** Jenkz [] has joined #openttd
06:29:01  *** Schamane_ [] has quit [Client Quit]
06:38:02  *** roboman [] has joined #openttd
06:38:52  <roboman> hello
07:18:54  *** angerman [] has quit []
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07:44:00  *** DarkSSH [] has joined #openttd
07:44:03  *** mode/#openttd [+o DarkSSH] by ChanServ
07:44:43  *** DarkSSH is now known as Darkvater
07:44:48  *** mode/#openttd [-o Darkvater] by Darkvater
07:44:48  <Darkvater> morning
07:45:53  <peter1138> hi
07:47:04  <Darkvater> this terraforming keeps giving me headaches...I wonder if I should revert celestar's changes to it :s
07:51:24  <Darkvater> peter1138: I've seen a newgrf_lab branch? What'll it be used for?
07:51:29  <Darkvater> newgrf experimentation?
08:02:50  <peter1138> that and collaboration
08:03:00  <peter1138> 's already getting some newcargo stuff
08:03:08  <Darkvater> ah niice :)
08:03:23  <Darkvater> I just saw 1 comit so far num-cargo-max or something ;p
08:03:39  <peter1138> i've not had a change to look over it yet
08:03:44  <peter1138> *chance
08:07:45  <peter1138> 2cc patch is now 24 KB :/
08:08:27  *** christooss [] has joined #openttd
08:08:41  <peter1138> though there is gui stuff in there, i suppose...
08:09:09  <Darkvater> he :)
08:10:25  *** Vornotron [] has joined #openttd
08:13:40  *** Hendikins [n=wolfox@pdpc/supporter/student/Hendikins] has joined #openttd
08:15:01  *** Triffid_Hunter [] has joined #openttd
08:18:50  *** Vornucopia [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
08:26:14  *** Hendikins [n=wolfox@pdpc/supporter/student/Hendikins] has quit ["Any technology, no matter how primitive, is magic to those who don't understand it"]
08:35:21  *** RIchK67_wrk|away [] has joined #openttd
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08:53:00  <Darkvater> dammit, I hate slow pc's
08:53:06  <Darkvater> especially when I have to work on one
08:54:06  <Darkvater> windows takes about 30 seconds of senseless crap after I rename a frustrating
09:04:46  *** Spoco [] has joined #openttd
09:11:10  <Prof_Frink> Belugas:
09:11:15  * Prof_Frink is listening to Pink Floyd - Stop
09:17:47  <Eddi|zuHause> gnah... 10MBit--
09:25:06  *** tokai|ni [] has joined #openttd
09:25:26  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has joined #openttd
09:28:26  <ln-> MBit?
09:29:44  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@] has joined #openttd
09:33:06  *** Mukke [] has joined #openttd
09:33:39  *** Maedhros [n=jc@gentoo/developer/Maedhros] has joined #openttd
09:37:55  <Sacro> morning all
09:38:18  *** tokai|3 [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
09:45:55  *** Red [] has quit [Nick collision from services.]
09:46:20  <XeryusTC> Darkvater: ping
09:46:48  *** PAStheLoD [] has joined #openttd
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09:48:45  <Darkvater> pong?
09:49:08  <Sacro> ping :P
09:49:56  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
09:50:16  <XeryusTC> Darkvater: you fixed that terraform issue yet?
09:50:47  <Darkvater> yes
09:51:24  <XeryusTC> yay! :D
09:52:00  *** Prof_Frink [] has quit ["Reconnecting"]
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09:55:50  *** scia [] has joined #OpenTTD
10:07:48  <Darkvater> well let me put it correctly: it is fixed for all normal-user input
10:08:06  <Darkvater> however it is broken for hacked/invalid clients
10:12:49  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-175-217.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
10:13:16  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has quit [""]
10:14:16  <Eddi|zuHause> ln-: 10MBit? as opposed to 100MBit? (.../s LAN speed)
10:14:53  *** TheMask97 is now known as TheMask96
10:15:50  <peter1138> hmm?
10:17:21  <ln-> Eddi|zuHause: are you intentionally trying to confuse megabytes and megabits?
10:17:47  <Eddi|zuHause> no?
10:17:57  <Eddi|zuHause> speeds are always measured in bit, not byte
10:18:52  *** rubyruy [] has quit []
10:19:05  <ln-> so why "MBit" and not "Mbit"? as capital B is always supposed to mean byte, not bit.
10:19:47  <Eddi|zuHause> ah... so you are just complaining about capitalization...
10:20:10  <Eddi|zuHause> i really don't pay much attention to such differences
10:20:54  <Eddi|zuHause> both are nouns... so naturally they are both capitalized in german ;)
10:21:01  <valhallazzzw> ^_^
10:21:04  *** ProfFrink [] has joined #openttd
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10:24:18  <Darkvater> < lunch
10:26:06  <Sacro> make lunch > Darkvater
10:32:28  *** moebius_ [n=moebius@] has joined #openttd
10:34:36  *** Prof_Frink [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
10:34:37  *** ProfFrink is now known as Prof_Frink
10:34:37  *** Zimri [] has joined #openttd
10:45:17  *** Hackykid [] has joined #openttd
10:46:31  <Hagbard_Ub> Is there a AMD 64 bit .deb build of OTTD?
10:47:08  <Hagbard_Ub> on 0.4.7 that is
10:54:33  <moebius_> Hagbard_Ub, doesn't the standard x86 build work on amd64?
10:58:01  <moebius_> Hagbard_Ub, there are nightly amd64 builds, indeed
10:58:01  *** roboman [] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]
10:58:03  <moebius_> Hagbard_Ub,
11:00:19  *** BJH [] has joined #openttd
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11:06:41  *** GoneWacko [] has joined #openttd
11:12:02  <scia> ls
11:12:15  <scia> hmm :s
11:13:01  <Sacro> scia: this aint a term :P
11:13:05  <CIA-14> tron * r5325 /trunk/waypoint.c: Don't test something if we already know the result true, because the same test was performed just a few lines before
11:13:09  <hylje> ls
11:13:12  <hylje> :q!
11:13:16  <hylje> wtf
11:13:46  *** TinoM [] has joined #openttd
11:13:50  <Sacro> bash: wtf: command not found
11:13:56  <scia> :p I had a teminal below irssi and thought that was in focus :D
11:14:30  <Sacro> hylje: usage: wtf [-f dbfile] [is] <acronym>
11:14:39  <Sacro> scia: hehe, happens to us all
11:15:13  <hylje> wtf is an acronym
11:15:36  <Sacro> an: nothing appropriate
11:15:36  <Sacro> acronym: nothing appropriate
11:16:42  <hylje> stupid shell emulator
11:17:08  <Sacro> bash: stupid: command not found
11:18:26  <hylje> logout
11:19:10  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-175-217.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:20:10  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-175-217.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
11:20:18  <Sacro> hmm, not sure how, but it killed X :|
11:20:57  * Prof_Frink teaches Sacro to run irssi in screen
11:21:18  <hylje> black magic
11:21:58  <Sacro> Prof_Frink: i was running KSirc under GNOME
11:22:28  <Sacro> and i dont like screen, multiple consoles scares me
11:22:47  <Prof_Frink> Screen is only annoying when you forget which way round thinga are
11:23:09  <Sacro> i only need 2 ttys, irssi in one, pebrot in another
11:23:20  <Prof_Frink> with alt-number, alt-fnumber and ctrl-a-number
11:23:51  * Prof_Frink has: irssi on 0, ncmpc on 1, alsamixer on 2, rtorrent on 3 and a terminal on 4
11:24:36  *** Sacro [n=ben@adsl-83-100-175-217.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
11:25:03  <Prof_Frink> (and a terminal on 5 thru however many I need)
11:30:30  <CIA-14> tron * r5326 /trunk/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
11:30:30  <CIA-14> Remove the indicator bit for custom waypoint graphics, because it just contains redundant information
11:30:30  <CIA-14> Yup-yup-ed by: peter1138
11:31:01  <peter1138> lol
11:38:18  *** angerman [] has joined #openttd
11:47:24  <Darkvater> yup-y-up?
11:47:27  <Darkvater> :O
11:47:39  <Darkvater> anyone familiar with Warcraft III?
11:47:49  <Noldo> what about it?
11:48:11  <Darkvater> I played an online game a few days ago after a long absence, find a game and this guy types
11:48:26  <Darkvater> "            MAPHACK detected, press ALT Q Q to report to Blizzard     "
11:48:41  <Darkvater> so I give him a smilie that I am not so easy to fool and he goes
11:48:44  <Darkvater> "wow, you're good"
11:48:44  <Zavior> He's just faking =)
11:48:45  *** Brianetta [] has joined #openttd
11:48:46  <Darkvater> and gives up
11:48:58  <Zavior> You could report him
11:49:03  <Darkvater> and I won :)
11:49:13  <Darkvater> it was just so weird...those amerikanski
11:49:16  <Noldo> what does ALT Q Q really do?
11:49:29  <Darkvater> quit the game
11:49:45  <Darkvater> it's like telling noobs in MIRC to press ALT+F4 to download stuff
11:50:22  <Noldo> and asking they questiong about /quit and /exit fighting
11:51:31  <Brianetta> I just Googled for Brianetta
11:51:38  <Brianetta> There's a result on the fourth page that isn't me
11:51:43  <Brianetta> and a couple on the fifth
11:51:59  <peter1138> more than one brianetta :o
11:52:35  <Zavior> Well, i once googled for my nick and found out there is cs clan named after me :D
11:52:46  <Darkvater> heeh
11:52:48  * Darkvater is unique
11:53:19  <Zavior> Now there seems to be more zaviors around
11:55:19  *** blathijs [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
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11:57:51  <Brianetta> peter1138: What do you mean, more than one?
11:58:17  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-210-225.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
12:04:38  <Brianetta> Darkvater's quote on the IRC stats page is the very definition of apt
12:04:58  <hylje> link
12:05:07  <XeryusTC> !stats
12:05:09  <Darkvater> ?
12:05:20  <hylje> !stats
12:05:26  <XeryusTC> SpComb doesn't stat here?
12:05:28  <Sacro> hmm, i'd have never thought that moths would float
12:05:36  <SpComb> Logs:
12:05:36  <Sacro> !logs
12:05:55  <Brianetta>
12:07:05  <hylje> hah @ most referenced nick
12:07:26  <Brianetta> yes, it's silly
12:07:39  <Brianetta> That just referenced "yes" as a nick, according to that stats script
12:07:52  <XeryusTC> omfg
12:07:54  <Zavior> erm :P
12:08:01  <Darkvater> idiots
12:08:05  <Brianetta> (:
12:08:18  <XeryusTC> someone probably thought that he/she was funny
12:08:21  <hylje> it just means someone named "no" came here
12:08:22  <Brianetta> You'd think it would compare toa hash of actual nicks
12:09:24  <peter1138> heh, Diablo-D3 hasn't been in for a while
12:14:47  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... looks like i need to talk more (nonsense) ;)
12:17:03  <Sacro> hehehe @ Darkvater's quote ""
12:17:47  <SpComb> <-- I do make stats for this channel
12:20:34  <Brianetta> yey
12:20:43  <Brianetta> That's got my "what are photons?" quote
12:21:18  <Darkvater> peter1138: well that's a good thing, isn't it? :)
12:22:27  <peter1138> yah
12:22:33  <Darkvater> looking at the stats it seems 4AM-8AM is really a conversation-killer ;p
12:22:45  * Darkvater wonders why
12:23:32  <Eddi|zuHause> we have too few australians in here ;)
12:24:07  <guru3> you can't beat my 549 day reporting period :D
12:24:20  * Darkvater doesn't see it anywhere
12:24:39  <SpComb> hah, mine win at most-refrenced-nick checking
12:25:17  <Darkvater> pasky had a nice graph, it was showing the relation between people and the most active/referenced/social in the middle
12:25:20  <guru3> 55M	/home/fcs/irclogs/freenode/#openttd.log
12:25:26  <Darkvater> I still have the script somewhere I think
12:25:27  <guru3> phat ass log file :(
12:25:43  *** e1ko [] has joined #openttd
12:27:17  <SpComb> single log file = le smelly
12:27:29  <Eddi|zuHause> 28 Datei(en)     18.688.286 Bytes
12:27:30  <SpComb> helluva job to parse anythig from it, esp. off the end
12:27:52  <SpComb> terom@zapotek:~/public_html/logs$ ls -la \#openttd | wc -l
12:27:52  <SpComb> 120
12:28:02  <Eddi|zuHause> that is since the start of this year
12:28:15  <Brianetta> Mine's only 9MB
12:28:25  <guru3> i can't be bothered to do anything special with the log files :/
12:28:33  <SpComb> ~/public_html/logs/ \o/
12:28:36  <Sacro> brb
12:28:39  <Darkvater> they're good leverage to rat on other people ;p
12:28:51  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-210-225.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
12:28:51  <Darkvater> I use it for blackmailing
12:28:55  <Darkvater> surprisingly effective
12:36:04  *** Eddi|zuHause4 [] has joined #openttd
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12:41:23  <Darkvater> hmm seem to have killed conversation with my revelation
12:41:44  <hylje> we got that logged
12:42:30  <Darkvater> you think you can scare me with your feeble logs?
12:42:34  <Darkvater> Muhahaahahha
12:43:03  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has joined #openttd
12:43:33  <Eddi|zuHause> i really do not know what i did to my windows to deserve this :(
12:44:53  <Darkvater> you probably installed it some time ago
12:45:01  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-203-204.karoo.KCOM.COM] has joined #openttd
12:45:09  <Darkvater> any future troubles are inevitable after that
12:45:35  <Eddi|zuHause> ;)
12:59:09  *** Sacro [n=Sacro@adsl-83-100-203-204.karoo.KCOM.COM] has quit ["using sirc version 2.211+KSIRC/1.3.12"]
12:59:58  *** Dred_furst [] has joined #openttd
13:01:19  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has joined #openttd
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13:09:09  <Belugas> Good day people
13:09:24  <Prof_Frink> 'noon Belugas
13:09:56  <Belugas> Looks like i have contaminated you, Prof_Frink :)
13:09:59  <Belugas> hello
13:10:06  <Prof_Frink> Not really...
13:11:38  <Eddi|zuHause> soo... let's hope this computer at least not crashes while i am away...
13:12:10  <Eddi|zuHause> (well... hope dies last :p)
13:15:55  *** Trenskow [n=outlet@] has joined #openttd
13:18:36  <Belugas> Prof_Frink : it is such a little song, hard to get contaminated by it :)
13:18:48  <Belugas> now, i'm U2ing
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13:29:39  <Prof_Frink> alan@frinktop:~$ du -ch /media/data/music/Pink\ Floyd/ | grep total
13:29:39  <Prof_Frink> 2.0G    total
13:30:12  <Darkvater> du -sh?
13:31:07  *** Jezral [] has joined #openttd
13:31:14  <Prof_Frink> Darkvater: I was looking for something like that
13:32:18  *** ThePizzaKing [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
13:32:45  <Belugas> hehehe... No wonder you reckon the words so quickly :) a real FAN!!
13:35:00  *** Mucht|work [] has joined #openttd
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13:37:47  *** Hallo [] has joined #openttd
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14:00:26  *** Richlv [n=rich@] has joined #openttd
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14:14:15  <Richlv> what could be the problem when a particular sound (it seems to be a train or ship horn) which sounds now and then is getting very loud sometimes ?
14:14:26  <Richlv> it seems to do so especially when autosaving
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14:20:09  <Sacro> Richlv: ive never noticed it before
14:22:00  <Richk67_wrk> i used to get sound problems on TTDLX where the sounds overlapped - especially the kerching of money with the beep-beep-beep of the news ticker.... problem was solved by using OTTD instead ;)
14:25:51  <Sacro> lol
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14:35:28  <Richlv> that could be connected with the sound driver - those loud sounds are like... streeching, like damaged - and in some cases video players have such a distorted sound here
14:35:33  <Richlv> but it is never so awfully loud
14:37:33  <Richk67_wrk> yeah, sounds like the same problem i had - usual solutions; update drivers, update DirectX to latest, etc...
14:38:19  <Richlv> and this is not tied to a particular sound, happens with several of them
14:38:30  <Richlv> Richk67_wrk, directx ? 8)
14:38:39  <Richlv> i probably should have been more specific
14:38:44  <Richlv> this is linux version :)
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14:39:29  <Richlv> and i don't have to do anything to reproduce this, sounds are distorted and louder every couple minutes
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14:55:52  <[Shaman]> Richk67_wrk: With the 5311 build of mini-in i sometimes get crashes for no apparent reasons (aka, you do something (different every time) and it just.. p00f's), and there might be some desync things again, but first i'm wanting to see if it's not my server causing it.
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16:35:37  <Zavior> Hey
16:35:40  <Zavior> If I use replace wagons
16:35:50  <Zavior> Will the length of the train remain same after replacing?
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16:37:07  <Wolf01> we
16:37:37  <Zavior> Hey Wolf01
16:37:58  <Zavior> [19:35:48] [Zavior]: Will the length of the train remain same after replacing?
16:38:31  <Wolf01> yes if you replace it with the same number of engines
16:38:46  <Zavior> What about replacing wagons
16:39:19  <Wolf01> if you want to replace a single headed train with a DMU/EMU you have to enable the option to cut the wacon in excess
16:39:44  <Wolf01> replace wagons replace only the kind of the wagon
16:40:02  <Zavior> Ye, so the lengt will stay same?
16:40:17  <Wolf01> if wagons have the same lenght yes
16:40:19  <Zavior> Because some wagons look twice as longs
16:40:28  <CIA-14> tron * r5327 /trunk/town_cmd.c:
16:40:28  <CIA-14> Use DrawFoundation() for houses
16:40:28  <CIA-14> -Fix: Some graphical glitches on house tiles with foundations
16:40:28  <CIA-14> -Fix: The selection cursor is now aligned with the top of the foundation for house tiles
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16:40:54  <Wolf01> are you using some newgrf set like UKRS or DBSet?
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16:53:54  <Born_Acorn> A question for the developers : Is there a DOS version of the openttd.grf yet? People using the DOS grf files with the Windows palleted openttd.grf get crazy colours.
16:54:16  <Born_Acorn> on things like the helipads on the international airport, for example.
16:54:29  <Wolf01> if i remember, there is a way to use the dos palette
16:54:41  <glx> there's a switch for that
16:54:47  <Wolf01> try running the game with -h parameter
16:54:48  <Hackykid> yeah, but that breaks the openttd.grf stuff
16:54:53  <Hackykid> which is exactly the problem
16:54:54  <Hackykid> heh
16:54:58  <Wolf01> ah lol
16:55:13  <Wolf01> true, you have to use 2 different palettes
16:56:08  <Hackykid> openttd could just convert the sprites loaded from the original .grf files to windows pallete
16:56:21  <Born_Acorn> I know about that, I'm just suggesting a DOS palleted openttd.grf should be made or a conversion done when -h is activated.
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16:57:48  <Hackykid> well.. as a workaround, cant you make grfcodec convert openttd.grf to dos pallete?
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17:01:00  <Wolf01> ok, i want to show catchement areas for existent stations when i want to build a new station, so i can see where i can place a new tile with non uniform stations... nobody wants to join the project?
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17:06:30  <Born_Acorn> Hackykid, I don't know, I'm using the Windows ones. I'm just concerned for the people not downloading such files. :p
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17:52:31  <CIA-14> miham * r5328 /trunk/lang/ (7 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
17:52:31  <CIA-14> WebTranslator2 update to 2006-06-21 19:52:04
17:52:31  <CIA-14> american - 1 fixed by WhiteRabbit (1)
17:52:31  <CIA-14> dutch - 1 fixed, 1 changed by habell (2)
17:52:31  <CIA-14> french - 1 fixed by glx (1)
17:52:32  <CIA-14> german - 4 fixed by moewe2 (4)
17:52:34  <CIA-14> italian - 1 fixed, 1 changed by sidew (2)
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17:55:12  <Tron> MiHaMiX: ?
17:55:19  <Tron> dutch.txt
17:55:39  <Tron> -STR_UNITS_FORCE_IMPERIAL                                        :{COMMA}x10³ lbf
17:55:44  <Tron> +STR_UNITS_FORCE_IMPERIAL                                        :{COMMA}x10^3 lbf
17:57:41  <[Shaman]> o_O
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18:03:44  <Hackykid> oh noes, not the ³ thingy again :O
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18:06:30  <Brianetta> ³ is cool
18:06:37  <Brianetta> °¹²³
18:07:30  <Brianetta> "Oh"
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18:11:16  <Zavior> Whats new in this nightly?
18:12:11  <Wolf01> nothing, bugfixing
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18:21:10  <Belugas> Anyone knows about a grf file who sets the euro introduction year?  I know it does not work yet in OTTD, by the way :)
18:21:13  <Belugas> But it may soon!
18:23:03  <anboni> what doesn't work yet in ottd?
18:23:27  <Belugas> euro introduction year by newgrf
18:23:51  <anboni> ah ok, had me wondering for a bit, cause my current game is counting in euro's :)
18:24:06  <anboni> but you're talking hardcoded vs grf, i guess :)
18:24:11  <Belugas> yup
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18:37:47  <brygge_2> have anybody seen this 2048x2048 scenario?  :)
18:38:36  <Born_Acorn> Yes.
18:38:44  <Born_Acorn> He's been talking about it for a long time.
18:38:48  <guru3> hahaha that's crazy
18:38:50  <Wolf01> yes, it is great
18:39:32  <anboni> wow
18:40:58  <MiHaMiX> Tron: i'm not responsible for their changes. if they feel ^3 representing cubic sign better...
18:41:35  <MiHaMiX> bbl
18:42:24  <Tron> we had strings spontanously reverting back to a prior state without translator interference before, therefore i'm just a bit sceptical
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18:53:22  <Zimri> yes brygge
18:53:27  <Zimri> looks pretty impressive
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19:35:52  <CIA-14> tron * r5329 /branch/0.4/openttd.c:
19:35:52  <CIA-14> -Backport: r5291
19:35:52  <CIA-14> -Fix: '-f' switch is not valid on windows, so don't show it in help
19:39:31  <CIA-14> tron * r5330 /branch/0.4/ (network.c network.h network_core.h network_udp.c):
19:39:31  <CIA-14> -Backport: r5292, r5293, r5295, r5297
19:39:31  <CIA-14> -Fix: When using SIOCGIFCONF to detect network interfaces accomodate for the fact that struct sockaddr doesn't have fixed size in all implementations
19:39:31  <CIA-14> -Fix: Not all network interfaces are capable of broadcasting. Don't record those which aren't
19:39:31  <CIA-14> -Fix: Not all networks are /24. Generate proper broadcast addresses for non-/24 nets
19:39:58  <CIA-14> tron * r5331 /branch/0.4/network_udp.c:
19:39:58  <CIA-14> -Backport: r5294
19:39:58  <CIA-14> -Fix: Plug a memory leak
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20:10:00  <peter1138> hmm
20:13:16  <peter1138> hey babe
20:13:19  <peter1138> take a walk on
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20:13:45  <Belugas> the wild side
20:13:54  <Belugas> easy one...
20:14:09  <peter1138> indeed too obvious
20:14:10  <glx> :)
20:17:00  <Belugas> waht about "toudoum toudoum toudoum popoum" ?
20:17:01  <peter1138> you can't handle
20:17:18  <peter1138> i dare you to take me on
20:17:55  <peter1138> it's obvious, you can't handle love
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20:19:37  <XeryusTC> Belugas: can't you give us a hint?
20:20:15  <Belugas> opus -- focus :)
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20:20:48  <Prof_Frink> Step by step, we try controlling our fate, when we finally start living it's become too late
20:21:19  <Belugas> peter1138, Prof_Frink, I resign :)
20:21:23  <MiHaMiX> Tron: dutch cubic change was human-made, I can assure you
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20:22:20  <Prof_Frink> Belugas: Hows about we go back to Floyd
20:22:22  <MiHaMiX> Tron: and dutch translators are agree about the cubic sign (^3)
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20:23:06  <peter1138> MiHaMiX: what, they don't like the real one? :P
20:23:40  <MiHaMiX> peter1138: seems to be, since two different translator did that change
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20:24:08  * XeryusTC slaps the dutch translators
20:24:33  <peter1138> what do the dutch users want? ;)
20:25:10  <anboni> i dont particularly care since i play in english anyway :) but i dont see why ^3 would be preferred over superscript 3 :)
20:25:12  <XeryusTC> i would like ³
20:25:35  <XeryusTC> although i use english nowadays because patches aren't made in dutch :"(
20:25:42  <XeryusTC> -"
20:26:24  *** Tron [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
20:26:43  * XeryusTC wonders if Prof_Frink comes up with a new song
20:27:01  <Prof_Frink> Only when someone guesses my last one
20:27:15  <anboni> "I'm hovering like a fly, waiting for a windshield on the freeway"
20:27:17  <XeryusTC> <Prof_Frink> Belugas: Hows about we go back to Floyd <- that one?
20:27:34  <Prof_Frink> nono, [21:20:47] < Prof_Frink> Step by step, we try controlling our fate, when we finally start living it's become too late
20:28:21  <[Shaman]> "Seven a.m. morning, came to take us away,"
20:28:22  <[Shaman]> "Little men, big guns, pointed at our heads,"
20:28:25  <XeryusTC> Trapped inside this Octavarium
20:28:56  <XeryusTC> it's a dream theater song
20:29:12  <Prof_Frink> Indeed it is. Called...?
20:29:36  <XeryusTC> Sacrificed Sons
20:29:38  <Belugas> anboni : Genesis-Lamb Lies Down on Broadway.  Marvelous song!
20:29:44  <anboni> :)
20:29:49  <Prof_Frink> Nope, the one after that
20:29:57  <Prof_Frink> hint: You've already said it
20:30:02  <XeryusTC> google says so!
20:30:07  <Prof_Frink> Google lies.
20:30:16  <XeryusTC> octivarium then :P
20:30:16  <Prof_Frink> It's the title track on the album.
20:30:28  * Prof_Frink hands XeryusTC the GooglePrize
20:30:33  <XeryusTC> :)
20:30:58  <XeryusTC> "You've got your own newsgroup, <insert group name>"
20:31:40  <Wolf01> does anyone know why when a newspaper appear the _display_opt bits are cleared? i can't find where it does that
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20:33:20  * XeryusTC bets that owen would have given that answer withing 10 sec after reading it ;)
20:34:21  * XeryusTC starts the game on the forums
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20:37:51  <Belugas> Dealing out the agony within, charging hard and no one is gonna giveeeee in
20:38:32  *** |Jeroen| [] has quit ["Whoopsy"]
20:38:41  <Trenskow> still, if anyone has any comments, please submit them:
20:38:59  <Trenskow> i'll look into what gets in this week, and then code it in the weekend
20:42:26  * XeryusTC wonders if anyone will ever guess it...
20:46:05  <MiHaMiX> good night folks
20:46:39  <XeryusTC> night
20:51:39  *** Angst_ [] has quit [Client Quit]
20:52:09  <Belugas> nigh MiHaMiX :)
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20:56:08  <Wolf01> i have to reset 4 bits pressing a key, then with the same key i have to invert the status of the same bits, how i can do that without writing 50 lines of code?
20:56:17  <Wolf01> *by pressing a key
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21:20:19  <Sacro> evening alll
21:20:21  <Belugas> Wolf01 : looks like a flipflop to me...
21:20:26  <Belugas> hello Sacro
21:20:31  <Wolf01> is like A=B=C=D
21:20:58  <Wolf01> the condition to switch between reset and negate
21:21:18  <Wolf01> but how i can write it with less code as possible?
21:21:30  <Belugas> more like : if bit_is_set then un_set else set
21:21:43  <Sacro> hey Belugas , you ok?
21:21:44  <Belugas> unless the 4 bits need a shifting
21:21:54  <Belugas> kinda, Sacro... still working
21:22:00  <Wolf01> yes, the 4 bits needs shifting
21:22:28  <Belugas> like... on each key, the set bit moves...
21:22:45  <glx> Wolf01: how many different values?
21:23:05  <Wolf01> 8 i think
21:23:43  <Eddi|zuHause> toggle bits? do that with xor ;)
21:24:12  <paulsen> How would I set up my own dedicated server?
21:24:13  <Wolf01> yes, i know how to toggle
21:24:28  <Eddi|zuHause> but the description of your problem is kinda inconsistent
21:24:37  <Eddi|zuHause> i did not really understand what you are trying to do
21:24:38  <anboni> paulsen, open and search for dedicated server
21:24:53  <Wolf01> but i want to reset all bits if one of them (or more than one) is different from others
21:25:00  <paulsen> thanks anboni
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21:25:29  <Wolf01> like 0000 return 0, 1111 return 0, 0010 or 1000 or whatever return 1
21:25:38  <Wolf01> is a xor i think
21:25:49  <Wolf01> but i can't manage it to work
21:26:10  <Eddi|zuHause> ah... like a threshold function
21:26:25  <Eddi|zuHause> 0000 you can check by bitmask == 0
21:26:49  <Eddi|zuHause> 1111 you can check by (NOT bitmask) == 0
21:27:04  <Eddi|zuHause> else, return 1
21:27:37  <Wolf01> but those four bits are the lastest four of a variable
21:27:56  <Eddi|zuHause> you can also describe (NOT bitmask) by (bitmask XOR 1111)
21:28:12  <CIA-14> belugas * r5332 /branch/newgrf_lab/ (currency.c currency.h newgrf.c):
21:28:12  <CIA-14> [newgrf_lab] Add support to Euro Introduction Year via GRF
21:28:12  <CIA-14> ACtion 00, feature Global Variable, property 0F
21:28:12  <CIA-14> Not tested, since I can't find a grf that does it.
21:28:12  <CIA-14> Maybe i'll write a test one myself
21:28:20  <Eddi|zuHause> well... disable the others by AND 0...01111
21:28:26  <Eddi|zuHause> whatever length your variable is
21:28:32  <glx> Wolf01: GB(variable, offset, 4)
21:28:54  <Wolf01> oh, i'll try it
21:28:54  <Eddi|zuHause> or like this ;)
21:29:45  <Eddi|zuHause> it cannot be more than 3 lines of code...
21:30:17  *** GoneWacko [] has quit ["It's a new quit message!"]
21:30:26  <Wolf01> offset what should has to be?
21:30:45  <Wolf01> i have bits from 1<<7 to 1<<11
21:30:58  <glx> offset is 7
21:31:00  <Wolf01> err 1<<10
21:31:01  <Eddi|zuHause> offset is where it starts (lower number)
21:32:19  <Wolf01> and what that function returns?
21:32:44  <Eddi|zuHause> i am sure you find a comment about that
21:33:01  <Eddi|zuHause> in macros.h or something
21:33:18  <glx> GB(10101100, 4, 4) = 1010
21:33:41  <Wolf01> ok
21:34:06  <Eddi|zuHause> so you can check == 0 and == 15
21:34:49  <Eddi|zuHause> (where colloquial 'and' means logical 'or')
21:35:21  <glx> return (GB(variable, 7, 4) == 0 || GB(variable, 7, 4) == 15) ? 0 : 1;
21:36:54  <Eddi|zuHause> ? 0 : 1 <- that is ugly
21:37:03  <Wolf01> yes
21:37:19  <Eddi|zuHause> use NOT
21:37:22  <Wolf01> return !(GB(variable, 7, 4) == 0 || GB(variable, 7, 4) == 15) is better
21:37:30  <gradator> GB(variable, 7, 4) != 15
21:37:30  <gradator> :p
21:37:50  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah... de morgan ;)
21:38:01  <gradator> hum.. no, parenthesis :)
21:38:41  <Eddi|zuHause> read up, what de morgan's rule is, before saying 'no'
21:38:54  <glx> gradator: you missed GB(variable, 7, 4) != 0
21:39:03  <gradator> glx: I know :)
21:39:42  <glx> return GB(variable, 7, 4) != 0 && GB(variable, 7, 4) != 15);
21:39:51  <glx> -)
21:40:55  *** Frostregen [] has quit ["und weg"]
21:42:59  <Eddi|zuHause> is that the eyeless-monster-nose-smilie?
21:43:37  <glx> no it's just I put an extra parenthesis in previous line :)
21:44:00  <Eddi|zuHause> i know ;)
21:47:02  <Eddi|zuHause> hm... ETA 5:47:23
21:47:30  *** Maedhros [n=jc@gentoo/developer/Maedhros] has quit ["leaving"]
21:47:30  <glx> still downloading linux?
21:47:41  <Eddi|zuHause> yeah ;)
21:47:57  <Prof_Frink> what distro?
21:48:03  <Eddi|zuHause> "Länge: 3.749.724.160 (3.5G), 654.329.944 (624M) sind noch übrig"
21:48:20  <Prof_Frink> 3.5G? How silly!
21:48:24  <Eddi|zuHause> suse 10.1
21:48:54  <glx> I installed mandriva 2006 using 2 floppy
21:49:04  * Prof_Frink point to this nice, 1-CD distro called (k|x|ed|)ubuntu
21:49:06  <Eddi|zuHause> but i'm waiting for a 100MBit switch to arrive before i backup my HD to another drive
21:49:40  <Prof_Frink> Or, for an even smaller initial download, Debian netinst
21:49:41  <Eddi|zuHause> the larger the better ;)
21:49:59  <Prof_Frink> 17,000-odd packages?
21:50:00  <Eddi|zuHause> like i said yesterday... i have time ;)
21:50:29  <Eddi|zuHause> i don't know... it's an iso
21:50:47  <Prof_Frink> You don't want a lot on the install media, you want to pull apps off the net, else you have to keep digging out the CD
21:50:55  <anboni> it's a bit of a tradeoff.. either do a big download once, then instantly have everything you need.. or download a small cd image (or *shudder* floppies) and then download still quite a big amount during installation and then each time you need to install something new
21:51:20  <glx> anboni: just download what you install
21:51:35  <Prof_Frink> anboni: Or, download a big image, then download everything again for the updated versions
21:51:41  <Eddi|zuHause> i read somewhere it doesn't include ATI and nVidia drivers
21:51:51  <Eddi|zuHause> so i probably need to get them elsewhere
21:51:53  <Prof_Frink> It night do nvidia
21:52:14  <Prof_Frink> (ubuntu certainly does), bute ATi are wank under linux
21:52:23  <anboni> it does include at least nvidia drivers, but those aren't optimized.. so you'll probably want to get the real drivers anyway
21:53:14  <Eddi|zuHause> afaik i have a ATI Radeon 9700 graphics card and a mainboard with a nVidia chipset
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21:54:56  <Prof_Frink> Eddi|zuHause: The other thing that is likely to cause trouble is: do you use wireless?
21:55:29  <Wolf01>
21:55:30  <Wolf01> if someone will tell me what i'm doing wrong i'll appreciate
21:55:55  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has quit [Remote closed the connection]
21:56:00  <anboni> wireless in suse 10.1 works like a charm, out of the box
21:56:02  <Wolf01> i also get main_gui.c:2376: warning: right shift count >= width of type
21:56:43  <Prof_Frink> anboni: even with net cards that need ndiswrapper?
21:57:04  *** Eddi|zuHause [] has joined #openttd
21:57:12  <anboni> that i dont know, never ran into hardware that needs that junk
21:57:24  <Prof_Frink> ndiswrapper is an arse.
21:57:27  <Eddi|zuHause> *mental note* do not click on anything
21:57:50  * Prof_Frink is happy now he has bcm43xx and NetworkMangler working
21:58:04  <Eddi|zuHause> anyone said anything since i said the last sentence before i quit?
21:58:11  <CIA-14> belugas * r5333 /branch/newgrf_lab/ (newgrf.c newgrf_cargo.c newgrf_cargo.h):
21:58:11  <CIA-14> [newgrf_lab] Code Change. Specify which newcargo string has been set in action 00
21:58:11  <CIA-14> No need to specify any bit on It is always defined by the newgrf writer.
21:58:11  <CIA-14> Is it? Blindly trust them
21:58:32  <glx> [23:56:09] <anboni> wireless in suse 10.1 works like a charm, out of the box
21:58:32  <glx> [23:56:11] <Wolf01> i also get main_gui.c:2376: warning: right shift count >= width of type
21:58:32  <glx> [23:56:52] <Prof_Frink> anboni: even with net cards that need ndiswrapper?
21:58:35  <glx> for Eddi|zuHause
22:00:39  *** Prakti [] has quit ["KVIrc 3.2.0 'Realia'"]
22:00:54  <Eddi|zuHause> i don't have WLAN
22:01:27  <Eddi|zuHause> i need something for my SkyStar 2
22:01:35  <Eddi|zuHause> to watch TV
22:02:57  *** lws1984 [] has quit ["ENGLAND!"]
22:03:00  <Eddi|zuHause> so... i hope my computer at least lets me watch what i just recorded... if i disappear, you know it did not work ;)
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22:11:58  <Wolf01> ok, i'll revert the little changes to the hotkey and i made a diff of the improved transparency bugfix... i can do later the changes at the behaviour of that key
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22:21:05  <Wolf01> 'night
22:21:15  *** Wolf01 [] has quit ["e ricordate, per la legge di avogadro non esiste cazzo quadro"]
22:21:36  <paulsen> hmpf
22:21:49  <paulsen> Anyone here who've managed to compile the openttd sourcecode on debian sarge?
22:21:56  <paulsen> (the .deb package doesnt work)
22:22:01  *** Zerot [] has quit [Read error: 110 (Connection timed out)]
22:22:47  <Triffid_Hunter> paulsen: nope, but it compiles just fine on gentoo ;)
22:22:57  <paulsen> well
22:23:00  <anboni> paulsen, did you check the wiki for 'compiling on linux' instructions?
22:23:04  <paulsen> I found a howto on the wiki
22:23:19  <paulsen> but it tells me to install a TON of sound/3d packages
22:23:31  <paulsen> isnt it possible to compile it without the need for it?
22:23:37  <paulsen> since I want to run a dedicated server..
22:23:42  <Hackykid> 3d packages?
22:24:19  <Triffid_Hunter> you don't need timidity or sdl for dedicated according to my ebuild
22:24:22  <paulsen> Hackykid: libmesa etc
22:24:23  <anboni> the list for debian is pretty complete and quite clearly states which parts are required and which are optional
22:24:44  <anboni> paulsen, are you talking about ?
22:24:51  <paulsen> hm no
22:24:54  <paulsen> err
22:24:55  <paulsen> yes
22:25:15  <anboni> interesting, since that page doesn't mention mesa at all :)
22:25:19  <paulsen> well
22:25:23  <paulsen> sdl depends on other packages
22:25:27  <paulsen> wich again depends on mesa
22:25:31  <paulsen> can I paste here?
22:26:13  <anboni> sure, if it's not too much
22:26:21  <paulsen> well, its some
22:26:23  <paulsen> here:
22:26:25  <Hackykid> well, if you only want to compile a dedicated binary, you should be able to do it without sdl, too
22:26:36  <paulsen> I'll try again hacky
22:26:40  <paulsen> it failed on zlib last time
22:26:46  <paulsen> (got that installed now)
22:27:08  <Hackykid> heh, thats indeed a crapload of packages :O
22:27:14  <anboni> ouch
22:27:20  <paulsen> yes, and this is a production server
22:27:23  <anboni> i'm guessing that machine doesnt even have x running atm?:)
22:27:23  <paulsen> I dont want all that ;)
22:27:29  <paulsen> correct anboni :P
22:27:31  <Triffid_Hunter> paulsen: from the ebuild, looks like you should be able to just make -j1 DEDICATED=1 UNIX=1 WITH_NETWORK=1 INSTALL=1 USE_HOMEDIR=1 PERSONAL_DIR=.openttd PREFIX=/usr/local DATA_DIR/share/games/openttd
22:27:37  <Hackykid> most of it is "-dev" though
22:27:51  <paulsen> huh
22:27:57  <paulsen> thats alot of undocuemnted flags Triffid_Hunter
22:28:01  <paulsen> I'll try to dig in the makefile a little
22:28:03  <Hackykid> no idea if that makes any difference :-p
22:28:16  <paulsen> well I dont want 39 more packages to keep up to date Hackykid
22:28:26  <paulsen> I'm kind of minimalistic when it comes to servers and bloatware :)
22:28:34  <Triffid_Hunter> paulsen: oh really? *shrug* i'm just reading gentoo's ebuild, which is basically a bash script that builds it
22:28:40  <Hackykid> heh, yeah, inderstandable :-p
22:28:43  <anboni> paulsen, if you run make the first time, it'll generate a makefile.config i believe.. most of the options Triffid_Hunter listed are probably inthere
22:29:20  <paulsen> AH
22:29:24  <paulsen> Makefile has the documentation
22:29:28  <paulsen> hold on, gotta read :)
22:29:55  <anboni> good luck, i'm off to get some zzz's ;)
22:36:34  <paulsen> hm
22:36:45  <paulsen> anyone have a recommendation for a scenery suited for multiplayer?
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22:59:22  <Trenskow> why isn't milliseconds a part of iso c
22:59:30  <Trenskow> it's annoying :S
23:01:20  <Trenskow> i wanna implement ping times in the network window, but then i have to do platform independent code :S
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